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At the end of this

projects you are
going to be able

1. Think about it
Design an activity to make students think about the topic or/and the final product of the
Introduce the driving question here. Make it motivating. Commented [1]: Hola Marian, Em copies? Jiji

2. Let’s learn about it

2.1. Warm up

2.2. Social media uses and

2.3.Disadvantages of social media

Design the activities students need to carry out in order to be able to attain the final
competences. Remember to include all types of activities from concrete to abstract,
individual or group, grammar and vocabulary, all skills, etc.
Make it clear to students that they are learning about the content and also the language. All
they are working on is needed to be able to achieve a final correct and effective product.
Do not forget to provide models. It is very important that students are aware of the task
they need to perform. Showing them a model and showing them how to achieve it are good
ways of making them aware of what you expect them to do.

3. Assessment

Before students design the final product, talk about what a 10-product is like. Design a rubric
together with your students or design it yourself. In this way you are using evaluation for learning
and at the same time you can use it to assess their learning.

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