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, Israel, Jerusalem, Palestine and the New Santa Claus Effect (Part 1 of 2)

The Santa Claus Effect Deception series (Part I of II)

Yes, and recently, the world could barely grasp how President Trump could declare that the
U.S. would move its Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, much less his next words, likened
to having deemed himself the newly ordained King of the World, declared Jerusalem (the
holy capital of Jesus) to be the new capital of Israel. Apparently, this announcement didn’t
go over well with millions upon millions of people around the world (a reality mainstream
media never covered…imagine that) and the UN security counsel meeting vote…which hardly
went the way the U.S wanted…with the exception of one lone vote of our U.S.

…a person who has clearly drunken the Kool-aid of Israel’s perpetual boohoo victim mantra
of “the whole world is against us and we have no idea why especially given we have right to
defend ourselves from the BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF ROCKETS the Palestinians
unjustifiably fires upon DAILY and never you mind the 60 year military occupation, daily
human right abuses and apartheid we inflict against the Palestinians ….an oh-by-the-
way…no one should know about this… because…

…We thought we had successfully sealed off all world news and social media feeds on the
subject and on top of this we put laws in place that threatened to jail and/or fine anyone
filming and uploading such reality from their phone … and so heck … ultimately no should be
of the wiser of all of this or certainly be complaining about it … by the way you’re supposed
to keep watching sports we’re distracting you with …so that your good conscience is tied up
memorizing a lot of meaningless games statistics and please make sure you have the latest
gossip on the Kardashians right at the top hat of your non-thinking cap for when that ever
important water cooler chat occurs you’ll have the latest gossip ….and more importantly,
can’t you see that the small little boy throwing a rock at the oncoming tank… that he is the
real terrorist and…

…never mind that you NEVER see an adult Palestinian driving an armored vehicle or tank,
flying defense fighter jets or helicopters, firing missiles (yes, weapons with actual guidance
systems and warheads/bombs) or launching artillery from ship to shore….and
because…wait for it…. the Palestinians don’t have any military equipment like this to
defend themselves with…

…Yes, reality check for REAL MEN, this is like being challenged to a fist fight by a bully and
you honorably show up with hands and fists and the bully shows up with a knife, a gun,
brass knuckles, a baseball bat and a bunch of buddies who are similarly equipped … totally
fair…right ?

…and Yes, true to the real moral hypocrisy of the U.S. who has murdered millions upon
millions of people around the world…our UN representative, a person of little moral fortitude
and someone who is clearly not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree of Human Rights
and Justice …is knowingly able justify and sell her soul to the devil by saying or doing
whatever the Israeli lobby and/or White House puppet masters tell her to. Whew…Thanks
everyone for letting me rant a little on this and get it off of my chest…I feel better

Respectively, and with a more serious bent, I have long been curious about the origins and
nature of how physiological warfare or PYSOPS has been used to strategically lie, manipulate
and then herd the masses into a group thought/belief and/or action that ultimately served
the agenda of the controlling elite, NWO, Deep State, etc. The process about awaking up to
a realized moment about a mind controlling lie(s) is a phenomena I’ve termed the “Santa
Claus Effect.”
I grew up in a Christian home. My father was a nuclear physicist and aerospace engineer
and mother was a stay at home housewife. When I was little, much as I suspect is the case
for most Christian children, I was told about Christmas and Santa Claus. We were told that
Jesus was born in Bethlehem but never that this was located in Palestine.

From the moment I was old enough to grasp the story about a Christmas and Santa Claus, a
jovial man, dressed in red with a white beard, who flew around the world on Christmas Eve
(in 24 hours) in a magical sled pulled by flying reindeer, landing on the rooftop of every
home on the planet to then slide down the chimney to leave presents for every child who
had been nice, I was hooked. I never ever considered the impossibility of the story I was
told this by my parents, and I guess, on some level, I didn’t want to question it. I was
hooked on all of the excitement leading up to and to be revealed on Christmas Day. Each
year I swore to myself that I would always ask for fun toys. Clothes and such were just a
bummer and a waste of wrapping paper.

Year after year, when Christmas came around, my parents would ask me and my sisters
what we wanted, and in large part, mostly these gift ideas would magically show up
wrapped and under the Christmas tree. Oh, let me not forget that it was a tradition that
Mom and Dad would always be sure to put out cookies and milk for Santa Claus and carrots
as treats for the reindeer.

On Christmas Eve, if we were lucky, each of us would get to open one small present.
Afterwards my sisters and I would attempt to go to sleep. Mostly, I would toss and turn all
night in excitement of the morning of gift opening. Wake at the crack of dawn as I did, on
Christmas morning, I had a tradition of waking my sisters and then our parents. Everyone
took such joy in the whole process.

We would all go to the living room where the Christmas tree was situated, adorned with
ornaments and beautifully glowing lights. Mom and Dad always made sure to make each of
us aware, that the milk had been drunk and that the cookies and the carrots had been
eaten. This was definitive proof that Santa Claus had surely come to our house and
personally delivered the gifts.

One year, as it got closer to Christmas Day, I noticed that Mom and Dad were secretly
bringing large bags into their bedroom. Curiously, I caught a glimpse of one of my parents
wrapping a gift for me that ended up under the Christmas tree, a present that as I would
later discover, was marked From: Santa Claus.

My radar was up and I was getting suspicious about this Santa Claus fellow. A year passed
and at around 8 years old I was probing a friend, who was a couple of years older, about
this Santa Claus guy and Christmas. In an oh-by-the-way manner he convincingly stated
that there was in fact no Santa Claus and that they whole thing was … sort of a nice lie.

On hearing this and in the moment, my heart just sank. I wanted to cry. I felt so deeply
betrayed by the mythology of this story I had been told by parents, my God/creator
figures/truth tellers. How could they lie to me? I was instinctively trained to trust them. I
felt violated and ashamed that I had not been smart enough to see through everything,
connect the dots and know that I had been lied to.

So again, upon having what I now call, and have termed, my first “Santa Claus Moment,” I
put on my game face and tried, as cool as I could, to shrug off the reality that I had been
lied to by my parents and manned up my best response to this older friend by saying, “Ya, I
knew that.”

I would not understand until I became an adult how profoundly this Santa Claus Moment
would affect me. I would not have the capacity to comprehend, how this phenomena could
be used towards me and the world population as a whole, to pervert the innocence of trust
into a manufactured naiveté that could be exploited. I would not understand the
intentionality of how this “Santa Claus Effect” could be harnessed by the elite, the powerful
and the media to manipulate group thoughts and actions.

“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely
by men we have never heard of… If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group
mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without
them knowing it.” — Dr. Edward L. Bernays, considered the founding Father of Public
Relations. (1891-1995)

Flashing back to my early years and influences, my Father, a brilliant and good man, level-
headed, I thought, was a bit of a Super-hawk as I now see it in retrospect. His first major
job out of college was designing missile guidance systems for fighter jets. In his time off,
and when we lived in California, he would work on Barry Goldwater’s presidential campaign.
We would later move from California to Texas where he would work on the space program
and play a major role in putting our first man on the moon.

In his role as Creator/God figure/Truth Teller, I took what my father told me as gospel and
truth. His worldview on life shaped my worldview. My love and respect for my father and his
goodness as a human being made it easy for me to trust in what he told me. I never saw
my Dad smoke a cigarette and only occasionally saw him drink a beer. As my authority
figure he taught me right from wrong, how to be honest and a good person, and how to
recognize and protect myself from bullies at school. There was an unspoken philosophy that
“only the strong survived”, “work hard and prosper” and that in the world of global politics
‘the winner spoke softly and carried a big stick.”

I grew into adulthood and under certain Republican and hawkish narratives. As such, it was
clear that my father’s worldview of America was one that painted us as the good guys
wearing the white hats, global cops for justice, who faced a world of mostly irrational and
crazy thinking people who hated our freedom and wanted to destroy it and us at any cost.

Admittedly, I found a certain comfort in this narrative that was coincidently drum-beat by
almost every TV show, Film, News Program and print media article. Music prophets of the
time fortunately sang a different tune. I found a comfort in knowing that our military was
the best in the world and could, if necessary, defeat anyone. Admittedly, I was naïve at the
time and only considered that our US media, in a Walter Cronkite manner, would only tell
the truth, for bad or for good. I never considered that our white hat wearing media would
ever bias the news or distort the facts for propaganda purposes. Our American narrative
stated that only evil nations would do such things. Wow, was I in for a big surprise once I
started to wake up and study this whole media phenomena.

“The conscious and intellectual manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the
masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen
mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of
our country.” — Dr. Edward L. Bernays, considered the founding Father of Public

You see, growing up during the Cold War as I did, the media narrative and group talk about
Russia and their people went something like this. The Russians are Communists, amoral
people, don’t believe in God, don’t value human life the way we do, their military and
nuclear weapons are poised to preemptively destroy America because they hate our
freedom, capitalism and everything we stand for. This was the ever-present drumbeat of the
American media machine. This propaganda narrative, as I now know, was designed to keep
Americans in fear and never to question the billions upon billions of hard earned taxpayers
dollars going into our Nation’s military buildup and ever growing arsenal of nuclear weapons.
We had to be superior in order to win if a war was to ever occur with Russia. And, according
to the media, this was just around the corner and was just a matter of time. Are you
beginning to hear a familiar drum beat?

“If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign
enemy.” – James Madison (1751 -1836)

Then one day, a remarkable thing happened. President Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev
agreed to a peace accord and to bring down the Berlin Wall, the great symbol of separate
ideologies and beliefs. The world watched on TV as people on both sides of the wall literally
sledgehammered toward one another to meet, create an opening for freedom and unite in
brotherly and sisterly love. The impossible had happened. People of the free and non-
communistic world were now united with a people, whom we had been told through the US
media, lived under the constant oppression and barbarism of Communism.

Our news media began to dialog with people and families in Russia and give American
viewers, for the first time, a real look into life behind the iron curtain. Surprisingly and
undeniably, the lives the Russian people was much like ours. They wanted to wake up, have
their coffee and a good meal, make sure their children studied well, made good grades,
expressed their creativity and succeeded in life. They wanted happiness, to find true love
and to fulfill their dreams. They wanted peace and wanted a world of peace for their children
and all other children of the world to grow up in. We painfully learned that they had never
ever hated our freedom and the American way of life, as we had been told through our
media. In fact, the exact opposite was true, they wanted and loved our freedom and
everything it had to offer. It was a Santa Claus moment for millions upon millions of
Americans, including myself.

My first direct touch point into politics came after graduating high school. I became a
professional motocross racer of note in Northern Virginia, and as it turned out, Teddy
Mondale, Vice President Fritz Mondale’s son also raced. We met and became friends at the
races. Occasionally I would go to Teddy’s house at the Vice Presidential mansion in WDC. I
went out on a couple of dates with his sister Eleanor and as a result got to meet and know
VP Mondale. He was a remarkably nice and always gracious man. Living near the
Washington beltway, as I did, the tension of our national and global politics was always in
the air.

After my racing career, cut short by an injury, I went away to college. Political science and
media communication classes started to shed light on how and for what purpose propaganda
was used to lie to the masses. After graduating from college and taking my first job, I
decided to explore politics a little further.

The first book I decided to read was Richard Nixon’s The Real War. Corrupt as he was
determined to be, Nixon had a reputation of being a brilliant foreign strategist and I wanted
to know the big picture about how global politics worked. As I read through the book his
worldview became obvious. In the global scheme of things, the earth was like a chessboard
where world leaders and powers vied for control and ownership over certain strategic
resources such as oil, natural gas, water and important metals like titanium, platinum,
chromium, etc.

Having strategic resources and/or having access to them was paramount in the
manufacturing process of military/missile weaponry, planes and jet aircraft engines. These
resources were also key to industrial growth, technological development and the American
way of life. Therefore, it was critical to keep strategic resources out of the hands of political
powers or groups that had anti-western sentiments. It was especially paramount, because
U.S. soil had little to zero yield of strategic metals and without such, you could not
manufacture jet aircraft engines, intercontinental ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons and so
on. As such, the US had to make sure the leadership of other countries, who had such
resources on their soil, would give us access to them. Wow, now I was beginning to
understand the reasoning behind the U.S. having and maintaining some 1000 plus military
bases around the world.

U.S., Israel, Jerusalem, Palestine and the New Santa Claus Effect (Part 2 of 2)
The Santa Claus Effect – The Samson Option

Does Israel have a secret gun pointed at the head of the rest of our world?

A little over a of year ago, on September 22, 2016 and after having watched Benjamin
Netanyahu’s speech on the floor of the UN, I was left with strong sense that his maniacal
bravado was somehow backed by a real threat to our world. As you read further you’ll find
out the nature of this threat and how real it really is. As for a start and for now, here is how
I initially responded to Netanyahu’s speech on this day with a Facebook post:

“Speaking to what appears to be little more than 100 people in the UN General Assembly
Netanyahu begins his speech by insulting any and all of the UN who have ever suggested or
taken actionable warrant towards any potential wrong doing of Israel toward Palestine and
its people. His bullying tone and blatantly fowled attempt to manipulate the audience into
somehow believing that Israel is the real victim of their long standing military occupation of
Palestine and unwarranted and deserving receiver of the UN’s punitive attention is a broken
record that must surely screech in the ear of all sane and rational people.

…He continues by boastfully marveling at Israel’s technological might of being able to

convert wastewater into useable water…a metaphor worthy of the untreated waste and
belligerence that follows for the next 30 minutes. Frankly, I’ve never witnessed a greater
level of arrogance, contempt and charade-like-threats to the world ever spoken.

…His utterly fictitious story about a young Palestinian boy and the life he’s supposed to live
as being forever groomed to be a paid terrorist was pathetically laughable and believable
only to any fool who dines on the spoiling propaganda served by most American and
controlled media sources. If you want a real and close look into the reality of who the
children of GAZA and Palestine are, what they face and truly stand for …watch this:

…Again to the unbelievably disappointing speech and to anyone in the audience who
suffered through this, let me salute your inner constitution for tolerance and compassion. I
sense that the good ISRAELI and Jewish people can only feel one thing after such a speech,
a huge missed opportunity…

God’s mercy and grace to this man’s soul. May he remember that only love wins and that
you can never lie to or outsmart God and outrun the justice of Karma.”

The blatant audacity of Netanyahu’s speech continued to haunt and trouble me. Who did
this guy think he was? There had to be some sort of hidden leverage behind these veiled
threats, I thought. How could he possibly think that he could get away with bullying the UN
and the world to turn a blind-eye toward Israel’s illegal military occupation of Palestine, its
horrific lineage of human rights violations and near genocidal extinction of the Palestinian
people? To understand the strategic smoke and mirrors that is so masterfully orchestrated
and articulated through the Israeli propaganda machine to hide such questions and, more
importantly, the answers to them, please watch this trailer.

As I researched and began to puzzle my hunch together I came across what is likely the
world’s greatest agenda to blackmail our world, Israel’s Samson Option. In essence,
this monstrous option proposes to launch nuclear weapons and annihilate our
entire planet if Israel is ever militarily attacked and loses much of their land. Yes,
this sounds too inconceivable and bizarre to even imagine or be potentially true until you
consider the research and facts as presented by Wikipedia on the Samson Option and the
worldwide Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Too understand the true definition of crazy and bizarre, as it relates to the philosophies held
by the Zionist Talmud about Gentiles consider the following:

Yalkut 245c: Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Zohar, Shemoth: Tob shebbe goyyim harog – Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should
be killed.

Sanhedrin 59a: To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be
equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would
kill us openly.

Libbre David 37: A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our
books contain anything against them.

More in my recent article: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/12/18/dark-secrets-of-


Respectively, in this insane game of nuclear war chicken and humanity end-game blackmail
it is interesting to note that U.S. Congressional regulations stipulate that NO COUNTRY, who
has not prior signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), CAN NOT receive any
financial aid. Curious to this fact, Israel, who has recently received a record $38 billion
dollar Military Aid commitment from the U.S. Congress, claims that it does not have to sign
the NPT because it doesn’t have nuclear weapons. The fact checks of Robert Gates,
George Bush’s Secretary of Defense, seem to differed substantially from Israel’s

Respectively and from an August 16, 2016, AUSTIN, Texas press release and article: “A
lawsuit warns that U.S. aid to Israel violates a law meant to prevent nuclear weapons
proliferation, even as the United States prepares to increase the already massive Israeli aid
Filed Aug. 8 by Grant Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle East Policy, or
IRMEP, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the suit alleges that U.S. aid to
Israel violates two amendments to the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act, known as the the
Symington and Glenn Amendments, which collectively ban support for countries engaged in
clandestine nuclear programs.

In the lawsuit, Smith alleges that violating these amendments means that Israel has
received approximately $234 billion in illegal aid since the passage of the International
Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976.”

Wikipedia: “The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly

known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective
is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote
cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of
achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament.[2]

…Opened for signature in 1968, the treaty entered into force in 1970. As required by the
text, after twenty-five years, NPT Parties met in May 1995 and agreed to extend the treaty
indefinitely.[3]More countries have adhered to the NPT than any other arms limitation and
disarmament agreement, a testament to the treaty’s significance.[2] As of August 2016, 191
states have adhered to the treaty, though North Korea, which acceded in 1985 but never
came into compliance, announced its withdrawal from the NPT in 2003, following detonation
of nuclear devices in violation of core obligations.[4] Four UN member states have never
accepted the NPT, three of which are thought to possess nuclear weapons: India, Israel,
and Pakistan.”
From Wikipedia: “The Samson Option is the name that some military analysts and authors
have given to Israel‘s deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a
“last resort” against a country whose military has destroyed much of Israel. Commentators
also have employed the term to refer to situations where non-nuclear, non-Israeli actors,
have threatened conventional weapons retaliation, such as Yasser Arafat[1] and Hezbollah.[2]

The name is a reference to the biblical Israelite judge Samson who pushed apart the pillars
of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and thousands of Philistines
who had captured him,[3] crying out “Let me die with the Philistines!” (Judges 16:30).[4]

The Trick of Nuclear Ambiguity

Israel refuses to confirm or deny it has nuclear weapons or to describe how it would use
them, an official policy of nuclear ambiguity, also known as “nuclear opacity.” This has made
it difficult for anyone outside the Israeli government to describe the country’s true nuclear
policy definitively, while still allowing Israel to influence the perceptions, strategies and
actions of other governments.[5][6] However, over the years, some Israeli leaders have
publicly acknowledged their country’s nuclear capability: Ephraim Katzir in 1974, Moshe
Dayan in 1981, Shimon Peres in 1998, and Ehud Olmert in 2006.[7]

During his 2006 confirmation hearings before the United States Senate regarding his
appointment as George W. Bush‘s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates admitted that Israel
had nuclear weapons.[7] In his 2008 book The Culture of War, Martin van Creveld,
a professor of military history at Israel’s Hebrew University, wrote that since Gates admitted
that Israel had nuclear weapons, any talk of Israel’s nuclear weapons in Israel can lead to
“arrest, trial, and imprisonment.” Thus Israeli commentators talk about “doomsday
weapons” and the Samson Option.[8]

Nevertheless, as early as 1976, the CIA believed that Israel possessed 10 to 20 nuclear
weapons.[9] By 2002 it was estimated that the number had increased to between 75 and
200 thermonuclear weapons, each in the multiple-megaton range.[10]Kenneth S. Brower has
estimated as many as 400 nuclear weapons.[11] These can be launched from land, sea and
air.[12] This gives Israel a second strike option even if much of the country is destroyed.[13]

So, at the heart of the Santa Claus Effect we find Israeli, Palestine and Middle East Peace
conflict. Bethlehem which is in the State of Palestine, is the birthplace of Jesus and is a
place where I and many others consider to be the geopolitical and spiritual linchpin for
peace on our planet.

Respectively and picking up further on the larger implication of this Santa Claus Effect, years
ago I recalled watching a BBC TV special that occurred shortly after Nelson Mandela had
been freed from prison, apartheid had ended and he was elected President. In this special
segment reporters meet with an upper middle class South African white family to inquire
about their beliefs about the shantytown or squatter areas where the majority of millions of
black South Africans lived nearby, and in utter poverty and squalor.

The couple in essence described that they had never been near such places, even though
only a few miles way from their home. The media had made it clear, sense their childhood,
that going near such places created the danger of being beaten, raped or murdered.

As the news crew began to describe a much different reality to the couple, they also asked if
they would be willing to join the news crew to see this for themselves. The husband
cowardly refused and his wife, much to my surprise, curiously agreed to join the news crew.

As the news team and their cars approached the shantytown area, filming away, people
began to pour out and surround the cars full of white people. Each face radiated happiness,
joy and excitement to meet the white people. The car doors opened and the news team and
wife got out. People and children began to joyously surround them, they reached out to
touch them, hold their hand and even hug them.

After a period of time, the news crew then directed everyone to walk into shantytown where
the desperate living conditions of open latrines, trash and squalor became apparent with
every step. Everywhere they walked they were treated with kindness and happiness. There
was not one frown or angry word uttered by the people who had just suffered under and
endured apartheid.

The wife and the news crew continued to walk further and further onto the other side of
shantytown and into a slight clearing. The space seemed to instantly create a place of
reflection for the woman. Almost immediately she began to bend over, it was obvious the
wife was crying. The lead journalist approached her and gently inquired about what was
making her cry. Gaining her composure, the woman who was now having her Santa Claus
Moment, stated, “It’s all been a lie, it’s all been a lie.”
At age 60 I’ve been able to observe and connect the dots on how the Santa Claus Effect is
used to lie, manipulate and divert attention away from what’s really happening, what’s really
being played out on the global political chest board. I admit to growing up under my
Father’s worldview and the global narrative that Palestinian people have been positioned or
“branded” as aggressive and insane terrorists.

The media insured this narrative stuck in my mind and others by parading a constant
stream of still and video images of the aftermath of suicide bombers. The horror and
gruesomeness of these images always seemed to overshadow the bigger and more rational
questions about why someone would do something like this. The visceral knee jerk
reactiveness that these selected images created, seemed to intentionally blind the mind
from being able to rationally ask about the real motive and/or cause for which a suicide
bomber was willing to die and kill for.

Relatively speaking, most don’t know or have forgotten that during WWII Japanese
Kamikaze pilots were suicide bombers. The job of these pilots was to intentionally fly their
bomb-planes down the smokestacks of US war ships. It was literally a suicide mission. Now,
given the somewhat bizarre nature of this, have you ever heard someone classify Japanese
people as crazy or terrorists?

“All Wars are fought for money” – Socrates (469 BC)

I began to wonder if there could be Santa Claus Effect within the context of the colossal and
never-ending conflict between Palestine and Israel. The internet created leakage around the
mainsteam media and it came to light that the Palestinians were sitting on the largest water
aquifers in the Israeli and Palestinian region.

Coverage also exposed the fact that the Israeli government prohibited the Palestinian people
from drilling into their own water supplies. How could this be, I thought? How could the UN
or the morals of the United States and its people stand for this basic denial and violation
human rights?

Then there was the more recent 2014 Summer invasion of Gaza, were over 2,100
Palestinian people were killed, 490 of which were children. Thousand of rockets, supposedly
fired by the Palestinians, gave provocation and a rational cover for a genocide that was
enacted against the defenseless civilian population living in Gaza.
The media narrative was that the Palestinians deserved this because of Hamas’s actions.
During this time it was disclosed that that Gaza happened to be home to some 1.4 trillion
cubic feet of natural gas, a find worth a very large fortune. Could all of this just be a

Then on May 6, 2015 the disturbing testimonies from more than 60 Israeli Defense Force
(IDF) soldiers began to leak out. They disclosed in video and recorded interviews that while
attacking Gaza during “Operation Protective Edge” that they indiscriminately fired and killed
civilians. As one soldier stated:

“Anything you see in the neighborhoods you’re in, anything within a reasonable distance,
say between zero and 200 meters – is dead on the spot. No authorization needed. The
formal rules of engagement were: ‘Anything still there is as good as dead.’ Therefore,
whoever you see there, you kill.”

These fighting tactics run parallel to those described by returning US Iraqi soldiers, who
have similarly and courageously come forward.

My father always taught me to always be on the look out for bullies and, if I could, to always
do the right thing by protecting those who were weaker and who were being preyed upon by
the more powerful and unconscious. As I grew up and through adulthood, pictures of
Palestinian children and teens throwing rocks at Israeli tanks and using slingshots to hurl
rocks at armed soldiers with rifles never measured up to me like a fair fight. This visual
narrative played a bit like the old portraits of American frontier settlers shooting rifles at
Native Americans who were equipped with bows, arrows and tomahawks.

“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being
oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” – Malcolm X

The media, for some reason, never seemed to show an image of a downed Israeli jet fighter
(made by the US), a destroyed tank (made by the US) or a sinking war ship (made by the
US) at the hands of the Palestinians. And yet, the Palestinians have been portrayed as
powerful aggressors and terrorists. Rocks vs Tanks…sling shots against Rifles…rockets (no
guidance system or warhead) vs laser guided bombs and missiles (guidance system and
warhead) – this whole situation always seemed a bit like Samson vs Goliath to me, a Santa
Claus Effect.
Most have forgotten or don’t know that during the American Revolutionary war the British
Government, who was militarily occupying US soil, treated American Patriots with a disdain
much like the Palestinians are now treated. The British despised and thought the non-
conventional guerilla fighting tactics of the Americans as cowardice. Most forget, that at that
time, America had to think in a lateral way because they did not have great battle ships,
long-range field cannon’s nor a large group of well-trained and equipped soldiers as did the
British. Americans fought with what they had … and won by a determination to think and act
outside of the box.

Americans, by-the-way, learned this guerilla fighting technique from the Native Americans.
A great people who innocently and warmly welcomed us to their land, taught us how to
survive harsh winters (we celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving around this) and lovingly
lived among us.

We would later express our gratitude to these great people by robbing them of their land for
small worthless glass beads, enslaving and committing mass genocide against them, and
then to those of whom survived, we would round them all up and then put them in prison
concentration camps we called “Reservations”. This all occurred under the philosophy of
Manifest Destiny, or in other words, we are the Chosen Ones and you are not.

The horrors of this genocide justifying philosophy go back to the Doctrine of

Discoveryissued by Colonialism in 1493. This doctrine, in essence, describes the
protocols by which Christian explorers were to conduct themselves when landing on foreign

1) if occupied by fellow Christians they were to leave the land in their procession or
equitably divide the land.

2) If not occupied by anyone. Dibs it’s yours to claim.

3) If occupied by non- Christians two choices: murder or enslave the people.

This mentality is light years away from the Star trek Prime Directive principles of the
imagined Federation: relative to all civilizations which are below a certain threshold of
technological, scientific and cultural development; Starship crews are prevented from
using their superior technology to impose their own values or ideals on them.
Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny, Colonialism, We’re THE CHOSEN ONES, We found
THE WAY… is this beginning to sound like a familiar tune? Surely we are beginning to
connect-the-dots of this insane historic rhetoric and seeing through the Santa Claus Effect?

Most, who choose to rationally reflect over the Palestinian / Israeli situation and the current
US narrative, might now begin to see whole thing in a different light. There might even be
gut twinge of something like “this whole thing has never added up for me”. There could
even be a connecting of the dots toward “Its all been a lie. Its all been a lie.”

Relative to my Santa Claus moment and realization on the subject, I was guided to visit and
walk many times on Palestinian soil. I lead a medical mission there in 2010 that freely
restored the vision of 40 elderly Palestinian people through cataract surgeries. In November
of 2011, through my organization Project Peace On Earth, I brought 1000 Palestinian
refugee children to the base of the Mount of Temptation in Jericho and had them form the
image of the Picasso Peace Dove and then spell the words “Love All” and “Love” in Arabic.

A month later, on Christmas Day, I’ve produced a globally broadcast peace concert with Fox
Lima the famed lead singer of the group Enigma’s MMX Social Song and Grammy Winners
Gary Nicholson and Joanne Shenandoah and famed Oud player Hani Nasser and much more.
I have worked side-by-side with the Palestinian Government, Private Sector and its people
to show and demonstrate the power of love and peace over conflict and oppression.

Peace is the new lateral thinking of the Palestinian Government, its People and our world.
Make no mistake about it, the Palestinians want a fair and just freedom with dignity and
respect. This means a Freedom as demonstrated by the bringing down of the Berlin Wall,
the ending India’s occupation and the dismantling of apartheid in South Africa. There is, as I
know first hand, an ever-growing movement in Palestine to establish this region, the
birthplace of the three monotheistic religions, into a global center for peace and

The vast majority of the Palestinian people are wise, loving and powerfully resolved towards
a true and lasting peace. They have learned the distinction of the greater power of being
FOR LOVE, PEACE and FREEDOM versus the weaker position of being against occupation,
apartheid and the wall.
The Palestinian Government and its people lovingly and reverently protect and hold as
sacred Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus. They honor with great devotion the teachings of
the Christ and live in respect of all religious teachings. Manger Square Bethlehem, with the
Church of Nativity on one side of the square and a Muslim Mosque on the other, is a shining
example of an intention to respectfully co-exist.

During our globally broadcast music concerts from and for Bethlehem we featured a video
that showed how all of the major spiritual teachings showed the common message of being
loving, towards the self and others. There was never, at any time an implied or specific
request, by any authority figure working with us, to sensor this universal message.

Contrary to how the Palestine people have been portrayed by the media, they courageously
strive to embodiment of the words of Mother Teresa who stated, “Let us not use bombs and
guns to overcome the world. Let us use love and compassion. Peace begins with a smile.
Smile five times a day at someone you don’t really want to smile at; do it for peace. Let us
radiate the peace of God and so light His light and extinguish in the world and in the hearts
of all men, all hatred and love for power.

Today, if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other-
that man, that woman, that child is my brother or my sister. If everyone could see the
image of God in his neighbor, do you think we would still need tanks and generals?”

Love and Peace is the new universal and lateral thinking in Palestine. Their Government and
it people know this – it is even proclaimed in large graffiti letters painted on Bethlehem’s
dividing wall, “Love Wins.” May both the goodness of the Palestinian and Israeli people help
realize, and model to the world, how two groups of kind, brilliant and caring people can
Unite us all in the power of love and peace.

Love and peace on earth is truly possible when each of us achieve clarity, remember to love
our neighbors as ourselves and know that the salvation of the world depends on each of us.

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