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Link to Portfolio:

ED 420
Students: For each category, provide a brief description of nature and location of evidence.
Assessors: For each category, highlight the appropriate descriptor (i.e. inadequate, emerging, proficient, distinctive)

Sources of evidence include, but are not limited to,-video* of teaching at two different levels (ELC: kindergarten and elementary; ELM: elementary and middle;
SED: middle and secondary), lesson plans, unit plans, feedback from cooperating teachers and Alverno supervisors, multimedia presentations, web quests and
other interactive technologies
1. Planning and Preparation
Inadequate Emerging Proficient Distinctive
Criteria Brief description of nature and location of evidence
The candidate applies subject matter knowledge to develop lessons/units that:  I made clear connections and explained how each lesson
 relate to state and/or district standards connected to one or more Wisconsin Teaching Standards.
 use varied instructional strategies  I included several different teaching strategies that I implemented
 are for varied developmental levels that represent levels of licensure into my teaching that are displayed in my lesson plans
 address varied content areas (for ELC/ELM: math, science, language arts  Included in my portfolio are examples of lesson plans for grades:
& social studies; for SED: varied disciplinary fields) 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th.
 use appropriate teaching and resource materials  Throughout my portfolio I included different content areas that I
 include provisions for individual students with particular learning needs created lesson/unit plans for throughout my time at Alverno.
 include both formal and informal assessments that provide information These areas include: Math, Literacy and Science/Social Studies.
about student learning, e.g. rubrics, tests, checklists, opportunities for  I talked about how prior interactions with students helped guide
students to self assess my lesson plans and objectives to help each student get the most
 The candidate demonstrates the ability to effectively produce multi-media out of each lesson being taught
communication tools and can support her decisions for their use in  Students were able to express their understanding orally (by
enhancing student learning.
answering questions) as well as display their understanding of
material (complete written assessments).


* one video segment must be from ED 315

2. Classroom Environment

Inadequate Emerging Proficient Distinctive

Criterion Brief description of nature and location of evidence
The candidate demonstrates the ability to apply social and cultural understanding  In several of my descriptions I talked about my prior work with
in interpersonal situations by: the students and how that impacted my decisions on what lessons
 designing learning experiences that best relate to the characteristics of to teach. In those lessons, I was able to connect with the students
individuals and groups about relatable topics to help make the learning object more
 perceiving and responding to elements in interaction, e.g. roles, relatable to the students by connecting it to things that interest
developmental levels, culture, language, etc. them (seen in ED 315 video).
 describing how characteristics of individuals and groups influence  In my video clips, I show that I can interact with the students in a
teaching decisions professional yet open and engaging manner. I involve the students
in conversations with descriptive language to help them learn the
material rather than dominate the conversation.
 As talked about throughout my portfolio I used a lot of prior
interactions with the students to determine the most beneficial
lessons plans that I could teach. My past experiences with my
students helped me learn their strengths, weakness, where they
struggled/succeeded and how they learned best. Through that
knowledge I was able to break down group work to focus on each
student’s individual needs and learned how I could best meet

3. Instruction and Assessment

Inadequate Emerging Proficient Distinctive
Criterion Brief description of nature and location of evidence
The candidate demonstrates the ability to accurately implement instruction and  In ED 315 I included a couple images of works that the
assess student learning by providing: students completed. I used those to assess the students
 samples of completed assessments in which the experiences used to understanding of the structure of a paragraph.
assess student learning relate directly to the lesson/unit objective(s)  I included self-assessments for all the lessons in which I
 self assessments that focus on student learning as a result of lessons taught. I also included feedback from my cooperating
taught in field placements teachers for most of my lessons as well as feedback from my
 feedback from cooperating teachers and Alverno supervisors Alverno supervisors for all my lessons taught.

4. Professional Responsibilities and Reflection

Inadequate Emerging Proficient Distinctive

Criteria Brief description of nature and location of evidence
The candidate articulates how she has applied educational frameworks (e.g.  In my self-assessments, I bring up aspects of my lessons
Bloom, Piaget, Erikson, Maslow, Montessori, Cambourne, Gardner, Holdaway, that went well and things that I needed to work on if I taught
Purkey, etc) and their influence on her teaching by stating the major aspects of the lesson again. Specifically in ED 315 I realized that I
selected theories in her own words and identifying where she has applied these wasn’t explaining what was expected out of the students in
enough detail and quickly needed to re-evaluate how to
explain the concept in a more meaningful way.
The candidate represents herself as a reflective practitioner by:
 Throughout my portfolio I talk about the ways in which I
 showing, in rationales and self assessments, where modifications of
her teaching have or should have taken place used several different teaching techniques to meet the wide
 analyzing and articulating ways in which elements of diversity have array of needs of my students.
influenced her planning, teaching, and assessing  I included a letter to a future Alverno student under the
 describing, in a letter to an ED 201 or AE 222 student, her growth in “Electives” tab
 I used a minimal amount of artifacts which, in my opinion,
understanding and using the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the reflects the strongest work that I taught or created.
Alverno Education Abilities  I made sure to include, in my own words, all 10 Wisconsin
 limiting her choices of appropriate artifacts that provide evidence of Teacher Standards and all 5 Alverno Abilities.
an ability to synthesize the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the
Alverno Education Abilities
 including artifacts that address all 10 Wisconsin Teacher Standards
and all 5 Alverno Education Abilities


5. Oral and written communication

Inadequate Emerging Proficient Distinctive

Criteria Brief description of nature and location of evidence
Consistently engaging audiences by using appropriate conventions,  As displayed in my video lessons, I made sure to always use
coherent structures, and effective style appropriate language with my learners and to communicate
with them in an open and nonthreatening manner.
Accurately analyzing one’s own ideas in relation to  I included in my “Homeroom” tab a couple of teaching goals
disciplinary/professional contexts I set for myself. Also, under the “Electives” tab I included
my connection to the theorists Vygotsky and Holdaway.
Articulating meaningful relationships between disciplinary/professional  I made sure to include, in my own words, all 10 Wisconsin
frameworks and the selection of artifacts by explaining the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and all 5 Alverno Abilities. I also made
Teacher Standards and the Alverno Education Abilities in her own words sure to explain how each standard/ability was displayed in
that specific lesson it was being connected to.


Overall Performance
Inadequate Emerging Proficient Distinctive
Final Comments:


For your own planning and organization, you should develop a chart like the following to ensure that you have provided adequate (but not excessive)
evidence for each of the Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure and each of the Alverno Education Abilities.

Artifact/Evidence Education Ability WTS # Section

Math Bingo Lesson Plan Communication 5 First Period (Math)- 201
All About Bugs Lesson Plan 1 Second Period (Literacy)-215
Effective Citizenship Log 10 Second Period (Literacy)-215

Character Traits Lesson Plan 7 Second Period (Literacy)-321

Paragraph Structure Lesson Plan Integrated Interaction 2 Second Period (Literacy) 315
Diagnosis 3
Monarch Butterfly Migration Mini Unit Conceptualization Third Period (Social Studies/Science)- 357

Relationship to Theorists Conceptualization Electives- Relationship to Theorists

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