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20. Sura Ta-Ha (or Mystic Letters, T.H.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The Qur-an is not revealed to you (O Muhammad) to be an occasion

for your fatigue; but it is an admonition to those who fear their Lord – Most
Gracious – who created the earth and the heavens, and is firmly established on
the throne of authority. To him alone belongs what is in the heavens and the
earth and between them and all beneath the soil. No matter if you speak aload;
for He knows the secret thoughts and yet that is more secret. God! There is no
god but He alone. His are the Most Beautiful Names. The story of how Moses
was chosen and told of his mission, has a high mystic meaning. He was true to
his family and solicitious of their welfare. Encamped in desert, He saw a fire
far off. Approaching, He found it was holy ground. God did reveal Himself to
him, so he saw life in things lifeless. A voice was heard: “O Moses! Verily I
am thy Lord! Therefore, (in My presence) put off thy shoes: thou art in the
sacred vally Tuwa. I have chosen thee: Listen, then, to the inspiration (sent to
thee). Verily, I am God: There is no god but I: Serve thou Me (Only), and
establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise. Verily the Hour is coming –
My design is to keep it hidden – for every soul to receive its reward by the
measure of its endeavour. Therefore let not such a belief not therein but follow
their own lusts, divert thee therefrom, lest thou perish! After this preliminary
introductory address, now came the miracles. Moses was ordered to throw on
the ground his hand-rod. It became a dreadful snake! He was then told to seize
it and not to fear it. It then became the original rod. Moses was then ordered to
draw his hand close to his side. It came out shining with no harm or stain.
Moses having been spiritually prepared, now gets his definite commission to
go to Pharaoh and point out the error of his ways. So inordinate was Pharaoh’s
vanity that he had it in his mind to say: “I am your Lord Most High!” Thus he
transgressed all bounds!

Although stupendous task for Moses, he prayed his Lord to: – expand
his breast, i.e. courage and help in his assignment; – the gift of eloquence and
the removal of the impediment from his speech; – the counsel and constant
attendance with him of his brother Aaron, whom he trusted and him to share
with him the hazardous task. His prayer was granted by the Lord. God
reminded His favours to Moses in his earlier life. Story is not told but only
those salient points recapulated which bear on the spiritual upbringing and
work of Moses. Moses life was saved from being killed by the Egyptians,
newly-born child in a chest came floating down the river into the palace of
Pharaoh. A lovely baby as he was, adopted by Pharaoh’s wife and the baby
attracted the love of the very people who, on general grounds, would have
killed the baby. Thus Moses brought up in the best way possible from an
earthly point of view. Further, God’s special Providence looked after him in
bringing his mother to him for nourishing the child – as the child would not
suck any other women. This was brought about by the elder sister of the babe
who was aware of the entire episode and suggested the name of her mother the
nourishment. Thus it was God’s Plan to bring up Moses in all the learning of
the Egyptians, so that it itself should be used to expose what was wrong in it
and to advance the glory of God. The Plan gave mother back her babe in an
amazing manner. As a young man, Moses had a fist blow to an Egyptian when
he saw fighting with an Israelite. The Egyptian died on the spot! This lead
Moses to flee from Egypt and reached a place called Midian. Here Moses saw
himself a desolute man – no house, no acquaintance, nothing with him for
supporting the life. He prayed to God for help! God’s Mercy came instantly.
He was offered assistance by a pious Midianite – married his daughter, worked
for him and stayed with them for many years. As ordained, Moses was on his
way home to Egypt with his family. Cool night, saw fire at a distance, walked
alone towards the light to fetch some fire for his family. This was valley of
Tuwa underneath the great mountain mass of Sinai, called tur. Near the light-
place, he was addressed by the Lord of the Worlds. He was chosen (along with
his brother Aaron by Moses request), bestowed with Signs, and commissioned
as Messengers of God: to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and his people, and then to
lead his own people (Children of Israel) out of Egypt. Moses was further
advised that they (he and his brother) should not slacken His remembrance and
that they should speak mildly to Pharaoh as perhaps he might pay heed to their
admonition and come to the right path. But they should not fear him as God
was with them; and peace to all who follow guidance. When the Message of
delivered to Pharaoh, he asked them as who was their Lord. Moses replied:
their Lord is He Who gave each created thing its form and nature, gave his
guidance, made earth as a carpet, enabled man the facilities of transportations
therein, pours rain from the skies by which produce different classes of plants
– each separate from the other – providing solid nourishment to the mankind
and the cattle. Indeed, in these are Signs for those who have understanding.
But Pharaoh was not the man to accept teaching (a new religion) from a
despised Israelite – one, too, who in his eyes was a deserter from the higher
Egyptian civilization. As such, he put another question to Moses; – what then
was the condition of previous generations? Moses replied him that the
knowledge of that was with God alone – duly recorded without any error or

The creation of mankind is from the earth (soil), have to return to it

and would once again be raised out of it on the Day of Resurrection. Pharaoh
rejected all the Signs and the admonition of Moses; accused him of a design to
deprive them of their land, and of exercising black magic. Both of his charges
were palpably false. What Moses wanted to do was to free his people from
boundage. As to magic, the Egyptians judged Moses by themselves. They
practiced sorcery to deceive the people. They accused the man of God of
doing the same, though both his outlook and source of his strength were
altogether different. A day was fixed for the display of magic by the Egyptian
expert magician on one hand and Moses with his miracles on the other hand.
Whoso wins, would have the upper hand. Pharaoh and his courtiers were sure
Moses will loose, and they would get a lawful chance to crush him and his
people. Moses invited Pharaoh’s magicians to show-off their bag of tricks.
They threw on the ground some ropes and rods. These things seemed to move
around like live snaks to the beholders! So realistic was the effect that even
Moses felt the least bit of doubt in his own mind. He of course had no tricks,
and he relied entirely on his Lord. By God’s grace Faith asserts itself, gives it
confidence, and points out the specific truths. Which dissipate and destroy the
teeming brood of falsehood. By God’s Command, Moses threw his staff on the
ground. It became a terrible snake which immediately swallowed the fake
material of the sorceres. These people immediate converted to faith and said
that they believed in the Lord of Moses and Aaron. Pharaoh was furious upon
the sorcerers and threatened them for dire consequences and that he would cut
off their hands and feet and then crucify them! The threats had no effect on
these people and told Pharaoh to do whatever he wanted to do with them.
They told Pharaoh that what they saw was not magic but Clear Signs from
their Lord; and that they had done wrong on his orders and that now they had
repented and asked for mercy from their Lord: for the sinners there is Hell and
those who believe and work righteous will be in the Gardens of Eternity
beneath which rivers flow. Such is the reward for those who purify themselves
from evil.

Time passed, and at last Moses was commanded by Lord to leave

Egypt with his people by night. They have to cross the sea (Red sea into the
Sinai Peninsula). They were told not to fear of Pharaoh or sea or the unknown
desert country into which they were going. Then Pharaoh, pursued them with
his forces, was overwhelmed by the sea. He and his men all perished. This was
the end of Pharaoh who lead his people astray instead of leading aright. God
now reminds the Children of Israel that it is He who looked after them and
saved them from the tyranny of Pharaoh; – gave them ethical and spiritual
guidance; and were instructed to enjoy the fruits of all that, but they should not
become puffed up and rebellious so as not to invite the Wrath of God. No
doubt God is One, Who forgives to His servants when they repent, believe in
Him and do right deeds, and are ready to receive true guidance. Moses was
upon the Mount for forty days and forty nights. He left behind the elders of
Israel with Aaron to look after the people. While Moses was in a state of
ecstatic honour on the Mount, his people were enacting strange scenes down
below. They were tested and tried, and they failed in the trial. They made a
golden image of a calf for worship and were led in this by a man named.
Samiri. Moses returned to his people in a state of indignation. He reminded
them the Promise of God to them (to protect them and lead them to the
Promised Land, and their promise was to obey God’s Law an His
Commandments; and their promise to him; – or they desired the Wrath of God
to befall on them! The people then replied that they were tired to carry the
heavy load of the golden ornaments of all the people! Samiri suggested them
to put those in the fire. He carved out a golden calf from the molten gold, and
told them it was the god of Moses and theirs too and that Moses had forgotten
both them and his own god. Moses then commented: how blind the people
were that they saw the Signs of their true God; but inspite of that they were
worshipping the calf!

Earlier, Aaron told the rebels to resist the temptation of idol

worshipping and should not follow Samiri and his partisans, but obey him.
The rebels were defiant and postponed the advice till the return of Moses from
the Mount. Moses, when he came back, was full of anger and grief. He
rebuked Aaron and was inclined to handle him roughly. At this, Aaron told
Moses the story behind the whole matter: that his concept was to maintain
unity among the people; – and that Samiri was a mischief – monger and could
best be dealt with by Moses himself. Moses then turned to Samiri. His answer
was an example of unblushing effrontery, careful evation of issues, and
invented falsehoods. He pretended that he had far more insight than any body
else: he saw what the crowd did not see. He saw something supernatural
(angel Gabriel); and that was his oul suggested to him, and that should be
enough. However, the effigy was re-melted and destroyed. Moses then cursed
samiri that for the rest of his life he would be saying: ‘Touch me not!’; and
would face the Penalty (in the Hereafter), which he would not be able to avoid.
Your God is One God, and no any other god. His Knowledge comprehenses all
things-on earth or in heaven. God has related to you a story of the past and
sent you a Message (Qur-an) for the guidance of the people. If anyone turns
away from it, he will be responsible (in the Hereafter) and bear a grievous
burden. On that Day a Trumpet will be sounded, the sinful, with terror in their
eyes will be gathered. They will whisper among themselves that the interval
between their sins and their punishment had a duration which practically
amounted to nothing. They express this by the phrase “ten days”, but their
wiser heads think that even this is an over-estimate. It was but a brief day!

Question was put to the holy Prophet: what will become of the solid
Mountains on that Day? Say: my Lord will uproot them and scatter them as
dust. Scene of Judgement will be a level plain, no ups and downs, all will be
straight and level, no place of concealment, just a new environment of which
the Unbelievers are indoubt. On the Day: first there will a loud blast of
Trumpet (by angel Israfil; then a soft angelic Voice (by angel Gabriel) calling
“Arise”. Then a stillness and hush of awe and reverence; – only the tramp of
the ranks marching along will be heard. There will be no intersecssion from
any one present, except to whom the divine permission is granted. All faces –
those of the just as well of the unjust, will be humble before God: the best of
us can claim no merit equal to God’s Grace. But the just will have Hope:while
the unjust, now that the curtain of Reality has risen, will be in absolute
Despair! Unlike the unjust, the righteous, who have come with Faith, will not
only be free from any fear of harm, but they will be rewarded to the full –
more than their due reward. Thus the Qur-an is sent down in Arabic language
and explains in detail the warnings so that you may fear your Lord and
remember Him. He is High above everything, the King, the Truth. Do not be
in a haste of the revelation of the Qur-an. But say: “O my Lord! Advance me
in the knowledge.” Attention is now drawn to the prototype of Evil who
tempted Adam, the original Man, and to the fact that though man was clearly
warned that evil is his enemy and will only effect his ruin, he showed so little
firmness that he succumbed to it at once at the first opportunity.

God ordered the angels to prostrate themselves to Adam. They

prostrated, except Iblis. Adam was clearly informed that Evil is an enemy to
man and will naturally effect his destruction. It was clearly pointed out that all
his needs were being met in the Gorden of Happiness. Food and clothing,
drink and shelter, were amply provided for. But Satan tempted Adam telling
him to ‘show him the Tree of Eternity and a kingdom which would never
decay’. Adam disobeyed his Lord, went astray and their (he and his wife)
nakedness appead which they tried to hide with the leaves from the Garden.
Consequently, both of them were expelled from the Garden to the earth; but
even then His Grace and guidance was with him. It was made clear to Adam
that whosoever followed His guidance would not lose his way and fall into
misery. But whosoever turned away from His Message, would find his life
narrowed down and will be raised blind on the Day of Judgement. Because
God gave him physical sight in this life for trial. But he misused it, being
deliberately blind to God’s Signs; – thus will be excluded from His Grace. Do
the Unbelievers realize us: how many generations Lord destroyed before them,
because of their disobedience? Lo! Therein verily are signs for men of

In God’s holy Plan and Purpose, there is a merciful chance and respite
given to all, the just as well as the unjust, and his decree or word abides. The
most wicked have a term appointed them for respite. All righteous should be
patient with what seems to them evil around them: they must pray to God and
commune with him, morning and evening and part of the hours of the night.
For they thus not only get strength but inward spiritual joy and better to
grapple with evil. Nevertheless, a good man’s life is all one sweet song of
Praise to God. The good things of this life may make a brave show, but they
are as nothing compared with the good of the Hereafter. Both are provided by
God. But the former are given to the just and the unjust as a test and trial, and
in any case will pass away; while the latter come specially from God for His
devoted servants, and are incomparably of more value and will last through
eternity. The man of God does not worry about the sustenance, in the sense of
the ordinary needs of life. Regarding the Signs, the plea of the unbelievers is
disingenuous. Many Signs have come with this Revelation. But the one that
should have appealed to those who believed in former revelations and should
have convinced them was what was in their own books. If the Sign mentioned,
did not convinced them it would mean that they were not true to their own
faith. They were not straight with themselves. In justice they should have been
punished for their falsehood. But they were given further respite. Or they
would again have argued in a circle, and said: “If only God had sent us a
living apostle we should have believed!” The living apostle they flout because
they want a Sign. The Sign they wish to ignore, because they want a living
apostle! The man of God could only say: “Let us wait the issue: my faith tells
me that God’s Truth must prevail.” The straight and even Way must endure,
and show that the man who follows it has received true guidance. All
falsehood and crockedness must ultimately disappear.

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