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METHODIST English medium school

A programme of Bangladesh Methodist church trust

Half yearly examination 2016-2017



Duration:2 hours total marks:70

Name: ROLL: SEC:

INVIGILATOR’S signature: date:

1.count the objects and add the numbers. 05


7 + 5 =


6 + 4 =


7 + 7 =


8 + 3 =


9 + 6 =

2. Put X on the things you take away. Write the answer in the box. 05


9 -- 8 =


8 -- 5 =

7 -- 2 =


8 -- 0 =


6 -- 6 =

3. fill in the missing numbers : 08

____________ 9o __________________ _________________ _____________

68 _______________ _________________ __________________ 72 _________

_____________ 54 _____________ ___________ 57 ___________________

______________ _______________ _____________ _________________ 40

4. Put the correct sign in the blank . ( > , < or =) 04

a. 66 ___ 43

b. 89 ___ 99

c. 33 ___ 27

d. 54 ___ 40

e. 75 ___ 61

f. 82 ___ 92

g. 26 ___ 19

h. 93 ___ 93

5. Count and add: 06

6. what comes after ? 04

a. 70 ___ ___

b. 92 ___ ___

c. 88 ___ ___

d. 67 ___ ___

e. 54 ___ ___

f. 43 ___ ___

g. 77 ___ ___

h. 18 ___ ___

7. What comes before ? 04

a. ___ ___ 66

b. ___ ___ 89

c. ___ ___ 47

d. ___ ___ 51

e. ___ ___ 73

f. ___ ___ 49

g. ___ ___ 82

h. ___ ___ 95

8. What comes between? 04

a. 80 ___ 82

b. 73 ___ 75

c. 97 ___ 99

d. 60 ___ 62

e. 54 ___ 56
f. 39 ___ 41

g. 18 ___ 20

h. 43 ___ 45

9. Addition: 05

a. 9 b. 8 c. 6

+4 +7 +5

______________ ______________ ______________

d. 7 e. 1 6

+3 + 2

______________ ______________

10. Subtraction : 05

a. 8 b. 9 c. 7

- 3 - 5 - 0

______________ ______________ ______________

. d. 6 e. 5

-4 -5
______________ ______________

11. Write mixed table : 05

3 X 6 =

2 X 5 =

3 X 8 =

2 X 9 =

3 X 7 =

2 X 8 =
3 X 5 =

2 X 6 =

3 X 9 =

2 X 7 =

12. Write the numerals : 04

a. fifty =

b. forty – nine =

c. thirty – seven =

d. forty --one =

e. thirteen =

f. sixty--four =

g. fifty – five =

h. twenty – two =

13. Write the number names: 06

a. 48 =

b. 33 =

c. 27 =

d. 30 =

e. 25 =

f. 49 =

14. write tables of 4 .

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