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The Ethnic Han Diaspora occurred all over SE Asia.

Decades ago, they were frequently referred

to as 'The Jews of Asia' ( but no longer P.C. to say this, I guess ). Since they are genetically
healthier and higher in intelligence and have more 'organised' behaviours, they prosper better
than the native inhabitants. This does engender some resentment.

After the British began relinquishing their colonies, Singapore emerged into a union with areas
that would become Malaysia. This constituted most of the British East Indies, whilst Indonesia (
the Dutch East Indies ) went their separate way. The Malaysians wanted the wealth of Singapore,
but distrusted and feared the colony because of its large Chinese, Indian and European
population. The tensions were both economic, political and blatantly racial, culminating in riots
and an end to the tempestuous 2-year union. It was an acrimonious split. The government of
Malaysia had to cut their Northern 'outpost' free, only to see it achieve stellar socio-economic
success in quite short order. Even today, the leadership of Singapore laments the fact that their
Indian, European and Chinese communities have meshed quite well, but that their low IQ Malay
citizens simply won't--or can't--integrate into their larger society.

In Cambodia, things took quite a dark turn once the Khmer Rouge seized power. Many Middle-
Class Cambodians--anyone with a proper education--were 'purged', but they essentially
butchered every Chinese-Cambodian they got hold of. They also ethnically cleansed themselves
of other non-Khmer--tribals, Thai, Vietnamese and others.

The Han migrations and the infusion of their bloodlines into the peoples of SE Asia actually
improved them in the same way that the infusion of Nordic bloodlines into the Mediterranean
peoples did. Once you get into Indonesian / Malaysian areas, you're dealing mostly with people
of quite lower intelligence. The Malays have a higher birth-rate than the ethnic Chinese amongst
them, but the high IQ Chinese do much better, even though Indonesian and Malaysian law
blatantly favours their native Austronesian ethnicities and their largely Muslim inhabitants.

I rather meant to say, Northern 'outpost'. Their brief, 23-month union was quite doomed, despite
Lee Kwan's hopes for a new, vibrant nation. He actually broke down and cried during the
announcement of their secession. I think this occured in 1965.

Singaporeans are not saddled with the intractable social problems of Malaysia, but they are
definitely still a Law and Order society, and more power to them. Their main problem ( aside
from the occasional typhoon and rising sea levels ) is with their ethnic Muslim Malay citizens
who are still not integrating effectively.

Along similar lines (but without the mixing part): In 19th century England working class people
often said the aristocrats weren’t really English: they were the Norman descendants of William
the Conqueror and still just as foreign as when they crossed the channel 800 years earlier. They
called oppression by the aristocrats “the Norman Yoke”. Of course those foreign Norman
aristocrats had also saddled the English with a German royal familyTaking your remark
seriously, at least in Asia it was a class and not an ethnic thing. If one was poor one would work
outside and get quite dark, if one was wealthy one could stay inside more and would be lighter.
Light = scholar, Dark = rice paddy worker. Now race is also in the picture and, of course, the
"LGBT community" is fond of novelty and showiness of just about any sort. The same applied in
Europe in the old days. It is where the English term 'blue blooded' came from. i.e. upper class -
light skinned so blue veins could be seen. Working land class, tanned which covers the blue
veins. Yes, the same thing happened in Vietnam. It caused a bit of a diversity problem. The
lower classes began resenting the elites, not only because they were wealthier, but now because
they mixed with foreigners. They resented the Chinese that settled in their country without
mixing too. Many ethnic Vietnamese are less than fond of the Viet Ching to this day. The typical
childish mentality that so many blacks have think that being born with a large member makes
them a better person when in fact, when attached to someone with a ugly face, fat body,
miserable personality accompanied by a lech with no moral standards, a large member just
makes you another animal on the farm. The lightest-skinned NE Asians and most White people--
particular Nordics--have skin on their genitals the same colour as the rest of their bodies. The
mucous membranes of the purist Nordic peoples are pink and particularly so in gingers.

Darker races have darker genitals and mucous membranes and those of mixed races--Mulattoes
and Mestizos--present an interesting 'mix'. In the locker rooms, it always struck me as odd to see
medium-toned men with darker private parts ( this also holds true for women ). Different sets of
genes control these things, apparently, and they are expressed variantly in different body parts.
I've even seen lighter-skinned Southern Europeans who have shockingly darker genitals (
possibly from Semitic / Afro-Asiatic bloodlines ). You see this especially in people from South
Asia, but also those from SE Asia and even in some Japanese and Southern Chinese. It's just
incongruous, but not as glaring as something like a port-wine birthmark or a nevus.

I don't find this attractive at all, but then I think it's strange to see dark-skinned Negroes and
Indians with light-skinned palms.

Up until quite recently, most people across the world desired lighter skin tones. In mixed
societies with a range of skin colour and racial traits--like the West Indies, South America and
South Asia--it determined not only sexual desirability, but also was a fair predictor of social
standing, income...and intelligence.

In Japan and Europe, women who worked outside wore hats and clothing that shielded their skin
from tanning, so they might retain their fairness. The sun-tanning craze only started when French
doyenne Coco Chanel returned from her 1920s holiday to the French Riviera and an ocean cruise
a shocking shade of golden-brown. She had merely neglected to cover up properly. Her fans
started emulating her and it quickly became a badge of the leisure class--who could afford long,
sun-drenched holidays. ( The long-term damage of UV light was overlooked, despite previous
cultural practices designed to limit it. )

The current fad for 'celebrating' darker skin tones is nervous and temporary. Even many dark-
skinned Black males prefer lighter-skinned 'Octoroon' mates or Caucasian women. Lighter skin
is still celebrated in Islamic countries.

The fact that in Thailand, many gay men are finding their darker penises to be 'less than
satisfactory' shouldn't be surprising: Thailand is the knock-off cosmetic surgery and sexual
reassignment surgery capital of the world. People there work hard and save their money, so they
now have the resources to do something about it. Laser surgery is probably much safer than skin-
lightening cremes, many of which contain toxic mercury compounds.

The peoples of Southeast Asia are a mixed lot. The original inhabitants were a very dark skinned
folk of short stature. It is by intermixing with light-skinned Aryans and light-skinned Han and
other NE Asiatics that they have gained their current appearance and IQs midway between the
tribals and the Han Chinese. The sprachbund with Sino-Tibetan tonal languages of short
syllables has even altered their differing language sources over time through many loan words,
structures and sounds.

Similarly, the peoples of South Asia have mixed from the light-skinned Aryans and Central
Asiatic Hunnics and the darker-skinned tribals and Dravidians. We can see how Aryan languages
have shifted from the original Sanskrit to more modern dialects as these major languages
modified one another.

Their skin, likewise, shows a 'layering' of melanin colouring belying the undertow of such
genetic mixing and is betrayed by their darker genitalia.

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