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McMichael 1

Alex McMichael


AOIT English III

30 October 2017

Eric Allie used his political cartoon “Boomstick Control” to display the ignorance

of the Democrats who are trying to make laws about guns (Allie). Allie’s visual rhetoric

demonstrates how the people who are trying to restrict the use of weapons, which is a

fundamental right have very little knowledge of the thing that they are trying to ban. The

government should not have the power to ban or heavily restrict arms that are protected

by the Constitution.

Politicians such as Hillary Clinton have pushed to ban and restrict this

fundamental right for a very long time (Blannelberry). In a 2015 interview Hillary Clinton

stated, “I will get the NRA shut down for good if I become president. If we can ban

handguns we will do it” (Blannelberry). This is a huge problem because the second

amendment was made specifically to protect gun rights and Hillary Clinton said that she

would ban handguns if she was able to. This is an important piece of information

because if Hillary Clinton were elected President Handguns will likely be banned and

that would be an example of governments restricting something protected by the

Constitution. Some people may argue that some types of weapons such handguns are

too dangerous to be open to the public because of how small and concealable they are.

They can also argue that they are not violating the Second Amendment because they

will still allow some types of guns. This is not correct because if they have the power to
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ban some guns they will be able to ban other guns and will potentially abuse that power,

this is a risk that we cannot take.

While it is important that the government doesn’t ban guns, it is more important

that we don’t violate the Constitution. The Constitution was put in place to protect

Americans from being oppressed the way were by Britain. The people of the US

believed the right to bear arms to be so important that it was the second amendment on

Constitution. The 16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln stated, “Don’t

interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only

safeguard of our liberties” (Lincoln). This quote is very important because it

demonstrates how the Constitution is the only thing standing in between our liberties

and oppression (Lincoln). When someone violates the Constitution they are violating our

liberties this point emphasizes and explains the importance of not violating or interfering

with the Constitution nor our liberties. Some people believe that the Constitution is

outdated and doesn’t apply to our modern society and it only protected our liberties at

the time. While these people are correct when they say that the Constitution was made

at a time when the people didn’t have to deal with our current issues, our most

fundamental liberties are covered by the Constitution and most of our modern problems

can be traced back to these fundamental liberties.

The government should not have the ability to restrict our Constitutional rights,

such as the right to bear arms. The importance of people to have the right to bear arms

with minimal restriction cannot be understated. Americans should not have to worry

about the government violating the Constitution with policies and endangering our

inalienable rights. The opposition may argue that if they ban some guns but not all guns
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it will be okay, they may also state that the Constitution that protects the right to bear

arms is outdated and doesn’t apply to our modern world. These two arguments are

misguided as if the government has the power to ban some guns they have little to stop

them from banning others, and most of our modern-day problems could be traced to

relate to the problems that our ancestors faced when the Constitution was created.

When the day is over the government will not be able to take our guns from us, because

every day Americans are willing to stand and fight for our liberties and freedom.
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Work Cited

Allie, Eric. Boomstick Control. Caglecartoons, 28 Jan. 2013, Caglecartoons.com.

Blannelberry, S.H. “Hillary Clinton's Best Quotes on the Second

Amendment.” GunsAmerica Digest, 16 Apr. 2015, www.gunsamerica.com/blog/hillary-clintons-





“The 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.” National Constitution Center – The 2nd

Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, constitutioncenter.org/interactive-


“The Constitution.” The White House, The United States Government, 8 Mar. 2017,


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