Вы находитесь на странице: 1из 23

Total population - Females - all -

Age group Sum - Literate without Educational Level - Non formal - Females
7 1
8 7
9 5
10 8
11 3
12 3
13 0
14 0
0-6 0
15-19 7
20-24 5
25-29 8
30-34 3
35-39 6
40-44 6
45-49 8
50-54 6
55-59 2
60-64 4
65-69 0
70-74 1
75-79 2
80+ 1
Age not stated 2
Total Result 88
Sum - Literate without Educational Level - formal - Males Sum - Educational Level - Middle - Males
2501 0
3741 0
3214 0
3032 0
1687 36
1151 118
385 424
239 1232
0 0
639 6809
524 2239
595 1730
498 2060
439 2032
363 967
466 681
433 469
294 276
342 163
264 109
170 65
99 37
119 54
252 53
21447 19554
Age group Total population - Persons Total population - Males
0-6 47265 24577
7 6480 3284
8 7770 4129
9 6692 3506
10 7610 3936
11 6828 3526
12 8203 4208
13 7005 3379
14 7458 3811
15-19 32011 16436
20-24 25761 12090
25-29 23015 10774
30-34 18474 8771
35-39 17283 8244
40-44 13392 6395
45-49 12686 6151
50-54 10703 5327
55-59 8589 4416
60-64 8874 4485
65-69 5915 3168
70-74 5296 2734
75-79 2572 1393
80+ 4325 2151
Age not stated 1180 664
Total population - Illiterate -
Females Illiterate - Males Females
22688 24577 22688
3196 774 903
3641 386 506
3186 162 244
3674 115 234
3302 86 178
3995 88 257
3626 69 241
3647 94 276
15575 593 1941
13671 922 3229
12241 1058 4000
9703 976 4075
9039 1207 5245
6997 1633 5395
6535 2248 5778
5376 2744 4985
4173 2798 3954
4389 3302 4246
2747 2422 2692
2562 2255 2530
1179 1141 1159
2174 1835 2125
516 178 181
Literate without Educational Literate without Educational
Level - Non formal - Males Level - Non formal - Females
0 0
9 1
2 7
3 5
1 8
2 3
1 3
0 0
0 0
6 7
17 5
10 8
7 3
7 6
9 6
4 8
4 6
7 2
13 4
11 0
8 1
8 2
5 1
4 2
Literate without Educational Literate without Educational
Level - formal - Males Level - formal - Females
0 0
2501 2292
3741 3128
3214 2817
3032 2745
1687 1650
1151 1116
385 425
239 240
639 563
524 470
595 634
498 467
439 420
363 248
466 160
433 101
294 67
342 56
264 21
170 20
99 9
119 18
252 188
Educational Level - Primary - Educational Level - Primary -
Males Females
0 0
0 0
0 0
127 120
788 687
1715 1447
2850 2528
2501 2549
2220 2014
4563 5019
2545 4274
2356 4457
1933 3289
1880 2236
1501 845
1281 383
801 161
572 90
419 52
250 23
169 8
75 5
90 20
100 81
Educational Level - Middle - Educational Level - Middle -
Males Females
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
36 24
118 91
424 411
1232 1083
6809 5424
2239 2444
1730 1518
2060 977
2032 554
967 209
681 90
469 52
276 29
163 14
109 7
65 2
37 3
54 7
53 28
Educational Level - Educational Level -
Matriculation/Secondary - Matriculation/Secondary -
Males Females
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
21 30
2224 1668
3622 2199
3670 1098
2230 590
1642 339
1156 155
872 52
537 41
314 15
160 10
73 3
48 1
22 1
22 2
48 22
Educational Level - Higher Educational Level - Higher
Secondary/Intermediate/Pre- Secondary/Intermediate/Pre-
University/Senior Secondary - University/Senior Secondary -
Males Females
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
4 3
1501 892
1346 551
517 161
430 100
378 77
207 31
124 11
70 6
29 4
20 1
17 0
8 0
2 0
12 1
14 5
Educational Level - Non- Educational Level - Non-
Technical Diploma or certificate Technical Diploma or certificate
not equal to Degree - Males not equal to Degree - Females
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
10 11
20 61
27 35
17 15
21 16
10 7
14 5
8 6
4 0
4 0
5 1
1 0
1 0
3 0
1 1
Educational Level - Technical Educational Level - Technical Level -
Diploma or Certificate not equal Diploma or Certificate not equal Graduate and
to Degree - Males to Degree - Females above - Males
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 1 0
31 22 60
260 90 595
210 50 601
146 35 474
106 19 532
111 32 438
101 24 360
56 4 205
22 4 100
12 1 50
6 0 11
3 0 7
3 0 5
1 0 10
4 1 10
Level -
Graduate and
above -
Total Total Total
population - population - population -
Age group Persons Males Females
11 6828 3526 3302
12 8203 4208 3995
13 7005 3379 3626
14 7458 3811 3647
15-19 32011 16436 15575
20-24 25761 12090 13671
25-29 23015 10774 12241
30-34 18474 8771 9703
35-39 17283 8244 9039
40-44 13392 6395 6997
45-49 12686 6151 6535
50-54 10703 5327 5376
55-59 8589 4416 4173
60-64 8874 4485 4389
65-69 5915 3168 2747
70-74 5296 2734 2562
75-79 2572 1393 1179
80+ 4325 2151 2174
Age not stated 1180 664 516
Literate Literate
without without Literate Literate
Educational Educational without without
Level - Non Level - Non Educational Educational
Illiterate - Illiterate - formal - formal - Level - formal Level - formal
Males Females Males Females - Males - Females
86 178 2 3 1687 1650
88 257 1 3 1151 1116
69 241 0 0 385 425
94 276 0 0 239 240
593 1941 6 7 639 563
922 3229 17 5 524 470
1058 4000 10 8 595 634
976 4075 7 3 498 467
1207 5245 7 6 439 420
1633 5395 9 6 363 248
2248 5778 4 8 466 160
2744 4985 4 6 433 101
2798 3954 7 2 294 67
3302 4246 13 4 342 56
2422 2692 11 0 264 21
2255 2530 8 1 170 20
1141 1159 8 2 99 9
1835 2125 5 1 119 18
178 181 4 2 252 188
Educational Educational
Educational Educational Educational Educational Level - Level -
Level - Level - Level - Level - Matriculation Matriculation
Primary - Primary - Middle - Middle - /Secondary - /Secondary -
Males Females Males Females Males Females
1715 1447 36 24 0 0
2850 2528 118 91 0 0
2501 2549 424 411 0 0
2220 2014 1232 1083 21 30
4563 5019 6809 5424 2224 1668
2545 4274 2239 2444 3622 2199
2356 4457 1730 1518 3670 1098
1933 3289 2060 977 2230 590
1880 2236 2032 554 1642 339
1501 845 967 209 1156 155
1281 383 681 90 872 52
801 161 469 52 537 41
572 90 276 29 314 15
419 52 163 14 160 10
250 23 109 7 73 3
169 8 65 2 48 1
75 5 37 3 22 1
90 20 54 7 22 2
100 81 53 28 48 22
Educational Educational
Level - Higher Level - Higher Educational Educational Educational Educational
Secondary/In Secondary/In Level - Non- Level - Non- Level - Level -
termediate/P termediate/P Technical Technical Technical Technical
re- re- Diploma or Diploma or Diploma or Diploma or
University/Se University/Se certificate certificate Certificate Certificate
nior nior not equal to not equal to not equal to not equal to
Secondary - Secondary - Degree - Degree - Degree - Degree -
Males Females Males Females Males Females
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
4 3 0 0 1 1
1501 892 10 11 31 22
1346 551 20 61 260 90
517 161 27 35 210 50
430 100 17 15 146 35
378 77 21 16 106 19
207 31 10 7 111 32
124 11 14 5 101 24
70 6 8 6 56 4
29 4 4 0 22 4
20 1 4 0 12 1
17 0 5 1 6 0
8 0 1 0 3 0
2 0 1 0 3 0
12 1 3 0 1 0
14 5 1 1 4 1
Educational Educational
Level - Level -
Graduate and Graduate and
above - above -
Males Females
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
60 28
595 348
601 280
474 152
532 127
438 69
360 24
205 14
100 8
50 5
11 0
7 0
5 0
10 0
10 7
Total Total Total
population - population - population - Illiterate -
Age group Persons Males Females Males
0-10 75817 39432 36385 26014
11-20 61505 31360 30145 930
21-30 48776 22864 25912 1980
31-40 17283 8244 9039 1207
41-50 26078 12546 13532 3881
51-60 8874 4485 4389 3302
61-70 20085 10387 9698 7979
70 + 6897 3544 3353 2976
Literate without Literate Literate
without Educational without without
Educational Level - Non Educational Educational
Illiterate - Level - Non formal - Level - formal - Level - formal -
Females formal - Males Females Males Females
24575 15 21 12488 10982
2893 9 13 4101 3994
7229 27 13 1119 1104
5245 7 6 439 420
11173 13 14 829 408
4246 13 4 342 56
9468 32 5 776 97
3284 13 3 218 27
Level -
Educational Educational Educational Educational Matriculation/S
Level - Primary Level - Primary Level - Middle - Level - Middle - econdary -
- Males - Females Males Females Males
915 807 0 0 0
13849 13557 8619 7033 2245
4901 8731 3969 3962 7292
1880 2236 2032 554 1642
2782 1228 1648 299 2028
419 52 163 14 160
838 83 337 23 281
165 25 91 10 44
Educational Educational Educational Educational
Level - Higher Level - Higher Level - Non- Level - Non-
Educational Secondary/Inte Secondary/Inte Technical Technical
Level - rmediate/Pre- rmediate/Pre- Diploma or Diploma or
Matriculation/S University/Seni University/Seni certificate not certificate not
econdary - or Secondary - or Secondary - equal to Degree equal to Degree
Females Males Females - Males - Females
0 0 0 0 0
1698 1505 895 10 11
3297 1863 712 47 96
339 378 77 21 16
207 331 42 24 12
10 20 1 4 0
14 45 1 10 1
3 14 1 4 0
Educational Educational
Level - Level -
Technical Technical Educational
Diploma or Diploma or Educational Level -
Certificate not Certificate not Level - Graduate and
equal to Degree equal to Degree Graduate and above -
- Males - Females above - Males Females
0 0 0 0
32 23 60 28
470 140 1196 628
106 19 532 127
212 56 798 93
12 1 50 5
21 1 68 5
4 0 15 0

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