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1.) USED TO 2.A) TO BE USED TO / 2.


1.) used to [+ infinitive] / (MÍT) ve zvyku – (resp. MĚL jsem ve zvyku)

 opakování děje v minulosti (chodíval, nosíval, hrával...) ===>> teď už to nedělám
 vazba "USED TO" je určena pro minulost,
 překládáme zpravidla -ával, -ávala,... (zde jsem sedával).
 Po vazbě USED TO pak vždy následuje sloveso v infinitivu!

When I was young, I used to play the piano Did you use(d) to play the guitar?
I used to smoke when I was young. Jerry used to visit us often.
He used to watch a lot of TV. Sam used to go to Mexico in the summer.
They often used to be tired after work. I used to start work at 9 o'clock.
There used to be a cinema here. Christine used to eat meat when she was younger, but now
she is a vegetarian.
I didn't use(d) to go swimming.
I didn’t use to / I didn’t used to (more US modern) - I us(e)n’t to (BG old-fashioned) - I used not to … (more GB modern)
see: oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary /used-to

2.A) (to) be used to [+ noun / + pronoun / + gerund] / BÝT zvyklý - na

 někdo je/není na něco/činnost zvyklý, je/není to nic nového, zvláštního, neobvyklého
 všechny časy (you will be used to it / she has been used to it / they could be used to it….)
 tuto frázi následuje VŽDY "jméno":
 [1] podstatné jméno: Jsem zvyklý na pravidla (I am used to RULES)
 [2] zpodstatnělé sloveso (= Gerund): Jsem zvyklá jezdit vlevo (I am used to DRIVING on left)
 [3] zájmeno: Nejsem na ni zvyklý. (I am not used to HER)
 I am used to write - I am used to writing !!
I am used to hard [1] work. When we lived in Argentina , we were used to that hot [1]
I am used to [2] working hard. weather.
He is not used to [1] Prague. I have been used to [1] snakes for a long time.
He isn't used to [2] living in Prague. You will soon be used to [2] going there alone.
Are you used to fast [1] food? Don’t worry, I am used to such [1] problems!
Are you used to [2] eating slowly? Are you used to [2] getting up early?
The kids aren’t used to [3] her yet. We are not used to [2] watching TV.
2.B) (to) get used to [+ noun / + pronoun / + gerund] / (zvykat si na něco)
 vazba vyjadřuje situaci “zvyknout – či nezvyknout – si na něco, na nějakou činnost”
 všechny časy (you will get used to it / she had got used to it before they moved, they should have got used to it by now…)
 tuto frázi následuje VŽDY "jméno" (viz 2A)
 [1] podstatné jméno: Musíme si zvyknout na nové podmínky (We have to get used to the new
 [2] zpodstatnělé sloveso (= Gerund): Zvykám si na bydlení v Praze (I’m getting used to LIVING in
 [3] zájmeno: Pes si na nás zvykne. (The dog will get used to US.)
 You won’t get used to write - You will get used to writing !!
Mr. Miller and his son have already got used to [2] getting up John will never get used to this new [1] computer, I know he
very early. really hates it.
Do you think you will get used to [2] living alone? I’m so happy, Jane has already got used to [3] it!

used to versus to BE / GET used to versus to use

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