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ion are (substanc ace,

oiiented es which Actually
with their dissociat the con-
oxygens e ir.to ductívity
nexí to the ions) is due to
ion. and. such as impurities
moléculas sodium dissolved
around a chloride. in the
nesative Water water.
ion turn is Water is
their generally such a
liydrogens supposed sood soi -
to-ward to be a vent for
the ion. good electroiyte
Thus the conducto s.
water r of including
molecuies electricity carbón,
act as . Every dicxide
cages lineman ¿rom the
which knows atmospher
sepárate the e, íhat any
and neu- danger of moist surf
tralize the handling ace rnay
ions. This high- be
esplains voltage assumed
why water electrical to.be a
is so lines good
eflective a wheñ conductor.
soivent for stand- ing But puré
electrolvte orí a water
s moist surf (which is

HYDRATE is fanasri wiien a íoreigr¿ moleciúe in valer is eiectricaU" neutral sur! jusí the righí
siz- for liie v-ater XTíOiecnieí to eollect around ít in crTstalline caze. Tbi? cage can tbsn groi>' to
E n-uch iarger crysi.al. It ÍE par*, of t. repeating unit of 136 molecnles.
difficult to One were
keep puré c£ the really free.
—it must anomalo The
be kept us strong
out of propertie bonding
contact s of of water
with air liquid mole cuies
and in a water is accounts
vessel of íts high for the
an inert spedfic fact that
material heat or water has
such as heat- unusually
quartz) is holding hish
a ven.- -capaciry melting
good . The and
insuiator specific boiling
indeed. heat of a pcints. It
The rea- substanc aiso
son is that e is the explains
while the quantity why it is
hydrosren of heat so diffU
and oxy- required cult to
gen atoms to raise vaporiza
in a water the ice, To do
moiecuíe temperat this we
are in a ure of must
sense one Sram break all
charged, one the
or ionized. desree hydrogen
they centigrad bonds
cannot e. The- holding
move specific the
aboui heat of moieciiles
separately liquid together,
because water is Calculatio
they are more ns indícate
attached to than that the
each twice as total
other. and great as energy of
henee can - that of the hydro -
not carey ice. The gen bonds
an eiectrio expiana- in one
current. tion is mole of
íhat the water (18
liquid's grams) is
ionized equivalent
oxysen to 6.000
and calories.
atoras, Hydr
though ates
held to-
gether, For
behave more than
like free 60 vean
ions in physical
their chemists
capaciry have
to víbrate studied
in water
response largely in
to heat. térras cf
Thus soluüons
they can of
absorb as electrolvte
much s. This
energy as
if the
study has carrving argón and
produced natural krypton.
considera gas often which
ble infor- became refuse ali
maíion clogged chemical
about with a reactions.
electrolvt slushy couid join
es and "snow." with
ions. buí containi water to
not a ng form a
great deal water, at quasi
about the tempera- compound
properties tures as .
of water high as Let us
itselí. 68 look at
Strangelv degrees these
enoueh. F. The questions
in recent plain in the
years we indicatio light of
have n was what we
iearnecl that have
much these iearned
more freeze- abouí
about ups were water's
water bv due to structure
exarninin the and
g its water.'- properties
-behavior But this . Ten
with raised years ago
substance some in Illinois
s which startling we began
foi all and a study cf
practica! interestin the water-
pur-poses s; solubiiity
are questioas of certain
insoluble . Whaí hydro-
in water! made carbons.
This water Methane
behavior freeze at gas will
was callea these serve as
to the at- high an
tention of ternperat example.
chemists ures? The
in a How methane
dramatic could moiecuíe
fash-ion water does not
by certaia com- form ions
surprisins bine, or in water,
; natural become ñor does
phe- "bounc." it ac-cept
nomena. with the
One was sub- hydrogen
the fact stances bonds.
íhat ccrn which There is
sometíme were ali very little
s showed but attraction
frost insoiubie between it
effects in it? and the
when the The water
temperatu mystery moiecuíe.
re was 40 was not It is.
desrees lessened howevsr.
F... well when it sligüüy
above was soluble in
freezing. discover water, and
Another ed that the
was the even the dissolving
discov- noble methane
ery that gases molecuies
pipelines such as form
compound per
s with rnoie.
water— How
"hvdrates" couid so
—in much
which energv
severa! be
water provided
moie- ?
cules are The.forc
joined to es of
one of attracüo
methane. n
The between
resction methane
liberares and wa -
10 times ter are
as much apparent
heat as iv too
when slisht to
methane suppiv
dissolves anv
in hexane. apprecia
although bl-3 part
it is much of such
more an
soluble in arnouni.
hexane There
taar.- in is an
water. alternativ
This fact e
becoaies possibíiil
even *.'. The
more presence
surprismg of ths
on cióse methane
examínati rnav
on. The dras-
methane ticallv
moie cuíe ohanse
occupies the
more than -.vatsr
iwice the structure
vol-ume itseli.
of a water
Te form
cavitv for
itself on
solving, a
great dea!
of enerzy
would be
it should
than the
heat of
on of

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