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The results from logistics regression with dependent variables as sleep problem and predictors age,
gender, hourwint (hours slept per week nights), getsleprec (problem of falling asleep) and
stayslprec (problem of staying as sleep) is presented in tables below.

The table below tells us the results of analysis without any independent variables. Correct
classification of intercept only model is 63.3%
Table 1: Classification Table of the Logistic Regression for Sleep Disorder with Intercept
Only Model
Observed Probsleeprec Percentage
1.00 2.00 Correct
Step 0 Probsleeprec 1.00 0 92 0
2.00 0 159 100
Overall Percentage 63.3

As shown in table 2, only hourwint and getsleprec are significant predictors

(p<0.05). The other variables age, sex and stayslprec does not made significant
contribution to the model (p>0.05). Thus with every unit increase in hour sleep per
week night, sleep disorder increase by a factor of 1.28 (95 % C.I= 1.049 to 1.564).
Also every unit increase in problem of falling as asleep, sleep disorder increase by
factor 6.144 (95 % C.I= 3.324 to 11.359).
Table 2: logistic Regression Analysis of sleep disorder
95% C.I for
B S.E Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Exp(B)
Lower Upper
Step 1 sex (1) 0.287 .447 0.414 1 0.520 1.333 .555 3.198
Age -0.030 .048 .383 1 0.536 .971 .884 1.006
hourwint .248 0.102 5.916 1 0.015 1.281 1.049 1.564
Getsleprec (1) 1.186 0.313 33.540 1 0.000 6.144 3.324 11.359
Stayslprec (1) 0.186 .032 .322 1 0.571 1.205 .633 2.291
Constant -1.740 1.233 1.993 1 0.158 0.175

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As shown in Table 3, the model Chi square has 6 degrees of Freedom, a value of 56.659 and a
probability of p<0.001. Thus the indication is that intercept only model has poor fit. While model
with predictors do have a significant effect.
Table 3: Omnibus Test of Model Coefficients

Chi Square df Sig.

Step 1 step 56.659 6 000

Block 56.659 6 000

Model 56.659 6 000

As shown in Table 4, Cox & Snell R2 is .202 while Nagelkerke R2 is .276 indicating that about
20.2% to 27.6% of variation in sleep disorder is caused due to age, getsleprec (problem of falling
asleep) and stayslrec (problem of staying asleep).
Table 4: Model Summery of logistic Regression Analysis of for sleep disorder
Step -2 log Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R
likehood square square
1 273.198 .202 .276

The goodness-of-fit is displayed in Table 5, The chi-square value is 7.156 with P-value .520
which is greater than 0.05indicating that model fits the data well.
Table 5: Hosmer and Lemeshow Test of goodness-of-fit of the logistic Regression for sleep
step Chi- df Sig.
1 7.156 8 .520

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The Classification table (Table 6) indicates that 60.9% were correctly classified for having sleep
disorder and 83.6% for not having any sleep problem. Overall 75.3% were correctly classified.
This is a considerable improvement on the 63.3% correct classification with the constant model so
we know that the model with predictors is a significantly better model.
Table 6: Classification Table of the logistic Regression for sleep disorder with Predictor
1.00 2.00 Percentage

Step 1 Probsleeprec 1.00 56 36 60.9
2.00 26 133 83.6

Overall percentage 75.3

A Logistic Regression Analysis was conducted to predict sleep disorder taking age, sex, hourwint
(hour sleep per week nights), getsleprec (problem of falling asleep) and stayslprec (problem of
staying asleep) as predictors. A test of full model against a constant only model was statistically
significant (chi square=56.659, p=0.000 with df= 6).
Cox and Snell R2 is .202 and Nagelkerke R2 is .276 indicating that about 20.2% to 27.6% of
variation in sleep disorder is caused by predictors taken. Prediction success overall was 75.3%
(60.9% for sleep disorder and 83.6% for no sleep disorder). The Wald criterion demonstrated that
hour sleep per week nights (p=0.015) and problem of falling asleep (p=0.000) significantly
contributed to prediction (as p < 0.05). While other predictors do not make significant contribution.
Exp(B) value for getsleprec (problem of falling asleep) is 6.144 indicates that when problem of
falling asleep is increased by one unit the odds ratio is 6 times large and therefore people with
problem of falling asleep are 6 more times likely to report sleep disorder.

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