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NAME: _________________________________________________ GRADE: 3rd “C”

TRAINEE: Mr. León Robles Luis DATE: __________________________________
1. Write the past tense of the verb TO BE for each personal pronoun (affirmative form).
a. I _______________ e. IT ___________________
b. YOU _______________ f. WE ___________________
c. HE _______________ g. YOU ___________________
d. SHE _______________ h. THEY ___________________

2. Complete the sentences using the past progressive tense in AFFIRMATIVE FORM
a. My friends and me________________________when the tremor started.(sleep)
b. I ______________________________________a shower at nine last night. (take)
c. Robert_ ________________________________ at school yesterday morning. (go)
d. Bryan and Mark___________________________History last Saturday. (study)

3. Find some mistakes and rewrite correctly the sentences.

a. My mother were cookin yesterday afternoon.
b. I were play soccer last Friday.
c. Robert and Mary was eat a pizza yesterday night.
d. We was studyig English at 9 yesterday.
4. Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use time expressions.
 At 4 o’clock
a. ______________________________________________________________  At 7 last night
 At 10 yesterday night
 Last Saturday night
 Last afternoon
b. _____________________________________________________________  Last Friday
 Yesterday morning
 Yesterday night
 In the morning
c. ______________________________________________________________  This afternoon
 This morning
 An hour ago
 30 minutes ago
d. ______________________________________________________________  At the break time
 At this time yesterday
5. Write sentences about what you were doing at these times.  When the tremor started

a. two hours ago.

b. At 6.00 a.m. this morning.
c. Last Saturday night.
d. Yesterday night.

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