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The Evaluation of Chronic Axonal

Michelle L. Mauermann, M.D.,1 and Ted M. Burns, M.D.2


In this article, we present an easy-to-remember method of evaluating neuro-

pathies. Our proposed method is based on asking four questions about the neuropathy and

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the patient: ‘‘What?,’’ ‘‘Where?,’’ ‘‘When?,’’ and ‘‘What setting?’’ Answering these questions
helps characterize the neuropathy, and this characterization enables the clinician to develop
a focused differential diagnosis and plan. After presenting this approach to evaluating
neuropathy, we discuss many of the most common chronic axonal neuropathies in the
context of this paradigm. Acquired demyelinating neuropathies and inherited neuropathies
are discussed in other articles in this issue of Seminars in Neurology.

KEYWORDS: Peripheral neuropathy, polyneuropathy, axonal neuropathies

P eripheral neuropathy has an estimated preva- (3) characterization of the neuropathy, and (4) execution
lence of 2 to 3% in the general population and a of a focused workup based on that characterization.5
prevalence as high as 8% in people older than 55 years.1,2 Step 3, the characterization of the neuropathy, is a
Evaluation for the cause is important because diagnosis critical, yet often overlooked step that when performed
of an underlying etiology may allow treatment that allows the clinician to engage in an appropriately focused
prevents progression to disability and poor quality of evaluation. We present our easy-to-remember method
life.3 However, the evaluating physician is faced with the for characterizing neuropathy, based on answering four
knowledge that there are more than 100 potential clinical questions about the neuropathy and the patient:
etiologies of polyneuropathy, yet approximately one ‘‘What?,’’ ‘‘Where?,’’ ‘‘When?,’’ and ‘‘What setting?’’
third of cases will remain idiopathic despite appropriate (Fig. 1).5 The usefulness of this characterization is
testing.1,3,4 This can contribute to uncertainty about the illustrated throughout this article. Electrodiagnostic
level of aggressiveness and the direction of the evalua- testing can be helpful in providing additional insight
tion. This sometimes leads to a ‘‘one size fits all’’ strategy, into the characterization of the neuropathy.
a strategy that is unfocused, inefficient, and costly, and
that sometimes places the patient at unnecessary risk of a
procedure-related complication (e.g., nerve biopsy, lum- WHAT?
bar puncture). The question ‘‘What?’’ refers to which nerve fiber modal-
The fundamental steps for evaluating patients ities (motor, sensory, autonomic, or a combination) are
with neuropathy are: (1) collection of clinical data involved. At a minimum, the identification of sensory
(history of present illness, detailed family history, exami- nerve involvement allows the clinician to exclude other
nation, etc), (2) determination of what data are relevant neuromuscular diseases not associated with sensory dys-
and what are not (to do this well requires, among other function, such as myopathies, neuromuscular transmis-
things, an understanding of risk factors for neuropathy), sion disorders or disease of the anterior horn cell (e.g.,

Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; @mayo.edu).
Department of Neurology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Neuromuscular Disorders; Guest Editor, Ted M. Burns, M.D.
Virginia. Semin Neurol 2008;28:133–151. Copyright # 2008 by Thieme
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Michelle L. Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001,
Mauermann, M.D., Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Street SW, Rochester, MN 55902 (e-mail: mauermann.michelle DOI 10.1055/s-2008-1062270. ISSN 0271-8235.

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Figure 1 A suggested construct for the approach to neuropathy, using the ‘‘what, where, when, and what setting’’ approach
to characterize the neuropathy and place the it into a presumed etiologic category. PNSS, positive neuropathic sensory
symptoms; CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth; HMSN, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies; GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome;
HNPP, hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies; CIDP, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuro-
pathy; HSN, hereditary sensory neuropathy; MMN, multifocal motor neuropathy.

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). When sensory symptoms (allodynia) or may report increased sensitivity to painful
and signs are present, the characterization of neuropathic stimuli (hyperalgesia). Most patients with neuropathy
sensory symptoms as being ‘‘positive’’ or ‘‘negative’’ acts as have some degree of motor nerve involvement (on
a diagnostic watershed (Fig. 1) because acquired neuro- examination or based on electrodiagnostic testing)
pathies are usually accompanied by positive neuropathic that is often overshadowed by their sensory complaints,
sensory symptoms and inherited neuropathies are usually although motor nerve or fiber symptoms are infre-
not accompanied by positive neuropathic sensory symp- quently the sole complaint. If the abnormalities are a
toms (although patients with inherited neuropathies dis- combination of motor and sensory involvement, it is
play signs of sensory nerve involvement with negative sometimes helpful for the clinician to rank them in
neuropathic sensory symptoms, such as sensory loss and order of symptom predominance (e.g., inflammatory
sensory ataxia).6 For example, in one cohort of more demyelinating neuropathies often manifest with weak-
than 60 patients with autosomal dominant inherited ness overshadowing sensory nerve fiber disturbance).
Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease 1A, only two sub- Establishment of autonomic nerve involvement can be
jects complained of positive neuropathic sensory symp- an important clue because the number of processes
toms.7 In contrast,  90% of patients with Guillain-Barré that affect both autonomic and somatic nerves is relati-
syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating vely few (Table 1).1,4,12 Autonomic symptoms include
polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), and alcoholic neuropa- lightheadedness, syncope, diarrhea, constipation, post-
thy note positive neuropathic sensory symptoms.8–11 Pos- prandial bloating, early satiety, urinary complaints,
itive neuropathic sensory symptoms may be painful erectile dysfunction, abnormal or absent sweating, and
(electric shock, burning, freezing, tightness and throb- dry mouth and eyes. Gastrointestinal dysmotility
bing) or painless (tingling, swelling, and bunched-up manifesting as constipation or postprandial bloating is
socks). Patients may also complain of discomfort or a particularly common accompaniment of paraneoplastic
pain to sensory stimuli that are normally not painful neuropathy.13–15 Autonomic nervous system involve-

Table 1 Polyneuropathies with Autonomic Nervous WHEN?

System Involvement155 ‘‘When?’’ refers to the temporal evolution of the neuro-
Acquired Causes pathy. Because of confusion over what is meant by acute,
Diabetes mellitus subacute and chronic, we prefer to describe symptom
Amyloidosis onset based on whether the neuropathic symptoms had a
Guillain-Barré syndrome compelling, definite date of onset. Most immune-medi-
Pandysautonomia (idiopathic or autoimmune) ated or infectious (Lyme neuroborreliosis) neuropathies
Paraneoplastic neuropathy have a definite date of onset. A less-exact date of onset
Sjögren’s syndrome–associated neuropathy suggests a toxic/metabolic, inherited, or idiopathic etiol-
Porphyria ogy (Fig. 1). The tempo following symptom onset is also
Vincristine induced an important consideration. Symptom onset and tempo
HIV-related neuropathy often correlate in a predictable manner, owing in large
Inherited part to the underlying mechanism. For example, patients
Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSAN) with GBS present with a definite date of onset followed
From Barohn RJ. Approach to peripheral neuropathy and neurono-
by rapid progression of impairment and disability. The
pathy. Semin Neurol 1998;18:7–18. symptom onset date of an inherited neuropathy, however,
usually can only be grossly estimated, and the progression

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following symptom onset is almost always gradual.
ment is also early and prominent in primary systemic
amyloidosis and GBS.16–22 When the complaints do not
clearly implicate pathology in the autonomic nervous WHAT SETTING?
system, autonomic testing may sometimes be helpful, ‘‘What setting?’’ refers to the process of elaborating the
and when performed should be targeted for the func- unique clinical circumstance of the patient. This is done
tional domain that may be impaired. by determining what in the patient’s past medical his-
tory, medication list, social history, family history, and
the review of systems may be germane. An understand-
WHERE? ing of the significance of these clinical factors requires
‘‘Where?’’ refers to the distribution of nerve involvement knowledge of the risk factors of neuropathy and knowl-
in terms of (1) the global distribution throughout the edge of the clinical features of the diseases that are risk
body and (2) the distribution of involvement along the factors for neuropathy. When constructing the patient’s
nerve(s). It is especially critical to determine whether a clinical setting, the clinician must remember to consider
neuropathic process is length-dependent (i.e., distal) or first the common causes of neuropathy (e.g., diabetes,
not (Fig. 1). Length-dependent neuropathies manifest alcohol abuse, genetic causes) and search aggressively for
first in the feet and are symmetrical. Non–length-de- any clinical clues that might suggest these etiologies.
pendent neuropathies are not necessarily first evident in This is perhaps most important when evaluating a
the feet. Whether a neuropathy is symmetrical or not is patient for an inherited neuropathy, given that one third
another diagnostic watershed (Fig. 1). Symmetrical neu- to one half of all neuropathies are likely inherited. At a
ropathies are usually metabolic, toxic, idiopathic, or minimum, the clinician should ask specifically about
inherited, whereas asymmetrical neuropathies are often each first-degree relative: ‘‘Please tell me about your
immune-mediated or infectious. Some examples of non– siblings, and did any sibling have complaints similar to
length-dependent neuropathies are polyradiculopathies yours?’’; ‘‘Did either parent or any sibling have a problem
(e.g., Lyme neuroborreliosis, cytomegalovirus [CMV] with his or her feet or with walking?’’; ‘‘Do any of your
polyradiculitis, sarcoid polyradiculopathy), polyradiculo- siblings or parents have high arches or curled toes?’’ The
neuropathies (e.g., GBS, CIDP, diabetic and nondiabetic patient should be queried also about cousins, aunts, and
radiculoplexus neuropathy), dorsal root polygangliono- uncles. Family members should be examined whenever
pathies (e.g., paraneoplastic subacute sensory neuronop- possible. By asking specific questions about family and
athy, immune-mediated sensory ganglionopathy), examining relatives whenever possible, clues are often
plexopathies (often immune-mediated), and mononeur- uncovered that would have otherwise never been men-
itis multiplex (usually caused by vasculitis). There are, of tioned by the patient, in part because family members
course, exceptions, such as the clinical presentation of often have alternative explanations for the symptoms
recurrent, painless, transient mononeuropathies in he- (age, arthritis, etc.). For example, in one of our patients,
reditary neuropathy (with liability to pressure) palsy a delay in diagnosis of inherited neuropathy occurred
(HNPP)23 and the asymmetrical or unilateral brachial because the mother was queried about symptoms of
plexopathy of hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (which, neuropathy but not examined at the son’s initial visit;
although being inherited, likely has an immune-mediated it was only at follow-up that the mother was examined
component in its pathogenesis).24 and subsequently diagnosed with neuropathy, prompting

further investigation and identification of a specific Once the physician has achieved familiarity with
inherited neuropathy.25 the patient’s unique clinical setting, he or she must
Second in importance to a detailed family history consider whether the rest of the neuropathy character-
in defining the clinical setting may be obtaining a izations (the what, where, and when?) fit with the
detailed history of alcohol intake, particularly if the clinical setting, and also must consider other possible
physician encounters vague responses to questioning etiologies before implicating a disease or other risk factor
about alcohol intake. In many instances it is illuminating as the cause of the neuropathy. For example, the co-
to probe more into an alcohol consumption history, but morbidity of DM in a patient with neuropathy does not
this must be done in a manner that the patient finds to be prove diabetes is causative, as it is posited that 2% of type
nonjudgmental and nonthreatening. 1 diabetics and 6% of type 2 diabetics have causes other
Past medical and medication histories are obvi- than diabetes for their neuropathy.26
ously also very important considerations for elaborating While this algorithm (Fig. 1) works for the vast
the patient’s unique clinical setting. Diabetes mellitus majority of neuropathy presentations there are excep-
(DM), end-stage renal disease, vitamin deficiency, HIV, tions. Some notable exceptions are: distal symmetric
and paraproteinemia are just some of the disorders that presentation of neuropathies associated with systemic
are risk factors for development of neuropathy. Toxic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren’s syndrome and parapro-
neuropathy caused by medication is uncommon other teinemia, positive neuropathic sensory symptoms in fam-

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than in the setting of certain chemotherapeutic or anti- ilial amyloid neuropathy and CMT with MPZ mutations
HIV treatment exposures (Table 2), but it is still more and the acute onset of multiple mononeuropathies in
common than industrial and environmental neuropa- hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies.
thies. Age is another important consideration: young
patients are much more likely to have a genetic-based
neuropathy, elderly patients are much more likely to ELECTRODIAGNOSTIC TESTING
have an idiopathic neuropathy, and middle-age patients The fifth step for characterizing a neuropathy uses
are more likely to have acquired neuropathies. electrodiagnostic testing. Electrodiagnostic testing can
confirm (or rarely refute) the clinical characterization in
Table 2 Some Medications That May Cause terms of what and where, as well as provide another view
Neuropathy156 of the temporal evolution (when). Electrodiagnostic test-
Anti-infectious medications ing can also characterize the neuropathy as being primar-
Chloroquine ily axonal or demyelinating. The metabolic, toxic, and
Dapsone idiopathic neuropathies usually manifest with prominent
Isoniazid axonal injury, whereas immune-mediated and inherited
Metronidazole neuropathies may be either predominantly axonal or pre-
Nitrofurantoin dominantly demyelinating. For example, GBS and CIDP
Dideoxycytidine and other nucleoside analogs are two relatively common immune-mediated neuro-
Chemotherapy and anticancer medications pathies that are predominantly demyelinating.8,27–30
Cisplatinum CMT1, the most common inherited sensorimotor neuro-
Taxanes (paclitaxel and docetaxel) pathy, is predominantly demyelinating, whereas CMT2
Suramin is predominantly axonal.31 Electrodiagnostic testing can
Thalidomide also assess for subclinical involvement and provide baseline
Vincristine parameters in case future electrodiagnostic testing is
Antirheumatic and immunosuppressant medications necessary to monitor the patient’s course.
Cardiovascular medications ETIOLOGIES OF CHRONIC AXONAL
Perhexiline Metabolic Etiologies
Psychiatric and sedative medications CLINICAL PRESENTATION (MOST COMMON)
Disulfiram What? Sensory or sensorimotor; positive neuro-
Other medications pathic sensory symptoms.
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) Where? Distal, symmetrical (i.e., length
Phenytoin dependent).
From Lewis RA. Toxic and deficiency neuropathies. Continuum.
When? Usually gradual onset but may vary.
Lifelong Learning in Neurology 2003;9:160–181. Patients may be able to report the month or season of

onset, but it is unusual for a patient to report a more dL ( 11.1 mmol/L) during an oral glucose tolerance
definite date of onset. Progression is gradual over test (OGTT) on two occasions on different days is
months to years. necessary to diagnose DM. HgA1c helps to demonstrate
What setting? No family history of neuropathy, glycemic control over the previous 3 months but should
no foot deformities, onset in adulthood; consider co- not be used for diagnosis. Hence, there is little reason for
morbidities (e.g., prior medical history of diabetes) or a neurologist to be checking HbA1c levels unless he or
risk factors for development of them (e.g., family history she is also managing a patient’s DM. In DPN, the most
of diabetes). common electrodiagnostic test abnormality is reduced
lower extremity sensory nerve action potential amplitudes
(SNAPs). Motor responses can be normal, but often
Diabetes Mellitus show mild abnormalities. A purely small-fiber neuro-
pathy will have normal electrodiagnostic test results.37,38
Diabetes mellitus is common and it commonly causes IMPAIRED GLUCOSE METABOLISM AND NEUROPATHY
neuropathy. The prevalence of diagnosed DM is 5% for The 2003 American Diabetic Association (ADA) guide-
U.S. adults older than 20 years of age and 20% for U.S. lines defined impaired fasting glucose (IFG) as a plasma
adults older than 60 years.32,33 Neuropathy affects 50% glucose level greater than > 100 and < 126 mg/dL and

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of insulin-receiving diabetics, making it the most com- impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) as a 2-hour glucose
mon cause of neuropathy in developed Western coun- level between 140 and 199 mg/dL after a 75-g oral
tries.12 Unlike most etiologies of neuropathy, there are glucose load. Both IFG and IGT are indicative of
many different diabetic neuropathies with distinct man- impaired glucose metabolism. Impaired glucose metab-
ifestations, including distal sensory or sensorimotor olism is associated with macrovascular disease such as
polyneuropathy (most common) and diabetic radiculo- myocardial infarction, stroke, and peripheral vascular
plexus neuropathy.34 disease as well as microvascular disease such as retinop-
athy and nephropathy.39 In addition, impaired glucose
Diabetic Polyneuropathy Diabetic polyneuropathy metabolism has recently been suggested as a cause of
(DPN) symptoms are often predated by silent dysfunc- chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy (CIAP). Some
tion of the nerves with few symptoms,35 but with feel that it might be representative of an earlier form of
progression, positive neuropathic sensory symptoms diabetic sensory or sensorimotor neuropathy associated
and signs predominate with pain, tingling, or burning. with prolonged hyperglycemia.
A definite date of onset is atypical and the course is The association between impaired glucose metab-
slowly progressive, symmetrical, and length dependent olism and neuropathy has been suggested by several
(almost exclusively involving distal lower extremities). retrospective studies.40–43 These studies showed an in-
The frequency of DPN increases with duration of creased incidence of DM and impaired glucose metab-
diabetes and hyperglycemia.12 The neuropathy coexists olism with CIAP, and this was most commonly
with other noninflammatory microvascular disease such associated with a painful sensory predominant neuro-
as retinopathy and nephropathy. In fact, if retinopathy pathy.40,41,43,44 Some have suggested the neuropathy of
and nephropathy are absent, other etiologies of neuro- impaired glucose metabolism more often involves pre-
pathy warrant more consideration. The development of dominantly small fibers compared with the neuropathy
24-hour microalbuminuria is a significant risk factor for associated with diabetes and chronic hyperglycemia,
worsening of nerve function due to diabetes.35 which more commonly involves both small and large
fibers.39,42 However, others have shown associations
Diabetic Radiculoplexus Neuropathy Diabetes mel- with either a sensory (small or large) or sensorimotor
litus appears to be a risk factor for the development of (small and large) neuropathy.43 The reported limitations
lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy. Lumbosacral of these studies include inclusion of preselected patients
radiculoplexus neuropathy and diabetic lumbosacral with certain types of neuropathies, referral bias, insuffi-
radiculoplexus neuropathy are vasculitic neuropathies, cient exclusion of other causes of neuropathy, and use of
however, and best classified as immune-mediated previously published control populations, of which the
radiculoplexus neuropathies rather than metabolic reported incidence of impaired glucose metabolism may
neuropathies. Diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus not be accurate or representative of the cohort with
neuropathy appears to affect 1% of type 2 diabetics.36 disease.45 Sumner and colleagues reported that the
This will be discussed further in the Immune-Mediated neuropathy associated with impaired glucose metabo-
section. lism may be an earlier, less severe form of diabetic
neuropathy, based on the demonstration of compara-
Fasting plasma glucose  126 mg/dL tively mild abnormality with respect to intraepidermal
( 7.0 mmol/L) or 2-hour postload glucose  200 mg/ nerve fiber density, sural nerve amplitude, sural nerve

velocity, peroneal nerve velocity, and electromyographic duction velocities, and low or absent compound muscle
change.42 There was also a trend toward a shorter action potential (CMAP) and SNAP amplitudes.50
duration of symptoms.
In apparent conflict with these retrospective re-
ports is one prospective trial by Hughes and colleagues46 Thiamine Deficiency
that compared 50 patients with CIAP with 50 control
individuals. The study found 32% of patients and 14% of ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY
controls had impaired glucose tolerance or fasting hyper- Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency is seen most com-
glycemia. However, when these results were adjusted for monly in chronic alcohol abuse, recurrent vomiting, total
age and gender, the difference was not significant for parenteral nutrition, and following weight reduction
either the entire cohort or the painful symptoms sub- surgery (bariatric surgery).53 Deficiency also can occur
group. These authors instead found a significant associ- in individuals with chronic gastrointestinal problems or
ation with hypertriglyceridemia. These conflicting those who are elderly, on cancer treatment, or those who
results suggest further studies may be needed before are receiving diuretic therapy. Severe deficiency causes
concluding an association. congestive heart failure (wet beriberi), peripheral neuro-
In evaluation of impaired glucose metabolism, pathy (e.g., dry beriberi), Wernicke’s encephalopathy,
many authors suggest that the 2-hour OGTT is a more and Korsakoff’s syndrome. Symptoms and signs of mild

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sensitive measure of abnormal glucose metabolism com- to moderate thiamine deficiency are nonspecific. Mod-
pared with fasting plasma glucose or HgA1c.41,43,44 erate deficiency can affect intellectual performance and
Based on the current information, most authors suggest well-being in the absence of other clinical symptoms.
checking OGTT in all patients with distal axonal sensory Thiamine-deficiency neuropathy should be considered
or sensorimotor neuropathy.42 Small studies have dem- in patients who abuse alcohol or have had bariatric
onstrated reduced distal epidermal nerve fiber density in surgery (e.g., for morbid obesity). Extreme weight loss
patients with impaired glucose tolerance, which is less following bariatric surgery places patients at risk of
severe but similar to that found in diabetes.47 Further malnutrition, including thiamine deficiency, particularly
studies in large numbers of patients are needed to see if if follow-up with a nutritionist is suboptimal. In a large
skin biopsy may be helpful in evaluating these patients. series of patients who underwent weight reduction
bariatric surgery, 6% developed neuropathy, and in
some of these cases it appeared that nutritional defi-
Uremia ciency, including thiamine deficiency, was pathogenic.54
Patients with thiamine deficiency may complain of
ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY fatigue, irritability, and muscle cramps that develop
Uremia is the accumulation in the blood of constituents within days to weeks of nutritional deficiency.53
normally eliminated in the urine that produces toxicity
and occurs in severe kidney disease. Uremic neuropathy NEUROPATHY
occurs in 10 to 83% of patients with chronic renal failure Neuropathy associated with thiamine deficiency may
who are on dialysis, although today it is less common due present suddenly or gradually with distal, symmetrical,
to renal transplant.48–52 sensory, or sensorimotor neuropathy with positive neu-
ropathic sensory symptoms.54 In contrast to alcoholic
NEUROPATHY neuropathy, thiamine-deficient patients have more
The neuropathy in uremia is distally predominant, sym- large-fiber (weakness, impairment of deep and super-
metrical, and slowly progressive. Symptoms include neg- ficial sensation, less pain) than small-fiber impairment.11
ative neuropathic sensory symptoms and positive Evaluation for thiamine deficiency should include
neuropathic sensory symptoms such as paresthesias and measurement of whole blood thiamine. Testing of serum
burning feet.50,51 Restless legs, cramps, and weakness are or plasma thiamine levels has low sensitivity and specif-
also common. Both small and large-fiber sensory loss and icity, in part because only a small fraction of blood
motor involvement occur.50,51 Other systemic disorders thiamine is contained in serum or plasma. Thiamine
associated with renal failure must be alternatively con- diphosphate, the active form of thiamine, is most ap-
sidered as causing the neuropathy, such as DM, amyloi- propriately measured to assess thiamine status. Thiamine
dosis, or vasculitis.51 Drug-induced neuropathy also diphosphate in circulating blood is present in erythro-
needs to be considered in this population of patients. cytes, but is undetectable in the plasma and serum of
The diagnosis should be strongly considered in normal controls. High-performance liquid chromatog-
patients with end-stage renal failure with a creatinine of raphy (HPLC) analysis of thiamine diphosphate in
5 mg/dL or higher or creatinine clearance of less than 12 whole blood or erythrocytes is the most sensitive, spe-
mL/min.50,51 Electrodiagnostic testing may demonstrate cific, and precise method for determining the nutritional
slightly prolonged distal motor latencies, slowed con- status of thiamine and is a reliable indicator of total body

stores.55 Transketolase (TK) assay, once considered the taneously in the hands and feet, is not uncommon in
preferred test to determine thiamine status, is now cobalamin-deficient neuropathy þ /  myelopathy. Also,
considered inferior because of low sensitivity and spe- symptom onset may be sudden with a definite date.
cificity. Electrodiagnostic testing shows reduction in Thus, cobalamin-deficiency neuropathy often presents
CMAP and SNAP amplitudes with predominant differently than do other metabolic neuropathies. Pain is
large-fiber loss.11 also less likely to occur.60 Myelopathy is frequent in
cobalamin-deficiency, sometimes serving as a clue to
diagnosis, and it may be difficult to determine whether
Hypothyroid the sensory symptoms are caused by myelopathy or
ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY Workup of cobalamin deficiency should include a
Hypothyroidism is common with an incidence of 3.5 serum B12 level. It has been suggested with cobalamin
cases per 1000 women per year and of 0.6 cases per 1000 levels in the low-normal range (but less than 300 pg/mL),
men per year.56 In one study of newly diagnosed that testing of serum homocysteine and methylmalonic
patients, 42% had clinical symptoms and signs of distal, acid will demonstrate cobalamin deficiency in 5 to 10%;
symmetrical, sensory-predominant neuropathy with de- and in 0.1 to 1% of those with a serum cobalamin level
creased ankle reflexes; however, only 17% were con- of greater than 300 pg/mL.60 In cobalamin-deficient

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firmed by electrodiagnostic testing.57 Hypothyroidism states, homocysteine and/or methylmalonic acid levels
should be considered in patients with fatigue, weakness, will be elevated. Patients are more likely to have
weight gain, cold intolerance, coarse dry hair and skin, elevated mean corpuscular volume (MCV), but the
constipation, depression, and abnormal menstrual cycles. incidence of anemia is probably not higher.60 Electro-
diagnostic testing may demonstrate axonal involvement.
NEUROPATHY Somatosensory-evoked potentials and radiological in-
Symptoms of hypothyroid neuropathy include positive vestigation may be helpful in demonstrating evidence of
neuropathic sensory symptoms, mainly paresthesias and coexisting myelopathy.
pain, and negative neuropathic sensory symptoms.
Weakness is a common complaint but it is less often
evident on examination. Neuropathy caused by hypo- TOXIC ETIOLOGIES
thyroidism should be considered in a patient with What? Sensory or sensorimotor; positive neuro-
symptoms of hypothyroidism (see previous paragraph). pathic sensory symptoms including pain. Autonomic
Screening of hypothyroidism should begin with nerve involvement not uncommon.
measurement of thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hor- Where? Distal, symmetrical (i.e., length depend-
mone [TSH]), followed by a free thyroxine (T4) level if ent), or symmetrical but not distal if toxin causes a
the thyrotropin level is elevated. Electrodiagnostic eval- sensory neuronopathy (dorsal root polyganglionopathy).
uation in hypothyroidism shows evidence for both axo- When? Varies, depending on toxin and dose.
nal and demyelinating features.57,58 Patients with alcoholic neuropathy may be able to report
a month or season of onset but typically not an exact date
of onset. Patients with other toxic neuropathies may
Cobalamin Deficiency report a definite date of onset if exposure was acute and
taken at a high dose. Progression varies based on toxin
ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY and dose, and usually stabilizes or improves with cessa-
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency occurs in up to 15% tion. Consider comorbidities (e.g., alcoholism) and
of people older than 60 years.59 Pernicious anemia is the therapies of comorbidities.
most common cause of cobalamin deficiency, with other What setting? No family history of neuropathy,
causes including dietary avoidance (vegetarians), gastrec- no foot deformities, onset in adulthood following ex-
tomy, gastric bypass surgery, and nitrous oxide abuse. In posure; consider comorbidities and treatments (e.g.,
a cohort of patients undergoing evaluation for neuro- chemotherapy) and other risk factors (e.g., accidental
pathy, cobalamin deficiency was found in 8%.60 exposures). Systemic symptoms (e.g., weight loss, gas-
trointestinal) are common.
Although many patients have distal numbness and
paresthesias, similar to other metabolic neuropathies, a Pharmaceutical, Industrial, and Environmental
large percentage of patients actually present in a non– Toxins
length-dependent distribution, perhaps owing in part to Several pharmaceutical agents, industrial and envi-
concurrent development of myelopathy. For example, ronmental agents, and substances of abuse may cause
onset of sensory symptoms, first in the hands or simul- neuropathy, most commonly in the form of a

length-dependent, sensory, predominant axonal neuro- of patients had electrophysiological evidence of poly-
pathy.61 However, except for neuropathy caused by neuropathy and one fourth had autonomic neuropathy.67
alcohol, toxic neuropathies are probably overinvesti- The direct toxic effect of alcohol on peripheral nerves
gated and overdiagnosed3; in fact, they probably repre- seems to be the most important etiology.68 Other
sent well below 5% of cases of chronic distal, investigators prospectively identified neuropathy in
symmetrical, sensory, or sensorimotor neuropathies.62 58% of alcoholics, which correlated with the age of the
Nonetheless, prompt identification of a toxic neuro- patient and the duration of alcohol use.68
pathy is important because removal of any harmful
agent may lead to improvement or resolution of neuro- NEUROPATHY
pathy. The list of potentially offending agents that we Alcoholic neuropathy is distal, symmetrical, sensory
provide in Table 2 is long and includes many common predominant, and slowly progressive. There are positive
medications and agents that the population is frequently neuropathic sensory symptoms of pain and/or burning
exposed to in low doses. The relative risk estimate of the and loss of superficial sensation, particularly nociception,
drug causing neuropathy must be considered in the on examination.10,11,67 In one study, the neuropathy was
context of the overall prevalence of neuropathy in pure sensory (47%) or sensory-predominant sensorimo-
the general population, the likelihood the neuropathy tor (53%).11
has an alternative cause, temporal association of drug With respect to laboratory features, in one series,

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and neuropathy, the degree of impairment, disability 47% of alcohol-dependent patients with neuropathy had
and impaired quality of life, and the salutary effects of macrocytosis compared with 7% of alcohol-dependent
the drug. It is our experience that more often than not patients without neuropathy.68 Patients often had normal
the commonly prescribed drugs are not the cause of a vitamin B12 levels with absence of clinical or other
neuropathy. The most frequent offenders are some of laboratory features of malnutrition. Also a higher inci-
the chemotherapeutic agents and some of the anti-HIV dence of liver dysfunction (81% versus 61%) and elevated
drugs. When a drug or toxin is suspected, the exposure blood sugars (28% versus 5%) occurred in patients with
must be verified, the symptoms must be temporally neuropathy than in those without neuropathy.68 Fre-
related to the toxin, and other causes must be ruled quently, alcoholic neuropathy coexists with thiamine-
out. Furthermore, some clinical improvement or at least deficient neuropathy. It is important to assess thiamine
stabilization should occur following removal of the status in all alcoholics with neuropathy and replace thi-
offending agent, although this may take months to years amine if patients are found to be thiamine deficient.11
to occur.63 Medication-induced neuropathy is more The electrodiagnostic examination demonstrates sensory
common than industrial and environmental neuropa- or sensorimotor axonal involvement, and nerve biopsy
thies. The neuropathy of heavy metal intoxication is reveals small, rather than large, myelinated fiber loss with
very rare and is usually accompanied by a combination of axonal degeneration, demyelination, and remyelination.11
gastrointestinal, hematologic, and central nervous sys-
tems problems. Although heavy metal analysis is rou-
tinely obtained for evaluation of neuropathy, it is rarely INFECTIOUS ETIOLOGIES
ever useful unless there is a strong suspicion for heavy What? Sensory or sensorimotor; positive neuro-
metal exposure and the neuropathy is acute or subacute.1 pathic sensory symptoms, especially pain.
Chemicals that can, although rarely, cause neuropathy Where? Depends on the infection. HIV neuro-
at toxic doses include acrylamide, carbamates, carbon pathy often presents with a distal, symmetrical distribu-
disulfide, ethylene glycol, organophosphates, and hex- tion, but others (e.g., Lyme, hepatitis C virus [HCV],
acarbons.64 sarcoidosis, leprosy, sporotrichosis69) usually do not.
Lyme and sarcoidosis often present with painful, asym-
metrical polyradiculoneuropathy. HCV associated with
Alcohol Abuse mixed cryoglobulinemia and sporotrichosis may present
with mononeuritis multiplex, asymmetrical distal-pre-
ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY dominant neuropathy or even a distal, symmetrical
The prevalence of alcohol abuse and dependence is polyneuropathy.
estimated to be as high as 10 to 20% of the primary When? Definite date of onset is typical, partic-
care population.65,66 The prevalence of neuropathy in ularly for Lyme and sarcoidosis.
alcoholics is uncertain, although one study of hospital- What setting? No family history of neuropathy,
ized patients admitting to daily alcohol intake of more no foot deformities, onset in adulthood following ex-
than 100 g for men and 80 g for women (10 oz. of beer, posure; consider risk factors (e.g., HIV risk factors, tick
1 oz of liquor, and 3 to 4 oz of wine each have 10 g of bite, previous transfusions, residence in endemic areas,
alcohol) for 2 years or more (mean of 238  120 g for a environmental risks). Systemic symptoms (e.g., weight
period of 22.7  10.2 years) demonstrated that one third loss, rash, fatigue, fevers) are common.

Hepatitis C Virus Pathological findings include multifocal fiber loss with

perivascular epineurial inflammation, sometimes sugges-
ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY tive of nerve microvasculitis.71
Hepatitis C virus is the most common chronic blood-
borne viral infection in the United States. The third
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Lyme Disease
(NHANES) found that 1.8% of Americans have been
infected with HCV, and most are chronically infected.70 INFECTION AND ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY
Neuropathy in HCV may affect 10% of patients,71,72 Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi infection
and the prevalence increases to up to 30% in those transmitted by the Ixodes tick. Lyme disease occurs in
positive for mixed (type II or type III) cryoglobulins.73 certain geographic locations (e.g., Northeast and Upper
The mechanism of nerve injury may be virus-triggered Midwest in the United States) but not in others. It is
nerve microvasculitis rather than direct viral nerve in- helpful for the evaluating physician to be familiar with
fection with in situ replication.71 The exact pathophy- the endemic areas (available online at multiple Web
siological role of cryoglobulins in HCV neuropathy is sites; search, for example, for ‘‘Lyme endemic areas’’).
unclear. Some investigators have posited that intravas- Lyme infection is much more common during spring
cular deposits of cryoglobulins lead to interference of the through fall. In 2005, 23,000 cases of Lyme disease

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vasa nervorum microcirculation.73 The finding that not were reported in the United States.79 The infection
all HCV patients with neuropathy have detectable serum requires prolonged exposure to the tick (24 to 48 hours),
cryoglobulins raises the question of whether there are which allows proliferation of the spirochete and dis-
other mechanisms for nerve injury.72 semination into the host. In 80% of infected individ-
uals, Lyme disease manifests first with erythema
NEUROPATHY migrans, a painless and nonpruritic skin lesion that
In HCV neuropathy, positive neuropathic sensory symp- evolves over days to weeks.80 Patients typically have
toms such as burning, prickling, and pain are pro- flulike symptoms and may have infection of large joints,
minent.74 The neuropathy in HCV with mixed heart, meninges, or peripheral nerve. Nervous system
cryoglobulinemia may present as a distal, asymmetrical involvement occurs in 10 to 40% of patients with Lyme
(or less commonly symmetrical), sensory, or sensorimo- disease.81
tor polyneuropathy71,73 or as mononeuritis multiplex.71
Patients with HCV neuropathy and mixed cryo- NEUROPATHY
globulinemia may be otherwise asymptomatic or report Approximately 15% of patients develop neurological
accompanying symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, complications days to weeks following untreated infec-
nausea, weight loss, fever, weakness, and arthralgias.71,75 tion.80 The most typical neuropathic manifestation is
Palpable purpura on the ankles, for example, is common painful polyradiculoneuropathy and lymphocytic menin-
and should be looked for on examination.76 gitis, accompanied by cranial neuropathy in 30 to 50% of
The primary serologic screening assay for HCV patients.81 The polyradiculopathy or polyradiculoneur-
infection is an enzyme immunoassay that is able to opathy is typically sensorimotor, painful, asymmetrical,
detect antibodies within 4 to 10 weeks after infection, and non–length dependent due to involvement of nerve
missing only 0.5 to 1% of cases. Recombinant im- roots. Rarely, patients present with what looks like
munoblot assays are used to confirm the serologic mononeuritis multiplex.82 Electrodiagnostic testing con-
assay. HCV RNA tests are used to confirm viremia.70 firms a polyradiculopathy or polyradiculoneuropathy and
Cryoglobulins are single (type I) or mixed (types II reveals primarily axonal damage.83 Approximately 5% of
and III) immunoglobulins (Igs) that precipitate as the untreated patients develop a chronic axonal neuropathy,
serum is cooled below core body temperature.77 Blood occurring a median of 16 months after the initial in-
should be collected in a syringe prewarmed to 378C.78 fection,80,81 with symptoms of relatively symmetrical,
It should be allowed to clot for 30 minutes and distal paresthesias. The chronic axonal neuropathy may
then be centrifuged at 378C. The plasma and serum occur in the setting of encephalopathy or encephalomye-
are separated and both incubated for 24 hours at 18C. litis.81
The samples are assessed at 24 hours and 7 days Serum IgM for B. burgdorferi infection has a
for precipitate78 because type I and type II cryoglo- sensitivity of 32% in acute disease, and IgG has a
bulins usually precipitate quickly, whereas type III cry- sensitivity of 83% in established disease.84 Serologies
oglobulins can take up to 7 days. The precipitates are then may be negative early in the course and should be
characterized and typed using immunofixation. The elec- repeated if the clinical suspicion is high. Positive serol-
trodiagnostic study will demonstrate an axonal, sensor- ogies should be confirmed by Western blot. Spinal
imotor neuropathy that is often asymmetrical71 or fluid analysis in acute disease typically shows modest
involves multiple nerves as a mononeuritis multiplex. lymphocytic pleocytosis and mild increase in protein

concentration.84 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Lyme poly- ment or enhancement of affected nerves.93 Electrodiag-
merase chain reaction (PCR) has 40 to 50% sensitivity nostic testing usually reveals an asymmetrical, multifocal
and 97% specificity.81 axonal process.93,95

Sarcoidosis Human Immunodeficiency Virus


Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disease. The Approximately one million people in the United States
causative agent or agents for sarcoidosis are not yet were infected with HIV at the end of 2003, and one
known, but an infectious etiology is probable. The quarter of them were unaware of the infection.96
diagnosis of sarcoidosis usually requires the presence of Symptomatic neuropathies occur in 10 to 15% of
typical clinical and radiological findings, histological HIV-1 infected patients, and the incidence increases
evidence of a noncaseating epithelioid-cell granuloma, as the CD4 count declines and the immunodeficiency
and exclusion of other disorders known to cause gran- worsens.97
ulomatous disease.85 Sarcoidosis affecting the central or
peripheral nervous system (neurosarcoidosis) occurs in NEUROPATHY

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only 5 percent of cases of sarcoidosis.86–88 Manifes- Distal, symmetrical, sensory polyneuropathy, the most
tations of neurosarcoidosis include cranial nerve palsies, common HIV neuropathy presentation, is present in
meningeal involvement, central nervous system involve- 35 to 44% of patients with AIDS (e.g., CD4 counts
ment, myopathy, and peripheral neuropathy. Cases af- < 200).97 Distal, symmetrical, sensory polyneuropathy
fecting the spinal roots or peripheral nerves are even less presents with distal pain, paresthesias, and numbness in a
frequent, representing only 1% of total sarcoidosis symmetrical, length-dependent manner. It involves sen-
cases.89–92 sory or sensorimotor nerve fibers and is gradually pro-
gressive. Thus, HIV neuropathy, in contrast to the other
NEUROPATHY infectious neuropathies, manifests like a metabolic or
The neuropathy of sarcoidosis affects sensory and toxic neuropathy. In fact, it is clinically similar to the
motor nerve fibers and is almost always accompanied toxic neuropathies caused by HIV antiretroviral agents
by positive neuropathic sensory symptoms, especially ddC, ddI, and d4T.98
pain, which is usually prominent.93 The distribution is Polyradiculopathy is a much less common pre-
usually asymmetrical and often not length-dependent; sentation for neuropathy in an HIV-infected patient.
it frequently involves nerve roots. The most common Acute polyradiculopathy (GBS presentation) can occur,
presentations are polyradiculoneuropathies followed rarely, at the time of seroconversion (CD4 counts
by polyneuropathy.93 Less common patterns are mul-  500). Polyradiculopathy can also be seen in moderately
tiple mononeuropathies, polyradiculopathy, and radi- advanced HIV (CD4 counts 200 to 500) as a CIDP. In
culoplexus neuropathy. A small-fiber neuropathy has both cases, CSF examination typically demonstrates
also been reported to commonly occur in sarcoido- lymphocytosis of 10 to 50 cells/mm3.99 Co-infection
sis.94 Pain can be a disabling symptom requiring with other viruses, such as HCV, CMV, and human
narcotics. Onset is typically abrupt with a definite T-cell leukemia virus I (HTLV-1), may occur.97,99
date of onset.92,93 Accompanying cranial neuropathies Mononeuritis multiplex is another infrequent
and/or thoracic radiculopathies are seen in approxi- presentation of neuropathy that can occur as a compli-
mately one third of patients.93 Neuropathy often cation of HIV (0.1 to 3% of patients). Mononeuritis
occurs in the setting of fatigue, malaise, fever, and multiplex can occur at seroconversion or late stages.97,100
unexplained weight loss in many patients.93 At the At seroconversion, the neuropathy is self-limited and
time of the diagnosis of neuropathy, arthralgias, skin, either immune or vasculitic in nature.97
and eye involvement are also commonly encoun- In advanced HIV (CD4 counts < 50), co-
tered.93 infection with CMV can cause painful mononeuritis
Chest imaging should be performed in all sus- multiplex, polyradiculoneuropathy, or polyradiculop-
pected cases, as a suggestive abnormality, such as hilar athy.97,99,101 CSF demonstrates polymorphonuclear
adenopathy, is found in the majority of cases of sarcoi- pleocytosis in only 15%, but CMV PCR in CSF is
dosis.93 Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is positive in 90% of cases.99
elevated in approximately one fourth of patients with Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome
peripheral nerve sarcoidosis. CSF protein concentration (CD4 counts < 260)99 is a rare cause of neuropathy in
is usually elevated and one third of patients demonstrate HIV. It presents subacutely with a painful, distal, sym-
CSF pleocytosis.93,95 Magnetic resonance imaging metrical or asymmetrical, sensory, or sensorimotor poly-
(MRI) is sometimes helpful by demonstrating enlarge- neuropathy. The syndrome resembles Sjögren’s

syndrome (SS) with CD8 hyperlymphocytosis of salivary IMMUNE-MEDIATED

glands, lungs, kidneys, gut, and peripheral nerves.99,102 What? Sensory or sensorimotor; positive neuro-
Electrodiagnostic testing demonstrates axonal damage. pathic sensory symptoms, especially pain.
Screening for HIV for patients who present with Where? Usually not length dependent. GBS and
a distal, symmetrical polyneuropathy should depend in CIDP typically present as a polyradiculoneuropathy.
part on the patient’s risk factors and the prevalence of Many other immune-mediated neuropathies present
HIV in the patient’s community.103 Rapid HIV testing with an asymmetrical distribution.
has a sensitivity of 99 to 100% and specificity of 99 to When? Definite date of onset is common.
100%, depending on the test.104 What setting? No family history of neuropathy,
no foot deformities, onset in adulthood; patients may
have symptoms suggestive of more widespread auto-
Leprosy immunity (e.g., sicca complex) or may have a diagnosis
of an autoimmune disease (e.g., Sjögren’s or rheumatoid
ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY arthritis). Systemic symptoms (e.g., weight loss, rash,
Leprosy remains the most important infectious neuro- fatigue, fevers) are common. Many autoimmune diseases
pathy worldwide with 3 million active cases.105 It is affect women more than men.
very prevalent in Southeast Asia, India, Africa, and

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Central and South America. Leprosy is transmitted
through nasal droplets and then spreads by hematoge- Vasculitis
nous dissemination to skin and nerves with an incuba-
tion period of up to many years.106,107 ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY
From a clinical standpoint, vasculitis of nerve should be
NEUROPATHY viewed as being either systemic or nonsystemic. The
The three cardinal findings of leprosy neuropathies are systemic vasculitides are commonly divided into pri-
anesthetic skin lesions, enlarged peripheral nerves, and mary systemic vasculitis, for which there is no known
acid-fast bacilli in skin smears or biopsy. The bacilli favor cause, and secondary systemic vasculitis, in which case a
the cooler areas of the body such as the chin, malar areas of virus, drug, or connective tissue disease is responsible
the face, earlobes, buttocks, knees, and distal extremities, for vessel wall inflammation. The vasculitides are fur-
so sensory testing should be performed on these regions in ther classified by the kind and size of blood vessels
suspected cases. The initial symptoms are decreased involved, organ involvement, disease associations,
thermal sense, followed by loss of pain and pressure underlying mechanisms, and, sometimes, autoantibody
sensations.106 In contrast to most other infectious neuro- profiles.109–111 The primary systemic vasculitides most
pathies, the neuropathy is painless. There are two main likely to cause vasculitic neuropathy include polyarter-
types: tuberculoid and lepromatous. Tuberculoid leprosy itis nodosa, Wegener’s granulomatosis, Churg-Strauss
presents with an asymmetrical, sensory polyneuropathy syndrome, and microscopic polyangiitis.112–114 Of
with injury confined to nerves adjacent to hypopigmented these, microscopic polyangiitis may be the one that
skin lesions. Lepromatous leprosy presents as a more most commonly causes vasculitic neuropathy.111,114
symmetrical, distal neuropathy due to more widespread Secondary causes of systemic vasculitis involving pe-
involvement of the skin and nerves. Sensory involvement ripheral nerves include connective tissue diseases such
precedes motor involvement.107 Approximately 10% of as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus
patients may present without skin lesions, often present- (SLE), and SS. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), for exam-
ing as a mononeuritis multiplex.107 ple, may evolve into rheumatoid vasculitis in 5 to 10%
The most widely used serological test is an of RA patients, and half of these patients will develop
antibody to phenolic glycolipid-1 (PGL-1), but it neuropathy secondary to vasculitis.115 Mixed type II
has a low sensitivity.107 Definitive diagnosis is made cryoglobulinemic vasculitis associated with HCV in-
by nerve biopsy with strikingly different findings in the fection is another example of a secondary vasculitis.
two forms. Tuberculoid leprosy shows significant de- Sarcoidosis affecting nerve may also cause angii-
struction of nerve architecture with granulomas ex- tis.110,111 Vasculitis that appears confined to the nerve
tending from the perineurium into the endoneurium. and muscle has classically been termed nonsystemic
Bacilli are usually not abundant.107 Lepromatous lep- vasculitic neuropathy.116,117 An important distinction
rosy shows splitting of the perineurium by edema and between systemic vasculitic neuropathy and nonsyste-
foamy cells, infiltration of the endoneurium and peri- mic vasculitic neuropathy is that nonsystemic vasculitic
neurium by foamy cells, and Fite stain showing bacilli neuropathy is usually not fatal, whereas untreated
in macrophages and Schwann cells.107 Electrodiagnos- systemic vasculitic neuropathy is often fatal. Approx-
tic testing demonstrates axonal loss and demyelina- imately 10% of cases that initially appear to be non-
tion.108 systemic vasculitic neuropathy ultimately become

systemic vasculitis, so early on it may be difficult to Diabetic and Nondiabetic Lumbosacral

distinguish nonsystemic vasculitic neuropathy from Radiculoplexus Neuropathies
systemic vasculitic neuropathy.117,118 Many autoim- Diabetic and nondiabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus
mune, monophasic, or relapsing plexopathies—or, neuropathies are microvasculitides that affect arterioles,
more accurately, radiculoplexus neuropathies—are capillaries, and venules. Diabetic lumbosacral radiculo-
also likely nerve microvasculitides. These include plexus neuropathy occurs more frequently in type II
diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy (also diabetics with good glycemic control and without
known as diabetic amyotrophy, proximal diabetic other diabetic complications such as retinopathy or
neuropathy, and other names), nondiabetic lumbosac- nephropathy. Coincident weight loss (usually more
ral radiculoplexus neuropathy, and immune and in- than 10 pounds) often occurs.121 The neuropathy often
herited brachial plexus neuropathies (also called begins with acute or subacute pain followed by proximal
neuralgic amyotrophy and hereditary neuralgic amyo- or distal weakness. The pain is described as sharp or
trophy).111 lancinating, deep aching, burning, or experiencing
contact allodynia. The disorder usually begins with asym-
NEUROPATHY metrical and unilateral onset; however, the majority of
Mononeuritis multiplex, the most common presenta- cases become bilateral within 3 months but remain asym-
tion of vasculitic neuropathy, is acute to subacute in metrical.121 The illness is typically monophasic with

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presentation and almost always painful. It can begin progression lasting weeks to months. Autonomic symp-
in the upper or lower extremities, typically at water- toms are present in approximately one half of patients.121
shed zones such as the sciatic nerve at the mid-thigh Cervical radiculoplexus neuropathies can occur in 10 to
and nerves in the mid-upper arm.119 Vasculitis less 15% of patients.121,122 Recovery is slow and incomplete
commonly presents as a painful asymmetrical or with patients describing persistent pain and weakness.
distal, symmetrical, sensorimotor polyneurop- CSF examination typically shows a mildly ele-
athy.110,111 Systemic vasculitis almost always occurs vated protein concentration.123 Electrodiagnostic testing
in patients in the setting of constitutional symptoms demonstrates an asymmetrical, axonal process affecting
such as weight loss, respiratory symptoms, hematuria, the nerves, plexus, and roots, often with more wide-
abdominal pain, rash, myalgias, arthralgias, fever, and spread findings than seen on clinical examination.123
night sweats.110 Nerve biopsy demonstrates evidence of ischemia with
Laboratory evaluation of suspected cases of vas- focal or multifocal fiber loss, focal perineurial degener-
culitic neuropathy should include a complete blood ation, neovascularization, and injury neuroma. There is
count (CBC), metabolic panel (electrolytes, blood often epineurial perivascular inflammation involving
urea nitrogen, creatinine, and glucose), erythrocyte vessel walls suggestive of microvasculitis.123
sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP),
antinuclear antibody (ANA), rheumatoid factor (RF),
proteinase 3 (PR3)/cytoplasmic (c)-staining antineu- Sjögren’s Syndrome
trophilic cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA) and mye-
loperoxidase (MPO)/perinuclear (p)-staining ANCA, ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY
hepatitis B and C panels, and cryoglobulins. Serum Sjögren’s syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease
complement determinations are indicated in suspected that primarily affects middle-age women.124 The diag-
mixed cryoglobulinemia or systemic lupus syndromes. nosis of SS is best established by using criteria proposed
It is also often appropriate to check extractable nuclear by the Diagnostic Committee of Health and Welfare of
antigen, serum ACE level, serum protein electropho- Japan and by the American-European community.125,126
resis, and HIV. CSF analysis is usually not helpful, Criteria for diagnosis include sicca symptoms (i.e., dry
except to aid in the investigation of mimickers, includ- eyes and dry mouth), objective evidence of keratocon-
ing infectious (e.g., Lyme) or other inflammatory eti- junctivitis, evidence of chronic lymphocytic sialoadenitis,
ologies (e.g., carcinomatous root involvement).111 In and the presence of either anti-SS-A or anti-SS-B
systemic vasculitic neuropathy, serological testing is antibodies. Rash, arthralgias, and Raynaud’s symptoms
abnormal and helps further define the etiology or are common.127,128 Neuropathy is reported to occur in
syndrome. In nonsystemic vasculitic neuropathy, the 10 to 30% of patients with SS.129,130
ESR or CRP may be slightly elevated, but other
markers of inflammation or systemic disease are nor- NEUROPATHY
mal.111 Electrodiagnostic testing often demonstrates Considerable confusion and disagreement exist about
acute to subacute sensory and motor axonal injury in a the classification SS-associated immune-mediated neu-
patchy multifocal pattern. Sensory nerve biopsy (sural ropathies, in part because different case series use differ-
nerve or superficial peroneal nerve) should be per- ent clinical criteria for study inclusion. Furthermore,
formed to establish the diagnosis.120 presence of sicca complex does not always imply

glandular inflammation (e.g., parotid), as sometimes fibers with increased axonal degeneration.128 The elec-
dry eyes and mouth may be a manifestation of con- trodiagnostic test results for patients with painful
current autonomic ganglionopathy (e.g., inflammation sensory neuropathy without ataxia is in keeping with
damaging the otic ganglion) or a side effect of a a predominantly small-fiber neuropathy (e.g., normal
medication rather than of glandular inflammation. It results).128
has recently been proposed that these neuropathies
instead be classified as immune-sensory and autonomic
neuropathies with or without sicca.131 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
The neuropathy of SS is secondary to vasculitis in
some cases and secondary to mononuclear cell infiltra- ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY
tion without vasculitis (e.g., ganglionitis) in other cases. The incidence of SLE is 124 cases per 100,000 people
There also may be other mechanisms of neuropathy; for and affects women much more than men.134 It is more
example, the etiology of the small-fiber neuropathy seen prevalent among Asians, African Americans, and Native
in some cases of SS may be different. Several patterns of Americans in the United States. SLE is associated with
neuropathy are seen in association with SS: sensory variable combinations of fever, rash, alopecia, arthritis,
ataxic neuropathy, painful sensory neuropathy without pleuritis, pericarditis, nephritis, anemia, leukopenia,
ataxia, multiple mononeuropathies, multiple cranial thrombocytopenia, and nervous system disease. Neuro-

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neuropathies, trigeminal sensory neuropathy, autonomic pathy is reported in 5 to 27% of patients with SLE.135
neuropathy with anhidrosis, and radiculoneuropathy.128
Abnormal pupils and orthostatic hypotension are com- NEUROPATHY
mon accompaniments to many of these neuropathies. As is the case with the neuropathies associated with SS,
Sensory ataxic neuropathy typically presents with asym- several types of neuropathies are associated with SLE.
metrical paresthesias and ataxia, and gradually becomes Most often neuropathy in SLE is a mild, modestly
more widespread.124,132 Painful sensory neuropathy progressive, length-dependent, sensory, or sensorimotor
without ataxia may present insidiously with asymmet- neuropathy. Sensory symptoms include distal tingling,
rical, painful positive neuropathic sensory symptoms that numbness, and dysesthesias. Less commonly, patients
gradually progress in a length-dependent manner.128,133 have a pure small-fiber sensory neuropathy.136 In less
Laboratory testing of suspected cases should in- than 5% of patients with SLE and neuropathy, the
clude ESR, ANA, anti-SS-A and anti-SS-B antibodies, pattern is a mononeuritis multiplex, likely secondary to
and RF testing. ANA titer is elevated (> 1:160) in one vasculitis.137
third to one half of patients in some series (e.g., elevated In patients with neuropathy possibly secondary to
in 8 of 19 lip biopsy-positive patients compared with 5 of SLE, laboratory testing should include ANA and anti–
19 lip biopsy-negative patients.)127 Anti-SS-A or anti- double-stranded (ds)DNA testing. In SLE, ANA sen-
SS-B antibodies have also been reported to be present in sitivity is 99% and specificity is 80%; anti-dsDNA has a
approximately one third to one half of SS patients with sensitivity of 70% and specificity of 95%; and anti-Smith
neuropathy.124 In another study, anti–SS-A or SS-B (Sm) has 25% sensitivity and 99% specificity.134
antibodies were detected in 30% of lip biopsy-positive
patients and in only 6% of lip biopsy-negative pa-
tients.127 For all SS patients (with or without neuro- PARAPROTEINEMIAS
pathy), antibodies to SS-B (seen in 50 to 70% of patients What? Sensorimotor; often with positive neuro-
with SS) are more sensitive than anti-SS-A anti- pathic sensory symptoms.
bodies.124 Evidence of salivary gland dysfunction can Where? Variable, but often length dependent.
be obtained by measuring salivary flow rates or by When? May be gradual onset.
imaging salivary glands with radiographic contrast What setting? No family history of neuropathy,
agents or technetium scanning. Biopsy of the minor no foot deformities, onset in adulthood; patients may
salivary glands provides a means of assessing the extent have systemic symptoms (e.g., weight loss, fatigue) if
and nature of infiltration by lymphocytes and plasma paraproteinemia is malignant.
cells, and glandular destruction.124 The Schirmer test
can assess for lacrimal gland dysfunction. The specific
electrodiagnostic test findings depend on the form of Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined
neuropathy. For example, sensory ataxic neuropathy Significance
demonstrates features of axonal sensory neuropathy Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
and/or ganglionopathy with absent or low amplitude (MGUS) occurs in 5% of persons older than age
SNAPs.128 In these patients, MRI may show T2- 50 years.138 The criteria for MGUS have been defined
weighted hyperintensity in the posterior columns.128 previously in the literature.139,140 The monoclonal M
Nerve biopsy may demonstrate loss of large myelinated protein can be of IgM, IgG, or IgA heavy chain. IgG is

the most common class of paraprotein associated with present. Autonomic involvement occurs in the majority
MGUS in the general population; however, IgM with a of patients and can be extreme.
kappa light chain is seen most frequently in patients with The workup for a monoclonal gammopathy
neuropathy.141,142 should begin with serum protein electrophoresis
(SPEP) with high-resolution agarose gel.143 Immuno-
ASSOCIATION WITH NEUROPATHY fixation should be performed when a sharp peak or
When encountering a patient with a neuropathy asso- band is found to differentiate a monoclonal from
ciated with a paraprotein, such as MGUS, the clinician polyclonal increase in Igs, and for detecting a small
must try to determine whether the neuropathy is idio- M-protein in the presence of normal background Igs.
pathic or due to another cause, and thus its association If an M-protein or serum light chain is found, a
with the paraprotein is simply a chance association, or 24-hour urine collection with electrophoresis and
whether the neuropathy is secondary to the process immunofixation should be performed.143,144 In those
causing the paraprotein. Neuropathies associated with without detectable monoclonal proteins, bone marrow
paraproteinemias include distal acquired demyelinating examination usually detects a clonal population of
symmetrical with M-protein (DADS-M) neuropathy plasma cells.145 Mild anemia occurs in 50% of pa-
(also known as a CIDP variant), neuropathy associated tients.21 Electrodiagnostic testing demonstrates a sym-
with primary systemic amyloidosis, neuropathy of PO- metrical, axonal sensorimotor neuropathy. Diagnosis

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EMS syndrome (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endo- depends on the demonstration of amyloid deposits in
crinopathy, M protein, and skin changes), neuropathy bone marrow aspirate (positive in 50% of patients),
associated with Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, neu- abdominal fat aspirate (70%), rectal biopsy (80%), or
ropathy associated with multiple myeloma, and neuro- nerve biopsy (80%).146 Nerve pathological findings
pathy associated with Castleman’s syndrome. The show a marked decrease in myelinated fiber density
history and electrodiagnostic testing are particularly with axonal degeneration and endoneurial/epineurial
helpful in sorting this out: accompanying systemic perivascular amyloid deposition.21
symptoms raise concern for primary systemic amyloido-
sis, POEMS, or malignancy; autonomic symptoms and
signs are common in primary systemic amyloidosis; PARANEOPLASTIC SYNDROMES
electrodiagnostic testing features of primary demyelina- What? Variable. May be sensory (e.g., sensory
tion are commonly seen in neuropathies of DADS-M, neuronopathy), sensorimotor or, rarely, predominantly
POEMS, Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia and motor. Concomitant autonomic neuropathy (e.g., gas-
Castleman’s syndrome, whereas the neuropathy is trointestinal dysmotility) is common. Positive neuro-
usually axonal when associated with primary systemic pathic sensory symptoms are typical.
amyloidosis. The demyelinating neuropathies associ- Where? Usually not length dependent, often
ated with a paraprotein are not discussed further in this asymmetrical.
article. Please refer to David Saperstein’s article, When? Definite date of onset with rapid pro-
‘‘Chronic Acquired Demyelinating Polyneuropathies,’’ gression; usually leading to severe impairments.
in this issue of Seminars of Neurology for an excellent What setting? No family history of neuropathy,
discussion of DADS-M and many other chronic no foot deformities, onset usually in adulthood; smoking
acquired demyelinating neuropathies. history; patients may have systemic symptoms (e.g.,
weight loss, fatigue).

Primary Systemic Amyloidosis

Primary systemic amyloidosis is a disorder characterized Association with Neuropathy
by deposition of insoluble, monoclonal Ig light chain Paraneoplastic syndromes are a rare complication of
fragments in various tissues.21 Ninety percent of cases malignancy. More than half of patients with a paraneo-
have an M protein in either the serum or the urine, and plastic syndrome present with neurologic symp-
most are IgG lambda or the light chain alone.141 Primary toms.13,14,147,148 Paraneoplastic syndromes are found
systemic amyloidosis presents more commonly in men more commonly in women in the sixth decade149 but
after age 40 years. Patients usually present with prom- can occur at any age. Positive smoking history (with lung
inent systemic symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, cancer) is found in 97 to 99% of patients with anti-
and edema.20 Often there is multiorgan involvement, neuronal nuclear antigen-1 (ANNA-1 [anti-Hu] anti-
with the heart, liver, and kidney being most commonly body) syndromes148; a smoking history is likely as
affected.21 The frequency of neuropathy is between 15 common in the other antibody syndromes. The cancer
and 20%.21 The most common symptoms are paresthe- is usually small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). As many of
sias, muscle weakness, and numbness in the distal lower these patients are found to have limited disease burden,
extremities.21 Burning or painful paresthesias can be they often do not have systemic evidence of malignancy

such as weight loss, fever, or night sweats. Neuropathy What setting? Family history of neuropathy, foot
may be the most common presentation, especially in deformities, onset at any age but often the first through
those with ANNA-1 antibody.148 Other presentations third decades. Absence of systemic symptoms or ac-
include cerebellar syndrome, limbic encephalitis, brain- quired risk factors for neuropathy. Note that a negative
stem dysfunction, and dysautonomia.13,148,150 Most family history does not preclude the possibility of a
often, the effect on the nervous system is multifocal.13 neuropathy caused by a genetic mutation because
The neurological symptoms usually precede the tumor de novo mutations occur frequently and also because
detection.14,148 incomplete penetrance of inherited mutations can occur;
thus, disease may not necessarily manifest in affected
The paraneoplastic neuropathy may present as a sensory
ganglionopathy or sensory-predominant neuropathy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth and Other Inherited
sometimes associated with autonomic neuropathy. Sub- Neuropathies
acute onset with rapid progression is typical.13,148 Sen- Neuropathy caused by a genetic mutation probably
sory symptoms such as paresthesias, dysesthesias, and represents about one third to one half of the neuro-
pain predominate, whereas motor involvement is typi- pathies seen in neurology practice.6 CMT disease (a.k.a.

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cally mild and may only be found on electrodiagnostic hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy [HMSN]) is a
evaluation.14,147 There may be prominent upper extrem- genetically heterogeneous group of disorders with a
ity involvement and pseudoathetosis.13,14 Autonomic similar clinical phenotype that affects 1 in 2500 in-
involvement is found in up to one fourth of patients, dividuals.23 The mode of inheritance of CMT is usually
most commonly orthostatic hypotension and gastropa- autosomal-dominant. Autosomal-dominant CMT can
resis, although many other dysautonomic symptoms may roughly be divided into CMT1, the demyelinating form
manifest.13–15 Most patients develop severe disease with of CMT, and CMT2, the axonal form of CMT.31
significant disability.150 CMT, especially CMT1, the most common inherited
Laboratory evaluation should be directed toward neuropathy, usually begins insidiously during the first or
paraneoplastic antibodies, of which there are many. second decade and progresses gradually. Patients typi-
These antibodies usually do not predict the neurological cally have high arches or hammer toes, distal weakness
syndrome but rather predict the malignancy, and the and atrophy (especially the peroneal muscles), and ab-
coexistence of antibodies can also be used to predict the normalities of gait and difficulty running.31 Positive
underlying malignancy.151 The sensitivity and specificity neuropathic sensory symptoms, for example neuropathic
of the ANNA-1 antibody is thought to be 80% and pain or paresthesias, are uncommon in inherited neuro-
98%, respectively.15 The sensitivity and specificity of the pathies, particularly CMT1A. For example, in one
other antibodies have not yet been established. Electro- cohort of 61 subjects with CMT1A, only 2 complained
diagnostic testing often shows axonal sensory or sensor- of positive neuropathic sensory symptoms, yet sensory
imotor neuropathy or sensory ganglionopathy.14 Any loss was evident on examination in 43.7 There is a wide
workup should also include investigation for a malig- variability in clinical expression, even within the same
nancy.13,14,148,150 With a paraneoplastic syndrome asso- kinship, which can make it difficult to assess the inher-
ciated with SCLC, the tumor is limited to the itance pattern. De novo mutations are also common.
mediastinum in 90% of patients.13,148 The workup Thus, a family history of CMT may be absent or not
should begin with chest radiograph. If this is negative, evident in many patients with neuropathy caused by a
the clinician should proceed to computed tomography genetic mutation. CMT disease is classified both accord-
(CT), MRI, or positron emission tomography (PET) ing to whether the primary pathology is demyelinating
imaging.148,149,152,153 In the other antibody syndromes, or axonal and by the mode of inheritance. The inherited
the workup should be directed toward the recognized neuropathies are further discussed in an excellent article
associated malignancies. in this issue of Seminars in Neurology, titled, ‘‘Charcot-
Marie-Tooth Neuropathies: Diagnosis and Manage-
ment,’’ by Agnes Jani-Acsadi, Karen Krajewski, and
What? Sensory or sensorimotor; often only neg- Other less common inherited neuropathies in-
ative neuropathic sensory symptoms (particularly so for clude the hereditary sensory and autonomic neuro-
CMT1A, the most common inherited neuropathy). pathies (HSAN), neuropathies associated with inborn
Where? Distal, symmetrical (i.e., length de- errors of metabolism, and mitochondrial neuropathies.
pendent). In the HSAN and mitochondrial neuropathies, onset
When? Insidious onset without definite date. of neuropathy is almost always insidious with very
Very slowly progressive. slow progression. Neuropathy is symmetrical and

presents in a distal-predominant distribution. For its prognostic implications. Acta Neurol Scand 1987;75:
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