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Environmental Biology of Fishes 70: 145–154, 2004.

© 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Effects of temperature on the early development, growth, and

survival of shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, and
Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus, yolk-sac larvae

Ryan S. Hardya & Matthew K. Litvakb,∗

Idaho Department of Fish and Game, 2750 Kathleen Avenue, Coeurd’Alene, ID 83815, U.S.A.
(e-mail: rhardy@idfg.state.id.us)
Department of Biology and Center for Coastal Studies and Aquaculture, University of
New Brunswick, P.O. Box 5050, Saint John, N.B., Canada, E2L 4L5

Corresponding author (Tel.: 506-648-5565; Fax: 506-648-5811; e-mail: litvak@unbsj.ca)

Received 11 February 2002 Accepted 2 September 2003

Key words: escape response, early life history, yolk utilization efficiency, yolk utilization rate


We reared shortnose and Atlantic sturgeons at different temperatures after hatch and measured yolk utilization rate
and efficiency (YUE), maximum standard length, survival and development of escape response. Newly hatched
Atlantic sturgeon, were smaller in size, more efficient at utilizing yolk (incorporating yolk to body tissue) and
reached developmental stages sooner than shortnose sturgeon reared at the same temperatures (13–15◦ C). Within
each species, decreasing temperature delayed yolk absorption, escape initiation, time to reach maximum size, and
time to 100% mortality. However, YUEs and the size of the larvae at these ‘stages’ were independent of rearing
temperature for both species. These results suggest that even as temperature drives metabolic processes to speed up
development, these two species are still extremely efficient at transferring yolk energy to body tissues. The lower
efficiencies experienced by larval shortnose may reflect difference in yolk quality between the two species and/or the
Atlantic sturgeon’s higher conversion efficiency. The ability of these two sturgeon species to develop successfully
and efficiently under a wide range in temperatures may provide a competitive advantage over more stenothermic
species and explain their persistence through evolutionary time.

Introduction of environmental factors that affect the rate of yolk

utilization, efficiency to which yolk energy is trans-
Mortality in many fish species is very high during early ferred to body tissues, and body size at each stage
development due to their small size, limited swimming of development is important to our understanding of
ability, and sensitivity to variations in their surround- recruitment.
ing environment (Rice et al. 1987, Miller et al. 1988). Water temperature is considered to be the most
During these vulnerable stages, fishes may be adversely important environmental factor influencing fish devel-
affected by environmental factors that influence sur- opment (Chambers & Leggett 1987). Limited informa-
vival and subsequent year-class strength (Houde 1994, tion exists on how water temperature affects the early
Claramunt & Wahl 2000). development of sturgeon. The few studies performed
Size of a fish at the time of the switch from on sturgeon (Wang et al. 1985, 1987, Gershanovich &
endogenous to exogenous feeding, referred to as the Taufik 1992) included larvae of different sizes at the
‘critical period’ in development, may be a very impor- start of the experiment. Since eggs of many sturgeon
tant factor affecting year-class strength of a species species are spawned within a narrow range of tem-
(Hjort 1914, Cushing 1972). Therefore, examination peratures and have a relatively short incubation period

(<10 days for many species), they may experience lit- at a mean temperature of 17◦ C, which is similar to
tle variation in temperature. However, after hatching, or within the range of natural spawning temperatures
larval sturgeon (with a stage duration of 40–60 days for both species (Huff 1975, Wooley & Crateau 1985,
in some species; Richmond & Kynard 1995) will for additional reviews see Kynard 1997).
undoubtedly experience a wider range of temperature
variation than during the incubation period. Therefore, Egg size considerations
it is of interest to determine the effect of temperature on
developing sturgeon larvae. It is possible that different sized females as well as
Two North American species, the shortnose stur- seasonal variations such as age, weight, and health can
geon, Acipenser brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon, all play a role in egg size, yolk quality, and subse-
Acipenser oxyrhynchus, have suffered recent declines quent larval sizes. In addition, it is true that egg size
primarily due to anthropogenic factors such as con- can play a role in survival (Chambers et al. 1989).
struction of dams, water pollution, and over-fishing To make certain that the eggs from the single female
(Smith & Dingley 1984). Presently, no data are avail- used in this experiment were representative in size to
able on how environmental factors influence mortality that of other females, egg sizes from four independent
during the early life history (ELH) stages of these shortnose sturgeon crosses and from two spawning sea-
two species (Kynard 1997, Smith & Dingley 1984). sons (two crosses per season) were compared using
Since mortality may be insignificant in the late juvenile a two-way ANOVA. The resulting ANOVA showed
through adult stages, it is likely that survival through no significant difference in mean egg diameter within
the ELH stages of larval sturgeon is more important or between years of shortnose crosses (P = 0.134;
in determining year-class strength (Gross et al. 2002). 3.5 mm ± 0.088 SE following hydration).
The objective of this paper was to determine the effects
of temperature on growth and development, with spe- Experimental design
cific attention to yolk utilization efficiency (YUE) of
these two species. We will discuss how these effects We set-up four treatment tanks (∼1 m × 3 m × 40 mm
may influence predation avoidance ability and larval water baths) which were maintained at 13◦ C, 15◦ C,
survival. 18◦ C, and 21◦ C. Temperatures were controlled by sub-
mersible aquarium heaters (18◦ C and 21◦ C), ambient
room temperatures (15◦ C), and with a water-chilling
Materials and methods unit (13◦ C). We chose temperature treatments based
on literature (Huff 1975, Wooley & Crateau 1985, for
Egg collection and incubation additional review see Kynard 1997) and field data.
A fluorescent light over each tank provided a light
We collected mature shortnose sturgeon between 1 intensity of ≈700 lux at the water surface (Lutron
and 15 May 1998, with short-set (<6 h) gill nets LX-101 lux metre; intensity was chosen based on
in the Kennebecasis River, New Brunswick, Canada Richmond & Kynard 1995). We placed an opaque black
(N45◦ 30 W66◦ 55 ; water temperature: 13–16◦ C). We plastic sheet over the treatment tanks to ensure consis-
collected mature Atlantic sturgeon in a similar fashion tent lighting. Photoperiod for the experimental tanks
between 1 and 7 July 1998 in the Saint John River, was set at 15L : 9D, which is similar to natural spawning
New Brunswick, Canada (N45◦ 33 W66◦ 02 ; water conditions. Each of the four treatment tanks contained
temperature: 16–18◦ C). We injected one female and three or four replicate trays for each species (1 000 ml
two male shortnose sturgeon with hormone (LHRH-A) glass trays filled with 700 ml of de-chlorinated water).
on 17 May 1998. We fertilized the eggs with the Upon hatch, (shortnose: 192 h; Atlantic: 120 h), we
sperm from the two males on 18 May using procedures placed 40 larvae into each tray. Although there is much
specified by Doroshov et al. (1983). We followed this debate over when a sturgeon is considered an embryo,
procedure on 8 July 1998, to produce fertilized Atlantic larvae, or juvenile, for the purposes of this study, we
sturgeon eggs. We placed ∼500 ml of fertilized eggs considered hatched sturgeon embryos to be ‘larvae’ for
from each species into each of three MacDonald incu- the duration of the experiment (until complete yolk uti-
bation jars in a partial recirculation system. We set lization). We replaced water in each of the replicate
flows to the jars at 3 l min−1 to allow adequate oxy- trays (600 ml) twice daily with fresh de-chlorinated
genation of the fertilized eggs. Eggs were incubated water. We tested the replacement water daily to ensure

that dissolved oxygen, salinity, and pH levels were ade- the yolk (YUE = mBA/|mYSA|). Growth rates to a
quate and similar to natural conditions (7.0–8.0 mg l−1 , maximum SL on yolk reserves were determined by cal-
0 ppm, 6.2, respectively). culating slopes from a regression analysis (Proc REG.
SAS Institute Inc. 1992) for each temperature treat-
Data collection and analysis ment to the point where maximum SL was attained.
We used two-way ANOVAs to determine the effect of
We sampled young fish (3–4) from each treatment temperature treatment and species on time to yolk-sac
group, (one per replicate tray) every other day, starting absorption, YUR, YUE, larval growth, size at escape
at hatch. Each fish was anesthetized in a 25 mg l−1 solu- response, size at yolk-sac absorption, and larval sur-
tion of tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222), placed vival (Proc GLM, general linear models; SAS Institute
under a microscope (Olympus SZ6045), and video- 1992). We separated the data into one-way ANOVAs
taped (Sony DXC-1821 videocamera and S-VHS to reveal significance when an interaction (P < 0.2;
Panasonic AG-5700 recorder) for later analysis with see Winer 1971 (page 379) for justification of a con-
an image analysis system (Optimas v5.2 BioScan Inc., servative type I error rate of 0.2) between species and
Edmonds, Washington). After we collected morpho- temperature was detected. If the model showed no inter-
logical data, we preserved larvae in 10% phosphate- action, the term was dropped and the model rerun.
buffered formalin. The data from each fish at each Least-square means were used for a posteriori com-
temperature included: yolk-sac length (YSL), height parisons, and probabilities were adjusted for multiple
(YSH), and area (YSA), body area (BA), and stan- comparisons using Tukey’s correction (SAS Institute
dard length (SL). Elliptical yolk-sac volume (YSV) Inc. 1992). Level of significance for main effects and a
(mm3 ) was calculated using the formula of a spheroid: posteriori comparisons were set at an α of 0.05.
YSV = (π /6)LH2 where L is the length of the yolk- We tested all data for normality (Proc Univariate;
sac and H is height (Blaxter & Hempel 1963). YSV SAS Institute 1992) and homogeneity of variances
also included lipid volume due to difficulties in distin- (Fmax -test, Sokal & Rohlf 1981). Analyses were run
guishing between the yolk and lipid globule with image on log10 or arcsine-square-root transformed data in
analysis. We measured SL (mm) from the anterior-most cases of non-normality or heterogeneity of variance.
point of the developing rostrum to the posterior-most We used a non-parametric Wilcoxon rank test to exam-
point of the notochord. We measured BA (mm2 ) by dig- ine the effect of temperature on the time to first escape
itally drawing a line around the entire larva excluding response due to lack of variance within treatments.
the yolk-sac and finfold areas. Lastly, measurements (YSV, YSA, SL, and BA) of the
In addition to morphological analysis, we examined larvae at hatch were also compared between tempera-
development of escape response, as well as percent tures with one-way ANOVAs to confirm no significant
mortality over time for each temperature treatment. differences within each species at the start of the
Sturgeons, like many other fish species, exhibit a experiment.
‘C-type’ startle response (a rapid movement of the body
trunk in the shape of a ‘C’; Blaxter & Batty 1985) to
escape predation. We tapped each treatment tank daily Results
to stimulate this response through mechanical vibra-
tion. We recorded the date of the first occurrence of a Morphological comparisons at hatch
startle response. The time to 100% mortality was deter-
mined for each treatment replicate over time (excluding Diameter of shortnose sturgeon eggs (3.5 mm ± 0.088
loss through sampling). standard error (SE)) after fertilization and hydra-
We determined yolk utilization rate (YUR) for both tion were significantly larger than Atlantic sturgeon
species by calculating slopes from a regression anal- eggs (2.2 mm ± 0.115 SE) (df = 1, 4; P =
ysis (Proc REG. SAS Institute Inc. 1992) of YSV 0.001). At hatch (the start of the experiment), the
for each temperature treatment over the duration of YSA and YSV within each species did not differ
the experiment. We determined YUE for each species between temperature treatments. Shortnose sturgeon
by comparing the rate of BA growth (slope of BA larvae, however, possessed larger (all temperatures =
against age regression: mBA) to the rate of yolk uti- df = 1, 5; P < 0.005) YSA (mean 5.13 mm2 ±
lized (absolute value of slope of YSA against age 0.159 SE) and YSV (mean 5.20 mm3 ± 0.279 SE) than
regression: |mYSA|) until the complete absorption of Atlantic sturgeon larvae (mean 4.06 mm2 ± 0.076 SE;

mean 4.17 mm3 ± 0.141 SE, respectively). Similarly, Standard length at yolk absorption
the SL and BA within a species at hatch did not differ
between temperature treatments. Shortnose sturgeon No effect of temperature was detected on the SL at
larvae were significantly longer (mean 10.73 mm ± the time of yolk-sac absorption by species. However,
0.287 SE; all P < 0.002) and had greater BA resulting one-way ANOVAs between species revealed
(mean 15.76 mm2 ± 0.191 SE) than Atlantic sturgeon that shortnose sturgeon had a significantly greater SL
larvae (mean 9.81 mm ± 0.086 SE; mean 10.41 mm2 ± than Atlantic sturgeon larvae at each rearing tempera-
0.206 SE, respectively). Since the measurements BA ture tested (Table 1).
and SL were affected in the same way throughout
the results of the experiment, only SL was used as Yolk utilization rate
growth parameter and BA was only used in calculation
of YUE. ANOVAs were run on log10 transformed slopes to
meet assumption of homogeneity of variance. The
Time to yolk-sac absorption resulting two-way ANOVA model on the yolk-sac
utilization rate (YUR) (slopes of YSV) for both short-
The resulting two-way ANOVA on the time to complete nose sturgeon and Atlantic sturgeon was significant
yolk-sac absorption for both shortnose sturgeon and (df = 7, 19; P = 0.0001) and showed an interaction
Atlantic sturgeon was significant (df = 7, 19; P = between species and rearing temperature (df = 3, 19;
0.0001) and exhibited an interaction between species P = 0.0010). One-way ANOVAs revealed that a reduc-
and rearing temperature (df = 3, 19; P = 0.0061). tion in temperature significantly decreased the rate of
With increasing temperature (13–21◦ C), resulting one- yolk volume utilized over the experimental period for
way ANOVAs for both species showed a significant both species (Table 2). Shortnose sturgeon larvae uti-
reduction in the time to yolk-sac absorption (Atlantic: lized yolk volume at a faster rate than Atlantic sturgeon
df = 3, 8; shortnose: df = 3, 11; P = 0.0001; Figure 1). larvae at lower rearing temperatures (13◦ C and 15◦ C;
Shortnose sturgeon took longer (df = 1, 5; all P > Table 2).
0.05) to absorb the yolk-sac than Atlantic at 13◦ C, 15◦ C,
and 18◦ C. However, at 21◦ C there was no significant Yolk utilization efficiency
difference between species.
The two-way ANOVA on YUE for both shortnose
and Atlantic sturgeon was significant (df = 7, 19;
P = 0.0020) and exhibited an interaction between
species and rearing temperature (df = 3, 19; P = 0.1841).
Subsequent one-way ANOVAs showed that within
each species YUE did not differ among tempera-
ture treatments. However, Atlantic sturgeon larvae
were more efficient than shortnose sturgeon at 13◦ C
(df = 1, 5; P = 0.0029) and 15◦ C (df = 1, 5; P = 0.0068)
(close at 18◦ C: P = 0.0770) in the amount of body tissue
incorporated for the amount of YSA utilized (Figure 2).

Escape response

Time to initial escape response, for both species (df =

7, 19; P = 0.0001), was significantly delayed at the
Figure 1. Mean time (days) to yolk-sac absorption for shortnose lowest rearing temperatures (13◦ C and 15◦ C; Figure 3).
sturgeon, A. brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon, A. oxyrhynchus, Atlantic sturgeon larvae exhibited the initiation of the
at each rearing temperature. Values with different letters are sig-
nificantly different (lowercase = Atlantic sturgeon). Significance
C-type escape response significantly earlier than short-
was set at an α of 0.05. Horizontal bars with (∗ ) over treat- nose sturgeon, at all temperature treatments (df = 1, 5;
ments indicate significant difference between species. Error bars P = 0.0001). SL of both species at initiation of escape
represent ±1 SE. response did not differ among rearing temperatures.

Table 1. Standard length at yolk absorption and initial escape response, and maximum SL attained for larval shortnose
sturgeon, A. brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon, A. oxyrhynchus, at each temperature (13◦ C, 15◦ C, 18◦ C, and 21◦ C).

Stage measured Species Temp (◦ C) Mean SL (mm) ±1 SE Significance

At yolk absorption Shortnose 21 17.75A 0.68 (0.04)

18 17.82A 0.45 (0.02)

15 17.46A 0.29 (0.00)

13 18.55A 0.26 (0.00)
Atlantic 21 15.40a 0.45
18 15.15a 0.71
15 14.44a 0.17
13 14.46a 0.11

At first escape response Shortnose 21 16.90A 0.13 (0.00)

18 16.52A 0.13 (0.00)

15 16.02A 0.30 (0.00)

13 16.00A 0.52 (0.01)
Atlantic 21 13.54a 0.27
18 13.23a 0.29
15 13.60a 0.15
13 13.40a 0.23

Maximum size attained Shortnose 21 18.56A 0.27 (0.00)

during experiment 18 18.35A 0.03 (0.00)

15 18.71A 0.42 (0.00)

13 18.55A 0.26 (0.00)
Atlantic 21 15.58a 0.26
18 15.63a 0.43
15 15.01a 0.01
13 14.99a 0.42
Significance (P < 0.05) between temperatures (within each species) is indicated by different superscript letters (lowercase =
Atlantic; uppercase = shortnose). Significance between species is indicated by an (∗ ) and P value. SE = ±1 SE.

Table 2. Results from regression analysis on the effect of temperature (13◦ C, 15◦ C, 18◦ C, and 21◦ C) and species
(shortnose sturgeon, A. brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon, A. oxyrhynchus) on YSV absorption rate over the
experimental period. Mean values represent replicate trays within each treatment (n = 3–4).

Species Temp Mean slope ±1 SE Mean r2 Model P’s Significance

(◦ C) (mm3 day−1 ) between spp.

Shortnose 21 −0.51A 0.02 0.91 <0.01 0.06

18 −0.31B 0.03 0.81 <0.00 0.16
15 −0.27C 0.01 0.83 =0.00 ∗
13 −0.18C 0.00 0.77 =0.00 ∗
Atlantic 21 −0.68a 0.04 0.91 <0.04
18 −0.41b 0.13 0.84 <0.01
15 −0.13bc 0.00 0.60 <0.00
13 −0.11c 0.02 0.59 <0.00
Significance between temperatures (within each species) is indicated by different superscript letters (lowercase =
Atlantic; uppercase = shortnose). The species, reared at the same temperature, which is significantly greater in
value is indicated by an (∗ ) and P value. Significance was set at an α of 0.05. SE = ±1 SE.

However, shortnose sturgeon larvae were significantly Maximum SL on yolk reserves

larger in SL at the initiation of escape response than
Atlantic sturgeon larvae at each rearing temperature The two-way ANOVAs on the time to reach a maximum
tested (Table 1). SL on yolk reserves, in both species, were significant

Figure 2. Mean YUE for shortnose sturgeon, A. brevirostrum,

Figure 4. Mean time (days) to reach a maximum SL for shortnose
and Atlantic sturgeon, A. oxyrhynchus, at each rearing tem-
sturgeon, A. brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon, A. oxyrhynchus,
perature. Values with different letters are significantly different
at each rearing temperature. Values with different letters are sig-
(lowercase = Atlantic sturgeon). Significance was set at an α of
nificantly different (lowercase = Atlantic sturgeon). Significance
0.05. Horizontal bars with (∗ ) over treatments indicate significant
was set at an α of 0.05. Horizontal bars with (∗ ) over treat-
difference between species. Error bars represent ±1 SE.
ments indicate significant difference between species. Error bars
represent ±1 SE.

sooner than shortnose sturgeon larvae at all tempera-

tures (df = 1, 4; all P < 0.0457).
In both species, no effect of temperature was
detected on the maximum SL attained over the exper-
imental period. However, resulting one-way ANOVAs
revealed that shortnose sturgeon did attain a signif-
icantly greater SL than Atlantic sturgeon larvae at
each rearing temperature tested (Table 1). The two-
way ANOVA on growth rate to maximum SL (slopes
of SL) for both shortnose sturgeon and Atlantic stur-
geon larvae was significant (df = 7, 19; P = 0.0001)
and showed an interaction between species and rear-
ing temperature (df = 3, 19; P = 0.0929). Resulting
one-way ANOVAs revealed that a reduction in tem-
Figure 3. Mean time (days) to initiate first escape response
for shortnose sturgeon, A. brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon,
perature significantly decreased the rate of growth to
A. oxyrhynchus, at each rearing temperature. Values with different maximum SL on yolk reserves over the experimen-
letters are significantly different (lowercase = Atlantic sturgeon). tal period for both species (Table 3). Atlantic sturgeon
Significance was set at an α of 0.05. Horizontal bars with (∗ ) over larvae grew at a faster rate than shortnose at 18◦ C.
treatments indicate significant difference between species.
(df = 7, 19; P = 0.0001) and showed an interaction
between species and rearing temperature (df = 3, 19; The two-way ANOVA comparing the time to 100%
P = 0.1979). Subsequent one-way ANOVAs revealed mortality between species was significant (df = 7, 19;
that for both species, time to reach a maximum length P = 0.0001) and showed an interaction between
was significantly delayed with a reduction in tem- species and temperature (df = 3, 19; P = 0.0128).
perature (Atlantic: df = 3, 8; shortnose: df = 3, 11; Subsequent one-way ANOVAs revealed that both
P = 0.0001; Figure 4). A species comparison revealed species of sturgeon survived longer at lower rearing
that Atlantic sturgeon larvae reached a maximum SL temperatures, with mortality increasing rapidly after

Table 3. Results from regression analysis on the effect of temperature on growth rate to maximum SL for both
shortnose sturgeon, A. brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon, A. oxyrhynchus. Mean values represent replicate
trays within each treatment (n = 3–4).

Species Temp Mean slope ±1 SE Mean r2 Model P’s Significance

(◦ C) (mm3 day−1 ) between spp.

Shortnose 21 0.57A 0.06 0.89 <0.00 0.19

18 0.33B 0.02 0.85 <0.00 0.03
15 0.23C 0.00 0.84 0.00 0.20
13 0.19C 0.01 0.87 0.00 0.72
Atlantic 21 0.68a 0.02 0.97 <0.00
18 0.44b 0.03 0.93 <0.00
15 0.20c 0.02 0.88 0.00
13 0.20c 0.00 0.90 0.00
Significance between temperatures (within each species) is indicated by different superscript letters (lowercase =
Atlantic; uppercase = shortnose). The species, reared at the same temperature, which is significantly greater in
value is indicated by an (∗ ) and P value. Significance was set at an α of 0.05. SE = ±1 SE.

A A18 A15 A13

Shortnose survival (%)

60 E21,18 E15 E13 15C

40 13C

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

A21 A18 A15 A13

Atlantic survival (%)

E21,18 E15

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 5. Survival curves for larval shortnose sturgeon, A. brevirostrum, and Atlantic, A. oxyrhynchus, sturgeon (B) reared at each
temperature. The point of yolk-sac absorption (A-temp) and escape initiation (E-temp) are represented by arrows on the graph.

yolk-sac absorption (Atlantic: df = 3, 8; shortnose: would also be larger. Shortnose sturgeon spawn ear-
df = 3, 11; P = 0.0001; Figure 5A and B; Table 4). lier in the spring and at lower temperatures (Dadswell
1979, Hall et al. 1991, Kynard 1997) than Atlantic
Discussion sturgeon (Huff 1975, Wooley & Crateau 1985, Smith
1985). The prolonged developmental stages and larger
It has previously been reported that eggs of larger diam- size of larval shortnose sturgeon at hatch may be an
eter produce larger larvae (Blaxter & Hempel 1963, evolved mechanism necessary to survive through peri-
Chambers et al. 1989). Since shortnose sturgeon eggs ods in the spring that are relatively poor in primary
were larger in diameter than those collected from and secondary productivity caused by low temperatures
Atlantic sturgeon, it follows that morphological mea- (Seip & Reynolds 1990) and poor water clarity (Scholtz
sures (SL, BA, and YSA) of shortnose sturgeon at hatch et al. 1988).

Table 4. Results from two-way ANOVAs on the time to 100% mortality for each rearing temperature (13◦ C, 15◦ C,
18◦ C, and 21◦ C) between species (shortnose sturgeon, A. brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon, A. oxyrhynchus).
Mean values represent replicate trays within each treatment (n = 3–4).

Variable Species Temp Mean ±1 SE Significance

(◦ C) days between spp.

Time to 100% mortality (d) Shortnose 21 26.5A 0.95 0.00

18 34.5B 1.25 0.00

15 41.0C 2.00 0.03
13 40.7C 5.70 0.08
Atlantic 21 18.3a 0.94
18 22.0b 3.02
15 34.3c 0.94
13 37.3c 1.04
Significance between temperatures (within each species) is indicated by different superscript letters (lowercase =
Atlantic; uppercase = shortnose). The species, reared at the same temperature, which is significantly greater in
value is indicated by an (∗ ) and P value. Significance was set at an α of 0.05. SE = ±1 SE.

Yolk-sac utilization rates and time (post-hatch) to sturgeon (larger at all developmental stages) would be
complete yolk-sac absorption exhibited a significant expected to have lower efficiencies than Atlantic stur-
inverse relationship with temperature for both short- geon reared at the same temperatures. Additionally,
nose and Atlantic sturgeon larvae. This has also it may also be due to differences in yolk quality and
been reported for other sturgeon species (Wang et al. or species-specific growth rates. Since most marine
1985, 1987, Gershanovich & Taufik 1992) and some species retain more protein for growth than fresh-
teleosts (May 1974, Howell 1980). In contrast, the water species (Kamler 1992), and mature Atlantic
yolk-sac utilization efficiencies within each species sturgeon spend most of their time in a marine envi-
were not directly affected by rearing temperature. YUE ronment (Smith 1985), the maternal influence on the
is directly dependent on the relationship of the rate egg yolk quality may result in higher caloric value than
at which the yolk is utilized in metabolic processes that of shortnose sturgeon. This may result in more
with the rate at which it is incorporated into body body tissue incorporated in Atlantic sturgeon larvae as
tissue (Blaxter & Hempel 1966). The similar efficien- the yolk is utilized. Giberson and Litvak (2003) also
cies within each species, along with a similar size at found that Atlantic sturgeon juveniles of similar size
absorption and maximum size attained, indicates their reared at the same temperature as shortnose sturgeon
ability to balance the rise in metabolic requirement at had significantly higher growth rates and conversion
higher temperatures with a reduction in the devel- efficiencies than shortnose sturgeon suggesting that
opmental time. A study of white sturgeon Acipenser they are faster and more efficient at somatic growth
transmontanus found that the conversion of yolk throughout ELH stages.
proteins to tissues was not affected between 11◦ C The development of escape response is essential in
and 17◦ C yet was lower at 20◦ C (lipid and ash allowing larvae to avoid and survive predatory attacks
content varied between temperatures, Wang et al. (Fuiman 1989). Studies on teleosts have reported
1987). Temperatures tested in our study are simi- escape response is directly linked to rearing tem-
lar to that experienced under natural conditions for perature (Shepherd et al. 2000). Few studies have
these two species; however, to fully determine effi- looked at how temperature affects the development or
ciency bounds, a wider range of temperatures should be mechanisms responsible for escape response in stur-
examined. geon. With the use of scanning electron micrographs,
Shortnose sturgeon larvae utilized their yolk at a Richmond & Kynard (1995) found that shortnose
faster rate than Atlantic sturgeon at 13◦ C and 15◦ C sturgeon larvae incubated at 13–15◦ C began form-
(close at 18◦ C), and were not as efficient in utiliz- ing a lateral-line system by the 9th day post-hatch
ing it for body tissue at these temperatures. Due to in conjunction with the development of an active
their higher metabolic demands, larger larvae tend to swimming ability. However, the actual initiation of
experience a decline in efficiency with development a C-type escape was not tested. We found that the
(for reviews see Kamler 1992). In this case, shortnose C-type response started much later than expected based

on Richmond & Kynard’s (1995) results. Our study first escape response when raised at different tempera-
revealed that the development of escape response in tures. This may allow relatively similar ability to avoid
larval shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon was prolonged predation when these mechanisms are fully developed.
in lower rearing temperatures. Similar to growth rate It must be considered, however, that escape speeds may
the systems responsible for anti-predator defenses were vary at different temperatures (Shepherd et al. 2000),
delayed in their morphological development with a and that a delay in development of the systems needed
reduction in temperature. to react to attacking predators may inevitably affect
Both shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon larvae survived survival.
considerably longer at lower rearing temperatures Despite temperature, shortnose and Atlantic stur-
(13◦ C and 15◦ C), with mortality increasing rapidly fol- geon attained similar maximum sizes and were equally
lowing the full absorption of the yolk. The acceleration efficient at doing so. Energy transfer is often lost
of mortality in yolk-sac larvae in higher temperatures is through metabolic processes and it stands to reason
often attributed to higher metabolic rates, which result that a larva developing in warmer temperatures would
in faster absorption of endogenous energy sources not reach as great a size as those at lower temperatures.
(Kamler 1992). Although not the focus of this study, This is not so with these two species, and is signif-
the apparent wide range of temperatures tolerated by icant to the understanding of their ELH stages. This
shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon is similar to what balance in metabolic processes may give a competi-
was found with white sturgeon A. transmontanus and tive advantage in survival and recruitment over other
lake sturgeon Acipenser fluvescens (Wang et al. 1985, species whose development is more closely tied to
1987). Again, this suggests that to determine the toler- environmental conditions.
ance of these species we need to increase the range of
temperatures tested. Acknowledgements
Experiencing variations in river temperatures within
their range of tolerance, wild larval shortnose and
Thanks to C.J. Hardy, J.D. Kieffer and B.A. MacDonald
Atlantic sturgeon may experience both beneficial and
for their editorial comments; lab technicians:
deleterious effects on survival. With a faster yolk uti-
C.A. Doherty, A.V. Giberson and T.D. Shepherd for
lization and growth rate, larvae reared at high tempera-
all their work in maintaining the eggs until hatch;
tures may switch to exogenous feeding much sooner
A.V. Giberson for morphometric analysis; and P. Soucy
than those reared at lower temperatures (Wang et al.
for all of his help in spawning and holding broodstock.
1987), thereby avoiding additional risks of predation
Funding for this work was provided by grants from
in the vulnerable yolk-sac stage (Howell 1980, Miller
Sir James Dunn Research Center Fund, World Wildlife
et al. 1988). In contrast, the accelerated larval develop-
Fund Canada and Canadian Wildlife Service, NB Trust
ment may result in a lack of synchronization with food
Fund, and NSERC to M.K.L.
availability (Cushing 1972). This has been referred to
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