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mark h lane www.biblenumbersforlife.



Great Themes God created the Earth to demonstrate His invisible qualities and divine nature. Man could not restore fellowship with God, so God came down to Man. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived The Way of Jesus is a relationship - God's truth expressed in love, purity, fellowship, humility, and testimony of him.
(Nines) Man has a fallen nature and without God's help man spirals hopelessly down to destruction. without sin, died on the cross, rose from the dead, was taken up to glory, Man now has a way to God. The Way of Satan is an organization - Man lording over man, priesthoods, temples, schisms, fear of authority, pride.

1st: Beginnings 2nd: Divisions 3rd: Authorities 1st: Life of Christ 2nd: Death of Christ 3rd: Resurrection of Christ 4th: Messenger 5th: Living Stones 6th: Brotherhood
Great Truths Creation Rebellion He Holds It Creation Life is We Are In We Give We Must Inner Born Alive Power Atonement Willing Way to Trusting New Internal Each one Ministering We Offer Devoted to Christ in Separated Children Strong Treasure
(Triplets) of Heaven of Angels Together of Earth Fragile His Hands Account Obey Witness of God in God of God for Sin Sacrifice God Open Faith Body Light a Priest Forgiveness Good News Truth Us Life of God Refuge in Clay

Bible Book Genesis Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Judges 2 Samuel 2 Kings Joshua Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Chron. Ezra Nehemiah Ester Psalms Proverbs Songs Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah

Bible Chapter Matt.1 Matt.3 Matt.4 Matt.5 Matt.7 Matt.10 Matt.12 Matt.6 Matt.8 Matt.9 Matt.14 Matt.15 Matt.16 Matt.17 Matt.19 Matt.20 Matt.22 Matt.24 Matt.25 Matt.26 Matt.27 Matt.28 Mark 1 Mark 2 Mark 3 Mark 4
Bible Chapter Gen. 1 Gen. 3 Gen. 4 Gen. 5 Gen. 7 Gen. 10 Gen. 12 Gen. 6 Gen. 8 Gen. 9 Gen. 14 Gen. 15 Gen. 16 Gen. 17 Gen. 19 Gen. 20 Gen. 22 Gen. 24 Gen. 25 Gen. 26 Gen. 27 Gen. 28 Gen. 29 Gen. 30 Gen. 31 Gen. 32

God pours You are ...like living stones you are Once you were not a people
3 God Establishes out His a chosen people being built into a spirtual house but now you are
Divine The Law, Love a royal priesthood to be a holy priesthood the people of God…
Things: 4 Rulers & Governments, The work The result a holy nation … live such good lives among
Truth / Material And Our Conscience of God of the work that you might declare the the pagans that…they might see
God / Things: 5 To Guide Us in Christ 16 of God praises of Him who called you 28 your good deeds and
Strength / Message / Living on Earth Sacrifice in Christ out of darkness into His Christ glorify God…
Binding Measure / Things: 7 15 17 wonderful light. 27 in You 29
PERFECT See / Hear Weakness / Spiritual Covenant / Victory Holy Holy
THINGS Move Fist / Things: 10 14 Peace / Joy 19 26 Truth Life 30
Life / The End / Testimony: Righteousness / Faith Gospel The church Blood
Grace Time / Account / 12 9 Deliverance 20 25 is not a building, a religion, nor 31
Justice Report / Government Spirit / Distress / Payment for Sin / a denomination. The church is Family
1 Law 6 8 Judgment Wisdom 22 24 Forgiveness spiritual, it lives in the hearts of 32
Unity / Man / New Man / Spiritual Priest / believers, and is expressed in their life. Believer's
Beginning Flesh Believer Light Teacher Fellowship

2 11 EXAMPLES OF MAN'S RELIGION Man's religion is 34

Divide / Darkness / * * There are no bad numbers counter to this theme * * (1) Atheism based on man's principles Man's
Oppose 13 Mystery / Atheism says man makes his and exists to promote man. 36 Religion
Rebellion/ Hiding / * * There is no power of evil that can undo the power of the cross * * own rules, there is no God. This hinders the gospel, Exalting
SINFUL 18 Anger Fear (2) Orthodox Judaism. enslaves believers, and 38 Man
THINGS Bondage/ * * Jesus Christ, his life, death, and resurrection is glorious * * The Talmud and Misnah, which are mocks God. Break Faith /
21 Depression but rules of men, have authority. 39 Prostitute
Lawlessness / PERSONAL APPLICATION (3) Catholicism. Disease /
23 Folly Fallen The Pope is inerrant, his rules 40 Adultery Everything they do
Death / Man Resists the Man's problem is he cannot reconcile himself to God, his sins separate him from God. have the authority above Scripture. Severe is for men to see, they love
Punishment Authorities of God Furthermore, with time Man sinks deeper in sin and farther from God. (see Theme 1). (4) Many Organized Religions 41 Test the place of honor at banquets.
And Spirals Down Jesus' death on the cross paid for your sins. Have you accepted God's offer of forgiveness? The word 'Religion' comes from Man's They shut the kingdom
To Moral & Physical If not, sincerely pray: "Lord God, I am a sinner. I accept your free gift of eternal life through the Latin word 'to bind together'. Rules of heaven in men's faces.
Death the death of Jesus on the cross. Grant me the power to overcome sin and lead a godly life. The signs of religious bondage: They undermine all Blind guides… they neglect
When I die, take me to be with you forever. Thank you Jesus!" one ruler, one teacher, one building, the doctrines of the faith. justice, mercy, faithfulness.
If you do that, you will discover as millions have the personal blessing of being a child of no exercise of gifts, no equipping They walk in worldly ways and They appear righteous but
God. The Father will lavish His love on you in this life and for all eternity. saints for service, paid professionals, do not promote holy living. inside are unclean.

Bible Book Exodus Isaiah Ecclesiastes Job 1 Chron. 1 Kings meetings in halls not in homes, Mark Matthew Malachi Zecheriah Zephaniah Nahum

Bible Chapter Matt.2 Matt.23 Matt.21 Matt.18 Matt.13 Matt.11 * * The books related to this theme are intensely personal spiritual journeys * * festivals, Sabbaths, holy days. Mark 13 Mark 12 Mark 11 Mark 10 Mark 8 Mark 6
Bible Chapter Gen. 2 Gen. 23 Gen. 21 Gen. 18 Gen. 13 Gen. 11 * * Astounding as it is, God wants a personal relationship with every individual * * (Galatians 4:9-11) Gen. 41 Gen. 40 Gen. 39 Gen. 38 Gen. 36 Gen. 34

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