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AE 231 Thermodynamics

Recitation 4
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinan Eyi
Problem 1
Question: A steam turbine receives steam from
two boilers. One flow is 5 kg/s at 3 MPa, 700°C
and the other flow is 15 kg/s at 800 kPa, 500°C.
The exit state is 10 kPa, with a quality of 96%.
Find the total power out of the adiabatic
Problem 1
In a steady state flow process:

∑ mɺ i = ∑ mɺ e
i e
In this problem, we have two inlets and one exit.

From the conservation of mass:

mɺ 3 = mɺ 1 + mɺ 2 = 5 + 15 = 20 kg / s

From the conservation of energy:

2 2
Qɺ cv − Wɺcv + ∑ mɺ i (hi + i + gzi ) − ∑ mɺ e ( he + e + gze ) =0
i 2 e 2

In turbines we can use the following assumptions

Qɺ C V = 0 , ∆ (KE ) = 0, ∆ ( PE ) = 0

Energy equation becomes:

Wɺcv = ∑ mɺ i hi − ∑ mɺ e he
i e
Problem 1
Wɺcv = mɺ 3 h3 − mɺ 2 h2 − mɺ 1h1
at inlet 1, from superheated water table:
P1= 3MPa, T1= 700oC, h1= 3911.72kJ/kg
at inlet 2, from superheated water table:
P2= 800 kPa, T2= 500oC, h1= 3480.60kJ/kg

At the exit, from saturated vapor table:

P3=10kPa, T3=45.81oC, x3= 0.96, hf= 191.81kJ/kg, hfg= 2392.82kJ/kg
h3= hf+x*hfg = 191.82+0.96*2392.82= 2488.93kJ/kg
Problem 1
Wɺcv = mɺ 1h1 + mɺ 2 h2 − mɺ 3 h3

Wɺcv = 5*3911.72 + 15*3480.60 − 20* 2488.93 = 21989kW

Problem 2
Question: The front of a jet engine acts as a diffuser receiving air
at 900 km/h, -5°C, 50 kPa, bringing it to 80 m/s relative to the
engine before entering the compressor. If the flow area is
reduced to 80% of the inlet area find the temperature and
pressure in the compressor inlet
Problem 2
In a steady state flow process:
∑ mɺ i = ∑ mɺ e
i e

In this problem, we have one inlet and one exit.

mɺ i = mɺ e = AV / v

From the conservation of energy:

2 2
Qɺ cv − Wɺcv + ∑ mɺ i (hi + i + gzi ) − ∑ mɺ e ( he + e + gze ) =0
i 2 e 2

In diffusers, we can use the following assumptions:

Qɺ C V = 0 , Wɺ C V = 0 , ∆ ( P E ) = 0

Vi2 Ve2 Vi2 Ve2 Vi2 Ve2

mɺ i (hi + ) = mɺ e (he + ) , hi + = he + , he − hi = −
2 2 2 2 2 2
Problem 2
Vi2 Ve2 1  900*1000  1 1 1
he − hi = C p (Te − Ti ) = − =  − ( ) = ( ) − ( ) = 28.05kJ / kg
2 2 2
 80 250 80
2 2 2  3600  2 2 2

C p (Te − Ti ) = 28.05kJ / kg C p = 1.004kJ / kg Ti = −5o C

Te = −5 + 28.05 /1.004 = 22.9o C

i i / vi = AeVe / ve

i i = vi * ( Ae / Ai )(Ve / Vi ) = vi *0.8* ( 80 / 250 ) = 0.256vi

ve = vi * AeVe / AV

ve = 0.256vi , = 0.256

i i = RTi
Pv Pe ve = RTe
Problem 2
Pe ve Te ( Te / Ti ) ( 273 + 22.9 ) / ( 273 − 5 ) 
= , Pe = Pi , Pe = 50
i i Ti ( ve / vi ) 0.256

Pe = 215.64kPa
Problem 3
Question: An initially empty bottle, V = 0.25 m3, is filled with water from a line at 0.8 MPa,
350°C. Assume no heat transfer and that the bottle is closed when the pressure reaches line
pressure. Find the final temperature and mass in the bottle.
Continuity Eq.:
( m2 − m1 )CV + ∑ me −∑ mi =0
e i
m2 - m1 = mi ; m1 = 0 ; ⇒ m2 = mi
Energy Eq.:
Vi 2 Ve2
QCV + ∑ mi ( hi + + gzi ) = ∑ me ( he + + gz e )
i 2 i 2
  V22   V12 
+  m2  ( u 2 + + gz 2 )  − m1  ( u1 + + gz1 )   + WCV
  2   2   CV

QCV = 0, WCV = 0,
m2u2 = mihi ⇒ u2 = hi
State 2: P2 = Pline, u2 = hi = 3161.7 kJ/kg ⇒ T2 @ 520°C, v2 = 0.4554
m2 = V/v2 = 0.25/0.4554 = 0.549 kg
Problem 4
Question: A mass-loaded piston/cylinder, shown in the following figure
containing air is at 300 kPa, 17°C with a volume of 0.25 m3, while at
the stops V = 1 m3. An air line, 500 kPa, 600 K, is connected by a valve
that is then opened until a final inside pressure of 400 kPa is reached,
at which point T = 350 K. Find the air mass that enters, the work, and
heat transfer.
Problem 4
P1 = 300 kPa, T1 = 290.2 K, V1= 0.25m3
P2 = 400 kPa, T2 = 350 K, V1= 1m3
PV = mRT (ideal gas)

m1 = p1V1/RT1
m1 =(300 x 0.25)/(0.287 x 290.2) = 0.90 kg
P1 const P to stops, then const V to P2

m2 = p2V2/RT2
m2 =(400 x 1)/(0.287 x 350) = 3.982 kg

Continuity Eq.:
( m2 − m1 )CV + ∑ me −∑ mi = 0
e i

There is only one inlet. There is no exit (me = 0)

mi = m2 - m1 = 3.982 - 0.90 = 3.082 kg
Problem 4
Energy Eq.:

Vi 2 Ve2
QCV + ∑ mi ( hi + + gzi ) = ∑ me ( he + + gze )
i 2 i 2
  V22   V12 
+  m2  ( u 2 + + gz 2 )  − m1  ( u1 + + gz1 )   + WCV
  2   2   CV

Boundary work during the expansion:

WCV = P1(V2 - V1) = 300(1 - 0.25) = 225 kJ

QCV + mihi = m2u2 - m1u1 + WCV

QCV = m2u2 - m1u1 + WCV - mihi

QCV = 3.982 x 0.717 x 350 - 0.90 x 0.717 x 290.2 + 225- 3.082 x 1.004 x 600
= -819.2 kJ
Problem 5
Question: A spherical balloon is constructed of a material
such that the pressure inside is proportional to the
balloon diameter to the power 1.5. The balloon contains
argon gas at 1200 kPa, 700°C, at a diameter of 2.0 m. A
valve is now opened, allowing gas to flow out until the
diameter reaches 1.8 m, at which point the temperature
inside is 600°C. The balloon then continues to cool until
the diameter is 1.4 m.
a) How much mass was lost from the balloon?
b) What is the final temperature inside?
c) Calculate the heat transferred from the balloon during
the overall process.
Problem 5
Process: P ∝ D3/2 and since V ∝ D3 => P = C V1/2
State 1: T1 = 700oC, P1 = 1200 kPa, V1 = (π/6) D13 = 4.188 m3
m1 = P1V1/RT1 = 1200x4.1888/(0.20813x973.15) = 24.816 kg
State 2: T2 = 600oC, V2 = (π/6) D23 = 3.0536 m3
P2 = P1 (V2/V1)1/2 = 1200 (3.0536/4.1888)1/2 = 1025 kPa
m3 = m2 = P2V2/RT2 = 1025x3.0536/(0.20813x873.15) = 17.222 kg

a) Continuity Eq.:
( m2 − m1 )CV + ∑ me −∑ mi =0
e i
me = m1 - m2 = 7.594 kg
State 3: D3 = 1.4 m => V3 = (π/6)D33 = 1.4368 m3
P3 = 1200 (1.4368/4.1888)1/2 = 703 kPa

b) T3 = P3V3/m3R = 703x1.4368/(17.222x0.20813) = 281.8 K

c) Process is polytropic with n = -1/2 so the work becomes

1W3= ∫ P dV=(P3V3 - P1V1)/(1 – n)=(703x1.4368 - 1200x4.1888)/[(1 - (-0.5)] = -2677.7 kJ
1Q3 = m3u3 - m1u1 + mehe + 1W3
= 17.222x0.312x281.8 - 24.816x0.312x973.15+ 7.594x0.52x(973.15+873.15)/2 - 2677.7
= 1515.2 - 7539.9 + 3647.7 - 2677.7 = -5054.7 kJ
Problem 5
c) Process is polytropic with n = -1/2 so the work becomes

W CV (1→3) = ∫ P dV=(P3V3 - P1V1)/(1 – n)

=(703x1.4368 - 1200x4.1888)/[(1 - (-0.5)]
= -2677.7 kJ
Energy Eq.:
Vi 2 Ve2
QCV + ∑ mi ( hi + + gzi ) = ∑ me ( he + + gze )
i 2 i 2
  V22   V12 
+  m2  ( u 2 + + gz 2 )  − m1  ( u1 + + gz1 )   + WCV
  2   2   CV

QCV (1→3) = m3u3 - m1u1 + mehe + W CV (1→3)


= 1515.2 - 7539.9 + 3647.7 - 2677.7 = -5054.7 kJ

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