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Super foods are hiding in Your

The easiest and most straightforward way of giving yourself
energy, preserving your body and losing weight is probably
available at your neighborhood food store, or it might even be
buried in your kitchen. Don't be alarmed, be excited.
Super foods have long been the highlight of any discussion about health or healthy food. Many
celebrity chef have dedicated cooking books to them.

Many health experts from around the world have been advocating for the incorporation of
super foods into our diets, and some say that merely adding a few of them to your daily menu
is enough to provide your wellbeing with an instant boost.
What is there in super foods that makes them so desirable?

 High levels of essential nutritional elements (like protein, minerals, vitamins, essential
fatty acids and more).
 Very high doses of antioxidants.
 They are easily absorbed and digested.
 They are beneficial to every body system.
 Beauty enhancing: for a glowing skin, shiny hair and sparkling eyes.
 Improve body and soul balance.

Between Yams and Acai Berries

Some of these superfoods are rightly considered exotic, and are only available in health food
stores. Among these, you can find acai berries (that come from the Amazon rain forests), goji
berries (another rare fruit), Spirulina (a miracle working seaweed) and others. The good news
is that most of the superfoods are far more accessible than we thought, and as a matter of fact,
they are already available at our house. Despite the fact, that some of these healthy foods are
underneath our noses, we do not consume them on a regular basis. That's simply outrageous
in my book.
Among the superfoods, you can find at the nearest market or supermarket you can find:
legumes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, blueberries, strawberries, quinoa, salmon, dark chocolate
(with more than 70% cacao), and many green leaves – the greener they are, the healthier they
are. For this reason, kale has become the object of such legendary tales, that have turned it
into the unofficial king of superfoods. Spinach, mangold and Bok choy are high on this list as

Changing to a Healthier Diet, Easily

Apparently, turning to a superfood-rich diet is super simple, and super healthy: replacing
processed foods or less healthy foods by superfoods, will not only grant our body important
nutritional values, but will also provide energy and assistance to the different body systems.
Some of them even boost the discharge of mood-improving hormones.
Know Your Superfood
Consuming superfoods as part of your daily menu not only necessitates a recognition in their
importance, but also learning about the different kinds of superfoods, their values and the
optimal ways to make them.
It is also recommended to test a variety of superfoods to see which one of them is having the
best effect on you.
You can find many recipes throughout the web that concentrate on superfoods, and much
more information on the nutritional values of specific superfoods you're interested in. The only
thing left for you to do is get informed, find your favorite superfood recipe and start cooking!


Diccionario español-inglés
desgastado adjetivo, masculino (desgastada f sing, desgastados m pl, desgastadas f pl)
El cantante llevaba unos viejos vaqueros desgastados. The singer was wearing old worn jeans.

menos frecuente:
worn-out adj




threadbare adj


fraying adj


shabby adj

desgastar (algo) verbo

wear sth. out v
menos frecuente:
wear down v

abrade v

wear sth. away v


overwork sth. v

erode v

wear away v

© Diccionario Linguee, 2017

Fuentes externas

A mí me parece que es It seems to me that it is a stale message about a moribund

un mensaje trillado sobre una Constitución moribunda de Constitution from one who may well soon be judged by his

alguien que posiblemente sea juzgado en breve por su propio own electorate to be a stale politician.

electorado como un políticodesgastado. europarl.europa.eu


20-4.13. No use cables 20-4.13. Do not

con aislamiento desgastado o dañado. use cables with worn or damaged insulation.

ussupplierdiversity.gsk.com ussupplierdiversity.gsk.com

El exceso de polvo en el rodillo puede Excessive dust on the roller

hacer que parezcadesgastado y causar problemas can make it appear worn and willcause issues

relacionados con la alimentación del papel. feeding paper.

xeroxscanners.com xeroxscanners.com
Ambos bandos se han desgastado a manos de las Both parties

fuerzas de seguridad de la India y de Myanmar. have also suffered attrition at the hands of

Indian and Myanmar security forces.



Si está desgastado, puede resbalar If it's worn smooth, it can be slippery

en superficies húmedas, dijo Granieri. on wet surfaces, Granieri said.

womenshealth.gov womenshealth.gov

[...] Therefore, given these figures, we can maintain that this

estos datos, que realmente el proyecto U.S. strategy has worn itself out, and

norteamericano estádesgastado y solo con estos the only way it manages to impose this resolution

métodos puede ser impuesto al mundo. [...]



Los atascos de papel frecuentes son un síntoma de un Frequent paper jams are a

ensamblaje del rodillo desgastado. symptom of a worn roller assembly.

xeroxscanners.com xeroxscanners.com

El informe concluyó que las causas del accidente fueron el The enquiry found that the cause was poor hull maintenance

deficiente mantenimiento y la antigüedad del buque, cuyo casco and old age, with the hull

estaba seriamente desgastado. steelwork severely wasted.

eur-lex.europa.eu eur-lex.europa.eu

No nos remita ninguna Do not return any

pieza que se haya desgastado durante el funcionamiento parts that have been worn out during normal

normal o que se haya dañado por accidente. operation or accidentally damaged.



[...] [...]

duda de que Estados Unidos ha obtenido en that the only thing the United States

este ejerciciodesgastado, impuesto sobre achieved in this worn-out exercise, imposed

la base de brutales presiones, realmente una victoria pírrica. on the basis of brutal pressure, was in fact a pyrrhic victory.
america.cubaminrex.cu america.cubaminrex.cu

Si el refractario esta desgastado tiene que ser If the insulation is worn down it has to be

reemplazado por un Centro de Servicio acreditado de Ivoclar replaced by a certified Ivoclar Vivadent Service Center.


ivoclarvivadent.co ivoclarvivadent.com

Una vez que Israel hubo desgastado la situación en Once Israel had worn Gaza down with its

Gaza con un asedio asfixiante, que restringió la circulación de strangulating siege, by which it restricted the mobility of

personas individuals and goods,

[...] [...]

daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org

Dooley dice que el legado colonial "son sistemas políticos que en Dooley says that colonial legacies "are political systems that

cierto modo han desgastado la integridad cultural. have kind of eroded our cultural integrity.

america.gov america.gov

Por otra parte, el propio material abrasivo utilizado, Furthermore, once the abrasive material that is used becomes

una vezdesgastado por su fricción con las piezas metálicas, depleted through friction with the metal parts, it turns into

acaba convertido en otro residuo industrial que se tiene que another form of industrial waste that must be managed.

gestionar. cprac.org


[...] [...]

extienden al derecho internacional en general; pero esta extend to international law in general; but this

limitación se ha desgastado en ocasiones limitation has frayed on occasion, and

y puede llegar a no perdurar. might turn out not to be sustainable.



4 Compruebe 4 Check whether the shaft sleeve (1100) is damaged.

que el casquillo del eje (1100) no estédesgastado. johnson-pump.com


¿Acaso un milagro no proporcionaría un raro júbilo para el Would not a miracle make rare mirth in Herod's palace and

palacio de Herodes, y no causaría una cause a new sensation

nueva sensación en eldesgastado libertino? in the mind of the worn-out debauchee?

spurgeongems.org spurgeongems.org

[...] [...]
Misión hará hincapié en el maintenance and

mantenimiento y la sustitución del equipo replacement of obsolete and worn-outequipment with respect

obsoleto y desgastado utilizado en sus instalaciones y en las to facilities, power generation, communications and

actividades information technology,

de generación de electricidad, vehicle fleet management and aviation.


daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org

Nunca utilice ninguna Never use

batería o cargador desgastado o dañado. any charger or battery that is damaged.

lifewireless.com lifewireless.com

Inspeccione el trenzado de luces en busca de enchufes Check all light strands for cracked or

agrietados o broken plugs, frayedinsulation or bare wires.

rotos, aislamiento desgastado o cables pelados. ouc.com


La sola tarea de conseguir que, para empezar, esta situación sea Just the task of getting this situation taken seriously in

tomada seriamente ha desgastado a nuestra organización the firstplace has strained our organization

durante más de dos años. to the maximum for over two years.

justicewomen.com justicewomen.com

El ciclo de retroalimentación entre un The feedback loop between a

sector financierodesgastado y actividades corrosive financial sector and declining economic

económicas en declive está afectando a los países en desarrollo. activities has spilled over to developing countries.

unaids.org unaids.org

[...] [...]

tales como incinado o excessively steep elevation change

un perfil socavado - tales comodesgastado o siniestrado, - such as Raked, or an undercut profile - such as Weathered

proporciona generalmente or Struck,

aplicaciones desafiantes generally provide challenging

[...] [...]

vizuon.eu vizuon.eu

El granulado está cubierto de aceite debido a un compresor de The granular material has become oily due
aire comprimido averiado o desgastado. to a defective orworn air compressor.

mahle-hirschvogel.com.br mahle-hirschvogel.com.br

Además debe revisarse y en su caso In addition, you should check for

reemplazar cualquier borde desgastado en los alabes de la and replace any worn leadingedge tape on the blades,

turbina. if appropriate.



Esas medidas habían Such measures had

ocasionado represalias, desgastado lasrelaciones bilaterales caused retaliation, undermined bilateralrelations

entre los Estados y tenido consecuencias among States and negatively affected the development of the

[...] countries concerned.



Este fue el mismo ejemplar, This was the

ya está un poquito desgastado, queyo levanté allá same copy, it's a bit worn, that I held up in the

en Naciones Unidas, Chomsky, Hegemonía o United Nations: Chomsky, Hegemony or Survival: -I continue

[...] [...]


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