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Unit 12 Vocabulary Worksheet


Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.


A bag of A can of
breath mints foot spray
cough drops shaving cream
sunburn spray
A bottle of
aspirin A jar of
face cream
cough syrup
eye drops A pack of
lotion throat lozenges
sleeping pills tissues
throat spray
A stick of
vitamins deodorant

A box of A tube of
antacid tablets ointment
bandages skin cream
cold tablets toothpaste
herbal tea
(italics = new word)

You are going shopping for these people.
Complete the shopping list. Use words from
your vocabulary log. Shopping List
1. Antonio: “I have sore muscles.” 1. a tube of muscle ointment for Antonio
2. Larry: “I have a bad headache.” 2.
3. Wendy: “I have a cold.” 3.
4. Joan: “I have a cough.” 4.
5. Ross: “I have a sunburn.” 5.

6. Diane: “I have a stomachache.” 6.

7. Jane: “I have dry skin.” 7.

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2013 Photocopiable

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