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1. Discuss what is artificial method of family planning?

2. Discuss what are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial method of family planning
3. Differentiate kinds of artificial method of family planning

Artificial Family Planning

- is the process used to prevent pregnancy and plan for the birth of children at the most
optimum time. Commonly referred to as birth control, family planning can be accomplished using a
variety of methods.

- Artificial family planning method is unnatural technique that is used to prevent conception.

Artificial methods of family planning, including their effectiveness rate in preventing pregnancies in
one year. As a point of comparison, natural family planning has an effectiveness rate of between
81% and 95%, depending on the skill of the couple.

• Withdrawal method (81% to 96% effective). Although considered by some experts to still be a
natural form of family planning, the withdrawal method is frowned upon by the Roman Catholic
Church. However, Protestants are more amenable to this technique when used as a birth control
method by married couples.

The withdrawal method involves the man’s ability to withdraw the male organ prior to ejaculation.
Withdrawal prevents pregnancy by avoiding the meeting of the male sperm and the female egg. The
problem with this method is the high failure rate of four to 19% in the first year of use, depending
on the man’s ability to control himself. Although the method is not perfect, there are an increasing
number of couples who practice it with success.

• Condom (96% effective). A condom is a plastic balloon-like material that is worn over the male
organ to prevent the sperm from entering the vaginal canal. Aside from birth control, condoms have
the advantage of preventing AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases. There is a female
version of the condom called diaphragm.

• Contraceptive pills (97% effective). The pill works by preventing the brain from secreting
hormones (called FSH and LH) responsible for the production of the female egg. There are older
and newer generations of contraceptive pills. The newer pills have fewer side effects and use
substantially lower amounts of estrogen and progesterone. Minor side effects include nausea,
breast tenderness, mood changes, fluid retention, and weight gain. However, there are certain
women who should probably stay away from contraceptive pills, such as those with a history of
smoking, high blood pressure, blood clots, breast cysts and masses, and uterine abnormalities.
These women should get a clearance first from their doctors.

• Injectable shots (97% effective). Medroxyprogesterone (brand name: Depo-Provera) is an

injectable birth control hormone that can prevent pregnancy for up to three months. Possible side
effects include loss of menses (which isn’t necessarily harmful), weight gain, and bone loss.
Injectable are convenient and effective, and thus are preferred by some women.

• IUD or intra-uterine device (97% effective). These small plastic or copper devices are
relatively safe and commonly used worldwide. The IUD is inserted inside the woman’s uterus and
prevents conception mainly by preventing the sperm from reaching the egg in the fallopian tube. An
IUD device lasts between five and 10 years. Side effects may include menstrual changes, weight
gain, headache, and abdominal pain.

• Ligation in females (99.5% effective). These last two items refer to permanent methods of
birth control. Ligation (medically called bilateral tubal ligation or BTL) is a surgical procedure, which
involves the tying of the woman’s fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes serve to connect the ovary and
the uterus. The female egg is formed monthly in the ovaries and passes through the fallopian tube
where it could meet the male sperm. By blocking the fallopian tubes, pregnancy is prevented in
99.5% of cases. Complications with surgical ligation are rare in the order of 0.1% or one in 1,000

• Vasectomy in males (99.8% effective). Vasectomy is a simple, safe, and effective procedure. It
involves the cutting of the tubes where the sperm passes through prior to ejaculation. These tubes
(medically called vas deferens) are located beside the male testes. Vasectomy can be done as an
out-patient procedure for 30 minutes and under local anesthesia. Side effects are rare and there is
no change in the man’s sex life. The male will still experience normal erection and ejaculation of
seminal fluid. The only difference now is that the fluid will not contain sperms. Compared to ligation
in females, vasectomy is safer and easier to perform.

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