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The goal of this project is to design an online PDF store named ClassWiser. The
book inventories are stored in MySQL RDBMS(website) and firebase(app)
server. Customers can access the bookstore web site through the World Wide
Web (WWW) and the app ClassWiser through Google play store. Customers
will be able to find PDFs of various subjects in each semester, view web resources
of latest computer technologies in the website. To view the PDFs every customer
must have to register first and they must have to log in first. The website is a free
for all tool.

The user can login using his account details or new customers can set up an
account very quickly. They should give the details of their name, contact number
and email ID. The user can give likes and comment about the PDF. The books
and PDFs are divided into many categories based on a variety of subjects.

We also aim to have various colleges and schools as our clients. Institutes like
Globsyn, NIIT, Ardent Computech Pvt. Ltd. that offer certified courses are also
our target.

The administrator will have additional functionalities when compared to the

common user. He/she can add and update the PDF details, book categories,
member information.

The project is in accordance with the Digital India scheme to provide free
1.1 Purpose and Motivation

The main objective of the project is to create an online PDF store. To view any
PDF from the website the user must have to Login first. The selected PDFs are
displayed in a tabular format and the user can view the PDF online free of cost.
The Administrator will have additional functionalities when compared to the
common user.

This project aims to be in accordance with the Honorable PM’s DIGITAL

INDIA scheme.

The motivation to create this project has many sources

 Interest to develop a good user friendly website and app with many online
transactions using a database.
 We have designed and implemented this website to provide a virtual book
store for the users. Now a days, people who have not much time to go to
the book stores, this website provide them best solution of the problem.
 Our interface provides a user friendly viewing experience for the users.
Students and professionals can update themselves about latest technologies
and course subjects. Our website and app is active 24*7.

1.2 Literature Review

In the good old days, one had to go to various book stores and search for their
desired books. This would cost both in terms of time and money because often
good book stores were only found in metropolitan cities. Hence, a person from
the suburbs had to go on a long journey to purchase a book. Although, with time
many book shops have opened in smaller towns but still the problem remains.
The ClassWiser aims to solve this problem. We offer a place online where you
can see, review PDFs in the comfort of your drawing rooms just by the click of
the mouse all free of cost.

1.3Tools and Technologies used

1. Google Firebase(Storage, Database and authentication)

2. Android Studio
3. HTML, CSS, JQUERY(Front End) and MYSQL(Back End).
Functional Requirements:

This project has the following functionalities:

1) A Home page with product catalog

This is the page where the user will be navigated after a successful login. It
will display all the PDF categories and will have viewing and reviewing

2) Book Description
The link contains a description of the book.

3) User Feedback
The user can like and comment about the PDFs and review them. User can
add a PDF to his favorite section.

4) Managing user accounts

Each user should have an account to access all the functionalities of website.
User can login using login page and logout using the logout page. All the
user sessions will be saved in the database.

5) Administration
Special functions for the Administrator are:
o Add or delete a book category.
o Add or delete a member.

6) Online Forum
We also provide an online forum where a user can query questions, give
feedback and suggestions on the materials provided. We also would make a
platform where students can interact with teachers and professionals alike
and learn interesting concepts.

7) Focus on newer technologies

We are also making a platform in our website to help budding technocrats to
learn about newer technologies like PHP, MySQL, etc. It would enable them
to enhance their skills and learnings that would help them meet industry
standards pretty well.
To design the webpage many JSP pages are embedded within the HTML pages.
Here we provide the user an easy way to find any kind of resources and help them
to get it from our website. If the book is not available then we immediately inform
the user. If a user is viewing a book for the first time from our website then he
has to register first to our website else the user must have to login to our website.
User can view resources and also view free PDFs from our website and app.

Google Firebase provides storage, Database and authentication for the app. The
PDFs are arranged subject wise for different semesters. It will help to view the
PDFs very easily at one place.

PHP technology has been used to design the website. MySQL serves as the
database for storing user data and credentials. The link to download the app will
be available in the website.

Android studio has been used to design the user friendly application.

In order to design a web site, the relational database must be designed first.
Conceptual design can be divided into two parts: The data model and the User
Interface design. The data model focuses on what data should be stored in the
database. The User Interface Design focuses mainly on the user specifications.

3.1Database design

In this ClassWiser database, we have designed three tables named (add table
name here), (add table name here) and (add table name here) table. In first
table it mainly stores the book stocks, its details-book id, book name, book
author, book publication, book category, book price and book quantity. Another
table named user which will store each user’s orders and other required details to
deliver the book at proper address, it contains user phone, user name, user email,
user address, book id, book name, book quantity and price. And the last table
named My User will store the registered user details it contains user id, username,
user password, user phone, user email and user address. The transaction_details
table will keep a track of transactions for every user.

Fig 2: E-R Diagram

3.1.1Step algorithm

1. Start
2. Search times as required
3. Select desire item from the resultant search list and proceed to buy now
4. Login with user credential (if exist previously) or to create click on
register now
5. Give proper detail to create user account and proceed to step 4
6. After successful login give the quantity to place order
7. Finally confirm it and it will print the bill
8. Finish.
3.2Use Case Requirements
User and Administrator are the two actors included in the Online Book
Store.Fig.2 shows the use case diagram for this website.

Fig 3: Use Case Diagram

Use Cases:
Browse Catalog

1) Search for a Book

• Purpose: A user can search for a book of his choice by selecting
category and title. Then a select query is used to retrieve data from the
database and display the selected information.
• Actor: User
• Input: The user will select a category and enter title in a text box
• Output: The system will display the books which matches the selected
search criteria. A dataset is created as a result of select query. Later the
dataset is bind to the data repeater to display the selected data.

2) Give rating to a book

• Purpose: If the user wants to give rating according to his opinion for a
book he can select either Excellent, Very good, good, regular or deficient.
The final rating of a book will depend on all the individual user rating.
• Actor: User
• Input: The user will select a rating based on his opinion.
• Output: The system will display the rating of a book and the total
number of votes received. Below is the display for various rating.

Maintain Account

1) Register

• Purpose: If the user doesn’t have an account then he will be asked to


• Actor: User

• Input: The user will enter details in the registration form according to
the required fields. The fields include-Username, Password, confirm
password, first name, last name, email, Address, Phone
• Output: After registration the user will be directed to the main home

2) Login
• Purpose: If the user wants to get access to all the functionalities of
Online Book Store he should login using his username and password.
• Actor: User
• Input: The user will enter his username and password.
• Output: If it is a successful login the user will be directed to the main
home page. Else if the user enters invalid information he will be asked to
check the entered information.

3) Update Profile
• Purpose: If the user wants to change his personal account information
then he can update his selected fields and the entire data will be updated
in the data base through an update query.
• Actor: User
• Input: The user will update his account information.
• Output: The system will update the entered information in the database
using an update query.

4) Logout
• Purpose: If the user wants to end his session and sign out of the website
then he can use the logout option.
• Actor: User
• Input: The user will click the logout button.
• Output: The user’s account session comes to an end and he should
login again if he wants to enter into the website.


1) Login

• Purpose: If the Administrator wants to get access to all the

functionalities of Online Book Store he should login using his username
and password.

• Actor: Administrator

• Input: The Administrator will enter his username and password .

• Output: If it is a successful login the Administrator will be directed to
his menu page. Else if the Administrator enters invalid information he
will be asked to check the entered information.
2) Add or Delete Category

• Purpose: If the Administrator wants to add or delete a book category

then he can insert or delete a book category using his administration
rights and the category table will be updated in the database.

• Actor: Administrator

• Input: If the Administrator wants to add a book category the he should

click the insert link button in the category page else he can delete a
particular selected book category.

• Output: The updated categories list will be displayed in the main home

3) Manage Orders

• Purpose: If the Administrator wants to add or delete an order then he

can insert or delete an order using his administration rights.
• Actor: Administrator
• Input: If the Administrator wants to add an order the he should click the
insert link button in the orders page else he can delete a particular
selected order.

Output: The updated orders list will be processed to the users.

4) Logout

• Purpose: If the Administrator wants to end his session and sign out of
the website then he can use the logout option.

• Actor: Administrator.

• Input: The Administrator will click the logout button.

• Output: The Administrator’s account session comes to an end and he

should login again if he wants to enter into the website.

Every online-shopping project is unique. Every developer chooses to implement his own priorities
within the project. Our approach to this online-bookshop project is based on dividing the
project into different phases and evaluating each phase to provide the best results. Upon
completion of this project we will have learnt the features and usage of JDBC, NET BEANS and
the utility MySQL database. We would also be familiar with the connection process of webpages
and database, and learnt to write efficient codes in JavaScript, HTML and JQUERRY to some

OnlineBookKart process are mainly dependent on information as well as

communication technologies. The storing/retrieving , distribution, sharing of
information, delivering the information to the user via computer using
standard internet technology expose the onlineBook Kart website to security
threats. The lack of security could compromise information such as loss of
confidentiality, availability and exposure of critical data. To achieve a better
level of security some important elements should be taken into account such
as access control, data integrity, content protection etc. This can be obtained
using methods such as cryptography and networking protocols in the web

As the online shopping technology is increasing day by day so the future of online
BookKart is very bright. Now these days the people don’t have enough time to
go to the book shops and search for their desirable books for hours. So the best
solution for that is BookKart(online-BookKart) website. The user get those books
on their door steps and they costs less than the general book store books.

The facility of purchasing your book sitting at your own home with lesser costs
is always an attractive one. With time more and more sophisticated technologies
will be used to improve the current facility. We plan to provide e-books in pdf
format to the readers at nominal costs. We also plan to provide text books to
various colleges and schools. A forum will be established for people to discuss
their problems and share their views with us. So, overall the future looks bright
for the Online BookKart.

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_case_diagram
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_design
 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions IEEE Std
1016- 1998
 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications -
IEEE Std 830-1998
 IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation IEEE Std 829-1998

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