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Concordance of Cranial and Dental Morphological Traits and

Evidence for Endogamy in Ancient Egypt
Department of Anthropology, University of AEberta, Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2H4, Canada

KEY WORDS Biological distance, Social inequality, Egypt

ABSTRACT A biological aMinities study based on frequencies of cranial

nonmetric traits in skeletal samples from three cemeteries at predynastic
Naqada, Egypt, confirms the results of a recent nonmetric dental morphologi-
cal analysis. Both cranial and dental traits analyses indicate that the individu-
als buried in a cemetery characterized archaeologically as high status are
significantly different from individuals buried in two other, apparently non-
elite cemeteries and that the nonelite samples are not significantly different
from each other. A comparison with neighbouring Nile Valley skeletal samples
suggests that the high status cemetery represents an endogamous ruling or
elite segment of the local population a t Naqada, which is more closely related
to populations in northern Nubia than to neighbouring populations in south-
ern Egypt. o 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

The origins of the ancient Egyptian state ies during the formation of the Egyptian
may be traced to the rapid social and political state has yet to be conclusively resolved.
changes that occurred in Upper (southern To investigate the biological associations
Egypt during the predynastic period (ap- of Egyptian state formation we have exam-
proximately 5000 to 3050 BC) and which ined the population affinities of the earliest
ended with the unification of Upper and socially stratified groups, which appear un-
Lower Egypt in the first of thirty ruling dy- arguably during the predynastic period at
nasties (Bard, 1994a,b). Early attempts to the site of Naqada. Naqada had an im-
explain this phenomenon were not sympa- portant role as a religious and political cen-
thetic to the possibility that Egyptian civili- ter at this time, and its functions would have
zation could have developed from indigenous required an administrative or managerial
origins, however, and instead postulated its elite (Bard, 1994a,b; Hassan, 1988; Trigger,
origin in the immigration of foreigners from 1983). The apparent presence of palatial
southwest Asia or the circum-Mediterra- houses in a settlement area (Hassan, 1988)
nean (e.g., Derry, 1956; Emery, 1967; Petrie, and the existence of a cemetery for an elite
1920,1939). In the following decades a num- segment of the population, such as chieftains
ber of studies have investigated the biologi- (Case and Payne, 1962) or kings (Kemp,
19731, provide material evidence in this re-
cal relationships among temporally and spa-
gard, although whether this social differenti-
tially diverse Nile Valley populations (e.g., ation is the result of cultural differences (e.g.,
Berry and Berry, 1972; Berry et al., 1967;
Brace et al., 1993; Greene, 1982; Johnson
and Lovell, 1994; Keita 1990, 1992; Paabo
and Di Rienzo, 1993; Prowse and Lovell, Received April 20, 1995; accepted April 23, 1996
Address reprint requests to Nancy C . Lovell, Department of
1995; Rosing, 1989, 1990; Strouhal, 1968, Anthropology, 13-15 Tory Building, University of Alberta, Ed-
19711, but the question of population affinit- monton, Alberta T6G 2H4, Canada.



the accumulation of wealth) or biological dif- capitulation, identified skeletal nonmetric

ferences (e.g., the immigration of foreigners) traits as anomalies that were evolutionary
has not been firmly established. The answer vestiges of features seen in lower mammals
to this question is important because the so- (Blumenbach, 1776; Henle, 1855; Hyrtl,
cial stratification documented at Naqada is 1859; Krause, 1880; LeDouble, 1903; Oette-
considered by many t o be the precursor of the king, 1930;Quain, 1908;Sullivan, 1922;Tes-
highly visible and well-established social in- tut, 1889) and thus compared human popu-
equality that is characteristic of the later dy- lations on the premise that ancestral traits
nastic periods and which is manifested, for were evidence of racial primitiveness (Mor-
example, in monumental architecture such ton, 1839; Scott, 1893). When the theory
as the pyramids of Giza (approximately 2589 of recapitulation was rejected, attention
to 2504 BC) and in mortuary opulence for turned to metric studies of variation, but
those of high status, such as King Tutankha- nonmetric trait analysis regained credence
mun (approximately 1334 to 1325 BC). when a model was proposed for the genetic
The Naqada cemeteries were excavated by control of trait inheritance in mice (Griine-
Petrie in 1894-1895: Cemetery T (named for berg, 1952). This model provided a theoreti-
its location near two tumuli), Cemetery B cal justification for the study of morphologi-
(named after the nearby mound called Kom cally analogous traits in humans and led to
Bellal), and the Great Cemetery (named for familial studies of the inheritance of skeletal
the “Great New Race” that was mistakenly variants (Cheverud and Buikstra, 1981a,b,
identified by Petrie when he discovered pre- 1982;Johnson et al., 1965;Pietrusewsky and
viously unknown cultural remains). Ceme- Douglas, 1993; Saunders and Popovich,
tery T is generally agreed to be the burial 1978; Saunders et al., 1976; Suzuki and
place of an elite segment of the population Sakai, 1960; Torgersen, 1951a,b). Subse-
because of its small, localized area, the rich- quently, indirect evidence for the genetic ba-
ness of its grave goods (Bard, 1989, 1992; sis of some traits in humans was obtained
Castillos, 1981; Davis, 1983;Petrie and Qui- from studies of wild and laboratory popula-
bell, 1896), and the patterning of different tions of mice (Mus musculus) (Berry, 1963,
types of grave goods (Fekri Hassan, personal 1964; Grewal, 1962; Griineberg, 1951,1952,
communication). 1955; Howe and Parsons, 1967; Searle,
Arecent analysis of nonmetric dental mor- 1954a,b),while direct evidence was obtained
phological trait variation has shown that in- from traits that appear before birth (El-
dividuals buried in the elite cemetery at Na- Najjar and Dawson, 1977) and from agree-
qada are biologically differentiated from ments in trait frequencies among related
those buried in the two nonelite cemeteries, groups (Pietrusewsky and Douglas, 1993).
which are not significantly different from The relative ability of metric and nonmet-
each other (Johnson and Lovell, 1994). In ric traits to determine human biological af-
this paper we present the results of an analy- finities was the subject of much debate dur-
sis of cranial nonmetric trait variation ing the 1970s and 1980s. Berry and Berry’s
among the same three cemetery samples and oft-cited study (1967) contended that non-
among skeletal samples from neighbouring metric traits were superior to metric traits
regions of Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia. because of the apparent lack of correlations
This study thus addresses the question of with age and sex and between individual
whether cranial and dental nonmetric traits traits, minimal influence of environmental
analyses lead to the same results and also factors, and relative ease of scoring, but nu-
provides an independent line of evidence in merous subsequent studies were unable t o
the investigation of biological relationships reach a consensus on the relative merits of
during the development of social complexity nonmetric vs. metric traits when evaluated
in ancient Egypt. in the light oflinguistic or cultural data (Car-
penter, 1976; Ossenberg, 1977; Rightmire,
MATERIALS AND METHODS 1972; Sj@vold,1977; Thoma, 1981). The con-
Early research in comparative anatomy troversy appeared t o be resolved when it was
and physiology, embracing the concept of re- demonstrated that both types of traits

shared similar developmental patterns and 19881, while the cemetery a t Qena was used
were, therefore, alternative expressions of during late Naqada I1 and Naqada I1 (ap-
the same underlying continuous variable proximately 3400 to 3000 BC).’ The Lower
(Cheverud et al., 1979; Corruccini, 1976). Nubian site is the most recent in our study,
Significant age, sex, and intertrait correla- dating to the terminal A-Group period of
tions were reported (Corruccini, 1974), how- Lower Nubian culture, approximately 3000
ever, generating extensive research on the to 2750 BC (Vagn Nielsen, 1970). The total
methodological aspects of nonmetric trait time frame that we have sampled, then, is
analysis. Previously held assumptions con- in the neighbourhood of 800 years. Although
cerning the negligible effects of age and sex a temporal approach to the problem of bio-
on nonmetric trait frequencies, for example, logical affinities a t Naqada (i.e., comparing
have been found to be invalid, and therefore Naqada I, 11, and I11 samples from the same
trait frequencies must be examined for possi- cemetery or site) might prove profitable, the
ble age and sex associations prior to further precision of dates, their attribution to spe-
analysis. Although the genetic basis for the cific graves, and the size of the available
inheritance of some nonmetric traits in hu- samples, unfortunately, are inadequate for
mans has been accepted now by most re- such a study.
searchers the selection of traits must be Fifty-eight nonmetric traits were selected
made with reference to the etiology and de- for study, on the basis of whether published
velopment of traits (Hauser and De Stefano, sources revealed a good understanding of
1989; Rosing, 1984). their development, demonstrated their pre-
The samples used in this study reflect the dominantly genetic control, and provided
consideration of both space and class in our data suitable for a n extended comparative
formulation of the problem and consist of study (Berry et al., 1967; Brothwell, 1972;
crania from the two nonelite cemeteries, Buikstra, 1976; Hauser and DeStefano,
Cemetery B (n = 35) and the Great Ceme- 1989; Ossenberg, 1970; Rose et al., 1991).
tery (n = 63), and from the elite cemetery, T Bilateral traits were scored using the side
(n = 37), at predynastic Naqada and from count method, and partial trait manifesta-
neighbouring predynastic Badari (n = 57), tions were scored as present. All data were
Qena (n = 371, and protodynastic Lower collected with reference to standardized
Nubian Site 277 (n = 35) (Fig. 1). The dates scoring procedures (including both trait de-
for these sites were first based on Petrie’s scriptions and illustrations from the original
relative Sequence Dates (Petrie, 1901) as the sources) since this reduces intra- and inter-
Amratian, Gerzean, and Semainean periods observer error to acceptable levels (Molto,
which were later revised and called the Na- 1979). Only traits that were observed in at
qada I, 11, and I11 periods (Kaiser, 1956, least two samples were included in the anal-
1957).The Badarian cultural period long has ysis since the influence of chance occur-
been thought to slightly predate Naqada I. rences of rare traits can be magnified if traits
There are few radiocarbon dates for these that appear in only one of the samples are
time periods even though Libby’s (1955) included. Traits that were completely absent
early application of the technique produced or that had 100% frequency in all samples
dates (albeit apparently erroneously old) for also were eliminated, reducing the final data
a number of ancient Egyptian sites (for a set to 47 traits (Table 1).
review see Hassan, 1988). Badari is the ear- Since the crania were not curated with
liest of the sites we have sampled; recent their postcranial skeletons, we used stan-
work indicates that the Badarian cultural dard morphological features of the cranium
period in the region of Badari itself likely is to determine sex (Bass, 1987; Brothwell,
coeval with Naqada I and dates to approxi-
mately 3800 BC (Holmes and Friedman,
1989). The three Naqada cemeteries appear
to have been used contemporaneously dur- ‘Excavation reports for Qena have never been published, hut
Love11 examined the excavator’s original field notes, which are
ing Naqada I1 and 111, dating to approxi- archived at the Museum ofFine Arts, Boston, and which attribute
mately 3600 to 3000 BC (Bard 1989; Hassan the cemetery to the late Naqada I1 and Naqada I11 periods.


Fig. 1. Map of modern Egypt and Sudan showing the locations of the predynastic sites of Naqada,
Badari, and Qena and the protodynastic Nubian Site 277.

1972; Ubelaker, 1989; White, 1991) and de- adult crania were included in this study be-
gree of ectocranial suture closure to estimate cause the development of many traits is age-
age at death (Meindl and Lovejoy, 1985). To progressive (Berry et al., 1967; Buikstra,
facilitate data analysis, individuals were 1976;Perizonius, 1979).Age and sex correla-
categorized as subadult (520 years), young tions with nonmetric trait frequencies were
adult (21-30 years), middle adult (31-40 tested and, since there were no significant
years), or older adult (>40years). Extremely associations, ages and sexes were pooled for
fragmentary crania were assigned to these further analysis. Although intertrait corre-
age groups after being seriated on the basis lations are considered by some workers to
of relative degrees of molar wear, with wear affect the outcome of biological affinities
standards having been estimated from those analysis, they were not viewed as a factor in
crania of “known” age in the sample. Only this study since previous research has found

TABLE 1. Frequencies of cranial nonmetric traits for the Nayada cemeteries, ages and sexes pooled

Cemetery B Cemetery T Great cemetery

Traits n' N2 n1 N2 n' N2

Highest nuchal line 6 50 4 58 2 108

Ossicle at lambda 4 22 4 29 5 52
Inca bone 1 24 2 29 0 52
Lambdoidal suture ossicle 10 34 13 49 24 73
Biasterionic suture3 3 38 7 48 4 101
Ossicle at asterion3 8 39 3 53 10 105
Parietal foramen3 32 50 42 60 63 106
Obelionic foramen 0 26 3 30 2 50
Coronal suture ossicle 1 30 2 43 4 78
Sagittal suture ossicle 2 15 1 15 4 34
Epipteric bone3 2 27 6 40 12 92
Parietal notch bone3 3 41 4 53 8 102
Parietal notch present3 22 42 39 53 92 102
Occipitomastoid wormians3 5 36 2 45 3 95
Sutural foramen3 23 42 24 46 59 94
Mastoid foramen3 33 42 31 46 71 94
Occipital foramen3 6 42 4 46 9 94
Tympanic dehiscence3 4 53 13 46 10 101
Posterior condylar canal patent3 13 34 12 34 20 79
Condylar facet double3 0 40 1 35 2 90
Precondylar tubercle 15 44 19 38 22 94
Paracondylar process3 15 26 10 32 44 82
Anterior condylar canal double3 14 45 11 43 30 96
Foramen ovale incomplete3 2 31 3 45 6 92
Foramen spinosum open3 10 31 13 45 33 91
Pterygo-alar spursd 0 5 1 7 3 25
Accessory lesser palatine foramen' 17 33 17 23 58 79
Palatine torus 1 18 6 14 6 44
Zygomaxillary tubercle3 27 30 26 32 76 89
Marginal tubercle3 25 32 36 36 82 88
Zygomatico-facial foramen3 25 29 30 34 66 88
Supraorbital foramen3 25 44 29 57 48 106
Accessory supraorbital foramen3 4 44 4 56 7 106
Metopism 0 23 1 29 2 53
Frontal foramen/notch3 4 44 13 57 19 106
Frontal grooves? 6 45 18 54 29 106
Posterior ethmoid foramen3 6 8 24 25 49 54
Nasal bone sutures 0 17 4 18 3 39
Accessory infraorbital foramen? 4 28 3 29 8 84
Infraorbital suture> 12 24 19 29 53 86
Accessory mental foramen3 3 29 1 24 4 84
Rocker jaw 2 10 5 11 11 35
Mylohyoid arch3 2 22 4 24 5 79
Lingula bridge3 0 25 2 24 5 79
Genial tubercles 12 15 10 13 38 43
Median mental spine 8 15 5 13 30 43
Genial pits 9 15 11 12 29 43
In = number of sides where the trait is present.
2 N = total number of observable sides.
3Bilateral trait frequencies are based on right plus left sides.

that correlations between traits in small multivariate Mean Measure of Divergence

samples such as these are rarely statistically (MMD) statistic. The MMD value, its vari-
significant (Berry et al., 1967; Corruccini, ance, and its standard deviation were calcu-
1974; Saunders, 1978, 1989; Sjavold, 1973, lated according to the mathematical models
1977). of Green and Suchey (1976) and Sj~vold
Because of these small sample sizes, trait (1973). A standardized MMD value is used
frequencies were arcsine-transformed before in this study to measure the biological aEni-
analysis using the Freeman and Tukey ties of the samples since standardized scores
transformation recommended by Green and should be used when comparing samples of
Suchey (1976). Comparisons were then different sizes (Hemphill et al., 1991; Sofaer
made among the three samples using the et al., 1986). Standardized MMD values are

calculated by dividing each raw MMD score TABLE 2. Results of the test of biological affinity among
by its standard deviation. The MMD statistic two nonelite cemeteries (B and Great1 and one elite
cemetery (TI at Naqada using the mean measure of
is used for significance tests; it indicates sim- divergence (MMD) statistic
ilarity or dissimilarity rather than the de-
Cemetery comparison
gree of relatedness of populations. A stan-
B-Great B-T T-Great
dardized MMD value greater than 2.0 is
considered statistically significant a t the MMD 0.018 0.054 0.025
Standard deviation of MMD 0.013 0.019 0.012
0.05 probability level (Sjavold, 1973). The Standardized MMD' 1.363 2.847' 2.033'
standardized MMDs were then subjected to 'Standardized MMD = MMDIStandard Deviation of MMD.
cluster analysis using Ward's method (Ward, Statistically significant differences.
1963), which is a hierarchical agglomerative
statistic based on the minimum distance of
the items in a cluster from the mean of cally different on the basis of the MMD sta-
that cluster. tistic, the fact that cluster analysis places
them closest to each other in the dendrogram
(Fig. 2) suggests a closer biological affinity
R ESULTS to each other than to the other skeletal sam-
The frequencies of the cranial nonmetric ples analyzed.
traits in the six cemetery samples, ages and
sexes pooled, are presented in Table 1. Table DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
2 gives the raw MMD scores, standard devia- The results of this analysis of cranial non-
tions, and the corresponding standardized metric trait variation indicate that the indi-
MMDs for the Naqada samples, which indi- viduals buried in Cemetery T can be differ-
cate that Cemetery B and the Great Ceme- entiated from those buried in the other two,
tery are not statistically distinguishable nonelite cemeteries at Naqada. Further, the
from each other but that Cemetery T is sig- skeletal populations of the two nonelite cem-
nificantly different from both Cemetery B eteries derive from a biologically homoge-
and the Great Cemetery. Table 3 presents neous group. These results support those ob-
the MMD data for Badari, Qena, and Nubia tained for nonmetric dental morphological
in addition to Naqada and shows that these traits on the same samples (Johnson and
samples are all significantly different from Lovell, 1994). Although the small number of
each other. Since the two nonelite samples dental traits available for examination may
from Naqada are not significantly different, have affected the reliability of the earlier
they were pooled for the cluster analysis that study, the work reported here corroborates
is presented in Figure 2 and which demon- those findings using a n independent line of
strates that 1)the Naqada samples are more evidence based on a much larger sample.
similar to each other than they are to the The observed biological differentiation
samples from the neighbouring Upper Egyp- cannot be attributed to chronological varia-
tian or Lower Nubian sites and 2) the Na- tion among the Naqada cemeteries since re-
qada samples are more similar to the Lower cent reassessments of their dating indicate
Nubian protodynastic sample than they are that they were used contemporaneously dur-
to the geographically more proximate Egyp- ing the middle and late Naqada cultural pe-
tian samples. riods (Bard, 1989, 1994a; Davis, 1983). The
The MMD is a test of significance and as distinction also cannot be attributed to in
such measures similarity without necessar- situ evolution between these middle and late
ily demonstrating relationship. Since the cultural sequences, a period of only 600
nonmetric traits used in this study are under years. Although mutations serve to increase
genetic control, however, it is reasonable to variation among populations separated by
interpret this result as indicating biological time, mutation rates are much lower (ap-
relatedness, a t least in the case of the two proximately 1 X [Cummings, 19881)
nonelite samples from Naqada, which we than what would be needed to support the
have pooled. Further, although the elite and size of the observed distinction.
nonelite samples from Naqada are biologi- Alternatively, the distinction of Cemetery

TABLE 3. Matrix of standardized mean measures of divergence (MMDI and their standard deviations‘
Skeletal samples Badari Qena Great and B Naqada T Nubia
Badari - 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00
Qena 13.19 - 0.001 0.001 0.001
Naaada Great &B 17.69 17.70 - 0.00 n 00
Naqada T 8.22 12.83 2.57 - 0.00
Nubia 12.85 7.61 8.49 5.17 -

‘All Standardized MMD values are statistically significant. Standardized MMDs a r e in bold on the lower left side of the table; standard
deviations are on the upper right side.

Naqada G&B

Naqada T 1
I 1
Ehdari t
0 ........................................................................... 20

Fig. 2. Dendrogram showing the relationships of five pre- and protodynastic Nile Valley skeletal
samples, based on Ward’s method (Ward, 1963). The scale represents the cumulative error sum of squares
associated with successive linkages in the cluster analysis of the matrix presented in Table 3.

T could reflect the presence of a n immigrant Overall, our results suggest that there was
elite population at Naqada, although the a significant degree of biological heterogene-
consistency of style (if not richness) of grave ity among Nile Valley populations during the
goods among the cemeteries argues against early periods of Upper Egyptian and Lower
this. Further, people undoubtedly travelled Nubian cultural history, as has been demon-
along the Nile River, but there is no archaeo- strated previously by craniometric analyses
logical evidence for large population move- (Keita, 1992) and which fits with a variety
ments; rather, subsistence or trade activities of historical, cultural, and linguistic data (re-
by individuals or families probably charac- viewed by Keita, 1993). This heterogeneity,
terize travel a t this time. This does not rule however, likely reflects normal variability
out some gene flow, but we believe that the among human populations. It has been hy-
magnitude of the differences can be most pothesized that periods of severe aridity in
parsimoniously explained by other processes the Sahara prior to the Egyptian predynastic
whereby Cemetery T represents a n elite seg- forced people to move into the Nile valley and
ment of the population that became biologi- come into contact with indigenous Nilotic
cally differentiated from the rest of the com- groups (Hassan, 19881, and thus the source
munity’s inhabitants either through genetic of the observed variability in predynastic
drift, or through positive assortative mating populations may be the presence and inter-
(inbreeding) within the social group. The action of numerous biologically distinct
high frequency of a rare trait (palatine torus) groups within the Nile Valley (Keita, 1992).
in the Cemetery T sample as compared to The Naqada-Lower Nubia cluster is consis-
the other samples may be indicative of kin tent with the archaeological evidence for
relationships, a s has been demonstrated, for trade relations between Upper Egypt and
example, for a n Old Kingdom sample at As- Nubia a t this time (Smith, 1991; Trigger,
wan (Rosing, 1982, 1986, 1990). Within- 19831, and the results of our study suggest
group marriage is well documented for the that these cultural associations may reflect
Egyptian nobility in later times. biological affinities. While the relationships

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