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by Bryan Kemila and Lear Sinoda ammag


This book discusses the root source of SUBLIMINAL MESSAGING. Through this messaging the
luciferian-based THINKERS control and manipulate an illusory smoke and mirrors reality
through indoctrination of the masses in intellectual and religious lunacy. Humanity is in a
massive state of hypnosis. HUMANITY IS ITSELF, an illusory form, and the product of
HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION. The consideration of this information WILL BREAK the
The 3 dimensional curtain of deception, otherwise referred to a SINISTER FORM of
HYPNOTIC MISDIRECTION, separates us from our natural state of wisdom, through
awareness. The 3D perspective, everything we see, is a curtain formed in 3 directions – height,
width and depth. Part of this 3 dimensional curtain is our physical body. The body has 5 physical
sensors programmed to be receptive to the 3 dimensional illusion around us. The way these
sensors pick up the signals from the 3D curtain is through subliminal messages. Subliminals are
constructed through such techniques as simple shapes, sounds and colours, and then more
complex, multi-layered methods, such as reverse imagery, reverse symbolism, distorted
symbolism, reverse speech patterns, neuro-linguistic (brain language) programming
techniques, and the elaborate use of the language and number systems, among other devious
modes of manipulation.

Subliminal Messages Are Thoughts – Which

Are Lies
Thoughts appear to make sense and relate to reality, sort of. This is why they’re subliminal. A
subliminal is a message that does not rise above conscious threshold. A subliminal is designed to
act on the mind at a subconscious level. That’s why the information here seems to almost make
sense, but not quite. The 3D world is one huge subliminal. The luciferian mindset has
manipulated the suggestible elite of the world to do whatever it requires to be done. If
subliminal messaging were rational and able to be recognized on the conscious level, it wouldn’t
be subliminal. We would never pay attention to it, and humanity would ignore this illusory 3D
experience and stay connected to wisdom through awareness. The 3D illusion would then simply
dissolve, or become of none importance or relevance.
For instance, if someone consciously told you to kill someone, you wouldn’t do it. That just doesn’t
make rational sense. However, if someone says this is the law, “thou shalt not kill”. The subliminal
message is this: if you really want to get even with someone or with society, then commit murder.
The idea is just suggested in the phrasing, coupled with the fact this is the law of the land.
Therefore, the way to stop killing, war, murder, and any kind of aggressive bloodshed is TO
NOT HAVE A LAW AGAINST IT. It is apparent society is over-burdened with laws, and in turn,
over-run with killing, corruption, lying, hatred, etc. There are laws against all these things and
therefore, these things abound because of the subliminal message attached.
The 3 dimensional illusion is CREATED BY THE THOUGHT PROCESS. Thinking is not
being aware. Thinking is that thing any conscious being APPEARS TO DO to attempt to
manipulate the future, or relive the pain/pleasure from the past. Both these time zones, the future
and the past, do not exist. Therefore, thinking about them to manipulate them is a deception.
However, to consider what is happening in this moment is not called thinking. Staying in the
moment and meeting the needs of the moment is awareness of the 3 dimensional space, albeit, an
illusory space. To function within this 3D space requires that needs be met. Reality, and our true
eternal wisdom state, extends beyond the 3D illusory forms, and that wisdom state simply knows
everything through awareness, ALREADY. Our eternal wisdom state knows the manipulation
process of the luciferian egregore group of thinkers. Wisdom knows that this luciferian group
plays god and plays the devil. Both of which are none existent. Wisdom, through awareness, sees
how this group mindset bands together to manifest the reality they want all humanity to follow.
The luciferian entity is the fabricated creator god. In creating this illusory 3D reality using
subliminal, subconscious messaging, this group entity conjured up and controls all power and
energy, and in turn, the reverent respect of their illusory master creation called humanity. This
adoration by humanity gives the luciferian group and their chosen elite the riches and servitude of
they, themselves, chose thinking and lying above awareness and wisdom, this 3D illusion is
their reality. However, it is a reality fragmented, corrupted and filled with all manner of duality.
They see this reality as superior to the reality of wisdom. Wisdom does not exhibit 3D
manipulation through shape, colour or sound, so ultimately, wisdom is a reality of peace.
Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work
out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated.
To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This
involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS,
MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or
wrong. On this site it will be repeated many times, that there is no such thing as good or bad, or
right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state.
Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in
anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality.
There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and
admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to
reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not
(Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom,
however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common).
When you do NO THING, other than being fully aware that the 3 dimensional experience is an
illusory deception conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS,, which is turn was meant to
disconnect us from REALITY, then you have reconnected to your original eternal wisdom state.
There’s nothing to do, just simply become AWARE of what is transpiring. Perfection and purity is
what we are ALREADY. This is wisdom and this is liberty, this is the freedom and the power and
strength of what we ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. The illusory 3 dimensional teachings of intellectual
and religious thought systems, that instruct us to believe that we are born sinners, and need to
repent, to avoid some hell fire, are conjured up lunatic notions straight from the mind of the
luciferian egregore group mind. (This will be explained and fully laid out in the pages of this
book.) Do not stop reading if you desire to reclaim your ORIGINAL PARADISE STATE
The aim of the luciferian group egregore is to establish a New World Messianic Age, where the
control of the illusion we call humanity, is the manipulation tactic that will be increased to such an
extent that escape from being manipulated by the total 3D illusion is all but impossible.
Wisdom knows, and sees the lunacy of this 3D illusory reality. The illusion called humanity,
(and humanity is an illusion), will awake from the trance and reconnect to our original state through
awareness. These entities, who manifest their CONTROL OF REALITY through the lives of the
elite, will soon dissolve in frustration as humanity stops responding to the subliminal messages
that bombard the wisdom state in endless fashion. For it is that the 3 dimensional experience is
NOT REAL, and it only exists IN OUR MINDS. Therefore, its in OUR MINDS, (which are in
reality, THEIR MINDS), that we disconnect emotionally from the 3D space and reclaim our
eternal state, which is here now. This is what we are! We are the original eternal paradise state,
and the 3D illusion was simply conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS to separate us
from this immense power and peace of the wisdom state and thereby deceptively manipulate this
ultimate state of being into servitude to the luciferian egregore. The beneficial aspect in
understanding this, is that at any moment of our choosing, we can become aware of the
luciferian hypnotic manipulation, and we can reclaim our wisdom state, and experience the
freedom of the paradise state right now.

ATOM and EVE – Energy Demons

Below are charts exposing the luciferian egregore lie. We’ve been manipulated into believing we’re
merely our physical and emotional/spiritual body, responding to the stimulus of this 3 dimensional
realm. Everything within this 3D space is divided light and therefore is energy. Divided light is a
rainbow. Everything physical is formed from this rainbow in some form or another. Everything,
from the tiniest sub-atomic particle to the galaxies above, is made of bits of the rainbow. The
rainbow canopy of light that surrounds our true awareness, has seduced us into accepting the
illusion as the real deal.
All energy is divided light, and is visible in the form of atoms. Some will argue that not all energy
is visible. However, all energy is visible, regardless of the frequency, when a proper visual aid or
frequency responder is utilized. In many instances, different segments of society are able to see
things with the naked eye, that others are unable to witness. When awareness is seduced by a lying
thought form, awareness focuses on the form, steps out of the moment and into this construct we
call time and space. Energy is simply a THOUGHT that blocks out wisdom, and WISDOM IS
the ABSENCE of ENERGY. It is this energy thought form, the ATOM, that is the seducer,
conjured by the luciferian mindset. Divided light, the rainbow, the atom, the physical 3D space, is
a lie – deception – illusion. Our original awareness state has NO THOUGHT and therefore NO
ENERGY. Wisdom is simply knowing through awareness. Our original eternal state has no 3
dimensional form, no colour, sound or shape.
Thoughts Are Always Lies
Thoughts are always lies. Thoughts are words, words are sounds when communicating the
thought. We know we have a thought, or word implanted in our mind because sound vibrates.
Sounds vibrate, vibration is energy, energy glows, and glowing is light. Thoughts are therefore,
LIGHT, and light is an illusion, able to be manipulated by the simplest of thoughts. In other
words, since everything 3D is simply a THOUGHT, then changing that THOUGHT through
subliminal messaging will create a new 3D illusory world for anyone receiving the new implanted
These diagrams depict every world system functioning today is based on manipulated light.
Since humanity is not light energy, we must understand we are only being manipulated by the
manifest appearance of light energy. Even our physical bodies are hypnotic suggestions we
believe are real.
The manipulation tactics used to deceive humanity include the number and language systems that
enabled the establishment of religious, esoteric and scientific thought used to dupe the masses. Or
put another way, the religious, esoteric and scientific thought patterns of the world are luciferian,
satanic, knowledge based, illusion inducing concepts that disconnect us from REALITY. It
makes no difference what old-time religion, new age secret, or ivy league indoctrination you deem
to be true. These intellectual systems are based on the flawed number and language system. In
other words, everyone is wrong in their precepts. There is no truth in this 3 dimensional realm.
So here’s a question. “What is wisdom”?
Wisdom can only be determined when the moment presents itself. WISDOM knows just what to
do only at that moment, and this is only in reference to the 3D life experience. Wisdom never
knows what to do before the moment arrives because wisdom doesn’t recognize time or space.
Wisdom is always in the moment because there is only one moment in the original awareness
state. Therefore, wisdom is never able to be manipulated because it has no preconceived idea of
what is right or wrong, good or bad, past or future. The moment decides what needs to be done. In
the 3D scope of things, moment by moment, for WISDOM, it is always now.
The illuminati world system wants us to be divided one against the other. The luciferian illuminati
agenda wants us to choose a side. It doesn’t matter which side, just prejudge and predetermine
that something is right and something is wrong. In this fashion all of humanity can be
manipulated to jump through the hoops of deception, fully convinced that indeed they are
HUMANITY, and indeed, are REAL.
The charts below will be explained in the following pages, but for now simply understand that all
colour, (3 primary) all shape forms (3 simple forms used to build any shape – line, angle, curve)
and all sound (3 simple parts – volume, tone and rhythm) are all found within the structure of a
beam of light. Even the DNA tape running within our physical being has a built-in alphabet-based
language system. Systems based on these structures, or symbolic colour, shape form and sound,
have given way to producing numbers and language derived from the physical structure within a
beam of light.
Even though sound is an extremely slower frequency than light, the two are inseparable. They are
welded together by a thought. A thought traps sound within a light illusion. Thought travels faster
than light, and is able to contain and merge the slow frequency of sound with the faster light
frequency. Every 3 dimensional object has sound locked within its structure. The recording industry
deals with this very concept. However, a simple test that demonstrates how sound is locked within a
light energy particle, is to burn a log and listen to the fire roar. Even with the absence of water in a
substance, there will be a searing sound, however faint, sound is present.
Let’s think of ourselves as an electrical machine of some sort. To cause us to function we need to
plug a power cord into an electrical outlet, flip a switch, and we fulfill our duty. In the same way
our senses of sight and sound are the power cord that we plug into the manipulator’s system of
numbers and language. The numbers and language (alphabet) have shape, colour and sound
attached to them. These shapes, colours and sounds are the switch that turns us on. The other senses
of taste, touch and smell, support the illusion manifested through the senses of sight and sound.
Let me demonstrate what words are really saying. A fine example is the word SWITCH.
SWITCH = S the letter that symbolizes the serpent – WITCH as in witchcraft.

Kaballism – Sigil Magic – The Egregore Thought Form

The characteristics of shape, colour and sound, in turn, have sigil magic strengths. SIGIL
MAGIC is the ancient kaballistic knowledge of manipulating matter through sight and sound,
one molecule at a time. By attaching an egregore thought form (a group thought form), and
directing it towards a specific physical form, then attaching an incantation (sound), ANY and ALL
physical matter (energy atoms) can be changed or manipulated, one molecule at a time. This is
how everything appeared to be created in the first place, by the luciferian GROUP mindset. This
is how everything still appears to be created today. In Genesis of the Old Testament, the god
(lucifer) said, let there be light (divided light or energy), and there was light, and everything
became visible. Nothing was really created, it just appeared to be created by the lie that conjured
forth the energy. This energy had a specific form to take, due to the THOUGHT PROCESS
applied to it, and so it whirls in our face, seducing us to believe it really is there. And yet it’s not
there at all. The name LUCIFER means LIGHT BRINGER, or LIGHT BEARER, and it is the
fabricated god of the Old Testament, and every other religious writing, that is the light bringer,
or the Shaitan, the Satan, the one who brings knowledge or enlightenment.
In the course of a day we see and hear many thousands of these number and language sigil
incantations. As we absorb the numbers and the language we are unconsciously manipulated into
the behavior desired by the programmer. Yet, all the while we believe we act according to our free
For example, corporate logos are very simple sigil magic forms. The advertising of a product
comes with simple colours and, if sound is available, a catchy jingle is included. Next time you
drive by the golden arches of McDonald’s, just listen to what your mind is telling you. This is not
a gentle nudge to nourish your physical well-being. This is a whisper from a corrupt mind that
would just as soon kill you as look at you. (Incidentally, the founder of McDonald’s was a
freemason – Freemasonry is the largest, secret, luciferian organization in the world today).
(The Golden Arches of McDonald’s is a symbol of the rising sun, the new age of enlightenment.
Look very closely at the shape of the arches and you’ll notice that they are ONE RING OF THE
ELECTRON from the ATOM SYMBOL. The significance of this will be demonstrated in the chart
Killing us is what its all about. Slowly, methodically, lucratively, every corporate advertisement is
fashioned to suck dry our wealth, our health and our wisdom. This is achieved through hypnosis via
the language and number messages directing us subliminally. Eventually this leads to stress on our
body, an inability to focus mentally, and in desperation we grab any form of seductive pleasure in
an attempt re-energize. Corporate logos are derived from the simple forms that can be created from
within a beam of light. Consider the diagram below.
The Religious Electrical Ark/Arc of the Covenant
Energy cannot be destroyed in this 3 dimensional realm, but it can change its form. ENERGY IS
THOUGHT. The luciferian illuminati puppet families understand this concept. They know if we
fully grasp this concept their hold on humanity is over. The powerful elite of the world act upon
the thoughts of the THINKING EGREGORE and plot and scheme and establish our reality for us.
They lie, cheat, steal, extort, kill, rape, plunder … to control a massive amount of energy, or
thought patterns, and transform then into the riches and pleasures we see them acquire. They
live totally out of the moment. Living outside the moment is the source of the luciferian mindsets
power. This power is, quite literally, the electrical energy they use to grow rich and manipulate
humanity. This is the religious ark/arc of the covenant entered into with the LIGHT BRINGING
The illuminati families perch high on the power ladder, but they’re not on the top rung. Ruling
over them is a sinister group of luciferian kabbalistic manipulators with a cruel egregore group
mindset. Throughout the ages this luciferian cabal has masqueraded as an angel of light. An angel
of light is exactly what it is, however, this ruling egregore is equally the prince of darkness.


Every religious system emerged from the concept of light and dark. This exhibits the duality
nature of the luciferian egregore thought form. This is the origin of the hypnotic control of
humanity, via religion and intellectualism. We can now observe the mind of diablo – the
diabolical one. We may recognize we’ve been in agreement with diablo, the group ruler of the
luciferian illuminati agenda. If we can face it and press on, we can give up the struggle, disconnect
emotionally and simply emerge from the prison of deceit. We can share our understanding with
someone else, who will tell someone else, …and the cycle of deception will end.


The luciferian illuminati mindset has established an effective system to control humanity. This
system is one deceit layered upon another, upon another … endlessly. The religious system had to
come first. Trauma through guilt and fear is the basic hypnotic control mechanism. Instill fear
through trauma and you automatically instill control. This is hypnosis. Living with any form of fear
is living in a hypnotic state. Be it the indoctrinated fear of hell, death, or whatever, any form of
fear is hypnosis.
Of course, it’s at this point in the discussion the religious person quips, “oh yes, the other fellow’s
religion is hypnotic enslavement, but mine is the true religion”. Or, “The other fellow believes in
the triune god, but I only believe in Jesus.”There is no truth in any religious system. There is a
mirror of truth. It is a mirrored image that is exactly opposite, or veils awareness. It looks like the
truth, but it’s backwards. For instance, the judeo-christian bible speaks of an antichrist and of a
christ or messiah. Both of these concepts are the imagination of the luciferian LIGHT BRINGER
mindset. This mindset plays black against white, up against down. Divide and conquer is the name
of the game. This mindset states it is alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. In reality, there
is no beginning or end. Wisdom is eternal, no beginning and no end. Remember this mirror
technique as you read on. To mirror, or to do things backwards, or in reverse is a major luciferian
illuminati tool. When the hypnotic state is multiplied by many layers of deceit-filled systems, the
MATRIX web controls humanity.
One of the basic forms of hypnotic suggestion is to show a form, a sound or shape, a word or
even a complete written message in reverse. A simple example, LIVE is EVIL, when written in
reverse. This is done repeatedly in the 3D existence. When a written or spoken phrase seems to say
something caring and kind, it is really a subliminal for just the opposite. It’s all in how thoughts are
phrased, the tone, and how condescending it appears. Just listen to any doctor, politician, teacher,
lawyer, priest and the like, and it becomes obvious they lie with every breath. In many instances,
these professionals don’t even consider it to be lies, but simply manipulation of our reality to
conform to the direction they desire our existence to proceed. Indoctrination in intellectual concepts
places those willing to be indoctrinated, into an extremely deep trance state, and then implanting
those concepts necessary to spread the trance state throughout society. How could you expect
anything else? This is what they’ve been trained to do. This book will demonstrate the power found
in the use of shapes, reversed or not, with a luciferian identity attached to it.
The following diagrams and charts show how this is accomplished.

When the three primary colours overlap at equi-distance of 120 degrees apart, the resulting symbol
shows as an atom symbol. When doing additive colour mixing, when the light does not strike a
physical surface, to absorb or reflect light, such as a rainbow or the colours on a TV screen, it
creates a white hexagon. When doing subtractive colour mixing, where light strikes a physical
pigment based surface, it creates a black hexagon. In both instances, a hexagon is produced, and
it is this hexagon, that is the tool used to manipulate humanity into the hypnotic trance state.

(The 3 electron atom symbol does not exist in any element. It was developed by the luciferian
THOUGHT PROCESS merely as a tool to create the total blueprint used in hypnotic suggestion).

Furthermore, it is the pigment based 3 dimensional space that is used to a greater extent to create
the illusion that manipulates, so the information in this book will refer predominantly to the black
hexagon. It is this black hexagon that is the nucleus of the atom. The electrons spin around the
outside of the atom, and form the illusory notion of a nucleus. Religious thought originates from
this concept as demonstrated below.
In sun god worship the black and white colours are considered sacred. Black and white symbolize
the duality nature of the whole 3 dimensional illusion. It’s for this reason that Freemasons,
Christian ministers and priests, amongst a whole host of other sun god, or son of god worshipping
thought forms, manifest black and white in their costume and symbols.

All physical 3D energy is light, and all energy has an electrical field. There are positive male and
negative female poles. The electrons are the smallest part of the atom and are referred to as the
female negative energy. They circle the nucleus. The nucleus houses the protons – the positive
male energy. As well, the nucleus has the neutrons which are almost identical in size to the
protons, but are neutral – neither positive or negative. The 3 primary colours overlapping within a
beam of light, cause the symbol of the atom to be formed. This is the basis for all religious and
scientific thought. All religious and scientific thought is luciferian, which means, all thought
results in the conjuring up of light.
Pay attention to the fact it is the electrons – the female negative energy, that create the nucleus –
the womb – in which the male protons and the neutral neutrons reside. Here’s how it works.
The negative female energy is represented by the electrons.
These particles are the smallest of the atom just as the woman is generally physically smaller than
the male.
This is the mother goddess of religion – (Semiramis/Isis/Mary etc.) Everything we see in the 3
dimensional space is an electron. In other words, everything visible is the female, or the woman,
seducing and distracting all from reality. Again, this is not good or bad, its just the way it is.
The positive male energy is represented by the protons.
The protons are larger than the female electrons.
This is the father god. – (Cronus/Jehovah/El etc.)
The neutral energy is represented by the neutrons.
The neutrons are almost as large as the protons and represent the seed.
This is the son of god. Because of the neutrality of the neutrons, this is the prince of peace – the
mediator – (Tammuz/Horus/Zeus/Jesus etc.)
The SEED is ONE with the FATHER.
This is the source of the Triune Godhead in religion. This is the worship of the woman. The
Father and the Son are embedded within the nucleus. The woman is revolving around the
nucleus. The father and the son (the protons and neutrons) are one in the nucleus. This is recorded
in religious writings – The Father and the Son are One. However, this is the worship of the woman
due to the fact the electrons are whirling around the protons and neutrons at incredible speed,
completely blocking out the protons and neutrons from the naked eye. All we see in the 3D realm
are electrons, the female portion of the triune god. This is why everything we see is so captivating,
it is the beauty and seduction of the woman.
The manipulation of a light beam produces symbols, shapes, colours and sounds, through thoughts,
and the accompanying doctrine (dogma and incantations), directly and deceitfully throws a veil over
our ability to connect to wisdom. This occurs because we have been tricked to believe we are
physically created and that life is breathed into us. In reality we have always been present, but
through hypnotic suggestion, we believed our physical and mental being is reality. Life wasn’t
breathed into us. Quite the opposite! A thick veil of deceit, illusion and death, has been cast over us,
all in the name of the pretty rainbow of light we refer to as coming from god.
Hypnotic suggestion follows the same routine again and again. We grow up being seduced by, and
responding to, the female form. When we reach puberty, we start having thoughts – sexual
thoughts. This leads to the hypnotically suggested sex act, which leads to the hypnotically
suggested pregnancy, which leads to the hypnotically suggested birth of a baby. All was
conjured by one thought after another. Thoughts are lies, without fail. Sex thoughts, as lovely as
they are, are lies. The end product of sex is the birth of yet another illusion.
This is not who and what we are! The 3 dimensional body is just the luciferian egregore group
thought form, toying with our awareness, and disconnecting us from our original wisdom state.
This manipulation of light, or the male and female (positive and negative) has also produced the sex
ritual/fertility symbol in use since ancient Babylon. The 6 pointed star symbolizes the sexual
union of the man and the woman, once again forming the seductive hexagon of darkness in the
centre. (A white hexagon formed in ADDITIVE COLOUR MIXING is just as symbolically
This next chart demonstrates the sound/word association
the luciferian mind uses to manipulate the world. This is
not scientific in the least. And that’s just the point.
Science is Seance and a total sham. Just as religion and
every other system in the world is a distortion of wisdom.
Hypnosis has hindered my ability to reason things
clearly, also. My life has been an experience of believing
one lie after another. This occurs not because I want to be
lied to, but the moment I develop a belief system, I leave
the moment – the place where wisdom exists. Therefore,
to remain outside the hypnosis state I must not become
emotionally connected to the thoughts intellectually
implanted within, or build a belief structure. There’s no
need for a belief structure, as wisdom knows all things. As
we watch and wait, we reconnect to this unlimited
knowing, and in watching and waiting, reclaiming our
eternal paradise state occurs.
The information put forward in these pages might bring
forth the need to defend your personal views. In the 3D
sense of things we really don’t know much of anything. In
THINGS, and the patience of wisdom, is our power and
strength. There is nothing much for the ego to boast. Once
again, in REALITY, we have NO EGO. Only in this 3
dimensional experience, the luciferian THOUGHT
PROCESS implants the notion of EGO, however, its
OURS, that’s conjured up the 3D realm. None of us
illusory human beings have an EGO. EGO was exercised
in the eternal paradise state by the luciferian egregore
This THOUGHT PROCESS immediately conjured up
THEIR IDEAS which we witness as the 3D PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. Look in any direction around
you, and everything you see is just the mind of the THINKERS manifesting their lunacy as the 3D
PLANE. What you’re witnessing, as you observe the 3D existence, is the very creator god, the
supreme being, who is nothing more than an EGO, exploding with THOUGHT, that created a
SEE is LIGHT, and God is supposed to be the LIGHT of the WORLD. Jesus is supposed to be the
LIGHT of the WORLD. Jesus is also, the WORD, we’re told. The LIGHT – WORD – EGO –
THOUGHT – SOUND – VIBRATION – ENERGY – GLOWING – all this is god, and is the visible
3D experience. In turn, this is the hypnotic manipulation of our reality, through this
KABBALISTIC lunacy that separates us from REALITY. This may be painful, but this is also the
awakening and the liberation. Removing our ego is waking up from the hypnotic trance.
Something that will be demonstrated as you progress through this book, will be the name of
ALLAH, and how this name permeates the whole world in subliminal form. One such example of
this is seen in the word KABBALA. Bear with me, those of you who haven’t progressed through
this info yet, as I show the meaning of this word from a subliminal perspective. Then as you read
into the later pages, from about 25 and on, it will become exceedingly clear, the validity of this
KA – Killing or King force
BA – Sacrifice
LA – L A or Allah – which in turn is LA or LOS ANGELES

The First Man and Woman – Adam and Eve –

Atom and Eye
The first human creations referred in the judeo/christian bible are Adam and Eve. Simply put,
Adam is the Atom, the first man. Eve is the Coming of the LIGHT, the light emanating from
the ATOM. Therefore, the names Adam and Eve are referring to the Atom’s Light, or the Atom’s
EYE, or again, the ALL SEEING EYE. This is the Ayin of judaism, where something is created
out of nothing. The essence of kabbalism is thinking a thought of corresponding sound and
shape, and matter appears. This is the light of the Atom and the light of the Eye. This is the
duality nature, the DIVIDED LIGHT, of the whole 3 dimensional world. This is the illusion the
great and loving god created around us. This was deliberately and intentionally done so that we
would experience the illusion of death, and through this illusion, be manipulated into fear and
guilt through the concept of SIN, and the ONLY WAY OF ESCAPE would be to call out to the
SAVIOUR GOD to RESCUE US from our pitiful selves. Quite the fucked up scam when you
get right down to it.
As stated at the top of the page, the elite illuminati leaders, through their puppet governments, are
deliberately trying to kill us. Now you may have a clearer picture of how and why.
The following pages show how the number system is derived from the manipulation of light.
The pages from 2 to 12 lay the foundation for how these systems began. All charts and text have
been personally produced for demonstrating the luciferian agenda in this book. I encourage
everyone to go through all the pages, but I also encourage everyone to skip ahead to pages 13 and
on, to track with events that are happening day to day, as the agenda is unfolding at a
fantastic pace.

Why We’re Here – Paradise – Manipulation

They will think to change times and seasons.
This begs the question: who will think to change times and seasons? After years of observation in
seemingly unrelated areas, the answer as to whom, and even how, why, and when has been
This is not just another take on the illuminati agenda.
Prepare yourself – the conclusions herein are troubling. Once we absorb this information, another
question will present itself: What to do about the illuminati cabal – the luciferian mind – and its
agenda of manipulation? The answer will become self-evident. The illuminati is mindful of its final
moments to realize its goal. That goal is total control of our eternal wisdom state through a new
world order, a new age of reason, designed to manifest itself through the 3 dimensional experience
we call life. The new world order has long been established, but a subliminal hex must be cast over
humanity, convincing us once and for all the 3D scenario is legit, that the 3 dimensional life
experience is actually REAL. This luciferian mindset is convinced of success. However, it has
failed. We now know what the scenario really consists of, how it was perpetuated using the
illusory manifestation known as humanity, and most importantly, how to end the illusion.
The luciferian egregore group of thinkers manipulate the illuminati pyramid through a process
of hypnotic mind control, known as kabbalism. This pyramid is in a DEEP TRANCE STATE and
is composed of the elite royal bloodlines that control world affairs. Institutions such as the Vatican,
the Monarchy, the United Nations, NATO, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the
Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the International
Monetary Fund, the Red Cross, the Red Crescent, the US Federal Reserve, United Way, Habitat for
Humanity, World Wildlife Federation, Greenpeace, the Salvation Army (Red Shield-Rothschild),
The Watchtower Society – Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
The Roman Catholic Church, Protestant and Evangelical Christian Organizations, the World Zionist
Movement, the media, the movie industry, the recording industry, the Corporation of the United
States of America … you name it, they own it and manipulate it in one way or another. Their
agenda is saturated with deceit and corruption. The world is deceived by their manipulation, thereby
generating fear and hypnosis, in much the same manner as they, themselves, have been manipulated
into being pawns for the luciferian MINDSET. The luciferian / illuminati mindset feeds insatiably
on this fear. However, all the organizations and world systems are only the tip of the iceberg, and
are a decoy to throw everyone off the trail of what is really happening, and what will happen over
the next few years, and most importantly, who and what is at the top of the pyramid and beyond.
This site will explain and show in great detail, the luciferian god that conjured up the whole illusory
experience known as the 3 dimensional world.

Signs of Things To Come

This dialogue won’t be at all scientific.
In fact what is put forward will actually show what a sham science is. Examples of
sound/word/shape association will be given many times in the pages that follow. Homonyms, and
letter/word shapes have particular significance to the luciferian thinkers of the world. Sounds,
shapes and colour, and the endless combinations of these, are the arsenal of the ancient, magic-
based religions. Neuro-linguistic programming, subliminal messaging, symbolism, reverse
symbolism, reverse speech patterns, and the like, have been used to implant the luciferian agenda
into the world system. This is their weapon and tool and the agenda will be exposed in the pages
Here is one such example. Science can be looked upon as Seance. Seance is communication with
the dead spirit or occult mind/hidden mind with a particular purpose. The source of science,
religion, and magic are one and the same – the luciferian mind.
The chart below is a symbolic illustration representing a beam of light. It has no scientific value
whatsoever, as there is no element with 3 electrons, 1 proton and 1 neutron. However, it is the
most powerful symbol in the world, for every symbol, element, and physical 3D representation,
including the illusory concepts of the soul and spirit, are found within this diagram.
A beam of light passing through a prism creates a rainbow of colour. When this rainbow is placed
on a 2 dimensional plane, and in the shape of a colour wheel (the colour wheel is basically a round
rainbow), three primary colours are revealed.
Note that the red, yellow and blue appear at 120 degree intervals on the colour wheel.
120 degrees is 10 x 12. These 2 Tables of Multiples, 10X and 12X comprise the 2 major systems
used to create religion, science and magic. These 2 tables are found symbolically in the Hebrew
The occult mind, or the mind that chooses to remain hidden and in secret, must keep the
relationship regarding the 120 degree interval intact as it establishes its scenario, or lays its
foundation. However, once established it will distort to achieve its goals, and at the same time
avoid detection. Without this original foundation to establish the illusory deception, the number
system needed to manipulate humanity would collapse, and would have no validity whatsoever. In
other words, we would be immune to hidden occult trickery. The 120 degree intervals on the
colour wheel are the basis for geometric, mathematical, astrological, numerological and
chemical formulae that are the foundation of the 3 dimensional experience.

The Deliberate Luciferian System of

Corruption and Deceit
The three – 120 degree intervals – total 360 degrees. Each degree is supposed to represent a day.
After 360 days the earth is supposed to have travelled around the sun. This 360 degree circuit
around the sun is the source of the 360 degree circle that religion and science is based on. In
actuality, the earth takes 365 and 1/4 days and a couple of minutes and a few seconds to go
around the sun. This clumsy number, which actually has an inifinite decimal, would never allow
any precise formulae be concocted. Therefore, the circuit around the sun is rounded down on the
zodiac circle (light beam chart) to 360 degrees/days. When applied to mathematical equations,
Natural Pi is rounded down to 3 or 3.14. The Golden Ratio, or Golden Mean, is rounded down to
1.61. This is deliberately done so the natural course of creation, created by the luciferian group
mind, would conflict with the unnatural systems of the physical world. The luciferian mind is the
creator of the world we see, and is the same mind that conspires the world systems to conflict with
the natural creation. Therefore everything corrupts or is corrupted. Everything exists beneath the
dome of duality and the illusory death experience.
The chart immediately below offers insight into the mind of lucifer. This group of entities, the
mind of lucifer, plays the dual role of supreme god and devil. This is the duality evident in
creation, however, the duality does not have a good and righteous god. There is one delusional
thought form behind everything, that is the luciferian egregore group mindset. Humanity is not
corrupt, not sinful, not going to hell, for hell doesn’t exist. We don’t really experience death.
This thing called death is only part of the hypnotic trance. We’re convinced we’re dying because the
physical body appears to separate from what appears to be our spirit. Contrary to dying, we are
returning to our original state of wisdom, free of 3D interference to deceive any further. In “death”
we actually reclaim our eternal state of wisdom. The big deception in all this is that our physical
body is an illusion. This includes the mind, the spirit, and the illusory soul. The physical body, made
of atoms, has no physical mass at all. The atoms whirl about at incredible speed, creating the
illusion of mass.
It wasn’t until the luciferian mind – the kabbalistic group of light bringing entities – decided to
create this 3 dimensional illusion, that ATOMS even existed. Atoms formed the first human
ADAM, hence the name and play on words. Of course, the first Adam created was actually
ADAM and EVE, who were created for breeding purposes, or the regeneration process. Atoms
are the result of divided light, literally ripping apart the truth, and dropping the illusion of matter
through the orbiting characteristic of the electron to create a magnetic attraction with the proton,
which initiated the sex act. This illusion of matter is the subliminal message of the master
hypnotist that makes us believe the 3D illusion.
This 3D illusion isn’t real, nor is matter, nor energy associated with matter. We are led to believe
that we are simply energy, and energy can’t be destroyed. However, energy can be eliminated,
because energy is an illusion, a fabricated lie. Energy, creating the illusion of matter, is an illusion
of scientific magical thought, and is already finite, or limited. This energy with the illusion of matter
in the atom has no relevance to the eternal state of ecstasy – called WISDOM. Matter does not
exist in the eternal wisdom state. There is no divided light, no shape, no colour and no sound.
All these 3D manifestations are bits and pieces of illusory deception, attempting to simulate
something of value. Matter is simply light, manipulated to form an atom and the appearance of
everything 3 dimensional. The light originated from a thought. . These thoughs – these atoms – are
When we look at shape, sound and colour as being of value, we are selling ourself short. We are
robbed blind. When we look past the measure of pleasure of the 3D illusion, the ultimate
expression of wisdom, ecstasy, worth and strength is recognized as being ours. Physical pleasures
are just that, pleasurable. However, to reconnect to our original wisdom state, by realizing what’s
transpiring within this 3 dimensional experience, reclaims the incredible freedom and liberty of
the eternal wisdom Paradise state, and the 3D physical pleasures are even more pleasurable
because of this awareness. The increased pleasure is experienced because of the realization that sin,
death, hell, and all the forbidding of the luciferian mind, is a lie. Without any forbidden fruit to play
the guilt card, an effortless existence of simply observing, watching and waiting, and knowing all
things, becomes ours once again.
This is our original state of existence: to know all things and to be free and liberated. This has
nothing to do with whether our physical bodies are free and liberated, it has to do with becoming
free and liberated from the hypnotic manipulation of our minds. Hypnotic manipulation of our
minds is when we actually believe OUR MIND IS OUR MIND.
What we believe to be OUR MIND and OUR THOUGHTS, is actually the luciferian conjured up
illusion of OUR MIND. This is THEIR MIND and THEIR THOUGHTS we experience in this 3
dimensional plane. For this reason we must always watch and wait. Don’t react to anything in
anyway, for this is all luciferian based emotional manipulation. Emotionally detach from placing
value on the things that the luciferian mindset suggests are of value in this 3D experience. In
this way we reclaim the power of our original state and once again reconnect with Paradise –
Intellectualism – Indoctrination In Lunacy
Every word and number conjured to form the 3 dimensional energy illusion, is based on a flawed
system conspired to generate death. For example, the 360 degree circle is based on the yearly cycle
the earth travels around the sun. This number of 360 degrees is supposed to represent the 360 days
needed to fulfill the cycle. However, the actual time it takes is 365 1/4 days, and a couple of
minutes and a few seconds. The number 360 is rounded down so that mathematical equations can
be devised. This is done deliberately to conflict with the illusory luciferian conjured up natural
creation, so that the illusory 3 dimensional world experience is out of harmony, corruptible
and subject to death. So much of the 3D illusion seems to almost work, to almost be in
harmony, yet isn’t. Not only does it create disharmony, it is designed to frustrate and fail,
keeping peace and harmony just out of reach.
The numbers on the 360 degree/day circle are further simplified in the 12 months of the year. Here
is another misrepresentation, as there are actually 13 – 28 day months, or moons, each year. The
numbers used to represent these 360 days/12 months are the numbers from 0 to 9, and combinations
of these numbers. The numbers themselves are individually flawed because they are the
measuring device used to create the flawed, rounded down system. Ultimately any formulae or
equation developed is flawed, or rounded down, and is without accuracy or true scientific validity.
Science is indoctrination in learned knowledge, which in turn is manufactured knowledge,
based on concepts originating with the luciferian egregore THOUGHT PROCESS, which is the
illusory 3D world system. Science / seance is the basis of all secret society lunacy. Science /
seance is religion cloaked in intellectual lunacy.
The luciferian egregore groupmind suggests a vast array of subliminal messages to convince us
science is based in truth and reality. However, just because it’s accepted doesn’t make it true.
Furthermore, scientific principles based on a flawed number system doesn’t demonstrate accuracy.
In other words, learning a lot of incorrect and flawed information doesn’t achieve wisdom or
truth. Learning massive amounts of flawed information doesn’t lead to a reconnection with our
original wisdom state or awareness of what’s transpiring in the world. Learning a lot of
inaccuracies, a lot of flawed information, ultimately leads to indoctrination in lunacy.
Just listen to a well-educated person speak. It takes but a few moments and the limitations of the
luciferian mindset is overwhelmingly evident. There isn’t any evidence of simply knowing what
is. The rhetoric they reiterate is the result of academic programming, or stated more succinctly,
luciferian mind control. The intellectually indoctrinated then venture out into the 3 dimensional
mirage, spewing forth what has been indoctrinated over the course of many years of TRANCE

The Birth of Intellectualism – The

Invention of Babylon the Great

A light beam, refracted to form colours, when connected to the thought of a specific shape,
actually forms the illusory shape conceived. The shape isn’t really there, only the illusion of the
shape. The light beam, when divided, forms the atom symbol when observed in 2 dimensions. But
how could the ancient mystics possibly have knowledge of the atom 6,000 years ago? There were
no microscopes. The answer is, they saw this up close and first hand. They were in the presence
of light energy at its origin, when it was first conceived or conjured forth. The luciferian group mind
did everything. These THOUGHT FORM entities created this illusory light by just thinking it.
The light bringer, lucifer, thereby created colour, shape and sound. The luciferian group mindset
is the creator of heaven and earth, the light bearer, or more accurately, the divider of light and
creator of duality.
As light passes through a crystal, it is refracted into a rainbow. This is the origin of the term,
christ. The luciferian egregore group of thinking entities is the father god, the creator of LIGHT
or LIES, and their saviour is the crystal, the light of the world, the messianic christ-all, that
convinces us the 3D illusion is real.
This mystical information is known as kabbalism (cabbalism) which has been passed on to the
luciferian pawns, the illuminati elite power brokers, but with a slight twist, THE ILLUMINATI
BOOK if you so choose. The rulers of ancient Sumer/Babylon were the first to receive the
knowledge of kabbalism. These leaders laid claim to the divine right of kings to rule. In other
words, some god gave them the right to be royal or chosen. The word ROYAL, especially the first
2 letters, RO, appear often in tracking the luciferian thought process. RO is the source of the word
Royal. To become ROYAL, one must RISE ABOVE ALL. This Royal Rise is the Rose, the
Order of the Rose that rules the world through hypnotic suggestion. In the word ROYAL, a very
major subliminal message is implanted and completely undetected.
RISING Pacific Ocean
The luciferian agenda is centred around the destruction of the SPIRIT of Los Angeles, the
LUCIFERIAN FABRICATED spirit of whoredoms. The luciferian egregore group mind
conjured up the notion of good and bad, right and wrong, and cast whoredoms in the camp of the
bad. This ultimately gives, what would appear to be just cause, to bring about a world cataclysm
and time of judgment. This judgment and cleansing of the earth will be meted out on the 11
Western States, and ultimately throughout the whole world.
At this point in the book, this last statement will make very little sense to anyone new to this
information. However, do continue reading the pages and charts developed just for this book, and
the whole luciferian agenda, and the timeline of the events that are meant to come to pass will
become exceedingly evident. All evidence hinges around the symbolism of the World Trade Centre
attack, which in turn relate to the ROCK that the illusory Jesus proclaimed, he would build his
church upon.


The Rose of Babylon, The Egyptian Order of the Rosy Cross, The Holy Rosary of the Vatican,
The London Rose, all of which lead to the White House and the Rose Bush family and their
famous Rose Garden. It doesn’t end there, however. The Rose continues within the Qing
Dynasty and ultimately to the Pacific Ocean that Rose, and is Rising for the final calamity.
These chosen people of Babylon became known as god’s chosen people and, through a series of
mythical maneuverings throughout these illusory ages, with countless conjured up ‘god stories’, the
ultimate favoured nation of the luciferian lord became known as the Israelites. Remember though,
it was only the rulers of the empire who laid claim to the divine right to rule. They in turn adopted
a group (common Babylonians) to manipulate via the sharing of kabbalistic knowledge. Thus the
shaman/priest was anointed and religion was established. Even today, many jewish people still
practise kabbalism as part of their faith. However, it’s not only in judaism that one sees the
kabbalistic principles applied (kabbalism is sun god or light worship). Christianity is also
kabbalism. As is Islam and every form of religion in the world, including atheism. Different names,
rituals and holy days have been applied, but the worship of a supreme being, the LIGHT, is the
ultimate dogma. That supreme being is the light bringer, luciferian egregore, the conjuring group
creator, who in turn are the kabbalistic group of thinking entities.
As the centuries slid by kabbalism was employed by many other groups. Eventually it was passed
into the hands of the Christian Roman Catholic Church and the Society of Jesuits. The Knights
Templar (the Christian Crusaders) also laid claim to this knowledge around 1000 AD, which
morphed into the Secret Society of Freemasonry as well as other Secret Societies today. The mystic
knowledge is passed on to whomever is appointed to further the luciferian agenda, which agenda is,
the intellectual learned knowledge of the 3 dimensional illusion. Learned knowledge is kabbalistic
mind control through hypnotic repetitious indoctrination, be it religious or scientific in its make up.


The following chart portrays the some of the symbolic connection from ancient Babylon to
present day freemasonry. The rulers of the globalist empires have intermarried since the
beginning of human history. In this way the limited kaballistic information given to the elite is
certain to be maintained through the notion that blood runs thicker than water. In other words, the
information given to the elite of the world, though limited, was to be kept as a sacred family
heirloom. For instance, the royal families of Europe, who really are all one family, strictly
intermarry, and will shun any family member who marries a commoner with no royal ancestry.
This is the luciferian inspired elitist bloodline, with the alleged divine right to rule. These are the
chosen people of god (in their own eyes) as stated in the new testament, which is the new/next
stage of the agenda).
This race of god’s chosen people, the Jews, is emboldened through the christian religion. The
Christians, in turn, claim to be the chosen people by choosing to be supporters of the chosen
people. If this sounds convoluted, it’s meant to be. Christianity is but an extension of the old
testament of god’s chosen people. The free world can now partake in the ignorance of accepting the
Jesus myth. Even though there have been dozens of messiahs prior to Jesus, and they all happened
to be born on December 25. Most of them were crucified and resurrected on the third day. All
were born of a virgin, etc. The Jewish / Christian connection then enjoined with the creation of
Islam in the early 7th century AD. This brought together the 3 major players, collectively known
as the Children of Abraham, or the children of HUMAN SACRIFICE, who form approximately
half of the world population, and this site will reveal completely, the luciferian / illuminati agenda
entrusted to conquer our connection to reality through this kabbalistic group entity, going back to
ancient Babylon and the ARAB WORLD, the ABRAHAMIC WORLD, and the CRADLE of the

Destroying the GODS of THOUGHT /

At this time, be aware, that what we’re dealing with, (as pertaining to the luciferian / illuminati
agenda), is NOT FLESH AND BLOOD HUMAN BEINGS. What’s being described in this book
are the entities that have conjured up this total 3D illusion, through the THOUGHT PROCESS
and everything we see is a THOUGHT FORM. Who we really are, is not the illusory body of
humanity numbering in the billions. We are that formless thing called WISDOM, and we are the
ULTIMATE EXPRESSION of BEING that the luciferian 3 dimensional illusion was designed to
separate us from. Separation from that wisdom, brings us into total control under their
intellectually based systems of science and religion. We’re in a war with the mythical gods of
old, the illusory THINKERS, who attack us through the fabricated minds we’re certain are our
minds. Yet, these minds that we use to contemplate all things 3 dimensional, are their minds,
fabricated to receive the THOUGHT PATTERNS meant to disconnect us from the powerful
stillness and knowing of the ETERNAL PARADISE STATE, which is who we are.
Winning this war is TOTALLY DO-ABLE. The luciferian egregore group of THINKERS have
absolutely no power but what we give them as we consign our REALITY BASED WISDOM
STATE over to their THOUGHT PROCESS and the HYPNOTIC AFFECT it creates and then
manifests as the 3 dimensional LIFE EXPERIENCE. What we accept and believe within this
thought process, is what our illusory reality appears to be. As we disconnect from this emotional
validation of everything 3D, (which doesn’t mean we try to stop doing things in the 3 dimensional
plane), we reconnect to our original eternal state of KNOWING ALL THINGS. Whether we do
certain things, or not, in the 3D sense, is irrelevant, as all things 3D are just illusions, and one has
no more value than the other. There is no good or bad, right or wrong, up or down, or black or
white. The 3 dimensional plane is just an illusion of electrons, protons and neutrons buzzing
around at break neck speed, creating the illusion of MATTER, TIME and SPACE. There is no
such thing as MATTER! No such thing as TIME! And no such thing as SPACE! Becoming aware
of this, is the catalyst to breaking the TRANCE STATE, terminating HYPNOTIC CONTROL of
our reality, and reconnecting to the ETERNAL PARADISE STATE, the state of power which
we’ve never left, but have only become disconnected from awareness of that state because of the
VEIL called this 3 dimensional life experience. The very form we exist in, within this 3
dimensional illusion, the form we refer to as our physical body and mind, is the very thing keeping
us disconnected from PARADISE. The only thing that needs to be accomplished to reconnect to
PARADISE, is to become aware of this realization that everything is an illusory subliminal
hypnotic suggestion, entirely designed to misdirect who we really are, with sinister controlling
intent, directing us away from our power and strength, and away from our eternal reality state of
The freemason religion today, with its kaballistic knowledge, has within its ranks, christian clergy
and priests. Many catholics, protestants, and basically all christian denominations are well
represented. Of note is Billy Graham, a 33rd degree mason since 1949. Of course, the freemason
organization denies this vehemently because Billy Graham, working the Magic Mysteries of a
Secret Lord, has brought millions of people to this Secret Society Lord. And that Lord, and any
Supreme Being, is the lucifer light bringing group egregore god who said LET THERE BE
LIGHT. This explains in part, why Mr. Graham has been the spiritual advisor to all the modern
day US presidents. As will become apparent on this site, what is commonly referred to as the
SPIRIT, is itself, part of the luciferian LIGHT SHOW, and will be shown to be nothing more than
a conjured up bit of hypnotic lunacy. Being a freemason, Mr. Graham’s philosophy matches the
luciferian agenda perfectly. Furthermore, the Billy Graham Crusades have been organized by
freemasons and the Shriners (32nd degree freemasons) have participated.
Shriners must pledge allegiance to Allah – hence the official name of their group: The Ancient
Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. This is the significance of the Shriners’ fez hats
with the crescent moon and the sword.
Consider the chart below, and notice that the 6 pointed star is the key symbol which finds its roots
in the ATOM SYMBOL, which in turn is created by the ELECTRON, PROTON and
NEUTRON, which in turn is simply the THOUGHT PROCESS. The THOUGHT PROCESS, or
INTELLECTUALISM in all its forms, is the VEIL separating us from WISDOM and not
allowing us to experience our PARADISE STATE RIGHT NOW. We are NOW in that
ETERNAL PARADISE, however the 3D VEIL completely hinders us from experiencing the
power and liberty of that state if we remain in the TRANCE. We remain in the TRANCE by
rendering validity to the THOUGHT PROCESS and the 3 dimensional illusion
the all seeing eye – numbers 1 to 6
Religion has hypnotized the human race. We have been convinced we are lost sinners and in
dire need of a saviour. This fear-based trauma tactic has deceived humanity for centuries.

It is imperative to explain the many forms religion manifests itself. Our hope is the insidious
and conniving mindset of the luciferian hypnosis will be recognized. This involves examining
the origin of the number system. The creation of astrological, numerological and scientific
formulae are based on the multiples of 10 and 12. We were introduced to these in grade school
as the 10 times table and the 12 times table.

When simplified, the number system is based on 1, 2 and 3. The number system manipulates 1
beam of light with the duality of 2 opposing characteristics – positive and negative – north
and south – male and female. These characteristics along with others, form the duality of
religion. A beam of light has 3 primary colours (red – yellow – blue), 3 primary shapes (a line
– curve – angle), 3 primary parts to sound (volume – tone – rhythm).
The system that manipulates energy can easily manipulate humanity when enough methods of
seduction (or enough wires of thought, which is energy, are coiled around us, as in an
electromagnetic field) are introduced. These systems are derived (similar to the basic religious
trinity idea – see home page), from the manipulation of a beam of light. The single beam of light
is highly symbolic and immensely powerful to the luciferian egregore group mind.
Notice that the illustration on the light beam chart depicts the atom symbol. The three primary
colours overlap in the centre forming a hexagon. The hexagon represents the light of the world
and is seen as black. The black hexagon is the pupil of the eye, the all seeing eye, the illuminated
knowledge used to manipulate humanity.
The HEXAGON is symbolically represented as BLACK when considering SUBTRACTIVE
WHITE. This is the very nature of the DUALITY BASED luciferian egregore THOUGHT
PROCESS. The thought process creates the illusion of black and white, good and bad, and every
opposing notion within the 3D plane.
Here the colour black symbolizes wisdom and truth. Applying the luciferian mindset, which is the
THOUGHT PROCESS, to undivided black light, creates a rainbow of divided light. Black light
becomes divided light when the luciferian entity manipulates light energy through the THOUGHT
PROCESS and attaches any notion of form. Light energy is sexual generative energy. It requires
the dual nature of the light and dark energy to inter-sect or to inter-course, producing the SECT
ACT, or the SEX ACT, thereby pro-creating.
Sexual energy is observed within the magnetic and electrical fields we experience in varying
degrees in the 3D illusion. The ultimate sexual ecstasy is experienced when we are liberated from
the luciferian hypnotic trance state, and awareness of what’s transpiring in the 3D realm, and for
that matter, what the 3D realm actually is. Through sex we try achieve the ecstasy only awareness
can provide. We attempt to reconnect and reclaim the original PARADISE STATE using
ineffective and deficient means of substitution within the sex act, that can achieve nothing more
than physical gratification. Sexual gratification is delightful, and does not in anyway impede the
reconnection process to our original WISDOM STATE. However, even though sex is a pleasure,
it pales in comparison to the bliss of awareness of what is transpiring in this 3 dimensional illusory
The luciferian thought process conjures up light. As individual thought charactistics are applied the
whole black light becomes divided appearing to separate male and female. In other words, this
illusion manifests as male and female, dividing and disconnecting us from awareness of our
wisdom state. The original male/female oneness does not manifest in energy atoms. The original
male/female knowing had no physical form or no physical atom energy. We were purely
WISDOM, we were, and still are, FORMLESS, and fully WISE. However, the luciferian mind
conjured the human form and the human psyche, and used this illusion as the receiving dish for
the THOUGHT PATTERNS they wished to extend to us, manifesting as a 3 dimensional reality,
and in the process disconnecting who we really are, WISDOM and FORMLESS, from our
Keep in mind as you consider these words. There is no such thing as TIME, and this process is
just occurring NOW, even as I write. It wasn’t initiated centuries ago, or untold billions of years
ago. Its occurring right now.
Luciferian thinking entities cannot directly cause awareness to become unaware. They must
first create the atom (the first Atom and Eye), and thereafter create systems based on the atom,
such as religion, science and magic. These manipulate humanity through a physical sexual
experience, or an energy exchange, distracting our awareness from reality to the illusory images
presented to us. This is the process called HYPNOSIS. Hypnosis is simple MISDIRECTION of
REALITY. This is why the world systems are based on sex ritualism and sexual innuendo, though
very pleasant, they are very distracting and disconnect us from our eternal wisdom state if we allow
our awareness of this luciferian sex driven thought process to destroy our connection to wisdom and

Paradise Lost
For this reason humanity spends its physical life trying to reconnect to the awareness lost. We want
to return to our original knowing state, but always seem to lose our way. We continue to lose our
way until we become conscious that the luciferian egregore, or the creator god, is not a loving god,
or a divine creator, but deliberately aims to manipulate who we really are, and to destroy our
connection to the eternal wisdom state. It is this eternal state, and awareness of this paradise state,
that stands between absolute power and worship for the luciferian entities, who can thereby
fabricate an eternal state of subservience, in turn directing all the power of the eternal state unto
Trying to reconnect to our awareness may take on different forms of sexual orientation, or an
active sex life. There is, with sex, no such thing as sin, therefore no right or wrong sexual
orientation. The sin concept is derived from manipulating the light, and when the light is divided
all sorts of legalism concerning right and wrong is suggested and attached to the limitless colours,
shapes and sounds.
In our original state of awareness, there is no light or energy. There is NO SPIRIT and NO SOUL.
Each man and woman, is without form, without division, and are not man and woman. This differs
from the 3D state in that there are no physical forms to deceive, causing the ecstasy to end. Simply
put, we are complete in awareness in the wisdom state, and the ecstasy of being one in union is
constant and eternal. There is no division, no individuality, no male or female in the Paradise State.
We are not WE, which denotes individuals, or division, but we are WISDOM and the ultimate
state of being, and we are that WISDOM ALREADY. We just have to reconnect to who we
already are.
The Same Fucking Story
This same story, the FATHER GOD having sex with an EARTHLY WOMAN, (immaculately,
of course), is repeated over and over throughout history. The Mary and Jesus story was about 1
out of 50 Christ saviour myths, (and probably many more of lesser fame) all of whom were born
on December 25th.
This is all based on corruption. This isn’t sinful, because sin doesn’t exist. However, all knowledge
is corrupting and hinders our awareness, if we let it. We then become saturated in the knowledge of
this dark hexagon pupil of deceit with the ultimate HEX of the hypnotic thought process placed
upon the people of the world.
Consider the chart below and the origin of the All Seeing Eye. Keeping in mind, that the word
ALL = OWL, and is the inspiration for the OWL symbolism, and the WISE OLD OWL adage,
used in society.
Even the religion known as atheism boasts the atom symbol, which is the All Seeing Eye, as their
logo. In the TRANCE STATE of this 3 dimensional plane, the deeper one is indoctrinated in the
belief that SCIENCE actually has some validity, or reality, the greater is the disconnection from
WISDOM and the original state of being. Atheists will argue vehemently that science (which is
seance), proves there is no god, which of course there isn’t. However, they will continue to trust in
the knowledge offered up through scientific research which is based on the foundation of the
The All Seeing Eye of Freemasonry
The United States of America was founded by Freemasons, the most prevasive secret society in
the world. They designed the back of their one dollar bill with the all seeing eye above the 13
tiered pyramid. Many will deny the Freemason influence on the currency design. Many even deny
Freemasonic influence in the design and direction of the United States as a country. So be it. Suffice
to say, Freemasonry, or Secret Societies of any stripe, are still the driving force behind every
structure of government throughout the world. Freemasonic influence and world manipulation is
basically a smokescreen tactic used by the luciferian egregore, used to call the dogs off if anyone
gets to close to reality and the truth.
The US boasts that its founded on Christian principles. However, the actions of this so-called
Christian nation, against their own people and those of other nations, lets it be known what the
Christ of Christianity truly is.
So, what purpose is there for this luciferian symbol, the all seeing eye and the pyramid? This Eye
is called the Eye of Horus, the sun god of Egypt, who was born to die for the sins of the world.
(Sounds kind of Jesus like). This Eye is also called the Eye of Lucifer, the light bringer. Light
initiates corruption and is the corruptor of this world. The very nature of light, which manifests as
the 3 dimensional reality, is completely an illusion saturated entirely in corruptibility. Both these
symbols, the eye and the pyramid, come from the triangle created by connecting the 3 primary
colours from the colour wheel and manipulating them as shown in the All Seeing Eye diagram

Zodiac Clockfaces of the Luciferian Egregore

Immediately below are twelve – 12 hour clock faces with the numbers from 1 to 144. These clocks
or light beams are zodiac circles. They are the source of the luciferian number symbolism and
the value they assign to each number. As you read through this book you will become familiar
with the importance of this symbolism and the secrets they unlock. Be prepared to see into the
mindset of the these lying entities. By the time we get to pages 29 to 41 and beyond, it will become
abundantly apparent, the massive devastation that is written in these little clock face charts.
This information has not come through spiritual channeling as it is that spirit channeling is the very
topic this site is exposing as being the luciferian intellectual and religious systems of the world.
This is just observation of the symbolism, interpreting it based on known principles of
interpretation, and passing the information on through words and diagrams.
Number 1
Number one is a new day, a new age of reason and a new start. In short, it’s the supreme god
concept blowing its own horn and thumping its own chest while announcing to its conjured up
creation: Let the worship and adoration of ME, the ALL SEEING EYE, begin!
The examination of the origin of numbers may seem trivial. You might say, “So what if number 1
came from this source and number 2 came from another … and so on?” Without this manufactured
number system there could be no astrology, no numerology, no science and no form of magic
(which is what these systems are, and have been referred to throughout history). Magic was the
word given to the unexplained. Anything that deceived in the seen or unseen realm was looked
upon as magic. Of course, we now know everything physical is only light energy, and the ability
to manipulate this energy draws from the scientific to the esoteric, of which there is no difference.
All energy manipulation, whether scientific or esoteric, is produced by applying the number system.
There could be no religion or science without a number system, and therefore no hypnosis of
humanity. The number system, instituted in formulating any language system, creates a thought
pattern used to manipulate the mind and thereby create a 3 dimensional veil of deceit.
ONE = WON = NOW = NWO – The New World Order subliminal is hidden in the number 1.

Number 2
The number 2 represents the Duality nature of the messiah concept. It is this dualism, this constant
confrontation, that keeps humanity in the grip of hypnosis. Duality is how the luciferian egregore
group of entities perpetuates their illusion, and how they establish a controlling mechanism to direct
the 3 dimensional realm as they desire it to go. All the while remaining undetected and free from
being exposed.

Number 3
As numbers are established, the complexity and power behind them increases. The number 3 has a
vast amount of symbolism. The obsession with the pyramid and triangle throughout history is
easily apparent.
Not so apparent is this shape, which has been derived from the 3 primary colours of a beam of
light, also represents the Sun (or Son of God). This is the seed of god, the Atom – the Adam. This
is the triangle pyramid, the most powerful form of the luciferian deity, the creator of every illusory
3 dimensional object we see.
The number system is developed from the notion the sun is the source of life because the sun is the
light of the world. All numbers are developed with this concept in mind: light is god, and worship
of the sun/son is rewarded with salvation. Building one layer of religious thought upon another in
this manner has led to the mind-controlled hypnotic state of the 3D world, and is in itself, the
very reason the 3D world even appears to be real. This triangular shape permeates society and
for good reason. This is the shape used to penetrate the consciousness of man. The triangle is the
tip of the spear, used in the hunt to kill the awareness of humanity. As mentioned above:
Number 4
The origin of the number 4 brings with it some curious revelations. We see the manipulation of a
beam of light, conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS, is designed to use the illusory
body of humanity into believing we should worship the sun as a god. This manipulation
immediately DISCONNECTS our being from our ORIGINAL STATE OF WISDOM. The next
logical step to solidifying this notion is to divide the light beam into 4 quarters or 4 seasons or
1/4 of 1 whole or 25% of 100. All these refer to the number 4 or one quarter. This next word break
down will follow through frequently in the pages that follow:
For those new to the information on this site, the word QUARTER relating to the word ROCK
and to WATER, and having originated from ONE QUARTER of a BEAM of LIGHT will seem
insignificant at this point. However, as the information is considered in the pages that follow, the
incredible importance and revealing of the luciferian agenda will link very powerfully to
understanding the symbolism in the word QUARTER.

4 = 4 SQUARE = 4 RAUQS in reverse = 4 ROCKS the 4

SQUARE FOUNDATION that the 3D illusion is built on.
After all, it takes 4 seasons to go around the sun, so it makes sense this thought should be
introduced. The number 4 represents the foursquare concept of sun god worship – the very
foundation that Judeo/Christian/Islamic thought, and religion as a whole, is built upon. All
religions are sun god worship religions. All religion is sun god, zodiac based, but
Judeo/Christian/Islamic thought, forms one religion, that of the children of Abraham. This one
religion includes half the population of the world, or approximately 3.3 billion people.
The 2 intersecting lines indicating the 4 seasons of the zodiac circle, form a CROSS in the centre
of the triangle, which in turn forms a 90 degree right angle at each corner of each square. These
intersecting lines form a symbolic cross overlayed on a symbolic sun. The lines become the
equinox and solstice season dividers. By placing a compass point at the intersect of the 2 lines of
the cross we can draw a circle around the triangle. The circle represents the path of the earth
around the sun in one year. This circle symbolizes the father god, in much the same way as the
protons represent the father god in the atom diagram.
This circle is the symbol of the Rose – the Compass Rose – the symbol of the Order of the Rose –
which follows a path around the earth to imprison and manipulate humanity. The Compass Rose
points to the North, East, West and South, symbolically including the entire world in its spell.
North East West South = NEWS = the Good NEWS of the GOSPEL = God NEWS of the GO
cast a SPELL
As this is a very long bit of information to take in, its highly encouraged by the author, for the
reader to skip ahead to pages showing how this information will play out, and is playing out in the
luciferian agenda for domination of our Paradise State. Do return to this point in establishing a
sound basis for comprehending all the information and to then use this to decipher all the mysteries
that present themselves in this illusory time bubble.

The Mishkan – The Tabernacle Above and

This circle with its seasons portrays the earth’s orbit of the sun. This is the Mishkan of Judaism.
The Mishkan is the Tabernacle of god and represents the reflection of what is above. As the earth
goes around the sun, symbolized by the zodiac chart, and Compass Rose, the Order of the ROSE
travels around the globe fulfilling the agenda of the luciferian thought form working through the
illuminati families and its puppet governments and power brokers of the world.
The son (the seed – as seen represented by the triangle) is inside the circle (which represents the
father). The centre point of the circle is the eye of the penis. These intersecting lines not only
divide the year into 4 seasons, they also represent the intersessor, or the notion of a messiah at the
eye of the penis position. This is the inspiration for the seed of the father god, who is the son of
god, who is referred to as the messiah. The messiah, formed by the intersecting lines of the cross,
is also the inspiration for the word intersection and source of the word sex. Therefore, the
messiah/saviour/intersessor notion of eternal life springs from the concept of sex equals eternal
life. We must have the sex act to have eternal life, according to the luciferian mindset. In other
words we can only be in the presence of god through his son, the intersection, the inter-sex-son
The 90 degree angles / angels demonstrate how the magnetic field of the energy light beam
interplays in all this. The sexual attraction of man and woman occurs at 90 degrees just as a magnet
only attracts at 90 degree right angles. Again we see 2 triangles making contact at the intersecting
point, just as observed with the number 2 and the hourglass symbol. Further, the 90 degree angle
shows another example of the 10 times table. This is the product of 9 x 10 or 3 x 3 x 10. Three times
three is significant and will be demonstrated in the origin of the number 9.
The large square drawn around the circle represents the mother goddess. This is similar to the
electrons (negative female energy) spinning around the nucleus of the atom. The nucleus of course,
contains the protons (positive male energy) and the neutrons (neutral seed energy). The worship of
the sun/son god manifests itself in worshipping the image of the woman. She is the mesmerizing
pendulum by which humanity has been seduced. She is the totality of the godhead. All three
segments of the sun god are manifest through her image. When an obelisk is erected we see the
phallic symbol. We also see by implication, the female sexual organ (square), which has within it
the male (circle) sexual organ, which has within it the son seed (triangle). After all, it is the woman
(female energy) who inspires the erection.
Number 5
The number of MAN – the number of SACRIFICE
As with the previous numbers, sexuality plays greatly into the number 5. In fact it is even more
sexually symbolic than any of the previous numbers. The pentacle can attribute its power to the
symbolism of the number 5. The pentagon formed in the centre of the pentagram star can be
physically formed by taking a flat cord or paper and tying it in a knot. The resulting knot is a
pentagram. This is the meaning and origin of the term, tying the knot, being sexually involved
with someone, or getting married.
The term, sexual union, and the word, sex, comes from the intersection of the cross lines derived
from the manipulation of the beam of light. Children, the product of sex, are not a gift from a
benevolent god. They are the product of the manipulation of light by the luciferian egregore
group of thinking entities, posing as some supreme god. Children come into existence because of
this manipulation, and like everything else in the 3D scheme of things, children are an illusion.
They don’t ask to come here, and truthfully, every human just wants to go home to the original
awareness state, and the original Paradise State of liberty and freedom. Everyone wants to be free
of the illusory body called humanity. Child worship, which is in essence praising the luciferian
thought form, and the concept so sanctimoniously referred to as the sacredness of human life, is a
total removal from reality and a complete plunge into the illusory dream trance state being
perpetuated by the THINKING PROCESS.

Once children appear in this world, every trick imaginable deceives the perfect beings that they are,
(the ultimate state of ORIGINAL ONENESS) forcing them to succumb to the insanity of this
DIVIDED and DUALITY BASED 3 dimensional world. Birth is only the appearance of being
born into this world. In reality we’ve been here all the time, in the Paradise State, and the 3D
illusion of TIME and SPACE is only suggested through the THOUGHT PROCESS of the
luciferian group mindset, to distract us, and disconnect us from the original eternal state of being.
However, the luciferian thought form conjures a body to appear to envelope us, and conjures up an
illusory world to experience. The LIGHT BRINGING luciferian egregore group entity erringly
referred to as the SUPREME GOD, has but one purpose, that being the ultimate infliction of
suffering, through guilt and fear. This fear based illusory reality then appears to attach itself to
our ultimate state of being through the 5 SENSES, and the disconnection from our original
WISDOM STATE and the freedom and liberty of that state, is hindered immensely.
Continuing with this illusory BIRTH NOTION, at the moment of experiencing the fabricated
concept of death we don’t depart from here. We shed our body of deceit, our energy, spirit, soul
illusion, and reconnect to our wisdom, through awareness, and to our ORIGINAL eternal state. We
don’t reincarnate! The reconnection to our ORIGINAL PARADISE STATE occurs when we
EXPERIENCE as BEING REAL. The illusion of physical death allows who we really are, to
connect to our Paradise State once again. This illusory death experience returns to us, our awareness
that the 3 dimensional experience was just a sham. If we realize this now, in our 3 dimensional life
experience, of the total sham and manipulation that forms the 3D experience, we become dead to
the deceit, and reconnect immediately to the WISDOM STATE that we never left in the first place.
All this is an illusion, EMOTIONALLY CONNECTING us to 3 dimensional lunacy. WE DO
NOT REINCARNATE, for we were never really here in the first place. TIME and SPACE are
not real, so the notion that we can return to a PLACE that doesn’t really exist, in a TIME that has
to basis in reality, is utter folly. To become conscious of this REALITY is to be FREE of the

Because we’re in a state of deep hypnosis, believing the 3D plane to be real, we are conditioned to
view the birth of our children as wondrous miraculous events. Nothing could be further from the
truth. Once we awake from the hypnotic trance and see the farce of the 3D illusion, events such as
the birth experience are recognized for what they really are, that being, to perpetuate the illusion
and veil of deceit. When we regain our awareness, we immediately return and reconnect to our
original state. Not only will there be no more suffering, where the illusion of DEATH LOSES ITS
STING, there will also be no more seduction through colour, shape and sound. This occurs, not
just at the illusory moment of physical death, but RIGHT NOW, at the moment of
experience is real. There will only be awareness RIGHT NOW. The whole illusion and hypnotic
trance state of control takes place in the mind. To be emotionally disconnected from the world,
doesn’t in anyway mean that you can’t do anything you choose to do in this 3 dimensional plane.
JUST DON’T BELIEVE IT TO BE REAL. Not believing the lie, to have the ability to see
through the TRANCE and the HYPNOTIC MANIPULATION of the luciferian THOUGHT
PROCESS, allows anyone to slip from this 3D death trap, back into REALITY and the eternal
Paradise State. Its all in how we REJECT the SUBLIMINAL SUGGESTIONS implanted
within these illusory, luciferian MINDS, (which we believe to be our mind), that determines what
becomes our reality.
An example of the corrupting influence of light can be seen in this example. A wheat seed found
in an Egyptian tomb dating thousands of years old was exposed to the light and sprouted. At first it
would seem the light of this 3D experience gave it life. In reality, the wheat seed only lived a few
months. The divided light of the rainbow killed its ability to be eternal. In the absence of light,
the wheat seed could have remained intact virtually indefinitely, even in the 3D sense of things.

Getting Rid Of DEATH

It is this very concept that the luciferian / illuminati intellectually indoctrinated elite, working on
behalf of this luciferian minded egregore group prince, have thrust upon the world. They look upon
death as life and life as death. They don’t hesitate to sacrifice the illusory body of humanity to
their THOUGHT BASED god concept. In the mind of the illuminati elite, its a good thing for the
common man to experience death. Its in death that the illuminati thinkers and all luciferian-
minded people, believe the soul can reincarnate, or be born again and move onward and upward.
This is bullshit. In reality,we don’t have a soul or a spirit, except for the illusion of these
concepts in the 3 dimensional plane. Soul and spirit are the misnomers attempting to replicate our
original awareness. Once we reconnect to wisdom through awareness, by removing the shackles
of religion and intellectualism, which in turn is to REMOVE the BELIEF that the 3
DIMESIONAL EXPERIENCE is REAL, it becomes extremely clear that we are, and always
have been here, in this one moment and eternal state.


When we become aware of this truth, we reconnect to wisdom through awareness …BEFORE…
experiencing a physical death. The physical 3D reality is no longer able to deceive even as we
experience the 3D illusion. We have the freedom and liberty to do whatever we choose because
nothing is right or wrong, and nothing is good or bad. The difference is we don’t believe the
deception anymore and we don’t exist, or are governed by, the code developed through inspiration
of the THOUGHT PROCESS. We are far beyond, and far removed from the lunacy of religious
or intellectual morality, where the code of wisdom dictates a purity and perfection
unfathomable to the luciferian 3D experience. We realize that love is not the greatest virtue.
Cynicism is greater than love. Note that I’ve stated CYNICISM, not SKEPTICISM, is greater
than LOVE. For LOVE is an arbitrary concept with no basis in reality or truth. Love is
completely undefinable! Cynicism, on the other hand, believes none of the 3D lunacy.
Skepticism, considers that there may be a chance, even hoping, for something to be valid in
this 3 dimensional space. Being cynical in regards to the ultimate value of anything in this world
extinguishes the power of the luciferian mind. Cynicism towards this corrupt entity, the
THOUGHT PROCESS, that fabricated the veil of deceit, removes any respect we previously
held. In so doing we immediately shift to our original state of awareness. In other words, we take
our power back. We awake from the TRANCE. We terminate the luciferianMATRIX and the
luciferian egregore THOUGHT PROCESS, we terminate the TRANCE STATE, we terminate
DEATH, on an eternal, wisdom, reality level.
The word CYNIC has the sound and shape association of being an evil and corrupt thing. We’re not
told straight out that cynicism is evil, but its implied. Have a look at this word.
CYNIC = SIN – I eye – C see – or in more concise english, to be a CYNIC is to – sin, I see.
Let’s look at the number 5.

Manipulating humanity through the 5 senses is a simple matter when we understand

everything we see, hear, taste, smell and touch is really only a simple curve, line or angle
combined with a simple sound and colour. Place these 3 things together, the sound, colour and
shape, in specific proportions and the control of our original REALITY STATE is absolute.

Number 6
The number 6 = the SACRIFICER
The number 5 – the SACRIFICE plus 1 = 6 the SACRIFICER
The numbers 5 + 6 = 11 – the number of DEATH
The word sound and shape association seen in the number 6 could be applied to any of the
numbers, but its very easy to see when considering the number 6. When we look at the english
alphabet, the shape of each letter and the sound associated with it, is really the intent of the word.
If we read words according to standard english definitions only, we don’t necessarily perceive
the message the luciferian manipulator intends. Herein lies the power behind magical
incantations. Incantations are everywhere, not just in practicing satanic, or enlightenment
groups. All religions have their prayers, hymns, salutations, etc. All intellectual studies have
repetitive formulae/equations and phrases. All these ARE INCANTATIONS which are, in
effect, buzz words meant to numb the listener.
PRAYER = Pi sacrifice – RAY sun god – ER, or RE is equivalent to RA or WA, the sound and
shape associated with WATER. How WATER plays into the luciferian agenda becomes abundantly
In subsequent pages, the number 3.14 or Pi, is demonstrated to have a direct relationship to the
number 5, or sacrifice. Also, the term RE, RA, WA, or WAY is demonstrated to be associated with
WATER, the ION, and the concept of GOD.
Notice with the word numb. We see the meaning of the NUMB-er system. It is the system meant
to numb the senses, thereby numbing our connection to awareness. This hypnotic numbing and
forced conformity is a lack of awareness resulting from the continuous bombardment of numbers
associated with all aspects of life.
This forced conformity creates polarity (north and south magnetic field) within our illusory forms
and we respond obediently, we pay attention to, the one manipulating us from reality and to focus
on lunacy. Scientific equations and formulae are forms of incantations or magic sigils. Couple
this scientific knowledge with the doctor’s white coat and stethoscope, for example, and you have
an effective manipulative tool. This is a combination of sight and sound, that misdirects our
awareness from our eternal wisdom state. This is HYPNOSIS! Add a dose of mumbo-jumbo
medical jargon, inject a few immune destroying and mind altering drugs and we have
concocted a witch’s brew, (bewitching brew – magicians-brew – man’s-brew – he-brew).
This ridiculous word play will not appear quite so ridiculous as we proceed through the information
in this book. Quite the opposite, will become apparent. Exposing the massive luciferian illuminati
agenda is impossible without this apparently insane method of interpretation. Of course, that’s
what the lucifer mind was hoping when it set about creating the 3D system in just this manner. Who
would ever want to understand the luciferian agenda by walking into the system of insanity
described in this book? If you dare to continue, what lies ahead is the complete luciferian /
illuminatiMATRIX agenda, and how this whole agenda is being perpetuated to destroy our
The luciferian agenda has provided an illusory 3 dimensional world that we have been
manipulated to believe is real, and which in turn, is set before us as the reality we should be
determinedly fighting to save and that we should remove the corrupt elite who run the whole
shooting match. Of course, never realizing that the replacement elite, chosen to fill the shoes of the
present elite, will still be the elite, working on behalf of the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS.
The body of humanity, having been disconnected from their original Paradise State, fail to see
that this is the very goal that the luciferian mindset was hoping to achieve from the outset.
To reconnect to our original state we must eliminate the hold numbers have on our consciousness.
Chants, rituals and symbolism are important to the system of manipulation because they’re
based on numbers, repetition, duration, time and space. Even the word – system – is the syst or
cyst on humanity. This is the malignant growth, the cancerous growth, which is a result of

The Left Hand Path

The intersecting lines on the number 6 diagram are mirrored in the 2 opposite pointing triangles
of the male and the female. This is also the source of the left hand path of luciferian rituals and
symbolism. The left hand path refers to the left side of the body which is controlled from the
right brain or creative side of the brain. There is a cross over, just as the left side of the brain
influences the right side of the body. Likewise the brain inverses, or reflects, every image it sees.
This conjured up function is used to disconnect and separate us from realizing our reality. The
obsession with mirroring or cross-over is a major tool in the luciferian mindset. The Christian
Bible is written by this mind as it plays both bad and good, christ and antichrist, black and
white. You can learn alot by reading this book, but not for the truth revealed in its pages. Its just one
manipulation tool of the luciferian agenda blueprint.
By now it may be apparent what needs to be done to terminate the agenda. Simply wake up. Don’t
seek revenge in some worldly courtroom looking to punish the luciferian illuminati puppet leaders.
After all, the police, the judges, the lawyers, indeed all those in power, have been trained or
broken in their ability to reconnect with wisdom. Justice is a myth. Instead become aware this
manipulation is the creation of light and the dividing of light inspired by an egregore group entity.
Wake up and let the value we extend towards the systems of the world collapse.
So lets take a look at where the number 6 comes from.
Number 7
The number 7 brings with it unique characteristics. Some can be evidenced in the number 5 and the
symbolism of the 5 pointed star. The triangle, circle and square can all be drawn without lifting
the pen from the paper. All odd numbered stars can also be drawn in this way. Again, these
nuances may seem trivial, but when considering that this is a powerful number in the manipulation
of humanity, it’s probably best to look at why its so strong. The number 7 represents completion.
It symbolically represents the touching of, or manipulation of the wisdom state, using the illusory
body of humanity.
We have to understand, that humanity is not who we really are, and attempting to sustain,
perfect, and perpetuate the body of humanity, is to attempt to sustain, perfect and perpetuate
the illusion of the luciferian egregore group of thinking entities, who have designed this 3
dimensional illusion to separate us from WISDOM, FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and the
This number also includes some word/sound manipulation. For instance seven sounds like heaven.
We use the term seventh heaven. This is no coincidence. SEVEN also sounds like ELEVEN. 7
represents completion and perfection, however, it links in a subliminal sound and shape fashion
to 11, which is the number of DEATH. The completion and perfection associated with 7 in this
instance, is that of a PERFECT and COMPLETE DEATH. The death in question, is the death of
any real connection to, or awareness of, WISDOM and REALITY. This death, or disconnection
from wisdom, forfeits TOTAL CONTROL to the luciferian mindset to dominate and exercise all
the power of the eternal state for its benefit.
Sound incantation manipulates the mind. Sound implants the VIBRATION aspect, or the
itself, it wouldn’t have the strength to numb the mind. In conjunction with other seductions its
destructive. For instance, apply this sound to the gambling passion that many have and you get a
sense of its power. People will spend a lifetime and whole fortunes trying to roll a seven/eleven.
Just mention the phrase 7/11 and the idea of a convenience store immediately pops to mind. This is
the power of hypnotic suggestion. All this control of our thought process is brought about through
incantation, or sound subliminals, meant to misdirect and implant a true hypnotic TRANCE

Sun of a Gun – The Gift of the Magi

As the word/sound association is explored further, we see the last 4 letters in the word completion
ending in – tion. These letters are pronounced shun. This is an exten-sion of the word Sion meaning
sun. All words such as completion and extension are simply incantations of sound applied to some
thought. A thought is the imagination (here we go again) or i-magi-na-tion or image na-sun.
IMAGINATION = IM A YI NA SUN substituting the G for a Y, as there is no G, J, or Guh sound
in Hebrew/Sun worship. This substitution will be used repeatedly throughout the book and will
reveal a vast amount of information meant to stay hidden.
The worship of gods, and the luciferian agenda has a strong connection to the constellation
ORION = ROYAL ION = ROSE ION or the electrically charged ION that ROSE to disconnect
WISDOM and REALITY from our eternal state of being
For instance OREGON = OREYON = ORION
These 2 examples of subliminal substitution that will be used in subsequent pages.
IMAGINATION = I’M A EYN SUN = I’M A EYE SON or the SON of the EYE, the SON of
GOD made FLESH. As is the messianic principle repeated endlessly down through these
illusory ages.
An image alludes to an idol, symbol or the memory of any 3 dimensional thing. This is how we
set up idols in our heart. Idolatry is happening all the time, in everything we do. Again, this isn’t
sin, isn’t good or bad, it just manipulates us IF WE LET IT. This word imagination says more
than that however. It’s telling us that images are magic tricks of the eye and of the sun. In other
words, images, which are 3 dimensional impressions, are just magic tricks performed by
manipulating light that is symbolized by the sun. If you’re familiar with the book of Genesis, the
luciferian egregore CREATED LIGHT FIRST, and after that, this THINKING GROUP entity
conjured up the illusion of the sun to act as a hypnotic subliminal and to symbolize light.
The aforementioned ORION, the SUN, the MOON, the MILKY WAY, and the whole 3
dimensional experience is simply an illusion, created to act as a massive subliminal to separate
who we really are, from reality. NONE OF THIS IS REAL!
It is interesting to note that the ion (the 3 letters, ion, at the end of these words) is an electrically
charged atom, molecule or radical (RA-dical – a group of atoms behaving like a single atom).

Worship Of The Woman

Here we see that 7, the number of completion and perfection, is a number relating to sun
worship, through word/sound association, and the word heaven, eleven, … and so on. Sun
worship is the worship of the atom, a beam of light, which manifests itself as the worship of the
woman. The worship of the woman is the worship of the electron, the negative female energy,
that forms the 3 dimensional image we see. This beam of light (ion or atom), when applied to
humanity, causes us to conform through hypnotic numbing caused by the number system and we
become radical in energy, (the illusory spirit), and are manipulated at will. (The word RA-dical
also contains an incantation to the sun RAY god, the LIGHT BEAM GOD).
This is the necessary element required for the illuminati agenda to work. Everything must polarize
and point the same way. This is hypnotic suggestion. It doesn’t matter if we point north or south,
just become radical and point in unison with the masses around you. Every word with the shun
sound in it is manipulating everyone.
Another word/sound association which should be mentioned here, is the sound and the symbolism
of the word star.
The Milky Way is known mythologically as the Great Nile Flood In The Sky. The STARS are
symbols of WATER, and the significance of the STAR, as a symbol of SACRIFICE will be
demonstrated in later pages. The symbolism will further extend to Los Angeles, or LA, Hollywood,
and the STARS of the film and recording industries count heavily in the luciferian agenda.
The connection between WATER and the luciferian agenda will become exceedingly clear in this
book. Suffice it to say, the AGE of AQUARIUS, the FLOOD of NOAH, the GLOBAL
WARMING RISING SEA LEVEL, etc. … are all one and the same. The STAR, and especially
the 5 POINTED STAR, the SACRIFICIAL STAR, is a symbol of WATTAGE, or WATER, meant
to implant the suggestion of the world being cleansed by WATER as a PURIFICATION, or
BAPTISM of a system gone astray.
The word STAR is just one of hundreds of simil-AR words (see what I mean) which use reverse
symbolism and sound association. AR stands for RA in reverse – the ancient Egyptian sun god
Amen Ra. Ra in turn is associated with a ray of sun. Again, back to sun worship. Furthermore,
Ashtar (or Astarte – A-STAR-TE) is an ancient Egyptian goddess of love and beauty. The letter S
in star suggests the serpent entity, or the deceiver.
The names ASHTAR and ASTARTE, mythological Queens of Heaven, mean STAR and in turn
are subliminals for WATER SACRIFICE.
ISIS, another Queen of Heaven title, also means WATER SACRIFICE and the subliminal as
Mother MARY, another name for the Queen of Heaven, once again means WATER SACRIFICE
as MARE means SEA in Latin.
MARE = MARY = MARRY = The Marriage of the Lamb of God or the MARRIAGE / MARY
One further symbolic form of the word STAR representing the FLOOD, or WATER
SACRIFICE, is in the word STAR reversed.
In India, RATS are revered as gods to many. RATS are allowed to run free, in countless numbers.
This is symbolic yet again, of another FLOOD or STAR, a WATER SACRIFICE.
India is also acknowledged as a country that worships the COW. This animal gives an immense
amount of MILK for domestic consumption. The slaughter of cows is not part of Indian religious
culture and once again, the enormous numbers of MILK PRODUCING COWS is symbolic of the
MILKY WAY, or the millions of STARS that form the subliminal FLOODING OF THE NILE,
or the WATER SACRIFICE of the luciferian agenda.
The importance of this symbolism, the FLOOD, the WATER SACRIFICE and the ROCK, will
become extremely evident in the pages to follow.
The Nile River fertility gods, of which there were many, were believed to be the cause of the
annual flooding of the Nile on JULY 4 every year. (Also the inspiration for the birthdate of the
United States of America). The Nile River, like most rivers, wound its way from Upper Egypt to
Lower Egypt and the Delta, in the fashion of a SERPENT, or WATER SACRIFICE. This annual
flooding is central to the luciferian / illuminati agenda of hypnotic control which will be revealed
in the text and charts to follow.
The T, or cross, symbolizes the intersecting lines of the zodiac circle as well as being symbolic of
every sun/son saviour throughout history. The majority of these saviours were all crucified on
the cross – therefore, the inclusion of the subliminal T in the word STAR. The T also comes from
the first letter of Tammuz, the ancient Babylonian Son of God/sun god, who also died for the sins of
the world. This word/sound association runs rampant through the English language. Though the
English language, as we know it now, didn’t exist at the beginning of this system, the sound and
shape of the letters existed in primitive forms with vague meaning attached. As these illusory
centuries past, the system perfected the combining of shapes, colours and sounds and became
known as the CRAFT – bewitching craft or witchcraft. This is the craft of religion and science
recognized throughout the ages as Magic. Today, English is used world wide and recognized by all
as the universal language. This is not because English has the sweetest sound or the easiest to work
with, but it is the perfection of sounds and shapes needed to push the buttons that manipulate the
illusory body of humanity to once again disconnect our ultimate state of being from WISDOM.
English has also been designed with the introduction of SILENT LETTERS, place holders,
subliminal markers, interferring with the hidden meaning in countless phrases and terms.
Angles Are Angels
Sacred Geometry of the Great Architect of the Universe.
It should be noted that the word English, literally means, Angel-man. The word ANGEL is, in turn,
derived from the word ANGLE. This is an extremely strong point to realize, as the whole power of
the hypnotic trance working through the illusory body of humanity is based on the sacred
geometry and the angles, or angels used, to develop the religious and scientific 3 dimensional space
we exist in. There is actually no such thing as a spirit entity or an angel. The spirits that do appear
to people from time to time, are only illusions, even as we, the physical person, are simply illusions.
These illusions are actually there in a fake 3D sense, but they’re not spirit entities, other than that
they’re illusory THOUGHT PATTERNS creating an IMAGE. They’re just hypnotic based
manipulations of light, luciferian thought forms. There are only subliminal hypnotic
suggestions, combined with geometric based formulas, incantations, chants, hymns,
meditations, etc. Through this exercise, what is conjured up, is the illusion of a spirit, or magic.
This is the basis of kabbalism, the Tree of Life, or, in more clear terms, HYPNOTIC MIND
The atom symbol is so completely symmetrical and geometric in its construction, that everything as
pertaining to 3D manipulation, has to include, and cannot appear as 3 dimensional, unless it
portrays geometry and symmetry to function and have an effect.
Let’s have a look at the number 7.
The LIVE EARTH Concert is luciferian based.
In this book I show the source of symbolism and reverse imagery. This concert is a fine example of
luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS manipulation. First off, the date of this event is 07/07/07. Seven
is the number of perfection and completion to the intellectual based luciferian mind. In 2008,
the Olympics in Beijing – began on 08/08/08. Eight is the number of total control. Numbers and
symbolism mean everything to these serpent minded / or water sacrifice oriented entities. The
website to register your support is symbolic as well – AVAAZ.org.
In this book that you’re now reading, I will demonstrate how the English alphabet is filled with
subliminal hypnotic symbols. The letter A is a pyramid with the capstone of the All Seeing Eye
drawn in. Take a look at the website name again – AVAAZ with its three letter A’s. This is
symbolizing the triune sun god deity of ancient times and all forms of christianity throughout the
ages. Even the title of this concert is Live Earth. When you understand how these entities think,
you soon realize

LIVE EARTH is just reverse phrasing for EVIL THRAE or, spelled correctly,

This is the subliminal message these thinkers want us to get. They want many of us to get the
message that this concert is corruption based. They also want the people who support it to see it as
an absolute necessity, if this planet is to continue functioning as our home. They’re really not to
concerned about which side you choose, just as long as you do choose a side. In this way, the
hypnotic suggestion that will be necessary to establish the the Global Climate Change scenario
concerning the rising sea levels, and to create this as part of our reality will be achieved, and the
hoped for devastation will ultimately ensue. In short, we’re the ones creating the devastation to
come, because we fall for the lunatic suggestion, that it is indeed, coming.
The letter V in this web address stands for a myriad of notions, suffice it to say, Venus is the all
encompassing thought projected here. Venus is the brightest planet in the sky and symbolic of the
luciferian thought form called love. (Love is but another form of EVOL – or EVIL in reverse,
when associating the sound of the word). However, when reversed, this word VENUS spells SUN-
EV. This is refering to the evening sun or setting sun. From this term setting sun we get the name
Satan. In turn, Satan, is further derived from the Arabic word SHAITAN, meaning the one
bringing enlightenment, or knowledge. Just more references to the sun god whom the christian
religion calls Jesus.
The letter V is also the Roman numeral 5. The number 5 is the number of SACRIFICE, and the
LIVE EARTH concert is totally concerned with sacrificing the infidel (or those who will not
conform). (JESUS is SUSEJ when reversed – which is SOOthSAYer - one who divines or
predicts future events). As shown on page one, the name Jesus is just a pimped up contemporary
name for Zeus, as in Ye-Zeus, pronounced like HEY ZEUS, and simply means Zeus. Again, the
luciferian trinity THOUGHT FORM is attempting to place humanity, once and for all, in it’s
complete control.
At various times, in different cultural beliefs, the name ZEUS has also been interchangeable with
the name BAAL. By extension, JESUS is BAAL, the fertility river god, the fertility serpent, or
WATER SACRIFICE god, the one who gives REGENERATION of SPIRIT, which is simply the
ENERGY electron, proton and neutron illusion that we are, and this is further construed as
eternal life.
The name BAAL holds an enormous amount of subliminal with its 4 letters. In later pages, the
importance of this subliminal will be massively clear. For now, just consider the name BAAL and
the breakdown of its meaning.
BAAL = BA sacrifice AL or LA, which is an acronym for ALLAH and LA, or Los Angeles.
The Z in this web address is subliminal messaging and hypnotic suggestion that alludes to the
Nazi Thunderbolt and Swaztika symbol. It is this sigil magic form and sound association that
the hypnotist can use to suggest sleep. This is the reason the Z is placed at the end of this web
address, AVAAZ.org. The hypnotist, the luciferian mindset, is saying,

Z has the subliminal shape of an HOURGLASS. The luciferian mindset has to continually hide
the suggestion. Enough is allowed to suggest, but just enough is hidden so as not to expose. If
you were to draw a line from the top left line of Z, down to the bottom right line, an hourglass
shape would appear. The hourglass is a symbol of TIME, and to the luciferian mind, TIME is
alone eternally. This subliminal then suggests the INFINITY symbol, or the letter 8, the
CONTROL number, and is again, the letter S. The letter S suggests the winding river serpent,
the WATER SACRIFICE, or the SACRIFICE of the Living Water, which has related to much of
the world as being Jesus. As one can see, this gets to be a vicious, lunatic cycle of one suggestion
supporting another, in endless, infinite fashion. This misdirection, which leads nowhere, is the
basis of hypnotic control.
The luciferian egregore thought form relies totally on symbolism. One of their main symbolic forms
are numbers. As just described above, concerning the LIVE EARTH concert on 7/7/7, consider
these other numbers as well.
The Rothschild family is one of the main driving forces behind the illuminati / Moriah
Conquering Wind agenda, working to further the blueprint of the luciferian THINKING entities.
One of their younger generation, David Mayer de Rothschild, now 31 years old, (who will be 33
in 2012) has written a handbook detailing 77 Essential Skills to deal with combating global
warming. Suffice it to say, global warming is not what the egregore group thinkers, or their puppet
elite, declare it to be. Global warming is occurring in the most peculiar of ways, but it is a direct
result of the luciferian thought form. It is not a result of CO2 gases created by man, although its
made to appear to be. It is a result of the worship driven luciferian mind wishing to manipulate the
masses into begging to be protected and taxed and imprisoned even more. Begging to maintain the
3 dimensional illusion, which has no basis in reality. That being said, the most important thing we
should be paying attention to is the number77 in the title of this book.
obsessed with symbolism. Here, the concert is held on 7/7/7 and the off-spring of these luciferian
worshipping thinkers writes a book of 77 Essential Skills. This is the number of perfection and
completion. It just begs to be asked, What’s complete? and What’s perfect? Why all this number
It just so happens that the sun spot activity was in its lowest 11 year activity cycle on 7/7/7. The
earth was also at its most distant position from the sun on 7/7/7. It was, you could say, a double
death for the sun. Now, I’m going to ask you to consider the word Sun, when speaking of these Sun
Spots and Distance from the earth.
This day of JULY 7, 2007 (7/7/7) is the day the Son / Sun begins, symbolically, its continued
manipulation of humanity, when the messianic, Rose from the Dead concept is further advanced,
and heading now, to the finish line. The same warnings were there before the World Trade
Centre attack, however we were completely unaware to look for the symbolism and the
subliminal suggestion staring us in the face. As a result, we believed the suggestion and we, this
illusory body of humanity, actually caused this horrific event, and other worldy events, to occur.
These entities, and the world elite, know full well, that this is how it works, and play the Trance
card full out, everytime.


MOVEMENT – The Kingdom of God On
The Order of the Rose and the Order of Death notions of the luciferian mindset. These Orders
together form the New World Order, the Messianic Kingdom of Jesus (Zeus, Baal, etc….) , and
the New Age Christ Consciousness Age of Reason, or the Age of Aquarius, or the
Environmental Green Movement. All are one and the same, and are corruptions of the
The 11 year cycle of sun spot activity, refers to the number of death. More is later detailed about
the number 11, the number of completion. Together, this is symbolizing the end of the of suffering
of the messiah and the time when he, the messiah, will begin to RISE UP and slay his enemies and
establish a New World Order suggested by the title The Messianic Age. This RISE, is the Order
of the ROSE. All of this is a complete lie and is absolute insanity. However, this chosen elite race
of intellectually indoctrinated THOUGHT PROCESS elite believe they can, and will, make it
come to pass on behalf of the Great Architect of the Universe.
The point to be made at this time, is how unlikely is it that all these numbers and position of the
earth and sun spot activity could occur at the same moment, unless there was a unified entity
manipulating the whole show with one objective in mind. This entity is orchestrating everything
you see happening in the world today. The luciferian / illuminati agenda is not just corrupt men and
women creating bloody events. The real agenda, and the top boss of the whole mob, is the
luciferian group egregore thought form. In this book, it will be made clear, what it is, where it
came from, how it perpetuates its agenda and most important of all, how to get rid of it once and
for all.
Another interesting event which took place immediately after 7/7/7 on 7/8/7 or July 8, 2007, was
the unveiling of the new Boeing Jet, the 787. Boeing is located in Seattle, Washington, USA. It
employs 50,000 people. Seattle is a Freemason hotbed of activity. The symbolism of introducing a
new jet on this day and the hypnosis of Trance-Portation will be described further on.


Smashing Pumpkins and The Statue of Liberty

Subliminal messages are coming at us continually. Through pictures, books, movies, music and the
like. Here is one more fantastic subliminal manipulation that tells a nasty tale. The Smashing
Pumpkins music group have known an immense amount of success over the years. The reason any
group or individual attains such success is because they are willing to be used to further the
Trance State. For the most part, they do this unwittingly, however, that does not make the
hypnosis any less potent.
Consider their latest album – Zeitgeist (Translated as Time Goes in German).
This was released on July 7, 2007 or 07/07/07. Have a look at the symbolic image of their album
cover, then immediately below, read the lyrics to the song called Doomsday Clock.
Now for the lyrics and the obvious suggestions made throughout this song that are meant to help
mold the illusory reality humanity should have, along with the accompanying devastation.
Doomsday Clock
“is everyone afraid?
is everyone ashamed?
they’re running towards their holes, to find out
apocalyptic means are lost among our dead
a message to our friends to get out
there’s wages on this fear
oh so clear
depends on what you’ll pay to hear
they’re bound to kill us all
in whitewashed halls
their jackals lick their paws”
“i’m certain of the end
it’s the means that has me spooked
it takes an unknown truth to get out
i’m guessing i’m born free, silly me
i was meant to beg from my knees”
“we gotta dig in, gas masks on
wait in the sunshine, all bug-eyed
if this is living?
sakes alive!
well then they can’t win
no one survives”
“apocalyptic screams
mean nothing to the dead
kissing that ‘ol sun
to know all there is
come on, last call
you should want it all”
The suggestions here are obviously very intense. The lyrics have been inspired by the luciferian
entity to further establish the previous examples of hypnotic suggestion, with the same sort of
message, thereby creating our reality. According to the lyrics in this song, a massive devastation
is going to be unleashed. This simply reinforces all previous trance inducing scenarios and this is
now our reality. Without coming out of the TRANCE STATE, these events will certainly occur
and the anguish of these events will be devastating. Yet, coming out of the TRANCE STATE, and
losing all EMOTIONAL CONNECTION to the 3 dimensional illusion will reconnect our state of
being with REALITY, and our ORIGINAL PARADISE STATE of WISDOM through
AWARENESS of what’s transpiring, thereby making little difference what might come to pass
within the TRANCE STATE. To all who read these words, … its ALL IN THE MIND. We’ve
been imprisoned by manipulation of what we believe to be our mind, and our thoughts, and
our choices. Freedom from the devastation and luciferian ‘hoped for cataclysm’ is achieved by
rejecting the notion that our mind actually is OUR MIND. These are not our minds and these
are not our thoughts. Nothing could be further from the truth and reality.
Those familiar with the album from Pearl Jam called Yield will find a similar theme in the album
art work although I believe that many musicians are aware of what has been going on and taking
the opportunity to enlighten those with a keen enough eye.
Number 8
Number 8
Number 8 is hideous in that it represents the fascist mentality of the luciferian mind. Total
absolute control is all this number represents. Nothing matters but the luciferian domination of
our original eternal state utilizing the intellectually indoctrinated illuminati elite. As you
progress through this pdf you’ll see the incredible significance of the NUMBER 8, the word
EIGHT, the word ATE, the shape of the OCTAGON, the 135 degree angle of the octagon and the
INFINITY SYMBOL. The number 8 suggests destruction to anything that attempts to hinder this
control. The endless coil of the 8 is symbolic of the electromagnetic coil wrapped around humanity.
Keep in mind, we are conjured up by the luciferian egregore thought form as illusory light energy
and therefore are electrical and magnetic in our 3 dimensional makeup. This light energy form of
how we physically appear is riddled with deceit. The coils of our three dimensional reality are
manufactured to squeeze DISCONNECT US FROM REALITY, just as a snake coils around and
strangles its prey. Everything in our 3 dimensional existence acts upon our consciousness endlessly
coiling and manipulating our actions to fulfill the aim of the agenda. The number 8 is symbolic of
infinity. It is a never ending symbol. Its the serpent that swallowed its tail and maintains relentless

The evidence is overwhelming that the world systems control us. The systems have all been
established using manufactured number systems and are completely designed to destroy all
connection with REALITY we might dare to retain. Every major empire throughout history has
furthered the cause of world fascist control, which is simply a front, or a SMOKESCREEN for
luciferianism, and today we see the American Empire taking its turn at the helm. The American
Empire will be the last one used to bring in the one world fascist regime for those left alive.
Keep in mind, this fascist mentality is total manipulation of our original state of being. Through
indoctrination of the luciferian mindset, working its insanity, we are taught to believe that freedom
in the 3 dimensional scheme of things is somehow … FREEDOM. Being FREE in the 3D sense,
without realizing that EMOTIONAL CONNECTION TO, or BELIEVING that the 3D
experience is real, has no freedom in it whatsoever. And this is the MANIPULATION of our
eternal Paradise State. Belief in the 3 dimensional realm as being real, and assigning VALUE and
The United States was established in 1776. Not such a notable year when observed from a
calendar perspective. However, look at it from an entity driven perspective and something quite
sinister appears. Luciferian symbolism is obsessed with adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing. This is the magic of sacred geometry. They also mirror numbers, and mirroring
anything in this existence if it serves their purpose. So the year 1776 divided by 2 = 888. Now
mirror this number – it’s still 888. Trying mirroring it in any direction – above – below – left – right
– it’s still 888. From this you should see that the date for the creation of the United States was no
accident. Its highly significant in the plan of the agenda. Just how significant the United States is
concerning the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS for TOTAL CONTROL is almost
indescribable, and was never meant to be uncovered. Patiently bear with these words as more
groundwork is laid, to assist in understanding the complete lunacy that has pieced together this
whole agenda, and for that matter, the entire UNIVERSE.

It should also be noted that after the luciferian mind controlled government elite and agencies used
to attack the World Trade Centre using the American administration, secret service agencies, etc.
and destroyed the complex, the new Freedom Tower is already under construction and will be
1776 feet tall. When observed from directly above, the shape is a perfect octagon. Once again, the
symbolic number of 1776 divided by 2 = 888. Is this really Freedom?
Furthermore, July 4, the birthdate of the United States is the number 4 – the FOURSQUARE
FOUNDATION of the mother goddess, which represents the whole trinity of all religion. The
4th of July is 14 days (or 2 x 7) after the summer solstice, a high point in occult, or hidden, or
SECRET, circles. Its also the 7th month, the number of perfection and completion. Combine all
this number symbolism with 1776 (which is two 888′s) and you have a highly significant date in
regards to the birth of the USA.
The number 4 has significant symbolism, and thereby significant manipulation attributes. Used in
combination, the words FOUR and SQUARE, refer to the FOUNDATION STONE that the
whole of the luciferian agenda is built upon. This is what the words attributed to the illusory Jesus
were referring to when he said to Peter, ‘thou art Peter, and upon this ROCK I’ll build my
FOURSQUARE = 4 ERAUQS in reverse = 4 ROCKS
ERAUQS also is the source behind the name IRAQ, the CRADLE of CIVILIZATION, or more
appropriately, the CRADLE of the CONJURED 3D EXPERIENCE, of the luciferian agenda in
As one reads through this info it becomes extremely evident that vowels can be interchanged at
will. For all words in the English language can be understood without any vowels at all.
Also, this is important to consider:
All vowels represent LIGHT, or the ALL SEEING EYE, from which the LIGHT,
A = a PRYAMID, or a PRISM, dividing the LIGHT into a RAINBOW of Colour.
E = the 3 PRONGED TRINITY, the Electron, Proton and Neutron, the ELECT,
I = EYE – the All Seeing Eye – or ALL A – as in ALLAH – and the ENLIGHTENED Ones
O = the CIRCLE – another symbolic form of the EYE, and the LIGHT extending from that
U = YOU – the vowel symbolizing our illusory physical form, which is a LIGHT ILLUSION –
a vessel, cup, with arms upstretched, worshipping the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS
All vowels can be pronounced without closing the lips or teeth. There are 5 vowels, representing
the SACRIFICE of our connection to REALITY.
Each ROCK is 1/4 of a SQUARE, or 25% of the whole (see The ROCK Video on YouTube)
The number 888 is a multiple of 111 x 8 which equals 888. Where and why does this show up? The
number of the christ/antichrist is 666. The antichrist is the manipulated ‘black side’ of religion
and intellectualism, (derived from SUBTRACTIVE COLOUR MIXING) – while at the same
time, the fabricated christ, is the ‘white side’, (derived from ADDITIVE COLOUR MIXING) –
together they represent 333 + 333 (or 111 x 3 + 111 x 3). The 10th clockface shows the number 111
coincides with the number 3. The number 3 is symbolic of the strongest form, or shape, of the
deity, and is the pyramid triangle. The number 111 is also highly symbolic being located on the
10th clockface, as 10 is the number of inTENsity.
As well, 1+1+1=3. The 3 sides of a triangle (male), and the 3 sides of the triangle (female), which
totals 6. This is the DUALITY NATURE of the 3D illusion. Multiply these 6 sides by 111 and the
sum is 666.

911 – The 1st DAY OF CREATION

According to certain oral teachings among some Hebrew faithful, the day of September 11, or 9-11,
is considered the 1st day of creation. The Egyptian Christian Coptic religion adheres to 9-11 as the
1st day of creation as well. Of course, there really was no creation, only a conjuring up of an
illusory 3 dimensional plane. Immediately below is the source for the symbolic day of 9-11 being
chosen as the 1st day of creation.
When the number multiply 111 111 111 is multiplied by 111 111 111 the sum = 123 456 789 876
543 21 .
Take a close look at what’s going on here. There are 18 number 1′s. Section off these 18 number
1′s into the number 11, and you have a total of 9-11′s. Multiplying, or regenerating the square root
of 111 111 111, brings every other base number into existence, from 1 through to 9 and then in
reverse back to 1. In other words 9-11′s, or the square root of 111 111 111, has the ability to
conjure up any mathematical set of digits.
The mathematical concept of 9-11 is then, the centre piece, or the FOUNDATION ROCK, that
includes 3 consecutive numbers, such as 1,2 and 3, and on this ROCK the luciferian THOUGHT
PROCESS has built its CHURCH.
This is the Sacred Geometry, or Sexual Geometry, that holds the conjured up illusion in tact.
Without this mathematical wizardry, nothing would appear as 3 dimensional.


Taking a closer look at the number 111, its composed of 3 lines. The 2 outside lines represent the 2
pillars of BOAZ and JACHIN or GACHIN, that stood outside Solomon’s Temple. These are the
B and G Pillars of Secret Societies such as the Freemasons. The 3rd pillar in the middle is set
back. Joining the 2 – B and G Pillars to the 3rd middle pillar, forms a triangle, pyramid. The
angle of this pyramid, at the 3rd pillar can produce a variety of angles, depending on the depth of
placement, however, the angle of CONTROL, relating to the number 8, would be that of 135
degrees, the angle of the OCTAGON. This angle is based on the angle of the constellation
ORION, which literally means, the ROYAL ION, or energized ATOM. This is the first ATOM, or
ADAM, the conjuring up of the illusory body of man, or humanity. This angle then relates to the 51
degree angle of the Great Pyramid of Giza. A perfect match would be 45 degrees, however, as
you proceed through this site, very few principles within the luciferian agenda match perfectly.
Otherwise, it would be a simple matter to see what is being suggested, and the subliminal effect,
and the total confusion of our TRUE REALITY STATE would not be influenced. For we would
easily see the deceit and fabrication.
51 however, is still symbolically strong.
51 coincides with 3 on the 5th clockface, which means, the god of 111 is centred on sacrifice, or
the number 5. Also, 5+1 = 6.


As one reads through this info, its important to understand that the Hebrew Jewish faith do not say
the name of GOD. For this reason they substitute the G or J sound in GOD for the letter Y
sound, producing the word YOD. This substitution rule will apply throughout this site, and not
to the name GOD, or YAHWEH, which stands for JEHOVAH, but will apply to any name,
figure, symbol, location, etc., and is a major linguistic tool used to decipher the luciferian
agenda, (that even the Hebrew Jewish population are unaware of, for they, like everyone, are
merely pawns).
All names or words with the B and G or J letters featured prominently within the word, are
subliminals of power relating to the B and G pillars, or the 2 outside pillars of Solomon’s
Temple. These in turn are the 2 outside number 1′s in the number 111. From this, the whole
conjured up illusory HYPNOTIC MIND CONTROL lunacy came into play, fabricating the
illusion of TIME and SPACE, of which, there is neither. The perpetuation of this TIME and
SPACE concept is then multiplied endlessly through RELIGION and INTELLECTUAL
indoctrination, and a complete separation from our ORIGINAL WISDOM STATE, and our
Great Pyramid of GIZA
GIZA = YIZA = AZIY in reverse, (reversing is suggested by the 111 square root as demonstrated
above) = OZ EYE
The Pyramid of Giza is just one representation of the WIZARD of OZ, which will be elaborated
on in subsequent pages.
The number of completion and perfection is 7 or multiples of 7 x 11 (77) or 7 x 111 (777). The
number of humanity is 5 x 111 = 555 (5 sense reality). The Pentagram, the Pentatuch, the
Pentacost, are all luciferian egregore sun god terms. Tripling these symbolic numbers by the 3
sides of the pyramid (as seen in the number 3) symbolizes the sun/son god present throughout this
illusory reality. More will be written about the significance of 111 when we get to number 11.
Suffice to say for now, that 111 is historically significant according to the agenda of to manipulate
and control the eternal Paradise State. All that we see and believe to be real in this 3D sphere is
simply an illusion, used mercilessly to disconnect us from our original state of wisdom.

Octagon Magic Sigils

Throughout different world societies, the OCTAGON, or 8 pointed stars or shields, show up.
These symbols are magic sigils or powerful shapes that contain notions of total control. We are
hypnotically numbed into responding to the symbol without conscious thought. We just respond
mindlessly. We mustn’t resist the symbolism, for resistance is the whole objective of the luciferian
agenda. However, resistance is what we’re being manipulated to do. The luciferian THOUGHT
PROCESS, and the egregore group of THINKING ENTITIES, manipulate and control our
eternal state, and separate us from our incredible power, as long as we resist and react, and remain
emotionally attached to things of the 3 dimensional experience.
The number system was devised for this very purpose. They want us to RESIST the control being
forced upon this illusory body of humanity. REACT, when the manipulated elite, in turn, do
their political manueverings to bring about less sovereignty and greater suffering for the nations
of the world. But we mustn’t resist and react to this control. What the intellectually indoctrinated
elite and their luciferian egregore want is for us to become that RADICAL element (again it doesn’t
matter which side we choose). We can be either for them or against them. If we react and if we
resist, we give them the manipulative power to continue keeping the veil intact, that separates us
from our eternal ALL KNOWING STATE. By resisting and reacting, we’re demonstrating that
we believe the subliminal hypnotic suggestion, thereby making it our reality, and the events they
wish to occur, and that they wish to appear real, will occur and it becomes our reality.

The Cares of the World – The Theme of Luciferianism

They want us to be concerned with caring about the things of the world. They want us to care
about our physical wealth, physical freedom and the materialistic world. This is why the
number system was devised. The NUMBER SYSTEM, in turn, is RELIGION and
INTELLECTUALISM. The Book of Numbers in the Old Testament isn’t there to simply list the
begats and begottens. The Book of Numbers is there to implant the notion that there’s POWER IN
NUMBERS. Numbers are meant to create systems which produce riches, power, glory, and the like,
which in turn, seduce our awareness. Faith in any form of god, appeals to the greed that’s been
instilled by the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS, into this illusory body of humanity. Religion
promises an eternity of peace and riches if we put our faith in the luciferian conjured up notion of
manipulate the faithful into desiring more of the 3D experience. Again, nothing in this 3D realm is
good or bad, or right or wrong, and there’s no such thing as sin. However, when the distractions of
this 3 dimensional illusion maintain a disconnection from reality, we forfeit our power and strength.
It makes no difference whatsoever what we do, or how much we do in this 3D experience, just
don’t believe its real, or lend credence and value to this illusory plane. These riches and these
systems are more prevalent now than at anytime in history. We become horrified at the thought of
losing our 3 dimensional possessions and will resist and react furiously at the thought of losing
them, …just as they want us to do.
This resistance and reaction is the manipulative tool that they need to keep perpetuating the veil
that disconnects us from REALITY. Without the fear they purposely manufacture through wars,
genocide, religion and science, and so on, they would have nothing. Fear is the manipulation
machine they need. Fear is resistance. Fear is reaction. Fear, resistance and reaction is mind
control hypnosis of the masses. We have no need to fear, react or resist. The world systems should
have no hold on us and the loss of anything gained from the 3 dimensional world should be
incidental. The reason it shouldn’t have a hold on us is because it’s not real. 3 dimensional physical
wealth in any form, is just energy, a light molecule whirling about, mascarading as something real
and it’s simply not there. ENERGY is THOUGHT, and this THOUGHT orginated with the
exercising of the EGO in the eternal state by the egregore thinkers.


Why should we then be concerned about losing something that’s not there in the first place?
There are no numbers in the infinite awareness state. Everything in the 3 dimensional natural realm
is based on Real Pi (3.141…with endless decimal numbers) and the Golden Mean, or Phi
(1.618…with endless decimal numbers) which have no ability to support any religious, magical,
geometric, mathematical, algebraic, chemical, astrological or numerological formula. Pi and Phi
are concerned with light energy, which is the corrupting force in this physical realm, and is what
the physical realm is totally formed of. Then, when the egregore thinking entities play the
natural forces it created against the man made systems it also inspired, (a process called
DUALITY), that incorporate the sacred geometric equations, the result is illusion of endless greed,
death, disease and fear. To those in the illusory TRANCE STATE, the greed, death, disease and
fear all seem totally real, yet, it remains a complete fabrication and separation from REALITY.
Have a look at the number 8 in the diagram immediately below. Notice, that when 2 SQUARES
are overlayed, and given a 45 degree twist, an 8 POINTED STAR, or OCTAGON is formed by
connecting the points. This 8 POINTED STAR is formed by 2 SQUARES, which in themselves
are 2 CROSSES, formed by the intersecting lines that DIVIDE the SQUARE into 4 SEASONS.
These 2 SQUARES, or 2 CROSSES, form the DOUBLE CROSS of religion and
intellectualism, the manipulation tool used to perpetuate the illusory world separating us from
The Number 9 – Fall Into Death
Number 9 is derived from a number of sources. Three sets of threes – or 3 x 3 is the most obvious.
The three primary colours, shapes and sounds each have 3 principle parts. The total of these 3
sets of 3 = 9. The senses used in this manipulative task are aimed at the sense of sight and the sense
of sound. These senses were purposely conjured up within our illusory forms for their
communicable characteristics, able to receive the THOUGHTS of the luciferian group of
THINKING BEINGS, causing us to believe that these THOUGHTS are OURS.
COLOUR – red, yellow, blue (subtractive) or red, green, blue (additive)
SHAPE – curve, line angle
SOUND – pitch, rhythm, beat

Another representation of the origin of the number 9 is the CUBE. The CUBE has a volume of 3
times that of a pyramid. Religious systems using the cube as a symbol are still devoted to the
same sun god. It really doesn’t matter what name you call your god, it just matters to the luciferian
THOUGHT PROCESS that you have a god, for they are all one and the same and the concept
of god is always that supreme lunatic, the luciferian group entity of THINKING BEINGS.
Have a look at a simple Magic Square below. This is the basis for the power of the Magic Cube. A
number is assigned to each of the 9 squares. Each row adds up to 15, even diagonally.
15 is the strongest number that represents the deity.
3 is the strongest number in regards to the form, or shape, of the deity.
… but 15 is the number most strongly associated with the luciferian god concept. It just so
happens that 15 coincides with 3 on the 24 hour clock, or the 2nd clockface shown on this site.
Then, when you total the three 15′s, you get the number 45. 45 coincides with the number 9 on
the 3rd clockface. 9 is the number of the fall, the beginning of the FALL SEASON, and is the
symbolic number of the FALL INTO DEATH, in respect to the 3 dimensional creation of the
luciferian thought form. It is the 9th month, September, and the 11th day, that is regarded in oral
tradition on the Hebrew Calendar, (to many Jewish faithful) as the 1st day of creation. The 1st
day of the fall into death. 11 is the number thereby associated with death, as it is the 11th hour,
the last hour before midnight and the coming judgment.
(See the text above, and the number 111, in regards to the reverence and belief that 9-11 is the 1st
All of this is just symbolism, but symbolism implements the power of hypnosis, the power of the
deity to control our eternal Paradise State. We’re in Paradise NOW, however the 3 dimensional
experience that perpetuates the TRANCE, separates us from reconnecting to the WISDOM and
ETERNAL POWER of our ORGINAL STATE. Becoming AWARE that this is what’s
transpiring, completely liberates us from the TRANCE and we RECONNECT and RECLAIM
The number 9 can also be derived from the Magic Square of Saturn, shown above. Saturn is
another source for the name Satan. Satan is derived from the Arabic word SHAITAN, which
alludes to the ONE WHO BRINGS ENLIGHTENMENT, or KNOWLEDGE. This is also the
same meaning to the name LUCIFER, and though the exact terms are not originally found in the
Bible, the whole Jewish / Christian Bible is completely devoted to the LIGHT BRINGER, who
is Jehovah, and who Christians believe, is Jesus, the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. All these
names, or terms, refer to the CREATOR / CONJURER, who should rightfully be referred to as the
luciferian egregore group of thinking entities, who agree together to perpetuate deceit to
manifest a hypnotic trance illusion. This illusion manipulates our reality through the CHRIST /
ANTICHRIST concept, or the number 666, which, when inversed, are symbols of 999, or 9 x 111,
which in turn represents the FALL into DEATH.
With this particular example there are 3 rows of 3 squares – one on top of the other. The numbers 4
– 9 – 2 are placed in the top row. 3 – 5 – 7 are placed in the middle row. 8 – 1 – 6 are placed in the
bottom row. No matter which way you add these rows up – across – up and down – or diagonally,
you always get 15. The number 15 is the number most strongly associated with the deity sun god.
Saturn relates to the Greek god Chronus from where we get the term chronology. SATURN and
the SUN, though appearing as opposites, together symbolize the DUALITY NATURE of
worshipping the 3 dimensional experience as if it were real.
Chronology, the science of computing time, and another god related to Saturn, is the god Shani.
This is a demi god of India. Any of these terms can be used with reference to the number 9. When
you add up the 9 numbers in the magic square you get a total of 45. 45 coincides with 9 on the
4th clockface illustrated in this book, and is the number of the fall. 45 = 4+5 = 9. Divide 45 by 9
and you get 5. The connection to the 5 sense reality which is synonamous with the fall into
death experience. This symbolism just keeps connecting all over the place, and is the motivation
behind the term, SACRED GEOMETRY. Quite apart from being incidental, it is how we are all
connected, and for that matter, how we ALL APPEAR TO BE REAL, to the manipulation taking
place on a grand scale.
The Number 10
Number 10 deals with the inTENsity of some event or moment. This number focuses on the
duration and strength intended to be applied to an event or moment in this illusory time sphere.
This INTENSITY is accomplished by REPITITION.
The first number is a ZERO. The word ZERO is an anagram, and a play on word sound
ZERO = ROZE = ROSE and refers to the Order of the ROSE and the Order of DEATH within
the luciferian agenda.
ZERO = EROZ = ARROWS (as in Cupid’s) = EROS = ROSE or the goddess of love – referring
to sex and fucking.


Ground ZERO at the World Trade Center site was, and still is, a SACRED SEX and HUMAN
SACRIFICE ritual site, with subliminal hypnotic links to the 11 Western United States, which
is now becoming the main focal Sex and Sacrifice ritual site within the illusory luciferian
egregore agenda. Remember though, its only an illusory reality where this all occurs. Its only
within the TRANCE STATE that the lunacy, described on this site, is meant to take place. To
become emotionally detached from this TRANCE STATE, which is the 3 dimensional sphere we
now experience, is to come out of the TRANCE. This emotional separation from things within the
3D sphere removes one from an emotional cataclysm which is designed and being fulfilled, one
conjured up notion at a time, for all who remain ENTRANCED. Of course, the difficult part in all
this, is that for those who are in the TRANCE STATE, such a simple mechanism to escape the
luciferian devastation and the illusory Day of the Lord’s Judgment has been programmed to
seem utterly insane.
There are 3 sets of 3 numbers – 1-2-3 – 4-5-6 and 7-8-9. Then it starts all over again with a zero,
but now attached to a number 1. From the number zero to nine symbolically represents the
fullness of time. This does not mean that time ends but rather that the fall from WISDOM, or
disconnection from AWARENESS of what’s transpiring placed us into this illusory 3
dimensional reality which manifests as TIME and SPACE.
The implementation of 10 is the beginning of replicating and starting all over again. Replicating
or repetition is the strongest form of hypnosis. When this is coupled with fear based trauma, the
victim is rendered impotent and unable to escape. Much like a snake catching its prey in its
coils and sqeezing the life out of it until it can be consumed. This is the very definition that should
be applied to the biblical teaching, where the consummation of all things by the Christ, is
fulfilled. Its the luciferian serpent, or reptilian minded, THOUGHT PROCESS, that has literally
sapped and separated who we really are from our eternal state of wisdom, one seduction at a time.
The last letter in the English alphabet is Z. Likewise, Z is the first letter, of the first number,
ZERO. This isn’t a coincidence. Its one more display of the inter-connectedness with everything
concerning the manipulation of light, which is the inter-connection of all things illusory. All
things illusory must support, suggest and sustain every other illusory notion. To break the support
of subliminal suggestion, is to in fact, BREAK THE BEAM OF LIGHT, or to BREAK THE
THOUGHT PROCESS, and the illusion would be annulled. Things concerning hypnotic
suggestion don’t have to make sense, they just have to implant a suggestion, and the subject being
hypnotized, fills in the blanks. We will discover characteristics unique to this number and with
some word / sound association, it will become more evident as to who is behind this insanity
called the number system.
In the science of medicine, (which should rightly be called seance – contacting the mind of the
dead spirit), there is a part of the brain called the reptilian brain. This occupies about 10% of the
mass of the physical brain. This part of the brain lies at the core of the brain stem and every person
has one. The reptilian part of the brain is concerned with getting food – trying not to become food
– hoarding – control – mating – ignorance – ritual – symbolism – etc. In other words, this part
of the brain is obsessed with the physical materialistic world. All these things serve a purpose and
can be beneficial to one extent or another in this 3 dimensional state, but to be totally driven and
focused on the things of the reptilian brain is HYPNOSIS.
Read this next word chain very slowly:
The chart below illustrates where the numbers originated, and the inspiration for the symbols
within Sun God / Son of God worship, reaching back into the illusory past, to ancient Babylon. This
chart shows the real inspiration behind the 10 TABLES within the Holy Place of Solomon’s
Temple, that held the SHEWBREAD and CANDLABRUM. This chart also illustrates the
symbolic 12 BULLS acting as a TABLE that held the BRAZEN SEA of WATER for cleansing
the priests hands and feet of blood, just outside the Temple Porch, after they had killed the sacrifice.
These 12 BULLS relate directly, in subliminal language, to the BULL MARKET of the World
Financial Stock Markets, hence the name, STOCK MARKETS.
This subliminal of the BULLS is reinforced every year, for the last few hundred years, with a ritual
known as the RUNNING OF THE BULLS in Pamplona Spain. This occurs every year, beginning
on July 6, with the 1st of 8 BULL RUNS beginning on July 7th, and continuing, 1 RUN EACH
DAY, for 8 DAYS, starting at 8 am daily. This BULL RUN engages the antics of the daring, to run
for approximately 1/2 mile, risking life and limb, leading the BULLS to the BULL RING where
they will be killed in a BULL FIGHT that evening.
July 7th, or 07/07 is the main day of this event. As I edit this page, on July 7, 2009, which is
07/07/09, the significance of the MICHAEL JACKSON MEMORIAL SERVICE relates to this
date. This is the date of the LIVE EARTH CONCERT sponsored by people such as Al Gore, 2
years ago, on 07/07/07. Everything is done symbolically through the religious and intellectual
systems created by the luciferian mindset that conjured up the whole madness. Being that 7 is the
number of completion and perfection, this year, the meaning of the symbolic date of 07/07/09
refers to PERFECTION, COMPLETION and the FALL. It is very clear, even to the most
skeptical observer, that the world systems are FALLING and FAILING, and doing so at an
alarming pace in this year of 2009.
So what is this hypnosis … and where and how did it enter into the scheme of things? It entered
with the advent of the THOUGHT PROCESS. This process conjured up the illusion of TIME and
SPACE, and what we record as human history, appeared to begin in the cradle of civilization, in
ancient Sumer and Babylon. Understanding however, that there is no such thing as TIME and
SPACE, then no 3 dimensional reality actually began at any fabricated point in time, and the
illusion of their being an ancient Sumer and Babylon is simply a concept to construct the
luciferian agenda around. The illusion is perpetuated through reptilian brain obsessed elitists who
have manifested for some 6,000+ years and the luciferian, reptilian brain based, thought process,
which is the basic characteristic of these intellectual elitists, acts only out of instinct and and
indoctrinated knowledge. Intellect is not wisdom. Rather, intellectualism is thought generated
energy spirit which controls and possesses and invariably disconnects us from our original state of

Dumbing Down
The luciferian agenda is based on intellect, the DUMBING DOWN PROCESS – perpetuated
through religion, science and magic. These three are synonamous and together form the luciferian
doctrine of SATANISM, which is the ENLIGHTENMENT, or manifestation of knowledge.
Since there is no such thing as an actual Satan, the THOUGHT PROCESS, conjured up the
LIGHT, or ENLIGHTENMENT, and every DIVISION within the 3D experience. Yet again,
more clearly stated, Satanism is DUALITY. Satanism is luciferianism, and is the LIGHT
BRINGER, and therefore is the concept of the creator God. This fabricated notion of a creator
God manipulates the masses into an even deeper hypnotic state. Today, this deeper hypnotic
TRANCE state has surpassed what religion and science had accomplished hypnotically through the
centuries, and especially in the last few decades. The reptilian brain obsessed thinkers have
conjured up the notion of marrying science and spirituality. Though the implication is constantly
presented that intellectualism is somehow an advancement in wisdom, in reality, it is the process
of absolute disconnection from reality and wisdom.


This new belief system is referred to as everything from infinite love to new age thinking,
channeling, wholistic healing, etc. …but it’s still polarity based on duality and absolutely
entrenches the 3 dimensional belief that energy and light is the basis of truth. Certainly some
physical health benefits have been rediscovered in some ways, but health for the body without
complete awareness, is temporal and extremely misleading and a manipulation of reality. The
medical drug system is so flawed, and purposely flawed, to allow room for new age light workers
to come up with improved healing techniques. From this, it has appeared, that they must be filled
with wisdom and insight. Not so however, as improved healing techniques are simply walking
deeper in the ditch of ignorance from which it is much harder to escape. The purpose of humanity
is not to see how much health or prosperity we might attain. Neither are we here to worship a God
in exchange for an eternity of peace and bliss.
To BECOME AWARE that the whole body of HUMANITY IS AN ILLUSION, an utter
fabrication, that the 3D experience, and the conjured up body of humanity, IS the veil of deceit
that makes it utterly impossible to rationally conceive that it, humanity itself, is the deception
keeping the disconnection from reality intact. This is what we must come to recognize.
We are already in our Paradise State!
We are already perfect, pure, eternal and ALL KNOWING. And WE are NOT this body of
humanity, neither are we this 3D illusory mass of energy and spirit. We are WISDOM! We
KNOW ALL! We have to learn NOTHING! If it wasn’t for the THOUGHT PROCESS that
indoctrinates the elitists, that IT, the THOUGHT PROCESS itself has conjured up, we would be
AWARE and PRESENT and completely reconnected to eternally drinking from the fountain of
wisdom in our Paradise State. For we are the Paradise state!
realm. Remaining emotionally connected to things of the 3 dimensional realm, keeps us in this
TRANCE, and conversely, detaching emotionally from believing that any of this is real, allows
the realization and power of the eternal state to be ours, RIGHT NOW.

The Garden of EDEN – Garden of NEED

The Garden of Eden and the hypnotic suggestions established with this old story, repeated
endlessly, in almost every culture and religion, throughout history. The Garden of Eden story did
not originate with the Judeo/Christian/Islamic religions, that form one half of the world’s
luciferian sun worshippers of our day. The Garden of Eden story has been perpetuated
throughout history, by every society, in one form or another. The subliminal attached to this story is
in the name, and implies NEED, and implies that we are a PATHETIC LOST HOPELESS
USELESS PIECE of TRASH. … can anyone say Praise The Lord?
How about this is ALL just one BIG LIE. Through the manipulation instilled by the THOUGHT
PROCESS, the EGO / EYE elitist worshippers perpetuating this THINKING MASQUERADE,
selfishly enslave and imprison on behalf of the luciferian egregore entities.


Words that relate to the REP-tilian part of the brain tend to have an RE as part of their
construction. RE shows up throughout the English language frequently. Either as RE or ER. This
suggests observance of the sun god. The RE or ER sound and symbols keep REPEATING,
because REPITITION is a major hypnotic tool. Hence the name REPTILIAN.
REP = REP – REAP – RAPE to be RAVISHED by endless attack
TILIAN = NAIL-IT in reverse = ANNIHILATE or DESTROY – Nailed To A Cross
RE-ptilian – RE-bellion – RE-ject – RE-act – RE-plicating – RE-sist – RE-venge – RE-taliate

– RE-petition. In other words, these sounds and symbols are designed to manipulate us to
REspond, thereby establishing an emotional connection with the 3 dimensional illusion. This is not
a coincidence. The reptilian THOUGHT PROCESS has constructed incantations and symbols
into the very fabric of our language through the invention of a NUMBING, NUMBER System.
Keep in mind, that this SYSTEM is a CYST-em – a malignant cancerous growth.

Another subliminal hidden in our language is the word LOVE. We talk about LOVE but you really
can’t nail it down, just what this word really means. Here goes…
LOVE = LOVe with a long O vowel sound as in LOAVE
BRED = BA-RE or WAter-Death Sacrifice sound from Egyptian mythology – RED = BLOOD
The word RED means Water Death.
EYE ALL = AISLE = as in getting MARRIED, we WALK down the AISLE. An extremely
trance inducing ritual.
Marry is Mare, the Sea, and marriage is to succumb to the seduction of the SEA/SEE.
LOVE is the worship of ALLAH, or the ALL SEEING EYE. This worship relates to SEX, to
DEATH, to REGENERATION, and is used to manipulate our reality. As always, this is not right
or wrong, or sinful, because sin doesn’t exist. But it is deception, meant to forfeit our power into
the control of the luciferian mindset.
Michael Jackson used to wear one glove on one hand. The subliminal attached to this is:
GLOVE = Y-LOVE (substituting G for Y) = EYE LOVE = EYE EVOL = EVOL EYE = EVIL
(This is not to say that Michael Jackson was aware in the slightest, of the subliminal attached to
this act of wearing ONE GLOVE).
LOVE is only a hypnotic incantation word, that when repeated enough times, the victim falls
into a completely vulnerable state. All we’re saying when we keep telling someone that “we love
them”, from a romantic perspective, simply means, “I want to have sex with you”. From a security
perspective it simply means, “please take care of me and I’ll let you have sex with me”, or “I’ll do
something beneficial for you in return”. Sex is not always intercourse either. Sex is in the mind, and
involves interaction of energy, which is thought. That’s all fine and dandy, but let’s be aware of
what’s going on. There’s no such thing as love, the kind of caring and compassion we somehow
dream it to be.
The ultimate expression of being is WISDOM through AWARENESS! Awareness of what this 3
dimensional realm really is. Awareness, that it is completely correct to be totally cynical , (without
any emotional involvement), that any good or bad is present within this 3D illusion. This whole 3D
thing is a fabrication and a lie and a mere dream state. It simply does not exist! Because of its non-
existence, placing value, or lending credence to an illusion by declaring strong sentiments of love
within this illusion is simply manipulation of reality by the THOUGHT PROCESS.
In this book, its been demonstrated over and again, how the concept of god is the luciferian
egregore group of thinking entities, who act as the devil and as the god. They create this duality
on purpose. Through shape and sound association, the word love simply means sex, or anything to
do with physical gratification in any of its forms. Something to now consider, is how the phrase,
god is love, is really saying that the luciferian group of thinking entities, (who is the hypnotic
creator of all things), is love.

Since ancient Sumer and Babylon, the reptilian brain based elite, the first generation of
purebloods, commonly called Bluebloods, have continued to inter-marry. No commoners have
been allowed in their ranks from that time, right on up to the royal families of the world today.
They’re luciferian, intellectually minded, human beings. We all have a reptilian brain, but with
the watered down, common element within humanity, most of us have lost that close genetic link
and the kaballistic information given through inbreeding and channeling. What inbreeding
produces, is a belief system, from generation to generation, to further perpetuate the intellectual
notions of the previous generation, and to build upon them. Intellectual indoctrination is acquiring
the ability to manifest lies and deception, the whole time justifying the indoctrination as truth based
upon previously conjured up intellectual notions. This is how kaballism works. When indoctrination
in intellectual pursuits has achieved a deep hypnotic state within a person, that person then proceeds
to deliver the indoctrination as fact and truth, based on previous intellectual deception, and those
coming in contact with this delivery of intellectual nonsense, likewise falls under the hypnotic spell.

Intellectualism = SCIENCE / SEANCE

This information has not been lost or denied to the elite royal reptilian brain based bloodline
families. Quite the opposite. The royal elite of the world have enhanced and fostered the kaballistic
information to the highest degree possible in this 3 dimensional world, and still stay hidden. They
have intermarried for thousands of years to keep the genetic reptilian code strong and the genetic
information with which to manipulate humanity intact. In other words, the elite have kept and
fostered, the ability to lie and distort reality, regardless of suffering and pain, all for the sake
power, worship and greed.
In the pages that follow, it will be shown just what this information entails and when the events
based on this information are going to unfold, in the pursuit of establishing the messianic new
world order kingdom on earth. Sometimes referred to as the Age of Aquarius.

Royal Elite Bloodline Shapeshifting

Since going public with this information I have had occasion to meet with, and talk to, individuals
who have genetic links to royal families. In other instances, people who have no knowlegde of
bloodline links to the elite of the world, have witnessed strange phenomena, which is not supposed
to occur. That phenomena is called morphing or shape-shifting. This is the physical change of a
persons appearance to that of a creature bearing reptilian characteristics. One such instance
occurred to an individual completely by accident. Never having read or heard of such events at the
time of their morphing, this individual was completely stunned at what was occurring. According to
this persons recollection, it only took 2 or 3 seconds to change from a normal human facial form, to
one where the eyebrows became large and bushy and extended forward a great distance. The face
flattened out becoming like that of a snake or lizard. Green scales appeared all over the face. The
nose became a lengthened snout and the eyes formed vertical slits.
This was an extremely frightening experience for this individual and repeats the story to virtually no
one. The event happened only once, because the person knew what thought entered the mind to
initiate the shape shift. This person’s intent is to not enter that thought pattern again as it wasn’t a
pleasant experience.
I relate this story, only to underscore the fact, that with the thought form process of the luciferian
mind all manner of illusions can be created. To call it an illusion doesn’t mean its not physically
real according to the 3 dimensional physical way of reasoning things. For it is, that we are all
illusions, within the hypnotic trance state. It’s all a lie and deceit, but it is what we’re experiencing.
This person experienced the illusion, it really occurred, but its all a lie.

Grays – Aliens – Y-Rays Of Light

There were many other experiences related to me by this individual, all which bordered on the
unbelievable. Just as the little Greys of UFO fame are real illusions, so to, are the reptilian shape
shifting forms, real deceptions. The word Grays, reveals just what these things are.
GRAYS = G or Y – RAYS = EYE RAYS. In other words, Grays are simply rays of light.
Something to be aware of as you proceed through this info. As the words are deciphered for their
true meaning, what becomes obvious is that the thought process cannot prevent itself from stating
what the deception is. The thought process has to reveal what the deception is. This is called
subliminal messaging. The only thing available to the thought process, so as not to be detected, is to
create a diversion, or misdirection, a deception or a lie. These lies and deceit must contain the
correct information, albeit in hidden form. Without the correct information, there will no subliminal
or hypnotic misdirection. Some of the techniques used will be reverse symbolism, mirrored, or
reverse speech patterns, sound and shape similarities, neuro-linguistic programming, as well
as any other technique that might manipulate the subconscious from connection to reality.
In the case of both the Greys and the Reptilian shape shifting occurrences, these are not
creatures from another planet or star constellations. These are egregore thought forms created
by the luciferian egregore group of thinking entities, all to add confusion, and a whole lot of
distraction from the real scenario which is going to unfold.
Be sure to keep reading the following pages to become acquainted with the luciferian hoped for
devastation. There is a way out, as has already been stated in these first few pages.
An example of this genetic heritage and the knowledge that is passed along through genetics, can be
seen in the Monarch Butterfly. This pretty little creature leaves Canada, dies along the way as it
migrates to Mexico, but before it succumbs it leaves a new generation of butterflies. This group
continues the trek to Mexico, but they too, die along the way. The offspring from this second
generation continues diligently on to Mexico, to the same region that the many previous generations
migrated to. These butterflies have never been to Mexico, but they knew where to go. Then the
migration starts back to Canada, with the same death and regeneration, and they arrive back to the
same region without fail. The genetics are passed along from generation to generation, if, this
interbreeding remains constant. So it is with the luciferian minded thinkers. They have this
kaballism knowledge of how to control energy and know how to manipulate light. In other words,
they know how to manifest deceit. Furthermore, they worship the bringer of this light energy who
is called god, satan, or by definition, lucifer. Through deceitful wordgames, this luciferian group of
entities have caused the masses around the world to worship it as a supreme god, and from this,
every world religion, large and small, worship this group entity. This entity is the ancient sun
god of Sumer, Babylon and Egypt. The information here will reveal what this entity is, what it’s
foundational root is, what it’s plan using this illusory body called humanity is, as well as show how
it means to manipulate humanity very soon, especially within the next 2 years. (From today’s date
of May, 2010).

The Bluebloods of Europe and the USA

They appear as normal and common, but they have a cold callousness about their demeanor. This is
evidenced in the bluebloods of Europe and the eastern establishment of the United States. This is
why all the presidents of the United States are related. All the presidents of the USA are cousins
of varying degrees. On this site, you will see how the Roosevelts, Bushes, and Churchills are all
related through King Edward Longshanks of England, over 800 years ago. These are direct
physical descendants of the luciferian thought form that manifested the elite bloodlines, the
direct descendants of the conjured up illusions of the luciferian thinking group egregore. These
elite are often referred to as the serpent gods of old. This is why, when it comes to manufacturing
problems for the world, they have no qualms whatsoever about killing whoever needs to be killed
and telling endless lies in an attempt to cover it up.
Not only are the presidents of the USA, all related, but the Mafia families are also direct
descendants of these bloodline families and close genetic relatives to the presidential families and
the Bluebloods of Europe. Deceit, hypocrisy, manipulation, and the like, are the family
characteristics of the elite.

More will be said about these luciferian thinking entities as we look at the number 11. Keep in
mind, that the only reason this sounds like something out of a science-fiction movie is because
we’ve been so hypnotically programmed from our birth, (and even carry our forefathers
programming genetically within us), that to even contemplate anything contrary to the intellectual
process, is sheer lunacy. When you keep this in mind, that the leaders – the illuminati families – are
genetic and spiritual luciferian purebreds, which is to say, they’re in a deep hypnotic trance, it
answers every question you have ever had about why the world is as it is. We know the elite are
intellectually entranced. They are completely obsessed with the reptilian part of the brain, the
physical world and using the hypnotic subliminal power of suggestion working through this
illusory body called humanity, to keep who we really are, out of touch with the awareness
described on these pages.
These intellectually minded people hoard – they control 90% or more of the worlds wealth. There’s
only a few of them, compared to the 6 billion plus of commoners, and yet they need more. They are
control addicts. They must plan and map out every move they make so as to not lose their grip on
the money, business, banking, military and media systems of the world. This is the complete
luciferian minded method of operation.
Further, they are definitely concerned with mating. They may take one mate for outward show, but
the stories are endless of their lovers and children born to them outside their official family home.
They are killers. WTC attack, WW1, WW2, Pearl Harbour, Middle East Wars…all these are their
doing. Of course, the big give away that they’re not ordinary commoners, is seen in their
ignorance. They ignor the suffering, hunger, death and disease in the world – when they have the
wealth to alleviate all of it. But they ignor it. If they would stop creating the epidemics and
pandemics in the world, and stop intervening with our food, water and air, there would also be
no disease. However, that’s not the plan. The plan is to use deceit and devastation to take total
control of our original eternal Paradise State of being. The ultimate expression of being, … and this
is who and what we really are!

The number 11 is pivotal in the whole scheme of world history. The ancient Sumerian / Babylonian
rulers were the royal reptilian brain based bloodline that was spawned by the intermarrying of
luciferian thinking entities with human woman. The women these luciferian entities conjured up
in the first place. These dominant elite bloodlines manifest themself in the world and in so doing,
have assumed total control of every established society. Their genetic makeup is reptilian brain
based. They are totally concerned with the physical 5 sense, 3 dimensional, illusory reality. Because
of this deep hypnotic trance orientation it is very foreign for them to even consider connecting to
the eternal wisdom state. As a result of this total devotion to the 3D illusory realm, the elite of the
world take control of all things and in turn program this illusory body we call humanity to
perpetuate the luciferian agenda.
Being that these thinking entities, (who manipulate the luciferian elite), have controlled humanity
through physical intermarrying, how does this play into the number 11?
The cradle of civilization is in the Mesopotamian Valley of ancient Babylon. The rulers of this
empire were the magicians – often referred to as the serpent reptilian gods of old – who were able to
mesmerize the masses with their sorceries. These sorceries were the ability to perform magic –
making things appear and disappear at will – as well as perform feats of levitation, changing shape
at will, and so on. A very popular modern day example of this kaballistic understanding is witnessed
in the activities of magician, Criss Angel.
Criss Angel has been working almost exclusively out of Las Vegas. In the following pages, the
significance of Nevada and Las Vegas, as well the 11 western United States, in these times of
luciferian manipulation will be demonstrated. 11 is the number of death. The signifance of the 11
Western United States plays an incredible role in the luciferian agenda.
There’s also another group of 11 states immediately west of the Mississippi. These states form what
is called Tornado Alley. In upcoming pages, this will be shown to be one symbolic representation
of the luciferian elite name, Moriah Conquering Wind, with a strong connection to the last day of
judgment, where the fabricated Zeus/Jesus Christ pours out his vengeance in the Great Day of his
Wrath, with the suggetion implanted within the human psyche that the luciferian elite agenda
includes killing approximately 90% of the world population. Whether this is literally meant to
come to pass or not is irrelevant, as the psychological damage and control of our reality has already
been achieved with the suggestion concerning the Wrath of God in the Day of Judgment.
Throughout this pdf, words used in language will be deciphered to illustrate what the subliminal
is within the word. Many times it will seem extremely odd and disconnected from the intellectual
meaning of that particular word. However, as you progress the significance of even the most
common of words will reveal the luciferian agenda for control of our eternal Paradise State. One
such word is WRATH.
WRATH is an anagram for WATHR which = WATER
The reason for the silent W will be revealed as the importance of Water in the luciferian agenda is
Of course, this is all occurring in the hypnotic trance we’re experiencing. Therefore, it appears to be
completely real. The only way to be unaffected by this illusory devastation delivered under the
guise of the Lord’s Judgment, and to keep from experiencing an emotional collapse, is to come out
of this hypnotic trance. To remain emotionally connected to the 3 dimensional illusion, believing
that its actually real, manipulates who we really are into experiencing a devastating emotional
cataclysm as the illusory Day of Judgment unfolds. Bringing into focus, through awareness,
what it is that the luciferian group of thinking entities is using to manipulate us to do their
bidding, breaks the hynotic spell. If anyone reading these words just experienced this thought …
“there’s no way we’re in a hypnotic trance”, then you’ve just experienced the luciferian
THOUGHT PROCESS firsthand. The 3 dimensional reality has been established in such a way,
that anything that challenges the status quo, is immediately rejected. It makes no difference if the
challenge is accurate or inaccurate. What matters to the luciferian thought process, is that a
challenge is initiated, so that this illusory body of humanity enters into debate and confusion.
With debate comes confusion, as each individual is usually quite certain their perspective is
accurate. (As if an illusory human being had any ability to correctly portray reality). With
confusion comes a complete disconnection, or lack of focus, upon what truly constitutes reality.
The only way to communicate what reality is, is to identify what disconnects us from reality, and
what then becomes the veil that keeps us disconnected in perpetuity. This doesn’t include debate,
just communicating the obvious, for others to accept or reject.
The real luciferian / illuminati agenda is the establishment of the New World Order. This is not a
new idea however. The intention, from the very beginning, some 6,000+ illusory years ago, was to
use the messianic kingdom age as the ultimate deception to enslave the remaining population.
Keep in mind, that the illusion appears to have occurred over a period of at least 6,000+ years. In
reality, there’s no such thing as time or space, so the events we refer to as world history, did not
occur over a period of time, but appeared to occur as the INTENSITY SHIFTED through what
appears to be TIME BASED EVENTS. The 3D realm is only appearing to unfold with the elements
of time and space, when actually, the events of history are occurring in the one eternal timeless
moment, with the desired luciferian result being one of INTENSITY.
INTENSITY is directly related to the number TEN. This characteristic called intensity precedes
the number 11, which is the number associated with DEATH. The luciferian THOUGHT
PROCESS has designed the micro and macro elements within the 3D realm to have DEATH
follow INTENSITY. This can be understood more easily when considering the human sexual
orgasm, which occurs following intense stimulation, and this orgasm is referred to as the Little
Death. On the macro level, this Death, or Big Orgasm, will occur after the world goes through its
intense stimulation, which is now in progress, and the Orgasm will be unleashed in the illusory
Day of Divine Judgment by the luciferian thought process.

Criss Angel – Kaballism – Jewish Magicians

The next piece of information is an article sent to me by a reader of my site. It draws attention to
what this book is about, and may help some understand more easily, what’s transpiring in this
world. Be aware, that this information you’re about to read is the power behind the kabbalistic
knowledge that has conjured up this 3D world system. Kabbalism is the thought process, and is
the initiator, or creator, and subsequent manipulator of energy. This isn’t good or bad, right or
wrong, but one must understand, that, in spite of the fact that this is how things work in the 3D
scheme of things, this kabbalistic thought process is the deception that keeps us separated, and
disconnected from the ultimate expression of being that we are.
This information explains how the magician became to be looked upon as a god in the course of
world events.
Beginning of article: (its long so be prepared)
In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist
Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th
century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading
scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect’s name, though there are some who
believe his discovery may change the face of science.
Aspect’s experiment is related to the EPR Experiment, a consicousness experiment which had been
devised by Albert Einstein, and his colleagues, Poldlsky and Rosen, in order to disprove Quantum
Mechanics on the basis of the Pauli Exclusion Principle contradicting Special Relativity.
Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as
electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance
separating them. It doesn’t matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart.
Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is
that it violates Einstein’s long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of
light. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier, this
daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with elaborate ways to explain away
Aspect’s findings. But it has inspired others to offer even more radical explanations.
University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes Aspect’s findings imply that
objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm,
a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram.
To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about
holograms. A hologram is a three- dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser.
To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam. Then
a second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference
pattern (the area where the two laser beams commingle) is captured on film.
When the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as
the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original
object appears.
The three-dimensionality of such images is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. If a
hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to
contain the entire image of the rose.
Indeed, even if the halves are divided again, each snippet of film will always be found to contain a
smaller but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a
hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole.
The “whole in every part” nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of
understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has labored under the
bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect
it and study its respective parts.
A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If
we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is
made, we will only get smaller wholes.
This insight suggested to Bohm another way of understanding Aspect’s discovery. Bohm believes
the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the
distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and
forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argues that at some deeper level of reality
such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental
This fundamental connectedness would correlate with The Fifth Element, and its mathematical
proof of all aspects of the universe being energetically connected – Hal Puthoff’s assertion in his
work on Zero-Point Energy of all charges in the universe being connected and that further mass is in
all likelihood an illusion as well — and both of these modern day theories of physics being in
accordance with ancient traditions and philosophies, which claim the same connectedness of the
diverse parts of the universe.
To enable people to better visualize what he means, Bohm offers the following illustration. Imagine
an aquarium containing a fish. Imagine also that you are unable to see the aquarium directly and
your knowledge about it and what it contains comes from two television cameras, one directed at
the aquarium’s front and the other directed at its side.
As you stare at the two television monitors, you might assume that the fish on each of the screens
are separate entities. After all, because the cameras are set at different angles, each of the images
will be slightly different. But as you continue to watch the two fish, you will eventually become
aware that there is a certain relationship between them.
When one turns, the other also makes a slightly different but corresponding turn; when one faces
the front, the other always faces toward the side. If you remain unaware of the full scope of the
situation, you might even conclude that the fish must be instantaneously communicating with one
another, but this is clearly not the case.
This, says Bohm, is precisely what is going on between the subatomic particles in Aspect’s
According to Bohm, the apparent faster-than-light connection between subatomic particles is really
telling us that there is a deeper level of reality we are not privy to, a more complex dimension
beyond our own that is analogous to the aquarium. And, he adds, we view objects such as
subatomic particles as separate from one another because we are seeing only a portion of their
Such particles are not separate “parts”, but facets of a deeper and more underlying unity that is
ultimately as holographic and indivisible as the previously mentioned rose. And since everything in
physical reality is comprised of these “eidolons”, the universe is itself a projection, a hologram.
In addition to its phantomlike nature, such a universe would possess other rather startling features.
If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory, it means that at a deeper level of
reality all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected.
The electrons in a carbon atom in the human brain are connected to the subatomic particles that
comprise every salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every star that shimmers in the sky.
Everything interpenetrates everything, and although human nature may seek to categorize and
pigeonhole and subdivide, the various phenomena of the universe, all apportionments are of
necessity artificial and all of nature is ultimately a seamless web.
In a holographic universe, even time and space could no longer be viewed as fundamentals.
Because concepts such as location break down in a universe in which nothing is truly separate from
anything else, time and three-dimensional space, like the images of the fish on the TV monitors,
would also have to be viewed as projections of this deeper order.
At its deeper level reality is a sort of superhologram in which the past, present, and future all exist
simultaneously. This suggests that given the proper tools it might even be possible to someday reach
into the superholographic level of reality and pluck out scenes from the long-forgotten past.
What else the superhologram contains is an open-ended question. Allowing, for the sake of
argument, that the superhologram is the matrix that has given birth to everything in our universe, at
the very least it contains every subatomic particle that has been or will be — every configuration of
matter and energy that is possible, from snowflakes to quasars, from blue whales to gamma rays. It
must be seen as a sort of cosmic storehouse of “All That Is.”
Although Bohm concedes that we have no way of knowing what else might lie hidden in the
superhologram, he does venture to say that we have no reason to assume it does not contain more.
Or as he puts it, perhaps the superholographic level of reality is a “mere stage” beyond which lies
“an infinity of further development”.
Bohm is not the only researcher who has found evidence that the universe is a hologram. Working
independently in the field of brain research, Standford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram has also
become persuaded of the holographic nature of reality.
Pribram was drawn to the holographic model by the puzzle of how and where memories are stored
in the brain. For decades numerous studies have shown that rather than being confined to a specific
location, memories are dispersed throughout the brain.
In a series of landmark experiments in the 1920s, brain scientist Karl Lashley found that no matter
what portion of a rat’s brain he removed he was unable to eradicate its memory of how to perform
complex tasks it had learned prior to surgery. The only problem was that no one was able to come
up with a mechanism that might explain this curious “whole in every part” nature of memory
Then in the 1960s Pribram encountered the concept of holography and realized he had found the
explanation brain scientists had been looking for. Pribram believes memories are encoded not in
neurons, or small groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross the entire
brain in the same way that patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire area of a piece of
film containing a holographic image. In other words, Pribram believes the brain is itself a hologram.
Pribram’s theory also explains how the human brain can store so many memories in so little space.
It has been estimated that the human brain has the capacity to memorize something on the order of
10 billion bits of information during the average human lifetime (or roughly the same amount of
information contained in five sets of the Encyclopaedia Britannica).
Similarly, it has been discovered that in addition to their other capabilities, holograms possess an
astounding capacity for information storage–simply by changing the angle at which the two lasers
strike a piece of photographic film, it is possible to record many different images on the same
surface. It has been demonstrated that one cubic centimeter of film can hold as many as 10 billion
bits of information.
Our uncanny ability to quickly retrieve whatever information we need from the enormous store of
our memories becomes more understandable if the brain functions according to holographic
principles. If a friend asks you to tell him what comes to mind when he says the word “zebra”, you
do not have to clumsily sort back through some gigantic and cerebral alphabetic file to arrive at an
answer. Instead, associations like “striped”, “horselike”, and “animal native to Africa” all pop into
your head instantly.
Indeed, one of the most amazing things about the human thinking process is that every piece of
information seems instantly cross-correlated with every other piece of information–another feature
intrinsic to the hologram. Because every portion of a hologram is infinitely interconnected with ever
other portion, it is perhaps nature’s supreme example of a cross-correlated system.
The storage of memory is not the only neurophysiological puzzle that becomes more tractable in
light of Pribram’s holographic model of the brain. Another is how the brain is able to translate the
avalanche of frequencies it receives via the senses (light frequencies, sound frequencies, and so on)
into the concrete world of our perceptions.
Encoding and decoding frequencies is precisely what a hologram does best. Just as a hologram
functions as a sort of lens, a translating device able to convert an apparently meaningless blur of
frequencies into a coherent image, Pribram believes the brain also comprises a lens and uses
holographic principles to mathematically convert the frequencies it receives through he senses into
the inner world of our perceptions.
An impressive body of evidence suggests that the brain uses holographic principles to perform its
operations. Pribram’s theory, in fact, has gained increasing support among neurophysiologists.
Argentinian-Italian researcher Hugo Zucarelli recently extended the holographic model into the
world of acoustic phenomena. Puzzled by the fact that humans can locate the source of sounds
without moving their heads, even if they only possess hearing in one ear, Zucarelli discovered that
holographic principles can explain this ability.
Zucarelli has also developed the technology of holophonic sound, a recording technique able to
reproduce acoustic situations with an almost uncanny realism.
Pribram’s belief that our brains mathematically construct “hard” reality by relying on input from a
frequency domain has also received a good deal of experimental support.
It has been found that each of our senses is sensitive to a much broader range of frequencies than
was previously suspected.
Researchers have discovered, for instance, that our visual systems are sensitive to sound
frequencies, that our sense of smell is in part dependent on what are now called “cosmic
frequencies”, and that even the cells in our bodies are sensitive to a broad range of frequencies.
Such findings suggest that it is only in the holographic domain of consciousness that such
frequencies are sorted out and divided up into conventional perceptions.
But the most mind-boggling aspect of Pribram’s holographic model of the brain is what happens
when it is put together with Bohm’s theory. For if the concreteness of the world is but a secondary
reality and what is “there” is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a
hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of this blur and mathematically transforms
them into sensory perceptions, what becomes of objective reality?
Put quite simply, it ceases to exist. As the religions of the East have long upheld, the material world
is Maya, an illusion, and although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical
world, this too is an illusion.
We are really “receivers” floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract
from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of
the superhologram.
This striking new picture of reality, the synthesis of Bohm and Pribram’s views, has come to be
called the Holographic Paradigm, and although many scientists have greeted it with skepticism, it
has galvanized others. A small but growing group of researchers believe it may be the most accurate
model of reality science has arrived at thus far.
More than that, some believe it may solve some mysteries that have never before been explainable
by science and even establish the paranormal as a part of nature. Numerous researchers, including
Bohm and Pribram, have noted that many para-psychological phenomena become much more
understandable in terms of the holographic paradigm.
In a universe in which individual brains are actually indivisible portions of the greater hologram and
everything is infinitely interconnected, telepathy may merely be the accessing of the holographic
level. It is obviously much easier to understand how information can travel from the mind of
individual ‘A’ to that of individual ‘B’ at a far distance point and helps to understand a number of
unsolved puzzles in psychology. In particular, Stansilov Grof feels the holographic paradigm offers
a model for understanding many of the baffling phenomena experienced by individuals during
altered states of consciousness.
In the 1950s, while conducting research into the beliefs of LSD as a psychotherapeutic tool, Grof
had one female patient who suddenly became convinced she had assumed the identity of a female of
a species of prehistoric reptile. During the course of her hallucination, she not only gave a richly
detailed description of what it felt like to be encapsulated in such a form, but noted that the portion
of the male of the species anatomy was a patch of colored scales on the side of its head. What was
startling to Grof was that although the woman had no prior knowledge about such things, a
conversation with a zoologist later confirmed that in certain species of reptiles colored areas on the
head do indeed play an important role as triggers of sexual arousal.
The woman¹s experience was not unique. During the course of his research, Grof encountered
examples of patients regressing and identifying with virtually every species on the evolutionary tree
(research findings which helped influence the man-into-ape scene in the movie, Altered States).
Moreover, he found that such experiences frequently contained obscure zoological details which
turned out to be accurate.
Regressions into the animal kingdom were not the only puzzling psychological phenomena Grof
encountered. He also had patients who appeared to tap into some sort of collective or racial
unconscious. Individuals with little or no education suddenly gave detailed descriptions of
Zoroastrian funerary practices and scenes from Hindu mythology. In other categories of experience,
individuals gave persuasive accounts of out-of-body journeys, of precognitive glimpses of the
future, of regressions into apparent past-life incarnations.
In later research, Grof found the same range of phenomena manifested in therapy sessions which
did not involve the use of drugs. Because the common element in such experiences appeared to be
the transcending of an individual¹s consciousness beyond the usual boundaries of ego and/or
limitations of space and time, Grof called such manifestations transpersonal experiences, and in the
late ’60s he helped found a branch of psychology called transpersonal psychology devoted entirely
to their study. Although Grof¹s newly founded Association of Transpersonal Psychology garnered a
rapidly growing group of like-minded professionals and has become a respected branch of
psychology, for years neither Grof or any of his colleagues were able to offer a mechanism for
explaining the bizarre psychological phenomena they were witnessing. But that has changed with
the advent of the holographic paradigm.
As Grof noted, if the mind is actually part of a continuum, a labyrinth that is connected not only to
every other mind that exists or has existed, but to every atom, organism, and region in the vastness
of space and time itself, the fact that it is able to occasionally make forays into the labyrinth and
have transpersonal experiences no longer seems so strange.
Perhaps, in Creating Reality, we have already become – as in Star Trek, The Next Generation – a Q
of the Continuum or we are part of a consciousness virtual reality experiment.
The holographic paradigm also has implications for so-called hard sciences like biology. Keith
Floyd, a psychologist at Virginia Intermont College, has pointed out that if the concreteness of
reality is but a holographic illusion, it would no longer be true to say the brain produces
consciousness. Rather, it is Consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain as well as the
body and everything else around us we interpret as physical.
Such a turnabout in the way we view biological structures has caused researchers to point out that
medicine and our understanding of the healing process could also be transformed by the
holographic paradigm. If the apparent physical structure of the body is but a holographic projection
of consciousness, it becomes clear that each of us is much more responsible for our health than
current medical wisdom allows. What we now view as miraculous remissions of disease may
actually be due to changes in consciousness which in turn effect changes in the hologram of the
body. Similarly, controversial new healing techniques such as visualization may work so well
because in the holographic domain of thought images are ultimately as real as reality. Even visions
and experiences involving non-ordinary reality become explainable under the holographic
In his book Gifts of Unknown Things, biologist Lyall Watson describes his encounter with an
Indonesian shaman woman who, by performing a ritual dance, was able to make an entire grove of
trees instantly vanish into thin air. Watson relates that as he and another astonished onlooker
continued to watch the woman, she caused the trees to reappear, then click off again and on again
several times in succession. Although current scientific understanding is incapable of explaining
such events, experiences like this become more tenable if hard reality is only a holographic
Perhaps we agree on what is ‘there’ or ‘not there’ because what we call consensus reality is
formulated and ratified at the level of the human unconscious at which all minds are infinitely
interconnected. If this is true, it is the most profound implication of the holographic paradigm of all,
for it means that experiences such as Watson’s are not commonplace only because we have not
programmed our minds with the beliefs that would make them so.
In a holographic universe there are no limits to the extent to which we can alter the fabric of reality.
What we perceive as reality is only a canvas waiting for us to draw upon it any picture we want.
Anything is possible, from bending spoons with the power of the mind to events experienced by
Carlos Castaneda during his encounters with the Yaqui brujo don Juan, for Magic is our birthright,
no more or less miraculous than our ability to compute the reality we want when we are in our
Indeed, even our most fundamental notions about reality become suspect, for in a holographic
universe, as Pribram has pointed out, even random events would have to be seen as based on
holographic principles and therefore determined.
Synchronicities or meaningful coincidences suddenly makes sense, and everything in reality would
have to be seen as a metaphor. Even the most haphazard events would express some underlying
Whether Bohm and Pribram’s holographic paradigm becomes accepted in science or dies an ignoble
death remains to be seen, but it is safe to say that it has already had an influence on the thinking of
many scientists. And even if it is found that the holographic model does not provide the best
explanation for the instantaneous communications that seem to be passing back and forth between
subatomic particles, at the very least, as noted by Basil Hiley, a physicist at Birbeck College in
London, Aspect’s findings indicate that we must be prepared to consider radically new views of
(End of article).
There are a few more points that should be mentioned regarding this article. This is basically how
things are. However, there isn’t a conclusion put forward in the article. Wisdom already knows
what the conclusion is. Being that the individuals mentioned in the article are all highly
intellectually indoctrinated, they have the hindrance of rationality limiting their ability to simply
know this is how things are.
Where the speed of light ‘kicks in”, this is the initial point, or the starting point of the 3D
illusion. This is the beginning of the intellectual thought process, in all its forms, such as science,
religion, arts, business, … all things are mathematically arranged and initiate the thing we refer
to as knowledge and the 3D illusion.
Knowledge is the dumbing down process, where time and space take on the illusion of some sort
of reality. There is no time, and there is no space. Knowledge tells us there is. Knowledge is
therefore, what we refer to as ignorance. Ignorance ignores wisdom, the all knowing state of
perfection. What we really are has nothing to do with the 3D physical illusion we appear to run
around in all day. The timeless eternal state where no 3 dimensional thing appears is so
inexplicably infinite in power, wisdom, freedom and liberty, that its virtually indescribable using
only 3 dimensional language. Language, which can only communicate in terms relating to the
speed of light.
We must reconnect to our original state that transcends the slowness of the speed of light, and
in so doing we reconnect to the all knowing eternal state of wisdom, which is the Paradise State.
For we are that Paradise State, the one perfect ultimate expression of being. The One that We All
Are, already, is endowed with the infinite nothingness, (no 3D thing), which can be accessed by
anyone, at anytime, by breaking out of the trance state.
As we focus on what the article describes as the inter-connection of all things, we must understand
that this is the deception and lie, the illusory creation conjured up by an illusory god. This
article is a piece to the puzzle, but it can be used to assist in establishing a deeper intellectual
indoctrination, which is ignorance, or it can be used to break out of the trance state, and
recognize that intellectualism in its entirety, is a massive illusory hologram, which includes as
well, the information within this article. Its an extremely slippery slope, and of course, the luciferian
thought process covers all the angles.
The information in the this book reveals an agenda, and a pattern relating to the holographic
consciousness. What is described as the thought process, and hypnotic subliminal manipulation,
which uses the illusory body of all humanity to take control of the Paradise State, this article rightly
refers to it as the place where consciousness is sorted out, divided up, chopped and diced into a
myriad of illusions. The article can initiate the notion that things are not at at all what they
appear to be, and in the process, this can assist some in breaking out of the trance state. It lends
credence to the possibility where consideration of a concept other than rational reasoning
becomes a viable option in understanding what reality truly is.
This manipulation can be applied to everything that happens in the world.
Without suggestion first, nothing appears or exists, for nothing appears real without subliminal
hypnotic suggestion. Consider the diagrams immediately below, regarding the hypnosis state of the
world, sometimes referred to as the Rabbit Hole. This hole is not dark but is filled with light and
illusion. The suggestion is, that if there’s light then we must be able to see clearly. Nothing could be
further from the truth. Light is total illusion and deception. The lack of light, and for that matter,
the lack of dark as well, is to be reconnected to our original wisdom state.
Consider the diagrams and understand that this is how, according to the Jewish faith, “Something
Appears From Nothing”. This is the creation principle, the god who brings the light. This god is
the luciferian egregore group of thinking entities who masquerade as the supreme god, playing
the good god and the wicked devil. In reality, neither exists.
Understanding how thought is a word, is sound, is vibration, is energy, that glows, which is light…
makes it very obvious how thoughts can manipulate light. Thoughts are light. Light is the 3
dimensional form. Change the thought and you change the form. If a person becomes very
adept at changing their thought process and manipulating the thought process of those around, this
is called magic, because the illusory images appear real.
Consider the chart immediately below and how it shows the manipulation of our reality, creating
this thing called Global Warming. Apply this same principle to any aspect of the 3 dimensional
space, and the manipulation within the luciferian agenda, using the illusory body called humanity,
becomes very self-evident. Global Warming did not become part of our reality until it was
suggested repeatedly and communicated to the masses in endless fashion. As the suggestion reached
a feverish pitch, Global Warming became a reality within the illusion, whether or not Global
Warming is actually occurring in the ways described. The controversy surrounding Global Warming
is also part of the luciferian thought process. There’s no better way to keep the hypnotic suggestion
alive, and constantly repeated, that to cause the duality nature of the 3D illusion to enter into
endless debate. Debate is confusion and is inspired by the luciferian egregore group of thinking
entities. Those wishing to enter into debate are deeply entranced within the spell of the luciferian
Below is a chart to illustrate how a light beam passes through a prism, which causes a diffusion
of the light beam into colours. These colours create the 3 dimensional illusion we see around us
and in turn disconnects us from seeing reality. The reverse of the prism is the magnifying glass
with a lens that causes the concentration of light, and with the appropriate thought pattern applied,
either to believe or to not believe the 3 dimensional reality, will either cause reconnection to the
awareness state or leave everything unchanged, and unaware.

This understanding of Criss Angel, (Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos – Greek Orthodox faith –
born: Dec.19 1967) and the predecessors of ancient Babylon, Egypt and the Israelite nation, was the
Kabbalistic knowledge of the luciferian mindset, which knew firsthand how to manipulate
matter, one molecule at a time. The Paradise State had never experienced the illusion
disconnecting them from the All Knowing state of wisdom. The luciferian mindset knew this and,
being not at all concerned with the matter of lieing, conjured forth the systems needed to
perpetuate this deception. The magicians who received this knowledge and appeared as wise men
(Weissman) would eventually, many centuries later, become known as the Hebrews. These
Hebrews were the Egyptians of centuries passed and ultimately became known as the Israelites.
ISRAEL = ISis the queen of heaven – RA the sun/son god – EL the father of all gods
These future Israelites formed a portion of humanity who would be used and manipulated and
abused beyond belief by their leader rulers. In turn, the Hebrew nation was used to shed blood and
destruction, all in the name of god. Being that the masses of humanity have been imprisoned in a
total hypnotic trance state, they would still continue to worship the god of the Jews in spite of
this massive luciferian bloodletting.
The rulers of ancient Babylon, the elite intellectually indoctrinated bloodlines, were worshipped as
the serpent kings or serpent gods. As the empires moved to dominate the world, the times and
seasons, names and dates, rituals and symbolisms were introduced to mislead world societies as to
what was transpiring and to increase their hold on control of our eternal state.
Illusionist/magicians such as Criss Angel know that there is no such thing as psychic or
paranormal powers. There’s just the ability to perform illusions and magic, the art of
manipulating a persons perception, through subliminal suggestion. This isn’t good or bad, right
or wrong, its just utilizing deceit for gain. Consider this scenario, with a direct quote by Criss
On the October 31, 2007 episode of the reality show Phenomenon, Paranormalist Jim Callahan
performed a summoning, purportedly of author Raymond Hill, to help discover the contents of a
locked box. Although fellow judge Uri Geller praised the performance, Angel called it “comical”
and subsequently challenged both Callahan and Geller to guess the contents of two envelopes he
pulled out of his pocket, offering a million dollars of his own money to whomever could do so. This
led to an argument between Callahan and Angel, during which Callahan accused Angel of being an
“ideological bigot”, and after Angel rose from his chair and approached Callahan, the two were
pulled apart as the show promptly went to a commercial break.
Angel has since revealed the contents of one envelope, and at the unveiling, he challenged Geller
one more time. Geller was unsuccessful, and the envelope was revealed to contain an index card
with the numbers “911″ printed on it for September 11, 2001.
Criss’ explanation was this …“if on 9-10 somebody could have predicted that 9-11 was going to
happen, they could have saved millions of lives”.
The other envelope’s contents will be revealed on the first episode of Season 4 of Criss Angel:
Criss Angel knows this is just illusion. The only thing is, illusion is the reality of this 3
dimensional existance. Criss Angel was raised in New York. He has residences in New York and
the Presidential Suite at the Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas and Paradise, Nevada. Contrary to what Criss
Angel implies, that nobody could have predicted 9-11, there are hundreds of people who did
predict it, if not thousands. Many of the elite of America were told not to fly that day. Marvin
Bush, the president’s brother, along with Wurt Walker, their cousin, were in charge of security
through their parent company, SECURECOM, for the WTC, United Airlines, and American
Airlines, and their contract ended on September 11, 2001. Untold numbers of the world’s elite,
but especially the Rockefellers and the Rothschild clans, along with the elite of the luciferian
inspired illuminati families would know, because of the endless ‘fingerprints left behind’ and
demonstrated in this book.
The crews that were required to go into the WTC buildings for weeks before the attack, and who
cut the beams at the sacred 45 degree / 135 degree angles, and set the explosive charges, or as
some suggest, the use of directed energy, also knew. This angle of 135 degrees is the inside angle
of the octagon, the angle of the STOP sign. This will be shown in later pages to reveal what the
next 9-11 is, and that even now, is in progress. The beams supporting the WTC buildings were cut
at 45 degrees. When you subtract 45 degrees from a straight line beam of 180 degrees, the
difference is 135 degrees. 135 degrees is the number of the fabricated luciferian deity, as it
coincides with the number 3 on the clockface shown on this site.
135 = 1+3+5=9, the number of the FALL (as in 911)
8 of these angles form the octagon, and represent the number of complete control. 180 degrees is
also the total degrees within a pyramid, so therefore a LINE formed anywhere, in any symbolic
fashion, is representing the luciferian deity, as is the pyramid. The line symbolism becomes
extremely self evident throughout these pages.
LINE = NILE = NAIL that pierced the hands and feet of the illusory messiah
the subliminals locked within this word are revealed throughout the pages of this book.
The information here is to late to predict and to benefit anyone in the WTC Attack. If you read the
pages that follow, it will be shown what the next and last 9-11 is, and will be. Not by any
paranormal or psychic ability, but by discovering the subliminal hypnotic suggestion implanted
throughout this illusory world history that has already set the next 9-11 in motion. The first 9-11
of 2001 could have been predicted as well, had the real luciferian code been uncovered.
Unfortunately it was yet to be uncovered. What you’re reading here now, is that code which has
within it, the recognition of what is within our capability to reclaim our Paradise State. September
11, 2001 was just the start button.
These Clock Faces are the primary source of all that the luciferian thinkers rely upon for their
number symbolism. Become familiar with the relationships of all the numbers as you progress
through this site. It will become very evident from understanding these clock faces, where the
number symbolism, mirror or reverse imagery, etc. has originated. These clock faces are based
on the characteristics of a beam of light, as seen by the atom energy symbol within each face.
(This symbol with 3 electrons, 1 proton, and 1 neutron, is not an actual element).

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