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Bonifacio Street, Tagum City

Preliminary Exam
Biological Science

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________

Year & Coarse: ___________________________________ Score: _________________
General Instruction: Read and understand each question. Erasures are not allowed.

I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer before each number.

1. What do you call the process of grouping or ordering plants based on structural similarities or
evolutionary relationships?
a. classification c. identification
b. collection d. preservation
2. There are seven major biological levels of classification. The species level is the smallest unit. What
is considered as the largest unit of classification?
a. class c. kingdom
b. family d. order
3. Who was the first Swedish naturalist to classify living things? This man is regarded as the father of
a. Anton Van Leuwenhoke c. Charles Darwin
b. Carolous Linnaeus d. Robert Hooke
4. What do you call the type of classification that is based on similarity of structures?
a. natural classification c. superficial classification
b. artificial classification d. phylogenetic classification
5. Vascular plants produce the tallest and biggest trees in the world. Non-vascular plants are small
and cannot grow as tall as vascular plants. What could be the reason for this?
a. absence of water c. lack of vitamins
b. absence of leaves d. absence of vascular bundles
6. Plants are classified for the following reasons:
a. to avoid confusion c. to create chaos
b. to store things d. to find things fas
7. What is the type of vascular arrangement in monocot plants?
a. alternate c. oval
b. circular d. scattered
8. Plants maybe classified as vascular and non-vascular. Which of the following are vascular bundles?
a. endodermis and pericycle c. sclereids and scherenchyma
b. parenchyma and collenchyma d. xylem and phloem
9. Strobili are reproductive structures found in:
a. fern c. pine trees
b. cactus d. club mosses
10. Plants are found in almost all types of habitat. Which among the following habitats is NOT favorable
for the growth of mosses?
a. damp soil c. dry, unshaded places
b. moist rocks d. trunks and branches of shaded trees
11. How many cotyledons does a dicot plant have?
a. one cotyledon c. four cotyledons
b. two cotyledons d. three cotyledons
12. Vascular bundles help in the transport of substances in plants. What vascular bundle transports
water and minerals upward in plants?
a. collenchyma c. phloem
b. parenchyma d. xylem
13. Which of the following plants has a parallel type of leaf venation?
a. coconut c. peanut
b. gumamela d. pilinut
14. Which of the following plant is NOT a gymnosperm?
a. ginkgo c. oliva
b. gumamela d. podocarpus
15. Which plant exhibits the taproot type of root system?
a. bamboo c. orchid
b. carrot d. palay
16. Vertebrates are animals with vertebral column. Which of the following is NOT a vertebrate?
a. fish c. snail
b. parrot d. turtle
17. Cold blooded animals are those that can not regulate their body temperature. Which of the following
is a cold-blooded animal?
a. anteater c. lizard
b. eagle d. monkey
18. Turtles live in water. Where do they lay their eggs?
a. deep portion of the sea c. pits along the sand
b. in seagrasses d. subtidal zone
19. In what part of the mother kangaroo does the young grow and develop?
a. placenta c. pouch
b. uterus d. fallopian tube
20. The following are the characteristics of amphibians EXCEPT:
a. with moist skin c. warm-blooded
b. can lay eggs d. can live both on land and water
21. Which among the following birds cannot fly?
a. eagle c. ostrich
b. hornbill d. owl
22. What do frogs use for gas exchange when on land?
a. lungs c. skin
b. kidneys d. snout
23. Marsupials are animals with pouches for the young. Which of the following is a marsupial?
a. kangaroo c. monkey
b. lion d. tiger
24. Mammals are vertebartes with mammary glands. These glands supply the young
a. hormones c. salts
b. milk d. water
25. What part of the mother monkey is important in the development of the embryo?
a. cervix c. placenta
b. ovary d. vagina
26. Which of this is an egg-laying mammal?
a. koala c. platypus
b. monkey d. tarsier
27. Which of the following animals do NOT have scales?
a. fishes c. roosters
b. monkey d. snakes
28. Warm-blooded animals can adapt to changes in environmental temperature. Which of the following
animals is NOT warm-blooded?
a. cheetah c. leopard
b. crocodile d. man
29. What part of the reptiles can be used in making leather shoes and bags?
a. bones c. skin
b. claws d. tail
30. How many percent of all animals are vertebrates?
a. 5% c. 15%
b. 10% d. 20%
31. Which idea stems from the theory of evolution?
a. The earth is relatively young.
b. Each organism is specially created.
c. Species are related by common descent.
d. A mix of fossils in a region indicates that a local catastrophe occurred.
32. An adaptation promotes
a. the chance to reproduce c. the chance to survive and reproduce
b. the chance to survive d. none of the above
33. Vertebrate forelimbs are most likely to be studied in
a. biogeography c. ecology
b. comparative anatomy d. embryology
34. Which is NOT true of fossils?
a. They indicate that life has a history.
b. They are evidences of life in the past.
c. The older the fossil, the less it resembles modern day species.
d. They look exactly like modern-day species, regardless of their age.
35. During the usual process of speciation, a species is first isolated
a. behaviorally c. geographically
b. genetically d. reproductively
36. Which type of speciation requires a geographical barrier?
a. allopatric c. divergence
b. convergence d. sympatric
37. The criterion used to distinguish between two species is based on
a. geography c. reproduction
b. physical traits d. time
38. Which of the following statements does NOT describe Darwin’s theory of natural selection?
a. Members of a population will compete.
b. Populations tend to reproduce in small numbers.
c. Members of a population have heritable variations.
d. Some members of a population have adaptive traits.
39. Which of the following describes indirect evidences for evolution?
a. consists of actual observation
b. is actually observed or seen
c. is something that does not involve actual observation of evolution but for which we can infer
that evolution has taken place
d. None of the above.
40. Which of the following mechanisms will cause the gene pool of two populations to become similar?
a. gene flow c. mutation
b. genetic drift d. natural selection
41. Which of the following describes mutation?
a. A result of inbreeding.
b. Any change in the structure of chromosomes.
c. Change in gene pool due to unpredictable situation.
d. Differential survival and reproduction of organisms.
42. What agent of evolutionary change can result to a population whose members are alike in
appearance, fitness and lifestyles?
a. inbreeding c. genetic drift
b. gene flow d. mutation
43. What is genetic drift?
a. a change in gene pool due to chance alone.
b. A mechanism that increases variations in the population.
c. The differential survival and reproduction of organisms.
d. A change in the structure of chromosomes and gene composition.
44. Which type of speciation does not require a geographical barrier?
a. allopatric c. divergence
b. convergence d. sympatric
45. What does it mean by direct evidence for evolution?
a. consists of observations of actual evolution
b. does not involve direct observation of evolution
c. is something that is not actually observed or seen
d. None of the above.
46. The shape of an organism preserved in rock is called a/an_____________.
a. petrification c. mold
b. cast d. imprint
47. The change that increases an organism’s chance for survival is called__________.
a. homologous structure c. adaptation
b. natural selection d. evolution
48. The decay rate of a radioactive element is measured in a unit called___________.
a. period c. half-life
b. epoch d. era
49. Which of the following is not used as evidence of evolution?
a. DNA c. homologous structures
b. fossils d. niche
50. Survival of the fittest is also known as__________.
a. overproduction c. isolation
b. mutation d. natural selection

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