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Class Band C

Drill Teams

Competitive Drills

Reprinted by order of
K. Trent Moreland, Ph.D.
Grand Commander


Bob L. Detherow
Ronnie E. Green, PGC
David Phillips
Jerry F. Ward, PGC

Marching into the Asylum (drill floor) for Drill Competition:

When given an O.K. by the Drill Committee Representative, the team will March (in step) into the Asylum with swords in scabbard under
the command of the E.Com. Teams may March in Column of Twos or Single file.
When the center of the line is about in front of the Inspecting Officer, (No. 1 Judge) the E.Com. will give the necessary commands to form
line facing the Inspecting Officer, ((Twos left*) Halt, (Left Face*), Right Dress, Front) after forming line the E.Com. will march to a point, out
from the center of the line, face the line and command: By the Numbers, Hand Salute: (the S.Kgts in line will execute the first movement of
(H.S.) The E.Com. then faces about and salutes (H.S.) the Inspecting Officer and reports. (Only the appropriate command marked with * should
be used when forming line.)
E. Com.: Eminent Past Commander (or Title of I.O.),____ Commandery No. ______ Reporting for Class B Asylum Drill. The I.O. will reply:
Proceed with the Drill. (H.S.)
The E.Com. will About Face and Command: Two. (The S.Kgts. in line will drop their hand smartly to their side.) The E.Com. commands:
Fall Out. The Officers will FallOut and remain in position, but not in their stations until ordered to do so. E.Com. proceeds with the drill.
Scoring starts when the E.Com. commands: S.K.C.G. See that the Asylum is in suitable array for my reception.

(A) Preliminary

E.Com.: S.K.C.G. (H.S.) See that the Asylum is in suitable array for my reception. C.G. (H.S.), E.Com. (H.S.)
E.Com.: S.K.Gen. (H.S.) and Ex. Prel. (bow or H.S.) Accompany me to my apartment. Gen. (H.S.) Prel. (bow or H.S.) E.Com. (H.S.)
The E.Com. Gen. and Prel. shall march in step, three abreast to the E.Com's apt. The E.Com. in the center, Gen. on the right, and Prel. on the
left. Swords in scabbards. (Not at Secure)
C.G. takes his station in the East, draws sword and commands:
S.K.W. (H.S.) Sound the assembly.
W.: (H.S.) C.G. (S.S.) W.: Sir Knights give attention. (W. does not draw sword)
C.G.: Officers take your stations. Sir Knights be seated.

(B) Purging

C.G.: S.K.S.W. (S.W. rises takes one step forward (H.S.) Are all present Knights Templar? (S.W. draws sword (S.S.)) C.G. (S.S.)
S.W.: S.K.J.W. (J.W. rises takes one step forward, faces the S.W. (H.S.) Ascertain if all present on the north are Knights Templar. J.W.
draws sword (S.S.) S.W. (S.S.)
The Wardens march to the East (abreast and in step) about face and proceed to the West (in line, not necessarily in step) the S.W. examines
those on South and the J.W. those on the North. They post at a point west of the Std.Grd. (at least two paces) face each other, and the J.W.
J.W.: (S.S.) S.K.S.W. All on the North are Knights Templar.
S.W. (S.S.). The Wardens face to the East, return to their stations and the S.W. reports:
S.W.: (S.S.) S.K.C.G. All present are Knights Templar. C.G.
Wardens return Swords and are seated.
After the S. W. completes his report, the C. G. addresses the Warder
immediately. (Do not wait until the Wardens are seated.)
C.G.: S.K. Warder, (W. rises, takes one step forward (H.S.) Post the Sentinel, inform him that a Commandery or Knights Templar is about to
be opened, and direct him to guard accordingly. (W. draws sword, (S.S.)) C.G. (S.S.)
The W. makes a left face, steps out on his left foot, executes a left flank, and marches in a direct line, (west of the Std.Grd.) to a position one pace
from the outer door, facing the Sen.
W.: S.K.Sen. Sen. (H.S.) A Commandery of Knights Templar is about to be opened, you will take your post and guard accordingly. The Sen.
comes to attention when addressed. by the W. and salutes (H.S.) After receiving his instructions from the W., the Sen. make the first movement
of (H.S.), and holds it until the W. makes the first movement of (S.S.) he drops his hand as the W. completes the second movement of (S.S)
When posting the Sen. the W. will not step through the door opening. At the completion of the salutes, the W. closes the door, and gives raps •••
••• ••• • (Answered by the Sen.) faces about, steps out on his left foot, executes a left flank, and returns in a direct line to a position one pace out
from his station, halts, left faces and reports.
W.: (S.S.) S.K.C.G. The Sentinel is at his post and the Asylum is duly guarded. (C.G. (S.S.). (W. returns his sword and is seated.)
When the W. makes his report he executes the first and second movements of (S.S.), holds it until the report is completed and comes to carry with
the C .G. when he completes his return salute.
(C) Reception of the Commander

C.G.: Officers, Attention, Draw, Swords.

At the command "Attention" the Std.Grd. rises, the Std.B. takes the
Beauceant from the stand and comes to order, they then take one step
forward. As they step forward the Sw.B. and W. close in on the Std.B.
to Marching interval (an easy touch of elbows).
At the command "Swords" the Std.B. brings the Beauceant to
C.G.: S.Kgts. S.W. and J.W., Inward Face.
C.G.: S.K.W., Inform the Eminent Commander that the Asylum
is in suitable array for his reception. W. (S.S.) CG. (S.S.)
(The W. does not salute when addressed when at attention.)
The W. left faces, steps out with the left foot, and marches in a
direct line to a position one pace inside the Commanders apartment
where he halts, facing the Commander, salutes, and reports:
W.: (S.S.) E.Com., the Asylum is in suitable array for your reception. E.Com. (H.S.). The W. faces about and returns to a position two
paces inside and on the South (right) side of the door, faces East and announces:

The E.Com. followed by the Gen. and Prel. march to the entrance to the Asylum and halt until the Officers come to Present Swords.
C.G.: Commandery, Attention: Officers, Present, Swords. (C.G.
comes to Sword Salute. )
The W. after making the announcement, left faces, and on the C.G.'s command, "Officers, Present", comes to the first position of Salute
Swords, and on the command Swords makes the second movement.
He remains in this position until the E.Com. and his staff have passed, he then comes to Carry Swords, closes the door, faces about and
returns to his station in a direct line and Presents Swords.
When the E.Com., Gen., and Prel. enter the Asylum they shall be in triangular formation, with the E.Com. at the apex followed by the Gen.
on the right, and the Prel. on the left. The E.Com. and Gen. shall be at secure swords. When they are two paces in front of the Std.Grd. they
execute a Column Right, on a 30" moving pivot. The E.Com. acknowledges The salute of the Std.Grd. with a Hand Salute. (The Gen. and Prel.
do not salute.) After passing the Beauceant a Column Left is executed on a 30" moving pivot, and the E.Com., Gen., and Prel. will proceed to
their stations in the East, as they pass between the S.W. and J.W., the Gen. and Prel. form a line on the E.Com.'s left by an oblique movement.
The Prel marches to his station in the East with E.Com. and Gen., or to a point opposite his station, when he will march to the left directly to his
station. (The E.Com. Gen. and Prel. should be abreast when they pass between the S.W. and J.W.)
NOTE: Where possible the Prel.'s station will be at right of the Gen.
and in line with the other three Officers Stations in the East.
Under certain conditions, the Prel.'s station will be at the right
and in front of the Gen. A map of the drill floor sent with
"General Instructions to Commanderies" will indicate the
location of the Prel.'s station.
When in their stations the E.Com. and his staff will face West the E.Com. and Gen. will draw swords; and the E.Com. commands: Carry
Swords. Sir Knights not in line be seated.
E.Com.: S.K.C.G.; Form the lines for rehearsal. C.G. (S .S.) E.Com. (S.S.)
The C.G. on being addressed by the E.Com. makes a half right face and after receiving the order, salutes and makes a half left face.
NOTE: The E.Com. does not turn to the left when addressing the C.G.
except for his head .
C.G.: Prepare for rehearsal; Officers, Forward March.
At the command, "March" all officers more forward into formation at the same time, as follows: The S. W. and J .W. move straight forward
and halt about seventy (70) inches apart:
The Gen. and C.G. move forward and halt one pace (30") from the S.W. and J.W. and face inward.
The E.Com. moves forward and halts one pace (30") East of the Gen. and C.G., at a point midway between the lines.
The Prel. moves to a point to the right of the E.Com. and one pace (30") from the Gen. facing West.
The Std.Grd. under the direction of the Sw.B. moves forward and halts two paces from the foot of the lines. The Std.Grd. maintains marching
interval. The Std.B aligns on the E.Com. (The Sw.B. and W. do not cover the S.W. and J.W.)
The Std. Grd. returns swords on the command of the Sw.B. as soon as they are in position.
Sw.B.: Std.Grd. Halt, Return, Swords. (At the command Swords the Std.B. brings the Beauceant to order.)
Those to the right of the E. Com. constitute the First Division and those to his left constitute the Second Division.
E.Com.: First Division, Communicate to the Second Division the Pilgrim Warrior's Word. On Guard, Parry Four, Communicate, Carry
E.Com.: Second Division, Communicate to the first Division the Pilgrim Penitent's Word. On Guard, Parry Four, Position; Communicate,
Carry Swords, Return Swords.
(For an explanation of On Guard, Parry, and Carry, see notes on page 7.)
E.Com.: First Division, Communicate to the Second Division the Immaculate Word; Sir Knights Kneel; Un-Cover; Deposit Chapeaux;
Interlace Fingers.
(The Knights of both Divisions extend arms in front of body, palms forward, fingers open and extended upwards. The Knights of the First
Division will cross their arms, right over left and interlace their fingers with those of the Knights of the Second Division)
E.Com.: Sir Knights, as your fingers are thus strongly interlaced, so should the hearts of all Knights Templar be firmly united in the bonds of
friendship and brotherly love. Over this symbol of our Faith Communicate.
E.Com.: Secure, Chapeaux, Re-Cover, Sir Knights, Rise.
(When kneeling to communicate the Immaculate Word, advance the right foot about twenty eight inches and kneel on left knee.)
(To deposit Chapeaux, At the Command "Chapeaux" place Chapeaux on the floor to the left of the right foot, feathers to the left, peak
pointing toward the body.)
(After communication, at the command "Secure" drop hands to the side. At the command Chapeaux pick up chapeaux and place it on the
right shoulder, and at the command "Cover" replace the Chapeaux on the head and drop hand to the side.)
E.Com.: S.K.C.G. Form the Triangle preparatory to our devotions. C.G. (H.S.) E.Com. (S.S.) (C.G. turns head only.)
C.G.: Officers, Form Triangle.
Officers form Triangle together, as follows: The Std.Grd. moves
forward one pace and halts; the Sw.B. right steps one step (10"); the W. left steps one step (10").
The Prel, moves forward and halts one or two paces in front of the Std.B. and faces about.
The S.W. steps back one pace (15") faces half left, and dresses on the E.Com.
The J .W. steps back one pace (15' ') faces half right, and dresses on the E.Com.
The Gen. faces half right, moves forward and halts on a line with the E.Com. and J.W., at a 30 inch interval.
The C.G. faces half left, moves forward and halts on a line with the E.Com. and S.W. at a 30 inch interval. The E.Com. stand fast and returns
his sword.
When the Triangle is formed:
E.Com.: Sir Knights to your devotions, Kneel. Uncover.
At the command "Kneel" all at the Triangle except the E.Com. and the Std.B. step back twenty four inches with the left foot and kneel on the
left knee. The Prel. kneels with the Officers. The Std.B. remains standing and does not uncover.
E.Com.: Ex.Prel. Lead our devotions. (E. Com. kneels and un-covers) (After devotions E.Com. recovers and rises.)
E.Com.: Re-cover, Sir Knights rise.
E.Com.: Together with the Signs: Pnl. Sign: (Done) Grand Sign: (Done) All except the Std.B. give the signs.
In giving the Pol. Sign the Prel. and Std.Grd. follow the E.Com. Gen., C.G., S.W., and J.W., follow the Prel. The team should practice giving
the Pnl. Sgn. together in six distinct movements. The first movement is given by extending the right arm directly forward at a right angle with the
body and at a level with the shoulder palm up.
In giving the Grand Sign, the Gen. J.W. and Sw.B. will face half left, the C.G. S.W. and W. will face half right, without command. The palms
of the hands should be to the front. At the completion of the Grand Sign all will face front without command.
After the signs have been given the E.Com. draws his sword and the Std.B. brings the Beauceant to the carry.
E.Com.: About, Face, Reduce Triangle, Forward, March
All Officers except the E.Com. and Prel. face about. (The S.W. and J.W. make a full 180 degree about face.)
At the command "Reduce Triangle" the Gen. takes post on the right of the E.Com. facing East; the C.G. takes post on the left of the E. Com.
facing East; and the Prel. takes post on the left of the Gen. facing East. The S.W. makes a half right face, and the J.W. makes a half left face. The
Sw.B. and W. close in on the Std.B. (easy touch of elbows)
At the command "Forward" the E.Com faces about, and at the command "March" all officers march directly to a point one pace from their
stations and halt. The S. W. makes a half right face, and the J.W. makes a half left face, facing their chairs. On reaching his station the E.Com.
About Faces and commands:
E.Com.: About, Face, Be Seated. On the command "Face" all Officers make a 180 degree about face, and the Std.B. will bring the Beauceant
to order.
On the command "Be Seated" each Officer steps back two (15 inch) steps, the Std.B. places the beauceant in the stand, and the Officers are


The B Teams will be inspected and scored by the 5th Judge before they enter the Asylum (drill floor) for drill. The 5th Judge will
inspect Chapeaux, Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Uniforms, Shoes, Jewels, and Swords.
(For Inspection Swords, execute Present Swords, and turn the wrist to show both sides of the blade, come to Carry when the I.O. has
Time allowance without penalty: Class Band C Teams
Not more than 10 Minutes
Not less than 7 Minutes
Time ends when the E.Com. commands: About Face, Be Seated: and the officers are seated.
When the C.G. takes station in the East he halts one pace out from his chair, and slightly to the outside edge, then about face. This
will give C.G. more space to execute salutes. (In some cases the chairs in the East may have sufficient space between them in which case
the C. G. will use his judgment where to post, in the center of his chair, or at the edge.
Officers and Sir Knights should study the "Tactics and Manual of Asylum Ceremonies" and familiarize themselves with the Defini-
tions, and General Regulations. Some Officers are careless in their saluting. They do not come to a full Present position before making
the second movement.
Many Sr. Kgts. on drawing their swords do not fully extend their arm to an angle of 45 degrees off the horizontal, and 45 degrees off
the vertical before coming to the carry.
Sr. Kgts. in Line should keep their head and eyes straight to the front when standing at attention. Do not speak, or make unnecessary
movements of hands or feet.
Notes on Sword Manual:

On Guard: Turn the left foot square to the left, turning on the left heel, and plant the right foot firmly about 18 inches to the front, feet at
right angles, the weight on the right foot, the shoulders oblique to the front, head and eyes square to the front. At the same time
raise the sword hand on a line with the lower part of the belt and about 2 inches from it, the guard 3 or 4 inches to the right of the
buckle. Drop the sword diagonally to the left, the blade about 18 inches in front of left shoulder edge to the front, the thumb on
back of grip.

Parries: Keep the feet at right angles and look into the eyes of the Sir Knight opposite you. The flats of the blades should be crossed
about ten inches from the points, the arm straight.

Parry One: Raise and extend the Arm, back of hand to the left and up, without changing the grasp, wrist as high as the head, the edge of the
sword up, the blade in prolongation of the forearm and engage the sword of the Knight opposite.

Parry Two: Disengage the swords and make a circular motion to the rear and right, back of hand down, edge of sword down, the hand
on a line with the head, and engage the opposite sword on the right side, crossing blades as before.

Parry Three: Disengage the swords and make circular movement toward the left and downward, engage the opposite sword on the
left side, the point of the sword near the. floor, the edge upward, the back of the hand to the left, and cross blades.

Parry Four: Come directly to the position of Parry One.

Carry Swords: First come to the position of On Guard, and then step back into line, while resuming the position of Carry Swords.

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