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A. Meaning about Administration Of Building.

There is an two understanding about administration of building, that is a
administration and building.
We can start this topic from the understanding of administration that is all of process
implementation of all the decided that has to take and have to organized with two people or
more to create a goal which has been specified before.

And than we can continue from the understanding of building or development, that is
a all of a series of business to make a growth and changes in a planned and consciously
adopted by a nation state to modernity in order to develop the nation.

So, according to me the administrastion of building is the whole effort by a nation to

grow, develop and change in a conscious and deliberate in all aspects of life and livelihood of
the nation state in order to achieve the goal.
Efforts and development activities is a national effort, which means conducting
development is not only the duty and responsibility of the government with all the forces and
all the staff, as well as the role of government is quite dominant. The business world plays a
major role, especially in the economic field. The theoretical and scholars are challenged to
give a contribution, especially in the mastery and ability to harness science and technology.
Opinion makers have a role in empowering the community, by increasing the ability to
implement social supervision, even commoners were also recruited. Development is the
concern of all parties in a community of nations. In the implementation of development
activities, there is no nation citizens who only act as spectators, all must play a role as a

B. Understanding Administration Of Building.

Basically planning is a repetitive activity regularly and have a gradual process. Each
phase of the plan is the result of an evaluation of the previous stage or of the whole process
that has taken place in such planning. Here are some key components that are generally
carried out in a planning process, namely:

1. Diagnosis of the problem

A plan of course is based on feelings of dissatisfaction with the status quo is going on in a
room. The status quo is the result of a problem that is really going on in the room. The
discovery of problems in the status quo is a step that must be taken in a plan. Not only at the
beginning of the planning process, but the discovery of the problem will continue until the
perpetrators planners have earned a final conclusion in the last stages of the planning process.
In identifying a problem planning actors will have different points of view which will then
determine the final conclusions of each offender-related issues at the core of a condition. The
difference is a necessity when faced with a planning requires insight scope broader than the
issue of physical spatial.

2. Formulation of interest
A definite purpose related to problems that occur. Because the goal is the end result to be
achieved through solving the problems both caused a continuing status quo remains also
issues that will become an obstacle in phase to that goal. Indentikasi correct and clear
formulation of the objectives to be very important in the planning process. Not only because
the destination is strongly associated with plan design alternatives that will be built or be the
basis for the evaluation of a plan. However, the purpose of a planning are closely linked to
how a plan can be implemented later. So that a formulation and its purpose is essential to
shape policies that will be generated. In the formulation of objectives is also required a
negotiation, bargaining, even conflict to achieve it. Difficulties in the planning process is
because the purpose of planning have each risk should be considered where the best choice.
In this step sometimes the rationality of planning is not applicable due to consider the other
aspects that is felt far more space conflicts that will occur later.

3. Projection
Planning is oriented towards the future. Changes are expected to create a positive
development must be planned at a certain time in the future to come. Thus, in formulating
planning purposes required an analysis of data that not only describe the condition of the
present but also the future. Therefore, part of a process of planning activity which is called
the projection of an analysis to describe the condition of the room by a certain time in the
future to identify potential or problems that may arise.

4. Alternative "Design" Planning

When talking about "design" generally it will be associated with a form that concretely
will meet a need or a problem into a solution. "Design" means the achievement of an idea
through a real description of a system or artifact expected. In a planning process "design" is
part of the decision-making process that will provide the framework for action in a change in
accordance with the expected goals.

5. Test Plan
Preparation of the plan requires a testing process that will set a plan can be implemented
or not. In this case the test plan has a different context. Generally commonly an aspect of the
test is about the physical and financial aspects. In the physical aspect, characteristic of the
area is a major factor in supporting the realization of a development. Suitability of land to
development that will be carried out for example is a major aspect in achieving sustainable
development. On the other hand, there is a financial aspect which is expected to find a
meeting point between design planning set by the availability of existing development funds.
So the implementation will be done constraints in terms of funding and investment will not
occur, which in turn will inhibit development that will or have been implemented.

6. Evaluation
Evaluation plan when the planners do have some alternative form of planning that can be
implemented. This evaluation stage is a stage of analysis that will assess a plan can have
optimum effect to changing conditions in its intended purpose. In this stage, sometimes the
planners will meet the conditions in which the best decisions in minimizing the impacts that
will occur is to maintain the existing status quo. The evaluation phase can be done either
kuantutatif and qualitatively. Generally, the method is performed in conducting this
evaluation is the benefit cost analysis to describe the contribution of a program on the
economic development plan.

7. Implementation
Implementation is part and parcel of a policy, plans, and programs set plan. All of which
must work together so that it can be implemented properly. Not only by the government as
policy maker but also the responsibility for all the good elements that are directly linked to
the preparation of the plan as well as the parties that have a major influence on the successful
implementation of existing programs. The most important thing in an implementation is a
goal that can be understood and monitored well. Therefore, programs that can be
implemented in a unit would work better than complex programs that require a lot of
cooperation work unit.
Based on the broad definition of planning put forward by John Friedman concluded that
the philosophy of community participation in the planning experience a shift, from people as
to the nature of planning for social reform into by people as to the nature of planning in social
learning. Therefore, to understand the plan so it is better if the plan is understood as an
attempt to create knowledge and technical measures in the plan that will effectively
encourage public actions.
According to Goulet (1986) at least three-berinter rationality that mutual relations in the
determination of public policy, namely technological rationality, rationality and ethical
politician rationality. Technological rationality emphasizes the epistemology of modern
science. Political Rationality is the logic that always puts the interests of the maintenance of
policies and institutions. Often the motive maintain institutions and policies envelops motive
to maintain power and profit. Ethical rationality more emphasis on imaging, maintenance or
maintain the norm.
Planning technocratic approach implemented by using scientific methods and frame of
the agency or unit of work that is functionally assigned to it. Planning with participatory
approach implemented by involving all interested parties (stakeholders) to development.
Their involvement is to identify the aspirations and create a sense of belonging. While the
approach of top-down and bottom-up planning carried out by level of government.
The second step, each government agency to prepare a draft work plan based on the draft
development plan has been prepared. The next step is to involve the community
(stakeholders) and aligning development plans produced by each level of government
through development planning. Meanwhile, the fourth step is the preparation of the final draft
of the plan estab Evaluation of the implementation plan is part of a development planning
activities are systematically collect and analyze data and information to assess the
achievement of the goals, objectives and performance development.
The purpose of planning is generally not apparent until examined and discussed possible
solutions. It may take several steps to debate the plan, clear objectives, and create a new plan
before everyone was satisfied.
The important concept in modern planning process is that the planning hahrus an iterative
planning (review recurrent), with each of the stages become more detailed and more concrete.
Each cycle consisted of a summary of the problems of doing business with the solution, and
consider the good of solving the problem of what is already known. If using an iterative
approach, it should be noted that not too bothered to collect data before the attempt to
formulate a number of proposals early stages, so not too much of the wrong data collected.
Another key in order to be effective planning is knowing that the involvement masyarakata
need to achieve community consensus necessary for the execution of work. Planners should
help all interested parties to reach agreement on the issues and the desired plan.
Planning can not be separated from political interests, because planners have a very close
relationship with institutions and individuals engaged by political interests. The planning
process has shifted from a rational process becomes a communicative process, in which each
actor to communicate about interests, alignments, and the attitude is carried. Planners must
have the courage to take a stand in the face of the political process, without having to engage
in the practical interests are identical with the political world.

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