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General Practitioner 1
Anesthesiologist at Intensive Care Unit 2
Obstetrician and Gynecologist 3
Scholoo General Hospital
South Sorong, West Papua

 In developing countries, the incidence of preeclamsia ranges betwen 4-18%. Patient 1 Patient 2
 Preeclamsia is a specific syndrome of pregnancy in the form of reduced organ perfusion due Fluid balance/3days -1722.5 ml -4165.5 ml
to vasospasm and endothelial activation, the disease is a disease with signs of hypertension,
edema and proteinuria. Potassium levels before 3.7mmol 3,5mmol  in two case receiving intravenous furosemide therapy showed potassium levels were still
 Pulmonary edema usually occurs in patients with severe preeclamsia and eclamsia and is the furosemide within normal limits.
leading cause of death. Potassium levels before catrige out of stock 4,2 mmol
 Hypokalemia is a constant threat in patients treated with furosemide. furosemide
Dose furosemide 3x 20mg intravenous 3x 20mg intravenous


To report the management of furosemide in eclamsia and severe preeclamsia patients with
pulmonary edema through monitoring of patassium levels  Giving of furosemide in patients eclamsia and severe preeclamsia with pulmonary edema is
x-ray after labor
needed to reduce pulmonary edema
 Periodic monitoring of potassium levels is required in patients during the use furosemide

Patient 1 Patient 2
Identity Mrs.W, 37 yo,65kg Mrs.S 36 yo, 106 kg
Diagnose Eclamsia Severe Preeclamsia
PHYSICAL BP : 186/121 mmhg BP: 189/83mmhg
EXAMINATION HR: 103 bpm, HR : 100 bpm
Axilary temperature : 36,50C, Axilary Temperature : 36,50C, REFERENCE
RR: 24 Times per minute, RR : 30 Timer per minute,
Rhonci +/+ Rhonchi +/+ 1. Robert.K Stoetlting,Simon.C Hiller.Pharmacologyand physiology in anasthetic practice,2006
SPO2 : 95% 02(Simple mask 8 Lpm ) SPO2 : 98 % (02 Nasal canule 3 Lpm) ;488-491
Edema pre tibial +/+ Edema pretibial +/+ 2.Cunningham FG,Leveno KJ,Bloom ,et al.William obstetrics 24th ed.McGraw-Hill,2012, ;1511-
48 hours after intensive care
unit treatment

Albumin levels 2,2 g/dl 2,3 g/dl

Proteinuria (+) 4 (+) 3

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