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11/11/2017 Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Apocalypse of The Problem Reaction Solution Conditioning Echo Chamber — A Proper Gander

Gander At Propaganda

Weapons of Mass Destruction: The

Apocalypse of The Problem Reaction
Solution Conditioning Echo Chamber

Some of us know the drill by now.

"There was a white mouse consultation down at the county fair. All the church mice, field mice and not
so nice mice, everybody gathered there. You see the muckidy muck he was speakin', tellin' them where
it was at. He said hear, hear there ain't nothin' to fear except a three eyed Siamese cat. And the crowd
was stunned. See, no single mouse had ever seen one. He said, "Don't be scared. We're prepared"

source: Bobby Darin – The Proper Gander Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

"Propaganda will never die out. Intelligent men must realize that propaganda is the modern instrument
by which they can fight for productive ends and help to bring order out of chaos."

Edward Bernays Propaganda: History As A Weapon, 1928.

source: http://www.historyisaweapon.org/defcon1/bernprop.html#SECTION10

(Please excuse the inevitable typo. Autocorrect is a contextually illiterate evil little gremlin. AA

*Last updated 19:61 GMT Friday, November 10th 2017. Just scroll down to see what's changed.
Some illustrations have been updated and some more text added.

"A man can apply himself of his own free will to reading and learning, while he cannot to

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11/11/2017 Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Apocalypse of The Problem Reaction Solution Conditioning Echo Chamber — A Proper Gander At Propaganda

"Thinking must be kindled like a fire by a draught and sustained by some kind of interest in the
subject."   Arthur Schopenhauer

Life In The Skinner Box: Rat Race Baiting The White Mice Maze

"An operant conditioning chamber is a laboratory apparatus used to study animal behavior."

"An operant conditioning chamber (also known as the Skinner box) is a laboratory apparatus used to
study animal behavior. The operant conditioning chamber was created by B. F. Skinner while he was a
graduate student at Harvard University (studying for a master's degree in 1930 and a doctorate in
1931). It may have been inspired by Jerzy Konorski's studies. It is used to study both operant
conditioning and classical conditioning."

source: Operant conditioning chamber - Wikipedia

Traditional media and now electronically connected social media are the real operant
conditioning chamber that most of us simply do not see.

"Hey, let's all build a bunch of walls we can't see over. That'll make us safe!"

Protective walls become endless governmental maze.

Somehow we only end up waiting on more lines and having to pay more fees to do things like take
plane rides and still the News reports the world is about to end. Before 9/11 we could travel from the
U.S.A. to Canada or Mexico sans passport, with but a license. Now we have extra hoops to jump
through that do nothing to keep us safe in the first place. These rules and laws exist as operant
conditioning tools of social management and nothing more. All borders are fake and the tools of
Nation States. National identity is another divisive lie. Nobody really has the right to impose
immigration policies.  Immigration law is a clear indication that we do not live in lands of the free and
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homes of the brave as advertised. Things like immigration are tools used to manage civilization. The
few have long managed to manipulate the many into undertaking all sorts of pilgrimages as history
clearly shows. Religion and government are two heads of the same Biblical Beast we have long been
warned about with clever metaphorical, artistic revelation. We've been warned with everything from
children's fairytales to Biblical passages. These ideas are clichés and yet most of us ignore the obvious
wisdom of such thinking in favor of following one kind of pied piper leader or another. If we fall out of
the mainstream kind of behavior, most seem to end up following alternative leaders and gurus instead.
People leave one divided and conquered cult to only join another. People seem to really like having
others do their thinking for them. Not only are people not seemingly interested in reading non fiction
works, they are also seemingly not interested in thinking for themselves in the first place, preferring to
defer such activity to those they deem more qualified for such things. If the average mind is interested
in nonfiction reading, it is usually of the mass produced Barnes and Noble, shallow propaganda kind.

Common sense safety measures are one thing, governmentally designed

operant conditioning simulated threats are another.

Most of us might not want to see that we are all trapped as it were, like rats in the proverbial maze,
forever frightened that an imagined three eyed siamese cat is out to get us. The electrical shocks we are
subjected to are more literal than most might understand. Terrorism is a tactic conducted by
governments against the non combatant public and this is all it ever really was. All other tales of
terrorism ring a lot less true when one considers that government clearly benefits from such claimed
activity, and all we need are claims we cannot examine to get the public in an emotional state where
they are easily misled with false solutions that will only cost us more in taxes and will only continue to
expand governmental growth into even more needlessly restrictive and costly forms. The News media
makes liberal use of "shock and awe" style propaganda to keep the public in a constant state of
traumatic terror event shock and awe of imagined governmental protection.

I know someone who died on... I went to the funeral of... I know someone who knows someone...

So many variations of the same tired childish theme. The old game of spreading gossip and hearsay
goes back a long way. The earliest days of international banking is filled with tall tales of heroic Naval
martyrs whose image would be used to fund all sorts of future ventures. This is one of the ways the
few manage to get the many to keep turning the wheels of endless industry for all time.

Go Fund Me Martyrs
Sainted icons are generated with nearly every News cycle, blessed widows do the News media talk
show circuit, like they would were they hawking a new book, new look, album or film. These widows
sit through endless hair and makeup sessions immediately after losing their husbands to horrific events
and we are supposed to take all of this seriously. We are not supposed to act like adults and notice that
the journalists are either willingly misleading the public or are simply incapable of rational thought in
the first place. The News is controlled and even honest journalists will not be able to really report on
anything important in depth in any way that matters, not without it getting drowned out by all the
perpetual multimedia noise and nonsense. Rationale News stories are nearly unique, they occur so
rarely and get a lot less coverage than obvious propaganda product. Religious martyrs, military
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martyrs, and of course the slain heroic citizen martyr are all used as emotional trigger idols. The mass
public is an eternal audience that is programmed with these kinds of emotional narratives. Over time
and generations, these stories all have effect on the resulting society, more often than not resulting in
more laws and less demonstrable human freedom. In many ways we are less free today than we would
have been before 1776. In fact we all would be more free without all the layers of needles government
that have exploited humanity and all other natural resources for generations of seeming endless time.
The average person usually gets blamed for what the few have always done. The few institutionalized
slavery and the few still manage to keep us all in a form of slavery to this day.

terrorism | Origin and meaning of terrorism by Online Etymology ...

News Media & Government Narratives Are Claims Not Evidence

Witness testimonies and government sourced accounts and reports are no substitute for evidence you
can actually verify and examine for yourself. We can never logically verify even the most believable
News and government story. Were we to have what appears to be a consistent narrative complete with
believable witnesses and real tears and snot, we'd still be unwise to take such claims as evidence, given
the deceptive track record of News media and government sources and their obvious motivation to lie
and deceive. Governmental and even News media growth and existence relies on the public believing
these institutions are needed.

The fact is we need a lot less of it all. We need more local control over our lives. We have lost
local control over our education and other systems, for example.

As government grows more internationally centralized with treaties binding it all together, we the real
people get shafted in the process, continuing to lose control over our own local environments and
individual lives. We are simply and demonstrably less free in many ways today than ever before. We
face more needless governmental intervention into our personal adult lives than in any other time
period and advancing technology is only going to make governmental intrusion more a part of
everyone's growing collective lives. Fake national identity products maintain the illusion that things
like Nations, States, Counties and national political parties are real, they are not. These governmental
forms take local control out of our hands, these are ideas used as social control tools.  It is that simple.
Your vote counts more on the local level. More important than any vote is the fact that your voice and
actions count more on the local level. You can effect more change locally. The mass media and
government promote the idea that you need to go on some kind of magical pilgrimage crusade and join
one type of Military marching band circus, pied piper led parade or another, rather than focusing on
your local environment. The real environmental threat is not to the weather system of the Earth, the
true threat we face is the very real mental environment programmed by governmental propaganda lies
that too many of us foolishly mistake for reality

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 Never forget the real lesson of 9/11:

The Governmentally Backed News Journalist is the Real Terrorist

& True Weapon of Mass Destruction.

"Seven hundred million are you listening?  Most of what you read is made of

source: Bobby Darin - Simple Song Of Freedom Lyrics | MetroLyrics

image source (misquoted): https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C0usHGmVEAIQAWR.jpg

Weaponized Propagandist Case Study: Edward R, Murrow Head of The

U.S. Disinfo Agency

The power the most trusted News journalist has over the public imagination is very impressive. These
are very real pied pipers who lead many of us mentally astray.

"Propaganda bridges this interval in our modern complex civilization. Only through the wise use of
propaganda will our government, considered as the continuous administrative organ of the people, be
able to maintain that intimate relationship with the public which is necessary in a democracy. As
David Lawrence pointed out in a recent speech, there is need for an intelligent interpretative bureau

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for our government in Washington. There is, it is true, a Division of Current Information in the
Department of State, which at first was headed by a trained newspaper man. But later this position
began to be filled by men from the diplomatic service, men who had very little knowledge of the public.
While some of these diplomats have done very well, Mr. Lawrence asserted that in the long run the
country would be benefited if the functions of this office were in the hands of a different type of
person. There should, I believe, be an Assistant Secretary of State who is familiar with the problem of
dispensing information to the press—some one upon whom the Secretary of State can call for
consultation and who has sufficient authority to persuade the Secretary of State to make public that
which, for insufficient reason, is suppressed. The function of the propagandist is much broader in scope
than that of a mere dispenser of information to the press. The United States Government should create
a Secretary of Public Relations as member of the President's Cabinet. The function of this official
should be correctly to interpret America's aims and ideals throughout the world, and to keep the
citizens of this country in touch with governmental activities and the reasons which prompt them. He
would, in short, interpret the people to the government and the government to the people. Such an
official would be neither a propagandist nor a press agent, in the ordinary understanding of those
terms. He would be, rather, a trained technician who would be helpful in analyzing public thought and
public trends, in order to keep the government informed about the public, and the people informed
about the government. America's relations with South America and with Europe would be greatly
improved under such circumstances. Ours must be a leadership democracy administered by the
intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses. Is this government by
propaganda? Call it, if you prefer, government by education. But education, in the academic sense of
the word, is not sufficient. It must be enlightened expert propaganda through the creation of
circumstances, through the high-spotting of significant events, and the dramatization of important
issues. The statesman of the future will thus be enabled to focus the public mind on crucial points of
policy, and regiment a vast, heterogeneous mass of voters to clear understanding and intelligent

"Ours must be a leadership democracy administered by the intelligent

minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses."
Edward Bernays Propaganda: History As A Weapon, 1928.

 source: http://www.historyisaweapon.org/defcon1/bernprop.html#SECTION10   •   Council on
Foreign Relations - Wikipedia

CIA + Senior Media Figures = CFR

"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921, is a United States nonprofit think tank
specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with
an additional office in Washington, D.C. Its membership, which numbers 4,900, has included senior
politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and

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senior media figures. The CFR meetings convene government officials, global business leaders and
prominent members of the intelligence and foreign-policy community to discuss international issues.
CFR publishes the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs, and runs the David Rockefeller Studies
Program, which influences foreign policy by making recommendations to the presidential
administration and diplomatic community, testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and
publishing on foreign policy issues."

source: Council on Foreign Relations - Wikipedia

The Real Terrorist Has Always Been The Governmentally Backed Trusted News Journalist

"Tanks, boats and planes Fire, pain and lies, Environmental

terrorists Tease propaganda's paper fist, Whose trade is all the truth
that fits Who often lies but never sits..."
quote source: Robert Plant Network News

image source: Edward R. Murrow - Wikipedia

"Murrow resigned from CBS to accept a position as head of the United States Information Agency,"

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"Edward R. Murrow KBE (born Egbert Roscoe Murrow; April 25, 1908 – April 27, 1965) was an
American broadcast journalist. He was generally referred to as Ed Murrow. He first came to
prominence with a series of radio broadcasts for the news division of the Columbia Broadcasting
System (CBS) during World War II, which were followed by millions of listeners in the United States.
During the war he assembled a team of foreign correspondents who came to be known as the Murrow
Boys. A pioneer of television news broadcasting, Murrow produced a series of reports that helped lead
to the censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Fellow journalists Eric Sevareid, Ed Bliss, Bill
Downs, Dan Rather, and Alexander Kendrick consider Murrow one of journalism's greatest figures,
noting his honesty and integrity in delivering the news."

"Murrow resigned from CBS to accept a position as head of the United States Information Agency,
parent of the Voice of America, in January 1961. President John F. Kennedy offered Murrow the
position, which he viewed as "a timely gift." CBS president Frank Stanton had reportedly been offered
the job but declined, suggesting that Murrow be offered the job. His appointment as head of the United
States Information Agency was seen as a vote of confidence in the agency, which provided the official
views of the government to the public in other nations. The USIA had been under fire during the
McCarthy era, and Murrow reappointed at least one of McCarthy's targets, Reed Harris. Murrow
insisted on a high level of presidential access, telling Kennedy, "If you want me in on the landings, I'd
better be there for the takeoffs." However, the early effects of cancer kept him from taking an active
role in the Bay of Pigs Invasion planning. He did advise the president during the Cuban Missile Crisis
but was ill at the time the president was assassinated. Murrow was drawn into Vietnam because the
USIA was assigned to convince reporters in Saigon that the government of Ngo Dinh Diem embodied
the hopes and dreams of the Vietnamese people. Murrow knew the Diem government did no such thing.
[33] Asked to stay on by President Lyndon B. Johnson, Murrow did so but resigned in early 1964,
citing illness. Before his departure, his last recommendation was of Barry Zorthian to be chief
spokesman for the U.S. government in Saigon, Vietnam. Murrow's celebrity gave the agency a higher
profile, which may have helped it earn more funds from Congress.[1] His transfer to a governmental
position – Murrow was a member of the National Security Council, a position for life – led to an
embarrassing incident shortly after taking the job; he asked the BBC not to show his documentary
"Harvest of Shame," in order to not damage the European view of the USA; however, the BBC refused
as it had bought the program in good faith.[35] British newspapers delighted in the irony of the
situation, with one Daily Sketch writer saying: "if Murrow builds up America as skillfully as he tore it
to pieces last night, the propaganda war is as good as won."

USIS not ISIS or Is it?

ISIS is obviously staged and fake, scripted television style terrorism, in case you were unaware.
Terrorism is carried about by government agents of one kind or another against the public. This has
always been true and is still the modus operandi of today.

"The United States Information Agency (USIA), which existed from 1953 to 1999, was a United States
agency devoted to "public diplomacy" (propaganda). In 1999, USIA's broadcasting functions were
moved to the newly created Broadcasting Board of Governors, and its exchange and non-broadcasting
information functions were given to the newly created Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy

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and Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. The agency was previously known overseas as the
United States Information Service (USIS)."

sources: Edward R. Murrow - Wikipedia   •   United States Information Agency   •   terrorism | Origin

and meaning of terrorism by Online Etymology ...

Terror Events & All Sorts of Historical War Tales Are More Fake Than Most Know: History is
Made of Many Lies

History is made of simulated reality mixed with only minutely small doses of actuality. Terrorist
threats are fabricated. ISIS terror events are simply scripted artifacts of the same cultish augmented art
that too many of us mistake for true reality. None of the evidence we can actually examine points to
any of this as being real. Layers of deceptive lies and limited hang outs of real information are
designed to protect the truth that governments are a lot weaker than they need nor want any of us to
know. Governmentally promoted existential threats exist to keep us thinking we need to stay wage
slaves tied to an inhuman system of taxes (and prisons) we do not need. Government has means and
motive and opportunity to create all sorts of phantom menaces to keep us in line, truly believing we
need proverbial castle walls and political leaders to protect us all. Not only are we socially conditioned
to live in fear of all sorts of fake threats, we are supposed to jail each other over victimless crimes. Not
all sins need to be legislated, but this idea is so profitable and irresistible to the system, that things just
keeps getting worse. We can face jail time for things like growing the wrong weed. Is that what
freedom looks like? We allow new laws to be created without thought and we seem to refuse to make
use of tools like jury nullification to do the right thing. Too many of us think more laws and layers of
government can solve problems that do not really exist and instead overlook all the mundane problems
that actually do need fixing. We really need to work to dismantle government and to make what is left
of the system actually serve humanity. By focusing on local matters we can slowly begin to do this. By
saying no to the system's impersonal demands, despite all laws to the contrary, we can slowly begin to
kill the beast of government. Perhaps by sharing ideas with each other we can begin to slowly change
how people think about government and the News media.

The tip of proverbial iceberg: ISIS Beheadings of Journalists: CIA

Admitted to Staging Fake Jihadist ...  •  Who is Behind the Islamic State
(ISIL) Beheadings? Probing the SITE ...

Could ISIS be a mirror like reference to SISI?

Does this not read like an example of early fake news that became
mythical history?

The lives of legendary royals would seem to be like early reality television shows. Nothing is new.
Modern Hollywood "royal" families like the Kardashians, with soap operatic, yellow journal, tabloid
tales, would seem to be modern derivatives of older, more Royal personages. Considering how Lady
Diana used to be tabloid press staple, we can see how this really works. The press mythology of mass,
crazed, paparazzi stalkers is likely as fictional as much of the rest of Hollywood mythology. More than
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likely most of these supposed  photographer stalking the celebrity photo events are staged with the
celebrity in on it. Publicity stunts are actually older than Edward Bernays himself. Hollywood has long
managed the images of its stars by liberally making use of tabloid headlines, both negative and positive
and even seemingly scripted show trials. Believe it or not, but Hollywood public relations machinery
can both make and break and even remake celebrities, seemingly without end. No scandal is too
salacious and all sets of tabloid sold sins can be easily and eventually put aside, over time, with liberal
does of proper propaganda of course. Mel Gibson comes to mind as a recent example, as does George
W. Bush, who in the Prez Trump era, now looks good to many unwise, politically divided and mentally
conquered,  self identifying, "liberal" eyes.

Los Angeles itself is a federal city and the city officials are of the same managerial caste as the rest.
This is would explain how show trials can be conducted. National security laws with death penally
provisions, witness relocation programs, controls of prisons at the highest levels and the like, would
seem to cover for many propaganda generating sins.

"Elisabeth of Bavaria (24 December 1837 – 10 September 1898) was Empress of Austria and Queen of
Hungary, and many others (see Grand title of the Empress of Austria) by marriage to Emperor Franz
Joseph I. Born into the royal Bavarian house of Wittelsbach, Elisabeth (also called "Sisi") enjoyed an
informal upbringing before marrying Emperor Franz Joseph I at the age of sixteen. The marriage
thrust her into the much more formal Habsburg court life, for which she was unprepared and which
she found uncongenial. Early in the marriage she was at odds with her mother-in-law, Archduchess
Sophie, who took over the rearing of Elisabeth's daughters, one of whom, Sophie, died in infancy. The
birth of a male heir, Rudolf, improved her standing at court considerably, but her health suffered under
the strain, and she would often visit Hungary for its more relaxed environment. She came to develop a
deep kinship with Hungary, and helped to bring about the dual monarchy of Austria–Hungary in 1867.

The death of her only son Rudolf, and his mistress Mary Vetsera, in a murder–suicide at his hunting
lodge at Mayerling in 1889 was a blow from which Elisabeth never recovered. She withdrew from
court duties and travelled widely, unaccompanied by her family. She was obsessively concerned with
maintaining her youthful figure and beauty, which was already legendary during her life. While
travelling in Geneva in 1898, she was stabbed to death by an Italian anarchist named Luigi Lucheni.
Elisabeth was the longest serving Empress of Austria, at 44 years."

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empress_Elisabeth_of_Austria

Shock and awe is targeted at minds not bodies.

Don't buy into United States (and other world government) Military
advertised and over-hyped super powered claims to the contrary.

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Theater of war and world stages are more apt and literal descriptions than governments of the world
need nor want any of us to think about. The claimed super powers of the world governments that are
supposed to threaten human life and limb turn out to be film fictions more than actual facts. Guns and
tanks, bulldozers, helicopters and other such equipment are real. Things like magical NASA rockets,
huge missiles that are magically remote controlled, Top Gun theatrics, and all sorts of other Howard
Hughes hoaxing, are all part of the Military Industrial Entertainment show, and are special effected
artifacts of weaponized Hollywood culture. Wars are covers for things like USO road shows and
building world wide Coca Cola plants.

A true bit of top secret thinking is the very simple and demonstrable concept that government
keeps the best special effects to itself, to use as propaganda weaponry.

Just look at all the older, highly edited and clearly fake, mid 20th century footage on Youtube, sold to
the public as real examples of rockets, missiles and so much more.

Shock and awe - Wikipedia

 Please see: Saluting False Flag Hoaxed History Part One: World War Two Was For Coke and
Beware The Power of Behavioral Contagion for more.

200 (1975 US Information Agency Propaganda Short Film By Vincent Collins)

"This tribute to the US's 200th birthday was funded by a Bicentennial Project Grant and animated by
Vincent Collins who made other psychedelic cartoons. This film was produced by the United States
Information Agency -the government's propaganda agency. Can you imagine the government
producing something like this these days!?"

source: secabol

Patriotic Cartoons Are Modern Mythological Artifacts of Governmental Legend

"THE media by which special pleaders transmit their messages to the public through propaganda
include all the means by which people today transmit their ideas to one another. There is no means of
human communication which may not also be a means of deliberate propaganda, because propaganda
is simply the establishing of reciprocal understanding between an individual and a group. The
important point to the propagandist is that the relative value of the various instruments of propaganda,
and their relation to the masses, are constantly changing. If he is to get full reach for his message he
must take advantage of these shifts of value the instant they occur. Fifty years ago, the public meeting
was a propaganda instrument par excellence. Today it is difficult to get more than a handful of people
to attend a public meeting unless extraordinary attractions are part of the program. The automobile
takes them away from home, the radio keeps them in the home, the successive daily editions of the
newspaper bring information to them in office or subway, and also they are sick of the ballyhoo of the

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Edward Bernays Propaganda: History As A Weapon, 1928.

 source: http://www.historyisaweapon.org/defcon1/bernprop.html#SECTION10

200 1975 US Information Agency Propaganda Short Film By Vincent Coll…

200 (1975 US Information Agency Propaganda Short Film By Vincent ... source: secabol  (*Proper
Gander song version- Please note this is not the original music, I edited in what I deem to be
appropriate musical song score.  AA Morris)

And All The Patriotic Mice Heard: "Don't be scared. We're prepared"

"Then the muckidy muck said line up here, everybody give a buck. To fight the three eyed Siamese cat
takes money and a little bit of luck. We've got a million of our best young mice to go out and volunteer
to give up what they're livin' for, to make the cat disappear. Let's give 'em a hand. Yay. We don't want
that cat invadin' our land. No way. We're not scared. We're prepared"

"Then the muckidy much started screaming', Yellin' till his voice gave out, He said now that you've seen
what the Cat looks like Gonna tell you what he's all about,
He said he don't eat cheese on Friday, And he goes around lickin' his paws, He's awful mean and he
loves to keep clean, And believes in changin' laws,
And the crowd went wild, And every mouse began to fear for his child..."

"Now two times two is forty-five, The muckidy muck explained, And the flat side of the moon is

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green, And the farmer don't need no rain, And the night is light and might is right, And Supermouse is
on our side, And the three eyed Siamese cat's a plague, From which nobody can hide,
And the mice all cringed, The whiskers of that cat would soon be singed.."

"Then the muckidy muck started singing', Through his great paternal grin, And the church mice, field
mice, All the patriotic mice, Everybody chimed right in, They sang this land is mice land, Mice country
tis of thee, Well my father took it from the beaver rat, Nobody's gonna take it from me
And the mice all cheered, The sound that they were makin' sure was weird..."

"Don't be scared, We're prepared"

source: Bobby Darin – The Proper Gander Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

"Indeed, in the media since 9/11, we can observe almost a continuous beating of war drums and
sounding of martial trumpets, after the initial sounds of grief and mourning gave way in late
September to the bellicose tone in broadcast media coverage of the War on Terrorism."

"As noted media researcher Shoma Munshi observes, “from the days and weeks following 9/11, till the
United States attacked Afghanistan in October 2002, and most recently Iraq in March 2003, US
broadcast media have managed to maintain a sustained level of patriotism fanning the public mood to
keep the United States safe by whatever means possible". Already shortly after 9/11, NPR asked its
composer Jeffrey Freymann-Weyr for special coverage music, “either for another crisis in the States,
or, as it happened, an attack on Afghanistan.” The music he composed for the events of October, 2001
found use again in March of 2003, albeit with “subtle changes” dictated by the network.  We shall
return to this specific music, but we should note that even a politically liberal news provider like NPR,
which was no uncritical supporter of the war on terrorism, recognized the value of creating a “war
music” that would engage the public."

quotes source: http://www.echo.ucla.edu/Volume8-Issue1/roundtable/deaville.html

"Is this government by propaganda?"

"Call it, if you prefer, government by education. But education, in the academic sense of the word, is
not sufficient. It must be enlightened expert propaganda through the creation of circumstances, through
the high-spotting of significant events, and the dramatization of important issues. The statesman of the
future will thus be enabled to focus the public mind on crucial points of policy, and regiment a vast,
heterogeneous mass of voters to clear understanding and intelligent action."

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Edward Bernays Propaganda: History As A Weapon, 1928.

 source: http://www.historyisaweapon.org/defcon1/bernprop.html#SECTION10

Tune The News Out: Assume All High Profile News Stories Are Fake

It's sad to say, but the fact is the logical thing to do, based on history, is to ignore the Chicken Little
News media and the Boy Who Cried Wolf governments. These sources should not be trusted even
when and or if they ever provide us with believable accounts. These agencies of mostly dis and mis
information have clear and obvious means, motive and opportunity to continue to fool the public into
buying into all sorts of childish ideas that only end up growing more cancerous propaganda media and
government in the process. We need less of this hydra like brain tumor growing nonsense.

Yellow Journal SEX Scandals Grabs Huge Audience Share & So Does Tabloid War

Two oldies but goodies. Basal impulses have long been used to shepherd the masses.

"It is not really any jump at all to the use of music to sell not only one
particular network’s coverage of the war, but also an attitude about
that war, whereby American media empires seem to be marching in
lockstep with the government."
"As media personality Danny Schechter writes, “it started with the Gulf War — the packaging of news,
the graphics, the music, the classification of stories ... If you can get a sedated public hooked..., you
have a winner in terms of building audience” (Baum, 105). War may “leash devastation and death on
people, but it also delivers ratings and brings life to television.  War is often the ‘big story’ (when sex
isn’t) and a defining moment for many journalists...”  And for the American public, it is one’s patriotic
duty to support a just war against terrorists who have heinously attacked the homeland."

source: http://www.echo.ucla.edu/Volume8-Issue1/roundtable/deaville.html

Electrified Grid = World Wide Communications Grid

The food dispenser represents our collective wage slavery. The response lever could be the voting
booth in this analogy. It could also be the comment section to a Youtube video or other example of

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social media interaction.

image source: Operant conditioning chamber - Wikipedia

The Multimedia Noise Machine Is An Operant Conditioning Chamber

"An operant conditioning chamber permits experimenters to study behavior conditioning (training) by
teaching a subject animal to perform certain actions (like pressing a lever) in response to specific
stimuli, such as a light or sound signal. When the subject correctly performs the behavior, the chamber
mechanism delivers food or another reward. In some cases, the mechanism delivers a punishment for
incorrect or missing responses. For instance, to test how operant conditioning works for certain
invertebrates, such as fruit flies, psychologists use a device known as a "heat box". Essentially this
takes up the same form as the Skinner box, but the box is composed of two sides: one side that can
undergo temperature change and the other that does not. As soon as the invertebrate crosses over to
the side that can undergo a temperature change, the area is heated up. Eventually, the invertebrate will
be conditioned to stay on the side that does not undergo a temperature change. This goes to the extent
that even when the temperature is turned to its lowest point, the fruit fly will still refrain from
approaching that area of the heat box. These types of apparatuses allow experimenters to perform
studies in conditioning and training through reward/punishment mechanisms."

source: Operant conditioning chamber - Wikipedia

A Proper Gander Sponsored
At Propaganda School
Article index Drills Are Examples of Fear
Las Vegas Hoax Exposed: Union Collusion
Conditioning TheNumerous
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The Nuke Hoax & NASA Fakery Einstein Is Wrong Sir Isaac Newton: Con Artist
Heliocentric Flaws Explored Creating Ancient Egypt Freemasonry Nikola Tesla
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images sources: Does 'Duck and Cover' Really Work?  •  Fighting back against school shooters -
Business Insider

Duck and cover - Wikipedia  •  Lockdown - Wikipedia

Shocking Contrived News Headlines Act As All Too Real Skinner

Socially Conditioning Neurological Electrical Shocks

Things like media tales of church and school shootings complete with
endless child victim lists are the electrical shocks we are supposed to
experience and respond to with emotional fervor that eliminates rationale
thought. No problemo reaction too small, dudio!

We are supposed to pick a side, any of the officially approved and promoted politically divisive sides.
We are not supposed to stop and compare notes with those across artificial political divide and notice
how we are all being tricked and ripped off.

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The Electrical Shocks Are Fake News Media Events Designed To Literally Terrorize Eternal

World Wide Webbed Social Media Is Now A Handheld Skinner

Box Complete with Shocking Neurological Electrical Feedback
Highly publicized and multimedia promoted and obviously contrived fake News events clearly
demonstrate how the News media works together with government to promote a climate of irrational
fear that allows government to not only survive, but to continue to grow like a virus like cancer,
spawning endless new tumors in hydra like procession. Government and urbanization go hand in hand.
There's a difference between living in a city and living off the land. Urbanization means more reliance
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on governmental systems of various kinds, and more governmental growth with more laws, fees, taxes
and possible prison time. It's not like urbanization just means we get to live in places like the suburbs
and cities and have access to things like grocery stores which stock produce from around the world.

Late Night Propagandists Reinforce The News Media Memes, Usually with Comedy

These are social shepherds. Notice too the obvious Hollywood executive hypocrisy as all the major
current talk show hosts are white men, are they not? Hollywood and the News media love to preach to
us how we are unfair to each other, even going so far as to script fake events to make human beings
seem a lot more violent and despicable than we actually are. Only Arsenio Hall and the late Joan
Rivers come readily to mind as late night talk show hosts who were not white men.

The same media messengers also stand on allegorical soap box and preach to the choir about how
important it was for Hillary Clinton to have won the Presidency; how important it was to get a woman
into the Whitehouse and how Trump robbed everyone of this great achievement of social justice. The
media parrots push all sorts of other obvious yellow journal victim appeals and ignore and overlook
their own obvious and publicly demonstrable hypocrisy*. Never forget: the late night talk show host is
governmental secret propaganda, socially manipulative, agent, whether they know it or not.

*Please note I am not referring to Hollywood tabloid salacious garbage headlines like the ones
promoted by Corey Feldman. Feldman is obvious PT Barnum sideshow liar. I think the Kevin Spacey
and Weinstein saga a part of the same psychological operation as the Cosby and Trump and Bill
Clinton canards. It's the same script over and over on endless spin and repeat cycle. The numbers
change but the salacious stories remain the same. Most people do not understand that high profile
News stories that reveal all the soap operative (and contradictory) details are not and cannot be real.
There's no way anyone would have a fair trial, for example. This is one reason why all the high profile
trials are suspect. And when we see the same cast of characters, like the Al Sharptons and Gloria
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Allreds of the world, we have clear signs we are witnessing what is best described as a show. At the
very least one should consider the idea that perhaps obvious problems (and obvious contradictions the
media ignores), with these stories point to the fact that these narratives are scripted and fake.
Hypocritical Hollywood actors and actresses, who obviously put career first, are not reliable sources
of information and the celebrity shepherding power of Hollywood star has long been well known and
demonstrated as World War One era Liberty Bonds sales show. The mass audience has always been
enamored with tabloid tales and to this day more people are interested in obviously flawed conspiracy
theorizing rather than seeing the obvious propaganda pattern of forests for trees. It's a good idea to
tune out all claims one cannot verify for oneself. We have to logically take such claims with proverbial
grains of salt. Yet too many of us not only make a living as medium for propaganda gossip, intentional
or not, too many of us really seem to enjoy pure imaginative speculation and refuse to leave the
conspiracy crowded maze of nonsense for a rational step by step approach that puts it all into a
context that has much more explanatory power. Fabricated and contrived so-called 'reality' can
contain contradictions, naturally occurring events cannot.

Most people do not seem to understand that the media  presents layers of scripted reality and that
actors and actresses and other celebrities, get paid for performing in publicity stunts that might even
include story lines that might even require them to trash their own images. Most do not understand
what a live action roleplaying, "life actor" is. Most think the layers of celebrity tabloid gossip
necessarily real, when not all of it is. The public persona of a celebrity is, or can be, as much of a
scripted act, as the acting they are known for. Celebrities, especially high level ones, are as much
branded, commercial (identity) products of a system as a Hershey's bar or can of Coke. All the
evidence we can examine points to the idea that people like Kevin Spacey and the rest of the cast are
part of a governmentally contracted caste of society who are involved in a form of public theater
presented as reality, much like so called "reality" television shows that are anything but. Hollywood
and government are both run from the top down by the same international banking caste of characters
and always have been. Hollywood was always a huge head of proverbial governmental propaganda
beast. Non disclosure agreements, buckets of tax payers cash, treason laws, National Security acts,
death penalties for blabbing, and witness protection programs go a long way to explain how these
projects are conducted and how things have apparently been run for a long, long time.

Hollywood actors, even "B" level ones, have been known to possess
National Security clearances, with Ronald Reagan being one of
many examples from the World War Two era.

Political, Sports, News, Entertainment, Business & Other Types of Celebrity Are Promoted By
Mainstream Media To Act As Social Shepherds

"Propaganda will never die out. Intelligent men must realize that
propaganda is the modern instrument by which they can fight for
productive ends and help to bring order out of chaos."
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"The propagandist must treat personality as he would treat any other objective fact within his
province. A personality may create circumstances, as Lindbergh created good will between the United
States and Mexico. Events may create a personality, as the Cuban War created the political figure of
Roosevelt. It is often difficult to say which creates the other. Once a public figure has decided what
ends he wishes to achieve, he must regard himself objectively and present an outward picture of himself
which is consistent with his real character and his aims. There are a multitude of other avenues of
approach to the public mind, some old, some new as television. No attempt will be made to discuss
each one separately. The school may disseminate information concerning scientific facts. The fact that
a commercial concern may eventually profit from a widespread understanding of its activities because
of this does not condemn the dissemination of such information, provided that the subject merits study
on the part of the students. If a baking corporation contributes pictures and charts to a school, to show
how bread is made, these propaganda activities, if they are accurate and candid, are in no way
reprehensible, provided the school authorities accept or reject such offers carefully on their
educational merits. It may be that a new product will be announced to the public by means of a motion
picture of a parade taking place a thousand miles away. Or the manufacturer of a new jitney airplane
may personally appear and speak in a million homes through radio and television. The man who would
most effectively transmit his message to the public must be alert to make use of all the means of
propaganda. Undoubtedly the public is becoming aware of the methods which are being used to mold
its opinions and habits. If the public is better informed about the processes of its own life, it will be so
much the more receptive to reasonable appeals to its own interests. No matter how sophisticated, how
cynical the public may become about publicity methods, it must respond to the basic appeals, because
it will always need food, crave amusement, long for beauty, respond to leadership. If the public
becomes more intelligent in its commercial demands, commercial firms will meet the new standards. If
it becomes weary of the old methods used to persuade it to accept a given idea or commodity, its
leaders will present their appeals more intelligently. Propaganda will never die out. Intelligent men
must realize that propaganda is the modern instrument by which they can fight for productive ends and
help to bring order out of chaos."

Edward Bernays Propaganda: History As A Weapon, 1928.

source: http://www.historyisaweapon.org/defcon1/bernprop.html#SECTION10

John Lennon On 'Monday Night Football' 1974 - 96.1 The Eagle   •   Howard Cosell and John Lennon
Break Down the Action on 'Monday ...   •   Howard Cosell, John Lennon and a 'MNF' like no other -
NY Daily News   •   John Lennon's Death Announced by Howard Cosell During Patriots ...

Unverifiable Telephone Game Like Gossip is the Medium of Governmental Propaganda &
Always Has Been

Some witting, but mostly unwitting agents, spread rumor like wildfire.

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Word of mouth hearsay and gossip and telephone game, governmental inducing myth have always
spread like proverbial flaming bush fire. The crowd loves to crow about tall tales. It casts a magic like
spell over the imaginations of most minds, limiting them in the process. Critical thinking is not really
rewarded or encouraged, at least among the mass public, that is. The unwitting "dupe" is the best
medium for governmental propaganda lies. This person will come across as credible because they truly
believe in what they are relaying. The best agent of governmental propaganda is, of course, the true
believer. In this manner only limited roles need to be performed by those 'in the know', and of course,
those 'in the know' need only know what they need to. Need to know basis and layers of lies, non-
disclosure contracts, buckets of governmental cash, and treason laws cover for many sins. The
telephone gossip game is nothing new and is now digitally enhanced for post modern times.

Urban legend used to spread by way of simple word of mouth parroted echoed hearsay, with most if
not nearly all being unwittingly duped into passing on faulty information. News paper columns would
(and still do) promote gossip and urban myths as would other official and semiofficial media outlets
and publications. People really do love tabloid gossip, it seems. Consider all the legendary levels of
pure nonsense promoted by cable television, and other official multimedia sources, under the
misleading titles of "science" and "history". Tales of Ancient Egyptian 'dinosaur hunting' U.F.O.'s,
ghosts, bigfeeted monsters and all sorts of imaginative speculative stories are still sold to this day to a
public that can't seem to get its fill of such tabloid fare. I kid about the dinosaur hunting Ancient
Egyptians, of course.

The Telephone Game Seems To Be An Eternal Example of Human Instinct

Pop Rocks Urban Legend: Mikey's Death by Pop Rocks - Thrillist   •   Little Mikey - Wikipedia   •
  Urban legend - Wikipedia   •   How did Urban Legends spread accross countries before the Internet ...

image source: Apple: Want apps? Then subscribe | Computerworld

Touch screen tactile feedback addiction is a real problem for many of us.

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Too many have the false belief that they have mastered the visually baited

Nothing could be further from the case as most seem to be slaves and handcuffed to this hand held
wireless thing, having to check in with paroled prisoner like periodic precision.

Many of us just can't seem to resist touching and playing with the operant
conditioning brick, can we?

God forbid most of us even attempt to use the thing to self educate and exercise a critical thinking
mind that is unafraid to think its own thoughts outside of governmental and media promoted

Social media amplifies word of mouth hearsay to new electronically

enhanced and enchanted levels.

The so-called "smart" phone provides us with an impressive interactive window on the world. This tool
could be a powerful educational resource that enables human beings to self educate and to empower
their own imaginations and yet most use this wonderful device for not much more than posting things
like endless streams of needless selfies, pictures of cute kittens and cats and food photography. Most
refuse to use this tool for anything but a feedback like hypnotic operant conditioning touch-screen.

The aptly named touchscreen has seems to truly have captured the attentions of most who are
exposed to it.

Consider the appropriate allegory.

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image source: Die proto-kybernetischen Kamikaze-Tauben von B. F. Skinner ...

The Ubiquitous Screen Is The Overlooked Weapon of Very Real Governmental Mind Control

The screen is a machine that occults or filters reality. In many real and demonstrable ways, it is
designed to deceive more than truly educate. It exists to indoctrinate 'brand newly minted human
minds' into the current civilization paradigm. Most people do not use the same device to really self
educate their own critical thinking minds. Education alone is not enough, one must also learn to think
for oneself.

The interactive touch display would prove to be the very real monolithic foundation for 21st
century culture.

image source: 2001: A Space Odyssey (film) | 2001: A Space Odyssey Wiki | FANDOM ...

Elections Are Like Skinner Box-Mouse Maze Feedback Levers: Politics So Obviously Scripted &

NY Times: "Days Before Vote, Terror Attack Puts Mayor on World Stage"

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The governor just so happens to be around for the drill gone live to morph into historical event.
This is about more than just the usual political divide, this is about selling faith in the need for
governmental protection in the first place. The recent Halloween NYC event has the usual
problems with the narrative and the usual signs of state sponsored "terror" fakery. One example
is the fact that photographs and video of the school bus show that it is located on a cramped one
way side street, complete with parked cars, with no pick up in sight, if memory serves, and the
home depot pick up truck is photographed, quite trashed, in an intersection with no bus in sight.
Whatever acrobatic like mental apologetics one wishes to apply to such "evidence" aside, all we
have is clear evidence of a hoax.

"Barely two hours after the deadly truck attack struck Lower Manhattan on Tuesday, Mayor Bill de
Blasio convened a news conference at Police Headquarters, where police and elected officials were to
address the cameras that rolled for viewers around the world. Mr. de Blasio, speaking a week before a
mayoral election that he is widely expected to win, presented himself as the head of the nation’s largest
city at a time of pain. He responded with resolve, calling the attack terrorism in his first public
remarks, and he vowed, as his predecessors had done in other moments of crisis, not to let the actions
of those bent on terrorism alter the life of the city. Almost immediately afterward, the mayor and Gov.
Andrew M. Cuomo made a series of appearances — at the site of the attack, at a news conference and
at the annual Halloween parade Tuesday night — and put aside, for the moment at least, the
destructive political rivalry that plagued much of the mayor’s first term."

source: Days Before Vote, Terror Attack Puts Mayor on World Stage - The New ...

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image source: Research | Behavioral Neuropharmacology Laboratory | University of ...

"Is this government by propaganda?"

"Call it, if you prefer, government by education. But education, in the academic sense of the word, is
not sufficient. It must be enlightened expert propaganda through the creation of circumstances, through
the high-spotting of significant events, and the dramatization of important issues. The statesman of the
future will thus be enabled to focus the public mind on crucial points of policy, and regiment a vast,
heterogeneous mass of voters to clear understanding and intelligent action."

Edward Bernays Propaganda: History As A Weapon, 1928.

 source: http://www.historyisaweapon.org/defcon1/bernprop.html#SECTION10

Even if the authorities ever decide to get their literal acts together and
present us a seemingly believable event, we'd be most unwise to buy into
what they are selling, considering their long, very long, historical
record. There’s good reason why we have tales about Emperor’s new
clothes, chicken littles and boys who cry wolves. Even believable witnesses
accounts cannot be taken as evidence of anything.

Government has always relied on unverifiable claims to not only survive, but to thrive and spread like
cancerous wildfire. Artists have always been employed to craft governmental bullshit to sell to the
mass of humanity. This is not new. When we uncritically spread rumor and myth, (things we cannot
actually demonstrate), we do the same.

Gossip is governmental devil's game and medium for mental mass destruction.

Nothing Like Electrifying The Public Mind With Terror Conditioning

Around Election Time

Consider all the recent terror inducing headlines. Consider all the gossip podcasting voices who parrot
official and official conspiracy, fear based, socially divisive lies. It seems that the online podcasting
and Youtube commentary, obvious, cliched, antisemitism card is now being played in overdrive all the
time. As if such obvious nonsense can occult the way the world is actually run. Legal documents,
treaties, and constitutions clearly show us how the world is bound and run and magical banking Jewish
families are not the ones at the top of the long standing mafia pyramid con job. Such middle manager
caste members are not the source of our collective slavery. We all are to blame and we can all begin to
make change by starting to fix ourselves and working out from there. The News media acts as
governmental propaganda beast designed to get us to focus our attention on all sorts of events that do
not directly concern us and that we cannot verify for ourselves. We should logically tune it all out and
instead focus on local interests we can actually verify and perhaps even do something about.

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source: Operant conditioning chamber - Wikipedia   •   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election

Word of Mouth Bullshit Still Spreads Governmental Mind Cancer Like Wildfire

Multimedia noise machine with screaming headline and media promoted less than thirty second
attention spans, have largely replaced old school reading as favored medium of so-called "education".
 Back before the age of mass communication that many of us seem to truly take for granted, and do not
really understand the power of, people's minds were influenced by the medium of the printed word
which had come to replace the prior medium of simple spoken syllables. Obviously all medium is
prone to error and mistakes and also outright lies. The older medium for governmental bullshit is the
telephone gossip game of word of mouth hearsay. Mostly unwitting tongues parrot and repeat political
mantras that are nothing but empty emotionally triggering propaganda appeals that are clearly designed
to divide and conquer us all into more easily managed communities based on artificial constructs like
religious and political differences that are not as real as multimedia and governmentally advertised. 

"Thinking for Oneself"

 by Arthur Schopenhauer

" ...the book-philosopher starts from the authorities and other

people’s opinions, therefrom constructing a whole for himself; so that
he resembles an automaton, whose composition we do not
understand. The other man, the man who thinks for himself, on the
other hand, is like a living man as made by nature."
"A man can apply himself of his own free will to reading and learning, while he cannot to thinking.
Thinking must be kindled like a fire by a draught and sustained by some kind of interest in the subject.
This interest may be either of a purely objective nature or it may be merely subjective. The latter exists
in matters concerning us personally, but objective interest is only to be found in heads that think by
nature, and to whom thinking is as natural as breathing; but they are very rare. This is why there is so
little of it in most men of learning. The difference between the effect that thinking for oneself and that
reading has on the mind is incredibly great; hence it is continually developing that original difference
in minds which induces one man to think and another to read. Reading forces thoughts upon the mind
which are as foreign and heterogeneous to the bent and mood in which it may be for the moment, as
the seal is to the wax on which it stamps its imprint. The mind thus suffers total compulsion from
without; it has first this and first that to think about, for which it has at the time neither instinct nor

On the other hand, when a man thinks for himself he follows his own impulse, which either his external
surroundings or some kind of recollection has determined at the moment. His visible surroundings do
not leave upon his mind one single definite thought as reading does, but merely supply him with
material and occasion to think over what is in keeping with his nature and present mood. This is why
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much reading robs the mind of all elasticity; it is like keeping a spring under a continuous, heavy
weight. If a man does not want to think, the safest plan is to take up a book directly he has a spare
moment. This practice accounts for the fact that learning makes most men more stupid and foolish than
they are by nature, and prevents their writings from being a success; they remain, as Pope has said,

“For ever reading, never to be read.”— Dunciad iii. 194.

Men of learning are those who have read the contents of books. Thinkers, geniuses, and those who
have enlightened the world and furthered the race of men, are those who have made direct use of the
book of the world. Indeed, it is only a man’s own fundamental thoughts that have truth and life in them.
For it is these that he really and completely understands. To read the thoughts of others is like taking
the remains of some one else’s meal, like putting on the discarded clothes of a stranger.

The thought we read is related to the thought which rises in us, as the fossilised impress of a
prehistoric plant is to a plant budding out in spring.

Reading is merely a substitute for one’s own thoughts. A man allows his thoughts to be put into

Further, many books serve only to show how many wrong paths there are, and how widely a man may
stray if he allows himself to be led by them. But he who is guided by his genius, that is to say, he who
thinks for himself, who thinks voluntarily and rightly, possesses the compass wherewith to find the right
course. A man, therefore, should only read when the source of his own thoughts stagnates; which is
often the case with the best of minds.

It is sin against the Holy Spirit to frighten away one’s own original thoughts by taking up a book. It is
the same as a man flying from Nature to look at a museum of dried plants, or to study a beautiful
landscape in copperplate. A man at times arrives at a truth or an idea after spending much time in
thinking it out for himself, linking together his various thoughts, when he might have found the same
thing in a book; it is a hundred times more valuable if he has acquired it by thinking it out for himself.
For it is only by his thinking it out for himself that it enters as an integral part, as a living member into
the whole system of his thought, and stands in complete and firm relation with it; that it is
fundamentally understood with all its consequences, and carries the colour, the shade, the impress of
his own way of thinking; and comes at the very moment, just as the necessity for it is felt, and stands
fast and cannot be forgotten. This is the perfect application, nay, interpretation of Goethe’s

“Was du ererbt von deinen Vätern hast

Erwirb es um es zu besitzen.”

The man who thinks for himself learns the authorities for his opinions only later on, when they serve
merely to strengthen both them and himself; while the book-philosopher starts from the authorities and
other people’s opinions, therefrom constructing a whole for himself; so that he resembles an
automaton, whose composition we do not understand. The other man, the man who thinks for himself,
on the other hand, is like a living man as made by nature. His mind is impregnated from without, which
then bears and brings forth its child. Truth that has been merely learned adheres to us like an artificial
limb, a false tooth, a waxen nose, or at best like one made out of another’s flesh; truth which is
acquired by thinking for oneself is like a natural member: it alone really belongs to us. Here we touch
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upon the difference between the thinking man and the mere man of learning. Therefore the intellectual
acquirements of the man who thinks for himself are like a fine painting that stands out full of life, that
has its light and shade correct, the tone sustained, and perfect harmony of colour. The intellectual
attainments of the merely learned man, on the contrary, resemble a big palette covered with every
colour, at most systematically arranged, but without harmony, relation, and meaning."

excerpt source: Essays of Schopenhauer, by Arthur Schopenhauer : Thinking for ...

Where are you on this spectrum?

Can you demonstrate what you believe or do you rely on others to do that
for you?

"Averroes classified people as of three categories:

1. the demonstrative class, which is capable of strict reasoning and demonstration according to
Aristotle’s laws of logic;

2. the dialectical class, which is satisfied with the plausible opinions general to thoughtful people; and

3. the rhetorical class, who are persuaded simply by what they are told and whose views cannot stand
up to criticism.

It is to the last and second, according to his view, that the apparent readings of Scripture are
addressed, and not so much for their enlightenment as for their moral control and improvement. For
such folk cannot grasp philosophical demonstrations and, if unsettled in their minds, would be morally

source: Creative Mythology page 142 (Joseph Campbell)

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Disney, DARPA & The National Security Agency Sitting In A Tree...

"He (Eric Haseltine ) then left for Walt Disney Imagineering in 1992,
where he joined the research and development group, working on
large-scale virtual-reality projects. "
"Eric Haseltine (born October 11, 1951 in Death Valley, CA) is a technologist who has worked in
senior-executive positions in both industry and the United States intelligence community. Haseltine
spent 13 years at Hughes Aircraft, where he rose to the position of Director of Engineering. He then
left for Walt Disney Imagineering in 1992, where he joined the research and development group,
working on large-scale virtual-reality projects. In 1998, he was promoted to senior vice president
responsible for all technology projects. In 2000, he was made Executive Vice President. Haseltine was
head of research and development for Walt Disney Imagineering by the time he left in 2002 to join the
National Security Agency as Director of Research. From 2005 to 2007, Haseltine was Associate
Director for Science and Technology, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)—that
organization's first—a position he described in a 2006 US News and World Report interview by
stating: "You can think of me as the CTO [chief technology officer] of the intelligence community"."

Aftermath 9/11: Virtual Reality Imagineer Eric Haseltine's Time at The NSA

"In his two years there, Eric oversaw all Science and Technology efforts
within the United States Intelligence Community as well as fostering
development innovative new technologies for counter terrorism."

"Haseltine’s research in military flight simulation gave him a strong foundation in the emerging field of
virtual reality, so in 1992 he joined Walt Disney Imagineering to help found the Virtual Reality Studio,
which he ultimately ran until his departure from Disney in 2002. When he left Disney, Dr Haseltine
was Executive Vice President of Imagineering and head of R&D for the entire corporation, including
film, television, theme parks, Internet and consumer products. In the aftermath of 9/11, Eric joined the
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National Security Agency as its Associate Director, in charge of Research and Development, where he
directed a broad range of projects, specializing in counter-terrorism technology. When Congress
created the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Dr. Haseltine was promoted in 2005 to
become its first CTO (Associate Director National Intelligence, reporting to the Director). In his two
years there, Eric oversaw all Science and Technology efforts within the United States Intelligence
Community as well as fostering development innovative new technologies for counter
terrorism. Through his consulting company Haseltine Partners LLC, Eric now helps intelligence
agencies and the Department of Defense find and apply cutting edge technologies to problems such as
counter terrorism and collaborative intelligence analysis. Haseltine also consults for Fortune 500
companies, helping them develop breakthrough innovations and business practices. He serves on
numerous boards, and is an active speaker and writer. His new book is Brain Safari."

quotes and image sources: Eric Haseltine - Wikipedia  •  Eric Haseltine Ph.D. | Psychology Today  •
 The Terror Years: From al-Qaeda to the Islamic State  •  Eric Haseltine on security - The New Yorker
Conference - YouTube

image source: Little Pictures Big History | Mickey mouse club, Mickey mouse and ...

"There are a multitude of other avenues of approach to the public mind, some old, some new as

"If the public relations counsel can breathe the breath of life into an idea and make it take its place
among other ideas and events, it will receive the public attention it merits. There can be no question of
his "contaminating news at its source." He creates some of the day's events, which must compete in the
editorial office with other events. Often the events which he creates may be specially acceptable to a
newspaper's public and he may create them with that public in mind."

"There are a multitude of other avenues of approach to the public mind, some old, some new as
television. No attempt will be made to discuss each one separately. The school may disseminate
information concerning scientific facts. The fact that a commercial concern may eventually profit from
a widespread understanding of its activities because of this does not condemn the dissemination of
such information, provided that the subject merits study on the part of the students. If a baking
corporation contributes pictures and charts to a school, to show how bread is made, these propaganda
activities, if they are accurate and candid, are in no way reprehensible, provided the school authorities
accept or reject such offers carefully on their educational merits. It may be that a new product will be

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announced to the public by means of a motion picture of a parade taking place a thousand miles away.
Or the manufacturer of a new jitney airplane may personally appear and speak in a million homes
through radio and television. The man who would most effectively transmit his message to the public
must be alert to make use of all the means of propaganda. ... If the public becomes more intelligent in
its commercial demands, commercial firms will meet the new standards. If it becomes weary of the old
methods used to persuade it to accept a given idea or commodity, its leaders will present their appeals
more intelligently. Propaganda will never die out. Intelligent men must realize that propaganda is the
modern instrument by which they can fight for productive ends and help to bring order out of chaos."

Edward Bernays Propaganda: History As A Weapon, 1928.

source: http://www.historyisaweapon.org/defcon1/bernprop.html#SECTION10

image source: (our tax dollars) & Cyclops Smiley Face Cork Coaster by IStillLiveWithMyParents


"The Defense Information School (DINFOS) is a United States Department of Defense (DoD) school
located at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. DINFOS fulfills the Department of Defense's need for an
internal corps of professional journalists, broadcasters, and public affairs professionals.[1] Members
from all branches of the U.S. military, DoD civilians and international military personnel attend
DINFOS for training in public affairs, print journalism, photojournalism, photography, television and
radio broadcasting, lithography, equipment maintenance and various forms of multimedia. The
American Council on Education recommends college credit for most DINFOS courses."

"The Army Information School was founded in 1946 at Carlisle Barracks in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Other branches of the military merged with the Army Information School in 1948 to form the Armed
Forces Information School at Fort Slocum, New York. The joint service venture disbanded due to poor
enrollment until 1964, when Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Arthur Sylvester
chartered DINFOS. DINFOS moved to Fort Benjamin Harrison, just outside Indianapolis, Indiana, in
1965 where it remained until its 1995 move to Fort George G. Meade, Maryland."

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"Students learn advanced photo-editing, composition and other

techniques not taught in basic photojournalism classes."
"Journalism classes feature basic writing skills and include a headline style known at the school as
"headline-ese", a total style for writing and developing headlines. Students are taught a variety of
writing styles and formats such as news, sports and feature writing. Photojournalism courses focus on
composition, exposure, and general camera operation skills. Flash photography is introduced in the
basic photography course. Students learn advanced photo-editing, composition and other techniques
not taught in basic photojournalism classes. For military print journalists, DINFOS offers the 12-week
Basic Public Affairs Specialist Course (BPASC), a 26-week online BPASC and three-week Editors'
Course. U.S. Army students are awarded the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) designator of
46Q, and U.S. Marine Corps students are awarded the MOS 4341 Combat Correspondent. For
military Broadcast journalists, DINFOS offers the Broadcast Communication Specialist Course.
Broadcasters begin by attending several weeks of BWAS - Basic Writing and Announcing Skills. If the
class requirements are met, students may continue into Radio and Television broadcasting classes. U.S.
Army students are awarded the MOS designator of 46R. Students in all courses hail from all branches
of the U.S. military and reserve as well as International military students."

"Journalism classes feature basic writing skills and include a

headline style known at the school as "headline-ese", a total style for
writing and developing headlines. Students are taught a variety of
writing styles and formats such as news, sports and feature writing."
source: Defense Information School - Wikipedia  •  Yellow Journalism - Wikipedia

Information Soldiers Swear Oaths of Loyalty To Inhuman Governmental Systems

They swear to do their duty, More often than not, this duty stinks to high heaven as they are ordered to
sell bullshit to the public, with treason level punishment as stick and governmental contracted cash as
carrot. Nothing like watching our tax dollars at work manipulating and deceiving human minds.

We Pay For The Governmental Generation of National Security

Clearance Possessing & Non Disclosure Governmentally
Contracted, Legal Oath Obligated Yellow Journal Minions
These trained minds are tasked with what is best described as various psychological operative
type duties designed to manipulate public opinion and behavior.

Defense Information School Video Production Story

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Defense Information School Video Production Story  source: Peter Taylor

Strength Through Lies: The Deceptive Aladdin's Lamp Logo Reveals A Truth

The electronic communications medium is allegorical wish fulfilling lamp

and real weapon of mass destruction of 20th Century "atomic" research.

"Nothing could be further from my thought than to call wireless telephony around the world "the
greatest achievement of humanity" as reported.  This is a feat which, however stupefying, can be
readily performed by any expert. I have myself constructed a plant for this very purpose. The wireless
wonders are only seeming, not results of exceptional skill, as popularly believed. The truth is the
electrician has been put in possession of a veritable lamp of Aladdin. All he has to do is to rub it. Now,
to rub the lamp of Aladdin is no achievement."   

New York Times April 21, 1908

source: Mr. Tesla's vision: How the Electrician's Lamp of Aladdin May ...

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War Stars: The Superweapon and the American Imagination

"As areas of Tokyo were burned out, Reagan tells how the Hollywood
team would “burn out” their counterparts in “our target scene,”
obliterating along with the city, the boundaries between illusion and
"Back in Hollywood, First Lieutenant Ronald Reagan was taking part in what he refers to in his
autobiography as one of the major "secrets of war, ranking up with the atom bomb project": creating a
complete miniature of Tokyo, so authentic in detail that even top Air Corps generals could not
distinguish it from reality. Footage of fake bomb runs on the toy city were then used to brief bombing
crews, who were taken by Reagan’s voice over narrative all the way to his dramatic “Bombs away.” As
areas of Tokyo were burned out, Reagan tells how the Hollywood team would “burn out” their
counterparts in “our target scene,” obliterating along with the city, the boundaries between illusion
and reality.”

source: War Stars: The Superweapon and the American Imagination

"One of the war's best-kept secrets was a film called "Target Tokyo," which Reagan narrated. It
simulated an actual air raid on Japan. Special-effects men were flown to Washington for briefings on
every known landmark--cemeteries, rice paddies, factories, geisha joints." "The first fire-bomb target
simulated was Ota, where Nakajima was mass-producing the deadly new fighter plane, Ki-84. From
match sticks, piano wire, plaster and cheesecloth, the FMPU's model makers replicated the entire
route to Ota. ...Above the 90-by-90-foot scale model swung a camera crane with a clever synchronous
interlock drive designed by Sgt. Don Klopfel. Cotton clouds were added for further realism."

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source: http://articles.latimes.com/1985-05-22/news/vw-16948_1_culver-city  •  From Sawdust to

Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley, Star ...  •  The Essential Ronald Reagan: A Profile in
Courage, Justice, and Wisdom

Someone's always coming out with a brand new mind mouse trap, always based on the same old

image source: Mouse Trap Game > Online Toys Australia

YouTube Would Make Reagan Pee With Glee

Better special effects and higher quality audio and highly contrived and edited video delivered
electronically to ubiquitous hand held, Natural imagination restriction device, make the Reagan era
World War Two Hollywood wizardry look like the miniature model-cartoon work it was. Computer
screens can damn or save the human soul. The sad thing is most of us use them to continue to
perpetuate a state of seeming blissful ignorance. Too many believe in what they see on screens, even if
it makes no sense, and is more than likely physically impossible, as long as such fantasy is
accompanied by an authoritative voice over.

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The 21st Century has been long planned. The power the moving image has over human
imagination has been studied for a long time.

The electronic audio visual age of instant information is the real medium for mass mind destruction.
The governmentally backed News journalist has always been the real terrorist. The government has
always relied on Platonic shadow threats to sell fear to the mass public in order to not only survive but
to thrive like cancerous virus.

"You will communicate instantly by simple vest-pocket equipment.  Aircraft will travel the skies,
unmanned, driven and guided by radio."

"We shall be able to witness and hear events--the inauguration of a President, the playing of a world
series game, the havoc of an earthquake or the terror of a battle--just as though we were
present. "When the wireless transmission of power is made commercial, transport and transmission
will be revolutionized.  Already motion pictures have been transmitted by wireless over a short
distance.  Later the distance will be illimitable, and by later I mean only a few years hence.  Pictures
are transmitted over wires--they were telegraphed successfully through the point system thirty years
ago.  When wireless transmission of power becomes general, these methods will be as crude as is the
steam locomotive compared with the electric train."


By Walter W. Massie & Charles R. Underhill, 1908, pp. 67-71.

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"It is intended to give practical demonstrations of these principles with the plant illustrated. As soon as
completed, it will be possible for a business man in New York to dictate instructions, and have them
instantly appear in type at his office in London or elsewhere. He will be able to call up, from his desk,
and talk to any telephone subscriber on the globe, without any change whatever in the existing
equipment. An inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear
anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent
man of science, or the sermon of an eloquent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however
distant. In the same manner any picture, character, drawing, or print can be transferred from one to
another place. Millions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind. More
important than all of this, however, will be the transmission of power, without wires, which will be
shown on a scale large enough to carry conviction. These few indications will be sufficient to show that
the wireless art offers greater possibilities than any invention or discovery heretofore made, and if the
conditions are favorable, we can expect with certitude that in the next few years wonders will be
wrought by its application." Nikola Tesla 1908

Nikola Tesla: Neo Mythic Yellow Journal Saint, Martyred Internet Era Victim Hero "Card"

"Larry Page is one of the most powerful people in the world. The

quirky, soft-spoken computer scientist cofounded Google with Sergey
Brin in 1998 and now, almost 20 years later, still runs its parent
company, Alphabet."
"At 12, Page read a biography about the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla, who died in debt and
obscurity. The ending made him cry, and inspired Page to not only want to build world-changing
technologies, but to have the business sense to know how to spread them. "I figured that inventing
things wasn't any good," he has said. "You really had to get them out into the world and have people
use them to have any effect." "

sources: "When Woman is Boss" - Twenty First Century Books   •   "The Future of the Wireless Art"
by Nikola Tesla  •  Larry Page: Life and career of the Google founder and Alphabet CEO ...  •  Google
buys YouTube for $1.65 billion - Business - US business ...

Governmental Propaganda Gives You Something To 'Watch'

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image source: Apple Watch - Three Weeks In. / Memory Monster

"Nikola Tesla Describes the Modern Smartphone — in 1926"

""When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact
it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one
another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall
see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of
thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do his will be amazingly
simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket." -
Nikola Tesla, 1926

source: Nikola Tesla Describes the Modern Smartphone — in 1926 | Big Think


An Officially Televised Cycloptic Vision

WARNING!: Do Not Buy Into Camera Eye Lies

Two eyes are always better than the one that is only News media spun.

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"Pictures are transmitted over wires—they were telegraphed successfully through the point system
thirty years ago."

"When the wireless transmission of power is made commercial, transport and transmission will be
revolutionized. Already motion pictures have been transmitted by wireless over a short distance. Later
the distance will be illimitable, and by later I mean only a few years hence. Pictures are transmitted
over wires—they were telegraphed successfully through the point system thirty years ago. When
wireless transmission of power becomes general, these methods will be as crude as is the steam
locomotive compared with the electric train." Nikola Tesla January 30, 1926

source: http://www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/1926-01-30.htm

A Bifocal Proper Gander At The History of TV:

This Technology Appears To Be Older Than Most Might Know

"The invention of the television was the work of many individuals in the late 19th century and early
20th century. Individuals and corporations competed in various parts of the world to deliver a device
that superseded previous technology. Many were compelled to capitalize on the invention and make
profit, while some wanted to change the world through visual and audio communication technology."

"Facsimile transmission systems pioneered methods of mechanically scanning graphics in the early
19th century. The Scottish inventor Alexander Bain introduced the facsimile machine between 1843
and 1846. The English physicist Frederick Bakewell demonstrated a working laboratory version in
1851. The first practical facsimile system, working on telegraph lines, was developed and put into
service by the Italian priest Giovanni Caselli from 1856 onward."

source: History of television - Wikipedia

The U.S. Marines Hearts Communication Professionals



source: http://www.marines.mil/News/Messages/Messages-Display/Article/1295178/reclassification-

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Recommended Viewing: Is Ancient History A Hoax?

Is history a weapon?

Gnostic Media: UnSpun 093 – Jacob Duellman: “Scaliger Notatus, Hallucinatio Scaligeri, Part 4

”UnSpun #093: Jacob Duellman returns tonight to continue his research presentations on the history
of classical scholarship as it relates to Julius Caesar and Joseph Justus "Scaliger" Bordoni. These
figures are honored in historical annals for the revival of the classics and constructing the foundation
for the chronology of ancient history. Tonight, Jacob traces their lives using encyclopedic dictionaries
of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, the claims of Julius & Joseph, citations from their
contemporaries, and remarks by the historians who trace their genealogical line."

source: GnosticMedia

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Kw_OLM3zjk 

see also: Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928) - History Is A Weapon


It's Obviously Only Red Paint & A Fake Rabbit

Really great illusions contain many layers of deception.

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image source: Magic - GIF on Imgur

An Abracadabra Allegorical Post Script: The Power & Importance of Electronic Media

"The 1920s was a golden age for stage magic and Charles Carter is an American stage magician at
the height of his fame and powers. At the climax of his latest touring stage show, Carter invites United
States President Warren G. Harding on to stage to take part in his act. In front of an amazed audience,
Carter proceeds to chop the president into pieces, cut off his head, and feed him to a lion, before
restoring him to health. The show is a great success, but two hours later the president is dead, and
Carter finds himself the centre of some very unwelcome attention indeed."

"This novel is a fictionalised biography of Charles Joseph Carter. The main character, Carter, is
followed through his career, from his first encounter with magic to his last performance. Along the way
he encounters many historical figures, including fellow magicians Harry Houdini and Howard
Thurston, United States President Warren G. Harding, BMW founder Max Friz, the Marx Brothers,
business magnate Francis Marion "Borax" Smith, the inventor of electronic television Philo
Farnsworth, and San Franciscan madams Tessie Wall and Jessie Hayman. Most of the novel centres on
the mysterious death of President Harding, who dies shortly after taking part in Carter's stage show.
President Harding apparently knew of many serious scandals that seemed likely to bring down the
establishment and it seems certain that he was assassinated by persons and methods unknown. Much
of Carter's past is shown in the form of flashbacks as U.S. Secret Service Agent Griffin investigates the
magician as a suspect. The flashbacks chart Carter's early career including his first encounter with a
magic trick, shown to him by "the tallest man alive", Joe Sullivan (also an actual, if obscure, historical
figure) in a fairground sideshow, his first paid performance for Borax Smith, his rivalry with the
magician "Mysterioso", his first meeting with Harry Houdini who bestows the title "Carter the Great"
on him, and Carter's marriage to Sarah Annabelle. Unbeknownst to Agent Griffin, President Harding
passed a great secret to Carter: a young inventor named Philo Farnsworth has a new invention called
television. Television is wanted by both the radio industry and the military and they are hunting Carter
to get it. Carter must draw on all his magic to escape kidnapping and death as he seeks out the
inventor. Along the way Carter meets a young blind woman with a mysterious past and encounters a
deadly rival. Finally, in a magic show to end all magic shows, Carter must truly beat the devil if he is
to save Farnsworth and his magical invention."

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carter_Beats_the_Devil

Carter was supposed to have been a real person.

"Carter began his career as a journalist and lawyer. As time passed, he grew an interest in magic. Due
to stiff competition from the number of magic acts on the American stages at the time, Carter opted to
pursue his career abroad, where he achieved his greatest fame. Among the highlights of Carter's stage
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performances during his career were the classic "sawing a woman in half" illusion (an elaborate
surgical-themed version with "nurses" in attendance), making a live elephant disappear and "cheating
the gallows", where a shrouded Carter would vanish, just as he dropped at the end of a hangman's

Carter's first theatrical experience occurred at the Herzog's museum and Pat Harris' Masonic Temple
in Baltimore at the age of 10, where he appeared as "Master Charles Carter the Original Boy
Magician". Carter purchased the famous Martinka Magic Palace in 1917, a time when he was unable
to continue his world touring magic show. The story goes that he kept his lion, Monty in the back room
of the shop and when it would roar, the startled customers would run for the door. He died on February
13, 1936, aged 61, in India."

source: Charles Joseph Carter

Irish Allegory Stills Rings True:

"In Irish mythology, Balor (modern spelling: Balar) was king of named Fomorians, a group of
supernatural beings. He is often described as a giant with a large eye in his forehead that wreaks
destruction when opened. He has been interpreted as a god or personification of drought and blight.
He is also referred to as Balor Béimnech (Balor the smiter), Balor Balcbéimnech (Balor the strong
smiter) and Balor Birugderc (Balor of the piercing eye). The latter has led to the English name Balor
of the Evil Eye. Balor is related to Janus, Kronos, the Serbian monster "Vy," the Welsh Ysbaddaden,
and other versions of a two-headed god with an evil eye. Krappe also suggests that the woman may
originally have been a cow goddess, such as Hathor, Io or Hera."

quote source: Balor - Wikipedia  •  Crom Cruach

"The baneful eye was at him. This eye was opened only in the field of fight. Four persons were
necessary to raise an eyelid of his eye by four polish rods passed through eyelids. The army which
would look in this eye, could not resist, even if be in many thousands by number".

source: Fomorians - Demon-Snakes from Irish and Welsh legends, Equal in ...

All Allegory But A Single Golden Fleece Reference Aside: The Revelation of The Real Weapon of
Mass Destruction

The camera lens, is like the magic eye of mythical celtic cyclops, and it represents the very real
monstrous weapon of mass destruction of 20th century research and development, that was and still is,
deployed against all of us not “in the know” or not on an official “need to know basis”. The Hollywood

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special effect enhanced mass communication system is the real weapon of mass mind control and is
obviously an incredibly more powerful weapon of world domination than any imagined death dealing
atomic bomb could ever be. 

BEE: "Balor of the Evil Eye"

The Mass Communication Media Has Always Been Governmentally Controlled

The United States Navy was instrumental in founding electronic communications starting with the very
first radio corporation. From radio to television and now social media, the federal government is
always there and always ultimately in control. They still control it all from top down.

Three character symbols of governmental programming.

The newer electronic medium began existence in more limited, singular governmentally controlled
form. From the one or few, come the many. From the alphabet agencies come the alphabet logo
television networks. All major News is centrally fed. Many heads represent one allegorical beast.
Today governmental body has spawned many new television heads that are now busy generating social
media offspring.

The major important (and even some seemingly innocuous) News media have always been controlled,
and today is no different. For example, News agencies like Reuters and AP control much of what we
see and hear in the media.

RCA - Wikipedia  •  CBS - Wikipedia   •   News agency - Wikipedia


"Sarnoff predicted that television would become the American

people’s “principal source of entertainment, education and news,”
"David Sarnoff ...was an American businessman and pioneer of American radio and television.
Throughout most of his career he led the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in various capacities
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from shortly after its founding in 1919 until his retirement in 1970. He ruled over an ever-growing
telecommunications and media empire that included both RCA and NBC, and became one of the
largest companies in the world. Named a Reserve Brigadier General of the Signal Corps in 1945,
Sarnoff thereafter was widely known as "The General." Sarnoff is credited with Sarnoff's law, which
states that the value of a broadcast network is proportional to the number of viewers."

"Few technologies have stirred the utopian imagination like television. Virtually from the moment that
research produced the first breakthroughs that made it more than a science fiction fantasy, its
promoters began gushing about how it would change the world. Perhaps the most effusive was David
Sarnoff. Like the hero of a dime novel, Sarnoff had come to America as a nearly penniless immigrant
child, and had risen from lowly office boy to the presidency of RCA, a leading manufacturer of radio
receivers and the parent company of the nation’s biggest radio network, NBC. More than anyone else,
it was Sarnoff who had recognized the potential of “wireless” as a form of broadcasting—a way of
transmitting from a single source to a geographically dispersed audience. Sarnoff had built NBC into a
juggernaut, the network with the largest number of affiliates and the most popular programs. He had
also become the industry’s loudest cheerleader, touting its contributions to “progress” and the
“American Way of Life.” Having blessed the world with the miracle of radio, he promised Americans
an even more astounding marvel, a device that would bring them sound and pictures over the air, using
the same invisible frequencies.

In countless speeches heralding television’s imminent arrival, Sarnoff rhapsodized about how it would
transform American life and encourage global communication and “international solidarity.”
“Television will be a mighty window, through which people in all walks of life, rich and poor alike, will
be able to see for themselves, not only the small world around us but the larger world of which we are
a part,” he proclaimed in 1945, as the Second World War was nearing an end and Sarnoff and RCA
eagerly anticipated an increase in public demand for the new technology. Sarnoff predicted that
television would become the American people’s “principal source of entertainment, education and
news,” bringing them a wealth of program options. It would increase the public’s appreciation for
“high culture” and, when supplemented by universal schooling, enable Americans to attain “the
highest general cultural level of any people in the history of the world.” Among the new medium’s
“outstanding contributions,” he argued, would be “its ability to bring news and sporting events to the
listener while they are occurring,” and build on the news programs that NBC and the other networks
had already developed for radio. He saw no conflicts or potential problems. Action-adventure
programs, mysteries, soap operas, situation comedies, and variety shows would coexist harmoniously
with high-toned drama, ballet, opera, classical music performances, and news and public affairs
programs. And they would all be supported by advertising, making it unnecessary for the United States
to move to a system of “government control,” as in Europe and the UK. Television in the US would
remain “free.”

Yet Sarnoff ’s booster rhetoric overlooked some thorny issues. Radio in the US wasn’t really free. It was
thoroughly commercialized, and this had a powerful influence on the range of programs available to
listeners. To pay for program development, the networks and individual stations “sold” airtime to
advertisers. Advertisers, in turn, produced programs—or selected ones created by independent
producers—that they hoped would attract listeners. The whole point of “sponsorship” was to reach the
public and make them aware of your products, most often through recurrent advertisements. Though

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owners of radios didn’t have to pay an annual fee for the privilege of listening, as did citizens in other
countries, they were forced to endure the commercials that accompanied the majority of programs."

A Televisionary Pioneer, Philo "T": The Image Dissector Inventor

"Philo Taylor Farnsworth ... was an American inventor and television pioneer. He made many
contributions that were crucial to the early development of all-electronic television. He is perhaps best
known for his 1927 invention of the first fully functional all-electronic image pickup device (video
camera tube), the "image dissector", as well as the first fully functional and complete all-electronic
television system. He was also the first person to demonstrate such a system to the public. Farnsworth
developed a television system complete with receiver and camera, which he produced commercially in
the form of the Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation, from 1938 to 1951, in Fort Wayne,
Indiana. Farnsworth held 300 patents, mostly in radio and television."

CBS V NBC: Controlled Opposition

The multimedia beast began its life as word of mouth lies spread by
hearsay gossip in service of crafting governmental myth; and now it has
evolved and grown into an all too real multi-headed hydra monster than
constantly spawns newly minted minion skulls. Today this beast lurks in
the form of witting and unwitting agents, online in every handheld
"smart" device connected to the "internet of things".

"By the mid-1930s, the most impressive radio news division belonged not to Sarnoff ’s NBC but its
main rival, CBS. Owned by William S. Paley, the wealthy son of a cigar magnate, CBS was struggling
to keep up with NBC, and Paley came to see news as an area where his young network might be able to
gain an advantage. A brilliant, visionary businessman, Paley was fascinated by broadcasting and
would soon steer CBS ahead of NBC, in part by luring away its biggest stars. His bold initiative to beef
up its news division was equally important, giving CBS an identity that clearly distinguished it from its
rivals. Under Paley, CBS would become the “Tiffany network,” the home of “quality” as well as
crowd-pleasers, a brand that made it irresistible to advertisers."

source: "The Beginnings of TV News" from That's the Way It Is: A History of ...  •  David Sarnoff -
Wikipedia  •  Philo Farnsworth - Wikipedia

World War Two Served As A Cover For Adopting A New Electronic Medium Paradigm

The post war world is one connected with electronic transmissions and pan am air travel. The pre war
world is not the same place as the one many of us take for granted.

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World War Two Changed Everything

Before the war there were no world wide networks of commercial business interests like Coca Cola
bottling plants. There was no mass world wide travel, no world wide hotel chains, pop star tours, and
all the rest of the tourist and business based existence we enjoy today. Wars cover for engineering
projects. Wars have always been used to keep humanity in its place as work machine. Images and talk
of war is all that is needed. The Newsreel images and history of war as we are taught is more scripted
Hollywood propaganda myth than fact. Before the second world war there was no mass world wide
communications system like the one that would be built right after war's end. The world of today
would not exist were it not for the first, and more importantly, the second world war. Both wars are
more fable that fact, as it turns out, despite university approved history to the contrary. History is not as
factual as advertised.

"British Security Co-ordination (BSC) was a covert organisation set up in New York City by the
British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) in May 1940 upon the authorisation of Prime Minister
Winston Churchill."

"Its purpose was to investigate enemy activities, prevent sabotage against British interests in the
Americas, and mobilise pro-British opinion in the Americas. As a 'huge secret agency of nationwide
news manipulation and black propaganda', the BSC influenced news coverage in the Herald Tribune,
the New York Post, The Baltimore Sun, and Radio New York Worldwide. The stories disseminated from
Rockefeller Center would then be legitimately picked up by other radio stations and newspapers,
before being relayed to the American public. Through this, anti-German stories were placed in major
American media outlets to turn public opinion. Its cover was the British Passport Control Office. BSC
benefitted from support given by the chief of the US Office of Strategic Services, William J. Donovan
(whose organisation was modelled on British activities), and US President Franklin D. Rooseveltwho
was staunchly anti-Nazi."

source: British Security Co-ordination - Wikipedia   •   30 Rockefeller Plaza - Wikipedia   •  

 Rockefeller Center - Wikipedia

September 11, 1941

"The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, located in ... Ground
was broken for construction on September 11, 1941, and the building was dedicated on January 15,

source: The Pentagon - Wikipedia

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President George H.W. Bush: "No New Taxes and No New Terror"

Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis
and the Federal Budget Deficit

September 11, 1990

"We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it
is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these
troubled times, our fifth objective -- a new world order -- can emerge: a new era -- freer from the threat
of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the
nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony."

source: Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf ...

September 11th Abides

Never Forget This 9/11: Dude Means Fool or Idiot

"Yankee Doodle Dandy" Would Seem To Be An Insult: It Is Unwise To Act

As Patriotic Fool & Tool
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National identity products are as fake as mass produced claims of Saddam seeking to bake a yellow

"... he called himself the Dude. Now, Dude, that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from.
But then, there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. And a lot about
where he lived, likewise. But then again, maybe that's why I found the place s'durned innarestin'. They
call Los Angeles the City of Angels. I didn't find it to be that exactly, but I'll allow as there are some
nice folks there. 'Course, I can't say I seen London, and I never been to France, and I ain't never seen
no queen in her damn undies as the fellah says. But I'll tell you what, after seeing Los Angeles and this
here story I'm about to unfold--well, I guess I seen somethin' ever' bit as stupefying' as you'd see in any
a those other places, and in English too, so I can die with a smile on my face without feeling' like the
good Lord gypped me. Now this story I'm about to unfold took place back in the early nineties--just
about the time of our conflict with Saddam and the Iraqis. I only mention it 'cause some- times there's a
man... "

Cowboy Narrator character, from the film, "The Big Lebowski".

The film makes reference to Bush's 9/11/1990 Iraq related speech, of course.

"Origin uncertain, though likely derived from doodle (“fool, simpleton, mindless person”), perhaps
with reference to the fashionable “Yankee Doodle dandy” in the 18th-century lyrics of the song
“Yankee Doodle”; the word is first attested in 1883 as a New York City slang term of contempt for a
“fastidious man, fop”."

"It has also been suggested that the word is derived from dudes (“old rags”; compare duds) and
dudesman (“scarecrow”),[ or possibly related to dawdle; to German Low German Dudeldop,
Dudendop (“fool, dunce”), from Middle Low German dudendop (“cuckold; simpleton”); or to
Saterland Frisian Duddigegen (“idiot”)."

The word 'dude': "The vogue word of 1883, originally used in reference to the devotees of the
"aesthetic" craze, later applied to city slickers, especially Easterners vacationing in the West (as in
dude ranch, first recorded 1921)."

image and quotes sources: The Big Lebowski - Wikipedia   •   dude | Origin and meaning of dude by
Online Etymology Dictionary   •   dude - Wiktionary

Alphabet Agency Case Study: CNN, The CIA, The Real Project MK Ultra & Your Mind

Which News network legendarily made their bones during the first Persian Gulf "War"?

CNN, the home to  American blue-blooded, Anderson “CIA intern” Cooper of course. Well known
source of “trusted” News that turns out to be not so “trusted”.

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"I asked Turner, “How much money over our 1991 budget am I authorized to spend?” His answer
was swift and short: “You spend whatever you think it takes, pal.”

"With that authority, CNN prepared for war."

"Every media company based in Baghdad—except CNN—lost power

and transmission capabilities. Only CNN broadcast live to hundreds
of millions of people worldwide." 
"Eason Jordan and Robert Wiener had the foresight to install a “four wire,” a separate system to send
audio feeds from the Al Rasheed Hotel to CNN’s center in Jordan and then back to Atlanta by satellite
feeds. “The first thing that will go down after an attack on Iraq will be its power systems and its
communications,” Wiener said. When the war finally started, we were ready. On January 16, 1991,
CNN anchor Bernard Shaw reported to the world, “The skies over Baghdad have been illuminated . .
.” As predicted, Iraqi power and communications systems were destroyed by stealth fighter jets and
cruise missiles. Every media company based in Baghdad—except CNN—lost power and transmission
capabilities. Only CNN broadcast live to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. All channels
turned to us for exclusive coverage; there was no place else. Back then CNN was the only global 24/7
news channel. That live coverage of war—the first time it had been televised worldwide—transformed
the media landscape. CNN became required viewing for informed citizens and heads of state, the one
truly global news source. That has changed now, with multiple cable networks and news breaking on
social media. But without the investment in journalism from visionary owners such as Turner, today’s
networks focus more on commentary than news gathering. The Gulf War was the most significant
moment in CNN’s history—all possible because Turner said, “Spend whatever you think it takes,
pal.” Georgia native Tom Johnson was chairman and CEO of CNN from 1990 to 2001."

Do you think it wise to trust CNN, which was just a newly spawned cable head of the same old
governmentally controlled multimedia propaganda beast? We are not supposed to consider the
idea that CNN is (basically) the government.

CNN would seem to be run from the top down by “friends” of government in the first place. All
important media is similarly structured with a clear cast of managerial characters who all seem to
belong to the same National Security possessing, Council on Foreign Relations, “club”. This makes
any confirmation of governmental claim by the News media very suspect. Considering too, the
obviously highly edited nature of supposed war footage, with official National Security possessing,
authoritative voice over, we can see how this is all best described simply as evidence of a propaganda
campaign against the public and not really evidence, in and of itself, of war, as odd as that idea may
seem. Not all the News media is in on it. The military embedded reporters, by definition, have to be
governmentally contracted in one way or another and they would be subjected to treason laws and the
like. They would need to possess National Security credentials other reporters do not. This would put
them in position to act as governmental propaganda tools in terms of live action role-playing
authorities who would shape the collective opinion of their fellow journalists. The military embeds
would be taken as credible witnesses by their fellow journalists. In this manner very basic word of
mouth hearsay is used behind the scenes to create an illusion of war. Or so it seems to me.

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I think we need to consider the very real idea that the government runs its
unwitting employees, the unknowing members of the press, and the public,
as well as people like unsuspecting Military, Intelligence, Police,
Emergencey and NASA personal, through a series of what can best be
described as RAND corporation style simulated war game reality that
never ends.

source: Desert Storm: The first war televised live around the world (and around ...  •   CNN Caught
Staging Fake News Scene – Mike Cernovich – Medium

Wars as branded television product:

The article (quoted below) presents an apologetic view of things. The (somewhat) easily researched
history of Hollywood, the News media and governmental military growth, clearly shows they go hand
in hand and always have, as this blog and article (hopefully) demonstrate. The same international
banking caste of characters*, that have long managed things for European based royal interests have
run the show the same way for years, making liberal use of whatever modern art was available at at the
time to sell myths and legend as reality to a gullible public who have seemingly eternal and
unquenchable mental thirst for such imaginative fare. Tall tales of international banking inspired Naval
battles in far off seas were long used to generate sainted martyrs for the masse to believe in, and to
gossip about, as they did things like going to work building ships to set sail to "new worlds" in.

*Please note, I am of the opinion that anyone can join this caste and that it is not limited to some kind
of family connection, thought that obviously always helps. I think military and university recruitment.
(things like Rhodes scholarships) are examples of systems that are intended to allow "useful
commoners" to rise up in rank. Basic Hollywood and sports style talent scouting and contract signings,
(on a National Security governmental type level) would seem to go a long way towards explaining how
things actually work.

"News and Entertainment – Breaking News from Hollywood?"

"Some of the contributions in this book discuss the relationship between fact and fiction in the media
coverage of certain countries. This reflects an ap- proach to war journalism that should be taken
seriously by media research- ers because it builds an interesting bridge between news and
entertainment. When Michael Moore received the Academy Award for his film “Bowling for
Columbine” he said in his acceptance speech that “we live in a fictitious world”, referring, inter alia,
to the fact that George Bush was in the White House without having won the presidential election. As
we have pointed out, the issues of truths and lies seem to be less important than winning over opinion
in favour of military interventions. The importance of the entertain- ment industry should not be

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underestimated in the process of shaping pub- lic opinion. The relation between entertainment and
news should be ana- lysed at several levels. As Edward Herman and Robert McChesney showed in
their book The Global Media. The New Missionaries of Global Capitalism (1997), motion pictures and
radio technology were among the first industries to compete in a global market. As early as 1914, 85%
of the world’s film audience was watching American movies (Herman & McChesney, 1997: 13-14).
One of the early players in this broadcasting market was CBS. They started their global career in
radio and helped create Voice of America as a propaganda tool for the US government during the
Second World War. The experience with film, broadcasting and propaganda in general elevated the
importance of com- munication in the minds of policy-makers during the inter-war years and has
continued to do so to this very day. As a result, US-based film companies still have commercial and
political global hegemony. The global film indus- try was controlled by a few US companies like
Columbia, Twentieth Cen- tury-Fox, United Artists, MCA (Universal), Warner Brothers, Metro-
Goldwyn- Mayer and Paramount (Ibid:19)(based on Ottosen 2004). Historically, under US
broadcasting regulations (subsequently partly elimi- nated and under constant pressure), the US
networks NBC, CBS and ABC have been restricted in what they are allowed to produce for domestic
broad- cast. Thus, the major US programme producers, and therefore the major global TV production
studios, were actually the film studios of Hollywood (Ibid:21). The present global market is dominated
by the studios owned by Disney, Time Warner, Viacom, Universal, Sony Polygram and News

"Key news networks have to an increasing extent been bought by con- glomerates whose primary
interest is the entertainment business. One of the effects on the corporate level of the merging between
the news industry and the entertainment industry is that in the US a growing share of the news is about
entertainment and includes stories about celebrities and movie stars. In the total picture news loses
ground to entertainment. International reporting is losing ground on the priority lists in television
news. Fewer correspond- ents get time to inform about world events. The exception is during global
wars like that in Iraq, for war is big business in international news. CNN made its international
breakthrough during the 1991 Gulf War. At that time, CNN was the only actor on the 24/7 (24 hours 7
days a week) market (Thussu 2003), but nowadays there are several players competing in this market,
including the Arab channels, with al-Jazeera as the most important, offering Arab perspectives as an
alternative to the Western way of interpreting world events. One of the winners in the new global
market is BBC World, which increased its number of viewers from ten million in 1996 to 244 million in
200 countries in 2003."

source: http://www.nordicom.gu.se/sites/default/files/publikationer-hela-pdf/global_war_-

"Selling War: Television News Music and the Shaping of American Public

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"It is not really any jump at all to the use of music to sell not only one particular network’s coverage of
the war, but also an attitude about that war, whereby American media empires seem to be marching in
lockstep with the government. As media personality Danny Schechter writes, “it started with the Gulf
War — the packaging of news, the graphics, the music, the classification of stories ... If you can get a
sedated public hooked..., you have a winner in terms of building audience” (Baum, 105). War may
“leash devastation and death on people, but it also delivers ratings and brings life to television.  War
is often the ‘big story’ (when sex isn’t) and a defining moment for many journalists...”  And for the
American public, it is one’s patriotic duty to support a just war against terrorists who have heinously
attacked the homeland. Indeed, in the media since 9/11, we can observe almost a continuous beating of
war drums and sounding of martial trumpets, after the initial sounds of grief and mourning gave way
in late September to the bellicose tone in broadcast media coverage of the War on Terrorism.  As noted
media researcher Shoma Munshi observes, “from the days and weeks following 9/11, till the United
States attacked Afghanistan in October 2002, and most recently Iraq in March 2003, US broadcast
media have managed to maintain a sustained level of patriotism fanning the public mood to keep the
United States safe by whatever means possible" (50). Already shortly after 9/11, NPR asked its
composer Jeffrey Freymann-Weyr for special coverage music, “either for another crisis in the States,
or, as it happened, an attack on Afghanistan.” The music he composed for the events of October, 2001
found use again in March of 2003, albeit with “subtle changes” dictated by the network.  We shall
return to this specific music, but we should note that even a politically liberal news provider like NPR,
which was no uncritical supporter of the war on terrorism, recognized the value of creating a “war
music” that would engage the public. Thus if the evening of March 19, 2003 brought the unannounced,
yet not unexpected, onset of the War on Iraq, the networks were well prepared.  Five days before the
war began, Fox News had its music package entitled “Liberation Iraq Music” ready to go. Bob Israel
of Score Productions, the source of the ABC Nightly News theme in 1978, used the same thematic
material to make a soundtrack for the ABC war news in advance of March 19."

"Striking images.  One might perversely call them “spectacular.”  But they are not purely visual: a
whole sonic realm works with the images to produce their impact.  We as musicians may have observed
the role of music in creating affect in that montage, but how many members of the American public-at-
large, the consumers of such media representations, know that the music is selling us a certain take on
the news?  In the context of television, this political application of music, "the ultimate hidden
persuader" to quote Nicholas Cook (122), is all the more powerful not only by virtue of the size of its
audience, but also because it seems natural. Indeed, a multi-million dollar industry is devoted to
providing music for the broadcast media.  Normally, local radio and television stations and even
national networks do not possess the resources to have a composer on staff, and thus they turn to
production companies that sell licensed packages or libraries of musical material, called elements, for
insertion at appropriate moments within the broadcast. The most popular such production elements in
television news (see Appendix for a listing) include: Opens and closes, also known as titles or themes,
which identify the newscast and provide musical material for the rest of the broadcast.  Through
fanfare-like, wide-ranging, quick, syncopated themes in brass and strings over a driving beat, they
create the impression of a dynamic newsroom, while at the same time establishing an authority in the
eyes and ears of the viewer.  Stingers or teases are very brief musical and visual markers for an
important news item — occurring just before specific coverage begins, they serve the dual purpose of
notifying the public about the importance of the reports to follow and — subliminally — helping to

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create an attitude within the viewership that will not only accept but also adopt the broadcast's
position.  These are the most original and free production elements of the newscast. Beds, often called
"promo beds," provide framing and background music for extensions of opens or longer previews of
upcoming items, under voices and images.  Beds at the beginning of broadcasts often take the opening
theme and loop several of its measures in the middle, so that a highly variable length is
possible. Bumpers are the musical lead-ins to and lead-outs from commercials, which like stingers
create a mood for the news items to which they refer.  Unlike openers/closers and beds, bumpers within
one newscast may widely differ, depending on the topic of the referenced news item."

source: ECHO VIII/I: Deaville - Echo: A Music-Centered Journal

"Spectacle and Media Propaganda in the War on Iraq: A Critique of U.S. Broadcasting
Networks" By Douglas Kellner

Introducing Al Jazeera:

(compare to the CNN story from the prior decade)

"Al Jazeera came to the attention of many in the West during the hunt for Osama bin Laden and the
Taliban in Afghanistan after the 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States. It aired videos it
received from Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, deeming new footage of the world's most wanted
fugitives to be newsworthy. Some criticized the network for giving a voice to terrorists."

source: Al Jazeera - Wikipedia

"A great debate emerged around the embedded reporters and whether
journalists who depended on the protection of the U.S. and British
military, lived with the troops, and signed papers agreeing to a
rigorous set of restrictions on their reporting could be objective and
critical of their protectors."
"From the beginning, it was clear that the embedded reporters were indeed "in bed with" their military
escorts and as the U.S. and Britain stormed into Iraq, the reporters presented exultant and triumphant
accounts that trumped any paid propagandist. The embedded U.S. network television reporters were
gung ho cheerleaders and spinners for the U.S. and UK military and lost any veneer of objectivity. But
as the blitzkrieg stalled, a sandstorm hit, and U.S. and British forces came under attack, the embedded
reporters reflected genuine fear, helped capture the chaos of war, provided often vivid accounts of the
fighting, and occasionally, as I note below, deflated propaganda lies of the U.S. or U.K. military."

"The 2003 Iraq war was a major global media event constructed very differently by varying
broadcasting networks in different parts of the world. While the U.S. networks framed the event as
"Operation Iraqi Freedom" (the Pentagon concept) or "War in Iraq," the Canadian CBC used the logo
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"War on Iraq," and various Arab networks presented it as an "invasion" and "occupation." In this
study, I provide critique of the U.S. broadcasting network construction of the war that I interpret as
providing a conduit for Bush administration and Pentagon propaganda."

"On March 19, the media spectacle of the war against Iraq unfolded with a dramatic attempt to
"decapitate" the Iraqi regime. Large numbers of missiles were aimed at targets in Baghdad where
Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi leadership were believed to be staying and the tens of thousands of
ground troops on the Kuwait-Iraq border poised for invasion entered Iraq in a blitzkrieg toward
Baghdad. The media followed the Bush administration and Pentagon slogan of "shock and awe" and
presented the war against Iraq as a great military spectacle, while triumphalism marked the opening
days of the U.S. bombing of Iraq and invasion. The Al Jazeera network live coverage of the bombing of
a palace belonging to the Hussein family was indeed shocking as loud explosions and blasts jolted
viewers throughout the world. Whereas some Western audiences experienced this bombing positively
as a powerful assault on "evil," for Arab audiences it was experienced as an attack on the body of the
Arab and Muslim people, just as the September 11 terror attacks were experienced by Americans as
assaults on the very body and symbols of the United States. Whereas during Gulf War I, CNN was the
only network live in Baghdad and throughout the war framed the images, discourses, and spectacle,
there were over twenty broadcasting networks in Baghdad for the 2003 Iraq war, including several
Arab networks, and the different TV companies presented the war quite diversely."

source: Media Propaganda in the War on Iraq: A Critique of U - ucla gseis

Even Telephone Lines Were Always Controlled By Government

"The first known experiment with a national emergency telephone number

occurred in the United Kingdom in 1937, using the number 999."

"In the earliest days of telephone technology, prior to the development of the rotary dial telephone, all
telephone calls were operator-assisted. To place a call, the caller was required to pick up the telephone
receiver, sometimes turn a magneto crank, and wait for the telephone operator to answer. The caller
would then ask to be connected to the number they wished to call, and the operator would make the
required connection manually, by means of a switchboard. In an emergency, the caller might simply
say "Get me the police", "I want to report a fire", or "I need an ambulance or doctor". Until dial
service came into use, one could not place calls without proper operator assistance. "Emergency 911"
displayed on the side of an Upper Dublin Township, Pennsylvania police vehicle, indicating that 9-1-1
is the number to dial in the event of an emergency. The first known experiment with a national
emergency telephone number occurred in the United Kingdom in 1937, using the number 999. In the
United States, the push for the development of a nationwide American emergency telephone number
came in 1957 when the National Association of Fire Chiefs recommended that a single number be used
for reporting fires. The first city in North America to use a central emergency number was the
Canadian city of Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1959, which instituted the change at the urging of Stephen
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Juba, mayor of Winnipeg at the time.[8] Winnipeg initially used 999 as the emergency number,[9] but
switched numbers when 9-1-1 was proposed by the United States. In 1967, the President's Commission
on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice recommended the creation of a single number that
could be used nationwide for reporting emergencies.[10] The Federal Communications Commission
then met with AT&T in November 1967 in order to choose the number. In 1968, the number was agreed
upon. AT&T chose the number 9-1-1, which was simple, easy to remember, dialed easily, and worked
well with the phone systems in place at the time. Just 35 days after AT&T's announcement, on
February 16, 1968, the first-ever 9-1-1 call was placed by Alabama Speaker of the House Rankin Fite,
from Haleyville City Hall, to U.S. Rep. Tom Bevill, at the city's police station. Bevill reportedly
answered the phone with "Hello". At the City Hall with Fite was Haleyville mayor James Whitt; at the
police station with Bevill were Gallagher and Alabama Public Service Commission director Eugene
"Bull" Connor.[citation needed] Robert Fitzgerald, Inside State Plant Manager for the Alabama
Telephone Company, was at the ATC central office serving Haleyville and actually observed the call
pass through the switching gear as the mechanical equipment clunked out "9-1-1". The phone used to
answer the first 9-1-1 call, a bright red model, is now in a museum in Haleyville, while a duplicate
phone is still in use at the police station."

source: 911 - Wikipedia

See Disney, DARPA, The NSA & You for more.

Tags: crowd psychology

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The Parabolic Flight Hoax Prologue: Cats In Fake Space →

The Proper Gander At Propaganda

"There was a white mouse consultation, down at the county fair. All the church mice, field mice and not
so nice mice, everybody gathered there. You see the muckidy muck he was speakin', tellin' them where
it was at. He said hear, hear there ain't nothin' to fear except a three eyed Siamese cat. And the crowd
was stunned, see, no single mouse had ever seen one. He said don't be scared we're prepared."

Bobby Darin The Proper Gander

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New content links: Unique, rare 9/11 material shot from the Hudson   •   Of Course Rockets Can't
Work In A Vacuum

COMING SOON: "Operation Paperclip: The Exposure of The Parabolic

Flight Hoax Part One"



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See the article index for the full list of articles.

Properly Prepared

"Then he held up a great big picture so every mouse could see what a three eyed Siamese cat looked
like; the face of the enemy. And the crowd let out such a shudder as they lined up file and rank. Starin'
at a twenty foot picture frame surroundin' a twenty foot blank, just empty space, but every single mouse
swore he saw a face. He said don't be scared, We're prepared."

Bobby Darin The Proper Gander

Where are you on this spectrum?

Can you demonstrate what you believe or do you rely on others to do that for you?

I'm not judging anyone. If you are comfortable following others and hanging on every word someone
else has to say and that works for you, then keep at it. If you think that listening to or watching endless
hours of talking and debating heads equates with a thorough course of self education and that really
makes sense to you; don't let anyone get in your way.

"Averroes classified people as of three categories:

1. the demonstrative class, which is capable of strict reasoning and demonstration according to
Aristotle’s laws of logic;

2. the dialectical class, which is satisfied with the plausible opinions general to thoughtful people; and

3. the rhetorical class, who are persuaded simply by what they are told and whose views cannot stand
up to criticism.

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It is to the last and second, according to his view, that the apparent readings of Scripture are
addressed, and not so much for their enlightenment as for their moral control and improvement. For
such folk cannot grasp philosophical demonstrations and, if unsettled in their minds, would be morally

source: Creative Mythology page 142 (Joseph Campbell)

Feed Your Head: Hoax Busters Call

The guys over at Hoax Busters Call continue to impress me with their well researched and thoughtful
anthropological look at our global cultural heritage. These guys are not  conspiracy theorists at all, they
are just self educated minds who are able to see past media mythology and governmental contrivance.
The focus of their talks are a lot less about conspiratorial speculation, and a lot more about putting the
various pieces of the puzzle together in ways that makes sense and that has actual evidentiary support.

www.Hoax Busters Call.blogspot.com

Meanwhile over at Fakeologist.com:

The folks over at Fakeologist ponder a very good question: "Nuclear Sub's

– Do you think so ?"

I think this a good area of research to explore. "Where's there's smoke there's fire, as they say". I have a
feeling there might very well be Hollywood magic involved.

"We know they exist on the surface, but once they go under water and out of sight, what exactly is
going on?  Is this where Hellyweird takes over?"

Fakeologist article link:  Unclear subs

Real or not, in either case such supposed weaponry would seem to be less about actual combat and
more about the power of really seeing such a massive human construct in real life. Many old war
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vehicles of one kind or another, become museum pieces or the actual museum itself, with obvious
propaganda value. Is it such a stretch and leap of logic to think that's all these impressive looking
engineering feats ever really were? I think it something to look into and to consider. Your results may
vary of course.

September 22, 2017 update: "US Navy Will Use Xbox Controllers To Steer
Submarine Periscopes | Survivalbeforeitsnews.com"

Fakeologist is an excellent website populated by minds that truly do think outside proverbial boxes.

Time To Grow Up

Joseph Campbell--On Becoming an Adult

Joseph Campbell - On Becoming an Adult

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Recommended Reading: Modern Times Modern Places : Peter Conrad : 9780500281512

"The world has changed faster during the 20th century than ever before. All our previous assumptions
about God, our social, economic and political structures, science and technology, and - by extension -
ourselves and our culture have been utterly transformed. The 20th century is the century that dared to
question everything and its progress is told in this tour de force. "Modern Times" are explored through
the cultural expressions - in art, in literature, in music - of the true conviction that we have lived
through an unprecedentedly testing period in human experience. "Modern Places" are the locations
that became the frontiers of modernity - cities like Vienna, Moscow, Paris and Berlin, new worlds in
the Americas, and a preview of a possible future in Moscow. Did it all happen too fast and go too far?
Modernity was like a rollercoaster ride, during which the human race jested with disaster and
delighted in the havoc created by the play of g-forces. But despite the dangers that were unleashed
along the way, with the clear perspective Peter Conrad provides on a phase of history that has nearly
passed, we are much the better prepared to confront the new millennium. By making sense of our
immediate past, this book aims to take us forward into the 21st century."

source: Modern Times Modern Places : Peter Conrad : 9780500281512

Terry Eagleton reviews 'Modern Times, Modern Places' by Peter ...   •   Modern Times, Modern Places
by Peter Conrad - Goodreads   •   MODERN TIMES, MODERN PLACES by Peter Conrad | Kirkus

"To teach people how to think rather than what to think."

"The Institute for Propaganda Analysis (IPA) was a U.S.-based organization operating from 1937 to
1942, composed of social scientists, opinion leaders, historians, educators, and journalists. Created by
Kirtley Mather, Edward A. Filene, and Clyde R. Miller, because of the general concern that increased
amounts of propaganda were decreasing the public's ability to think critically. The IPA's purpose was
to spark rational thinking and provide a guide to help the public have well-informed discussions on
current issues. "To teach people how to think rather than what to think." The IPA focused on domestic
propaganda issues that might become possible threats to the democratic ways of life."

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_for_Propaganda_Analysis

New content links:

President Donald Trump's 9/11 Demolitions Guide

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The Simple Still Globe Eclipse   •   NASA Fakery Fun: Rocket Do Not Work In A Vacuum & Sir Isaac
Newton Was Dumb

There is No Evidence The Earth Spins Part One: Michelson Gale Make Fudge    •    The inventions :
researches and writing of Nikola Tesla

Eric Dollard's The History of Electrical Engineering Lecture: Origin of Energy Synthesis

Man and His Gods   •   Joseph Campbell--Sun, Moon, Serpent, and Bull   •   The Cult of Mithras  •
  Secret History of Freemasons  • The Origin of the Building of Solomon's Temple: An Oriental
Tradition  •   Little Plastic Toy Masons    •   Ole Dammegard - Do You Know How to Identify a False
Flag Event?

Just trying to take a proper gander at it all.

"Then a mighty strange thing happened, guess you could call it fate. You see, a gust of wind blew the
picture frame down, and it landed on the muckidy muck's head and the mice they all went crazy, for the
first time they saw the lie, it was all a hoax on just simple folks and the muckidy muck must die. And die
he did, the members of his staff they just fled. They were scared. Hah! Just not prepared."

Bobby Darin The Proper Gander

The Proper Gander at Propaganda


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Never Forget: The Zapruder Film Is Just A Photographic Cartoon 

The JFK Assassination was a hoax. Click the above link for more.

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