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№ Д Сфера Мовна компетенція Мовленнєва компетенція

а (тематика) Фонетика Лексика Граматика Аудіюван- Говоріння Читання Письмо
т спілкуван- ня
а ня
1 Jobs Ex.3 p.6 Ex.1,2 p.6 Present Simple- Ex.4 p.6 listen Ex.1,2,6 pp.6,7 Ex.5 p.7 WB Ex.1,p.4
інтонація тематична Present Continuous for specific act out a dialogue
питальних лексика WB Ex.1,2 p.69 information similar to A
2 Jobs and Вимова Ex.7a,8a,b p.8 to do/be/have Ex.9 p.9 Ex.7b,c, 8c p.8 WB Ex.3 p.4 WB Ex.2,p.4 WB
Qualities закінчень тематична WB Ex.12 p.6 job interview Ex.8,p.5 (choosing
дієслів лексика an interesting job,
(-s, -ing) describing a
3 Daily Вимова WBEx.10 p.5 Ex.14 p.9 Ex.12 p.9 Ex.10,12,13 p.9 WB Ex.3 p.69 Ex.11 p.9 WBEx.4
Routines and (наголос) Collocations Ex.15 p.10 listening for talking about your (read short p.69
Free –time складних Ex.10 p.9 Adverbs of specific daily routine and dialogues)
Activities іменників Compound Nouns frequency information free-time activities
Ex.35 p.14 Ex.11 p.9 WBEx.13a,14 p.6
4 Daily Ex.35 p.14 WB Ex.5,6,7 p.5 Adverbs of Ex.17 p.10 WB Ex.15 p.6 WB Ex.9 p.70 Write three short
Routines. frequency listen and WB Ex.6 p.69 (read a letter) paragraphs about
Plans for WBEx.5 p.69 complete the WB Ex.8 p.70 your daily
Future Present Continuous telegram routines, free-time
(plans for future) activities and
WBEx.7 p.69 plans for future
5 Animals at Ex.28,30,31 p.13 Relative Clauses Ex.26b p.12 Ex.25,26a p.12 Ex.27 p.12 Ex.29 p.13
Work Definitions WB Ex.16,17 p.6 (True-False) Ex.29 p.13 (reading for (making notes)
Prep. phrases details) TBp.12(article)
6 The Animal Вимова нової WBEx.18a, c p.7. Relative Clauses Ex.18 p.10 WBEx.18 p.7 WB Ex.19 p.7 Project (a
World. лексики Тематична Ex.20,21,22 p.11 comments on describe an animal reference letter)
Looking for a WBEx.18c p.7 лексика job
Job “Animals” performance
7 Job Interview Prepositions Prep. Ex.23,24 p.11 Ex.34 p.14 Ex.34b p.14 WBEx.20a p.8 WB Ex.4 p.5
Phrases WB Ex.10,11 p.70 complete the WBEx.20b p.8 Job (write questions
WBEx.15,16 p.71 dialogue interview (role play) for interview)
8 Talking About Інтонація Phrasal Verb Word Formation WBEx. 21 p.8 WBEx.24,25,26 p.9 WB Ex.22 p.8 WB Ex.27 p.9
Your Job діалога to look Ex.32,p.13 (True-False) Ex.23 p.9
Ex.33 p.13 whose-who’s
WBEx.12 p.71
9 Pros and Cons Phonetic Linking Words WBEx.13 p.71 Ex.36a,c p.14,15 Ex.36b p.14 Ex.36c p.15
of a Job symbols Ex.37 p.15 as-like Ex.39,41 p.15 (complete the
(revision) Wordlist p.155 WBEx.14 p.71 talk about pros and table)
cons of a job Ex.38,40 p.15
10 The Ex.5 p.17 Ex.3 p.17 Video Activity Book Ex.1,4 p.17
Adventures of Ex.6 p.51
11 Video lesson
12 Progress test 1. WB p.131
Listening Practice1 (TB p.164)
13 Around the English-Speaking World (booklet). Unit 1 pp.2-3
1 Accidents and Ex.4 p.19 Ex.2 p.18 Past Simple-Past Ex.3a,b p.18 Ex.1,2 p.18 Ex.6a,b p.19 Ex.6d p.19(write
Disasters Ex.6c p.19 Continuous Ex.5 p.19 Ex.6d p.19 the summary of
(sentences with accident B )
Ex.3 c p.18
2 Disasters and Вимова Ex.7,8,9 p.20 Past Simple Ex.10 p.20 Ex.8c,9 p.20 WBEx.1a p.75 Write 2 newspaper
Emergency закінчень WBEx.1a,2 p.10 WBEx.1a,b p.75 WBEx.1b p.10 headlines about
Equipment дієслів тематична 1)natural 2)man-
-ed лексика made disasters
3 Feelings and Інтонація Ex.10 p.20 Ex.11 Questions Ex.11a p.21 Ex.11b p.21 WBEx.4 p.10 WBEx.3,4 p.75
Emotions вигуків p.21 (shocked, WBEx.2 p.75 listen and WBEx.3 p.10 WBEx.7 p.11 (write about your
scared, confused interpret talking about feelings actions in the past)
etc.) feelings
4 Talking About Інтонація WBEx.5 p.11 Past Simple-Past Ex.20 p.23 Ex.15 p.21 WB Ex.7 p.76 Ex.14 p.21
Past Events питальних Continuous WBEx.9,10 p.12 WBEx.6 p.75
речень Ex.12,13 p.21 WBEx.5 p.75 (write about past
WBEx.8 pp.11-12 events)
5 Talking About Ex.6 p.31 Phrasal verbs Time Clauses Ex.6 p.31 Ex.16,17 p.22 WBEx.8 p.76 Project (write a
Past to break/bring WBEx.13 p.12 (song) letter)
Experience Ex.29 p.25 WBEx.11 p.76
WBEx.6 p.11
6 Lost in the Інтонація Ex.26c,27,30 p.25 Past Simple- Past Ex.25 p.24 Ex.24 p.24 Ex.28 Ex.26 p.25 Write a short
Jungle складно- Perfect p.25 (reading for gist) summary of the
підрядних Ex.18 p.22 take roles and act out story using
речень Ex.19 p.22 the story prompts from
Ex.25,p.24 Ex.28 p.25
7 Car Accident Ex.31,33 p.26 Possessives WBEx.16, Ex.32,p.26 WBEx.15a,p.14 Write a letter to a
Prepositional WBEx.12 p.76 p.14 WBEx.15b,p.14 (put the friend describing a
phrases describe a car conversation in car accident
accident the correct order)
8 Describing Intonation of Prepositions Word formation Ex.21 p.23 WBEx.12 p.12 WBEx.14b p.13 Ex.23 p.23
Things apologies WBEx.14,15 p.77 Ex.22 p.23 WBEx.14a,c p.13 (reading for gist) WBEx.10 p.76
Ex.21 p.23 Order of adjectives describe items
WBEx.9 p.76
9 What a Story! Phonetic Ex.34 p.26 Relative Ex.38 p.27 Ex.37,39,41 p.27 Ex.35 p.26 Ex.36,40 p.27
symbols Wordlist p.155- clauses/Adverbs describe a picture (write a story)
(revision) 156 WBEx.13 p.77
WBEx.16,17 p.77
10 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn pp.28-29.
Progress Test 2.WB p.133
11 Module Self Assessment p.30-31
12 Video lesson
13 Test booklet. Test 1 (units 1-2)
1 Talking About Ex.3 p.32 Ex.5b,c p.33 Present Perfect Ex.4 p.3 Ex.1,2 p.32 Ex.5a p.33 Ex.7 p.34
the Journey Ex.14 p.36
2 Countries and Ex.6,8 p.34 Present Perfect Ex.10 p.35 Ex.6b,c,8b p.34 WB Ex.8,9 p.17 WBEx.1 p.80
Climates. тематична Ex.13,15 p.36 WB Ex.7 p.17 (write about things
Types of лексика WB WBEx.13 p.18 talk about the climate you have/haven’t
Holidays/ Ex.3 p.16 done)
Equipment antonyms
3 Types of WBEx.1,2 p16 Present Perfect Ex.12 p.35 Ex.11a p.35 (talk and WBEx.2 p.81 Ex.11b p.35 (write
Holidays. WBEx.6 p.17 Ex.17,18 p.36 persuade) (read and about your last
Means of have been to-have WB Ex.1b p.16 complete) holiday)
Transport gone to WB Ex.6 p.17
WB Ex.3 p.81
4 Holidays Ex.9 p.35 Ex.16 p.36 Ex.16 p.36 describe WB Ex.10 p.18 Project p.36
WBEx.4,5 p.16 Present Perfect vs the picture WB Ex.5 p.81 (write a letter)
Past Simple WBEx.11b p.82
WBEx.4 p.81
Preposit. of Place
5 Asking Ex.24 p.37 WB Ex.12 p.18 Present Perfect Ex.20 p.37 Ex.23 p.37 WBEx.18a p.19 WBEx.18 p.19
for/Giving silent letters WB Ex.18 p.19 Continuous guess and WB Ex.18b p.19 (read and (write a note
Directions (turn left, go past Ex.19,21,22 p.37 match WB Ex.17 p.19 complete the explaining how to
etc.) WB Ex.6 p.81 asking/giving dialogue) get from A to B)
6 The Trip of a Інтонація Ex.29,30,31 p.39 Time Expressions Ex.27 p.38 Ex.26 p.38 Ex.27 p.38 (read Ex.32 p.39 (make
Lifetime рекламних antonyms with Pr. Perfect and Ex.29,32 p.39 and guess) notes)
об’яв Pr. Perfect Contin. persuade to go on a Ex.28 p.39 (read
WB Ex.10 p.82 trip for gist)
7 Holiday WB Ex.19c p.20 Present Perfect WB Ex.19a,d p.20 WB Ex.19b p.20 WB Ex.24 p.21
Resort synonyms Continuous WB Ex.22,23 p.21 WB Ex.21 p.20 (write an article
antonyms WB Ex.15,17 p.19 talking about and describing a
recommending the holiday resort)
place to visit
8 Staying at a Phonetic Word formation Prepositions Ex.25a p.38 Ex.25b p.38 Ex.25a p.38
Hotel. Room symbols (adjectives) WBEx.12,13,14 WB Ex.8,9 p.82 WB Ex.16 p.19
Service (revision) Ex.33 p.40 p.83
Wordlist p.156
9 Problems at Phrasal Verb to Ex.37 p.41 WBEx.20 p.20 Ex.35b p.40 Ex.35a p.40 read Ex.37b,38,39
Holidays get Ex.34 p.40 Ex.40 p.41 a letter of p.41write a letter
WBEx.11 p.18 complaint of complaint
10 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn pp.42-43
11 Video lesson
12 ProgressTest 3.WB p.135.
Listening Practice 2. TB p.164
13 Around the English-Speaking World (Unit 2 p.4-5)
1 Travelling Ex.3 p.44 Ex.1 p.44 Ex.5b Adjectives Ex.4 p.44 WBEx.1b p.22 Ex.5a,c p.44 WBEx.3 p.22
p.44 (comparatives/ talk about the place WBEx.1b p.22
WBEx.1a p.22 superlatives) where you live write about the
Ex.2 p.44 place you’ve
2 Describing/ Ex.3 p.44 Ex.6 p.46 Comparatives/ Ex.4 (A,C) Ex.7,8,9 p.46 WBEx.1b p.86 Ex.8 p.46 write a
Comparing WBEx.2a p.22 Superlatives p.44 WBEx.2b p.22 letter to your
City and Ex.12 p.47 compare life in the friend
Countryside WBEx.1a,2 p.86 city and countryside
3 Comparing Інтонація WBEx.6 p.23 Comparatives/ Ex.14 p.47 fill Ex.14 p.47 Ex.13 p.47 Project p.47 (write
Cities/ Places речень з Superlatives in the missing WBEx.3,4 p.87 a letter) WBEx.6b
Comparative/ WBEx.11,12,13 information p.23
superlative pp.23,24
4 Holiday Інтонація WBEx.7 p.23 Past Perfect Ex.10 p.46 Ex.10c p.46 WBEx.16 p.24 WBEx.8 p.23
Experiences/ питальних Phrasal Verb Ex.15,16 p.48 listen and WBEx.4 p.22 talk describe a problem
Problems речень to turn WBEx.10 p.23 match about your negative
(questions of Ex.33 p.52 WBEx.5 p.87 experience (problem)
Ex.24 p.49
5 Holiday Інтонація WBEx.9 p.23 Past Perfect vs Past Ex.23a p.49 Ex.23b,c p.49 Ex.23a p.49 Write a short
Experiences питальних Simple booking a hotel room advertisement
(booking a речень Ex.17,18 p.48 (describing a
hotel room) Ex.23 p.49 WBEx.8 p.87 hotel/rooms)
6 Types of Інтонація Ex.11 p.46 Clauses of Purpose Ex.11 p.46 WBEx.17 p.24 WBEx.5 p.22 write two
Holidays. оголошень WBEx.14 p.24 (so that, in case) asking for info at the announcements
Means of Ex.11 p.46 WBEx.11a p.88 Infinit. of Purpose train station similar to
Transport WBEx.15 p.24 WBEx.11 p.88 Ex.11(2,3) p.46
WBEx.10,12 p.88
7 Travelling and Наголос Prepositional Past Perfect WBEx.18 p.25 Ex.21 p.49 WBEx.19b p.25 WBEx.9 p.88
Sightseeing Past Perfect Phrases Continuous listen for WBEx.19a p.25 write about a
Continuous) WBEx.13,14 p.89 Ex.19,20,22 p49 details person’s activities
WBEx.6 p.87 in the past
8 Assessing Phonetic Linking words Past Perfect/ Past Ex.21 p.49 WBEx.22 p.27 WBEx.20,21a WBEx.23,24, 25
Places symbols WBEx.21b p.27 Perfect Continuous listen for p.26 p.27 assessment
(revision) Wordlist pp. Ex.21 p.49 details report
157-158 WBEx.7 p.87
9 Travelling/ Stress in long Ex.27b,c,d,28,29, WBEx.15,16 p.89 Ex.26 p.50 Ex.25,30 p.51 Ex.27a p.50 Ex.30 p.51 write a
Describing sentences 31 pp.50-51 (revision units 1-4) listen and read for details short article about
Places synonyms match your country
10 A Visit to a Наголос Word Formation Ex.34 p.52 correct Ex.11 p.57 Ex.34 p.52 Ex.34,35 p.52 Ex.37b,39 p.53
Place (compound (compound grammar mistakes (song) Ex.36,37a,38,40 p.53 Ex.37a p.53
nouns) nouns)
Ex.32 p.51
11 The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn pp.54-55.
Progress Test 4. WB p.137
12 Module Self-Assessment 2.
13 Video lesson
14 Test Booklet. Test 2 (Units 3, 4)
1 What’s On the Ex.3 p.58 Ex.1a p.58 Countable/ Ex.4 p.58 Ex.1b,2 p.58 talk Ex.5 p.59 WB Ex.1 p.28
Menu? тематична Uncountable Nouns about food groups; read for details
лексика Ex.24 p.63 talk about food you
WBEx.6 p.94 like/dislike
2 Food and Ex.3 p.58 Ex.6 p.60 Countable/uncount Ex.11 p.61 Ex.6 p.60 Ex.6 p.60 Project p.61 write
Drink Ex.25 p.63 WBEx.2 p.28 an article Food
Will-going to that Cures
WBEx.1,2,3 p.93
3 Methods of Ex.7,8,10a pp.60- Countable/uncount Ex.10c p.61 Ex.10b p.61 WB Ex.8b p.29
Cooking. 61 WBEx.7 p.94 Ex.12 p.61 WBEx.7 p.29 (shopping list)
Containers. WBEx.5,6,8 p.29 Fixed arrangements WBEx.13 p.30 Ex.12,p.61
Shopping for тематична (Pr. Continuous)
Food лексика WBEx.5 p.94
4 Shopping for WB Ex.4 p.29 Countable/uncount WBEx.20 p.31 WBEx.3 p.28 WBEx19a p.31 Ex.18 p.62 write
Food. Diet and тематична Ex.25 p.63 WBEx.8 multiple WBEx.18,19b p.31 about your plans
Menu лексика p.95 Will-going to- choice ex. discuss the menu for future and
Pr.Continuous fixed
Ex.14,15,16,17 p.62 arrangements
5 Booking a Ex.35 p.66 Ex.9a p.61 Zero/first Ex.33 p.65 Ex.9b,13 p.61 Ex.33 p.65 Ex12 p.61 write
Table. intonation in conditional booking a Ex.33 p.65 about the food you
Ordering a conditional Ex.19,20,21,23 p.63 table tried in another
Meal sentences WBEx.9,10 p.95 region/abroad
6 Complain- ing Ex.35 p.66 Word Formation If/when/unless Ex.31,34 p.65 Ex.34b p.65 Ex.34a p.65 Write a letter of
About the Ex.32 p.65 Ex.22 p.63 listen for WBEx.21b p.32 WBEx.21a p.32 complaint
Food. Table WBEx.15,16 p.31 specific info act out dialogues read and complete (Ex.31,34 p.65)
Manners WBEx.11,12,13 (complaining about the dialogue
p.95 the food)
7 Food Festival Phonetic Phrasal Verb WBEx.26 p.33 Ex.27 p.33 WBEx.21a,22 WBEx.28 p.33
symbols to give (correct mistakes) talk about pancake p.32 write about a
(revision) Ex.36 p.66 Reflexive Pron. festival in Ukraine WBEx.23,24,25 popular Ukrainian
Wordlist pp.159 WBEx.17 p.31 (Shrovetide) p.33 festival
WBEx.14,15 p.96
8 Healthy Food Collocations Prep. WBEx.17 p.96 Ex.27 p.64 Ex.28b p.64 Ex.28a p.64 Write a short
phrases Ex.29,30 WBEx.20,21 p.97 article about one
p.65 of the vegetables
grown in Ukraine
9 Attracting Ex.38,39 p.67 Prepositions/ Prep. Ex.40,42 p.67 Ex.37 p.67 Ex.41 p.67 write a
Customers Phrases read for gist report about a
WBEx.18,19 pp.96- supermarket
10 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn pp.68-69
11 Video lesson
12 Around the English-speaking World. Unit3
13 Progress Test 5. WB p.139
Listening practice 3 TB p.165
1 Expressing Ex.3 p.71 Ex.1a,2 p.70 Infinitive/-ing Ex.4 p.71 Ex.1b p.70 Ex.5 p.71 Ex.13b p.74
Feelings Ex.13a p.74
2 Free-Time Ex.6b,9 p.72 Infinitive/-ing form Ex.10 p.72 Ex.6,7,9 p.72 Ex.10 p.72 Project p.73 write
Activities. WBEx.2 p.34 WBEx.1,2,3 p.100 Ex.11b p.73 Ex.11a p.73 a review about the
Comments WBEx.10a p.36 WBEx.5 p.101 WBEx.3 p.34 film
and Feelings WBEx.10b p.36
3 Clothes and Вимова нової Ex.12a p.73 Infinitive/-ing Ex.6 p.83 Ex.12b p.73 WBEx.4a p.101 WBEx.4b p.101
Accessories. лексики WBEx.1a p.34 WBEx.13,15,16 (song) WBEx.1b p.34 WBEx.6 p.35 WBEx.8b p.35
WBEx.8a p.35 p.36-37 WBEx.6 p.101 describe what
Ex.14 p.74 people are wearing
4 Rules of Інтонація WBEx.4 p.34 Tenses of Infinitive Ex.18 p.75 Ex.17,18,19 p.75 WBEx.17 p.37 WBEx.9 p.36
Behaviour. наказових collocations WBEx.7 p.101 WBEx.12 p.103
речень (write about
school rules)
5 Rules and WBEx.5 p.34 WBEx.13,15 p.103 WBEx.18,19 p.37 WBEx.8,9 p.102 WBEx.10,11
Regulations prep.phrases WBEx.14 p.37 WBEx.8,16 p.103 WBEx.16 p.103 p.102
6 Culture and WBEx.7 p.35 Making WBEx.23 p.39 WBEx.20 p.38 WBEx.21 p.38 WBEx.14 p.37
Traditions synonyms Assumptions WBEx.22b p.39 WBEx.22a p.39
WBEx.17,18 p.104
7 Describing the Ex.3 p.78 Phrasal Verb Ex.21p.75 Ex.30 p.78 Ex.22p.75 WBEx.24 p.40 WBEx.26 p.40
Building. intonation in to set WBEx.19 p.104 WBEx.27 p.41
Asking for polite requests Ex.27 p.77
Permission/ WB Ex.11p.36
Making a
8 Unusual Jobs Ex.25,26 p.77 Word Formation Ex.23 p.77 Ex.23a,24 p.76 Ex.24 p.77 WBEx.14 p.103
Ex.28 p.77
WBEx.12 p.36
9 Describing Phonetic Wordlist p. WBEx.22,23 p.105 Ex.29 p.78 Ex.29,31 p.78 Ex.31 p.78 Ex.32 p.79
Event (Giving symbols 159 Ex.34 p.79 Ex.33 p.79 Ex.33 p.79
Opinion) (revision)
10 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn pp.80-81
Progress Test 6. WB p. 141
11 Module Self-Assessment pp.82-83
12 Video lesson
13 Test Booklet. Test 3 (units 5-6)
1 Environmental Ex.3 p.85 Ex.1a p.84 The Passive Ex.12 Ex.4 p.85 Ex.1b p.84 Ex.5 p.85 Ex.2 p.84
Problems p.88 WBEx.2,3
2 Global Ex.3 p.85 Ex.6 p.86 Questions (Passive) Ex.8a p.87 Ex.7b p.86 persuade Ex.6 p.86 Ex.7a p.86
Warning тематична WBEx.1,4,5 p.108 Ex.8b,c p.87 make WBEx.1 p.42 Ex.8b p.87
лексика suggestions read headlines WBEx.2b p.42
3 Recycling Sentence WBEx.2 p.42 WBEx.4 p.42 Ex.10a p.87 Ex.9 p.87 WBEx.8 p.109 WBEx.9 p.109
stress Ex.25 WB Ex.7 p.43 multiple- Ex.11 p.88
p.91 WBEx.12 p.44 choice ex.
WBEx.7 p.109
4 Environmental Ex.25 p.91 WBEx.5a p.42 WBEx.6 p.109 Ex.10b p.87 WBEx.19a,c,d p.46 WBEx.19b p.47 WBEx.5b,c p.42-
Problems. Ex.13 p.88 poem 43
Acid Rains
5 Towards a Intonation in WBEx.10 p.44 The Passive by/with Ex.10b p.87 Ex.16,17 p.89 WBEx.9 p.43 Project p.89
Better polite requests Ex.14,15 p.89 WBEx.6,8 p.43 WBEx.13 p.111 write about
Environment WBEx.13 talk about Green Day positive changes
p.111 and other in your area
friendly events
6 Protect the Ex.20b,21,22,23 WBEx.14,15 p.45 Ex.19 p.91 Ex.18 p.90 Ex.20 p.91 WBEx.16 p.45
Wildlife (Zoos p.91 write five sent. in
and Passive then
Greenhouses) transform them
into headlines
7 How to Stress in Compound nouns WBEx.13 p.44 Ex.24a p.91 Ex.24b p.91 giving WBEx.20 p.47 WBEx.23 p.47
Improve compound Ex.26 p.92 fill in the advice reading for gist
Global nouns WBEx.11 p.44 blanks then WBEx.22 p.47
Environment listen and
8 Providing Prepositional WBEx.12 p.110 WBEx.17
Ex.28,30,32 p.93 Ex.28 p.92 Ex.29,31 p.93
Solution to a phrases p.45 reading for gist write an article
Problem WBEx.10,11p110
9 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn pp. 94-95
10 Progress Test 7. WB p.143
Listening Practice 4 TB p.165
11 Video lesson
12 Around the English-Speaking World. Unit 4
1 Global Ex.3 p.96 Ex.1 p.96 Question tags Ex.4 p.96 Ex.5 p.97 Ex.5 p.97 WBEx.3 p.48
Problems. WBEx.3 p.48 Ex.11,12 p.99 WBEx.3 p.48 act
Personal WBEx.1 p.115 out dialogues
2 Aches and Intonation in Ex.8a p.98 Question tags Ex.9 p.98 Ex.10 p.99 Ex.8a p.98 Ex.15 p.99 write
Pains question tags WBEx10,11 p50 Ex.4a p.96-97 Ex.8b p.98 talk WBEx.5 p.49 about a medical
Ex.14 p.99 Reported Speech about health problem
Ex.16,17 p.100 problem/give advice
Ex.20 p.101
3 Holistic Ex.14 p.99 WBEx.2 p.48 Reported speech WBEx.20 p.52 WBEx.1b p.48 WBEx.17 p.51 WBEx.1c p.48
Medicine WBEx.18 p.51 Say/tell WBEx.16,19 p.51 WBEx.8 p.116
Ex.18,19 p.100
WBEx.12 p.50
4 Jobs and Intonation and WBEx.7,8,9 p.49 Reported Speech Ex.4c p.97 Ex.7 p.98 WBEx.4 p.49 Project p.98
Professions. stress in Ex.6 p.98 Ex.21,22,23 p.101 Ex.23 p.101 WBEx.23p101
Voluntary imperative WBEx.4 p.120
Work sentences
5 Social Ex.6 p.108 Phrasal verbs WBEx.2,4,6 p.115 Ex.6 p.108 WBEx.21b p.52 WBEx.21a p.52 WBEx.2b,c p.119
Problems to make/put Modal verbs (song) WBEx.22 p.52 WBEx.23 p.52
(homeless Ex.34 p.104 WBEx.14,15p50
6 Social Intonation in Word formation Short questions Ex.28a p.103 Ex.25 p.53 Ex.26 p.53 Ex.24 p.53 Ex.27
Problems short (prefixes) surprise/interestEx. Ex.28b p.103 Ex.28a p.103 p.53 write a letter
(elderly questions Ex.33 p.104 13 p.99 WBEx.3 suggesting to
people). Ex.13 p.99 WBEx.6 p.49 p.115 solve the problem
7 Charity Ex.26a,b,29 p.103 WBEx.5 p.115 Ex.24 p.102 Ex.26c,d,e p.102 Ex.25 p.102 Ex.30 p.103 (make
Organisa tions (abbrev.) WBEx.7,9 p.116 Ex.27,30 p.103 notes) Ex.26e
Ex.31,32 p.104 p.103
8 Applying for Phonetic Prepositional Could-was able- Ex.35 p.104 Ex.35 p.105 Ex.35 p.104
Voluntary symbols Phrases used to Ex.36 p.105 Ex.37 p.105 Ex.38 p.105 (write
Work (revision) WBEx.12,13 WBEx. 14,15 p.50 Ex.39 p.105 a transactional
p.117 Word -list WBEx.10,11 p.116 letter)
9 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn pp. 106-107.
Progress Test 8. WB p.145
10 Module Self-Assessment pp.108-109
11 Test Booklet. Test 4 (units 7-8)
12 Video lesson
1 Sports and Ex.3 p.110 Ex.1 p.110 Reported Ex.2c p.110 Ex.1b p.110 Ex.5 p.111 Ex.2c p.110
Games commands Ex.2a,b Ex.4 p.111 Ex.2c p.110
2 Sports and Intonation of Ex.10,11 p.113 Imperative Sent. Ex.14 p.114 Ex.12 p.114 Ex.33 p.118 WBEx.5 p.55
Equipment imperative WBEx.3,4 p.54 (reporting the Ex.13 p.114 WBEx.8 p.56
sentences imperative)
WBEx.3 p.119
3 Sports Вимова Ex.30 p.117 Reported questions Ex.15 p.114 Ex.15b,c p.114 WBEx.12b p.57 WBEx.12c p.57
тематичної WBEx.6 p.55 Ex.16 p.114 WBEx.12a,c p.57
лексики WBEx.9,10a p.56 WBEx.5 p.120
4 Sports and Інтонація Ex.25c,28,29 WBEx.2 p.119 Ex.23a p.115 Ex.18a,23b p.115 Ex.23a p.115 Ex.18b p.115
Leisure діалогу p.117 Ex.6 p.120 Ex.31 p.118 Ex.25 p.116 Ex.26 p.117
Centres WBEx.10b p.56
5 School Ex.6 p.112 WBEx.1 p.118 Ex.8a p.112 Ex.7 p.112 WBEx.4 p.120 Ex.8b p.112
Subjects. WBEx.2 p.54 Ex.8b p.112
Education in WBEx.1p.54
Great Britain
6 Education in Intonation Phrasal Verb Exclamations (word Ex.32 p.118 Ex.9 p.113 WBEx.14a p.58 Project p.113
Ukraine exclamations to take order) Ex.17 p.114
Ex.32 p.118 Ex.27 p.117 WBEx.7,8 p.120 WBEx.14a p.58
7 The School of Ex.32 p.118 Prepositional WBEx.11 p.121 WBEx.24 Ex.36,38 p.119 Ex.33 p.118 Ex.34 p.119
Tomorrow Phrases p.116 Ex.36 p.119 Ex.35,37 p.119
WBEx.9,10 p.120 write opinion
8 Giving Advice Phonetic WBEx.7 p.55 WBEx.12 p.121 WBEx.13 p.58 WBEx.15b p.59 WBEx.15a p.58 WBEx.17,18 p.59
symbols Wordlist p.161 WBEx.16 p.59 WBEx.17 p.59 write a letter of
(revision) advice
9 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn pp.120-121
10 Video lesson
11 Progress Test 9 WB p.147
Listening Practice 5 TB p.165
12 Around the English-Speaking World. Unit5
1 Feelings and Ex.3 p.122 Ex.5c,d p.123 Ex.5b p.122 Ex.4 p.122 Ex.1,5 p.122 Ex.5a p.123 Ex.2 p.122
2 Inventions Intonat. in Ex.6a,7 p.124 Conditionals 2/3 Ex.6 p.137 Ex.7a,b,e p.124 Ex.7c p.124 Ex.6b p.124
condit.sent synonyms WBEx.2 p.124 (song) (persuade)
Ex.32 p.130 WBEx.8,9 p.62
3 People Who Ex.28b p.128 Ex.28c p.128 Ex.27 p.128 Ex.22 p.127 Ex.28a p.128 WBEx.7 p.61
Changed the Ex.29 p.129 WBEx.3 p.124 Ex.26p.128 (giving advice)
4 Inventions and WBEx.3 p.60 Ex.10 p.125 WBEx.17 p.64 Ex.11 p.125 WBEx.5 p.61 Project p.126 (the
Inventors WBEx.4,5 p.125 WB Ex.1,2,4 p.60 WBEx.10 p.62 most important
inv. of our time)
5 Expressing Intonation Phrasal verb Ex.17,18,19 p.127 Ex.14 p.126 Ex.15 p.126 WBEx.15b p.63 WBEx.15c p.63
Wishes and (wishes and to come WBEx.15a p.63
Regrets regrets) Ex.25p.127
Ex.30 p.129
6 Expressing Intonation in WBEx.6 p.61 WBEx.11 p.62 Ex.20 p.127 Ex.16 p.126 WBEx.16a p.64 WBEx.9 p.126
Wishes and formal Phrasal verb WBEx.7,8 p.126 Ex.21 p.127 formal
Regrets. telephone to come telephone
Giving Advice conversa-tions conversation
WBEx.16b p.64
7 Applying for a Phonetic Wordlist pp.161- So, neither/nor, Ex.30a p.129 Ex.30b p.129 Ex.30a p.129 Ex.36 p.131 a
Job. symbols 162 both, all, none expressing regrets Ex.33 p.130 letter of
(revision) WBEx.12,13 p.62 Ex.35p.131 application
WBEx.10,11 p.126
8 Advertising a Ex.31 p.129 WBEx.12 p.126 Ex.31a p.129 Ex.31b p.129 Ex.31a p.129 WBEx.19,21 p.65
Place WBEx.14 p.63 expressing regrets WBEx.18p.64 write an article
WBEx.20 p.65 advert. a place
9 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn pp.132-133
Progress Test 10. WB p.149
10 Module Self-Assessment pp.136-137
11 Video lesson
12 Test Booklet. Test 5 (units 9-10)
13 Test Booklet. Exit Test

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