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Work fatigue can cause disadvantage at work like decrease in work productivity, because of
work fatigue the worker health can also dwindling, it can caused mistake or accident at work.
Mistake at work if left unchecked can caused danger and risk to worker, it also cause accident
that will create disadvantage to worker and work environment. Work fatigue caused by external
factor like work shift, time of service, and workload. Worker that suffer from fatigue because
work shift can cause accident, especially at night shift. time of service affected worker stamina,
meaning it can reduce worker’s endurance. The heavier the workload for worker, the shorter
worker’s time to work without fatigue and without other physiology disturbance. The purpose of
this research is for understand the relation between work shift, time of service, workload with
work fatigue level, and also to determine the difference level of work fatigue among nurses at
inpatient room between two hospitals .

The method used is quantitative. The type of this research is analytic observational with cross
sectional approach. The population used is all nurses who served in the inpatient room. The
sample size is 60 respondents, divided into two, namely 30 respondents in RSU Pancaran Kasih
and 30 respondents in RS Tkt. III. R.W. Monginsidi with using purposive sampling technique.
To Measure the fatigue level we using Hubbard Scientific 6027 reaction timer and questionnaire
for other variable. Method For collecting data is using primer and seconder data. Method for
analyzing data consist of univariate analysis, bivariate analysis, and multivariate analysis. Chi
square test and correlation test spearman are used to analyze the relation between external factor,
while Kruskal Wallis test used to Analyze the difference of fatigue level based on work shift and
using unpaired T test to analyze difference between two hospitals also using regression logistic
test for multivariate analysis.

The results of the research obtained p-value = 0,000 indicates that there is a difference in the
level of fatigue in each work shift. The nurse’s fatigue level in the morning shift is lower than in
the afternoon shift, and in the afternoon shift nurse’s fatigue rate is lower than the night shift.
Night shift proving more exhausting for nurse than morning shift and afternoon shift in either
Pancaran Kasih GMIM or RS Tkt. III. R. W. Monginsidi. This research also find out there is
relation between work shift and level of work fatigue (p-value=0,0000) meaning level of work
fatigue on night shift is higher than morning shift or afternoon shift. But In this research was not
found relation between time of service and workload with level of work fatigue. The result of
multivariate test determine work shift is most dominant factor that affected level of work fatigue.

The conclusion of this research result is that there is difference of work fatigue between work
shift for nurse, either morning shift, afternoon shift and night shift. Also work shift is have a
relation with level of work fatigue among nurses in inpatient room at pancaran kasih and Tkt.
III R.W.Monginsidi hospitals. Suggestions can be given is to improve the incentive in the form
of support, healthy food and drink to maintain and improve degree of health and also to maintain
the arrangement of shift system based on work shift standard and workload standard, so nurse
can maintain their level of fitness to reduce the level of work fatigue that can cause accident at

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