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 Lab no 11:

Implementation of Conditional statements in C++. (Simple if, nested if,

if- else, else if, )

 Lab tasks
1. Write program to check percentage of a student and display pass if it is greater than 40.
2. Write a Program to find whether a year is a leap year or not
3. Write a C++ Program to check whether a given number is Positive, Negative or Zero
4. Write a program to find whether a number is even or odd.
5. Write a program to find when a number is equal to other.
6. Write a Program to check your percent.
7. Write a Program to check your whether a number is greater than or smaller than other.
8. Write program to check whether input alphabet is a vowel or not.

 LAB NO 12:
Implementation of switch statement in C++.
 Lab tasks
1. Write a program to display days of week using switch case.
2. Write a program to built simple calculator using switch Statement.
3. Write a program to check for vowel or consonant using switch case
4. Write a program to check percentage of a student and display division

 LAB NO 13:
Implementation of Iterative statement in C++. (for, while, do-while)
 Lab tasks
1. Write a program using while loop to print Pakistan
2. Write a program using while loop to print counting till ten.
3. Write a program using while loop for sum / forward counting.
4. Write Program To Find Table Of Inputted Number Using While Loop.
5. Write Program to Find Table of Inputted Number Using While Loop till specific limit.
6. Write a program using while loop for backward counting
7. Write a program of sum using do-while loop.
8. Write Program To Find Table Of Inputted Number Using do-While Loop till specific limit.
 LAB NO 14:

Implementation of nested loops in C++. (for, while, do-while)

 Lab tasks
1. Write a table with for loop.
2. Write a factorial with for loop.
3. Write a reverse right angle triangle with for loop.
4. Write a Program to print rectangle using for loop.

 LAB NO15:
Implementation of user define functions in C++.
 Lab tasks
1. Write a factorial program using user defined function.
2. Write a program for distance calculation by Euclidean distance formula.
3. Print your name using user defined function.
4. Print table of any number using user defined function.

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