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Me llamo ____________________________ Clase ______ Hoy es el _____________ de _______________

We will have a 20 point quiz on preterite of regular –er and –ir verbs and ver and 9.1 and former vocabulary
on Tues, 1-30. This study guide is due on Friday, 1-26.
Part A: For the first 10 points, you will need to fill in the correct endings for 20 verbs; each one is a half point.
reunirse con– to get ver - to see
volver – to return recibir – to receive
together with (irregular)

Ana y Lola
Yo ____ reun___ Tú y yo v_____ tú recib_____

Ana y yo ____ Nosotros

Marco v_____ Ud. volv ____
reun _____ recib _____

Raúl ___ reun ___ Yo v_____ Tú volv _____ Uds. recib _____

Part B: I will have 8 sentences where you will have to fill in the correct preterite of the verb I put in
parentheses at the end of the sentence. This is worth 1 point each. I will include reflexives as well.
(Remember you can tell if a verb is reflexive or not if the infinitive has se attached.) Today’s example has 5
for you to do.

1. Marta y Ana _____________________________________________esos anillos de sus padres para la Navidad.

2. La semana pasada yo _____________________________________________ con mis abuelos para el
cumpleaños de mi tío. (reunirse)
3. ¿ __________________________________tú fuegos arificiales la Nochevieja pasada? (ver)
4. Marta _____________________________________________muchos regalos hace dos semanas. (abrir)
5. Mi hermano y yo _____________________________________________muchas tarjetas para el Día de los
Enamorados el año pasado. (escribir)

Part C: For the test, you will need to choose any 2 of the sentences from part B to translate to English, and
you need to write the number of the sentence you are translating and then translate it to English. This is
worth 2 points (1 point for each translation). For today’s practice though you should do all FIVE of them, so I
numbered them for you.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Study page 310-312, 314 and your notes and old vocabulary. Study my weblinks and you may also want to
rewatch the grammar videos from ch 9 using the online textbook: preterite of –er and –ir and repaso the
preterite. Remember the –er and –ir preterite endings: -í, -iste, -ió, -imos, -isteis, -ieron
The only irregular one we learned so far for this test is ver (on page 314).
–ER shoe verbs don’t shoe in the preterite.

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