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Constant metamorphosis of all things transience of time/present moment

(Stoic, Epicurean, Goethe, Nietzsche) fame: passing, false good (Stoic, Epic., Goethe, Nietzsche, Camus)
: doesn’t secure happiness : from pple never meet, whose admiration
you’ll pr. not be there to see
exercise: observation, divide and analyse (what’s in a name?)

atomism Future: beyond control (Stoic) death: afterlife:

Epi, Luc, Bac: Uncertain, equivocal (Stoic, Epicurean) natural, inevitable (Sto., Epic) [cf. view from above] : unknowable (sce, M, N, C)
Things evolve, are Exercises: i. premeditate misfortunes (Stoic)-hypomnemat a necessary for nature as whole, next generation (Lucretius) : impossible (Epi, Luc)
Not preformed with purposes ii. “leave unto god/nature” (Soic, Epicur. Goethe) not present when we are: nothing to us (Epic., Lucr.) : pleasant for the
: like before we were born (Epi, Luc) good (Soc, Plot.)
: either deep sleep or peaceful afterlife for worthy (Socrates) : final reunion of psyche
Externals (Sto); objects beyond our control : release soul from body (Plotinus) with One (Plot.)
Objects of unnatural or unnecessary needs (Epic) Exercises: i. premeditate or memento mori (Sto, Epic, early Montaigne)
Exercises:i. recall how few nat. and nec. Needs we have (Epi) ii. don’t think of it (Montaigne, Spinoza)
ii. premeditate loss of externals (Stoic) , observing we can iii. recall that when death is there, we are not (Epi, Luc),
do without iv. recall it is nothing to fear
v. recognise that it gives value to life (Camus)
Epicurus’ natural and necessary desires
Disc. of observation” exercises Stoics’ natural or kathekon things (other things being equal)
i.divide & disenchant (Marcus)
[cf. Lucretius on the soul]
ii. describe without judgment The present moment : desires emotions (pathe)
[Montaigne, Camus, Goethe] Passing, irreplaceable, all life is Hegemonikon :impulses unconditional attachment to externals (Sto)
iii. suspend assent on what Only site of experience (G, N, C) “self”/prohairesis : actions kenospoudon empty beliefs about our needs (Epi)
we can’t know (sceptics, M, C, Bac.) Within our present control (choice, assent) exercises: i. controlled abstinences (Seneca, Epictetus)
iv. empirical, collective methid (Bacon) exercises: i. of observation ii. Minimise needs (Epicureanism)
ii. gratitude for what iii. withhold assent til all facts are in (Seneca)
we have/ imagined loss assent (truth, value, appropriateness) iv. Recontextualise present event in larger
(premeditation) perspective (view from above: Sp, St, N)
View from above/outside: exercise the past: beyond our control (Sto), unchangable
Recontextualises overwhelming experiences exercises:i. Sto: review each day (hypomnemata)
(turns mountains into molehills) ii. Pleasant memories (Epicurus)
Shows externals as “indifferent,” not necessary (Sto) iii. Diversion from painful recollection (Montaigne)
Mixes our min/logos with that of the worl/divine mind (Sto, Plot.) i. always act for sake of perceived good
Yields tranquillity and joy (Lucret, Nietzsche) others: ii.. beyond our control, their own persons (Sto) insults: i. firstly the business of insulter
Shows that even our world is one of man (Epi, Lucret, Nie,) ii. Unable to harm us, psychologically, without our assent (Sto, Epi) ii. If true, change self
iii. sharers of mind, logos, divine princeiple (Sto, Plot.) ii. If false (or from false source), not worth worry
gods: not knowable (scept,M, N, C)
not to be feared (Epi), as either not exist (Epi) eternal circularity/recurrence
or too elevated to intervene in lowly human affairs of all events: at least in kind (Sto), but
perhaps in every particular (N, some Sto. ##)

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