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Xenoblade Chronicles
Sidequest Guide
By Amarise

Table of Contents
{1.} Version History
{2.} Introduction and Information
{3.} Sidequest Guide
{4.} List of Quest Materials
{5.} List of Quest Collectables
{6.} List of Quest Unique Monsters
{7.} List of Quests by Quest Log
{8.} Quest Affinity Requirements
{9.} Credits, Copyrights and Contact Info

{1.} Version History
V 1.0, June 2014-Began recording the sidequests via pencil and paper while
sitting in front of my TV.

V 1.1, October 2014-Began the process of transferring all of the sidequests

from my notebook onto my computer. Added all of the
necessary for a proper guide.

V 1.11, November 2014-Corrected a few errors, mostly typographical.

V 1.12, November 2014-Clarified the details of a few quests, fixed more


V 1.13, November 2014-Corrected a few more errors, fixed what are hopefully
last typos.

V 1.13, November 2014-Added my permission for an app maker to use this guide.

V 1.14, February 2015-Moved a quest that was in the wrong place.

V 1.15, March 2015-Corrected a typo in the time one NPC is available.

V 1.2, November 2015-Added two new sections, fixed more typos, rearranged one
segment of quests to be easier to follow.

{2.} Introduction and Information
Welcome to my Xenoblade Chronicles sidequest guide! This guide will cover
single aspect of the many sidequests in XC, ranging from which monsters drop
the materials you will need to locations of NPCs. (Non-Playable Characters)

About the guide
When I first began playing Xenoblade Chronicles I wished for a FAQ that was
formatted in such a way as to show which quests were available at the
possible moment, as well as one with a list of all materials needed. After
completing the game twice, I decided that rather than wish for such a guide I
should simply write one myself. This guide is a culmination of that work, and
it contains everything I wanted when I first played XC: A list of sidequests
according to when they're first available; a full list of materials
needed for the sidequests; a list of collectables potentially needed for the
sidequests; and a list of Unique Monsters that are targets of sidequests. (It
should be noted that the Unique Monster list only contains those UMs that can
appear in the area independently of any sidequests, as you may wish to kill
non-quest UMs when you first enter an area for their affinity coins and not
have to go through the effort of trying to get a UM to respawn for a quest.)

There are well over 400 sidequests in this game, and while it is impossible
do every last one in a single playthrough, (due to the fact that some quests
are available because of choices you made earlier in the game) most people
would agree that it's better not to try to do all available quests the first
time you play Xenoblade as it can lead to serious burn-out. Being a
completionist, I did manage to do (almost) every quest my first time through,
but it became so tedious around the halfway point of the game that I very
nearly quit. Unless you also have completionist tendencies, my advice would
to do the quests that interest you and don't worry about completing
until your second playthrough.

As I mentioned in my first paragraph, this guide is formatted in such a way

to provide you with a list of quests available at the first possible moment.
Because of the way Xenoblade is, many quests don't become available in a
area until after certain story events or until you have opened up a new area.
At the top of each section I have an event listed that marks the availability
of new quests, and they have been written in such a way as to allow a person
playing the game to know what to look for without giving too many spoilers.
There are a few spoilers in the titles of some of the quests, but they are
spoilers if you make an effort to go looking for them, since for the most
the events they spoil occur much earlier in the game.
I have made an effort to record these quests as they appear within the game,
barring any errors made by me they should be identical to what you see on
TV. All quests start with the quest title, along with the quest giver and the
time the quest giver is available at the location listed, as well as any
notes such as Timed or Exclusive. Afterwords will sometimes follow a note by
containing information I consider important to know about the quest, then
the quest description. Each step of the quest is then listed, with any
necessary information following those steps. (Such as location of an NPC.)
Finally comes the reward, or occasionally multiple possible rewards if there
were two different options to choose from. In case all of that was confusing,
here is an example:

* After completing the Pirate's Tomb * <- This is an example of an event that
************************************** can occur within the game that will
unlock new quests in an area. (All
these examples are fictitious, so
have no fear of spoilers.)

Colony 14 <- This is what would come after the event marker and show where
========== following quests could be found.

A Lasting Effect (Khalie, Southern Docks, 4 A.M.) <- This is how the quest
(Timed) title would appear. It
-------------------------------------------------- contains the official
~NOTE~ If you choose not to complete this quest, quest name, as well as
a similar but slightly different quest will be the name of the quest
available later in the game. giver, where they can
^ found and at what time.
| Some quests will also
This is how any notes would look. They say 'Timed', which
generally contain information pertaining to you have until a
the outcome your choice will lead to. point within the game
complete the quest.
Khalie wants to apologize to Yvva for her past
behavior, but Yvva refuses to meet with her. <- This is how the quest
Take Khalie's letter to Yvva for her. description would appear.

-Take Khalie's Letter to Yvva. (Town Hall, 1 P.M.)

-Collect 2 Rhapsie Wings from Spotted Rhapsies in
Colony 14. (Flower Basin, day, clear)
-Return to Yvva.
-Return to Khalie.
This is how the quest steps would appear.
The information in parenthesis contains
details regarding where and when to find
monsters or NPCs.

Reward: 1335G, 14793 Exp, Evasion Up III <- This is an example of the
for completing a quest. A few
quests don't give any reward,
most give out G (money), and
award Exp and Gems.

A further note on the designation 'Timed' should be included, as well as on

word 'Exclusive' which occasionally accompanies 'Timed'. In Xenoblade,
doesn't mean "You have X Hours, Y Minutes and Z Seconds to complete this
quest", but rather that there are certain events coming up in the future
will cause the quest to expire. For all timed quests I have included a note
within the guide itself warning you that the quest will shortly expire. Those
warnings appear like this:


If you wish to complete A Lasting Effect, do so now, as it will expire after

fighting the upcoming boss.


Some warnings contain information not relating to quests expiring, but most
about timed quests.

'Exclusive', which always appears along with 'Timed', means that there are
related quests and you can only choose to complete one of them. With the
exception of two quests which are mentioned within the guide, none of the
'Exclusive' quests will expire unless you complete one of the two possible

Finally, I have written this guide with the idea that a person playing the
will be starting fresh, (in other words, not a New Game+) and will therefore
limited in terms of what materials/collectables/gems/etc. are available to
them. If you are playing a New Game+ you will likely wind up with a few
you can do earlier than I have listed, but most will be the same. All of
quests can merely be triggered when I have listed them, not necessarily
completed, so don't be frustrated if you get a quest that looks impossible to
finish right away.

NPCs (Non-Playable Characters)
Almost every quest in Xenoblade is given by an NPC. Most of the ones from
unnamed NPCs only require you to fulfill the particulars of the quest for a
reward, while most from named NPCs require you to return to the original
giver to receive your reward. In this guide nearly every quest giver's
is listed at either 10 A.M. or 10 P.M., since I've found that pretty much
NPC is out and in a set location at one of those two times. Any other times
listed are because I was unable to trigger the quest at the regular 10

While you can usually trigger most unnamed NPCs' quests immediately upon
accessing an area, many named NPCs require you to create an affinity link
between characters before the quest becomes available. To create an affinity
link you must talk to a named NPC and have them mention another named NPC
you've already met. I generally run each new area twice at both 10 A.M. and
P.M., to first meet everyone and then to create as many affinity links as
possible. It's also helpful to run an area at 10 A.M. and 10 P.M. after the
various events happen, as the NPCs will sometimes have new things to say
can either create new affinity links or give your party a slight affinity
with the area. (This can take quite a lot of time, however, so unless you're
trying to do every single quest at the first opportunity you shouldn't bother
with it more than a few times in the whole game.)

Area Affinity
Although many quests can be done when you first enter a new area, a large
number of quests require you to have raised your party's affinity with the
before they become available. Every location in Xenoblade Chronicles fits
within one of the following five areas (minor spoilers ahead); Colony 9,
6, Central Bionis, Upper Bionis and Hidden Village. Completing a quest in a
location will (usually) increase your party's affinity with the general area,
such as how doing a Tephra Cave quest will raise your affinity with the area
Colony 9.
As I mentioned, each completed quest will usually raise your affinity with
area. (There are some exceptions.) Not all affinity rewards are the same,
however, as some quests award more affinity than others. For instance, some
quests will reward you with two small stars, which is worth 100 affinity
points, (50 points per small star) while some will give you a large star,
which is worth 250 points. The affinity awarded for a completed quest can
from one to four small stars to one large star. It takes 2,000 points to
your party's affinity with the area by one level, meaning that you need 8,000
points to reach a 5-star affinity rating. However, since the game does not
partial stars, you will have to keep track of how many points you've earned
yourself if you're trying to raise the affinity to the 1/4 or 1/2 level of a
star. For a complete list of how many stars you need for each quest, simply
refer to section 8.

All areas can be raised to 5-star affinity at the end of the game, even if
you wait until the last possible moment to do any quests, so have no fear if
you miss out on doing the timed quests. The highest affinity rating is still
available to you, though you may have to do every single quest in that area
order to achieve it.

Trouble triggering quests
If a quest is listed in my guide as being available at a certain point in the
game and you're unable to get it, there are a few possible reasons why.
your affinity with the area might not be high enough yet. The quickest way to
raise affinity is by completing quests, but you can also talk to the named
in the area and they will occasionally say something which will raise your
party's affinity with the area. (If you're trying this method, talk to them
both at 10 and 12, since their dialogue is different at those times.) Second,
it's possible that you haven't yet created an affinity link between the quest
giver and one of the people mentioned in the quest. Check the quest log here
against your affinity chart to ensure that the proper affinity link has been
established. Finally, there may be an earlier quest involving the same NPCs
that needs to be done first. I'd advise you to check this guide, and if there
are any undone quests involving the NPCs in the quest you wish to do, try
completing those first.

What is contained in this guide
In addition to the text of the quests themselves, this guide also contains
locations of monsters involved in the quests, (both for subjugation quests
the materials the monsters drop) the locations of the Unique Monsters
in the quests, the locations and times of all quest givers and the NPCs you
must find during the quests, and warnings of when the timed quests expire.
can also find lists of all materials potentially needed in the quests,
collectables potentially needed for the quests, and Unique Monsters named in
quests that also appear independently from the quests in each area. I have
included notes when necessary regarding the outcomes any of your possible
choices can result in.

What is not contained in this guide
Not included in this guide is anything pertaining to the rebuilding of Colony
6, (since that is not technically a quest under the format for quests within
the game) locations of collectables except in a few rare cases, (since
collectables can generally appear anywhere within an area) information about
trading with NPCs, (there's a fantastic guide regarding the various trades
already) or strategies for beating monsters/Uniques. I have also chosen to
the results of the quests, (the dialogue, not the rewards) so as to avoid
spoilers. Lastly, story quests will not be found in this guide since
are optional while story quests are not. The game provides details on exactly
where to go and what to do to complete the story quests, along with markers
that appear on the map, which makes any assistance I could provide redundant.

Colony 6
Colony 6 is unique in Xenoblade as you must rebuild it before you can receive
quests there, and while rebuilding you can invite people from other areas to
move there. You often have to choose between two people to invite, which can
lead to different quests being available at different times. For instance,
person might have a quest shortly after they move to Colony 6 that you can
complete immediately, thus giving your party an affinity boost with the area
that then opens up a new quest from someone else. Conversely, by picking the
other person available to move to Colony 6 you might get a quest you can't
complete (or even trigger) for a while, meaning that other quests in the area
won't be available for a while either. Another problem with Colony 6 is the
fact that rebuilding it causes the town to change, thus sometimes making the
current residents move to new locations. I have tried to accommodate for all
possible variabilities, but if someone you're looking for isn't in the
I mentioned, try looking in different areas of the colony. (It's fairly
so it shouldn't take you all that long.)

What all of this means is that just because I list a new quest being
in Colony 6 doesn't necessarily mean it will be available to you at that
merely that under ideal circumstances you would be able to receive that
Treasure Chests
Every time you defeat a monster it will drop a treasure chest. Normal
chests are the most common, followed by silver and then gold. Every normal
treasure chest can contain two different materials: one common material,
represented by a bag that looks half empty; and one uncommon material, which
represented by a bag that looks full. Most of the time a normal treasure
will contain the common material, sometimes it will have both the common and
uncommon material, and occasionally it will only have the uncommon material.
The silver or gold treasure chest that can be dropped by a monster will only
ever contain what the uncommon material in the regular treasure chest would
so if the material you need is the common one you will have to look for
treasure chests.

Unique Monsters differ from regular monsters in that they will always drop a
gold treasure chest upon being defeated. However, they still have two
materials they can drop, one being some sort of glyph and the other being a
normal type of material.

The contents of a treasure chest aren't determined until you actually open
chest, so if you're trying to fight as few enemies as possible it's helpful
save before opening, check the contents of the chest, then reload the game if
you didn't find what you were looking for. You can also stack up multiple
chests by killing the monster for a new treasure chest each time you reload,
which can speed up the process.

As you know, those little blue bubbles that appear on the ground are
collectables. Many quests require you to gather a certain number of these
collectables, which is normally easy but can be difficult with a few of the
more uncommon items. If you're having trouble finding what you're looking
you can try trading with people rather than running around the map for hours.
As your party's affinity with an area increases, NPCs will often have new
things that they're willing to trade to you. Trading can be tedious, though,
and it's best to grab every collectable you come across anyway, as you can
use them as gifts for your party members or even to reach certain

Declining a quest
Almost every quest in the game will give you the option of accepting or
declining it. If for some reason you don't wish to accept a quest when you
to an NPC, you can still attempt the quest later on as turning it down will
merely cause the quest giver to return to the state they were in before you
talked to them.

Finding your way
With every quest I have included location details, which are often based off
in-game Landmarks and Locations. Some, such as my description of a 'food
court-type area' in the Residential District of Colony 9 are derived from my
own impressions of the area when Landmarks or Locations aren't specific
I typically go with Landmarks first, as they're the places you'll be quick
travelling to, and at certain times they will supersede what may be more
geographically accurate Locations, such as my using Ether Light as a
designation for all areas that are within the Commercial District of Colony
Since this guide operates off of in-game Landmarks and Locations, my advice
would be to attempt to discover as many of them as you can in each new area
before taking on any quests. (You'll rarely be able to uncover them all the
first time you arrive in an area, but knowing as many as possible will make
things easier.)

When it comes to things such as monsters, the locations I provide for them
simply spots where you're guaranteed to find them, and not necessarily the
place they're available. Monsters can often be found in many different parts
an area where they're located, and sometimes more than one monster can drop a
material you're looking for.

Quest chronology
I've already mentioned this in an earlier section, but I wanted to reiterate
in a separate area just in case it got lost in all of the text: The following
quests are listed according to when they can be accepted, and not when they
can be completed. Most of these you can do right away, but a number of them
require you to either reach new areas, invite new people (Colony 6), or fight
monsters that are well beyond your current level.

I have chosen to record the following quests in the order that I received
which will differ somewhat from the order they appear in your quest log. For
list of quests according to the Quest Log, simply refer to section 7.

{3.} Sidequest Guide

* After reaching Colony 9 (It is recommended that you wait to trigger these
* until you get the third party member.)

Colony 9

Collection Quest 1 (Colony 9 Resident, east of shop, Ether Light, 10 A.M.)
A resident wants to find something cute for his niece. Collect some

-Collect 2 Rabbit Diodes in Colony 9.

Reward: 500G

Challenge 2 (Colony 9 Resident, north of shop, Ether Light, 10 A.M.)
You have been asked to eliminate a gigantic monster because it looks hard to

-Defeat Verdant Bluchal near Anti-Air Battery 1 in Colony 9. (Beach north of

Main Entrance)

Reward: 1800G

Biscuits for a Grandson (Marcia, north of shop, Ether Light, 10 A.M.)
Take Marcia's biscuits to her grandson, Jiroque. Jiroque is in the
District, training to win a fight with his older brother.

-Take Marcia's biscuits to Jiroque. (By a tree, plaza south of food court-
area, 10 P.M.)
-Return to Marcia.

Reward: 800G, 30 Exp, Swimming Sandals

Search Quest 3 (Colony 9 Resident, table between Gem Man's Stall and Ether
Light, 10 A.M.)
A resident has lost her key and can't get back into her house. Find the lost
key for her.

-Find the Key in Colony 9. (Behind the house with a gate south of the food
court-type area, Residential District)

Reward: 1000G, 50 Exp

Monster Quest 3-Part 1 (Colony 9 Resident, east of Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.)
Defeat the monsters that are threatening the safety of Colony 9.

-Defeat 2 Hand Bunnits in Colony 9. (Tephra Hill)

Reward: 800G

Monster Quest 3-Part 2 (Colony 9 Resident, east of Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.)
Defeat the monsters that are threatening the safety of Colony 9.

-Defeat 3 Beach Krabbles in Colony 9. (Cliff Lake, day)

Reward: 1000G

Monster Quest 3-Part 3 (Colony 9 Resident, east of Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.)
Defeat the monsters that are threatening the safety of Colony 9.

-Defeat 2 Wood Bunnits in Colony 9. (Tephra Hill)

Reward: 800G

Monster Quest 3-Part 4 (Colony 9 Resident, east of Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.)
Defeat the monsters that are threatening the safety of Colony 9.

-Defeat 3 Light Skeeters in Colony 9. (Beach below Tephra Cave entrance,


Reward: 600G

Material Quest 3 (Colony 9 Resident, east of Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.)
A residents' grandmother doesn't have enough materials for her embroidery.
by collecting what she needs.

-Collect 2 Vang Teeth in Colony 9. (Little Vang, outside Main Entrance,


Reward: 800G

Collection Quest 4 (Colony 9 Resident, south of northern bridge into the
Residential District, 10 A.M.)
A resident wants to see a particular bug. Collect it for her.

-Collect 1 Giant Hornet in Colony 9.

Reward: 300G

Collection Quest 3 (Colony 9 Resident, food court-type area, Residential
District, 10 A.M.)
A resident wants something to brighten her shop. Find what she needs.

-Collect 2 Rainbow Zirconias in Colony 9.

Reward: 800G

Search Quest 2 (Colony 9 Resident, south of food court-type area, Residential
District, 10 A.M.)
A resident has lost something important that helps her sleep at night. Find
thing she lost.

-Find the Blue Glass Bead in Colony 9. (Alley behind houses near west bridge
into the Residential District)

Reward: 1200G, 50 Exp

The Key to a Long Life (Dionysis, plaza south of food court-type area,
Residential District, 10 A.M.)
Dionysis has been suffering from back pains for many years. He has recently
out of his medicine. Collect some more medicine for him.
-Collect 2 lots of Medicinal Brog Oil from Brogs in Colony 9. (Cute Brog,
north of Main Entrance, night)
-Return to Dionysis.

Reward: 500G, 50 Exp, Light Shoes

Lonely Niranira (Niranira, by tree up the stairs to the east of the west
bridge into the Residential District, 10 A.M.)
A Nopon boy called Niranira is unable to summon up the courage to deliver his
letter to a local Homs boy. Deliver the letter for Niranira.

-Give Niranira's letter to Lukas. (By west bridge into the Residential
District, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Niranira.

Reward: 100G, 50 Exp, Block Guarder

Education-Minded Suzanna (Suzanna, southwest of Tranquil Square, 10 A.M.)
Suzanna is having trouble getting her son to study, and wants to make some
sweets to encourage him. Collect the ingredients for her.

-Collect 2 lots of Black Nectar from Skeeters in Tephra Cave. (Prom Skeeter,
near entrance of Tephra Cave)
-Return to Suzanna.

Reward: 500G, 50 Exp, Light Cap

Material Quest 2 (Colony 9 Resident, northwest of Georgio's stall, Ether
Light, 10 P.M.)
A resident doesn't have enough materials to make some armour for his son.
Collect what is required.

-Collect 1 Small Scale in Colony 9. (Colony Piranhax, beach below Tephra Cave

Reward: 800G

The Broken Watch (Desiree, by tree on ledge above Gem Man's Stall, 10:30
(Must use Shulk)
Desiree has broken her watch, again. Take it to the Lab and fix it for her.
-Mend the watch in Shulk's lab.
-Collect 3 Blue Chains from Colony 9.
-Return to the Lab and mend the watch.
-Return to Desiree.

Reward: 750G, 80 Exp, Muscle Up II

Collection Quest 2 (Colony 9 Resident, ledge northwest of Gem Man's Stall,
10 P.M.)
A resident wants to make a bug trap. Collect the collectables needed.

-Collect 1 portion of Plate Snow in Colony 9.

Reward: 300G

Search Quest 1 (Colony 9 Resident, Central Plaza, 10 P.M.)
A husband has lost something precious and it will cause an argument with his
wife. Help him by finding the thing he lost.

-Find the Wedding Ring in Colony 9. (Behind Dunban's House)

Reward: 1200G, 50 Exp

Search Quest 4 (Colony 9 Resident, south of food court-type area, Residential
District, 10 P.M.)
A resident has lost his tool and can't make any money. Find the lost item.

-Find the Spanner in Colony 9. (Ledge west of Gem Man's Stall)

Reward: 1500G, 50 Exp

Material Quest 4 (Colony 9 Resident, north of Tranquil Square, 10 P.M.)
A resident doesn't have enough ingredients to make an omelette for his
girlfriend. Help him by collecting the missing ingredients.

-Collect 1 Yolkless Flamii Egg in Colony 9. (Lake Flamii, beach below Tephra
Cave entrance)

Reward: 1000G

* After the cutscene in the Military District *

Monster Quest 2-Part 1 (Defense Force Soldier, entrance to Military District,
10 A.M.)
Defeat the monsters on the beach to protect Anti-Air Battery 1.

-Defeat 2 Lake Flamii in Colony 9. (Beach below Tephra Cave entrance)

Reward: 800G

Monster Quest 2-Part 2 (Defense Force Soldier, entrance to Military District,
10 A.M.)
Defeat a monster on the beach to protect Anti-Air Battery 1.

-Defeat 1 Baby Armu in Colony 9. (Beach below Tephra Cave entrance)

Reward: 1500G

Monster Quest 2-Part 3 (Defense Force Soldier, entrance to Military District,
10 A.M.)
Defeat the monsters on Agora Shore to preserve the balance of Colony 9's

-Defeat 2 Stone Krabbles in Colony 9. (Agora Shore, day)

Reward: 800G

Material Quest 1 (Nopon, Weapon Dev. Lab, 10 A.M.)
There aren't enough materials to proceed with the research. Collect the
required materials.

-Collect 2 Small Shells in Colony 9. (Stone Krabble, Agora Shore, day)

Reward: 500G

A Young Captain's Request (Emmy Leater, back of Military District, 10 A.M.)
Young Captain Emmy Leater is getting really angry with her subordinate. Go
find that lazybones called Miller.

-Find Miller somewhere in the Commercial District. (Ledge by stairs after

dropping off ledge behind Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Emmy Leater.

Reward: 600G, 70 Exp, Dyed Top, Dyed Bottom, Dyed Mules

Challenge 1 (Defense Force Soldier, east side of Military District, 10 A.M.)
There is a mission the Defense Force can't complete. Take their place and
defeat the terrifying monster.

-Defeat Evil Rhangrot near Tephra Hill in Colony 9. (Small hill near drop-off
above Cliff Lake)

Reward: 1800G

Monster Quest 1-Part 1 (Defense Force Soldier, back of Military District,
10 P.M.)
Help protect the colony by defeating the monsters around Anti-Air Battery 1.

-Defeat 2 Ridge Antols in Colony 9. (Beach north of Main Entrance, night)

Reward: 800G

Monster Quest 1-Part 2 (Defense Force Soldier, back of Military District,
10 P.M.)
Help protect the colony by defeating a monster around Anti-Air Battery 1.

-Defeat 1 Cute Brog in Colony 9. (Beach north of Main Entrance, night)

Reward: 500G

Monster Quest 1-Part 3 (Defense Force Soldier, back of Military District,
10 P.M.)
The monsters that reside at Cliff Lake have been attacking colony residents.
Exterminate them.

-Defeat 3 Colony Krabbles in Colony 9. (Cliff Lake, night)

Reward: 1200G
Challenge 3 (Defense Force Soldier, front of Military District, 10 P.M.)
A curious Defense Force Soldier has asked you to defeat a specific monster.

-Defeat Lake Magdalena near Outlook Park in Colony 9. (Jump from Outlook
swim to the right to a small cove) (Night only)

Reward: 3000G

A Curry Conundrum (Georgio, his stall, Ether Light, 10 A.M.)
The Curry Shop, well known for its tasty curries, is running out of
ingredients! Help Georgio by collecting the required ingredients.

-Collect 5 Dance Apples from Colony 9.

-Return to Georgio.

Reward: 1200G, 60 Exp, Caravan Gauntlets

Rocco's Heartful Request (Rocco, near Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.)
Rocco can't find anyone in the Commercial District who can help him fix his
mother's keepsake that he broke. Help him find someone who can.

-Find someone who can mend the keepsake. (Dean, next to Weapon Dev. Lab,
10 A.M.) (Must use Shulk)
-Give Dean the Broken Pendant.
-Return to Rocco.

Reward: 350G, 100 Exp, Tinted Glasses, Pretty Bangle

* After Monado events at the Weapon Dev. Lab *

Colony 9

Challenge 4 (Colony 9 Resident, ledge behind Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.)
You have been asked to defeat a monster that almost ate a Nopon.

-Defeat Wallslide Gwynry at the Mag Mell Ruins in Tephra Cave. (Passage east
Warehouse 2)
Reward: 2200G

* After getting Fiora a second time *

Colony 9

Monster Quest 4-Part 1 (Defense Force Soldier, outside of Tephra Cave)
Help the Defense Force Soldier by defeating the monster threatening the
of Tephra Cave.

-Defeat 1 Willow Bunniv in Tephra Cave. (Near entrance)

Reward: 1000G

Monster Quest 4-Part 2 (Defense Force Soldier, outside of Tephra Cave)
Help the Defense Force Soldier by defeating the monsters threatening the
of Tephra Cave.

-Defeat 2 Singing Brogs in Tephra Cave. (Past the Caterpile Nest)

Reward: 1500G

Monster Quest 4-Part 3 (Defense Force Soldier, outside of Tephra Cave)
Help the Defense Force Soldier by defeating the monsters threatening the
of Tephra Cave.

-Defeat 5 Mell Lizards in Tephra Cave. (Passage east of Warehouse 2)

Reward: 1200G

Dean's Shady Request (Dean, next to Weapon Dev. Lab, 10 A.M.)
Dean wants to have a meal with his first love, Sonia. In return for his
favour, help him by making his dream a reality.

-Talk to Sonia. (Near ether lamp stall, Ether Light, 10 A.M.)

-Collect 2 Shin Geckos in Tephra Cave.
-Talk to Sonia.
-Return to Dean.

Reward: 1500G, 200 Exp, Lock-On Resist II

Pride and Courage (Lukas, next to west bridge into the Residential District,
10 A.M.)
Niranira has taken Moritz's bait and gone alone to Hazzai Cape to get a
shell. You must go after him! There's no time to lose!

-Go and bring back Niranira who has gone to Hazzai Cape in Colony 9.
-Return to Lukas.
-Talk to Moritz.
-Return to Lukas.

Reward: 800G, 100 Exp, Attack Plus II

Education-Crazy Suzanna (Suzanna, southwest of Tranquil Square, 10 A.M.)
Suzanna wants to stay fit and strong. She wants something that she can do
weight lifting with.

-Collect 2 pieces of Heavy Bunniv Iron from Bunnivs in Tephra Cave. (Iron
Bunniv, just past Caterpile Nest)
-Return to Suzanna.

Reward: 1500G, 300 Exp, Ranger Cap

Liliana's Sincere Request (Liliana, in front of Dunban's House, 10 A.M.)
Liliana doesn't seem happy about Sonia and Dean dating. Now is the time to
remind Sonia of Liliana's father's last words.

-Collect something precious from the back of the cave at Agora Shore in
Colony 9. (Lure out the Unique Monster and run away until it stops chasing
and turns to go back into the cave. As soon as it does, run into the cave and
collect the item, making sure to keep to the right side of the UM. Save
attempting, just in case something goes wrong) (Credit to McTricky by way of
Split Infinity's walkthrough for this strategy)
-Give Sonia the Message in a Bottle. (Near ether lamp stall, Ether Light,
10 A.M.)
-Return to Liliana.

Reward: 4000G, 500 Exp, Swimming Oil

* After Mechon attack on Colony 9 *

Colony 9

Overworked and Underpaid (Georgio, his stall, Ether Light, 10 A.M.)
~NOTE~ Which option you choose will determine which of two possible quests
can accept later on in the game. There's not all that much difference between
the two, however, so don't worry about missing out on something wonderful.

In a vision, Georgio has collapsed due to overworking to support his

Do something to prevent this from happening.

-Convince Georgio or consult with a relative.

-(If you choose to talk to Georgio) Collect 3 lots of Fresh Armu Milk from
Armus in Colony 9. (Baby Armu, beach below Tephra Cave entrance)
-Return to Georgio.

Reward: 3000G, 300 Exp, HP Up II

-(If you talked with Paola, located in a small alcove southeast of the Gem
Man's Stall, 10 A.M.) Collect 3 pieces of Insanity Mint in Tephra Cave.
-Return to Paola.
-Tell Georgio about the lie.

Reward: 3000G, 300 Exp, Ether Def Up II

Mementos of a Lost Son (Cheryl, ledge near Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.)
Cheryl is mourning the loss of her son. She would like something to remind
herself of him. Find 3 items that he took with him when he left for the
Bionis' Head.

-Find Cheryl's son's armour. (Alcove south of Spring of Grief, Tephra Cave)
-Find Cheryl's son's gun. (Tunnel leading to Observation Platform, Bionis'
-Find Cheryl's son's knife. (Shining Pond, Satorl Marsh)
-Return to Cheryl.

Reward: 4500G, 1500 Exp, Bomber Lancer

Paola and Narine (Narine, near west bridge into the Residential District,
10 A.M.)
Two precocious young girls are incessantly disputing the relative merits of
Team Reyn and Team Shulk. To stop them, demonstrate what friendship is.

-Raise the affinity between Shulk and Reyn to a good degree and then talk to
Narine. (Blue affinity)
-Raise the affinity between Shulk and Reyn considerably more, and then talk
Paola. (Located in an alcove southeast of Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.) (Purple
-Raise the affinity between two female party members considerably and then
to Paola. (Purple affinity)
-Return to Narine. (Must use Shulk)

Reward: 200G, 20000 Exp, Daze Plus IV

Flattened Flowers (Francoise, Tranquil Square, 10 A.M.)
Francoise is feeling sad because the flowers in the garden were trampled in
raid. Find some Dawn Hydrangeas to cheer her up!

-Collect 5 Dawn Hydrangeas from Colony 9.

-Return to Francoise.

Reward: 750G, 100 Exp, Soil Gauntlets

A Young Captain's Suffering (Emmy Leater, back of Military District, 10 A.M.)
Young Captain Emmy Leater has hit another wall. She really needs some help
a seek and exterminate mission in Tephra Cave.

-Defeat 5 Wing Vangs in Tephra Cave. (It's actually Wind Vangs, located in
Spring of Grief)
-Return to Emmy Leater.

Reward: 1100G, 180 Exp, Ether Def Up III

Romantic Notions of a Girl (Monica, Weapon Dev. Lab, 12 A.M.)(Timed)
~NOTE~ You can either complete this quest or Romantic Notions of a Boy. You
cannot do both.

Monica wants to give Erik a Tephra Drop after hearing that they make the
recipient fall in love with whoever gives it to them. Go look for it in

-Collect a Tephra Drop from near the Spring of Grief in Tephra Cave. (Only at
-Return to Monica.

Reward: 1200G, 300 Exp, Soil Gear

Romantic Notions of a Boy (Andreas, Military District, 12 A.M.) (Timed)
~NOTE~ You can either complete this quest or Romantic Notions of a Girl. You
cannot do both.

Andreas also wants to give a Tephra Drop, to Monica. Choose one of them to
help, Andreas or Monica.

-Collect a Tephra Drop from near the Spring of Grief in Tephra Cave. (Only at
-Return to Andreas.

Reward: 1200G, 300 Exp, Soil Boots

The Plan-Preparation (Sesame, alcove southeast of Gem Man's Stall, 10 P.M.)
Sesame and his friends are planning something shady. Help, but keep a close
on developments.

-Collect 2 Croaking Brog Bags from Singing Brogs in Tephra Cave. (Just past
Caterpile Nest)
-Return to Sesame.
-Talk to Betty. (Tranquil Square, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Sesame.

Reward: 1000G, 150 Exp, Critical Up II

An Impoverished Critic (Leopold, ether lamp stall, Ether Light, 10 P.M.)
In a vision, Leopold is being harassed for money by the loan shark King
Squeeze. Do something to prevent this unhappy occurrence.

-Meet King Squeeze and object to his harsh collection methods. (Ledge
of Gem Man's Stall)
-Investigate what King Squeeze and Sylviane are up to, or tell Leopold the

Reward: Nothing
Financial Planning (Triggered during An Impoverished Critic)
Talk to King Squeeze, then decide whether to press Sylviane or reveal the
to Leopold.

-Talk to Sylviane or Leopold.

-(If you choose Leopold) Collect 5 lots of Caterpile Poison from Caterpiles
Tephra Cave. (Eater Caterpiles, Caterpile Nest)
-Talk with King Squeeze and slip some Caterpile Poison into his pocket.
-Return to Leopold.

Reward: 2500G, 500 Exp, Ranger Shoes

-(If you choose Sylviane, ether lamp stall, Ether Light, 10 P.M.) Look for
evidence that Sylviane disposed of. (Jump off bridge south of Central Plaza,
swim to the pillar)
-Show King Squeeze the Top-Secret Orders.

Reward: 2500G, 500 Exp, Quark Boots

The Plan-The Night Before (Sesame, alcove southeast of Gem Man's Stall,
10 P.M.)
Sesame and his friends' plan is still in the preparation stage. Help, but
a close eye on developments.

-Collect 2 Iron Krabble Shells from Colony Krabbles in Colony 9. (Cliff Lake,
-Return to Sesame.
-Talk to Kenny Rohan. (Tranquil Square, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Sesame.

Reward: 1500G, 200 Exp, Strength Up III

The Plan-Execution (Sesame, alcove southeast of Gem Man's Stall, 10 P.M.)
Sesame's plan is in its final stage. It should be stopped if it appears to be
too dangerous.

-Defeat Dark Murakmor near Colony 9's Anti-Air Battery 3. (Only at night)
off bridge south of Central Plaza, swim to base of Anti-Air Battery 3, run up
to the top)
-Return to Sesame.
-Investigate the street lights at the entrance to the Commercial District.
(Near Main Entrance)
-Prevent Sesame's devious plan, whatever it is! (Return to Sesame)
Reward: 5000G, 1200 Exp, Attack Stability II

A Young Captain's Rise (Emmy Leater, back of Military District, 10 A.M.)
Strange monsters have appeared in Tephra Cave and the Young Captain Emmy
needs help eliminating them.

-Defeat either the unknown monster at the Spring of Grief or Vilia Lake in
Tephra Cave. (Lurker Brog at Spring of Grief, Lurker Krabble at Vilia Lake)
(There's no difference in quest or reward for either monster)
-Return to Emmy Leater.

Reward: 1800G, 250 Exp, Flame Gear

Tephra Cave

Missing in Action (Defense Force Soldier, Mag Mell Ruins)
A Defense Force Soldier set off towards the Cylinder Hangar some time ago and
hasn't been heard from since. Head to the area and locate the soldier.

-Speak to the Defense Force Soldier near the Cylinder Hangar. (Colony 9)

Reward: 800G, 50 Exp, Leather Top, Leather Bottoms

Arachno Silk Fundraising (Defense Force Soldier, Mag Mell Ruins)
Arachno Silk fetches a high price when sold. Help enrich the lives of a
Defense Force Soldiers' six-child family by collecting some.

-Collect 3 pieces of Arachno Silk from Worker Arachno in Tephra Cave. (Area
southeast of Spring of Grief)

Reward: 500G, 100 Exp, Ranger Gloves

Collection Quest 1 (Defense Force Soldier, Escape Pod Bay)
A Defense Force Soldier isn't making much progress collecting items to help
restore Colony 9. Lend your services and help collect what's needed.

-Collect 2 Kneecap Rocks in Tephra Cave.

Reward: 1000G
Collection Quest 2 (Defense Force Soldier, Escape Pod Bay)
A Defense Force Soldier isn't making much progress collecting items to help
restore Colony 9. Lend your services and help collect what's needed.

-Collect 2 Bright Figs in Tephra Cave. (I've had the most luck finding these
in the Mag Mell Ruins area)

Reward: 1500G

Material Quest 1 (Defense Force Soldier, Escape Pod Bay)
A Defense Force Soldier isn't making much progress collecting items to help
restore Colony 9. Lend your services and help collect what's needed.

-Collect 3 Broken Pincers from Krabbles in Tephra Cave. (Desert Krabble,

of Grief)

Reward: 1200G

Material Quest 2 (Defense Force Soldier, Escape Pod Bay)
A Defense Force Soldier isn't making much progress collecting an item to help
restore Colony 9. Lend your services and help collect what's needed.

-Collect 1 lot of Brog Smelling Salts from a Noble Brog in Tephra Cave.
of Grief)

Reward: 1500G

A Thank You (Defense Force Soldier, Mag Mell Ruins)
A Defense Force Soldier wishes to reward your help so far by giving you
something he buried on his way back from Colony 6. Head there and dig up the

-Exit Tephra Cave and check the area immediately on the left. (Kneecap Hill)

Reward: 1500G, 100 Exp, Topple Resist II

Clearing Obstructions (Defense Force Soldier, Escape Pod Bay)
There are reports of large numbers of monsters in the deep recesses of Tephra
Cave. Clear them out to provide safe passage for the Defense Force Soldiers.

-Defeat 2 Devoted Arachno near Vilia Lake in Tephra Cave. (Room with a pool
water south of Spring of Grief)
-Defeat 4 Resolute Arachno near Vilia Lake in Tephra Cave. (Room west of the
Devoted Arachno)
-Defeat 3 Zealous Arachno near Vilia Lake in Tephra Cave. (Room south of the
Resolute Arachno)

Reward: 2500G, 200 Exp, Bleed Defence III

Colony 9

The Lost Pendant (Defense Force Soldier, Cylinder Hangar)
The pendant was very precious. Why don't you try looking for it near Vilia
in Tephra Cave?

-Look for the Lost Pendant near Vilia Lake in Tephra Cave.
-Return to the Defense Force Soldier near the Cylinder Hangar in Colony 9.

Reward: 950G, 100 Exp, Quark Gear

* After reaching Bionis' Leg *

Bionis' Leg

Monster Quest 1-Part 1 (Homs Traveller, Ragrinar Canyon Path)
Monsters are drawing closer and attacking people. It's time to defeat the
monsters once and for all.

-Defeat 2 Leg Ardun on the Bionis' Leg. (Around Jabos Rock Rest Area)

Reward: 1500G

Monster Quest 1-Part 2 (Homs Traveller, Ragrinar Canyon Path)
Monsters are wreaking havoc among the wildlife on the great Gaur Plain. Head
there and defeat them.

-Defeat 3 Maker Bunnits on the Bionis' Leg. (First area leading to to a cliff
on the north part of Gaur Plain)
Reward: 1200G

Monster Quest 1-Part 3 (Homs Traveller, Ragrinar Canyon Path)
Some extremely ferocious monsters have shown up on Gaur Plain. Defeat them to
clear a safe passage.

-Defeat 5 Field Ponios on Bionis' Leg. (East of Jabos Rock Rest Area, day)

Reward: 2500G

Monster Quest 1-Part 4 (Homs Traveller, Ragrinar Canyon Path)
Travellers hear howling while making camp and it is making them uneasy.
and eliminate the source of the howling.

-Defeat 3 Leg Volff on the Bionis' Leg. (East of Jabos Rock Rest Area, night)

Reward: 1800G

The Lost Nopon (Gerugu, Traveller's Rest)
Batubatu went off in search of ingredients for Gerugu and his dinner, but his
poor sense of direction got him lost. Find out where he is.

-Locate Batubatu near Raguel Lake on the Bionis' Leg. (Ledge southeast of
to Daksha Shrine)
-Return to Gerugu.

Reward: 750G, 300 Exp, Point Rifle

* After getting Sharla *

Bionis' Leg

Challenge 1-Part 1 (Refugee, path to Refugee Camp) (Timed)
A request has been made to help keep the camp's inhabitants out of harm's
Defeat the monster that is putting the people in peril.
-Defeat White Eduardo at Raguel Lake on the Bionis' Leg. (Only during a
thunderstorm) (Island near Observation Platform)

Reward: 5500G

Challenge 1-Part 2 (Refugee, path to Refugee Camp) (Timed)
There is a monster rampaging between Viliera Hill and Sky Stage. It will need
to be defeated before the errand can be taken care of.

-Defeat Violent Andante from Sky Stage on the Bionis' Leg. (He spawns near
east-most slope leading up to Viliera Hill)

Reward: 3800G

Thieving Monsters (Gorman, table in Refugee Camp cave, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
Tirkins took the refugees' clothes while they were hanging out to dry. If
nothing is done, there won't be enough to go around. Find and retrieve the

-Collect the Clothes from the Tirkin Headquarters on the Bionis' Leg.
-Return to Gorman.

Reward: 950G, 300 Exp, Grand Armour, Grand Leggings

Material Quest 2 (Refugee, table in Refugee Camp cave, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
The refugees fled with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Collect
the materials needed to make additional clothing.

-Collect 2 Tirkin Crests from spear-carrying Tirkins on the Bionis' Leg.

(Javelin Tirkin, Tirkin Headquarters)
-Collect 2 Tirkin Tail Feathers from bow-carrying Tirkins on the Bionis' Leg.
(Sniper Tirkin, Tirkin Headquarters)

Reward: 1500G

Material Quest 4 (Refugee, table in Refugee Camp cave, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
The unfortunate people who've fallen foul of bad circumstances would like
amulets. Collect the materials that the Nopon suggested.

-Collect 3 Vang Third Molars from Vangs on the Bionis' Leg. (Gust Vang, Kisk

Reward: 1200G
Collection Quest 1 (Refugee, back of cave, Refugee Camp, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
Food at the camp leaves a lot to be desired. If more flavour can be added to
the food, things will get a lot better. Find the collectables requested to do

-Collect 2 Clear Almonds from Tephra Cave.

Reward: 1000G

Search Quest 2 (Refugee, by pond in Refugee Camp, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
A gift from some friends has been swept away by the wind and its recipient is
in no condition to go and retrieve it himself. Find the gift and return it.

-Collect the Torn Paper from Gaur Plain on the Bionis' Leg. (First area
to a cliff on the south of Gaur Plain)

Reward: 2000G, 200 Exp

Monster Quest 3-Part 1 (Refugee, path leading down to pond, Refugee Camp,
10 P.M.) (Timed)
Mechon are preventing the search for survivors. If there's to be any chance
finding anyone alive, Mechon need to be cleared. Defeat the Mechon.

-Defeat 5 Mechon M64 on the Bionis' Leg. (Maguel Road)

Reward: 2500G

Monster Quest 3-Part 2 (Refugee, path leading down to pond, Refugee Camp,
10 P.M.) (Timed)
A recent surge in the Tirkin population is posing an increased danger to
survivors. To keep the people out of harm's way, bring the Tirkin population

-Defeat 2 Brave Tirkins on the Bionis' Leg. (Tirkin Headquarters)

Reward: 5000G

Earnest's Fibs (Earnest, path leading down to pond, Refugee Camp, 10 P.M.)
Apparently there is an everlasting ether deposit very close by. Leave the
head right and into a small cave where it is supposedly concealed.

-Search the area around the ether deposit. (Kisk Cave)

-Return to Earnest.

Reward: 750G, 300 Exp, Lime Bangle

Material Quest 1 (Refugee, ledge over pond, Refugee Camp, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
Occasionally, it would be nice to feed the camp's inhabitants some food that
galvanises their spirits. Collect some ingredients that would do the trick.

-Collect 2 lots of Brog Leg Meat from Brogs on the Bionis' Leg. (Big Brog,
swampy area near Spiral Valley, day)
-Collect 2 Fertile Flamii Eggs from Flamii on the Bionis' Leg. (Black Flamii,
either of the ponds near Jabos Rock Rest Area, day)

Reward: 1000G

Material Quest 3 (Refugee, ledge over pond, Refugee Camp, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
In order to bring a little happiness to the inhabitants of the camp, go and
retrieve a Bunnit Sapling.

-Collect 1 Bunnit Sapling from a Slugger Bunnit on the Bionis' Leg. (First
leading to a cliff on the north of Gaur Plain)

Reward: 1200G

Challenge 2-Part 1 (Refugee, ledge over pond, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A monster has overrun an area where people forage for much-needed provisions.
Defeat the monster and reclaim this cherished area.

-Defeat Trainer Harmelon near the north part of Spiral Valley on the Bionis'
Leg upper level. (Head straight north from Spiral Valley)

Reward: 4200G

Challenge 2-Part 2 (Refugee, ledge over pond, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A noticeably larger-than-usual Tirkin has been spotted. He'll need to be
care of before he set his sights on the camp. Defeat him.

-Defeat Vagrant Alfead in the Tirkin Headquarters on the Bionis' Leg.

Reward: 4800G

Search Quest 1 (Refugee, path down to pond, Refugee Ramp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
While fleeing the bridge, she dropped a present from her boyfriend and it's
risky to return there alone. Locate the present on her behalf and retrieve

-Collect the Bird Necklace from near Raguel Bridge on the Bionis' Leg. (The
ledge it's on can be reached by passing through Kisk Cave and following the
cliff all the way to the end)

Reward: 2500G, 200 Exp

Collection Quest 2 (Refugee, by pond, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A little girl wants nothing more than some pet insects to call her own. Make
her day by finding some collectables.

-Collect 3 Moth Crawlers on the Bionis' Leg.

Reward: 1500G

Monster Quest 2 (Refugee, by pond, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A trip to see the fireflies has been thwarted by some monsters. They'll have
to be cleared before the trip. Defeat the monsters and make it safe.

-Defeat 2 Basin Antols on the Bionis' Leg. (Forested area leading into

Reward: 2000G

Emergency Treatment (Olga, cave, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Gorman took only a limited supply of his medicine in the escape from Colony
If it runs out, he'll be in trouble. Collect ingredients for Olga to make

-Collect 5 lots of Glowing Wisp Fluid from Wisps on the Bionis' Leg. (Light
Wisp, area around Kamos Guidepost, night, clear)
-Return to Olga.

Reward: 750G, 300 Exp, Quark Gear

A Thoughtful Idea (Matryona, cave, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Pama is feeling the pain of losing his parents. To bring a smile back to his
face, pay Ewan the author a visit and speak to him about making a picture

-Speak to Ewan. (Back of the cave, 10 A.M.)

-Collect 3 pieces of Ponio Neck Meat from Field Ponios on the Bionis' Leg.
(East of Jabos Rock Rest Area, day)
-Speak to Ewan.
-Return to Matryona.

Reward: 1200G, 280 Exp, Quark Armour

A Dash of Colour (Ewan, cave, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Matryona is the inspiration that set Ewan on his path to writing the story.
Collect the Sour Gooseberries he needs to make paints for Matryona's

-Collect 4 Sour Gooseberries on the Bionis' Leg.

-Report back to Ewan.
-Give the paints to Matryona.
-Return to Ewan.

Reward: 750G, 200 Exp, Lime Bangle

Imaginations Tempered (Matryona, cave, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
~NOTE~ You can choose to complete either Imaginations Tempered or Spirits
Raised, but you cannot do both.


Choosing to complete Imaginations Tempered will prevent you from being able
access three quests regarding Ewan and Matryona in the future, so be aware of
this when deciding which option to pick. You can collect the items needed for
both quests, but doing so and then going with Spirits Raised will
lock you into one of the choices in a future Ewan/Matryona quest.


A glimpse of the future shows Pama drowning! If nothing is done to stop him,
he'll surely die. Change the future and don't let Pama drown!
-Collect 1 Lake Drop from near Raguel Lake on the Bionis' Leg. (Next to the
shore directly north of Tranquil Grotto)
-Return to Matryona.
-Give the picture book to Pama. (Back of the cave)

Reward: 1500G, 250 Exp, Damage Heal II

Spirits Raised (Arda, cave, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed) (Exclusive)
~NOTE~ You can choose to complete either Imaginations Tempered or Spirits
Raised, but you cannot do both.

A glimpse of the future shows Pama drowning! It looks like it's going to
happen if he goes to the river alone. Don't let Pama go there on his own!

-Collect a Medicinal Herb from near Tranquil Grotto on the Bionis' Leg.
northeast of Tranquil Grotto)
-Speak to Arda.
-Return to Matryona.
-Give the picture book to Pama. (Back of the cave)

Reward: 800G, 400 Exp, Arts Heal II

Being a Good Grandfather (Satata, by pond, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Satata's grandson has broken a toy belonging to his friend. To fix it, Satata
needs some Sticky Web Fibres. Collect some to help Satata fix the toy.

-Collect 3 Sticky Web Fibre from Arachno on the Bionis' Leg. (Leg Arachno,
-Return to Satata.
-Give the toy to Kiroki. (Cave, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Satata.

Reward: 1000G, 220 Exp, Initial Tension III

The Greedy Monster (Satata, by pond, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
The residents are finding it difficult to catch fish. They believe a monster
that has settled by Raguel Lake is to blame. Defeat the monster.

-Defeat the Abnormal Brog near Raguel Lake on the Bionis' Leg. (Island near
Observation Platform)
-Return to Satata.

Reward: 1100G, 400 Exp, Sleep Resist II

Earnest's Mischief (Earnest, by pond, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.)
There is supposedly an endless supply of crystals in a cave on the edge of
Raguel Lake, south east of the bridge. Go there and find out if this is
the case.

-Search the area around the ether deposit. (Tranquil Grotto)

-Return to Earnest.

Reward: 1000G, 500 Exp, Earth Cloak II

Earnest's Solitude (Earnest, by pond, Refugee Camp, 10 A.M.)
There seems to be a reason behind Earnest's lies. Place flowers on the grave
his friend at the edge of the cliff north of Kasharpa Falls.

-Place the flowers on the grave.

-Defeat the Arrogant Tirkin to the north of Kasharpa Waterfall on the Bionis'
-Return to Earnest.

Reward: 1200G, 750 Exp, Grand Boots

With Much Gratitude (Batubatu, Traveller's Rest)
Batubatu wants to give someone a gift of gratitude. There are two key
ingredients needed to make Secret Nopon Elixir. Find them on Batubatu's

-Collect a Tokilos' Egg from near Zax Guidepost on the Bionis' Leg. (Ledge
east of the Guidepost, either fall down behind the Tokilos or wait until it's
-Collect a Pandora Mushroom from Windy Cave on the Bionis' Leg. (Cave to the
south of the area directly below Spiral Valley containing Mysterious Barnaby.
Since Barnaby aggros off of sound, you can safely collect the item as long as
you walk to it)
-Return to Batubatu.

Reward: 1000G, 450 Exp, Spike II

With Even More Gratitude (Gerugu, Traveller's Rest)
This time Batubatu has gone to find a flower to give to someone without your
help. Unfortunately, he's lost his way and you have to find him again!

-Locate Batubatu on a high place east of Zax Guidepost on the Bionis' Leg.
(Path leading up to Believer's Paradise)
-Head up to the top of the large waterfall on the Bionis' Leg and collect the
Ether Wisdom. (Believer's Paradise)
-Return to Batubatu. (Traveller's Rest)

Reward: 1200G, 750 Exp, Grand Gear, Electric Plus III

Save the Girl! (Surprise quest while approaching the waterfall near the Volff
Lair) (Timed)
Man-eating Volff are closing in on a girl while she bathes. Go and rescue her
before it's too late!

-Defeat the 4 Ferocious Volff near the waterfall on Gaur Plain.

-Speak to the girl.

Reward: 1200G, 300 Exp, Diver Top, Diver Bottoms

Colony 9


At this point in the game it's possible that Dionysis will talk to you about
character named Jan. (If he doesn't right now, he will eventually.) If you do
not pick 'He's too old for that girl', you will miss out on a quest from Jan
further down the road. (It's not a big deal if you do, since the reward isn't
anything special and the Unique Monster Jan sends you out to kill can be
independently from the quest, but you should still be aware that the answer
the question actually has consequences.)


Out-of-Luck Georgio (Georgio, his stall, Ether Light, 10 A.M.) (If you talked
to Paola in Overworked and Underpaid)
Georgio is spending so much time with the daughter he adores, that the
of his curry is suffering. Help him to find a way out of his slump.
-Collect 5 lots of Piranhax Roe from Piranhaxes on the Bionis' Leg. (Leg
Piranhax, either pond around Jabos Rock Rest Area)
-Return to Georgio.
-Collect 3 pieces of Juicy Broccoli from the Bionis' Leg.
-Return to Georgio.

Reward: 3500G, 250 Exp, Quark Gauntlets

Pestering Paola (Georgio, his stall, Ether Light, 10 A.M.) (If you talked to
Georgio in Overworked and Underpaid)
Unfortuntely, Georgio is unable to play with Paola. As he requested, spend
time with her instead, doing whatever she likes.

-Talk to Paola. (Alcove southeast of Gem Man's Stall, 10 A.M.)

-Beat the Fiendish Bunnit on the hill by Cliff Lake near Colony 9. (East of
the lake)
-Return to Paola.
-Return to Georgio.

Reward: 3500G, 550 Exp, Quark Leggings

Jackson's Awakening (Alley behind buildings near the west bridge into the
Residential District, 10 A.M.)
Jackson, who stares at the sky all day long, has finally decided it's time to
get a job. Help him find employment somewhere.

-Look for someone who will take Jackson on as an apprentice. (Either Georgio,
his stall, Ether Light, 10 A.M. or Kenny Rohan, Tranquil Square, 10 A.M.)
-(If you choose Georgio) Defeat 5 Tephra Lizards near Vilia Lake in Tephra
-Return to Georgio.
-Return to Jackson.

Reward: 2200G, 450 Exp, Strength Up III

-(If you choose Kenny Rohan) Defeat 5 Tephra Lizards near Vilia Lake in
-Return to Kenny Rohan.
-Return to Jackson.

Reward: 2200G, 450 Exp, Ether Up III

Jackson the Poet (Jackson, alley behind buildings near the west bridge into
the Residential District, 10 A.M.) (If you picked Kenny Rohan in Jackson's
There has been a pesky bug buzzing so loudly that no one can concentrate on
their art. Go to Tephra Cave and exterminate the bug to bring back

-Defeat the Dim Wisp near Kneecap Hill in Tephra Cave. (Night)
-Return to Jackson.

Reward: 3800G, 650 Exp, Ether Up II

Jackson the Cook (Jackson, in front of west-most house in the Residential
District, 10 A.M.) (If you picked Georgio in Jackson's Awakening)
Jackson has proposed a new recipe for the Curry Shop but they don't have the
right ingredients in stock. Collect the ingredients Jackson asks for.

-Collect 5 lots of Raw Piranhax Meat from Colony Piranhaxes in Colony 9.

-Return to Jackson.

Reward: 4200G, 750 Exp, Pile Driver

* After reaching Colony 6 *

Colony 9

A Mysterious Light (Kenny Rohan, Tranquil Square, 10 A.M.)
The mysterious light that appeared in the lake after the attack has
disappeared and the residents miss it. Discover the mystery behind this

-Collect information from colony residents. (Either Suzanna, southwest of

Tranquil Square, 10 A.M., or Arnaut, entrance of Military District, 10 P.M.)
-(If you choose Suzanna) Talk to Francoise. (Tranquil Square, 10 A.M.)
-Talk to Dionysis. (Plaza south of food court-type area, Residential
10 A.M.)
-Return to Kenny Rohan

Reward: 2200G, 700 Exp, Auto-Atk Stealth II

-(If you choose Arnaut) Talk to a girl that lives in the Residential
(Narine, near west bridge into the Residential District, 10 A.M.)
-Talk to Arnaut. (It doesn't matter which answer you choose)
-Return to Kenny Rohan.
Reward: 2200G, 700 Exp, Bloody Roar

Out Like a Light? (Kenny Rohan, Tranquil Square, 10 A.M.)
Now that you know what the mysterious light was, you have to decide what to
with it. Do you restore the light? Or do you leave things as they are?

-Mend the lamp, or throw the Ether Cylinder in the lake.

(If you choose to throw it in the lake, toss the cylinder at the break in the
guard rails on the bridge between Central Plaza and the Residential District)
-Return to Kenny Rohan.

Reward: 3400G, 950 Exp, Iron Armour

(If you choose to mend the lamp, speak to Arnaut, entrance of Military
District, 10 P.M.)
-Collect 2 Krabble Fixed Parts from Junk Krabbles in the Ether Mine. (Test
1 and 2)
-Talk to Arnaut.
-Return to Kenny Rohan.

Reward: 3400G, 950 Exp, King Cluster

Colony 6

Proof of Status (Daza, next to closed door, Supply Road)
Daza's proof of Nopon Merchant status was stolen by some Hoxes. They were
heading in the direction of Splintered Path. See if you can find the item.

-Find a Nopon Coin in the area of Colony 6's Splintered Path.

-Return to Daza.

Reward: 850G, 320 Exp, Break II

Safety First (Daza, next to closed door, Supply Road)
Daza's fearful his proof of merchant status will be taken again. To be able
resolve the problem, first you need to make the area safe by clearing

-Defeat 4 Yellow Antols in Colony 6. (Supply Road)

-Defeat 6 Soft Hoxes in Colony 6. (Supply Road)
-Defeat 3 Water Upas in Colony 6. (Only during rain or a thunderstorm)
(Drainage Outlet)
-Return to Daza.

Reward: 900G, 400 Exp, Pelt Bottoms, Pelt Top

Secret Mission (Daza, next to closed door, Supply Road)
You have a top-secret mission from Daza. He wants you to deliver a letter to

-Take Daza's letter to Gerugu who is on the Bionis' Leg. (Traveller's Rest)
-Return to Daza.

Reward: 1000G, 500 Exp, Slow III, Top-Secret Data

* After completing Ether Mine *

Colony 9

Desiree's Future (Desiree, near tree, ledge above Gem Man's Stall, 10:30
(Must use Shulk)
Since her father, who was proficient with machines, passed away, Desiree has
been worried about a future all alone. Why not try to offer some advice?

-Listen to Desiree's long story.

-Challenge yourself to listen to Desiree's long and boring story.
-Try not to fall asleep while listening to Desiree's story.
-Make it look like you enjoy listening to Desiree's long story.
-Decide Desiree's future. (Your choice will affect which of two possible
you can receive in the future, but will not make a difference in what reward
you'll get now)

Reward: 8000G, 3500 Exp, Swep Gear, Swep Gauntlets, Swep Boots.
Unlocks Shulk's 'Pessimism' Skill Branch

* After reaching Satorl Marsh *

Satorl Marsh

Monster Quest 1 (Nopon Merchant, Nopon Merchant Camp)
The Nopon Merchant was almost eaten by a Brog. Make sure it never happens
by killing some of them.

-Defeat 2 Detox Brogs in Satorl Marsh. (Lacus Swamp)

Reward: 5800G

Monster Quest 2 (Nopon Merchant, Nopon Merchant Camp)
There are some monsters disturbing the camp. Defeat them and solve the

-Defeat 3 Coppice Quadwings in Satorl Marsh. (Trees just outside of Lacus

Swamp, day)

Reward: 6200G

Monster Quest 3 (Nopon Merchant, Nopon Merchant Camp)
Nopon generally venture out during the day. However, they keep meeting
monsters on Barren Moor. Defeat the monsters.

-Defeat 2 Mist Rhoguls in Satorl Marsh. (Barren Moor, day)

Reward: 6800G

Monster Quest 4 (Nopon Merchant, Nopon Merchant Camp)
There are terrible monsters attacking the camp. The responsibility for the
camp's safety falls on the oldest, Bokoko. Help him by defeating one of the

Defeat 1 Officer Volff in Satorl Marsh. (Barren Moor, day)

Reward: 6500G

Kacha's Kidnapping (Bokoko, Nopon Merchant Camp)
The scholar Kacha was carried off by Ignas. It seems there's something they
want to know. Go to Exile Fortress and save Kacha.
-Save Kacha who is in Exile Fortress in Satorl Marsh. (If you don't want to
fight all of the Ignas in there as well as a Unique Monster, first grab the
Rear Door Key on a ledge behind Exile Fortress. It won't show up on the map,
you'll have to look for a red bubble on the ground. Next, warp to the Glowing
Obelisk and run straight to the base of Exile Fortress. There's a long,
path around the back, if you follow it all the way to the top you'll find a
door that you can use to slip in behind all the Ignas and talk to Kacha)
-Return to Bokoko.

Reward: 3500G, 410 Exp, Jungle Cap, Jungle Gloves, Jungle Shoes

Making Camp (Bokoko, Nopon Merchant Camp)
Bokoko is feeling ill and needs your help preparing a camp. Collect some
materials to make a bed.

-Collect 4 Glowing Upa Seeds from Upas in Satorl Marsh. (Acid Upas, Lacus
-Collect 3 Fancy Volff Hides from Volff in Satorl Marsh. (Satorl Volff,
Moor, day)
-Collect 4 Feather Leaves in Satorl Marsh.
-Collect 3 Wool Rocks in Satorl Marsh.
-Return to Bokoko.

Reward: 10500G, 1000 Exp, Iron Armour, Nopol Boots

The Giants' Key (Kacha, Nopon Merchant Camp)
Ignas are looking for the Giants' Key so they can get their hands on the
treasure of the Giants. You must find a way of stopping them.

-Defeat 5 Deluded Ignas on the high plateau of Dark Swamp in Satorl Marsh.
(Head east and then south from Silent Obelisk)
-Dig up the Giants' Key on the plateau above Dark Swamp in Satorl Marsh.
-Investigate the altar on the roof of Exile Fortress in Satorl Marsh. (There
a door behind the throne in Exile Fortress. Investigate it to open a path to
the roof)
-Return to Kacha.

Reward: 5900G, 2200 Exp, Recovery Up IV

The Giants' Treasure (Kacha, Nopon Merchant Camp)
You have to make an offering to obtain the Giants' treasure. Collect the
Giants' Mirror and place it on the Altar.
-Collect the Giants' Mirror in the area of Daksha Shrine on the Bionis' Leg.
(Collect it then immediately run away)
-Offer the Giants' Mirror on the altar on the roof of Exile Fortress.
(As soon as you get the item, immediately run away)
-Return to Kacha.

Reward: 9100G, 3100 Exp, Double Attack IV

Preventing Starvation (Zazadan, Nopon Refuge)
Zazadan was injured by some monsters and he hasn't been able to move properly
since. He also hasn't had any food. Bring him some food.

-Collect 2 Twin Flamii Eggs from Flamii in Satorl Marsh. (Satorl Flamii,
Kelsher Wetland, day)
-Collect 5 Lemon Stones in Satorl Marsh.
-Return to Zazadan.

Reward: 2400G, 400 Exp, Mist Gel, Mist Cream, Mist Sandals

Zazadan in Danger (Zazadan, Nopon Refuge)
Zazadan is too scared of monsters now to go outside. Clear the monsters so
Zazadan can venture out.

-Defeat 8 Ogre Bunnias in Satorl Marsh. (Area below Nopon Refuge)

-Return to Zazadan.

Reward: 3200G, 680 Exp, Swep Gear, Agility Up II

Zazadan Still in Danger (Zazadan, Nopon Refuge)
Zazadan has told you that there is a flying monster that also wants to eat
Kill this monster to alleviate Zazadan's fears.

-Defeat Sunlight Schvaik in the area of Barren Moon in Satorl Marsh. (Only at
daytime) (Near Silent Obelisk)
-Return to Zazadan.

Reward: 4500G, 850 Exp, Swep Gauntlets, HP Up II

It's All in the Mind (Zazadan, Nopon Refuge)
Zazadan is still not well. Get some of the Nopon Potion to see if that will
heal his injuries.

-Collect some Nopon Potion in the area of Lacus Swamp in Satorl Marsh. (Far
side of the cave to the south of Nopon Merchant Camp)
-Return to Zazadan.

Reward: 5100G, 1000 Exp, Swep Boots, Ether Up II

A Mysterious Delicacy (Zazadan, Nopon Refuge)
Apparently, something amazing will appear if you dip a Red Pollen Orb into
Shining Pond.

-Investigate Dark Swamp's Shining Pond in Satorl Marsh.

-Return to Zazadan.

Reward: 5800G, 1500 Exp, Pioneer

A Gift? (Zazadan, Nopon Refuge) (Timed)
A Nopon called Dedeba has asked for some Highmore Caviar from Zazadan. Take
to him.

-Speak to a male Nopon called Dedeba. (Pollen Orb Storehouse, Frontier

10 P.M.)

Reward: 7800G, 2500 Exp, Panther Bottoms

* After the cutscene at Sororal Statues *

Colony 9

The Gem Man's Invention (Gem Man, Gem Man's Stall)
The Gem Man says that an Ultra Small Reactor is needed to make a Mobile
Furnace. Restore Colony 6 to get an Ultra Small Reactor.

-Reconstruct Colony 6 to level 1 and collect and Ultra Small Reactor.

-Return to the Gem Man.

Reward: 1000 Exp, Mobile Furnace

Colony 6

The Road Home (Otharon, Main Entrance) (Timed) (Exclusive)
~NOTE~ You can either choose to do this quest or To Colony 6!, which will be
available much later in the game, but you cannot do both. As far as I'm
concerned this is the better of the two quests, since you can't get the
Mobile Furnace until you rebuild Colony 6 to level 1 and you can't do any of
the Colony 6 quests until you've moved all of the refugees back. The only
difference is the rewards, and even then it's only in money and Exp. The gem
rewards are identical.


Make sure you have completed all of the timed quests on the Bionis' Leg
completing this quest, since doing so will move all of the refugees back to
Colony 6 and cause any timed quests left undone to expire.


Otharon is hatching a plan to restore Colony 6. To begin with, the refugees

from the camp need to be brought back. To do this, they need safe passage.

-Defeat the monsters on Raguel Bridge on the Bionis' Leg to ensure the
refugees' safe passage.
-Defeat the additional monsters that appeared to make Raguel Bridge safe once
-Report back to Juju in the Refugee Camp on the Bionis' Leg. (Outside the
entrance, 10 P.M.)

Reward: 3200G, 550 Exp, Exp Up I, AP Up I

A Selfish Girl's Mistake (Anna, Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)
Thanks to Anna's selfishness, Nikita and Kiroki headed into the mine and now
they're in danger. Find them and get them to safety.

-Find Nikita. (Lower path directly north of Drainage Outlet, Splintered Path,
Colony 6)
-Find Kiroki. (Drainage Control Room, Ether Mine)
-Report back to Anna.

Reward: 4200G, 680 Exp, Pierce Resist II

Satata's Younger Brother (Satata, up stairs north of Reconstruction HQ,
10 A.M.)
Satata has misplaced his brother's keepsake. Head to the Ether Mine and
retrieve it.

-Collect the Mushroom Cap from the Mining Base in the Ether Mine.
-Return to Satata.

Reward: 4200G, 700 Exp, Iron Armour, Iron Leggings

Rest in Peace (Satata, up stairs north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)
Satata wants to place the keepsake in the same spot as his brother and his
brother's wife. Find a spot where Great Makna Falls can be viewed completely.

-Cast the Mushroom Cap from where a panoramic view of Great Makna Falls can
seen. (Divine Sanctuary, Makna Forest)
-Return to Satata.

Reward: 6500G, 850 Exp, Jungle Shoes

What is Love?! (Ewan, Reconstruction HQ, 10 P.M.) (Not available if you did
Imaginations Tempered)
Ewan's worried because he doesn't know how to write a romantic novel. Speak
people who know about such things and pass their advice on to Ewan.

-Speak to an old Nopon inventor. (Satata, up stairs north of Reconstruction

HQ, 10 A.M.)
-Speak to a Homs lady who understands medicine. (Olga, Reconstruction HQ,
10 P.M.)
-Speak to a stubborn old Homs man. (Gorman, Reconstruction HQ, 10 P.M.)
-Speak to a haughty young Homs girl. (Anna, Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)
-Report back to Ewan.

Reward: 3500G, 620 Exp, Bleed Defence III

What is Courage?! (Ewan, Reconstruction HQ, 10 P.M.) (Not available if you
Imaginations Tempered)
Ewan channelled his feelings of love into his novel, but couldn't hand it
He'll go on an adventure to gain the courage to do so, but might need some
-Head in the direction of the Ether Mine or Satorl Marsh and protect Ewan
harm. (If Ether Mine, go to Glowmoss Lake and kill Elegant Marin. If Satorl
Marsh, go to the ledge east of Glowing Obelisk and kill Hungry Volff)
-Speak to Ewan.

Reward: 3700G, 650 Exp, Daze Tension III

Matryona's Answer (Matryona, Reconstruction HQ, 10 P.M.) (Not available if
did Imaginations Tempered)
Matryona wants to send her reply to Ewan in the form of a painting, but she
needs the right tools to do so. Gather the materials she needs.

-Collect a Lake Drop on the Bionis' Leg or a Nasty Weed in Satorl Marsh. (The
Lake Drop is on the shore directly north of Tranquil Grotto, and the Nasty
is on the lower path immediately west of Crown Tree. By getting the Lake Drop
Matryona is basically saying yes, while the Nasty Weed means no)
-Hand the item to Matryona.
-Hand the portrait to Ewan.
-Return to Matryona.

Reward: (Lake Drop) 4500G, 700 Exp, Blaze Attack II

(Nasty Weed) 4500G, 700 Exp, Blaze Defence III

For the Restoration (Gorman, Reconstruction HQ, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
According to Gorman, before Colony 6 can be safely restored to its former
glory, a ceremony has to take place. Find a suitable rock.

-Collect the Divine Rock from the top of Spiral Valley on the Bionis' Leg.
-Return to Gorman.

Reward: 4400G, 680 Exp, Spike III

Making a New Path (Gorman, Reconstruction HQ, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
A fierce monster is occupying Spiral Valley. If the boulders can be
an alternate route can be made to avoid it. Hand the Dynamite to Gorman.

-Collct 3 sticks of Dynamite from the Ether Mine. (One is in Test Pit 2, one
in Test Pit 3, and the third is in Test Pit 4)
-Report back to Gorman.

Reward: Nothing
Chemist's Reopening (Olga, Reconstruction HQ, 10 P.M.)
Olga wants to reopen her Colony 6 chemist's. Setting up shop isn't a problem,
but getting ingredients is. Find the ingredients for her all-purpose

-Collect a Chewy Radish from Colony 6.

-Collect 2 Red Durians on the Bionis' Leg.
-Collect a Sirius Anemone in Colony 6.
-Report back to Olga.

Reward: 3600G, 620 Exp, Recovery Up II

* After reaching Makna Forest *

Makna Forest

Monster Quest 1 (Nopon Merchant, Agni Tablet)
There are lots of terrifying monsters in Makna Forest. Clear some of them so
the road is safe.

-Defeat 5 Jungle Quadwings in Makna Forest. (Path descending to Lakeside)

Reward: 15000G

Monster Quest 2 (Nopon Merchant, Agni Tablet)
There are lots of terrifying monsters in Makna Forest. Defeat some to stop
eating the local Nopon.

-Defeat 2 Makna Feris in Makna Forest. (Area around Waypoint Beacon)

Reward: 9600G

Monster Quest 3 (Nopon Merchant, Agni Tablet)
There are lots of terrifying monsters in Makna Forest. Clear some that attack
the Nopon from the air.
-Defeat 2 Makna Ansels in Makna Forest. (Around east side of Bridge 2)

Reward: 8500G

Monster Quest 4 (Nopon Merchant, Agni Tablet)
There are lots of terrifying monsters in Makna Forest. Clear some of them so
the road is safe.

-Defeat 3 Makna Eks in Makna Forest. (Eks Watering Hole)

Reward: 12000G

* After reaching Frontier Village (I suggest waiting to trigger these until *
* you get Riki.) *

Frontier Village

Collection Quest 2 (Nopon Villager, east section of B1F, 10 A.M.)
After training, important to eat something sour, right? A Heropon should eat
Pure Cherries! Need them! NOW!

-Collect 2 Pure Cherries in Makna Forest.

Reward: 10500G

Hunt for Bug-Loving Friend (Kokora, Nopon Tower, 10 A.M.)
Littlepon me's grampypon only has bugs as friends. It's weird! He should have
a Nopon friend!

-Find a Nopon that likes bugs. (Ababa, east section of B1F, 10 P.M.)
-Grab 3 Shield Bugs in Makna Forest.
-Go see Ababa.
-Go see Kokora.

Reward: 3600G, 950 Exp, Sky Cap

Challenge 1 (Nopon Villager, B1F, 10 A.M.)
Me thought Albatro was food! Me tell everyone to not go eat it. But want
friends to bash it just to make sure.
-Bash Agile Albatro near Bridge Three in Makna Forest. (At river level)

Reward: 23000G

Material Quest 1 (Nopon Villager, west path up to 1F, B1F, 10 A.M.)
Heeheehee! Need Magic Stones! Me pretend to be evil wizard! It all a game!
Please get Magic Stones!

-Grab 2 Magic Stones from Deinoses in Makna Forest. (Plasma or Inferno

path between Nopon Arch and Twisted Tree Gate)

Reward: 8000G

Monster Quest 2-Part 1 (Nopon Villager, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)
Got stepped on by Terra Orluga. Would have forgiven but it just pretended
nothing happened. How dare it! No one should make Nopon mad!

-Bash 3 Terra Orlugas near the entrance to Frontier Village in Makna Forest.

Reward: 10000G

Monster Quest 2-Part 2 (Nopon Villager, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)
Do you know those Ammos Orlugas that can carry stuff on their backs? Me tried
to ride one but me get thrown off! Me much cuter than Hode thingys!

-Bash 2 Ammos Orlugas near Precipice Bridge in Makna Forest.

Reward: 13000G

Monster Quest 2-Part 3 (Nopon Villager, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)
Me tried drawing things on Arena Orlugas' skin but they got angry! They not
appreciate excellent art!

-Bash 3 Arena Orlugas near Precipice Bridge in Makna Forest.

Reward: 9000G

Fixing Time Mushrooms (Migaga, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)
The Time Mushrooms are all broken! Without them, we don't know whether it
for day snacks or night snacks. Oh no!

-Feed compost to the Time Mushroom on the 1st floor.

-Feed compost to the Time Mushroom on the 4th floor.
-Feed compost to the Time Mushroom on the 7th floor.
-Go see Migaga.

Reward: 4000G, 1150 Exp, Agility Down III

Strange Noises from Below (Pipiki, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)
Pipiki hear terrible noise at night! It go 'hooooorrrrr' and 'haaaaarrrrr'.
come from underground! Pipiki run now!

-Seek out what is behind the strange voice. (Tati, Nopon Kitchen, 10 P.M.)
-Grab 3 Hode Camouflages from Hodes in Makna Forest. (Bois Hode, area around
Hode Lair)
-Give the Hode Camouflages to Tati.
-Return to Pipiki.

Reward: 5800, 2000 Exp, Panther Top

Challenge 2 (Nopon Villager, Kyn Shopping Street, 10 A.M.)
There is a monster called Breezy Zolos near Windmill Pavilion. It blowing all
pollen away! Go teach it lesson!

-Bash Breezy Zolos near Windmill Pavilion in Makna Forest. (Head north then
west from the Pavilion)

Reward: 26000G

Pollen Orb Ingredients (Dobadoba, Pollen Works, 10 A.M.)
There lots of pretty pollen orbs all around Frontier Village. Get pollen to
keep village bright!

-Grab 5 lots of Yellow Pollen at Yellow Flower Grove in Makna Forest.

-Go see Dobadoba.

Reward: 5000G, 1500 Exp, Panther Bottoms, First Attack Plus III

Search Quest 1 (Nopon Villager, outdoor area in the northeast part of 3F,
10 A.M.)
Flower Bracelet me was going to give girlfriend was eaten by Pterix. Maybe it
around here now. You think it will smell? It will! Of lovely flowers!...
Me hopes...
-Find the Flower Bracelet in Frontier Village. (B1F, underneath the bridge)

Reward: 5000G, 3000 Exp

Leku's Food Crisis (Leku, 5F, 10 A.M.)
Sisterpon Kiloki very small but big eater! At this rate, Leku get in debt and
end up as next Heropon! Help Leku please!

-Grab 10 Peachy Leg Joints from Deinoses in Makna Forest. (Plasma or Inferno
Deinos, path between Twisted Tree Gate and Nopon Arch)
-Go see Leku.

Reward: 3200G, 800 Exp, Chill Defence IV

Dadapon in Trouble (Pachipa, Archaeology Centre, 12 P.M.)
Bad turtles stole Dadapon's stuff. If Pachipa do something about it, momapon
get mad at Pachipa. Friends go get mad at bad turtles!

-Bash 2 Mount Tortas on the Bionis' Leg. (Area beneath Viliera Hill)
-Return to Pachipa.

Reward: 3900G, 1000 Exp, Poison Plus III

Decoration Makeover (Pepa, tunnel near Chief's Residence, 10 A.M.)
Pepa's favorite thing in whole world is cute things! If Pepa live surrounded
cute things, Pepa become even cuter than she is now! Get Pepa cute things!

-Grab 6 Enigma Lotuses in Makna Forest.

-Grab 4 Happy Rabbits in Tephra Cave.
-Grab 3 Love Cranes in Ether Mine.
-Go see Pepa.

Reward: 5200G 1050 Exp, Jungle Cap

Collection Quest 4 (Nopon Villager, small island in Apex Lake, 10 A.M.)
Me used to have pet lizards, but Mamapon think it food and ate it! This time
want poisonous lizards so that she not eat any more of my pets ever again!

-Grab 5 Venomous Lizards in Makna Forest.

Reward: 9000G
Material Quest 4 (Nopon Villager, Prophecy Hut, 10 P.M.)
Me never knew it bad to read in dark places. Me need something to brighten
place up. Me know! Upa Embers! They perfect size!

-Grab 3 Upa Embers from Upa in Makna Forest. (Itmos Upa, Eks Watering Hole)

Reward: 16500G

Collection Quest 3 (Nopon Villager, 6F, 10 P.M.)
Gets so lonely at night! Me want to look after foxes. They going to keep me

-Grab 4 Ash Foxes in Makna Forest.

Reward: 7500G

Kind Lupa's Grampypon (Lupa, Archaeology Centre, 10 P.M.)
My grampypon taght me much over the years. I wonder how he doing in Colony 6?
want to give him some Secret Nopon Elixir!

-Grab materials for a Secret Nopon Elixir.

-Go see Lupa.
-Deliver the Secret Nopon Elixir to Satata. (Up stairs to the north of
Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M. or by pond, Refugee Camp, Bionis' Leg if you
moved the refugees back to Colony 6 yet)
-Go see Lupa.

Reward: 3300G, 1200 Exp, Panther Shoes

Secret Elixir Ingredients (Triggered with Kind Lupa's Grampypon)
Drinking the Secret Nopon Elixir in the bath will make you live longer! That
what Grampypon says! Collect what I need for elixir.

-Grab 5 Hades Beetles in Makna Forest.

-Grab 3 All-Seeing Eyes from Jungle Quadwings in Makna Forest. (Path leading
down to Lakeside)
-Grab 2 lots of Potent Brog Poison from Poison Brogs in Satorl Marsh. (Dark

Reward: Nothing
Challenge 3 (Nopon Villager, Archaeology Centre, 10 P.M.)
Yellow Flower Grove in trouble again! But monster so gross, no one want to
to get rid of it! Please help us!

-Bash Lazy Bluco at Yellow Flower Grove in Makna Forest. (Only at night)

Reward: 29000G

Search Quest 2 (Nopon Villager, 5F, 10 P.M.)
Me make hook to catch Deinos. Me try it out on Laeklit but it kick it away!
Could friends find it for me?

-Find the Deinos Hook in Frontier Village. (Southeast shore of Apex Lake)

Reward: 4000G, 1600 Exp

Making a Mixer (Rono, Pollen Works, 10 A.M.) (Must use Shulk)
I like making sweets! But mixing very hard. Bring me one of those cool mixer

-Grab materials for a mixer.

-Build a mixer in the Weapon Dev. Lab in Colony 9. (Must use Shulk)
-Go see Rono.

Reward: 3800G, 1200 Exp, Good Footing IV

Materials for a Mixer (Triggered with Making a Mixer)
Grab materials so I can make mixer.

-Grab 2 Generic Shafts from Mechon M64 units on the Bionis' Leg. (Maguel
-Grab 2 Generic Blades from Mechon M53 Units on the Bionis' Leg. (Maguel

Reward: Nothing

Collection Quest 1 (Nopon Villager, atop mushroom on Kyn Shopping Street,
10 P.M.)
Me afraid of burning hands trying to eat roast potato. Me like try Cool
that Hom Hom eat instead! You can eat those cold.
-Grab 2 Cool Potatoes in Colony 9

Reward: 5000G

Material Quest 2 (Nopon Villager, Sacred Altar, 10 P.M.)
Me get pollen on my face when cleaning pollen orb lamps! It irritate skin and
me need face masks fast! Please go get some. Can't go out like this.

-Grab 5 Fancy Orluga Masks from Orlugas in Makna Forest. (Arena Orluga,
Precipice Bridge)

Reward: 12000G

Mushy Mushrooms (Kofuko, Sacred Altar, 10 P.M.)
Kofuko can only eat soft mushrooms because teeth bad now. When he was
littlepon, Kofuko munched all mushrooms in village and chief got really mad!

-Grab 8 Kelp Mushrooms in Makna Forest.

-Go see Kofuko.

Reward: 1000G, 1150 Exp, Jungle Gloves, Bleed Attack II

Search Quest 3 (Nopon Villager, Underground Store, 10 P.M.)
Shiny Ball got lost! Almost as important as my life! Need it to play. It
be in village somewhere. Find it!

-Find the Shiny Ball in Frontier Village. (Ledge in west part of 6F)

Reward: 3800G, 1800 Exp

Monster Quest 1-Part 1 (Nopon Villager, on tree roots leading down to B1F,
10 P.M.)
Saw dream! Saw dream! Itmos Upas in dream! Don't want to wet bed again. Go

-Bash 3 Itmos Upas from near the Eks Watering Hole in Makna Forest.

Reward: 12500G

Monster Quest 1-Part 2 (Nopon Villager, on tree roots leading down to B1F,
10 P.M.)
Saw dream! Saw dream! Wahpol Sardi in dream! Don't want to wet bed again. Go
bash monsters!

-Bash 2 Wahpol Sardi near the Eks Watering Hole in Makna Forest.

Reward: 11000G

Monster Quest 1-Part 3 (Nopon Villager, on tree roots leading down to B1F,
10 P.M.)
Saw dream! Saw dream! Venaes Nebula in dream! Don't want to wet bed again. Go
bash monsters!

-Bash 1 Venaes Nebula near the Eks Watering Hole in Makna Forest.

Reward: 7500G

A Worried Bug-Lover (Deki, east-most section of B1F, 10 A.M.)
UGH! Ababa likes to chomp and chew on bugs! Let's see if we can't teach him a

-Grab 2 lots of Green Eluca Juice from Makna Elucas in Makna Forest. (Yellow
Flower Grove)
-Have Ababa drink it and see what he thinks. (East-most area of B1F, 10 P.M.)
-Go see Deki.

Reward: 4200G, 1000 Exp, Night Vision IV

Disinsectization (Rasha, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)
Lots of grubs migrate to Makna this time of year. Cherri hates bugs, and
I used to kill them off for her, I am not able to do so now...

-Defeat 5 Makna Elucas in Yellow Flower Grove in Makna Forest.

-Go see Cherri. (Pollen Orb Storehouse, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Rasha.

Reward: 3200G, 900 Exp, Mist Gel, Mist Cream, Mist Sandals

Sweet Seduction (Migaga, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)
*sniff**sniff**sniff* Oh! I was watching over altar when I smell sweet smell!
It smell of sickly drink I know. If it fell in water it will make everyone
-Investigate the source of the sweet smell. (Kofuko, Sacred Altar, 10 P.M.)
(Read warning for Ingredients for a Brew before talking to Kofuko)
-Go see Migaga.

Reward: (Grapes) 3600G, 1000 EXP, Sky Gloves, Aquatic Cloak II

(Kiwis) 3600G, 1000 EXP, Sky Gloves, Aerial Cloak II

Ingredients for a Brew (Triggered by talking to Kofuko for Sweet Seduction)


In this quest Kofuko will give you the option of gathering two different
ingredients. One of them you likely already have enough of to complete the
quest, but it leads to what is considered the 'bad' outcome. Talking to
with these items in your inventory will automatically lock you in to that
path. Therefore, if you wish to get the better of the two outcomes, make sure
you discard or gift all Walnut Grapes in your inventory prior to speaking


Kofuko love drinking and eating! Making alcohol at Sacred Altar long time
dream! You bring last part? Make old man happy?

-Grab 4 Walnut Grapes on the Bionis' Leg or grab 2 Bitter Kiwis in Makna
-Go see Kofuko.

Reward: (Grapes) 3400G, 850 Exp, Sky Shoes, Auto-Heal Up III

(Kiwis) 3400G, 850 Exp, Sky Shoes, Terrain Defence II

Hunt for a Patron (Leku, 5F, 10 A.M.)
Meat you get not enough to satisfy Kilaki. Leku need villagers' help now!
Problem shared is problem halved!

-Have a chinwag with cleverest Nopon in village. (Lupa, Archaeology Centre,

10 P.M.)
-Have a chinwag with strongest Nopon in village. (Modamo, 5F, 10 P.M.)
-Have a chinwag with cutest Nopon in village. (Pepa, tunnel near Chief's
Residence, 10 A.M.)
-Go see Leku.

Reward: 3800G, 950 Exp, Blaze Defence IV

It Definitely Exist! (Pachipa, Archaeology Centre, 12 P.M.)
Pachipa's dadapon saw Mythical Empress! Pipiki and Kuriku say it is lie!
get Mythical Empress!

-Ask Gerugu where the Mythical Empress lives. (Traveller's Rest, Bionis' Leg)
-Collect evidence at Zax Guidepost on the Bionis' Leg proving that the
Empress exists. (Drop down hole immediately south of Guidepost, kill Daughter
-Go see Pachipa.

Reward: 6400G, 2000 Exp, Jack Guarder

Secret Innovation (Rasha, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)
I wish I could be a momapon to my neiceypon Cherri. Cherri won't open her
to me, though. Could you find something that will help me get through to her?

-Collect Filtered Water from near Sparkling Pool in Makna Forest. (From dawn
-Give the Filtered Water to Cherri. (Pollen Orb Storehouse, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Rasha.

Reward: 6000G, 2100 Exp, Buff Time Plus II

Heropon's Spirit (Kilaki, 5F, 10 A.M.)
Kilaki is going to be Heropon! Kilaki make sure of it! First, Kilaki need to
get stronger than super-strong! Help Kilaki find something to make her

-Grab 2 Tasty Ansel Wings from Makna Ansels in Makna Forest. (Around Bridge
-Go see Kilaki.

Reward: 4300G, 1100 Exp, Poison Defence IV, Kilaki's Note

Beat Kilaki to it! (Leku, 5F, 10 A.M.)
You lot always do what Kilaki wants you to! Now she wants to beat monster!
your fault! You go kill monster! No disappoint Leku!

-Bash Obsessive Galgaron in the area of the Hode Lair in Makna Forest. (Go
through the gate and down the tunnel)
-Go see Leku.
Reward: 5500G, 1500 Exp, Panther Gloves

Popularity Premonition (Leku, 5F, 10 A.M.)
Leku spend so much time looking after sisterpon, he have no time for love!
choose wife for him! Choose carefully though...

-Chat to Pepa or Lupa. They both seem to have a thing for Leku! (Pepa is in
tunnel near Chief's Residence, 10 A.M. and Lupa is at the Archaeology Centre,
10 P.M.)
-(If you talk to Pepa) Grab 3 Delicious Vang Tails from Vangs in Makna
(Teneb Vang, tunnel leading to Divine Sanctuary)
-Go see Pepa.
-(If you talk to Lupa) Grab 2 portions of Royal Apis Nectar from Apis in
Forest. (Klanis Apis, area connected by Bridges 2 and 3, clear)
-Go see Lupa.

Reward: 11000G, 2800 Exp, Shell Boots

Lousy Lizards (Modamo, 5F, 10 P.M.)
Fighting monsters no problem for Modamo! Except Lizards! They scary! Got in
of me training Kilaki to become great fighter! Go get them!

-Bash 5 Inferno Deinoses in Makna Forest. (Path between Nopon Arch and
Tree Gate, not raining)
-Bash 5 Plasma Deinoses in Makna Forest. (Path between Nopon Arch and Twisted
Tree Gate, not hot)
-Go see Modamo.

Reward: 7500G, 2000 Exp, Jungle Top, Jungle Bottoms

Secret Ingredient Hunt (Bana, Sacred Altar, 10 P.M.)
For the sake of village, please listen to my request. I always think of
and Nopon happiness. That why my request most important.

-Grab a Monster Egg in the area of Twisted Tree Gate in Makna Forest. (Take
north path through Eks Watering Hole to reach the ledge the Egg is on)
-Give the Monster Egg to Gadada. (Pollen Works, 10 A.M.)
-Go see Bana.
Reward: 5500G, 1800 Exp, Aura Heal II

Musical Genius (Tati, Nopon Kitchen, 10 P.M.)
All Tati do is stay indoors and cook! Tati want music in his life! Collect
noisy things for Tati.

-Grab 4 things with Humming in the name.

-Grab 4 things with Rumble in the name.
-Go see Tati.

Reward: 10000G, 6500 Exp, Climb Armour, Climb Leggings, Quick Step III

Things that Hum (Triggered with Musical Genius)
Tati wants 4 different things with Humming in name. If Tati have things that
hum, he can create beautiful harmonies with his voice!

-Grab 2 Humming Plums on the Bionis' Leg.

-Grab 2 Humming Cabbages in Satorl Marsh.
-Grab 2 Humming Cats in Satorl Marsh.
-Grab 2 Humming Nettles in Makna Forest.

Reward: Nothing

Things that Rumble (Triggered with Musical Genius)
Tati wants 4 different things with Rumble in name. If Tati have things that
rumble, he can create beautiful harmonies with his voice!

-Grab 2 Rumble Stoneflies in Tephra Cave.

-Grab 2 Rumble Coals in the Ether Mine.
-Grab 2 Rumble Parts in Satorl Marsh.
-Grab 2 Rumble Boxes in Frontier Village.

Reward: Nothing

The Master's Successor (Dobadoba, Pollen Orb Storehouse, 10 A.M.)
It time that someone else took over Pollen Works. Dobadoba want to pass on
way of life. Friends have to choose Gadada or Cherri!

-Chat to Gadada about his passions. (Pollen Works, 10 A.M.)

-Go see Dobadoba.
-Chat to Cherri about her passions.
-Go see Dobadoba. (The choice you make will determine which of two possible
quests you can receive in the future. Neither is bad, so pick whichever you
Reward: 7500G, 2400 Exp, Debuff Resist II

Makna Forest

Challenge (Nopon Merchant, Agni Tablet)
If the Nopon dare to bathe where the Eks drink water, they're very likely to
attacked by a horrifying monster. Defeat it and let the Nopon wash in safety.

-Defeat Shimmering Forte near Eks Watering Hole in Makna Forest. (On a hot
(You'll know if it's hot if the birds in the background noise stop chirping)
(Make the environment hot, then travel the path from Twisted Tree Gate
Nopon Arch. You'll run into the monster fairly quickly)

Reward: 25000G

Colony 6

Defend Colony 6-Mechon (Given while rebuilding Colony 6)
There's a problem at an ether planter. Eliminate the difficult enemies to
the residents feel at ease.

-Defeat 3 Mechon M64 Armour+ units in the area of the ether planter at the
Depot. (South from the ether deposit)

Reward: 3000G, 1500 Exp

A Gutsy Trader (Werner, by the flower garden, 10 A.M.)
Wener wants to use the many butterflies in the flower garden to make a
product. Collect items for him to make his Colony 6 specialty.

-Collect 6 Flier Wings from the Fliers in Colony 6. (Colony Flier, Supply
or Clima Flier, Freight Road, day, clear)
-Collect 7 Flier Straws from Fliers on the Bionis' Leg. (Cloud Flier, swampy
area near Spiral Valley, day, clear)
-Return to Werner.

Reward: 4000G, 620 Exp, Nopol Boots

Colony 9

A Big Brother's Fight (Zukazu, by steps near west bridge into the Residential
District, 10 P.M.) (Timed) (Exclusive)
~NOTE~ You can either complete this quest or A Little Brother's Fight, but
cannot do both.

The brothers' feud can finally come to an end. Find a Red Pollen Orb that
Zukazu can eat to assure his victory.

-Collect a Red Pollen Orb from a location relating to the Nopon. (Nopon
Satorl Marsh)
-Return to Zukazu.

Reward: 2500G, 3000 Exp, Jungle Top

A Little Brother's Fight (Jiroque, by trees next to the plaza south of the
food court-type area, Residential District, 10 P.M.) (Timed) (Exclusive)
~NOTE~ You can either complete this quest or A Big Brother's Fight, but you
cannot do both.

The brothers' feud will finally come to an end. Find a Red Pollen Orb for
Jiroque and stop Zukazu from leaving to travel around Bionis.

-Collect a Red Pollen Orb from a location relating to the Nopon. (Nopon
Satorl Marsh)
-Return to Jiroque.

Reward: 7500G, 1500 Exp, Jungle Bottoms

The Old Soldier's Test (Jan, east side of Military District, 10 A.M.) (If you
told Dionysis 'He's too old for that girl')
Jan feels that challenges are good for building up a young person's
Clear Jan's challenge by defeating the monster.

-Defeat Elder Gragus near the Nopon Arch in Makna Forest. (Keep to the right
as you head towards Twisted Tree Gate from Nopon Arch)
-Return to Jan.

Reward: 5800G, 5000 Exp, Dawn Staff

A Young Captain's Challenge (Emmy Leater, back of Military District, 10 A.M.)
~NOTE~ Which option you choose will determine which of two possible quests
can receive in the future.

The lieutenant colonel qualification test is about to start! It's not looking
good for Emmy Leater though... Help her out! She needs a sword or a shield.

Find a Nopon Claymore or a Carbo Shield. (The Claymore can be found with a
Nopon Merchant at Sororal Statues in Satorl Marsh, while the Shield is
on an upper area roughly north of the main entrance of Colony 6)
-(If you picked the Shield) Return to Emmy Leater.
-(If you picked the Sword) Collect 4 pieces of Bunnia Scent Wood from Ogre
Bunnias in Satorl Marsh. (Area below Nopon Refuge)
-Collect a Nopon Claymore from a Nopon Merchant.
-Return to Emmy Leater.

Reward: 3300G, 600 Exp, Purity Striker, Swep Gauntlets

Thawing Relations (If you completed A Little Brother's Fight)(Zukazu, by
near west bridge into the Residential District, 10 P.M.)
Zukazu has decided to make his life in Colony 9. But there is one problem.
him find a compromise with his grandmother who is less than friendly to him.

-Collect 3 lots of Maternal Armu Milk from Plain Armus in Colony 9. (Agora
-Talk to Marcia. (To the north of the shop, Ether Light, 10 A.M.)
-Return the Old Ring to Marcia.
-Return to Zukazu.

Reward: 4500G, 2500 Exp, Meditor Gnasher

A Place to Come Home to (If you completed A Big Brother's Fight) (Jiroque,
by trees next to plaza south of food court-type area, Residential District,
10 P.M.)
Jiroque wants to get a room ready for when Zukazu returns. Help him make a
fit for a Nopon.

-Collect 3 Quality Antol Jaws from Clinger Antols in Colony 9. (Agora Shore)
-Collect 4 Black Irises in Makna Forest.
-Collect 2 Forget-You-Nots in Satorl Marsh.
-Return to Jiroque.

Reward: 4500G, 2500 Exp, Lion Cutlass

Desiree's Apology (Desiree, by tree near Gem Man's Stall, 10 P.M.) (If you
chose for Desiree to become a Sculptor)
~NOTE~ It is possible to trigger this quest at this point in the game, but it
does require quite a bit of effort to get your party's affinity with the area
high enough.

Betty has become jealous since Desiree became a student of Kenny Rohan. Help
make a present that should bring the two back together again.

-Collect 2 Krabble Artworks from Solid Krabbles in Colony 9. (Hazzai Cape,

-Collect 2 Laughing Brog Bags from Heavy Brogs in Colony 9. (Agora Shore)
-Collect 4 Night Lilies at Eryth Sea.
-Return to Desiree

Reward: 12000G, 4800 Exp, Blaze Plus V

Betty's Gift (Betty, Tranquil Square, 10 A.M.) (If you chose for Desiree to
become a Soldier)
~NOTE~ It is possible to trigger this quest at this point in the game, but it
does require quite a bit of effort to get your party's affinity with the area
high enough.

Betty wants to give Desiree a cute piece of armour to congratulate her on her
new job. Collect the materials she needs to make it.

-Collect 2 Lucky Skeeter Wings from Chordy Skeeters in Colony 9. (Agora

-Collect 2 Vang Hair Clips from Shadow Vangs in Colony 9. (Agora Shore,
-Collect 4 Razor Teasels at Eryth Sea.
-Return to Betty.

Reward: 12000G, 4800 Exp, Chill Plus V

* After reaching Eryth Sea *

Frontier Village

Avenge a Mamapon's Death (Rasha, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.) (Must use Sharla)
During my days as a Nopon Merchant, an evil monster took something I can
get back. Please. I must avenge my sisterpon, Cherri's mamapon!

-Defeat Pillager Hode in the area of the Ether Crystal Deposit at Eryth Sea.
(Unnamed shore below the Ether Crystal Deposit)
-Return to Rasha.
-Give the Cloth Shred to Cherri. (Pollen Orb Storehouse, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Rasha.

Reward: 5200G, 3600 Exp, Shell Leggings

Unlocks Sharla's 'Reliance' Skill Branch

Honouring the Nopon Sage (Pipiki, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)
Pipiki want to see the Nopon Sage that lives at Great Makna Falls. Nopon Sage
can do anything! Need offering to take to Nopon Sage to see him though!

-Grab 3 lots of Juicy Laia Fish from Chloro Laias at Eryth Sea. (Syrath
Lighthouse, night)
-Grab 4 Benign Crickets in Makna Forest.
-Grab 4 Soft Sea Cucumbers in Makna Forest.
-Go see Pipiki.

Reward: 3000G, 2500 Exp, Aggro Up III

A Tormented Bug-Lover (Deki, east-most section of B1F, 10 A.M.)
Deki get it wrong! Ababa like spicy things! Bet he won't like to eat sour
things! This will stop him eating bugs.

-Grab 5 lots of Bitter Wisp Fluid from Colony Wisps in Colony 6. (Supply
-Have Ababa drink it and see what he thinks. (Ababa, east-most section of
10 P.M.)
-Go see Deki.

Reward: 3000G, 2700 Exp, General Driver

Meeting the Nopon Sage (Pipiki, Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)
Offering for Nopon Sage all ready! Nopon Sage only usually see children, but
Pipiki sure he let Heropon and friends see him!

-Make the offering where you can see the rainbow of Great Makna Falls. (Ledge
north of Divine Sanctuary, 12 P.M.)
-Chat to the Nopon Sage.
-Go see Pipiki.

Reward: 3500G, 3500 Exp, Aggro Down III

Makna Forest

Legend of the Sage (Nopon Sage, ledge north of Divine Sanctuary, 12 P.M.)
Ask a child in Frontier Village to tell you why the Nopon Sage is so great.

-Talk to Pipiki in Frontier Village. (Sacred Altar, 10 A.M.)

-Return to the Nopon Sage.
-Talk to Pachipa in Frontier Village. (Archaeology Centre, 12 P.M.)
-Return to the Nopon Sage.

Reward: 4500G, 1500 Exp, Poison Plus V, Revival HP Up III

Challenge of the Sage (Nopon Sage, ledge north of Divine Sanctuary, 12 P.M.)
You have had to accept the Nopon Sage's challenge. Go to a dangerous place
demonstrate your courage.

-Go to the Seahorse Islet in Makna Forest and collect the Proof of Courage.
(It's in the water just before the waterfall)
-Return to the Nopon Sage.

Reward: 6000G, 2500 Exp, Debuff Plus II, HP Steal III

* After reaching Alcamoth *

A Friend in Need (Lecrough, Great Hall Stairs, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Lecrough was going to accompany his friend to defeat a monster, but was
assigned to another mission. Go and complete it for him.

-Defeat 6 Eryth Hilns at Eryth Sea. (Latael Shore, day)

-Return to Lecrough.

Reward: 7500G, 2500 Exp, Arts Stealth III

Challenge 3 (Alcamoth Imperial Guard, Ascension Hall, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A guard has been forced to take on a quest he will never be able to complete.
Help him out by completing it for him.

-Defeat Peeling Kircheis on Hovering Reef 7 at Eryth Sea.

Reward: 35000G

Material Quest 4 (Alcamoth Citizen, by the shop, Melfica Road, 10 A.M.)
A resident doesn't have enough materials to make his favourite musical
instrument. Collect the materials for him.

-Collect 2 Lexos Beards from Racti Lexos at Eryth Sea. (Soltnar Seal Island)

Reward: 22000G

Monster Quest 1-Part 1 (Alcamoth Citizen, Melfica Road, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A resident wants help with her monster ecology research.

-Defeat 5 Cruz Paguls at Eryth Sea. (Latael Shore)

Reward: 16000G

Monster Quest 1-Part 2 (Alcamoth Citizen, Melfica Road, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A resident wants help with her monster ecology research.

-Defeat 3 Eryth Ansels at Eryth Sea. (Syrath Lighthouse, day)

Reward: 14500G

Monster Quest 1-Part 3 (Alcamoth Citizen, Melfica Road, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A resident wants help with her monster ecology research.

-Defeat 2 Ciconia Ekidnos at Eryth Sea. (Hovering Reef 10)

Reward: 17000G

Looking for Gold Bugs (Teelan, Melfica Road, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Find some bugs for a hopeful youth. For a few hours immediately after
this bug will shine gold.

-Collect 9 Gold Caterpillars from Tephra Cave.

-Return to Teelan.

Reward: 5100G, 1950 Exp, Fall Defence II

Material Quest 2 (Alcamoth Citizen, north part of 1F, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A resident wants to make a costume. Help her by collecting something exciting
to start it off.

-Collect 5 Orluga Grass Skirts from Orluga in Makna Forest. (Terra Orluga,
southeast of Twisted Tree Gate)

Reward: 23500G

Bring Back My Son! (Merisa, north part of upper walkway around city, 10 A.M.)
Merisa's son Mir'leiz went to train at Eryth sea. It's very dangerous there,
she wants you to find him and bring him back.

-Find Mir'leiz at Eryth Sea. (Hovering Reef 1)

-Return to Merisa.

Reward: 3500G, 1800 Exp, Weapon Power IV

Monster Quest 3-Part 1 (Alcamoth Citizen, north-most U-shaped bridge, 10
You have been asked to defeat some monsters to improve the security of

-Defeat 5 Unine Hodes at Eryth Sea. (Unnamed shore below Ether Crystal

Reward: 18000G

Monster Quest 3-Part 2 (Alcamoth Citizen, north-most U-shaped bridge, 10
You have been asked to defeat some monsters to improve the security of

-Defeat 2 Tocos Orluga at Eryth Sea. (Hode Refuge)

Reward: 25000G

Monster Quest 3-Part 3 (Alcamoth Citizen, north-most U-shaped bridge, 10
You have been asked to defeat a monster to improve the security of Alcamoth.

-Defeat 1 Pelargos Ekidno at Eryth Sea. (Swim to the west shore of Hode
then climb the wall)

Reward: 28000G

Collection Quest 1 (Alcamoth Citizen, room near the middle of the upper
walkway around the city, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
The girls' stomach pains wouldn't be so bad if she had some nutritious food.
Collect some collection items for her.

-Collect 3 lots of Gold Burdock at Eryth Sea.

Reward: 15000G

Looking for a Lost Son (Vol'aren, near the south wall of GF, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Vol'aren's two children were playing outside, but now his son is nowhere to
seen. He can't leave his daughter's side, so find his son for him.

-Find Atael. (Northeast of Vol'aren)

-Return to Vol'aren.

Reward: 6750G, 2300 Exp, Tension Swing III

Looking for a Lost Daughter (Vol'aren, near the south wall of GF, 10 A.M.)
When Vol'aren had his back turned, his daughter went missing. He can't leave
his son unsupervised, so go and find his daughter for him.

-Find Cian. (Northwest of Vol'aren)

-Return to Vol'aren.

Reward: 7200G, 2500 Exp, Strength Up IV

Collection Quest 3 (Alcamoth Citizen, Fountain of Hope, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A friend's mother is feeling down and a resident is very worried. Collect
collectables for her.

-Collect 5 Stardrops in Alcamoth.

Reward: 22500G

Collection Quest 2 (Alcamoth Citizen, north of Fountain of Hope, 10 A.M.)
A resident's beloved pillow is worn out. Collect some collectables for him.

-Collect 2 White Tails at Eryth sea.

Reward: 22000G

Material Quest 3 (Alcamoth Imperial Guard, east of Main Entrance, 10 A.M.)
A guard wants to make a doll for his child who he doesn't see much.
Unfortunately, he doesn't have enough clothes material. Collect some for the

-Collect 3 Orluga Slacks from Orlugas at Eryth Sea. (Tocos Orlugas, Hode
Reward: 27000G

Going Out to Play (Popipo, fountain by Main Entrance, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Popipo's son hates to be outside lately. Talk to him, work out what the
is and find a way of getting him to enjoy the outdoors.

-Talk to Baroba. (By Main Entrance, 10 A.M.)

-Collect 5 Ether Roses from Satorl Marsh.
-Talk to Baroba.
-Return to Popipo.

Reward: 6400G, 1600 Exp, Paralysis Resist III

Material Quest 1 (Alcamoth Citizen, northeast of Main Entrance, 10 A.M.)
A resident wants to make a present to thank his co-workers for covering for
him, but he doesn't have enough materials. Collect what he needs.

-Collect 2 Glossy Grady Fans from Lunar Grady at Eryth Sea. (Latael Shore)

Reward: 20000G

Preparing for Adventure (Zain, by north-most escalator, GF, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Zain and his friend need water that won't freeze on their trip. But there is
waterfall nearby. Go to the other waterfalls in the world and collect water.

-Collect Kasharpa Water from Kasharpa Falls on the Bionis' Leg. (Behind
Kasharpa Falls)
-Collect Statue Water from near the Sororal Statues in Satorl Marsh.
(Northeast waterfall)
-Collect Makna Water from Great Makna Falls in Makna Forest. (East and
south of island near Makna Falls)
-Return to Zain.

Reward: 4200G, 1600 Exp, Strength Up III, Ether Up III, Agility Up III

Preparing for Adventure 2 (Kurralth, by north-most escalator, GF, 10 A.M.)
Kurralth has lost a container of cream which is necessary for travelling in
cold climates. He dropped it near an ether deposit at Eryth Sea.

-Find the Chalk Container on Anu shore at Eryth Sea. (Use the tunnel north of
High Entia Tomb)
-Return to Kurralth.

Reward: 4700G, 1800 Exp, Muscle Up III, Ether Def Up III

Search Quest 3 (Alcamoth Citizen, by north escalator, GF, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
A resident has dropped a gift that a merchant friend gave him. Find the
precious item and return it to him.

-Find the Merchant's Gift somewhere on the lower level of Alcamoth. (Back
beneath the central escalator, GF)

Reward: 11000G, 2500 Exp

Challenge 4 (Alcamoth Citizen, near northeast wall of GF, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
When a resident was talking a walk, she saw a terrifying monster. It should
killed before it harms anyone.

-Defeat Lightspeed Sonid in the area of Anu Shore at Eryth Sea. (Use the
north of High Entia Tomb)

Reward: 50000G

Losing the Taste for Alcohol (Nelo, by south-most escalator, GF, 10 P.M.)
Nelo wants to go drinking with his friends but gets drunk very easily. Get
the ingredients for some medicine that will make him want to drink less.

-Collect 2 lots of Feris Blood from Feris in Makna Forest. (Makna Feris, area
around Waypoint Beacon)
-Collect 5 Pagul Hot Pots from Cruz Paguls at Eryth Sea. (Latael Shore)
-Return to Nelo.

Reward: 4750G, 1800 Exp, Confuse Resist III

Search Quest 4 (Alcamoth Citizen, by fountain west of Fountain of Hope,
10 A.M.) (Timed)
When the Nopon was moving house, he lost a very special charm that could
be replaced. Find it for the poor child.
-Find the Health Amulet on the lower level of Alcamoth. (North of heart-to-
heart spot on GF)

Reward: 10000G, 2800 Exp

How Do They Feel? (Scarlen, by central escalator, GF, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
Scarlen likes two girls called Rozeal and Ricoth. He wants you to find out
they feel about him.

-Talk to Ricoth. (By north-most escalator, GF, 10 P.M.)

-Talk to Rozeal. (By Ricoth)
-Return to Scarlen.

Reward: 3800G, 1300 Exp, Spike Defence II

Building Bridges (Arielle, fountain west of Fountain of Eternity, 10 P.M.)
Arielle's daughter has suddenly decided she hates other races. Arielle wants
you to find out why. Talk to Lesunia and find out what happened.

-Talk to Lesunia. (Must use Melia)

-Collect 2 pieces of Marine Marble at Eryth Sea.
-Talk to Lesunia.
-Return to Arielle.

Reward: 5300G, 1750 Exp, Topple Resist III

Challenge 2 (Alcamoth Citizen, fountain by north-most escalator, GF, 10 P.M.)
A group of workers has been attacked by an unknown monster. It would be
dangerous to let it go. Find it and defeat it.

-Defeat Tempestuous Edegia on Hovering Reef 10 at Eryth Sea. (Only at night)

(By transporter to Ether Plant)

Reward: 38000G

How Do I Feel? (Scarlen, by central escalator, GF, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
~NOTE~ Which girl you talk to first will determine which one Scarlen chooses.
That in return will determine which of two possible quests you'll be able to
receive in the future. Other than a difference in which gem you'll be
awarded, both quests are essentially identical.
Scarlen still likes both girls but he's not sure which one he likes best. Ask
both of the girls what their favorite memory of him is.

-Talk to Rozeal or Ricoth. (By north-most escalator, GF, 10 P.M.)

-(If you talk to Rozeal first) Talk to Ricoth.
-(If you talk to Ricoth first) Talk to Rozeal.
-Return to Scarlen.

Reward: 4200G, 1700 Exp, Strength Down III, Phys Def Down III

Search Quest 1 (Alcamoth Citizen, south of central escalator, GF, 10 P.M.)
While out walking, a resident dropped a keepsake that his mother gave him.
not sure where he dropped it, but it was very important. Find it for him.

-Find the Mother's Necklace on the second level of Alcamoth. (North part of
upper walkway around city)

Reward: 12000G, 2000 Exp

Challenge 1 (Alcamoth Citizen, beneath south-most escalator, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
Complete the mission of a resident's boyfriend for him.

-Defeat Proper Bandaz in the area of Secluded Island at Eryth Sea. (Only
shooting stars)

Reward: 45000G

Search Quest 2 (Alcamoth Citizen, by heart-to-heart location, GF, 10 P.M.)
A resident has lost the ring he planned to give to his girlfriend. Find the
very precious item for him.

-Find a Silver Ring somewhere in Alcamoth. (South dead end of Great Hall)

Reward: 9000G, 3000 Exp

The Deciphering Machine (Ruthan, by south ships, 1F, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
A team investigating ancient ruins have found some ancient writing. However,
will take time to decipher. Collect materials to build a deciphering machine.

-Collect 6 pieces of Sturdy Armour from Flavel Andos at Eryth Sea. (Hovering
Reef 3)
-Return to Ruthan.

Reward: 5500G, 1500 Exp, Slow Resist III

Collection Quest 4 (Alcamoth Citizen, by south ships, 1F, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
A resident has run out of materials necessary to repair a flying machine and
will be unable to complete his job at this rate. Collect some collectables

-Collect 2 Spiral Lamps in the High Entia Tomb.

Reward: 21000G

Monster Quest 2-Part 1 (Alcmoth Imperial Guard, by entrance to Imperial
Palace, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
There are lots of monsters outside according to the guard's family. It will
take some time for the guards to come. Help out by clearing some.

-Defeat 3 Chloro Laias at Eryth Sea. (Syrath Lighthouse, night)

Reward: 14000G

Monster Quest 2-Part 2 (Alcmoth Imperial Guard, by entrance to Imperial
Palace, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
The monsters are coming from a different source. It will take some time for
guards to come. Help out by clearing some.

-Defeat 5 Stella Eks at Eryth Sea. (Anu Shore, use tunnel north of High Entia

Reward: 22500G

Monster Quest 2-Part 3 (Alcmoth Imperial Guard, by entrance to Imperial
Palace, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
There is a monster that breeds very quickly. It will take some time for the
guards to come. Help out by clearing some.

-Defeat 1 Racti Lexos at Eryth Sea. (Soltnar Seal Island)

Reward: 27000G

Back Pain (Galdo, by stairs in Great Hall, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
A guard is suffering from back pain as a result of overexertion. Take care of
a subjugation mission in his place, to put his friend's mind at rest.

-Defeat 6 Archer Hodes at Eryth Sea. (Unnamed shore below Ether Crystal
-Return to Galdo.

Reward: 5500G, 1800 Exp, Bind II

Monster Quest 4-Part 1 (Alcamoth Imperial Guard, by stairs in Great Hall,
10 P.M.) (Timed)
There has been a request from the minister that monsters on Soltnar Seal
are defeated.

-Defeat 3 Somati Kromars at Eryth Sea.

Reward: 18000G

Monster Quest 4-Part 2 (Alcamoth Imperial Guard, by stairs in Great Hall,
10 P.M.) (Timed)
There has been a request from a guard that monsters on Soltnar Seal Island

-Defeat 4 Tussock Kromars at Eryth Sea.

Reward: 16000G

Monster Quest 4-Part 3 (Alcamoth Imperial Guard, by stairs in Great Hall,
10 P.M.) (Timed)
There has been a request from a guard that monsters on Soltnar Seal Island

-Defeat 5 Otol Kromars at Eryth Sea.

Reward: 15000G

Eryth Sea

Monster Quest 1 (Lighthouse Keeper, Syrath Lighthouse)
There are lots of monsters at Eryth Sea. Clear some so it's safer.

-Defeat 5 Palti Kromars at Eryth Sea. (Soltnar Seal Island)

Reward: 13000G

Monster Quest 2 (Lighthouse Keeper, Syrath Lighthouse)
There are lots of monsters at Eryth Sea. Clear some so it's safer.

-Defeat 5 Maleza Kromars at Eryth Sea. (Soltnar Seal Island)

Reward: 15000G

Challenge (Lighthouse Keeper, Syrath Lighthouse)
Eryth Sea is very dangerous. There is a particularly terrifying monster that
should be exterminated.

-Defeat Flabbergasted Jerome in the area of Hovering Reef 5 at Eryth Sea.

(Drop through the hole in the middle of the island)

Reward: 32000G

Collection Quest 1 (Alcamoth Citizen, Syrath Lighthouse)
The Alcamoth resident wants to research Eryth Sea but she can't find the
she needs. Collect some items and materials for her.

-Collect 3 Hiln Coin Purses from Eryth Hilns in Eryth Sea. (Latael Shore,
-Collect 5 Doomsday Poppies from Eryth Sea.

Reward: 12000G

Collection Quest 2 (Alcamoth Citizen, Syrath Lighthouse)
The Alcamoth resident wants to research Eryth Sea but she can't find the
she needs. Collect some items and materials for her.
-Collect 3 Andos Antennae from Andos in the High Entia Tomb. (Azul Andos,
-Collect 3 Old Dragon Spines from Racti Lexos at Eryth Sea. (Soltnar Seal
-Collect 3 spears of Pink Asparagus at Eryth Sea.

Reward: 20000G


Preparing for Adventure 3 (Zain, by north-most escalator, G1F, 10 A.M.)
Defeat Lakebed Orthlus at Colony 9 and obtain Orthlus' Liver. It is sure to
invaluable to Zain and Kurralth on their adventure.

-Collect Orthlus' Liver on Agora Shore in Colony 9.

-Return to Zain.

Reward: 6600G, 2500 Exp, Mithril Gear, Mithril Gauntlets, Mithril Boots

Together Forever (If Rozeal was chosen in How Do I Feel?) (Scarlen, by
escalator, GF, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
Scarlen has decided to answer Rozeal's declaration. But Ricoth is always near
so he can't do it himself. He wants you to deliver a letter for him instead.

-Talk to Rozeal. (By north-most escalator, GF, 10 P.M.)

-Return to Scarlen.

Reward: 4800G, 2100 Exp, Physical Protect IV

I Love You No Matter What (If Ricoth was chosen in How Do I Feel?) (Scarlen,
by central escalator, GF, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
Finally Scarlen has decided to tell Ricoth he likes her. But he doesn't want
approach her while Rozeal is near. Deliver a letter to Ricoth for him.

-Talk to Ricoth. (By north-most escalator, GF, 10 P.M.)

-Return to Scarlen.

Reward: 4800G, 2100 Exp, Ether Protect IV

Starlight Seeker (Elior, by north wall of GF, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Elior wants to learn about stars so he can become an adventurer someday. He
asked you to find Miriall, one of the most passionate astronomers in the

-Talk to Miriall. (By south fountain, Melfica Road, 10 P.M.)

-Collect 2 Silver Eks Plates from Stella Eks at Eryth Sea. (Anu Shore, use
tunnel north of High Entia Tomb)
-Talk to Miriall.
-Return to Elior.

Reward: 5600G, 2000 Exp, Daze Resist III

Teaching Materials (Mir'leiz, by south-most U bridge, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Caul has agreed to become Mir'leiz's instructor. However, he doesn't have the
teaching materials he needs. Why don't you ask Caul what he is missing?

-Talk to Caul. (Ledge above north-most escalator, 10 P.M.)

-Collect 3 lots of Murky Eluca Water from Perna Elucas at Eryth Sea. (Latael
-Talk to Caul.
-Return to Mir'leiz.

Reward: 4300G, 2000 Exp, Shell Boots

Brave Actions (Mir'leiz, by south-most U bridge, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Mir'leiz says there has been an unusual increase in monster numbers at Eryth
Sea. Help the Imperial Guards protect Alcamoth.

-Talk to Lecrough. (By stairs in Great Hall, 10 A.M.)

-Defeat 2 Buono Nebulae at Eryth Sea. (Latael Shore)
-Return to Lecrough.
-Return to Mir'leiz.

Reward: 5600G, 2400 Exp, Unbeatable III

Protect the Capital! (Triggered by talking to Lecrough for Brave Actions)
In addition to Mir'leiz's request, Lecrough has asked you to defeat some
monsters. Take care of them before reporting in to Lecrough.

-Defeat 2 Bono Nebulae at Eryth Sea. (Hovering Reef 1)

Reward: 4400G, 2100 Exp, Panther Top, Panther Shoes

Colony 6

Missing Lodger (Ma'crish, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)
Nopo'rikh, a Nopon who was living with Ma'crish, hasn't returned home. Locate
his whereabouts.

-Locate the missing Nopo'rikh. (Farm inside the city walls, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Ma'crish.

Reward: 4500G, 2000 Exp, Lock-On Resist IV

Cook-Off Counter Attack! (Hoko, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)
Hoko's cuisine is so foul that it's putting customers off. For Hoko to beat
rival, he'll need fresh ingredients.

-Collect 3 lots of Thick Armu Milk from Armus on the Bionis' Leg. (Leg Armu,
Gaur Plain)
-Collect 3 White Brog Livers from Brogs in Satorl Marsh. (Detox Brog, Lacus
-Collect Juicy Wild Meat from 3 Stella Eks at Eryth Sea. (Anu Shore, use
north of High Entia Tomb)
-Report back to Hoko.

Reward: 5000G, 1800 Exp, Sleep Resist IV

Cook-Off Comeback? (Hoko, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)
Hoko's cuisine has come leaps and bounds and now his sights are set on
bettering Talonyth. Time to gather more ingredients to help him achieve his

-Collect 4 Charcoal Legs from the Ether Mine.

-Collect 4 Honey Rhubarbs from Makna Forest.
-Collect 4 Tropical Radishes from Eryth Sea.
-Report Back to Hoko.

Reward: 5450G, 2000 Exp, Heavy Gauntlets

A Delectable Delicacy (Pokapoka, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)
Connoisseur Pokapoka craves a Homs specialty. To meet his demands, bring him
the required dish.

-Collect 3 Bunnia Hams from Ether Bunnia in Satorl Marsh. (Area below Nopon
-Report back to Pokapoka.

Reward: 6500G, 1900 Exp, Confuse Resist IV

Cook-Off Final Blow?! (Talonyth, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)
Talonyth is bitter about Hoko's becoming the better cook. Now he wants your

-Collect a Sky Frying Pan from near Sky Stage on the Bionis' Leg. (Northeast
part of Sky Stage)
-Return to Talonyth.
-Collect the Nature's Stove from near the Eks Watering Hole in Makna Forest.
(Northwest-most area of the Watering Hole)
-Return to Talonyth.

Reward: 6000G, 2050 Exp, Heavy Boots

Looking for Freedom (Nopo'rikh, farm inside city walls, 10 A.M.)
Desperate to escape the domineering High Entia girl, Nopo'rikh needs your
but don't let Ma'crish know.

-Collect some Smelly Perfume from the Poison Swamp in Satorl Marsh. Or
-(If you choose to talk to Ma'crish, Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.) Collect some
Pure Perfume from Great Makna Falls in Makna Forest. (Island east of Divine
-Hand it to Nopo'rikh.
-Return to Ma'crish.

Reward: 7200G, 2000 Exp, Shell Leggings

-(If you choose Smelly Perfume) Hand it to Nopo'rikh.

Reward: 7200G, 2000 Exp, Sky Cap

Frontier Village

Dangerous Ambition (Cherri, Pollen Orb Storehouse, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Where did Gadada go? He left Pollen Works. Not like him at all. Cherri worry
about him.

-Chat to Nopon who friends with Gadada. (Bana, by stairs leading up to Kyn
Shopping Street, Sacred Altar, 10 P.M.)
-Look for Gadada in Makna Forest. (Use upper walkway, head northeast from
village entrance, turn right, keep going until you can turn left, descend to
forest floor)
-Go see Cherri.

Reward: 8000G, 3000 Exp Bleed Attack II, Bleed Defence IV

Find the Kingpin (Gadada, Pollen Works, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
I made lots of Red Pollen Orbs for the Nopon. But Gadada was tricked! Gadada
never forgive! Gadada need to know why!

-Chat to Bana. (By stairs leading up to Kyn Shopping Street, Sacred Altar,
10 P.M.)
-Chat to Gadada about Nopon Merchants.
-Obtain Proof from the Nopon Merchants. (Reward for completing Secret
-Go see Gadada.

Reward: 10000G, 5000 Exp, Poison Attack II, Poison Defence IV

Adviser Hunt (Gadada, Pollen Works, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Secret information from Nopon Merchants says that Dedeba was misusing Red
Pollen Orbs! Dedeba fooled us all!

-Go to Dedeba's home. (Next to Pollen Orb Storehouse)

-Tell Gadada that Dedeba is not at home.
-Find a suspicious Nopon in Satorl Marsh. (Zazadan, Nopon Refuge)
-Question the suspicious Nopon.
-Return to Gadada.

Reward: 11000G, 5500 Exp, Double Attack II, Daze Resist III

Gather Information (Given during Adviser Hunt)
Zazadan seems to know something. Ask him and obtain some information about
black market.

-Interrogate Zazadan who is in the Nopon Refuge of Satorl Marsh. (Say 'What
happens if it's processed?')
-Continue your interrogation of Zazadan who is in the Nopon Refuge of Satorl
Marsh. (Say 'We don't blame you')
-Force a confession out of Zazadan who is in the Nopon Refuge of Satorl
(Say 'Ask where Dedeba is')

Reward: Nothing

Evidence Collection (Gadada, Pollen Works, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
This is a note about a trade going to happen at Bird People city! But wait!
need evidence!

-Collect all the pieces of Dedeba's Evidence scattered across Frontier

Village. (Two on the same floor as Gadada, one by Pollen Orb Storehouse, one
Underground Store)
-Go see Gadada.

Reward: 13000G, 7500 Exp, Bind Resist III

Destroying the City Trade (Gadada, Pollen Works, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
We have all evidence we need! Now time to make Dedeba pay! Gadada want

-Look for the location of the Secret Club in Alcamoth. (North-most circular
room on the back of the upper walkway around the city, night)
-Find a Secret Club Card.
-Enter the Secret Club.
-Show Dedeba the evidence.
-Go see Gadada.

Reward: 15000G, 8000 Exp, Agility Up III, Recovery Up IV, AP Up III

Getting a Member's Card (Given during Destroying the City Trade) (Timed)
You need to get a Secret Club Card so you can get in. This is the perfect
chance-they don't know you're on to them yet! Quickly, find someone who has a

-Find someone who has a Secret Club Card. (Nelo, by south-most escalator, GF,
10 P.M.)
-Collect 3 Rufus Control Units from Orluga Rufus in the High Entia Tomb.
east of Tower of Trials-Bridge)
-Give the Rufus Control Devices to Nelo.

Reward: Nothing (You actually get the Secret Club Card, but it's not listed
an 'official' reward)

* After completing the rescuing a lighthouse worker story quest *

Eryth Sea

Trouble at the Plant (Jarack, Ether Plant)
One of the wind turbines was attacked by Hodes. Help resolve the Ether Plant

-Teach the head of the Hodes a lesson.

-Use the Turbine Access Panel in the Ether Plant at Eryth Sea to fix the
-Return to Jarack.

Reward: 7700G, 4700 Exp, Shell Gauntlets, Good Footing II

Punish the Hodes (Triggered with Trouble at the Plant)
Find the Hode Refuge and teach the Hode leader a lesson.

-Defeat Funeral Gozra at the Hode Refuge at Eryth Sea.

Reward: Nothing

Mend the Plant (Triggered with Trouble at the Plant)
Fix the wind turbine that the Hodes broke.

-Collect 3 pieces of Luxury Hode Wood from Hodes at Eryth Sea. (Archer Hode,
unnamed shore below Ether Crystal Deposit)
-Return to Jarack.
-Use the Turbine Access Panel in the Ether Plant at Eryth Sea to fix the
-Return to Jarack.

Reward: Nothing

Hode Attack (Surprise quest given upon completing Trouble at the Plant)
Cronies of the defeated Hode leader want revenge.

-Defeat 2 Confusion Ekidnos at Eryth Sea.

-Return to Jarack. (Hiding beneath the round platform near the transporter)

Reward: 5400G, 3000 Exp, Buff Time Plus II, Divine Protect II
* After completing High Entia Tomb *


A Necessary Upgrade (Naroth, by north-most fountain, Melfica Road, 10 A.M.)
The accuracy of the deciphering machine is pretty low. It's not going to be
possible to read the writing at this rate. Collect some materials to make

-Collect 5 Green Diodes in the High Entia Tomb.

-Collect 3 Astas Remote Units from Hover Astas in the High Entia Tomb. (B1F)
-Return to Naroth.

Reward: 6500G, 1800 Exp, Shell Gauntlets

Starlight Gazer (Elior, by north wall of GF, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
Elior is looking for a smart Nopon to help him improve Miriall's telescope so
he can see even more. Find a clever Nopon to make his dream come true.

-Talk to Kaleka. (Near north fountain, Melfica Road, 10 P.M.)

-Find an Attachment Part in the Second Treasury of the High Entia Tomb.
-Give the Attachment Part to Kaleka.
-Return to Elior.

Reward: 6900G, 2700 Exp, Amethyst Leggings

Talia's Research (Talia, by south fountain, Melfica Road, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
~NOTE~ If you choose not to do this quest, you will have a similar but
different quest available in the future after certain story events cause this
quest to expire.

Talia has gone to the Satorl ruins alone. She was warned that it was too
dangerous but she wouldn't listen. You must go after her!

-Defeat Dogmatic Gogol at the Place of Judgement in Satorl Marsh.

-Talk to Talia. (Behind nearby rock)

Reward: 6800G, 2250 Exp, Ether Def Up IV, Arts Seal Resist III
Colony 6

Defend Colony 6-Reptile (Quest given while rebuilding Colony 6)
There's a problem at an ether planter. Eliminate the violent enemies to help
the residents feel at ease.

Defeat 5 Fiery Ignas in the area of the ether planter at the Freight Road.
(The general area where lower and upper paths meet)

Reward: 6000G, 4000 Exp

* After your full party has been reunited following High Entia Tomb *

Eryth Sea

Trouble at the Lighthouse (Shalen, Syrath Lighthouse) (Must use Melia)
There are more problems with the lighthouse. The light won't come on. When
darkness falls, monsters will attack. Defend the lighthouse.

-Defeat 3 Decay Ekidnos near Syrath Lighthouse at Eryth Sea. (Only at night)
(On top level of lighthouse)
-Return to Shalen.

Reward: 5700G, 3800 Exp, Nightglow Staff

Unlocks Melia's 'Reticence' Skill Branch

* After reaching Valak Mountain (Following the events at Prison Island) *

Makna Forest

Bridge Repair (Nopon Researcher, east from Pod Landing Site)
The broken bridge is causing problems for the Nopon. If they had the
they could fix it. Help them by collecting the materials they need to fix it.

-Collect 5 Hode Planks from Hodes in Makna Forest. (Hyle Hode, area around
-Collect 3 Rhogul Axe Crests from Mist Rhoguls in Satorl Marsh. (Barren Moor)
-Return to the Nopon in charge of bridge repair.

Reward: 3000G, 4400 Exp, Jaw Nibbler

Colony 6

Cook-Off Showdown! (Ma'crish, Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.) (Must use Reyn)
Ma'crish was a fan of the cuisine Hoko used to make, and can't bear to eat
anything else. Get Hoko to whip up a dish in his old style of cooking.

-Speak to Hoko. (Area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)

-Collect 2 Soya Paste Shells from Entma Kings on Valak Mountain. (Area
northwest of Mechonis Wound)
-Report back to Hoko. (The answer you give does make a small difference in
-Report back to Ma'crish.

Reward: (For telling Hoko to make food customers like) 7500G, 2200 Exp, Brave
(For telling Hoko to make food he likes) 7500G, 2200 Exp, Brave Top,
HP Steal
Unlocks Reyn's 'Impatience' Skill Branch

A Tantalising Treat (Pokapoka, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)
Connoisseur Pokapoka craves a special delicacy. To meet his demands, bring
the odd dish.

-Collect 3 Pagul Cold Pies from Sparas Paguls on Valak Mountain. (Nagul
-Report back to Pokapoka.

Reward: 6800G, 2300 Exp, Daze Resist IV

Frontier Village

Medical Advancements (Medi, by shop on Kyn Shopping Street, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
~NOTE~ You can complete this quest or Let's Make Fillings, but you cannot do
both. Which one you do will determine which of two possible future quests
be available to you.

I have travelled far and wide to gain knowledge of foreign dentistry

techniques. However, I must show Yusa how long in the tooth he really is!

-Collect 2 Ories Horns from Ories on Valak Mountain. (Zegia Ories, Ignia
-Return to Medi.

Reward: 12000G, 5300 Exp, Topple Up IV

Mystery of Makna Ruins 1 (Lupa, Archaeology Centre, 10 P.M.)
I need to see the Ancient Documents to open the door to the ruins in Makna.
Search high and low in Makna for them!

-Grab 3 Ancient Documents from various locations in Makna Forest. (One is on

small area of shoreline beneath Bridge 2, one is behind a tree in the center
the small area connected by bridges 2 and 3, and one is on the 'knob' north
Pod Landing Site)
-Go see Lupa.

Reward: 5500G, 3800 Exp, Amethyst Gear, Lightning Attack II

Mystery of Makna Ruins 2 (Lupa, Archaeology Centre, 10 P.M.)
We must recite a prayer to open door to ruins. There big tablet in front of
door. Pray real hard at it! Find out what inside and come back and tell me!

-Recite the prayer in front of King Agni's Tomb.

-Investigate the inside of King Agni's Tomb.
-Go see Lupa.

Reward: 6200G, 5300 Exp, Amethyst Gauntlets, Blaze Attack II

Giant Attack! (Lalapa, Chief's Residence, 10 A.M.)
Lalapa hear that Makna Bridge fixed. But Ashy Orlugas think very convenient
too! They like eating Nopons! Village in big trouble!
-Bash 3 Ashy Orlugas in the area of Nopon Arch in Makna Forest. (Just before
Eks Watering Hole)
-Go see Lalapa.

Reward: 7200G, 5400 Exp, League Leggings

Material Quest 3 (Nopon Villager, Archaeology Centre, 10 A.M.)
Me want to make pretty clothes for Grannypon's birthday. Want something lucky
to make sure she lives even longer!

-Grab 5 Apis Gold Nuggets from Apis on Valak Mountain. (Latia Apis, Apis

Reward: 10000G

Let's Make Fillings! (Yusa, Underground Store, 10 A.M.) (Timed) (Exclusive)
~NOTE~ You can complete this quest or Medical Advancements, but you cannot do
both. Which one you do will determine which of two possible future quests
be available to you.

Yusa is doctor who inherited legendary Nopon skill of dentistry. Yusa wants
help villagers with bad teeth, but my legs hurt. Don't want to lose to Medi!

-Grab 4 Vang Milk Teeth from Vangs in Satorl Marsh. (Satorl Vang, tunnel
of Nopon Merchant Camp)
-Go see Yusa.

Reward: 7000G, 2500 Exp, Daze Up IV

Mystery of Makna Ruins 3 (Lupa, Archaeology Centre, 10 P.M.)
We need Lubricant Oil to move the heavy coffin. Go get materials!

-Grab 3 lots of Aqueous Andos Oil from Flavel Andos at Eryth Sea. (Hovering
Reef 1)
-Grab 3 lots of Algora Sap from Sap Cave in Makna Forest.
-Go see Lupa.

Reward: 8000G, 7200 Exp, Amethyst Boots, Chill Attack II, Lubricant Oil

Mystery of Makna Ruins 4 (Given for completing Mystery of Makna Ruins 3)
Now it's time to move the coffin! Thank you for helping me! Finally challenge
for friends. Find out what inside that tomb! Good luck!
-Use the Lubricant Oil on the coffin.
-Investigate the depths of the tomb. (Don't forget to open the treasure
-Go see Lupa.

Reward: 13000G, 10000 Exp, Barrier Gnasher, Heart of the Giants

Reversed Tastes (Kofuko, Sacred Altar, 10 P.M.) (If you completed Let's Make
Kofuko get fillings but now favourite food taste like worst food! That why
Kofuko want to eat the most disgusting, revolting food ever. Let's make bad

-Grab 3 lots of Dense Ansel Meat from Eryth Ansels at Eryth Sea. (Syrath
Lighthouse, day)
-Grab 3 Moramora Meat Pies from Moramora in Valak Mountain. (Monta Moramora,
first land bridge north of Zokhed Pass, day)
-Grab 4 Shin Newts in Tephra Cave.
-Grab 3 Hand Lotuses on the Bionis' Leg.
-Go see Kofuko.

Reward: 10500G, 3250 Exp, League Armour

World's Strongest Flavour (Kofuko, Sacred Altar, 10 P.M.) (If you completed
Medical Advancements)
Teeth are better and Kofuko can eat tough things. That good, but Kofuko's
taste... well, tasteless! Kofuko want to eat rich food with strong taste.

-Grab 2 Crimson Citruses in Frontier Village.

-Grab 2 Ruby Mangosteens on Valak Mountain.
-Grab 2 lots of Bloody Brog Sweat from Makna Brogs in Makna Forest. (By Sap
-Grab 2 lots of Frozen Aries Meat from Aries on Valak Mountain. (Costa Aries,
Ignia Hill, day)
-Go see Kofuko.

Reward: 13500G, 6800 Exp, Stellar Boots, Brave Bottoms

Healing the Healer (Npa, Underground Store, 10 A.M.)
Dr. Yusa's legs hurt very much. He not look after himself properly. Very
worrying. Get Dr. Medi to do something, please!

-Chat to Medi. (By shop, Kyn Shopping Street, 10 P.M.)

-Chat to Yusa. (Underground Store, 10 A.M.)
-Place Flowers on the Bionis' Leg.
-Go see Yusa.
-Go see Npa.

Reward: 5200G, 900 Exp, Bleed Plus III

Legendary Nopon Charm (Triggered during Healing the Healer)
I know of an old healing legend which involves placing flowers on the part of
the Bionis where you feel pain. Please make the offering and relieve my pain.

-Offer up a flower at an altar near Kasharpa Falls on the Bionis' Leg.

(Northwest from the Falls)
-Offer up a flower at the altar in Tranquil Grotto on the Bionis' Leg.
-Offer up a flower on the altar at Viliera Hill on the Bionis' Leg.
-Offer up a flower at the altar in the southern part of Gaur Plain on the
Bionis' Leg. (First area leading to a cliff to the south)

Reward: Nothing


Believing Again (Vidian, south of the south-most U bridge, upper walkway
around city, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
~NOTE~ If you choose not to do this quest, a you will have a slightly
future quest available than you would have had otherwise.

The old Lesunia didn't used to worry about race. Remind her of Vidian and get
the two to be friends again.

-Collect Morning Dew Ice from Bafalgar Pedestal on Valak Mountain. (Only at
-Talk to Vidian.
-Talk to Lesunia. (Near fountain south of Imperial Palace, 10 P.M.)
-Return to Vidian.

Reward: 8500G, 4500 Exp, Amethyst Armour

Adventurers in Peril (Miriall, by fountain south of Imperial Palace, 10 P.M.)
~NOTE~ If you choose not to do this quest, a similar but different quest will
be available after story events cause this quest to expire.

There has been no communication from the two who went to the ruins on Valak
Mountain. Perhaps there was an accident? Go and find them quickly!
-Find Zain near Three Sage Summit on Valak Mountain.
-Find Kurralth near Three Sage Summit on Valak Mountain.
-Return to Miriall.

Reward: 11000G, 5200 Exp, Black Sniper

Valak Mountain

Monster Quest 1 (Nopon Merchant, Zokhed Pass)
Clear the monsters so there is a safe route to the Research Team on Valak

-Defeat 2 Monta Moramoras on Valak Mountain. (First land bridge north of

Pass, day)

Reward: 23000G

Monster Quest 2 (Nopon Merchant, Zokhed Pass)
Clear the monsters so there is a safe route to the Research Team on Valak

-Defeat 5 Sparas Paguls on Valak Mountain. (Nagul Waterfall)

Reward: 25500G

Monster Quest 3 (Nopon Merchant, Zokhed Pass)
Clear the monsters so there is a safe route to the Research Team on Valak

-Defeat 3 Bow Chilkins on Valak Mountain. (Url Crevasse)

Reward: 28000G

Monster Quest 4 (Nopon Merchant, Zokhed Pass)
Clear the monsters so there is a safe route to the Research Team on Valak

-Defeat 1 Sesna Lexos on Valak Mountain. (Near Nagul Waterfall)

Reward: 30000G
Chilkins and Antols (Nopon Researcher, Nopon Camp)
The battle between the Chilkins and the Antols rages on. Help the Nopon so
can continue their research of Valak Mountain in peace.

-Defeat 5 Poleaxe Chilkins on Valak Mountain. (Url Crevasse)

-Defeat 5 Ent Antols on Valak Mountain. (Mechonis Wound)
-Return to the researcher.

Reward: 10000G, 3300 Exp, Spike Defence IV, Chill Defence IV, Paralysis
Resist IV

The Freezing Nopon (Nopon Researcher, east of pond reached via Jakt Geyser)
You found a Nopon who is in danger of freezing to death! She might have some
useful information. Find some things to warm her up.

-Collect 3 Hox Flints from Porcu Hoxes on Valak Mountain. (Lava Cave)
-Collect 2 Antol Fire Pouches from Ent Antols on Valak Mountain. (Mechonis
-Collect 1 Feris Aged Ale from a Noto Feris on Valak Mountain. (Lava Cave)
-Return to the collapsed Nopon.

Reward: 12000G, 4500 Exp, Heavy Leggings

Valak Mountain Research (Nopon Researcher, Nopon Camp)
You've been asked to help the Research Team. Go to areas of Valak Mountain
great views and tell the team your impressions.

-Take in the scenery from Bafalgar Pedestal on Valak Mountain.

-Take in the scenery from Kana Peak on Valak Mountain.
-Return to the researcher. (Pick whichever answer you want, they don't make

Reward: 11500G, 3800 Exp, Chill Defence V

Bionis' Leg

Legend of Mythical Empress (Gerugu, Traveller's Rest)
The Mythical Empress is on a rampage fuelled by the death of her young and is
destroying the area around the nest. Head there and put her out of her

-Defeat the Mythical Empress near Zax Guidepost on the Bionis' Leg. (Drop in
the small hole south of the Guidepost)
-Return to Gerugu.

Reward: 6500G, 3000 Exp, Haste II

Colony 6

Cursed Berryjammy (If you invited Mefimefi) (Norara, landing on east side of
main street, 10 A.M.)
Norara needs medicine for her friend, but her teacher's advice isn't making
this easy. Follow her teacher's instructions and help get the medicine ready.

-Speak to Mefimefi. (Landing on east side of main street, 10 P.M.)

-Collect the Statue Fragment from the Sororal Statues in Satorl Marsh. (Skirt
of west statue, it can be reached by dropping down from the ether deposit on
the statue's neck)
-Hand the ingredient to Mefimefi.
-Return to Norara.

Reward: 6000G, 1800 Exp, Lock-On Resist IV

Weak Berryjammy (If you invited Perrine) (Norara, landing on east side of
street, 10 A.M.)
Before something terrible befalls a close friend of Norara, gather the
ingredients for her so she can make some medicine.

-Collect 4 lots of Thick Nectar from Skeeters on the Bionis' Leg. (Leg
Skeeters, cliff above pond northeast of Jabos Rock Rest Area, clear)
-Collect 4 Juicy Grapes from Makna Forest.
-Return to Norara.

Reward: 5500G, 1500 Exp, Bind Resist IV

Obstinate Berryjammy (Norara, landing on east side of main street, 10 A.M.)
Berryjammy won't drink the medicine that Norara made, which means she's not
going to recover. Use everyone to convince her to drink it.

-Convince Berryjammy. (Alley between main street and farm inside city walls,
10 P.M.) (Use Dunban)
-Return to Norara.

Reward: 6500G, 2000 Exp, Panther Gloves

Unstoppable Berryjammy (Berryjammy, alley between main street and farm inside
city walls, 10 P.M.)
Berryjammy has been drinking Norara's medicine as if it's juice. Now she's in
a very bad state. Do something to stop her.

-Either discuss Berryjammy's condition with Norara or give her some of Olga's
-(If you choose Olga, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 P.M.) Return to
-(If you choose Norara, landing on east side of main street, 10 A.M.) Collect
3 lots of Caterpile Vinegar from Satorl Caterpiles in Satorl Marsh. (Area
south of Glowing Obelisk)
-Return to Norara.
-Return to Berryjammy.

Reward: 7800G, 2300 Exp, Shell Leggings

Miss Sweetness Showdown! (Berryjammy, alley between main street and farm
inside city walls, 10 P.M.) (Timed) (Exclusive)
~NOTE~ You can complete this quest or Ma'crish's Miss Sweetness quest, but
cannot do both.

Who will become the undisputed Miss Sweetness of Colony 6? Deliver the
item to Berryjammy.

-Collect the world's most transparent thing.

-Report back to Berryjammy.

Reward: 10000G, 5300 Exp, Amethyst Leggings

Miss Sweetness Showdown! (Ma'crish, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.
or at Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.) (Timed) (Exclusive)
~NOTE~ You can complete this quest or Berryjammy's Miss Sweetness quest, but
you cannot do both.
Who will become the undisputed Miss Sweetness of Colony 6? Deliver the
item to Ma'crish.

-Collect the world's most transparent thing.

-Report back to Ma'crish.

Reward: 11000G, 5000 Exp, Amethyst Armour

The Most Transparent Thing (Triggered with Miss Sweetness Showdown!)
To become undisputed Miss Sweetness of Colony 6, entrants must collect
themed objects. Collect the most transparent thing in the world.

-Speak to Lalapa in Frontier Village. (Chief's Residence, 10 A.M.)

-Speak to Dakuku on Valak Mountain. (Nopon Camp)
-Collect a Pure Ice Flower from near Url Crevasse on Valak Mountain.

Reward: 12000G, 6800 Exp

Frontier Village

Mislabelling Problem (Medi, by shop on Kyn Shopping Street, 10 P.M.)
I am Medi. I have learnt the latest medical techniques from the High Entia.
However, my patients complain that my medicine does not work. What has

-Talk to Puko who supplies the medicine. (Kyn Shopping Street, 10 A.M.)
-Defeat Abominable Hiln in the area of Showdown Cliff at Eryth Sea.
-Collect the High Entia Medicine.
-Return to Puko.
-Return to Medi.

Reward: 6000G, 2850 Exp, Shell Gauntlets

Getting Bigger! (Dabidabi, on platform with heart-to-heart spot on 7F,
10 P.M.) (Must use Riki)
Whoaaa! It too high! I small so if I jump and get caught by gust of wind, I
blown into forest! But I must show Adidi my bravery and then we can be

-Chat to Adidi. (Reservoir, 10 P.M.)

-Grab 5 pieces of Ekidno Jaw Gristle from Ekidno at Eryth Sea. (Pelargos
Ekidno, climb up cliff on west side of Hode Refuge)
-Chat to Puko. (Kyn Shopping Street, 10 A.M.)
-Make the jump a success. (It doesn't matter who you give the item to in
of reward)

Reward: 8500G, 4800 Exp, Shell Armour

Unlocks Riki's 'Cowardice' Skill Branch

Who is Bigger? (Given during Getting Bigger!)
If Dabidabi had Enlarging Seaweed, he could make jump safe. Wait...! Will you
take to Adidi or Dabidabi?

-Give the Enlarging Seaweed to Adidi or Dabidabi.

-Chat to Dabidabi.

Reward: Nothing

* After getting the Magma Rock *

Valak Mountain

Bad Timing (Nopon Researcher, tunnel behind the ice wall to the north of
You saved a Nopon that had been kidnapped by Chilkin. However, when the
came, the Chilkin rallied. Fight your way out.

-Defeat 4 Cunning Chilkins on Valak Mountain.

-Return to the kidnapped Nopon.

Reward: 13800G, 5000 Exp, Heavy Gear, Heavy Armour

Chilkin Changes (Dakuku, Nopon Camp)
According to the top-secret information, the Chilkin leader is not around.
is a chance to research the Chilkin Lair.

-Investigate the Chilkin Lair in Bagnar Snowfield on Valak Mountain.

-Return to Dakuku.
Reward: 15000G, 3200 Exp, Blaze Defence V, Daze Resist II

The Balance of Power (Dakuku, Nopon Camp) (Must use Dunban)
You need to defeat the Chilkin and Antol leaders to maintain the ecological
balance of Valak Mountain.

-Defeat Barbaric Sitri in the Antol Den.

-Defeat Banquet Vassago who is somewhere in Valak Mountain. (Large pod in the
Antol Den)
-Return to Dakuku.

Reward: 21000G, 8500 Exp, Snaer Striker, Stellar Gear, Stellar Gauntlets
Unlocks Dunban's 'Obstinance' Skill Branch

* After reaching Sword Valley *

Sword Valley

Secure Dolgan Outpost (Surprise quest when approaching Dolgan Outpost)
Dolgan Outpost is occupied by Mechon. Defeat their leader and take control of
the facility.

-Defeat Prudent Purson at Dolgan Outpost.

Reward: 28000G, 5000 Exp, Orion Cap

Secure Enalda Control Base (Surprise quest when approaching Enalda Control
Base) (Timed)
Enalda Control Base is occupied by Mechon. Defeat their leader and take
of the facility.

-Defeat Tranquil Morax at the Enalda Control Base.

Reward: 32000G, 8000 Exp, Orion Gloves

3rd Gate Front Line (Surprise quest when approaching the Third Gate) (Timed)
Mechon reinforcements have arrived at Gate 3. Defeat the Large Mechon and
off their forces.

-Defeat the Reinforcement M104 near Gate 3.

Reward: 40000G, 15000 Exp, Orion Shoes

Secure the Radio Tower (Surprise quest when approaching the Radio Tower)
The area around the Radio Tower has been occupied by the enemy. The war
would benefit from their leader being removed.

-Defeat Lightning Ronove who is in the area around the Radio Tower.

Reward: 45000G, 22000 Exp, Topple Resist IV, Daze Resist IV


If you wish to do Otharon's version of returning the refugees to Colony 6,

sure you complete it prior to fighting the boss of Galahad Fortress. (Though
imagine if you've waited this long to start rebuilding Colony 6, you're
probably wanting to do the Dulland version of the quest.) This is not your
chance to do a quest returning the refugees to Colony 6, so don't worry about
that. However, if you do intend to do Otharon's quest, make sure you complete
all of the timed Bionis' Leg quests you wished to do as they will all expire
once you move the refugees back.


* After your full party is reunited on Fallen Arm *

Fallen Arm

Fixing a Broken Door (Rizaka, by a house near the shop, Hidden Machina
Village, 10 A.M.)
The door of Rizaka's home is so old that it's broken, but she doesn't have
materials needed to fix it. Collect the materials that she needs.

-Collect 5 Digital Filaments on the Fallen Arm.

-Collect 2 Dated Frames from the M56 Prototypes on the Fallen Arm. (Digit 1
-Return to Rizaka.

Reward: 11500G, 8500 Exp, Phys Def Down IV

Mysterious Noises (Prox, platform leading into water by Ether Light, 10 P.M.)
There are some strange noises coming from the silver Face wreckage on the
beach. Prox is too scared to go and fetch water. Find out the cause of the

-Investigate the Silver Wreckage on Wreckage Beach on the Fallen Arm.

-Return to Prox.

Reward: 9200G, 5300 Exp, Eleos Drones

Food Delivery (Natalia, near Junks, 10 P.M.)
It is Natalia's job to take food to those keeping watch outside the village.
However, she hasn't been feeling too well, so take it to Theo for her.

-Take the food to Theo who is at the base of Digit 2. (Platform at water
-Take the Deepwater Fish to Natalia.

Reward: 7800G, 5500 Exp, Gemini Boots

I Want to be a Homs! (Rakzet, island near Junks, 10 A.M.)
Rakzet has trouble rescuing people from the water because he is a Machina.
Help him collect materials that will turn him into a Homs.

-Collect 2 Silver Lexos Hearts from Lexos in Valak Mountain. (Sestago Lexos,
near Hollow Bone, night)
-Collect 3 Pretty Flamii Legs from Kukukoro Flamii on the Fallen Arm. (Jifum
-Collect 3 Poisonous Corals on the Fallen Arm.
-Return to Rakzet.

Reward: 12000G, 8200 Exp, Gemini Gauntlets

For my Loved One... (Zarkort, platform at water level, Digit 2) (Timed)
When it rains you can find Tears of the Sky on the fingertip of the Fallen
Zarkort is too scared of heights to go and fetch one. Collect one for him.

-Collect a Tear of the Sky from Distant Fingertip on the Fallen Arm. (Only
during a thunderstorm)
-Return to Zarkort.

Reward 10000G, 7600 Exp, Alcyone Bottoms

To my Loved One... (Zarkort, platform at water level, Digit 2) (Timed)
Bozatrox is at the Machina Refuge in Mechonis Field. Zarkort cannot go there
because of his fear of heights. Take the Tear of the Sky there for him.

-Take the Tear of the Sky to Bozatrox.

Reward: 13600G, 10000 Exp, Alcyone Top

Powerless (Rakzet, island near Junks, 10 A.M.)
Monsters have been gathering around the village for some unknown reason. You
can't leave them there! Protect the Machina and their village!

-Defeat 4 M35 Prototypes on the Fallen Arm. (Digit 1 Crevasse)

-Defeat 4 Aura Antols on the Fallen Arm. (5th Pulse Zone)
-Defeat 4 Lampo Ponios on the Fallen Arm. (Radiocarpea Coast, day)
-Defeat 4 Prado Upas on the Fallen Arm. (5th Pulse Zone)
-Return to Rakzet.

Reward: 13800G, 9800 Exp, Auto-Heal Up III

Power Up! (Rakzet, island near Junks, 10 A.M.)
Rakzet wants to be able to protect the village himself. To do this, he needs
special fibre. Collect some of this fibre for him.

-Collect 5 Silver Antol Fibres that are very rarely dropped by Antols on the
Fallen Arm. (Aura/Ruis Antols, 5th Pulse Zone)
-Return to Rakzet.

Reward: 14500G, 10500 Exp, Sleek Oil, Sleek Trunks

The Wilted Flower (Rizaka, Ether Light, 10 A.M.)
When Rizaka got back in her house she found that her beloved mechanical
had wilted. Collect what she needs to return it to its former glory.

-Collect some Pure Water from Zakt Spring on the Fallen Arm.
-Return to Rizaka.
-Collect 5 lots of Electric Upa Tears from Prado Upas on the Fallen Arm. (5th
Pulse Zone)
-Return to Rizaka.

Reward: 12300G, 9000 Exp, Lightning Attack IV, Mechonis Key

A Tough Battle (Kazat, walkway leading into Machina Village, 10 A.M.)
Kazat has made a gun using the latest technology, but can't use it properly.
This is making protecting the village area difficult. Patrol the area for

-Defeat 4 Offensive Seeker Units on the Fallen Arm. (Connecting Bridge)

-Defeat 5 Caelum Volff on the Fallen Arm. (Radiocarpea Coast, night)
-Defeat 2 Lelepago Pterix on the Fallen Arm. (Giant Mechon Debris)
-Return to Kazat.

Reward: 14700G, 10000 Exp, Heat Sink III

Protect the Village! (Eleqa, outside of entrance to Machina Village, 10 A.M.)
When Eleqa was looking around the village for parts, she saw some large
Defeat the large Mechon so they don't pose a danger to the village.

-Defeat 3 M85 Meteor Artillery units on the Fallen Arm. (Connecting Bridge)
-Return to Eleqa.

Reward: 11000G, 7200 Exp, Strength Down V, Weapon Power IV

Stop the Mechon Rampage! (Eleqa, outside of entrance to Machina Village,
10 A.M.)
Because the large Mechon were defeated, the other Mechon have gone on a
rampage. They could cause some real damage! Cull their numbers.

-Defeat 10 M56 Prototypes on the Fallen Arm. (Digit 1 Crevasse)

-Return to Eleqa.

Reward: 11500G, 7500 Exp, 'Armour' Records

Therapy (Eleqa, outside of entrance to Machina Village, 10 A.M.)
Stress has caused Eiz to start acting strangely. Everyone is worried about
Talk to Eiz and see if there is a way to help him.

-Talk to Eiz. (Outside of entrance to Machina Village)

-Speak with Eiz again.
-Have another chat with Eiz.
-Have yet another chat with Eiz.
-Return to Eleqa.

Reward: 8000G, 5000 Exp, Ether Def Down IV

Scheduled Inspection (Xekit, Ether Light, 10 P.M.)
The exhaust system is inspected every ten years. Xekit has a bad feeling
this year's inspection. Go check on the exhaust system for her.

-Go to the Ether Exhaust System and eliminate any problems in the area.
-Return to Xekit.

Reward: 16000G, 12000 Exp, Break IV

* After completing the story quest with the Piezoelectric Unit *

Fallen Arm

Save the Machina! (Voltak, medical area of Junks, 10 A.M.)
Mechon attacks on the village are leading to many residents getting injured.
There isn't enough medicine to treat them all. Collect some medicinal

-Collect 5 lots of Krabble Back Moss from Oros Krabbles on the Fallen Arm.
(Jifum Beach)
-Return to Voltak.

Reward: 10500G, 6500 Exp, Gemini Gear

The History of Mechonis (Zilex, control room of Junks, 10 A.M.) (Timed)
The memory chips which record how the Machina used to live are scattered
throughout Mechonis Field. Help return these memories for them.

-Collect 4 Memory 925 Pieces from Mechonis Field. (One is down a ladder past
the first moving walkway, GF; one is southeast of 2nd Lift-1F; one is inside
the Ether Gear Store; and the last is located on a ledge down from Great
Battle Scar)
-Return to Zilex.

Reward: 15000G, 11000 Exp, Paralysis IV

Mending Memories (Mixik, near Junks, 10 P.M.)
Mixik's parents are arguing over a broken keepsake, and she wants to stop
Talk to both parents to find out more about the keepsake in question.

-Ask Mixik's father, Kazat, about the necessary materials, and collect them.
(On the walkway leading into Machina Village, 10 A.M.)
-Ask Mixik's mother, Qofaria, about the necessary materials, and collect
(Southeast section of pipe running around Machina Village, 10 P.M.)
-Return to Mixik.

Reward: 12700G, 9300 Exp, Amber Rod

Resolution-Mother (Triggered during Mending Memories)
Two items are necessary to fix the keepsake. Qofaria has forgotten one, but
remembers the other. Collect some Bronze Wood.

-Collect 3 pieces of Bronze Wood from Mechonis Field.

Reward: 4300G, 4700 Exp, Chill Plus III

Resolution-Father (Triggered during Mending Memories)
Two items are necessary to fix the keepsake. Kazat has forgotten one, but
remembers the other. Collect some Flier Bloom Scales.

-Collect 2 Flier Bloom Scales from Happiness Fliers on the Fallen Arm.
(Radiocarpea Coast, day, clear)

Reward: 4300G, 4700 Exp, Blaze Plus III

The Oath Sword (Karlos, walkway into Machina Village, 10 P.M.) (Must use
When he was in the Defense Force, Karlos swore and oath with a friend. Now,
has lost the precious sword on which they swore that oath. Help him find it.

-Find the Oath Sword in the area of the Power Pipe Ruins on the Fallen Arm.
(Use the key received for completing The Wilted Flower to unlock the
in Ulna Passage, then climb the ladder and make your way back to the area
Reyn and Sharla landed in)
-Return to Karlos.

Reward: 15200G, 11000 Exp, Jack Daggers

Unlocks Fiora's 'Rashness' Skill Branch

Eliminate the Threat (Voltak, medical area of Junks, 10 A.M.)
The location of the Mechon threatening the village has been discovered. It's
near Digit 1 Crevasse. Take out this group of Mechon by destroying their

-Destroy the Broken Mechon in the area of Digit 1 Crevasse.

-Return to Voltak.

Reward: 12500G, 8200 Exp, Cumulo Cutlass

Colony 6

To Colony 6! (Dulland, Main Entrance) (If you didn't do The Road Home)


Completing this quest will cause any timed quests still undone on the Bionis'
Leg to expire. Therefore, ensure you have completed every timed quest there
that you wished to do before doing this quest.


The plan to restore Colony 6 is progressing. To begin with, the refugees from
the camp need to be brought back. To do this, they need safe passage.

-Defeat the monsters on Raguel Bridge on the Bionis' Leg to ensure the
refugees' safe passage.
-Defeat the additional monsters that appeared to make Raguel Bridge safe once
-Report back to Juju in the Refugee Camp on the Bionis' Leg. (By entrance of
cave, 10 P.M.)

Reward: 12000G, 8800 Exp, Exp Up I, AP Up I

* After reaching Mechonis Field *
~NOTE~ I strongly recommend you collect at least 2 Energy Aubergines while
here. (4 would be even better.) I usually find them in the Spent Fuel Tank.


Mechonis Field contains the cutoff point for the Sword Valley quests.
Therefore, make sure you have done every Sword Valley quest you wish to do
prior to fighting the boss of Mechonis Field.


Mechonis Field

Best Boots (Bozatrox, Machina Refuge) (Timed)
Bozatrox wants to make some boots for you as a thank you, but she doesn't
enough materials. Collect what she needs to make some strong boots.

-Collect 2 Reinforced Jets from Mechon carrying swords and shields in

Field. (Offensive/SCOUT, pipe bridge southeast of 2nd Lift, 1F)
-Collect 2 Reinforced Plungers from large bipedal Mechon in Mechonis Field.
(M84/Grunt, area northeast of 1st Lift, GF)
-Return to Bozatrox.

Reward: 20500G, 18000 Exp, M100 Greaves, Quick Step V

Monster Quest (Garrisoned Troop, Machina Refuge) (Timed)
Repel the enemies that threaten the safety of the Machina and Hidden Village.

-Defeat 3 M66/TRICK Mechon in Mechonis Field. (Area north of 1F Main Power

Reward: 35000G

Challenge Quest 1 (Garrisoned Troop, Machina Refuge) (Timed)
Repel the enemy that threatens the safety of the Machina and Hidden Village.

-Defeat Revolutionary Bifrons near Power Supply Area 1 in Mechonis Field.

Reward: 65000G

Challenge Quest 2 (Garrisoned Troop, Machina Refuge) (Timed)
Repel the enemy that threatens the safety of the Machina and Hidden Village.

-Defeat Infernal Crocell near Power Supply Area 2 in Mechonis Field.

Reward: 62000G

Colony 6

Defend Colony 6-Elite (Given while rebuilding Colony 6)
There's a problem at an ether planter. Eliminate the terrifying enemy to help
the residents feel at ease.

-Defeat the M71 Fire Support near the ether planter at the Freight Elevator.

Reward: 12000G, 8000 Exp

In Pursuit of Love (Rosemary, landing on north side of main street, 10 P.M.)
To make good on the promise you made when you invited Rosemary to Colony 6,
find her a suitor.

-Find a timid Homs man. (Nic, by southeast wall, 10 P.M.)

-Find a rough-and-ready Homs man. (Peppino, bench on the path between Main
Entrance and farm inside city walls, 10 P.M.)
-Find a composed High Entia. (Yura, behind buildings on the north side of
street, 10 A.M.)
-Find a Nopon food connoisseur. (Pokapoka, area north of Reconstruction HQ,
10 A.M.)
-Return to Rosemary.

Reward: 25000G, 22500 Exp, Spike Defence V, Pierce Resist V

Odd Smoke-Investigation (Arda, along main street, 10 A.M.)
Every night smoke comes from a door near Arda's house. To put her mind at
find out what's causing it.

-Speak to the owner of the house where the smoke is coming from. (Jer'ell,
next to a house on the south side of main street, 10 P.M.)
-Report back to Arda.

Reward: 10000G, 8000 Exp, Slow Resist IV

Odd Smoke-Resolution (Jer'ell, next to a house on the south side of main
street, 10 P.M.)
It turns out Jer'ell was lying. The equipment she's using is broken and
what's producing the smoke. Gather materials to repair the equipment.

-Collect 3 Dated Plugs from old flying Mechon on the Fallen Arm. (M35
Prototype, Digit 1 Crevasse)
-Collect 3 Dated Cranks from old scout Mechon on the Fallen Arm. (Scout Unit
Prototype, Digit 1 Crevasse)
-Return to Jer'ell.

Reward: 12500G, 8500 Exp, Eleos Drones

Miss Sweetness' Gratitude (If you picked Berryjammy in Miss Sweetness
Showdown!) (Berryjammy, alley between main street and farm inside city walls,
10 P.M.)
Help Berryjammy, the undisputed Miss Sweetness of Colony 6, to thank the
colony residents.

-Listen to her demands.

-Return to Berryjammy.

Reward: 12000G, 7200 Exp, Tinted Glasses, Bleed Plus V

Miss Sweetness' Gratitude (If you picked Ma'crish in Miss Sweetness
(Ma'crish, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M. or Reconstruction HQ,
10 A.M.)
Help Ma'crish, the undisputed Miss Sweetness of Colony 6, to thank the colony

-Listen to her demands.

-Return to Ma'crish.

Reward: 14000G, 6900 Exp, Tinted Glasses, Electric Plus V

A Final Sweet Favour (Triggered with Miss Sweetness' Gratitude)
Although things aren't very clear, you're to pay a visit to Frontier Village
and get instructions from Lalapa. (Chief's Residence, 10 A.M.)

-Collect Fresh Algora Sap from the Sap Cave in Makna Forest. (Only at dawn)
-Talk to Lalapa in Frontier Village again.
-Collect a Mysterious Droplet from near Lacus Swamp in Satorl Marsh. (Far
north waterfall of Zaldania Waterfall)

Reward: 15000G, 8500 Exp

Nopon Determination (Mefimefi, if you invited her, landing on the south side
of main street, 10 P.M.)
~NOTE~ The alternate to this quest if you invited Perrine won't be available
until later in the game.

Jer'ell told Mefimefi that Armus do nothing but graze. Help Mefimefi show
Armus are capable of and prove that Nopon know a thing or two.

-Collect 5 Spicy Papayas from the Fallen Arm.

-Collect 2 Broom Icicles from Valak Mountain.
-Collect 3 Igna Stone Pots from Ignas in Satorl Marsh. (Ether Ignas, Igna
-Report back to Mefimefi.

Reward: 16000G, 9100 Exp, Initial Tension V

Fallen Arm

A Weapon Just For Me (Kazat, walkway into Hidden Machina Village, 10 A.M.)
Kazat has given up on trying to use the advanced gun, and decided to make a
gun that he can use. Collect the materials he needs to defend the village.

-Collect 2 Reinforced Thrusters from M91/DOGMA Mechon in Mechonis Field.

(Platform between Power Supply Areas 1 and 2)
-Collect 3 Advanced Frames from M53/THANK Mechon units in the Central
(Main Factory Gate)
-Return to Kazat.

Reward: 17000G, 15000 Exp, Devil Cannon

* After reaching Central Factory *

Central Factory

Eliminate the Backup! (Surprise quest when approaching the Storage Depot)
There is a troop of Mechon waiting at the Storage Depot! Defeat the leader
reduce their attack power.

-Defeat Beautiful Vagul in the Storage Depot.

Reward: 24500G, 23500 Exp, Blaze Attack IV, Paralysis Resist IV

Roof Battle (Surprise quest when approaching the Training Ground Roof)
There is a Mechon stationed on the roof! Defeat the troop leader.

-Defeat Venerable Focalor on the Training Ground Roof.

Reward: 30000G, 38500 Exp, Chill Attack IV, Arts Seal Resist IV

Daring Assault (Surprise quest given as you travel through the Mechon
You discover Mechon waiting when you enter the factory. Break through the

-Defeat the M96 Crisis Unit in the Mechon Factory.

-Defeat 2 Crisis Response Units in the Mechon Factory.
Reward: 27000G, 20000 Exp, Retrieved Armour, Retrieved Leggings

* After reaching Agniratha *


Agniratha contains the cutoff for all quests pertaining to Mechonis Field.
(For My Loved One, To My Loved One, The History of Mechonis, Best Boots,
Monster Quest and both Challenge Quests from the Garrisoned Troop in Machina
Refuge, and A Weapon Just For Me.) Additionally, the cutoff for almost all of
the timed quests in the game that are not exclusive (meaning you pick between
two people) occurs shortly after you complete Agniratha. Quests for Agniratha
and Central Factory will remain available for a very brief time longer, but
all quick travel points are locked out for those areas once you complete
Agniratha, it is my advice that you complete all timed quests you wish to do
prior to fighting the boss of Agniratha.



Civil Protection 1-1 (Civil Protection Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You have received an order from an ancient terminal. Destroy the Mechon that
are disobeying orders.

-Defeat 5 M67/HASTE Mechon in Agniratha. (Residential District 2)

Reward: 43500G

Civil Protection 1-2 (Civil Protection Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You have received an order from an ancient terminal. Destroy the Mechon that
are disobeying orders.

-Defeat 6 M36/SACRE Mechon in Agniratha. (Area west of Calcos Pillar, 1F)

Reward: 38500G
Civil Protection 1-3 (Civil Protection Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You have received an order from an ancient terminal. Destroy the Mechon that
are disobeying orders.

-Defeat 3 Offensive/BRAVE Mechon in Agniratha. (Zedonia Plaza)

Reward: 40000G

Civil Protection 2-1 (Civil Protection Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You have received an order from an ancient terminal. Destroy the Mechon that
are disobeying orders.

-Defeat 6 M55/DREAD Mechon in Agniratha. (Southwest of Calcos Pillar, 1F)

Reward: 36000G

Civil Protection 2-2 (Civil Protection Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You have received an order from an ancient terminal. Destroy the Mechon that
are disobeying orders.

-Defeat 4 M67/RADAR Mechon in Agniratha. (Southeast of Helas Pillar, 1F)

Reward: 41500G

Civil Protection 2-3 (Civil Protection Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You have received an order from an ancient terminal. Destroy the Mechon that
are disobeying orders.

-Defeat 4 M87/GRAND Mechon in Agniratha. (Helas Pillar, 2F)

Reward: 39500G

Military Status 1-1 (Military Status Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You have received an order from an ancient terminal. Destroy the Mechon that
are disobeying orders.

-Defeat Vagabond Allocer in the area of Helas Pillar in Agniratha. (Area west
of Calcos Pillar, 1F)

Reward: 79000G

Military Status 1-2 (Military Status Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You have received an order from an ancient terminal. Destroy the Mechon that
are disobeying orders.

-Defeat Wise Gremory in the area of Zedonia Plaza in Agniratha.

Reward: 68500G

Military Status 2-1 (Military Status Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You have received an order from an ancient terminal. Destroy the Mechon that
are disobeying orders.

-Defeat Meditative Varla in the Zedonia Plaza area of Agniratha.

Reward: 75000G

Military Status 2-2 (Military Status Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You have received an order from an ancient terminal. Destroy the Mechon that
are disobeying orders.

-Defeat Wrathful Orobas in the area of Dios Pillar in Agniratha. (Area west
Cleas Pillar, 1F)

Reward: 83500G

Agniratha Beautification 1 (City Planning Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You received an order from an ancient terminal. The destroyed buildings need
be restored. Find collectables to act as the raw materials.

-Collect 4 New Part Ss from small Mechon in Agniratha. (M37/EAGER,

District 2)
-Collect 5 Fairy Tale Diodes in Agniratha.

Reward: 51000G

Agniratha Beautification 2 (City Planning Terminal, Central Tower) (Timed)
You received an order from an ancient terminal. The destroyed buildings need
be restored. Find collectables to act as the raw materials.
-Collect 3 New Part Ls from large Mechon in Agniratha. (M97/CYCLE, area west
Calcos Pillar, 1F)
-Collect 6 Grape Springs in Agniratha.

Reward: 53500G

Telethia Investigation 1 (Strategic Intelligence Terminal, Central Tower)
You received an order from an ancient terminal. The terminal is analysing the
Telethia that attacked Agniratha. Investigate the Telethia corpses.

-Investigate the small Telethia around Helas Pillar in Agniratha. (West ramp
into the Legislative District)
-Investigate the small Telethia around Dios Pillar in Agniratha. (South from
Telethia Bridge)
-Investigate the small Telethia around the Effigy of Meyneth in Agniratha.
(Meyneth Shrine)
-Investigate the small Telethia around Calcos Pillar in Agniratha.

Reward: 27000G, 25000 Exp

Telethia Investigation 2 (Strategic Intelligence Terminal, Central Tower)
~NOTE~ You must first complete Telethia Investigation 1 before you can
this quest. If you complete every single quest from the terminals, you can
return to Central Tower and talk to Capital Control Terminal to get the
Cloister Key. The Cloister Key allows you to open the locked doors at the top
of the tower, which grants you access to a secret area of Agniratha.

You received an order from an ancient terminal. The terminal is analysing the
Telethia that attacked Agniratha. Investigate the Telethia corpses.

-Investigate the large Telethia with three heads in the Residential District
of Agniratha.
-Investigate the large Telethia with three heads around Helas Pillar in
Agniratha. (Area west of Calcos Pillar, 1F)
-Investigate the large Telethia with three heads on Telethia Bridge in
-Investigate the large Telethia with three heads in the Judicial District of
Agniratha. (Drop off ledge in northeast section of the Judicial District)

Reward: 22500G, 30000 Exp

Colony 6
Nic's Training (Nopo'rikh, farm inside city walls, 10 A.M.)
Nopo'rikh's concerned about his disciplined training plan. Determine which is
the more difficult.

-Defeat Canyon Valencia near Raguel Bridge on the Bionis' Leg. (Only during
clear weather) (Observation Platform)
-Return to Nopo'rikh.
-Defeat 10 Tempest Vangs on the Bionis' Leg. (Windy Cave, Spiral Valley area)
-Return to Nopo'rikh. (Pick either, the choice doesn't matter)

Reward: 20000G, 30000 Exp, Good Footing VI

Nic's Final Test (Nopo'rikh, farm inside city walls, 10 A.M.)
Nopo'rikh's concerned about the final stage of the training. Determine which
the more difficult.

-Defeat Indomitable Daulton near the Soter Ruins in Satorl Marsh.

-Return to Nopo'rikh.
-Defeat 10 Grove Quadwings in Satorl Marsh. (Barren Moor, night)
-Return to Nopo'rikh. (The answer you pick doesn't affect the reward)

Reward: 28000G, 40000 Exp, Attack Plus IV, Attack Stability IV

Family Secrets (En Argentis, if you invited her, cliff overlooking the pond,
10 P.M.)
~NOTE~ The alternate to this quest that you can receive if you invited Zel
Argentis won't be available until later in the game.

While En Argentis meets with a friend, she wants you to keep her father

-Have a chat with Don Argentis. (Bench along south-most row of houses, 10
(He'll ask you a series of questions, but your answers won't affect what
you get)
-Have another chat with Don Argentis.
-Have a chat with Don Argentis once again.
-Have yet another chat with Don Argentis.
-Return to En Argentis.

Reward: 20000G, 23000 Exp, Rondine Gloves, Rondine Shoes

The Melody of Happiness (Nic, by southeast wall, 10 P.M.) (Timed) (Exclusive)
~NOTE~ You can either complete this quest or Dream of a Poet, but you cannot

Nic seemed to be in good spirits after meeting Rosemary. He wants to give her
gift, but needs some help gathering the materials. Help him out.

-Collect 2 Eks Iron Hearts from Makna Eks in Makna Forest. (Eks Watering
-Return to Nic.
-Give the Music Box to Rosemary. (Landing on north side of main street,
10 P.M.)
-Return to Nic.

Reward: 28500G, 24000 Exp, Rex Arms

Dream of a Poet (Yura, behind houses on north side of main street, 10 A.M.)
(Timed) (Exclusive)
~NOTE~ You can either complete this quest or The Melody of Happiness, but you
cannot do both.

Yura seemed to be in good spirits after meeting Rosemary. He'd like to get to
know her better and is thinking of giving her something special. Help him

-Collect the Swan Pendant from the High Entia Tomb. (North-most room of B1F)
-Return to Yura.
-Give the Swan Pendant to Rosemary. (Landing on north side of main street,
10 P.M.)
-Return to Yura.

Reward: 28500G, 24000 Exp, Rex Greaves

A Butler's Concerns (Gowago, if you invited him, Nopon housing by pond,
10 A.M.)
~NOTE~ I was unable to trigger the alternate to this quest (the one from
inviting Minana) until after certain major story events later in the game. If
you're looking for that quest, simply do a search for 'Minana'.

Butler Gowago is concerned that Berryjammy isn't studying enough. Convince

to become her tutor.

-Hand the Poetry Anthology to Yura. (Behind houses on north side of main
street, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Gowago.

Reward: 26500G, 25000 Exp, Hierax Top, Hierax Bottoms

Betrothal Test (Peppino, if you invited En Argentis, cliff above pond,
10 P.M.)
En Argentis' father has found out about her and Peppino and isn't pleased.
only way to make him see reason is to meet his unreasonable demands.

-Collect 2 Slobos Ice Rocks from Sloboses on Valak Mountain. (Krawli Slobos,
area north of La Luz Church, day)
-Collect 2 Wisp Bliss Rings from Wisps on Fallen Arm. (Tramont Wisp,
Radiocarpea Coast, night, clear)
-Hand the items to Peppino.

Reward: 23500G, 26000 Exp, Rafaga Gear, Rafaga Gauntlets

Stopping the Elopement (Don Argentis, bench in front of south-most row of
houses, 10 A.M.) (If you invited En Argentis) (Must use Sharla)
Don Argentis was so opposed to En Argentis and Peppino's relationship that
decided to run away. Find the missing couple.

-Search the Tephra Cave area for the couple. (Kneecap Hill)
-Return to Don Argentis.

Reward: 28000G, 30000 Exp, Satellite Shot, Hierax Bottoms

Unlocks Sharla's 'Affection' Skill Branch

Fallen Arm

The History of the Capital (Zilex, control room of Junks, 10 P.M.) (Timed)
According to Zilex, the most important memory chip of all still remains in
capital. It's not clear what this memory is of, but recover it for him

-Collect Memory 903 in the Judicial District of Agniratha. (Drop off ledge in
the northeast part of the District)
-Return to Zilex.

Reward: 16800G, 14500 Exp, M100 Helm, M100 Arms, Slow IV

* After completing Agniratha *

This is your absolute last chance to complete the following quests: All timed
Bionis' Leg quests; To Colony 6!; A Gift?; all Alcamoth quests; the series of
quests that begins with Dangerous Ambition and ends with Destroying the City
Trade; all Central Factory quests; all Agniratha quests; The History of the
Capital; and the quest that follows this warning. If you're not trying to do
every single quest my advice to you would be to at least do the series of
quests that starts with Dangerous Ambition, as you'll get one final quest in
that storyline after the upcoming game events have finished that culminates
fighting a Unique Monster you wouldn't get to see otherwise.


Central Factory

A New Weapon for Fiora (Junks Staff, Junks control room, Ventilation Conduit)
~NOTE~ If you wish to do this quest, do it immediately.

It looks like the Weapon Creation Panel in the Central Factory will be able
make Fiora a new weapon. Use the materials and make the weapon.

-Use the Weapon Creation Machine in the Control Tower of the Central Factory.
(Go down the ramp on the Bridge to Apocrypha, take the transporter, head to
Tower Boarding Gate, take the lift down to 2F, take the Central Warehouse
down to GF, run to Control Tower)

Reward: 29500G, 32000 Exp, War Blades

* After your full party is reunited following Mechonis Core *
~NOTE~ At this point, you have many options of where to go. You can either
continue on with where the game directs you, or take on two optional areas
have been altered due to Mechonis Core events. The following quests will be
listed according to what's available after visiting the various areas,
with the quests you can do immediately following Mechonis Core. It should be
noted that the two optional areas contain enemies in the level 80-90+ range,
if you're not feeling confident in your party's strength you may wish to
continue on to Bionis' Interior first.

Colony 9

A Young Captain's Revival (If you chose the Sword in A Young Captain's
Challenge) (Miller, Military District, 10 A.M.) (Must use Shulk)
Kantz suspects the sword had poison on it. Find out the truth and clear Emmy
Leater's name.

-Collect 4 Poisonous Gourds from Satorl Marsh.

-Listen to Emmy Leater's side of the story. (Back of Military District,
10 A.M.)
-Listen to Kantz's side of the story. (Back of Military District, 10 A.M.)
-Listen to the results of Raoul's investigation of the poison-tipped sword.
(Entrance to Military District, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Miller. (The answer you give doesn't affect the reward)

Reward: 25000G, 75000 Exp, Daze Plus V

Unlocks Shulk's 'Bravery' Skill Branch

A Young Captain's Trust (If you chose the Shield in A Young Captain's
Challenge) (Miller, Military District, 10 A.M.) (Must use Shulk)
Emmy Leater has run off in total despair. Find her and give her the message
from the Defense Force Soldiers of Colony 9.

-Find Emmy Leater and give her the letter. (Mining Base, Ether Mine)

Reward: 25000G, 75000 Exp, Topple Plus V

Unlocks Shulk's 'Bravery' Skill Branch

Birthday Shoes (Kantz, back of Military District, 10 A.M.)
Kantz would like to make some leather shoes for his son's birthday, but has
time to get the materials. Collect the materials he needs to make the shoes.

-Collect 2 Azure Flamii Wings from Opulent Flamii in Colony 9. (Unnamed shore
northwest of Anti-Air Battery 2)
-Return to Kantz.

Reward: 42500G, 50000 Exp, Rex Helm

The Elite Captain's Anguish (Raoul, entrance to Military District, 10 A.M.)
Raoul can't choose a lieutenant. Meet with Minnie who has a lot of experience
and Dorothy who has a lot of potential and decide who it should be.

-Meet with Minnie and see what she is like. (By west bridge into the
Residential District, 10 P.M.)
-Meet with Dorothy and see what she is like. (Near Main Entrance, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Raoul. (The choice you make doesn't affect the reward)

Reward: 22000G, 35000 Exp, Topple Up V, Daze Up V

Getting to Know Minnie (Triggered during The Elite Captain's Anguish)
Monsters have appeared under the bridge connecting the Central Plaza with the
Residential District in Colony 9. Defeat them for Minnie.

-Defeat 5 Vicious Rhanas near the Residential District of Colony 9. (Jump off
the gap in the bridge to Central Plaza, swim towards the Residential
-Return to Minnie.

Reward: 15000G, 23500 Exp, Muscle Up V, Strength Up VI

Getting to Know Dorothy (Triggered during The Elite Captain's Anguish)
You meet with Dorothy but she makes a request of you. You decide to collect
fruit she has asked for anyway.

-Collect 5 Heart Peaches in Alcamoth.

-Return to Dorothy.

Reward: 18500G, 20000 Exp, Ether Def Up, Ether Up VI

A Token of Friendship (Examine the '!' in the Weapon Dev. Lab using Shulk)
Shulk is finally back in the lab. He would like to make a weapon for Reyn. He
should be able to make a great weapon with his experience and knowledge.

-Collect 3 Gogol Horns from Gogols somewhere on Bionis. (Greed/Gluttony

area north of Raguel Bridge-North)
-Collect 3 Thick Rhana Hides from Rhanas somewhere on Bionis. (You can get
these either from Vicious Rhanas in the Getting to Know Minnie quest or from
Eryth Rhanas on the lower portion of Anu Shore in Eryth Sea)
-Collect 3 Aged Chilkin Hairs from Chilkins somewhere on Bionis. (Poleaxe
Chilkin, La Luz Church)
-Return to Shulk's Lab in Colony 9 and make a weapon for Reyn.
Reward: 72000 Exp, Vangarre Driver

Friendship Tokens (Moritz, by west bridge into the Residential District,
10 A.M.) (Must use Reyn)
Collect the Friendship Tokens said to symbolize eternal friendship and give
them to the children.

-Collect 4 Arachno Sickles from Arachno in Tephra Cave. (Vilae Arachno, area
southwest of Heavenly Window)
-Collect 4 Lizard Moon Jewels from Lizards in Tephra Cave. (Dorsair Lizard,
new area north of the Spring of Grief)
-Collect 4 Bunniv Clubs from Bunnivs in Tephra Cave. (Falsel Bunniv, new area
north of the Spring of Grief)
-Return to Moritz.

Reward: 330G, 65000 Exp, AP Up V, Friendship Tokens

Unlocks Reyn's 'Camraderie' Skill Branch

Colony 6

Defend Colony 6-Ancient (Given while rebuilding Colony 6)
There's a problem at an ether planter. Eliminate the primeval enemies to help
the residents feel at ease.

-Defeat 2 Ancient Rhogulia in the area of the ether planter on Splintered

(Southwest from Watchpoint Junction)

Reward: 15000G, 10000 Exp

Securing Provisions (Dulland, deck of Junks)
Dulland may have saved the High Entia Refugees by letting them stay in the
camp, but there's a problem. Retrieve the provisions stored in Tephra Cave.

-Collect the Trader's Spare Key from near the Trader's Stopover in Tephra
-Collect the Emergency Rations from the Trader's Emergency Warehouse in
Cave. (Door southwest of landmark in Vilia Lake)
-Report back to Dulland near the Refugee Camp on the Bionis' Leg. (At the
entrance to camp, 10 P.M.)

Reward: 36000G, 42500 Exp

Delivering the Undeliverable (Shilx, southwest from Main Entrance on the
level, 10 A.M.)
Shilx needs to make a delivery but can't read the details of the recipients.
Decipher the hints and get the delivery to the actual recipient.

-Take the delivery to a person whose name ends in 'n'. (Gorman,

HQ, 10 P.M.)
-Return to Shilx.
-Make the delivery on behalf of Shilx to a 16-year-old girl. (Berryjammy,
between the main street and farm inside city walls, 10 P.M.)
-Return to Shilx.

Reward: 23000G, 29500 Exp, Spike V

A Dauntless Trader (Werner, east of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.M.)
The famous butterflies of Colony 6 seem to have left. Find a way to entice
back. There are rumours a Nopon might know how to accomplish this task.

-Consult Nopon residents in Colony 6 about how to bring back the butterflies.
(Norara, landing on south side of main street, 10 A.M. or Nopo'rikh, farm
inside city walls, 10 A.M.)
-(If you talk to Norara) Collect 5 Mystic Dhalias from Alcamoth.
-Return to Norara.
-Return to Werner.
-(If you talk to Nopo'rikh) Collect 10 Death Lychees on Prison Island.
-Return to Nopo'rikh.
-Return to Werner.

Reward: 33000G, 37500 Exp, Auto-Heal Up V, Fall Defence IV, Terrain Defence

Finding the Unfindable (Shilx, southwest from Main Entrance on the third
level, 10 A.M.)
Shilx, a jack-of-all-trades, has foolishly agreed to find a legendary
vegetable for someone. Locate the item on his behalf.

-Collect 2 Energy Aubergines from somewhere. (They're located in Mechonis

Field, which is no longer available, so if you don't have two already you'll
either have to hope they show up in Colony 6 or trade for them)
-Return to Shilx.

Reward: 31500G, 37500 Exp, Forma Spear

A Maid's Concerns (Minana, if you invited her, Nopon housing by pond, 10
~NOTE~ The alternate to this quest (if you invited Gowago) can be found in
segment of quests available after you reach Agniratha.

Minana the maid is concerned that Berryjammy isn't studying enough. Find
someone to be her tutor.

-Search for a cultured individual. (Yura, behind houses on north side of main
street, 10 A.M.)
-Collect 5 Hell Raspberries from Prison Island.
-Return to Yura.
-Return to Minana.

Reward: 35000G, 36500 Exp, Rafaga Armour, Rafaga Leggings

Homs Determination (Perrine, if you invited her, landing on the south side of
main street, 10 P.M.)
~NOTE~ The alternate to this quest if you invited Mefimefi can be found under
the section After reaching Mechonis Field.

Jer'ell told Perrine that Armus are good-for-nothing creatures and laughed at
her proposal. Help Perrine show Jer'ell what being Homs means.

-Defeat 8 Sloth Gogols on the Bionis' Leg. (Plateau between Rho Oasis and Sky
-Defeat Territorial Rotbart on Gaur Plain on the Bionis' Leg. (Southeast of
pond northeast of Jabos Rock Rest Area)
-Return to Perrine.

Reward: 48000G, 72000 Exp, Arts Heal VI

Melancholy Tyrea (Surprise quest given when approaching the north gate into
Colony 6)
You found a collapsed High Entia outside Colony 6. There must have been a
reason she was on the lower levels...

-Carry Tyrea to Junks for medical treatment. (This happens during a cutscene)
-Look for a mysterious Telethia in the same spot as a past Telethia battle in
Makna Forest. (Lakeside)
-Defeat the Mysterious Telethia at Lakeside in Makna Forest.
-The mysterious Telethia turned out to be Yumea. Put an end to First Consort
Yumea's suffering.

Reward: 58500 Exp, Empress Staff, Auto-Atk Stealth VI

Satorl Marsh

The Imperial Ceremony (Scarlen, Oath Sanctuary, 10 P.M.)
The imperial family used to hold ceremonies in Satorl. Perhaps completing
ceremony will grant you something that may be of use in future battles.

-Collect the Radiants from all around the world in order to perform the
-Offer the Radiants to the engravings at the Sororal Statues in Satorl Marsh.
-Defeat Radiant Pterix at the Sororal Statues in Satorl Marsh.

Reward: 66000G, 90000 Exp, High Entia Emblem

Imperial Ceremony Offerings (Triggered with The Imperial Ceremony)
There are Radiants located in various places relating to the High Entia.
the world and look for the Radiants.

-Collect the Mist Radiant from the area of Basin Cave in Satorl Marsh.
-Collect the Ocean Radiant from the area of Central Seal Island at Eryth Sea.
-Collect the Imperial Radiant from the area of the Ceremony Hall in the High
Entia Tomb.
-Collect the Snow Radiant from the area of the Sealed Tower at Valak

Reward: Nothing

Challenge (High Entia Refugee, Sororal Statues, 10 A.M.)
The High Entia encountered a terrible beast when out foraging for food at
night. Defeat it so that he can continue looking for food.

-Defeat Veteran Yozel at Silent Obelisk in Satorl Marsh. (Night, fog) (Run
north to the path, then follow it east)
-Report to the male High Entia near the Sororal Statues.

Reward: 58000G, 52000 Exp

For a Friend (Rozeal, Sororal Statues, 10 A.M.)
Rozeal's close friend, Galvin, turned into a Telethia right before her eyes.
However, he left without attacking her. She wants to find out where he is

-Talk to Scarlen in Satorl Marsh. (Oath Sanctuary if you didn't complete The
Imperial Ceremony or Sororal Statues if you did, 10 P.M.)
-Talk to Kaleka in Frontier Village. (Nopon Tower, 10 P.M.)
-Talk to Atael in Frontier Village. (B1F, near the High Entia Ship, 10 A.M.)
-Return to Rozeal.

Reward: 20000G, 25000 Exp, AP Up V

A Merciful End (Rozeal, Sororal Statues, 10 A.M.)
Even after becoming a Telethia, Galvin continues to guard the Imperial
He no longer remembers who he was. It is best to put him out of his misery.

-Defeat Telethia Galvin in Revelation Hall at Alcamoth. (You must do the

restoring the transporters first)
-Return to Rozeal.

Reward: 38000G, 40000 Exp, Debuff Plus VI

Makna Forest

Final Challenge of the Sage (Nopon Sage, ledge north of Divine Sanctuary,
12 P.M.) (Must use Riki)
You are to take the Nopon Sage's final test. You must go to a little island
Great Makna Falls and demonstrate your strength.

-Go to Great Makna Falls in Makna Forst and defeat Unreliable Rezno. (Only at
-Return to the Nopon Sage.

Reward: 38000G, 73500 Exp, Meteor Nibbler

Unlocks Riki's 'Heroism' Skill Branch

Frontier Village

A Memento of Daddy (Atael, B1F by the High Entia Ship, 10 A.M.)
Atael's sister, Cian, is always down-hearted. Apparently, their father buried
something precious by the fountain he used to visit. Will you fetch it for

-Collect something precious that has been buried near the Fountain of Hope in
Alcamoth. (East of south-most escalator, GF)
-Defeat Telethia Vol'aren near the Fountain of Hope in Alcamoth.
-Return to Atael.

Reward: 38000G, 40000 Exp, Will-o'-Wisp Staff, Physical Protect VI

Bana the Betrayer (Gadada, Pollen Works, 10 A.M.)
You saw vision of Bana doing business with bird person at top of village? I
know you are special but what power! Now we face the real kingpin!

-Chat to Bana at Apex Lake in Frontier Village at night.

-Bash Bana the Betrayer.
-Go see Gadada.

Reward: 100000G, 200000 Exp, Haste VI, Double Attack V, EXP Up VI

Even in the Chief's Absence (Miko, tunnel northwest from Mysterious
10 P.M.)
Miko covers for the chief when he is not here but Miko would like it if
Pelupelu would help. Please go and ask for his cooperation.

-Chat to Pelupelu. (Landing northeast of Apex Lake, 10 P.M.)

-Get advice from Miko.
-Grab 5 portions of Piranhax Belly Meat from Makna Piranhaxes in Makna
(Eks Watering Hole)
-Chat to Pelupelu and show him the Piranhax Belly Meat.
-Go see Miko.

Reward: 13500G, 8200 Exp, Protection Daggers

Restoring the Capital (Nelo, bridge into Frontier Village, 10 P.M.)
Nelo can't stand see imperial capital like this. Streets have Telethia
riot, and we're going to lose the city. Now Nelo has to turn against former

-Bash 5 Aora Telethia in Alcamoth. (Around the central and south escalators,
-Go see Nelo.

Reward: 13000G, 22000 Exp, Power V Goggles, HP Up V

Bored Pelupelu (Pelupelu, tunnel northwest from Mysterious Sanctuary, 10
Boooriiing! Boooriiing! No one for Pelupelu to talk to! Almost falling
Please come and chat with Pelupelu to stop me falling asleep!

-Chat to Pelupelu in the early afternoon. (Outside Prophecy Hut, 12 P.M.)

-Chat to Pelupelu between 3PM and 6PM. (None of the choices affect your
-Chat to Pelupelu between 6PM and 9PM.
-Chat to Pelupelu between 9PM and midnight.

Reward: 7800G, 5000 Exp, Gemini Gear, Gemini Gauntlets

A Gift For Miko (Pelupelu, Prophecy Hut, 12 P.M.)
Pelupelu not like working hard before but seeing Miko work hard make Pelupelu
want to work hard too. Want to show Miko that Pelupelu serious!

-Grab 5 Wisp Glow Sticks from Bunker Wisps in Colony 6. (Pod Depot, night,
-Grab 3 Ansel Fish Pies from Ansels on Valak Mountain. (Atomis Ansel, area
leading to a cliff southwest of Great Glacier)
-Grab 5 Wet Rats on Valak Mountain.
-Go see Pelupelu.

Reward: 22000G, 12000 Exp, Sleek Oil, Sleek Trunks

Distilling Active Ingredients (Cherri, if you picked her to be Dobadoba's
successor, Pollen Orb Storehouse, 10 A.M.)
I am researching to find out if there is a way to use Red Pollen Orbs to heal
sickness. It such a waste of good energy that I must give it a try!

-Get the information from a Nopon in Colony 6. (Daza, north of Hope Farm)
-Go see Cherri.

Reward: 30000G, 50000 Exp, Paralysis IV

Safer Energy (Gadada, if you picked him to be Dobadoba's successor, Pollen
Works, 10 A.M.)
Seems Red Pollen Orbs can still be misused. Want to turn strong orb into weak
orb. Wonder if this can be done?

-Get the Research Data from a Nopon researcher. (Mefimefi, Military District,
Colony 9, 10 P.M. or ledge on the south side of main street, Colony 6, 10
-Go see Gadada.

Reward: 30000G, 50000 Exp, Slow IV

Presents for Priceless Pupils (Dobadoba, Pollen Orb Storehouse, 10 A.M.)
Dobadoba always tells pupils off, but really they very good. Want to give
present, but Dobadoba is too embarrassed!

-Grab 2 Fallen Objects from near Anti-Air Battery 2 in Colony 9. (One is on

unnamed shore to the northwest of Anti-Air Battery 2, and the other is on a
small island near the Battery)
-Go see Dobadoba.
-Give one to Gadada.
-Give the other one to Cherri.
-Go see Dobadoba.

Reward: 15000G, 35000 Exp, Aggro Up V

Eryth Sea

Investigating Satorl (Miriall, if you didn't do Talia's Research, near the
Ether Plant transporter, 10 P.M.)
Miriall tried to stop Talia, but Talia didn't listen and went off to Satorl
alone. Talia could be in grave danger. Go and help her.

-Defeat Dogmatic Gogol near the Place of Judgement in Satorl Marsh.

-Talk to Talia who is at the Place of Judgement in Satorl Marsh.
-Talk to Talia who is on the Ether Plant at Eryth Sea. (Underneath the
transporter, 10 P.M.)

Reward: 20000G, 42000 Exp, Poison Defence VI

The Missing Boy (Miriall, near the Ether Plant transporter, 10 P.M.)
Miriall fled the capital with Teelan, but at some point seems to have lost
sight of him. Find Teelan to ease her worried heart.
-Talk to Teelan. (South-most room on upper walkway around Alcamoth)
-Return to Miriall.

Reward: 23000G, 48000 Exp, Ether Protect VI

Ancient High Entia Mystery (Talia, beneath the Ether Plant transporter,
10 P.M.) (Must use Melia)
It seems that there is a statue of the War God in Valak Mountain. Complete
research into the War God faith for Ruthan and Naroth.

-Investigate the War God statue at La Luz Church in Valak Mountain. (You must
have received the High Entia Emblem from completing The Imperial Ceremony) (A
Glory Slobos will spawn upon investigating the statue)
-Talk to Talia.

Reward: 59500G, 93000 Exp, Meteor Staff, Talent Boost V

Unlocks Melia's 'Passion' Skill Branch

Valak Mountain

The Missing Partner (Kurralth, if you didn't do Adventurers in Peril, Harict
Chapel, 10 A.M.)
Zain has risked his life to go alone to the top of the mountain to try and
change things. Go to the top of Valak Mountain and help him!

-Talk to Zain who is somewhere on Three Sage Summit at Valak Mountain. (By
cliff before path up to summit)
-Return to Kurralth.

Reward: 24000G, 30000 Exp, Empire Pike, Night Vision IV

The Final Giants' Ruins (Zain, Harict Chapel, 10 A.M.)
Collect the Giants' Treasures and use them to unseal the door to the ruins on
Three Sage Summit.

-Collect 3 Giants' Treasures from all around the world.

-Go to the Giants' Ruins at Three Sage Summit on Valak Mountain. (A Slobos

Reward: 88000G, 175000 Exp, Damage Heal VI, Arts Stealth VI

The Giants' Treasures (Triggered with The Final Giants' Ruins)
Collect the Giants' treasures scattered around the world. You don't know
they are or who has them, but researchers may be a good place to start.

-Collect the Truth of the Giants. (Reward for completing The Gratitude of
-Collect the Daring of the Giants. (Found in a treasure chest on top of Exile
Fortress during the quest The Giants' Treasure)
-Collect the Heart of the Giants. (Reward for completing Mystery of Makna

Reward: Nothing

Fallen Arm

Stunted Growth (Orkatix, along northeast section of pipe around Hidden
Village, 10 A.M.) (Must use Dunban)
Orkatix stopped growing at some point. If you have the right materials, you
will be able to build a device that will rectify this. Gather what is needed.

-Collect a Transmission Bypass.

-Collect an Exhaust Pump.
-Collect a Mini Reactor.
-Return to Orkatix. (Must use Shulk)

Reward: 44000G, 51500 Exp, Haste IV, Agility Up V

Unlocks Dunban's 'Enthusiasm' Skill Branch

Transmission Bypass (Triggered with Stunted Growth)
Defeat the Offensive Strike Unit, which is in the area of the Black Wreckage
the Fallen Arm, and collect a Transmission Bypass.

-Collect a Transmission Bypass from the Offensive Strike Unit.

Reward: Nothing

The Exhaust Pump (Triggered with Stunted Growth)
Defeat the Offensive Hover Unit, which in in the area of Digit 4 on the
Arm, and collect an Exhaust Pump.

-Collect an Exhaust Pump from the Offensive Hover Unit.

Reward: Nothing

The Mini Reactor (Triggered with Stunted Growth)
Defeat the Experimental M86 near Digit 2 Plain on the Fallen Arm and collect
Mini Reactor.

-Collect a Mini Reactor from the Experimental M86.

Reward: Nothing

* After reaching Bionis' Interior *

Bionis' Interior

Replica Monado 1 (Vanea, Junks control room, Bionis' Interior)
The Machina have design plans for five more Replica Monados. Have them make a
Monado Replica which is made for lighter, easier fighting.

-Collect 1 Lucky Fang from a Feris in Satorl Marsh. (Green Feris, Silent
Obelisk, night)
-Collect 1 piece of Caterpile Silk from a Caterpile somewhere on Bionis.
Caterpile, Windy Cave, area below Spiral Valley, Bionis' Leg)
-Collect 1 Ardun Elder Beard from an Ardun somewhere on Bionis. (Magnis
Rho Oasis, Bionis' Leg)
-Return to Vanea.

Reward: 12000 Exp, Monado Rudra

Replica Monado 2 (Vanea, Junks control room, Bionis' Interior)
The Machina have design plans for five more Replica Monados. Have them make a
Monado Replica which is tougher and has increased defensive capabilities.
-Collect 1 Ocean Elixir of Life from a Lexos in Colony 6. (Kyel Lexos,
Road, rain)
-Collect 1 Immortal Moss from a Torta somewhere on Bionis. (Satorl Torta,
of Fate, Satorl Marsh)
-Collect 1 Quadwing Treasure from a Quadwing somewhere on Bionis. (Grove
Quadwing, Barren Moor, Satorl Marsh, night)
-Return to Vanea.

Reward: 12000 Exp, Monado Agni

Replica Monado 3 (Vanea, Junks control room, Bionis' Interior)
The Machina have design plans for five more Replica Monados. Have them make a
Monado Replica which is tougher and has increased attack power.

-Collect 1 Glacier Element from a Nebula in Satorl Marsh. (Frost Nebula,

Sororal Statue area, fog)
-Collect 1 Wisp Sun Bead from a Wisp somewhere on Bionis. (Femuny Wisp, new
area of Tephra Cave north of Spring of Grief)
-Collect 1 Hox Daylight Spur from a Hox somewhere on Bionis. (Dark/White Hox,
platforms over Raguel Lake, Bionis' Leg)
-Return to Vanea.

Reward: 12000 Exp, Monado Abyss

Replica Monado 4 (Vanea, Junks control room, Bionis' Interior)
The Machina have design plans for five more Replica Monados. Have them make a
Monado Replica which makes the wielder even more powerful.

-Collect 1 Demonic Everflame from a Dragon somewhere on Bionis. (Demon King

Dragonia, available in the quest Defend Colony 6-Demon or Avalanche Abaasy,
Three Sage Summit, Valak Mountain, blizzard, night)
-Collect 1 Mammut Horn from a Mammut somewhere on Bionis. (Laeklit Mammut,
below Village Entrance, Makna Forest)
-Collect 1 Tirkin Elder Medal from a Tirkin somewhere on Bionis. (Field
Altrich, northwest of Crevasse Waterfall, Bionis' Leg)
-Return to Vanea.

Reward: 12000 Exp, Monado Dogma

Replica Monado 5 (Vanea, Junks control room, Bionis' Interior)
The Machina have design plans for five more Replica Monados. Have them make a
Monado Replica which transfers energy to defensive power.

-Collect 1 Yellow Slobos Rock from a Slobos on Valak Mountain. (Gloria

Three Sage Summit, night)
-Collect 1 Tokilos King Egg from a Tokilos somewhere on Bionis. (Leg Tokilos,
ledge east of Zax Guidepost, Bionis' Leg, clear)
-Collect 1 Diamond Brog Eye from a Brog somewhere on Bionis. (Young Brog,
passage north of Heavenly Window, Tephra Cave)
-Return to Vanea.

Reward: 12000 Exp, Monado Saga

Colony 6

Family Secrets (Zel Argentis, if you invited her, cliff overlooking the pond,
10 P.M.)
~NOTE~ The alternate to this quest if you invited En Argentis can be found
under the section 'After reaching Agniratha'

While Zel Argentis meets with a friend, she wants you to keep her father

-Have a chat with Don Argentis. (Bench along south-most row of houses, 10
(The answers you give don't affect what reward you receive)
-Have another chat with Don Argentis.
-Have a chat with Don Argentis once again.
-Have yet another chat with Don Argentis.
-Return to Zel Argentis.

Reward: 20000G, 23000 Exp, Rondine Cap, Rondine Gloves

Betrothal Test (Oleksiy, if you invited Zel Argentis, cliff overlooking the
pond, 10 P.M.)
Zel Argentis' father has found out about her and Oleksiy and isn't pleased.
only way to make him see reason is to meet his unreasonable demands.

-Collect 5 Scratched Jewels from Perna Eluca at Eryth Sea. (Latael Shore)
-Collect 2 Lucky Chilkin Rings from Chilkins on Valak Mountain. (Bow Chilkin,
Url Crevasse)
-Hand the items to Oleksiy.

Reward: 23500G, 26000 Exp, Rafaga Gauntlets, Rafaga Boots

Stopping the Elopement (Don Argentis, bench along south-most row of houses,
10 A.M.) (If you invited Zel Argentis) (Must use Sharla)
Don Argentis was so opposed to Zel Argentis and Oleksiy's relationship that
they decided to run away. Find the missing couple.

-Search the Satorl Marsh area for the couple. (Nopon Refuge)
-Persuade Oleksiy.
-Return to Don Argentis.

Reward: 28000G, 30000 Exp, Satellite Shot, Hierax Top

Unlocks Sharla's 'Affection' Skill Branch

Lifespan of a Machina (Neonik, by shop near the south-most row of houses,
10 A.M.)
Neonik seems to have almost given up on her life. Find something to

-Find something to revitalize Neonik. (2 Pterix Energy Egg, Lelepago Pterix,

Giant Mechon Debris, Fallen Arm or Machina Energy, Mechon Wreckage Site,
9) (The option you pick doesn't affect the reward)
-Return to Neonik.

Reward: 38000G, 31500 Exp, Revival HP Up V

A Poet's Concerns (Yura, behind north row of houses on main street, 10 A.M.)
Yura wants to write a poem about Neonik, but she needs a little convincing
before she's willing to comply. Persuade Neonik to accept his proposal.

-Talk to Neonik. (By shop near the south-most row of houses, 10 A.M.) (It
doesn't matter which answer you choose)
-Collect a Tobogan Wing from Hovering Reef 9 at Eryth Sea. (Drop through the
hole to the sea-level portion of the reef)
-Hand the Tobogan Wing to Neonik.
-Return to Yura.

Reward: 38500G, 33000 Exp, Unbeatable IV

* After reaching Prison Island *


Prison Island contains the last materials needed to fully rebuild Colony 6.
you haven't yet completed For the Restoration and Making a New Path, both
quests will expire upon finishing the reconstruction. Additionally, Prison
Island contains a point of no return where you must progress with the story
the way to the end of the game. (The game will warn you before you pass that
point, however.)


Colony 6

Defend Colony 6-Demon (Given while rebuilding Colony 6)
There's a problem at an ether planter. Eliminate the formidable enemy to help
the residents feel at ease.

-Defeat Demon King Dragonia in the area of the ether planter at Hope Farm.

Reward: 20000G, 30000 Exp

* After revisiting Alcamoth *


Vidian Rescue Mission (Surprise quest after defeating 5 Aora Telethia for
Restoring the Capital)
The transporters are broken, trapping people in Whitewing Palace. It's only a
matter of time before the Telethia come. Fix the Ether Furnace Controls.

-Find someone who can use the Ether Furnace Controls and ask how to fix them.
(Kaleka, Nopon Tower, Frontier Village, 10 P.M.)
-Fix the Ether Furnace Controls so that the transporters will work.
-Talk to Vidian in Whitewing Palace.

Reward: 58000G, 97500 Exp, Gracielle Helm, Gracielle Arms, Gracielle Greaves

Frontier Village

Restoring the Capital 2 (Nelo, bridge into Frontier Village, 10 P.M.)
So many materials are needed for restoration. Nelo can't get his hands on
mechanical parts. Grab what materials are necessary for restoration!

-Grab 5 Refined Part Ms from cool Mechon flying around the Fallen Arm.
(Offensive Seeker Unit, Connecting Bridge)
-Grab 5 New Clyinders from automated defence devices in the High Entia Tomb.
(Hover Astas, B1F)
-Go see Nelo.

Reward: 16800G, 28000 Exp, Power V Arms, Agility Up VI

Broken Ether Furnace (Kaleka, Nopon Tower, 10 P.M.)
If we don't get to repairing the Ether Furnace Controls, the restoration
be starting any time soon. Collect the materials and bring them back to me.

-Collect 10 Refined Part Ls from Mechon on the Fallen Arm. (M85 Meteor
Artillery, Connecting Bridge)
-Collect 2 pieces of Frost Glass in Valak Mountain.
-Return to Kaleka.

Reward: 20000G, 43500 Exp, Power V Boosters, Strength Up VI

Broken Ether Furnace 2 (Kaleka, Nopon Tower, 10 P.M.)
Use the items I gave you to mend the Ether Furnace Control. Then perhaps the
restoration of the Imperial Capital won't be just a dream.

-Mend the Ether Furnace Controls in Alcamoth. (On west side of 'arm' going
south in Great Hall)
-Defeat Primordial Telethia in front of the Ether Furnace Controls in
-Return to Kaleka.

Reward: 42000G, 72000 Exp, Power V Frame, Sedna Drones, Ether Up VI

Satorl Marsh

A Release from Duty (Rozeal, Sororal Statues, 10 A.M.)
There are other guards like Galvin protecting the imperial capital. Send them
to a happier place too.

-Defeat Telethia Lecrough in the area of the Great Hall in Alcamoth.

-Defeat Telethia Galdo in the area of the Imperial Villa in Alcamoth.
-Defeat Telethia Kaelin in the area of the Sky Terrace in Alcamoth.
-Defeat Telethia Donnis in the area of the Audience Chamber in Alcamoth.
-Return to Rozeal.

Reward: 72000G, 85000 Exp, Aggro Down V

Eryth Sea

I Will Never Forget You (Vidian, if you completed Believing Again, by cliff
the lowest level in west area of Ether Plant, 10 A.M.)
When Vidian was fleeing the Imperial City, she was saved by some Telethia who
turned out to be her friends. It will be sad, but you should put them to

-Defeat 10 Arel Telethia in Alcamoth. (Main Entrance)

-Defeat Telethia Arielle near the Fountain of Eternity in Alcamoth. (First
fountain to the southwest)
-Defeat Telethia Lesunia near Melfica Road in Alcamoth. (By the south-most U
-Return to Vidian.

Reward: 43000G, 72000 Exp, Rafaga Armour, Rafaga Leggings

The Only Thing I Can Do (Vidian, if you didn't do Believing Again, by cliff
the lowest level in west area of Ether Plant, 10 A.M.)
When Vidian fled the imperial capital, she was helped by Telethia. She feels
must be some good friends. Try and find out if this is the truth.

-Defeat 10 Arel Telethia in Alcamoth. (Main Entrance)

-Defeat Telethia Arielle near the Fountain of Eternity in Alcamoth. (First
fountain to the southwest)
-Defeat Telethia Lesunia near Melfica Road in Alcamoth. (By the south-most U
-Return to Vidian.

Reward: 31000G, 56000 Exp, Rex Arms, Rex Greaves

Secret Research (Teelan, near Ether Plant transporter, 10 A.M.)
There is a Telethia research facility within the High Entia Tomb. Go to the
High Entia Tomb and find the research facility.

-Collect the Telethia Research from the Telethia Laboratory in the High Entia
Tomb. (You must have received the High Entia Emblem from completing The
Imperial Ceremony)
-Return to Teelan.

Reward: 41000G, 68000 Exp, Rex Helm

* After revisiting Tephra Cave *

Tephra Cave

The Book of Bafalgar (Shura, Bafalgar Tomb)
Shura has come to investigate Giants' ruins, but hasn't made much progress
alone. Retrieve a book containing a hint on how to open Bafalgar Tomb.

-Find the Starlight Book near Vilia Lake in Tephra Cave. (Take the path south
from Bafalgar Tomb to the ledge over Vilia Lake, then turn left)
-Return to Shura.

Reward: Nothing

The Blood of Bafalgar (Shura, Bafalgar Tomb)
According to the Starlight Book, an offering must be made in order to open
door. Collect the White Spider Heart and offer it up at the altar.

-Defeat Dazzling Tolosnia near the Heavenly Window and collect the White
Heart. (Southwest from Heavenly Window)
-Offer up the White Spider Heart at the Bafalgar Tomb altar.
-Return to Shura.

Reward: Nothing

The Path of Bafalgar (Shura, Bafalgar Tomb)
Despite the door now being open, Shura isn't keen on going inside. Head in
take a look around the Prayer Room in Bafalgar Tomb.
-Enter and search the Prayer Room in Bafalgar Tomb.
-Return to Shura.
-Collect the Sacrificial Tablet from near the Path of Absolution in Tephra
-Return to Shura.

Reward: Nothing

The Coffin of Bafalgar (Shura, Bafalgar Tomb)
The investigation of Bafalgar Tomb is almost over. With the hidden door now
open, locate a critical hint from the Soothsayer's Crypt.

-Find the hint in the Soothsayer's Crypt in Tephra Cave. (Down the stairs, to
the left. Must be night)
-Return to Shura.

Reward: Nothing

The Gratitude of Bafalgar (Triggered after completing The Coffin of Bafalgar)
You didn't receive your reward for assisting Shura in her investigation of
Bafalgar Tomb. Make you way to Colony 9 to claim your prize.

-Speak to Shura in the Colony 9 Commercial District. (Georgio's stall, 10


Reward: 35000G, 80000 Exp, Aura Heal IV, Auto-Heal Up III, Truth of the

Bionis' Leg

A Flower for a Rose (Dulland, on sloping path next to pond, Refugee Camp,
10 A.M.)
Collect a single blossoming flower for Dulland from the Tephra Cave ruins.

-Collect 1 Ancient Lily from near Bafalgar Tomb in Tephra Cave. (Must
complete The Blood of Bafalgar first)
-Return to Dulland.

Reward: 38000G, 92500 Exp, Cosmo Drones, Initial Tension VI

Battling Brutes (Dulland, on sloping path next to pond, Refugee Camp, 10
(Must use Fiora)
Dulland can't make his Ancient Lily delivery as planned. Head to Tephra Cave
and defeat the two large monsters fighting each other.

-Defeat Reckless Zanden at the Arachno Queen's Nest in Tephra Cave.

-Defeat Firework Geldesia at the Arachno Queen's Nest in Tephra Cave.
-Return to Dulland.

Reward: 63500G, 158000 Exp, Eternity Knives, Speed V Frame, Speed V Booster
Unlocks Fiora's 'Innocence' Skill Branch

Supplies for Satorl (Elior, east side of pond, Refugee Camp, 10 P.M.)
Some of the evacuated High Entia are holed-up in Satorl Marsh. They are
dangerously low on food. Find them some food to replenish their reserves.

-Give goods to Scarlen in Satorl Marsh. (Sororal Statues, 10 P.M. or Oath

Sanctuary if you didn't complete The Imperial Ceremony)

Reward: 45000G, 58000 Exp, Speed V Goggles, Speed V Arms

{4.} List of Quest Materials
This is a list of all the materials potentially required for the quests. You
will not need all of these, since some are from quests that are a choice
between two possible quests, while others are for quests that resulted from a
choice you made earlier in the game. This list does not include Colony 6
rebuilding materials. The locations of the monsters that drop these materials
can be found in the sidequest guide.

Colony 9
2 Vang Tooth
1 Small Scale
2 Medicinal Brog Oil
1 Yolkless Flamii Egg
2 Small Shell
3 Fresh Armu Milk
2 Iron Krabble Shell
5 Raw Piranhax Meat
3 Maternal Armu Milk
3 Quality Antol Jaw
2 Krabble Artwork
2 Laughing Brog Bag
2 Lucky Skeeter Wing
2 Vang Hair Clip
2 Azure Flamii Wing

Tephra Cave
2 Black Nectar
2 Heavy Bunniv Iron
2 Croaking Brog Bag
5 Caterpile Poison
3 Arachno Silk
3 Broken Pincer
1 Brog Smelling Salt
4 Arachno Sickle
4 Lizard Moon Jewel
4 Bunniv Club
1 Wisp Sun Bead
1 Diamond Brog Eye

Bionis' Leg
2 Tirkin Crest
2 Tirkin Tail Feather
3 Vang Third Molar
2 Brog Leg Meat
2 Fertile Flamii Egg
1 Bunnit Sapling
5 Glowing Wisp Fluid
3 Ponio Neck Meat
3 Sticky Web Fibre
5 Piranhax Roe
2 Generic Shaft
2 Generic Blade
7 Flier Straw
3 Thick Armu Milk
4 Thick Nectar
3 Gogol Horn
1 Caterpile Silk
1 Ardun Elder Beard
1 Hox Daylight Spur
1 Tirkin Elder Medal
1 Tokilos King Egg

Colony 6
6 Flier Wing
5 Bitter Wisp Fluid
5 Wisp Glow Stick
1 Ocean Elixir of Life
1 Demonic Everflame

Ether Mine
2 Krabble Fixed Part
Satorl Marsh
4 Glowing Upa Seed
3 Fancy Volff Hide
2 Twin Flamii Egg
2 Potent Brog Poison
4 Bunnia Scent Wood
3 White Brog Liver
3 Bunnia Ham
3 Rhogul Axe Crest
4 Vang Milk Tooth
3 Caterpile Vinegar
3 Igna Stone Pot
1 Lucky Fang
1 Immortal Moss
1 Quadwing Treasure
1 Glacier Element

Makna Forest
2 Magic Stone
3 Hode Camouflage
10 Peachy Leg Joint
3 Upa Ember
3 All-Seeing Eye
5 Fancy Orluga Mask
2 Green Eluca Juice
2 Tasty Ansel Wing
3 Delicious Vang Tail
2 Royal Apis Nectar
5 Orluga Grass Skirt
2 Feris Blood
5 Hode Plank
2 Bloody Brog Sweat
2 Eks Iron Heart
5 Piranhax Belly Meat
1 Mammut Horn

Eryth Sea
3 Juicy Laia Fish
2 Lexos Beard
3 Orluga Slacks
2 Glossy Grady Fan
5 Pagul Hot Pot
6 Sturdy Armour
3 Hiln Coin Purse
3 Old Dragon Spine
2 Silver Eks Plate
3 Murky Eluca Water
3 Juicy Wild Meat
3 Luxury Hode Wood
3 Aqueous Andos Oil
3 Dense Ansel Meat
5 Ekidno Jaw Gristle
3 Thick Rhana Hide
5 Scratched Jewel

High Entia Tomb
3 Andos Antenna
3 Rufus Control Unit
3 Astas Remote Unit
5 New Clyinder

Valak Mountain
2 Soya Paste Shell
3 Pagul Cold Pie
2 Ories Horn
5 Apis Gold Nugget
3 Moramora Meat Pie
3 Hox Flint
2 Antol Fire Pouch
1 Feris Aged Ale
2 Silver Lexos Heart
2 Frozen Aries Meat
2 Slobos Ice Rock
3 Aged Chilkin Hair
3 Ansel Fish Pie
1 Yellow Slobos Rock
2 Lucky Chilkin Ring

Fallen Arm
2 Dated Frame
3 Pretty Flamii Leg
5 Silver Antol Fibre
5 Electric Upa Tear
5 Krabble Back Moss
2 Flier Bloom Scale
3 Dated Plug
3 Dated Crank
2 Wisp Bliss Ring
2 Pterix Energy Egg
5 Refined Part M
10 Refined Part L

Mechonis Field
2 Reinforced Jet
2 Reinforced Plunger
2 Reinforced Thruster

Central Factory
3 Advanced Frame

4 New Part S
3 New Part L

{5.} List of Quest Collectables
This is a list of all the collectables potentially required for the quests.
will not need all of these, since some are from quests that are a choice
between two possible quests, while others are for quests that resulted from a
choice you made earlier in the game. This list does not include Colony 6
rebuilding collectables.

Colony 9
2 Rabbit Diode
1 Giant Hornet
2 Rainbow Zirconia
3 Blue Chain
1 Plate Snow
5 Dance Apple
5 Dawn Hydrangea
2 Cool Potato

Tephra Cave
2 Shin Gecko
3 Insanity Mint
2 Kneecap Rock
2 Bright Fig
2 Clear Almond
4 Happy Rabbit
2 Rumble Stonefly
9 Gold Caterpillar
4 Shin Newt

Bionis' Leg
3 Moth Crawler
4 Sour Gooseberry
3 Juicy Broccoli
2 Red Durian
4 Walnut Grape
2 Humming Plum
3 Hand Lotus

Colony 6
1 Chewy Radish
1 Sirius Anemone

Ether Mine
3 Love Crane
2 Rumble Coal
4 Charcoal Leg

Satorl Marsh
4 Feather Leaf
3 Wool Rock
5 Lemon Stone
2 Humming Cabbage
2 Humming Cat
2 Rumble Part
2 Forget-You-Not
5 Ether Rose
4 Poisonous Gourd

Makna Forest
2 Pure Cherry
3 Shield Bug
6 Enigma Lotus
5 Venomous Lizard
4 Ash Fox
5 Hades Beetle
8 Kelp Mushroom
2 Bitter Kiwi
2 Humming Nettle
4 Black Iris
4 Benign Cricket
4 Soft Sea Cucumber
4 Honey Rhubarb
4 Juicy Grape

Frontier Village
2 Rumble Box
2 Crimson Citrus

Eryth Sea
4 Night Lily
4 Razor Teasel
3 Gold Burdock
2 White Tail
2 Marine Marble
5 Doomsday Poppy
3 Pink Asparagus
4 Tropical Radish

5 Stardrop
5 Heart Peach
5 Mystic Dhalia

High Entia Tomb
2 Spiral Lamp
5 Green Diode

Valak Mountain
2 Ruby Mangosteen
2 Broom Icicle
5 Wet Rat
2 Frost Glass

Fallen Arm
5 Digital Filament
3 Poison Coral
5 Spicy Papaya

Mechonis Field
3 Bronze Wood
2 Energy Aubergine

5 Fairy Tale Diode
6 Grape Spring

Prison Island
10 Death Lychee
5 Hell Raspberry

{6.} List of Quest Unique Monsters
This is a list of Unique Monsters mentioned in quests. This list only
the Uniques that can be found in an area independent of any quests, since the
quest-only monsters won't appear unless they're triggered and will never
respawn after they've been killed. The locations of these UMs can be found in
the sidequest guide.

Colony 9
Verdant Bluchal
Evil Rhangrot
Lake Magdalena
Dark Murakmor

Tephra Cave
Wallslide Gwynry

Bionis' Leg
White Eduardo
Violent Andante
Trainer Harmelon
Vagrant Alfead
Territorial Rotbart
Canyon Valencia
Field Altrich (For the Tirkin Elder Medal he can drop)

Ether Mine
Elegant Marin

Satorl Marsh
Sunlight Schvaik
Indomitable Daulton
Veteran Yozel

Makna Forest
Agile Albatro
Breezy Zolos
Lazy Bluco
Obsessive Galgaron
Shimmering Forte
Elder Gragus

Eryth Sea
Peeling Kircheis
Lightspeed Sonid
Tempestuous Edegia
Proper Bandaz
Flabbergasted Jerome
Funeral Gozra

Valak Mountain
Barbaric Sitri

Sword Valley
Prudent Purson
Tranquil Morax
Lightning Ronove

Mechonis Field
Revolutionary Bifrons
Infernal Crocell

Central Factory
Beautiful Vagul
Venerable Focalor

Vagabond Allocer
Wise Gremory
Meditative Varla
Wrathful Orobas

{7.} List of Quests by Quest Log
After quite a few requests from readers and some thinking on my own part,
decided to add a full quest list ordered by how the quests appear in your
Log. The first list is arranged by area according to when the quests are
available, and the second is the list as it would appear in a fully completed
Quest Log. Please be careful when perusing these lists, as a number of quest
titles contain story spoilers.

In the following lists you will come across two symbols from time to time.
The first, an asterisk, (*) means that the quest is timed. The second, an at
sign, (@) means that the quest is exclusive.

In the first list you will see frequent gaps between quests in an area. Those
gaps mean that either events must occur or new areas must be visited in order
to unlock new quests. For information on what needs to happen to unlock those
quests, simply refer to the full guide above. Any time two quests are listed
on the same line it means that you will only be able to complete one of those

Quests by Area Arranged According to Availability

Colony 9
-The Key to a Long Life
-Biscuits for a Grandson
-Education-Minded Suzanna
-Lonely Niranira
-The Broken Watch
-Monster Quest 3-Part 1
-Monster Quest 3-Part 2
-Monster Quest 3-Part 3
-Monster Quest 3-Part 4
-Challenge 2
-Material Quest 2
-Material Quest 3
-Material Quest 4
-Collection Quest 1
-Collection Quest 2
-Collection Quest 3
-Collection Quest 4
-Search Quest 1
-Search Quest 2
-Search Quest 3
-Search Quest 4

-A Curry Conundrum
-A Young Captain's Request
-Rocco's Heartful Request
-Monster Quest 1-Part 1
-Monster Quest 1-Part 2
-Monster Quest 1-Part 3
-Monster Quest 2-Part 1
-Monster Quest 2-Part 2
-Monster Quest 2-Part 3
-Challenge 1
-Challenge 3
-Material Quest 1

-Challenge 4

-Education-Crazy Suzanna
-Pride and Courage
-Dean's Shady Request
-Liliana's Sincere Request
-Monster Quest 4-Part 1
-Monster Quest 4-Part 2
-Monster Quest 4-Part 3
-Mementos of a Lost Son
-Flattened Flowers
-@Romantic Notions of a Girl/Romantic Notions of a Boy
-An Impoverished Critic
-Financial Planning
-Overworked and Underpaid
-Paola and Narine
-The Plan-Preparation
-The Plan-The Night Before
-The Plan-Execution
-A Young Captain's Suffering
-A Young Captain's Rise
-The Lost Pendant

-@Out-of-Luck Georgio/Pestering Paola

-Jackson's Awakening
-@Jackson the Poet/Jackson the Cook

-A Mysterious Light
-Out Like a Light?

-Desiree's Future

-The Gem Man's Invention

-The Old Soldier's Test

-A Young Captain's Challenge
-@A Big Brother's Fight/A Little Brother's Fight
-@Thawing Relations/A Place to Come Home to
-@Desiree's Apology/Betty's Gift

-Birthday Shoes
-@A Young Captain's Revival/A Young Captain's Trust
-Friendship Tokens
-The Elite Captain's Anguish
-Getting to Know Minnie
-Getting to Know Dorothy
-A Token of Friendship

Tephra Cave
-Missing in Action
-Arachno Silk Fundraising
-A Thank You
-Clearing Obstructions
-Collection Quest 1
-Collection Quest 2
-Material Quest 1
-Material Quest 2

-The Book of Bafalgar

-The Blood of Bafalgar
-The Path of Bafalgar
-The Coffin of Bafalgar
-The Gratitude of Bafalgar
Bionis' Leg
-The Lost Nopon
-Monster Quest 1-Part 1
-Monster Quest 1-Part 2
-Monster Quest 1-Part 3
-Monster Quest 1-Part 4

-*Emergency Treatment
-*Being a Good Grandfather
-*A Thoughtful Idea
-*A Dash of Colour
-*@Imaginations Tempered/Spirits Raised
-*Thieving Monsters
-*The Greedy Monster
-*Save the Girl!
-Earnest's Fibs
-Earnest's Mischief
-Earnest's Solitude
-With Much Gratitude
-With Even More Gratitude
-*Monster Quest 2
-*Monster Quest 3-Part 1
-*Monster Quest 3-Part 2
-*Challenge 1-Part 1
-*Challenge 1-Part 2
-*Challenge 2-Part 1
-*Challenge 2-Part 2
-*Material Quest 1
-*Material Quest 2
-*Material Quest 3
-*Material Quest 4
-*Collection Quest 1
-*Collection Quest 2
-*Search Quest 1
-*Search Quest 2

-Legend of Mythical Empress

-A Flower for a Rose

-Battling Brutes
-Supplies for Satorl

Colony 6
-Proof of Status
-Safety First
-Secret Mission

-*@The Road Home

-What is Love?!
-What is Courage?!
-Matryona's Answer
-A Selfish Girl's Mistake
-Chemist's Reopening
-Satata's Younger Brother
-Rest in Peace
-*For the Restoration
-*Making a New Path

-A Gutsy Trader
-Defend Colony 6-Mechon

-Cook-Off Counter Attack!

-Cook-Off Comeback?
-Cook-Off Final Blow?!
-A Delectable Delicacy
-Missing Lodger
-Looking for Freedom

-Defend Colony 6-Reptile

-Cook-Off Showdown!
-A Tantalising Treat
-@Weak Berryjammy/Cursed Berryjammy
-Obstinate Berryjammy
-Unstoppable Berryjammy
-@Miss Sweetness Showdown!/Miss Sweetness Showdown!
-The Most Transparent Thing

-*@To Colony 6!

-@Miss Sweetness' Gratitude/Miss Sweetness' Gratitude

-A Final Sweet Favour
-In Pursuit of Love
-Odd Smoke-Investigation
-Odd Smoke-Resolution
-@Nopon Determination
-Defend Colony 6-Elite

-@The Melody of Happiness/Dream of a Poet

-@Family Secrets
-@Betrothal Test
-@Stopping the Elopement
-@A Butler's Concerns
-Nic's Training
-Nic's Final Test

-@A Maid's Concerns

-Delivering the Undeliverable
-Finding the Unfindable
-@Homs Determination
-A Dauntless Trader
-Securing Provisions
-Melancholy Tyrea
-Defend Colony 6-Ancient

-@Family Secrets
-@Betrothal Test
-@Stopping the Elopement
-Lifespan of a Machina
-A Poet's Concerns
-Replica Monado 1
-Replica Monado 2
-Replica Monado 3
-Replica Monado 4
-Replica Monado 5

-Defend Colony 6-Demon

Satorl Marsh
-Preventing Starvation
-Zazadan in Danger
-Zazadan Still in Danger
-It's All in the Mind
-A Mysterious Delicacy
-*A Gift?
-Kacha's Kidnapping
-The Giants' Key
-The Giants' Treasure
-Making Camp
-Monster Quest 1
-Monster Quest 2
-Monster Quest 3
-Monster Quest 4

-Gather Information

-For a Friend
-A Merciful End
-The Imperial Ceremony
-Imperial Ceremony Offerings

-A Release from Duty

Makna Forest
-Monster Quest 1
-Monster Quest 2
-Monster Quest 3
-Monster Quest 4


-Legend of the Sage

-Challenge of the Sage

-Bridge Repair

-Final Challenge of the Sage

Frontier Village
-Leku's Food Crisis
-Hunt for a Patron
-Heropon's Spirit
-Beat Kilaki to it!
-Lousy Lizards
-Popularity Premonition
-Making a Mixer
-Materials for a Mixer
-Decoration Makeover
-Hunt for Bug-Loving Friend
-A Worried Bug-Lover
-Mushy Mushrooms
-Sweet Seduction
-Ingredients for a Brew
-Strange Noises from Below
-Musical Genius
-Things that Hum
-Things that Rumble
-Dadapon in Trouble
-It Definitely Exist!
-Kind Lupa's Grampypon
-Secret Elixir Ingredients
-Fixing Time Mushrooms
-Pollen Orb Ingredients
-Secret Ingredient Hunt
-Secret Innovation
-The Master's Successor
-Monster Quest 1-Part 1
-Monster Quest 1-Part 2
-Monster Quest 1-Part 3
-Monster Quest 2-Part 1
-Monster Quest 2-Part 2
-Monster Quest 2-Part 3
-Challenge 1
-Challenge 2
-Challenge 3
-Material Quest 1
-Material Quest 2
-Material Quest 4
-Collection Quest 1
-Collection Quest 2
-Collection Quest 3
-Collection Quest 4
-Search Quest 1
-Search Quest 2
-Search Quest 3

-A Tormented Bug-Lover
-Avenge a Mamapon's Death
-Honouring the Nopon Sage
-Meeting the Nopon Sage
-*Dangerous Ambition
-*Find the Kingpin
-*Adviser Hunt
-*Evidence Collection
-*Destroying the City Trade

-@Medical Advancements/Let's Make Fillings!

-@Reversed Tastes/World's Strongest Flavour
-Healing the Healer
-Legendary Nopon Charm
-Mislabelling Problem
-Getting Bigger!
-Who is Bigger?
-Giant Attack!
-Mystery of Makna Ruins 1
-Mystery of Makna Ruins 2
-Mystery of Makna Ruins 3
-Mystery of Makna Ruins 4
-Material Quest 3

-Even in the Chief's Absence

-Bored Pelupelu
-A Gift For Miko
-Restoring the Capital
-A Memento of Daddy
-Bana the Betrayer
-Presents for Priceless Pupils
-@Distilling Active Ingredients/Safer Energy

-Restoring the Capital 2

-Broken Ether Furnace
-Broken Ether Furnace 2

Eryth Sea
-Monster Quest 1
-Monster Quest 2
-Collection Quest 1
-Collection Quest 2

-Trouble at the Plant

-Punish the Hodes
-Mend the Plant
-Hode Attack

-Trouble at the Lighthouse

-@Investigating Satorl
-Ancient High Entia Mystery
-The Missing Boy

-@I Will Never Forget You/The Only Thing I Can Do

-Secret Research
-*The Deciphering Machine
-*Bring Back My Son!
-*Teaching Materials
-*Brave Actions
-*Protect the Capital!
-*How Do They Feel?
-*How Do I Feel?
-*@I Love You No Matter What/Together Forever
-*A Friend in Need
-*Preparing for Adventure
-*Preparing for Adventure 2
-*Preparing for Adventure 3
-*Building Bridges
-*Starlight Seeker
-*Back Pain
-*Looking for Gold Bugs
-*Losing the Taste for Alcohol
-*Looking for a Lost Son
-*Looking for a Lost Daughter
-*Going Out to Play
-*Getting a Member's Card
-*Monster Quest 1-Part 1
-*Monster Quest 1-Part 2
-*Monster Quest 1-Part 3
-*Monster Quest 2-Part 1
-*Monster Quest 2-Part 2
-*Monster Quest 2-Part 3
-*Monster Quest 3-Part 1
-*Monster Quest 3-Part 2
-*Monster Quest 3-Part 3
-*Monster Quest 4-Part 1
-*Monster Quest 4-Part 2
-*Monster Quest 4-Part 3
-*Challenge 1
-*Challenge 2
-*Challenge 3
-*Challenge 4
-*Material Quest 1
-*Material Quest 2
-*Material Quest 3
-*Material Quest 4
-*Collection Quest 1
-*Collection Quest 2
-*Collection Quest 3
-*Collection Quest 4
-*Search Quest 1
-*Search Quest 2
-*Search Quest 3
-*Search Quest 4

-*A Necessary Upgrade

-*@Talia's Research
-*Starlight Gazer

-*@Adventurers in Peril
-*@Believing Again

-Vidian Rescue Mission

Valak Mountain
-Chilkins and Antols
-Valak Mountain Research
-The Freezing Nopon
-Monster Quest 1
-Monster Quest 2
-Monster Quest 3
-Monster Quest 4

-Bad Timing
-Chilkin Changes
-The Balance of Power

-@The Missing Partner

-The Final Giants' Ruins
-The Giants' Treasures

Sword Valley
-*Secure Dolgan Outpost
-*Secure Enalda Control Base
-*3rd Gate Front Line
-*Secure the Radio Tower

Fallen Arm
-Mysterious Noises
-Protect the Village!
-Stop the Mechon Rampage!
-I Want to be a Homs!
-Power Up!
-Fixing a Broken Door
-The Wilted Flower
-Scheduled Inspection
-A Tough Battle
-Food Delivery
-*For my Loved One...
-*To my Loved One...

-Save the Machina!

-Eliminate the Threat
-*The History of Mechonis
-The Oath Sword
-Mending Memories

-*A Weapon Just For Me

-*The History of the Capital

-Stunted Growth
-Transmission Bypass
-The Exhaust Pump
-The Mini Reactor

Mechonis Field
-*Best Boots
-*Monster Quest
-*Challenge Quest 1
-*Challenge Quest 2

Central Factory
-*Eliminate the Backup!
-*Daring Assault
-*Roof Battle

-*A New Weapon for Fiora

-*Civil Protection 1-1
-*Civil Protection 1-2
-*Civil Protection 1-3
-*Civil Protection 2-1
-*Civil Protection 2-2
-*Civil Protection 2-3
-*Military Status 1-1
-*Military Status 1-2
-*Military Status 2-1
-*Military Status 2-2
-*Agniratha Beautification 1
-*Agniratha Beautification 2
-*Telethia Investigation 1
-*Telethia Investigation 2

Quests by Area
Colony 9
-Mementos of a Lost Son
-The Key to a Long Life
-A Curry Conundrum
-Biscuits for a Grandson
-Birthday Shoes
-Education-Minded Suzanna
-Education-Crazy Suzanna
-Flattened Flowers
-Lonely Niranira
-The Broken Watch
-The Old Soldier's Test
-@Romantic Notions of a Girl/Romantic Notions of a Boy
-An Impoverished Critic
-Financial Planning
-Overworked and Underpaid
-@Out-of-Luck Georgio/Pestering Paola
-Paola and Narine
-The Plan-Preparation
-The Plan-The Night Before
-The Plan-Execution
-A Young Captain's Request
-A Young Captain's Suffering
-A Young Captain's Rise
-A Young Captain's Challenge
-@A Young Captain's Revival/A Young Captain's Trust
-Pride and Courage
-Friendship Tokens
-@A Big Brother's Fight/A Little Brother's Fight
-@Thawing Relations/A Place to Come Home to
-Rocco's Heartful Request
-Dean's Shady Request
-Liliana's Sincere Request
-Jackson's Awakening
-@Jackson the Poet/Jackson the Cook
-Desiree's Future
-@Desiree's Apology/Betty's Gift
-The Elite Captain's Anguish
-Getting to Know Minnie
-Getting to Know Dorothy
-A Mysterious Light
-Out Like a Light?
-The Lost Pendant
-Monster Quest 1-Part 1
-Monster Quest 1-Part 2
-Monster Quest 1-Part 3
-Monster Quest 2-Part 1
-Monster Quest 2-Part 2
-Monster Quest 2-Part 3
-Monster Quest 3-Part 1
-Monster Quest 3-Part 2
-Monster Quest 3-Part 3
-Monster Quest 3-Part 4
-Monster Quest 4-Part 1
-Monster Quest 4-Part 2
-Monster Quest 4-Part 3
-Challenge 1
-Challenge 2
-Challenge 3
-Challenge 4
-Material Quest 1
-Material Quest 2
-Material Quest 3
-Material Quest 4
-Collection Quest 1
-Collection Quest 2
-Collection Quest 3
-Collection Quest 4
-Search Quest 1
-Search Quest 2
-Search Quest 3
-Search Quest 4
-A Token of Friendship
-The Gem Man's Invention

Tephra Cave
-Missing in Action
-Arachno Silk Fundraising
-A Thank You
-Clearing Obstructions
-The Book of Bafalgar
-The Blood of Bafalgar
-The Path of Bafalgar
-The Coffin of Bafalgar
-The Gratitude of Bafalgar
-Collection Quest 1
-Collection Quest 2
-Material Quest 1
-Material Quest 2

Bionis' Leg
-*Emergency Treatment
-*Being a Good Grandfather
-*A Thoughtful Idea
-*A Dash of Colour
-*@Imaginations Tempered/Spirits Raised
-*Thieving Monsters
-*The Greedy Monster
-*Save the Girl!
-Earnest's Fibs
-Earnest's Mischief
-Earnest's Solitude
-The Lost Nopon
-With Much Gratitude
-With Even More Gratitude
-Legend of Mythical Empress
-A Flower for a Rose
-Battling Brutes
-Supplies for Satorl
-Monster Quest 1-Part 1
-Monster Quest 1-Part 2
-Monster Quest 1-Part 3
-Monster Quest 1-Part 4
-*Monster Quest 2
-*Monster Quest 3-Part 1
-*Monster Quest 3-Part 2
-*Challenge 1-Part 1
-*Challenge 1-Part 2
-*Challenge 2-Part 1
-*Challenge 2-Part 2
-*Material Quest 1
-*Material Quest 2
-*Material Quest 3
-*Material Quest 4
-*Collection Quest 1
-*Collection Quest 2
-*Search Quest 1
-*Search Quest 2

Colony 6
-*@The Road Home/To Colony 6!
-Cook-Off Counter Attack!
-Cook-Off Comeback?
-Cook-Off Final Blow?!
-Cook-Off Showdown!
-A Delectable Delicacy
-A Tantalising Treat
-Missing Lodger
-Looking for Freedom
-@Weak Berryjammy/Cursed Berryjammy
-Obstinate Berryjammy
-Unstoppable Berryjammy
-@Miss Sweetness Showdown!/Miss Sweetness Showdown!
-The Most Transparent Thing
-@Miss Sweetness' Gratitude/Miss Sweetness' Gratitude
-A Final Sweet Favour
-In Pursuit of Love
-@The Melody of Happiness/Dream of a Poet
-@Family Secrets/Family Secrets
-@Betrothal Test/Betrothal Test
-@Stopping the Elopement/Stopping the Elopement
-@A Butler's Concerns/A Maid's Concerns
-Lifespan of a Machina
-A Poet's Concerns
-Delivering the Undeliverable
-Finding the Unfindable
-Odd Smoke-Investigation
-Odd Smoke-Resolution
-@Nopon Determination/Homs Determination
-A Gutsy Trader
-A Dauntless Trader
-Nic's Training
-Nic's Final Test
-What is Love?!
-What is Courage?!
-Matryona's Answer
-A Selfish Girl's Mistake
-Chemist's Reopening
-Satata's Younger Brother
-Rest in Peace
-*For the Restoration
-*Making a New Path
-Securing Provisions
-Proof of Status
-Safety First
-Secret Mission
-Replica Monado 1
-Replica Monado 2
-Replica Monado 3
-Replica Monado 4
-Replica Monado 5
-Melancholy Tyrea
-Defend Colony 6-Mechon
-Defend Colony 6-Reptile
-Defend Colony 6-Elite
-Defend Colony 6-Ancient
-Defend Colony 6-Demon

Satorl Marsh
-Preventing Starvation
-Zazadan in Danger
-Zazadan Still in Danger
-It's All in the Mind
-A Mysterious Delicacy
-*A Gift?
-Gather Information
-Kacha's Kidnapping
-The Giants' Key
-The Giants' Treasure
-Making Camp
-Monster Quest 1
-Monster Quest 2
-Monster Quest 3
-Monster Quest 4
-For a Friend
-A Merciful End
-A Release from Duty
-The Imperial Ceremony
-Imperial Ceremony Offerings
Makna Forest
-Legend of the Sage
-Challenge of the Sage
-Final Challenge of the Sage
-Bridge Repair
-Monster Quest 1
-Monster Quest 2
-Monster Quest 3
-Monster Quest 4

Frontier Village
-Leku's Food Crisis
-Hunt for a Patron
-Heropon's Spirit
-Beat Kilaki to it!
-Lousy Lizards
-Popularity Premonition
-Making a Mixer
-Materials for a Mixer
-Decoration Makeover
-Hunt for Bug-Loving Friend
-A Worried Bug-Lover
-A Tormented Bug-Lover
-Mushy Mushrooms
-@Medical Advancements/Let's Make Fillings!
-@Reversed Tastes/World's Strongest Flavour
-Sweet Seduction
-Ingredients for a Brew
-Healing the Healer
-Legendary Nopon Charm
-Mislabelling Problem
-Getting Bigger!
-Who is Bigger?
-Strange Noises from Below
-Musical Genius
-Things that Hum
-Things that Rumble
-Avenge a Mamapon's Death
-Dadapon in Trouble
-It Definitely Exist!
-Even in the Chief's Absence
-Bored Pelupelu
-A Gift For Miko
-Giant Attack!
-Kind Lupa's Grampypon
-Secret Elixir Ingredients
-Mystery of Makna Ruins 1
-Mystery of Makna Ruins 2
-Mystery of Makna Ruins 3
-Mystery of Makna Ruins 4
-Honouring the Nopon Sage
-Meeting the Nopon Sage
-Fixing Time Mushrooms
-Restoring the Capital
-Restoring the Capital 2
-Broken Ether Furnace
-Broken Ether Furnace 2
-A Memento of Daddy
-Pollen Orb Ingredients
-Secret Ingredient Hunt
-Secret Innovation
-The Master's Successor
-*Dangerous Ambition
-*Find the Kingpin
-*Adviser Hunt
-*Evidence Collection
-*Destroying the City Trade
-Bana the Betrayer
-Presents for Priceless Pupils
-@Distilling Active Ingredients/Safer Energy
-Monster Quest 1-Part 1
-Monster Quest 1-Part 2
-Monster Quest 1-Part 3
-Monster Quest 2-Part 1
-Monster Quest 2-Part 2
-Monster Quest 2-Part 3
-Challenge 1
-Challenge 2
-Challenge 3
-Material Quest 1
-Material Quest 2
-Material Quest 3
-Material Quest 4
-Collection Quest 1
-Collection Quest 2
-Collection Quest 3
-Collection Quest 4
-Search Quest 1
-Search Quest 2
-Search Quest 3

Eryth Sea
-Trouble at the Plant
-Punish the Hodes
-Mend the Plant
-Hode Attack
-Trouble at the Lighthouse
-@Investigating Satorl
-Ancient High Entia Mystery
-The Missing Boy
-@I Will Never Forget You/The Only Thing I Can Do
-Secret Research
-Monster Quest 1
-Monster Quest 2
-Collection Quest 1
-Collection Quest 2

-*The Deciphering Machine
-*A Necessary Upgrade
-*@Talia's Research
-*Bring Back My Son!
-*Teaching Materials
-*Brave Actions
-*Protect the Capital!
-*How Do They Feel?
-*How Do I Feel?
-*@I Love You No Matter What/Together Forever
-*A Friend in Need
-*Preparing for Adventure
-*Preparing for Adventure 2
-*Preparing for Adventure 3
-*@Adventurers in Peril
-*Building Bridges
-*@Believing Again
-*Starlight Seeker
-*Starlight Gazer
-*Back Pain
-*Looking for Gold Bugs
-*Losing the Taste for Alcohol
-*Looking for a Lost Son
-*Looking for a Lost Daughter
-*Going Out to Play
-*Getting a Member's Card
-Vidian Rescue Mission
-*Monster Quest 1-Part 1
-*Monster Quest 1-Part 2
-*Monster Quest 1-Part 3
-*Monster Quest 2-Part 1
-*Monster Quest 2-Part 2
-*Monster Quest 2-Part 3
-*Monster Quest 3-Part 1
-*Monster Quest 3-Part 2
-*Monster Quest 3-Part 3
-*Monster Quest 4-Part 1
-*Monster Quest 4-Part 2
-*Monster Quest 4-Part 3
-*Challenge 1
-*Challenge 2
-*Challenge 3
-*Challenge 4
-*Material Quest 1
-*Material Quest 2
-*Material Quest 3
-*Material Quest 4
-*Collection Quest 1
-*Collection Quest 2
-*Collection Quest 3
-*Collection Quest 4
-*Search Quest 1
-*Search Quest 2
-*Search Quest 3
-*Search Quest 4

Valak Mountain
-Chilkins and Antols
-Valak Mountain Research
-The Freezing Nopon
-Bad Timing
-Chilkin Changes
-The Balance of Power
-@The Missing Partner
-The Final Giants' Ruins
-The Giants' Treasures
-Monster Quest 1
-Monster Quest 2
-Monster Quest 3
-Monster Quest 4

Sword Valley
-*Secure Dolgan Outpost
-*Secure Enalda Control Base
-*3rd Gate Front Line
-*Secure the Radio Tower

Fallen Arm
-Save the Machina!
-Eliminate the Threat
-Mysterious Noises
-Protect the Village!
-Stop the Mechon Rampage!
-Stunted Growth
-Transmission Bypass
-The Exhaust Pump
-The Mini Reactor
-*The History of Mechonis
-*The History of the Capital
-I Want to be a Homs!
-Power Up!
-Fixing a Broken Door
-The Wilted Flower
-The Oath Sword
-Scheduled Inspection
-A Tough Battle
-*A Weapon Just For Me
-Mending Memories
-Food Delivery
-*For my Loved One...
-*To my Loved One...

Mechonis Field
-*Best Boots
-*Monster Quest
-*Challenge Quest 1
-*Challenge Quest 2

Central Factory
-*Eliminate the Backup!
-*Daring Assault
-*Roof Battle
-*A New Weapon for Fiora

-*Civil Protection 1-1
-*Civil Protection 1-2
-*Civil Protection 1-3
-*Civil Protection 2-1
-*Civil Protection 2-2
-*Civil Protection 2-3
-*Military Status 1-1
-*Military Status 1-2
-*Military Status 2-1
-*Military Status 2-2
-*Agniratha Beautification 1
-*Agniratha Beautification 2
-*Telethia Investigation 1
-*Telethia Investigation 2

{8.} Quest Affinity Requirements
Below is a list of all the quests and the affinity your party needs to have
with the area they're located in in order to trigger them. In the case of
Colony 6's monster quests that are awarded during the rebuilding, I have
included the percentage of completion needed instead. All of the requirements
were taken directly from the Xenoblade Wikia, I claim no credit for them at
all. The quests are listed according to how they would appear in a fully
completed quest log, for simplicity's sake.
For the events required to unlock these quests, please refer to the main

Colony 9
Mementos of a Lost Son

The Key to a Long Life

A Curry Conundrum
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Biscuits for a Grandson

Birthday Shoes
Requirements-4 1/4 stars

Education-Minded Suzanna

Education-Crazy Suzanna
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Flattened Flowers

Lonely Niranira

The Broken Watch
The Old Soldier's Test

Romantic Notions of a Girl
Requirements-2 stars

Romantic Notions of a Boy
Requirements-2 stars

An Impoverished Critic

Financial Planning

Overworked and Underpaid
Requirements-2 stars

Pestering Paola
Requirements-3 stars

Out-of-Luck Georgio
Requirements-3 stars

Paola and Narine

The Plan-Preparation

The Plan-The Night Before
Requirements-2 stars

The Plan-Execution
Requirements-3 stars

A Young Captain's Request
Requirements-1 1/4 stars

A Young Captain's Suffering
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

A Young Captain's Rise
Requirements-2 stars

A Young Captain's Challenge
Requirements-3 stars

A Young Captain's Trust
Requirements-4 stars

A Young Captain's Revival
Requirements-4 stars

Pride and Courage
Requirements-2 stars

Friendship Tokens
Requirements-4 1/4 stars

A Big Brother's Fight
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

A Little Brother's Fight
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

A Place to Come Home to
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Thawing Relations
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Rocco's Heartful Request
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Dean's Shady Request
Requirements-2 stars

Liliana's Sincere Request
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Jackson's Awakening
Requirements-3 stars

Jackson the Cook
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Jackson the Poet
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Desiree's Future
Requirements-4 1/2 stars

Betty's Gift
Requirements-5 stars

Desiree's Apology
Requirements-5 stars

The Elite Captain's Anguish
Requirements-4 stars
Getting to Know Minnie
Requirements-4 stars

Getting to Know Dorothy
Requirements-4 stars

A Mysterious Light

Out Like a Light?

The Lost Pendant

Monster Quest 1-Part 1

Monster Quest 1-Part 2

Monster Quest 1-Part 3

Monster Quest 2-Part 1

Monster Quest 2-Part 2

Monster Quest 2-Part 3

Monster Quest 3-Part 1

Monster Quest 3-Part 2

Monster Quest 3-Part 3

Monster Quest 3-Part 4

Monster Quest 4-Part 1

Monster Quest 4-Part 2

Monster Quest 4-Part 3

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Challenge 4

Material Quest 1
Material Quest 2

Material Quest 3

Material Quest 4

Collection Quest 1

Collection Quest 2

Collection Quest 3

Collection Quest 4

Search Quest 1

Search Quest 2

Search Quest 3

Search Quest 4

A Token of Friendship

The Gem Man's Invention

Tephra Cave
Missing in Action

Arachno Silk Fundraising

A Thank You

Clearing Obstructions

The Book of Bafalgar

The Blood of Bafalgar

The Path of Bafalgar

The Coffin of Bafalgar

The Gratitude of Bafalgar
Collection Quest 1

Collection Quest 2

Material Quest 1

Material Quest 2

Bionis' Leg
Emergency Treatment

Being a Good Grandfather

A Thoughtful Idea

A Dash of Colour

Imaginations Tempered

Spirits Raised

Thieving Monsters

The Greedy Monster
Requirements-1 1/4 stars

Save the Girl!

Earnest's Fibs

Earnest's Mischief
Requirements-1 1/4 stars

Earnest's Solitude
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

The Lost Nopon

With Much Gratitude
Requirements-1 1/4 stars

With Even More Gratitude
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Legend of Mythical Empress
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

A Flower for a Rose

Battling Brutes
Supplies for Satorl

Monster Quest 1-Part 1

Monster Quest 1-Part 2

Monster Quest 1-Part 3

Monster Quest 1-Part 4

Monster Quest 2

Monster Quest 3-Part 1

Monster Quest 3-Part 2

Challenge 1-Part 1

Challenge 1-Part 2

Challenge 2-Part 1

Challenge 2-Part 2

Material Quest 1

Material Quest 2

Material Quest 3

Material Quest 4

Collection Quest 1

Collection Quest 2

Search Quest 1

Search Quest 2

Colony 6
The Road Home

To Colony 6!
Cook-Off Counter Attack!

Cook-Off Comeback?
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Cook-Off Final Blow?!
Requirements-2 stars

Cook-Off Showdown!
Requirements- 2 1/2 stars

A Delectable Delicacy
Requirements-2 stars

A Tantalising Treat
Requirements-2 stars

Missing Lodger

Looking for Freedom
Requirements-2 stars

Cursed Berryjammy

Weak Berryjammy

Obstinate Berryjammy
Requirements-2 stars

Unstoppable Berryjammy
Requirements-2 stars

Miss Sweetness Showdown! (Both versions)
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

The Most Transparent Thing
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Miss Sweetness' Gratitude (Both versions)
Requirements-4 stars

A Final Sweet Favour
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

In Pursuit of Love
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

The Melody of Happiness
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Dream of a Poet
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Family Secrets (Both versions)
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Betrothal Test (Both versions)
Requirements-4 stars

Stopping the Elopement (Both versions)
Requirements-4 1/2 stars

A Butler's Concerns

A Maid's Concerns

Lifespan of a Machina
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

A Poet's Concerns
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Delivering the Undeliverable
Requirements-2 stars

Finding the Unfindable
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Odd Smoke-Investigation

Odd Smoke-Resolution
Requirements-2 stars

Homs Determination
Requirements-3 stars

Nopon Determination
Requirements-3 stars

A Gutsy Trader

A Dauntless Trader
Requirements-3 1/2 stars
Nic's Training
Requirements-2 stars

Nic's Final Test
Requirements-4 stars

What is Love?!

What is Courage?!
Requirements-1 1/4 stars

Matryona's Answer
Requirements-2 stars

A Selfish Girl's Mistake
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Chemist's Reopening

Satata's Younger Brother

Rest in Peace
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

For the Restoration

Making a New Path

Securing Provisions

Proof of Status

Safety First

Secret Mission

Replica Monado 1

Replica Monado 2

Replica Monado 3

Replica Monado 4

Replica Monado 5

Melancholy Tyrea

Defend Colony 6-Mechon
Requirements-15% reconstruction

Defend Colony 6-Reptile
Requirements-35% reconstruction
Defend Colony 6-Elite
Requirements-55% reconstruction

Defend Colony 6-Ancient
Requirements-75% reconstruction

Defend Colony 6-Demon
Requirements-95% reconstruction

Satorl Marsh
Preventing Starvation

Zazadan in Danger

Zazadan Still in Danger

It's All in the Mind

A Mysterious Delicacy

A Gift?

Gather Information

Kacha's Kidnapping

The Giants' Key

The Giants' Treasure

Making Camp

Monster Quest 1

Monster Quest 2

Monster Quest 3

Monster Quest 4


For a Friend

A Merciful End

A Release from Duty
The Imperial Ceremony

Imperial Ceremony Offerings

Makna Forest
Legend of the Sage

Challenge of the Sage

Final Challenge of the Sage
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Bridge Repair

Monster Quest 1

Monster Quest 2

Monster Quest 3

Monster Quest 4


Frontier Village
Leku's Food Crisis

Hunt for a Patron
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Heropon's Spirit
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Beat Kilaki to it!
Requirements-2 stars

Lousy Lizards
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Popularity Premonition
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Making a Mixer

Materials for a Mixer

Decoration Makeover

Hunt for Bug-Loving Friend
A Worried Bug-Lover
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

A Tormented Bug-Lover
Requirements-2 stars

Mushy Mushrooms

Medical Advancements
Requirements-2 stars

Let's Make Fillings!
Requirements-2 stars

World's Strongest Flavour
Requirements-4 stars

Reversed Tastes
Requirements-4 stars

Sweet Seduction
Requirements-2 stars

Ingredients for a Brew
Requirements-2 stars

Healing the Healer
Requirements-3 stars

Legendary Nopon Charm
Requirements-3 stars

Mislabelling Problem
Requirements-3 stars

Getting Bigger!
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Who is Bigger?
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Strange Noises from Below

Musical Genius
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Things that Hum
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Things that Rumble
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Avenge a Mamapon's Death
Requirements-4 stars

Dadapon in Trouble
Requirements-2 stars

It Definitely Exist!
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Even in the Chief's Absence
Bored Pelupelu
Requirements-2 stars

A Gift For Miko
Requirements-3 stars

Giant Attack!

Kind Lupa's Grampypon
Requirements-2 stars

Secret Elixir Ingredients

Mystery of Makna Ruins 1
Requirements-2 stars

Mystery of Makna Ruins 2
Requirements-2 stars

Mystery of Makna Ruins 3
Requirements-3 stars

Mystery of Makna Ruins 4
Requirements-3 stars

Honouring the Nopon Sage

Meeting the Nopon Sage

Fixing Time Mushrooms

Restoring the Capital

Restoring the Capital 2

Broken Ether Furnace

Broken Ether Furnace 2

A Memento of Daddy

Pollen Orb Ingredients
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Secret Ingredient Hunt
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Secret Innovation
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

The Master's Successor
Requirements-2 stars

Dangerous Ambition
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Find the Kingpin
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Adviser Hunt
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Evidence Collection
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Destroying the City Trade
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Bana the Betrayer
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Presents for Priceless Pupils
Requirements-4 1/2 stars

Safer Energy
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Distilling Active Ingredients
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Monster Quest 1-Part 1

Monster Quest 1-Part 2

Monster Quest 1-Part 3

Monster Quest 2-Part 1
Monster Quest 2-Part 2

Monster Quest 2-Part 3

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Material Quest 1

Material Quest 2

Material Quest 3

Material Quest 4

Collection Quest 1

Collection Quest 2

Collection Quest 3

Collection Quest 4

Search Quest 1

Search Quest 2

Search Quest 3

Eryth Sea
Trouble at the Plant

Punish the Hodes

Mend the Plant

Hode Attack

Trouble at the Lighthouse

Investigating Satorl
Ancient High Entia Mystery
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

The Missing Boy

The Only Thing I Can Do
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

I Will Never Forget You
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Secret Research

Monster Quest 1

Monster Quest 2


Collection Quest 1

Collection Quest 2

The Deciphering Machine

A Necessary Upgrade
Requirements-1 1/4 stars

Talia's Research
Requirements-2 stars

Bring Back My Son!

Teaching Materials

Brave Actions
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Protect the Capital!

How Do They Feel?

How Do I Feel?

I Love You No Matter What

Together Forever

A Friend in Need
Preparing for Adventure

Preparing for Adventure 2
Requirements-1 1/4 stars

Preparing for Adventure 3
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Adventurers in Peril
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Building Bridges

Believing Again
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Starlight Seeker
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Starlight Gazer
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

Back Pain

Looking for Gold Bugs

Losing the Taste for Alcohol

Looking for a Lost Son

Looking for a Lost Daughter

Going Out to Play

Getting a Member's Card

Vidian Rescue Mission

Monster Quest 1-Part 1

Monster Quest 1-Part 2

Monster Quest 1-Part 3

Monster Quest 2-Part 1

Monster Quest 2-Part 2

Monster Quest 2-Part 3

Monster Quest 3-Part 1
Monster Quest 3-Part 2

Monster Quest 3-Part 3

Monster Quest 4-Part 1

Monster Quest 4-Part 2

Monster Quest 4-Part 3

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Challenge 4

Material Quest 1

Material Quest 2

Material Quest 3

Material Quest 4

Collection Quest 1

Collection Quest 2

Collection Quest 3

Collection Quest 4

Search Quest 1

Search Quest 2

Search Quest 3

Search Quest 4

Valak Mountain
Chilkins and Antols
Valak Mountain Research

The Freezing Nopon

Bad Timing

Chilkin Changes

The Balance of Power

The Missing Partner

The Final Giants' Ruins

The Giants' Treasures

Monster Quest 1

Monster Quest 2

Monster Quest 3

Monster Quest 4

Sword Valley
Secure Dolgan Outpost

Secure Enalda Control Base

3rd Gate Front Line

Secure the Radio Tower

Fallen Arm
Save the Machina!

Eliminate the Threat
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Mysterious Noises

Protect the Village!
Requirements-1 1/4 stars

Stop the Mechon Rampage!
Requirements-1 1/2 stars
Stunted Growth
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

Transmission Bypass
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

The Exhaust Pump
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

The Mini Reactor
Requirements-3 1/2 stars

The History of Mechonis

The History of the Capital

I Want to be a Homs!

Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Power Up!
Requirements-2 stars

Fixing a Broken Door

The Wilted Flower
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

The Oath Sword
Requirements-2 stars

Scheduled Inspection
Requirements-2 1/2 stars

A Tough Battle
Requirements-2 stars

A Weapon Just For Me
Requirements-3 stars

Requirements-2 stars

Mending Memories
Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Requirements-1 1/2 stars

Food Delivery

For my Loved One...

To my Loved One...

Mechonis Field
Best Boots

Monster Quest

Challenge Quest 1

Challenge Quest 2

Central Factory
Eliminate the Backup!

Daring Assault

Roof Battle

A New Weapon for Fiora

Civil Protection 1-1

Civil Protection 1-2
Civil Protection 1-3

Civil Protection 2-1

Civil Protection 2-2

Civil Protection 2-3

Military Status 1-1

Military Status 1-2

Military Status 2-1

Military Status 2-2

Agniratha Beautification 1

Agniratha Beautification 2

Telethia Investigation 1

Telethia Investigation 2

{9.} Credits, Copyrights and Contact Info
First of all, my thanks go to Monolith Soft and Nintendo for creating this
which has rapidly become one of my favorites. Credit goes to Split Infinity
his FAQ which I used three times while making this guide, twice because I
absolutely could not find what I was looking for (Hungry Volff and Machina
Energy) and once when I neglected to write down one of the rewards. (The
Grape path in Sweet Seduction.) Credit also goes to the Xenoblade Wikia which
used to provide all of the quest affinity requirements listed in section 8.

This guide was created soley by me (amarise), and may not be used or
in any form except for private, personal use. Only gamefaqs and the Android
created by RennanNT have permission to post this guide. Any trademarks or
copyrights in this document are owned by their respective trademark or
copyright holders.

If you need to contact me regarding anything contained in this guide, simply

send me (amarise) a message here on Gamefaqs. If you have a question, please
check this guide carefully first to make sure it isn't answered somewhere
before contacting me.

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