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Energy Conversion and Management 153 (2017) 473–481

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Energy Conversion and Management

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Co-gasification of municipal solid waste with high alkali coal char in a three- T
stage gasifier

Binhang Hua, Qunxing Huanga, , Alfons Buekensa,b, Yong Chia, Jianhua Yana
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, People's Republic of China
Chemical Engineering Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium


Keywords: The commercial scale up of municipal solid waste (MSW) gasification system is restricted by the low quality of
Three-stage the syngas, especially due to the low heating value and high contents of tar and HCl. In this study, an innovative
Co-gasification three-stage system for co-gasification of MSW with high alkali coal char was developed. The modeled MSW was
Coal pyrolyzed in the first stage and the raw syngas was partially oxidized in the second stage and then reduced with
high alkali coal char in the final stage to produce high quality syngas. The effects of temperatures and
equivalence ratios (ER) have been evaluated experimentally and the concentration of condensable tar species
and HCl was examined carefully. In general, the two key pollutants in produced gas could be controlled as low as
11.3 mg/Nm3 (tar content) and 17.6 mg/Nm3 (HCl content). Meanwhile, the level of H2, CO, CH4 in synthesis
gas reach a stable high level of 41.9 vol%, 29.3 vol% and 7.49 vol%, respectively, while the lower heating value
(LHV) attains 12.2 MJ/Nm3, meeting the intake-gas conditions for internal combustion engines. The experi-
mental results confirm that the highest pyrolysis temperature leads to the maximum gas yield from oxidation
stage (i.e., 0.913 Nm3/kg at 650 °C), to be compared with 0.898 Nm3/kg (550 °C) and 0.747 Nm3/kg (450 °C).
The lowest gasification temperature (800 °C) is indicated as most favorable for HCl removal from syngas, linked
with the advancement of reversible reactions between HCl and Ca-based compounds. H2, tar and LHV all de-
crease with rising equivalence ratio. In summary, the high-quality syngas can be produced at a steady yield rate
of 1.57 Nm3/kg from three-stage gasifier, due to dichlorination and catalytic tar cracking action of high alkali
coal char at a low cost.

1. Introduction sorbents sited in the gasifier is improved through the integral layout,
while keeping the thermal efficiency high [21]. A specially designed
The amounts of municipal solid wastes (MSW) are endlessly in- three-stage gasification process of “FLETGAS” was proposed by Nilsson
creasing with economy growth, raising the sustainable management et al. [22], which was consist of a first, fluidized bed devolatilization
solutions issues [1–10]. Gasification is another thermochemical process (700–750 °C), a subsequent steam reforming of fresh tar at 1200 °C and
involving a partial oxidation of organic compounds between 500 and a final moving bed downdraft gasifier [23]. Nevertheless, the actual
1800 °C to realize high-quality and clean utilization of MSW, producing industrial implementation of gasification processes of MSW faces sev-
a syngas which can be used as a fuel for efficiently yielding heat and eral challenges when brought to the market. In particular, the gas
power, or as a feedstock for the production of organic chemicals and produced contains a high level of condensable organic compounds
ammonia after some reforming reactions [11–13]. Various studies have (usually referred to as tars) which cause blockage and corrosion in
also pointed out the gasification possesses better performance in higher gasifiers and also reduces overall efficiency [24–27]. Secondly, MSW
electrical and overall energy efficiency, lower emissions and lower in- typically contains significant amounts of chlorine, mainly associated
vestment costs than direct combustion [14–19]. with the food waste stream and plastic waste, forming acid gas (HCl)
As a consequence, lots of studies have focused on the performance during gasification and causing severe corrosion of down-stream
of MSW gasification, as well as co-gasification process. A compact de- equipment, as well as poisoning the catalysts used for tar cracking
sign of “UNIQUE” gasification concept integrating gasification, gas [28–30].
cleaning and conditioning in one single reactor unit was developed These two obstacles result in a lower calorific value of syngas, with
after collaborative R & D efforts [20]. The activity of catalysts and impurities that impose restrictions on a wider market penetration of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: hqx@zju.edu.cn (Q. Huang).

Received 17 July 2017; Received in revised form 7 October 2017; Accepted 9 October 2017
Available online 16 October 2017
0196-8904/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 153 (2017) 473–481

commercial advanced gasification technologies. The inferior coal at a diameter: 20 mm). The reactor is subdivided into three stages, sig-
low-cost contains significant amounts of alkali metals which are im- nifying pyrolysis, oxidation and reduction. The three process stages are
portant catalysts for tar cracking, and it can be co-gasified with MSW to heated by three electric furnaces (SKF-2-13 Hangzhou blue sky Instru-
improve the syngas quality. Co-gasification of waste with coal is very ment Co., ltd, China) and temperature is controlled for pyrolysis at 450,
promising method to convert the solid waste into syngas which can be 550, and 650 °C, for oxidation at 800 °C, and for reduction at 800, 900,
burned or used as chemical feedstock. It has received intensive interests and 1000 °C.
in the past few years. Pinto et al. [31] tested the co-gasification of coal The first treatment stage is a pyrolysis process [16]. Simulated MSW
mixed with waste and compared tar cracking catalysts. Five mixtures of feedstocks are delivered at 1.33 g/min by a screw feeder compactly
coals, plastics and wood have been pelletized and fed into a bubbling installed in a steel tube to seal the entrance. Initial trials demonstrated
fluidized bed gasifier by Zaccariello et al. [32] to compare the overall that the 1.33 g/min of the screw feeder could reach the complete re-
performance efficiency of the co-gasification process. Filomena et al. actions. The second stage is oxidation of pyrolysis tar and gas with a
[33] performed the co-gasification experiment of different grade coals mix of nitrogen and oxygen. Two mass flowmeters (D08-1F, Beijing
mixed with different types of biomass waste. Whereas, some problems seven-star Huachuang Electronics Co., Ltd, China) are used to set the
exist in these direct blending co-gasification as: (1) the waste must be gas flow of N2 and O2, at three different equivalence ratios (ER), to
dried and shredded to achieve well blending and the syngas contains define an appropriate amount of oxidizing agent. The third stage is an
high concentration of particulate matters; (2) the syngas contains high up-draft fixed bed gasifier with coal char of high alkali contents placed
content of tar due to the lack of reduction stage; (3) the HCl problem above an air distributor using oxidation gas from the burning chamber
during the gasification of waste with high chlorine content is ignored as a reacting agent. A stack of 250 mm high alkali coal char provides
[31–37]. In this study, an innovate three-stage system was developed enough residence time (about 3 s) to complete the Boudouard, water-
for co-gasification of MSW and coal char. The innovation points lie in gas reaction and methanation reaction [39]. Since the last chemical
the usage of high alkali coal char as catalyst for tar cracking, absorbent reaction is strongly endothermic and the upward flue gas could transfer
for HCl removal and gasification reactant, and the two feedstocks are a portion of heat to downward feed in up-draft gasification furnace, the
separated into two reactors in the integrated gasification system. The synthetic gas cools down to below 300 °C. Therefore, this “chemical
findings of this paper are expected to provide a deeper understanding quenching” enhances the calorific value.
on the characteristic of the multi-stage co-gasification process and Gas is sampled at the entrance and exit of this third stage, with two
suggest a feasible gasification way for the disposal of municipal solid flowmeters to measure the gas yield rates, respectively. The gas bubbles
waste with high chlorine content, which can be driven to the market. through two 50 ml scrubbing bottles containing 30 ml of 0.1 mol/L
sodium hydroxide solutions for capturing HCl gas before and after the
2. Materials and experimental methods third stage in the flue gas, respectively. The chloride ion concentration
in the mixed solutions, which accounts for the HCl gas concentration
2.1. Materials can be directly detected through high-pressure ion chromatography
(Integrion Thermo scientific, USA) with maximum operating pressure
The major raw materials adopted were wood chips from Shanghai up to 6000 psi. When detecting the tar content in the gas, the sodium
Yourui Wood Industry Co., Ltd, simulating a first key component (wood hydroxide solution in the scrubbing bottles is replaced by aqueous so-
waste) of MSW [1]. The wood material was sieved to a size between 0.1 lutions and the tar in the tar trap is collected by washing with about
and 0.84 mm (average: 0.4 mm) [38]. The chlorine content of the feed 50 mL of dichloromethane for three times. The mixture of water and
was less than 0.01% by weight; no polymer resin or glue was present. organic solvent (mixture of tar and dichloromethane) was separated by
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) powder was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich a tap funnel. Then, the tar was separated from the mixed organic sol-
Co. (USA) and used as an additive, simulating a second key component vent by a rotary evaporator [40]. Eventually, the gas lines are con-
(plastic waste) of MSW [1], the particle size of which was less than nected to gas sampling bags and gas is collected for 6 min for every bag.
0.125 mm. A mixture of wood chips and PVC powder (chlorine content The entire experimental procedure lasts for 60 min. Thus, 20 gas sam-
1%) was employed as simulated waste feedstock. The proximate and pling bags (2 L for each one) in each experiment are analyzed by gas
ultimate analysis of raw materials was shown in Table. 1. The “Zhun- chromatography and the key components of the produced gas (H2, CO,
dong” coal char added during the third stage serves as reactant and CH4, C2H4, C2H2, C2H6, CO2, O2) are analyzed using an Agilent
catalyst for tar cracking. It derives from the giant Eastern Junggar 490 micro GC (type of chromatographic columns, MS5A 10 m BF and
coalfield (Sinkiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China) and is rich in PPU 10 m BF; and temperature of the columns, 80 °C, Agilent Tech-
both alkali and alkaline-earth metals. Table. 2 shows its ash composi- nologies Inc., USA). After the co-gasification experiments, the coal char
tion; the Na2O and K2O content attains 4.7% and 0.5%, respectively, after reaction in Run 2 was analyzed with an Empyrean 200895 X-ray
and the CaO and MgO content 35.1% and 12.5%, respectively. diffractometer system with Cu Kα as radiation source (λ = 1.5406 Å)
made by Panalytical, Netherlands to characterize the crystalline phases.
2.2. Experimental set-up All detail experimental conditions were displayed in Table. 3. Each run
was performed for three times, ensuring the experimental repeatability.
A schematic representation of the three-stage laboratory-scale co-
gasification of MSW and coal char apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. The 3. Results and discussion
apparatus mainly consists of a reverse L tubular reactor made of steel
(length: 1150 mm, height: 650 mm, outer diameter: 30 mm, inner The experimental results featuring three-stage co-gasification

Table 1
Proximate and ultimate analysis of raw materials.

Sample Proximate analysis/% Ultimate analysis/% Qnet,ad (kJ/kg)

Mad Aad Vad FCad Cad Had Nad St,ad Oad Clad

Wood 11.9 ± 0.3 9.2 ± 0.3 59.8 ± 1.2 19.1 ± 0.5 48.0 ± 0.6 4.9 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.0 0.9 ± 0.1 24.9 ± 0.4 0.0 ± 0.0 15980.2 ± 33.6
PVC 1.4 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 93.6 ± 2.1 5.0 ± 0.1 39.1 ± 0.3 5.0 ± 0.1 0.4 ± 0.0 1.2 ± 0.1 0.0 ± 0.0 52.9 ± 0.2 20710.3 ± 42.7
Coal char 0.9 ± 0.0 8.9 ± 1.7 6.9 ± 0.2 83.3 ± 1.1 78.2 ± 1.5 1.1 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.0 0.4 ± 0.0 9.4 ± 0.6 0.0 ± 0.0 31210.9 ± 53.1

B. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 153 (2017) 473–481

Table 2
Ash composition of “Zhundong” coal sample.

Coal char Ash composition / wt.%

SiO2 Al2O3 CaO MgO Fe2O3 Na2O K2O SO3
Zhundong 31.6 ± 0.5 5.4 ± 0.1 35.1 ± 0.8 12.5 ± 0.4 5.3 ± 0.2 4.7 ± 0.5 0.5 ± 0.0 4.8 ± 0.5

include: gas yield rate, syngas composition and LHV, gasification effi- Table 3
ciency, and impurities in the gas produced. They are presented in Table. Experimental conditions.
4 (The Y(gas)oxidation refers to the yield gas from the second oxidation
Experimental Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Run 7
stage, and the Y(gas)reduction refers to the yield gas from the third re- conditions
duction stage). Each mass balance is established on a basis of total
input. The cold gas efficiency (CGE) and the carbon conversion effi- Pyrolysis temperature 450 550 650 550 550 550 550
ciency (CCE) which can estimate the effectiveness of three-stage co- (°C)
Oxidation temperature 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
gasification process are defined as [41]: (°C)
CV of syngas × total syngas output Reduction temperature 800 800 800 900 1000 800 800
CGE(%) = × 100 (°C)
CV of waste feedstock × total waste input ER 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.25 0.45
+ CV of coal char × total consumption Waste feed rate (g/ 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33
Stack height of coal 2.49 2.50 2.51 2.49 2.52 2.51 2.51
Total carbon (c1−c2) in syngas
CCE(%) = char (cm)
Total carbon in waste feedstock + Total carbon in coal char Co-gasification time 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0
× 100 (2) (min)

where CV in formula (1) represents the calorific value, the total syngas
output, waste input and coal char consumption in formula (1) refer to total is in the range of 0.972 – 1.57 Nm3/kg, with the ratio of coal char
amounts during 60 min of co-gasification reaction time. The C1-C2 in consumption and waste feedstock from 0.195 to 0.238 during the total
formula (2) refers to carbon contents of CO2, CO, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, and 60 min of co-gasification reaction time. The highest syngas yield rate at
C2H6 in syngas. Both CGE and CCE produce an estimate of the co-ga- 1.57 Nm3/kg in Run 2 also leads to the optimal cold gas efficiency
sification efficiency. In these experiments, the LHV of the produced gas (97.4%) and carbon conversion efficiency (90.4%).
is in the range of 10.6–12.2 MJ/Nm3. Their impurity content depends Fig. 3 shows the volumetric composition of the gaseous products,
on the process variables, as explained in more detail in the following evolving from the second and third stage of the three-stage co-gasifi-
sections. cation apparatus during Run 2. A steady-state was achieved after
24 min of gasification. Prior to that, the pyrolysis gas from the first
3.1. Gas analysis pyrolysis stage was gradually discharged and sufficient oxidizing agent
was furnished into the second oxidation stage, consequently, resulting
The yield rate of gas emitted from the second and third stage (oxi- in an escalated growth of CO2. Some H2 and CO might result from
dation and reduction stage), and the ratio of coal char consumption and catalytic tar cracking accomplished by an abundant content of alkali
waste feedstock are presented in Fig. 2. In general, the syngas yield rate and alkaline earth metals in coal char in the third reduction stage in

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of experimental apparatus.

B. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 153 (2017) 473–481

Table 4
Experimental results.

Experimental results Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Run 7

Composition (vol%)
N2 22.3 17.2 18.1 19.8 23.0 27.8 20.8
CO2 4.45 3.90 3.61 6.31 8.14 2.26 10.7
H2 39.3 41.9 41.4 39.0 36.8 37.9 33.2
CO 27.1 29.3 28.6 27.6 25.3 24.7 28.8
CH4 6.64 7.49 8.11 7.11 6.57 7.18 6.29
C2H2 1.04 × 10−1 9.92 × 10−2 6.43 × 10−2 8.44 × 10−2 1.03 × 10−1 1.36 × 10−1 1.60 × 10−1
C2H4 5.31 × 10−2 1.25 × 10−1 5.31 × 10−2 9.02 × 10−2 7.83 × 10−2 7.71 × 10−2 9.93 × 10−2
C2H6 5.23 × 10−3 3.29 × 10−3 1.43 × 10−3 2.21 × 10−3 1.43 × 10−3 1.25 × 10−3 3.48 × 10−3
LHV (MJ/Nm3) 11.8 12.2 11.6 11.4 10.6 10.9 10.5

Gas yield rate (Nm3/kg)

Y(gas)oxidation 0.747 0.898 0.913 0.863 0.791 0.752 0.926
Y(gas)reduction 1.21 1.57 1.49 1.37 1.17 0.972 1.30
H2O(gas)oxidation (g/Nm3) 15.7 17.8 18.5 17.1 18.2 14.6 18.1
H2O(gas)reduction (g/Nm3) 4.41 3.62 4.68 5.36 6.74 5.12 7.33
Coal char consumption /waste feedstock 0.195 0.228 0.215 0.197 0.171 0.148 0.238
Boudouard reaction /Water-gas reaction 0.761 0.831 0.922 0.998 0.963 0.956 0.775
Total tar (mg/Nm3) 106 124 215 116 120 236 53.0
Total HCl (mg/Nm3) 255 256 256 259 258 259 260

Process efficiency (%)

Cold Gas Efficiency 72.5 97.4 88.1 79.2 63.4 54.1 69.6
Carbon Conversion Efficiency 65.1 90.3 84.4 78.8 66.0 46.8 83.8
Tar removal efficiency 83.1 90.9 89.5 84.6 86.3 89.1 82.0
HCl removal efficiency 93.2 93.1 93.1 83.7 72.9 93.0 93.2

Impurity in produced gas (mg/Nm3)

Tar 17.9 11.3 22.6 17.9 16.5 25.7 9.56
HCl 17.4 17.6 17.7 42.1 69.9 18.1 17.5

contained H2, CO and CH4, with H2 possessing the highest yield, fol-
lowed by CO and CH4. In detail, the H2 and CO accounting for the
syngas could reach a stable high level of 41.9% vol.% and 29.3% vol.%,
respectively. The fluctuation portion after 24 min could be ascribed to
the deactivated catalyst of coal char during the co-gasification of MSW
and coal char [42]. The low heating value (LHV) of syngas could be
calculated by the following formula [18]:
LHVsyngas = SUM (LHVn Vol%). (3)

where the LHVsyngas refers to the low heating value of total syngas,
while the LHVn represented the specific calorific value of a gas com-
ponent specie, and the SUM signified a summation operation. The ty-
pical gas specie of 12.6 MJ/Nm3 for CO, 39.8 MJ/Nm3 for CH4,
12.7 MJ/Nm3 for H2 and 0 MJ/Nm3 for CO2 were referenced here. By
weighted calculation, the calorific value of syngas produced from the
three-stage co-gasification system could run up to 12.2 MJ/Nm3 which
met the intake-gas requirement for internal combustion engine.
Fig. 2. The yield rate of gas from the oxidation and reduction stage, and the ratio of coal
char consumption and waste feedstock.
3.2. Effect of pyrolysis temperature

addition to the portion converted from the oxidation process. The re- The pyrolysis process is an essential preliminary step in this three-
duction zone between the two gas sampled positions contains hetero- stage gasifier, described by a general reaction formula [18]:
geneous reactions of CO2 and carbon to produce CO. The consumption heat
of CO2 occurred through the gasification stage in accordance with the Cn Hm Op (Waste ) ⎯⎯⎯→ ∑ Cx Hy Oz + ∑ Ca Hb Oc + H2 O + Char
comparison of CO2 gas component in Fig. 3(b), and the small peak Liquid Gas (4)
appeared at about 54 min was due to the Boudouard reaction. This Encinar et al. [43] investigated the effect of temperature
reaction worked well at high temperatures that were required for the (300–900 °C) on the char, gases and liquids from olive and grape ba-
endothermic reaction. Therefore, the molar fraction of CO increased gasse pyrolysis, and found the higher pyrolysis temperature resulted in
gradually to a stable level with the reaction time. Another endothermic greater amount of gas yield while low temperatures resulted in less.
and heterogeneous reaction also occurred between water vapor and Such trends could also be confirmed in this study through the contrast
carbon in the reduction zone, wherein water participated in producing of gas yield from the second oxidation stage in Run 1-3, which was set
CO and H2. The production of methane derived from numerous com- at three different pyrolysis temperatures (450 °C, 550 °C and 650 °C). It
plicated chemical reactions, mainly by decomposition of volatiles from can be clearly observed from Fig. 2 that the highest pyrolysis tem-
feedstocks and exothermic reaction of carbon, CO or CO2 with H2. perature leaded to the maximum gas yield from oxidation stage (i.e.,
These reactions collectively increased the calorific value of the pro- 0.913 Nm3/kg at 650 °C), associated with further devolatilization of the
duced gas as its products are combustible. The combustible gases solid fraction, to be compared with 0.898 Nm3/kg (550 °C) and

B. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 153 (2017) 473–481

0.747 Nm3/kg (450 °C). The volume percentages of main syngas com-
ponents at three pyrolysis temperatures are shown in Fig. 4. Both pri-
mary syngas composition of H2 and CO showed a maximum value at
550 °C, reaching 41.9% vol.% and 29.3% vol.%, respectively. As we
know, a higher pyrolysis temperature would favor the decomposition of
hydrocarbon compounds into smaller hydrocarbons which will be ea-
sily oxidized to form more water and carbon dioxide molecules.
Therefore, the water concentration in gases from the oxidation stage
increased gradually from 15.7 to 18.5 g/Nm3 with the rising pyrolysis
temperature. Besides, the decomposition of hydrocarbon compounds
had been revealed from some light hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H2, C2H4 and
C2H6) in the produced gas. For instance, CH4 accounts for 6.64 vol%,
7.49 vol% and 8.11 vol% in produced gas, with increasing pyrolysis
temperature from 450 °C, 550 °C to 650 °C, respectively. Similar trends
could be observed for the other three micromolecular hydrocarbons.
Besides, the tar content in the gas yielded from the second stage was
strongly dependent on pyrolysis temperature. A significant rise of tar
concentration from 106 to 215 mg/Nm3 was seen from 450 °C to 650 °C
(Run 1 and 3), due to more gaseous products yielded from the higher
pyrolysis temperature could not be oxidized completely with the con-
stant amount of oxygen.
Fig. 5 shows the process efficiency and syngas LHV of all seven
experiment conditions. The contrast of Run 1, 2 and 3 revealed the
highest cold gas efficiency (97.4%), carbon conversion efficiency
(90.3%) and LHV (12.2 MJ/Nm3) attain at 550 °C of pyrolysis tem-
perature. It demonstrated that the pyrolysis gas yielded from the first
stage at 550 °C could be oxidized completely, thus achieving high
conversion efficiency of chemical energy.

3.3. Effect of reduction temperature

Comparing Runs 2, 4 and 5 reveals the effect of reduction tem-

perature on gas composition, amount of pollutants and co-gasification
efficiency (Table. 3), and Fig. 6 exhibits the main syngas components at
three reduction temperatures. The CO2 content augmented from 3.90 to
8.14 vol% with temperature ascending from 800 °C to 1000 °C, while H2
and CO declined from 41.9 to 36.8 vol% and from 29.3 to 25.3 vol%,
respectively. It might be associated with the melting of some metal
chlorides such as CaCl2 and MgCl2 formed from the metallic oxide in
coal char incorporating HCl in high reduction temperature conditions,
Fig. 3. The produced gas composition in the second (a) and third stage (b) of the three- resulting in slagging phenomenon, which would seriously reduce the
stage co-gasification process in Run 2. activity of coal char as both gasification reactant and catalysts for tar
cracking. Hence, the tar removal efficiency is greatly related to the
reduction temperature, which will be explained particularly in Section
The combustible gas decrease of CO and H2 also directly leads to a

Fig. 4. The volume percentages of main syngas components at three pyrolysis tempera-

Fig. 5. The process efficiency and syngas LHV of all seven experiment conditions.

B. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 153 (2017) 473–481

Fig. 6. The volume percentages of main syngas components at three reduction tem- Fig. 7. The volume percentages of main syngas components at three equivalence ratios.

from 24.7 vol% to 28.8 vol% and 2.26 vol% to 10.7 vol%, respectively.
lower LHV at high reduction temperature. For instance, the LHV de- Furthermore, a significant tar reduction could be seen, from 236 (ER
clined to 10.6 MJ/Nm3 at the reduction temperature of 1000 °C com- 0.25) to 53.0 mg/Nm3 (ER 0.45).
pared with a high LHV value of 12.2 MJ/Nm3 at the gasification tem- The HCl formed from the first-stage pyrolysis reaches 259 mg/Nm3,
perature of 800 °C. As for co-gasification process efficiency shown in 256 and 260 mg/Nm3 in the gas yielded from the second stage, for ER-
Fig. 5, the cold gas efficiency, carbon conversion efficiency and LHV of values of 0.25, 0.35 and 0.45, respectively. It is quite stable during high
syngas all decrease progressively with ascending reduction tempera- temperature oxidation. A maximum LHV of 12.2 MJ/Nm3 is attained at
ture, as low as 63.4%, 66.0% and 10.6 MJ/Nm3 at 1000 °C, respec- an ER of 0.35, to be compared with 10.9 MJ/Nm3 (ER 0.25) and
tively. 10.5 MJ/Nm3 (ER 0.45), since the lack of oxygen supply resulted in less
The Boudouard reaction and water-gas reaction were considered as gasification reactants of CO2 and H2O, and the excessive oxygen supply
two primary gasification reactions in the third reduction stage. While caused the existence of a mass of CO2 in the produced gas (10.7 vol%)
leaving out the other chemical reactions in the reduction stage, the which strongly lowered the LHV of produced gas. As for yield rate of
intensity of Boudouard reaction could be estimated by the decrement of produced gas, the gas yielded from the second oxidation stage sig-
carbon dioxide during the reduction stage on the basis of gas yield rate nificantly possessed a higher production rate at a higher ER value, from
and volume fraction of CO2 in Table. 4. On the other hand, the intensity 0.752 Nm3/kg (ER 0.25) to 0.926 Nm3/kg (ER 0.45), seen in Table. 3.
of water-gas reaction could be estimated by the decrement of water Since the higher ER promotes the oxidation of hydrocarbons including
concentrations during the reduction stage according to the water con- tar micromolecular hydrocarbons, which appears to result in the in-
centrations from the oxidation and reduction stage. In general, the creased production of produced gas. In addition, the variation of ER
decreased volume ratio of carbon dioxide and water vapor (consump- also has a great influence on the cold gas efficiency and carbon con-
tion of CO2 reduction stage/consumption of H2Oreduction stage) could be used version efficiency. Both two parameters revealing the gasification per-
to indicate which reaction is dominating, Boudouard reaction or water- formance achieved its maximum at an optimum ER value of 0.35, seen
gas reaction. As shown in Table. 4, the intensity ratio of Boudouard in Fig. 5. Besides, a relatively high process efficiency was obtained at a
reaction and water-gas reaction was lower than one for each run, which high ER value of 0.45, while attaining a lowest value of LHV (10.5 MJ/
indicated that water-gas reaction played dominating role during the Nm3) due to the dilution effect of excess nitrogen.
reduction stage. Besides, Boudouard reaction occupied an increasingly
greater part compared with water-gas reaction with increasing reduc- 3.5. Tar content analysis
tion temperature, because Boudouard reaction and water-gas reaction
tend to benefit syngas yield at a higher temperature while the water-gas The tar concentration in the dry syngas was also a key parameter for
reaction was weakened with the increasing reduction temperature. It the design of three-stage co-gasification apparatus. The concentrations
might be caused by the slagging and blocking of chlorides in the coal of tar produced from the second and third stage of the three-stage ga-
char placed on the reduction stage at a high reduction temperature sification apparatus under seven operating conditions of Run 1-7, and
[28]. tar removal efficiency through the third gasification process stage were
illustrated in Fig. 8. The tar removal efficiency mentioned here is de-
3.4. Effect of equivalence ratio fined by the following formula [40]:

Tar removal efficiency

The effect of ER on the co-gasification parameters of the three-stage tar content in second stage−tar content in third stage
experimental apparatus is derived from Run 2, 6 and 7, and Fig. 7 re- =
tar content in second stage (5)
veals the main syngas components at three equivalence ratios. A higher
ER value indicates a higher oxygen supply in the second oxidation In general, the tar contents in the flue gas were all significantly
stage, enhancing oxidation reactions and abundantly producing CO2 reduced while going through the third gasification stage, which was
and H2O before entering into the third-stage. Thus, the water contents particularly obvious at Run 2, resulting in a tremendous decline by
in gases emitted from the oxidation stage reached 18.1 g/Nm3 at ER of 90.863%. The most decrease of tar content could be attributed to the
0.45, compared with 14.6 g/Nm3 at ER of 0.25. H2, tar and LHV all catalytic cracking effect of alkali and alkaline earth metal which was
decrease with rising ER. When ER amplifies from 0.25 to 0.45, the H2 abundant in the “Zhundong” coal char also as a reactant of Boudouard
content reduced from 37.9 to 33.2 vol%, while CO and CO2 augment reaction. Deeply, the tar removal efficacy of different catalysts

B. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 153 (2017) 473–481

Fig. 8. The tar contents in the second and third stage of the three-stage co-gasification Fig. 9. The HCl gas content in the second and third stage of the three-stage gasification
apparatus, and the tar removal efficiency through the third stage. apparatus, and the HCl removal efficiency through the third stage.

compared by a large amount of studies had revealed that the oxide and that HCl could be significantly reduced (up to about 93%) while passing
carbonate compounds of alkali and alkaline earth metals were rather through the “Zhundong” coal char located in the third reduction stage.
efficient catalysts for tar cracking [29,44–45]. The following catalytic Combined with the proximate and ash composition analysis of coal char
reactions might take place during catalytic cracking of tar: (Table. 1 and 2), this coal char has a high content of alkali and alkaline
Catalytic cracking: Cn Hm·C + Cx Hy + H2 earth metal (Table. 1). Ca-, Mg-, Na- and K-based sorbents are quite
effective in removing HCl [47–48]. Their oxide, carbonate and hydro-
Dry reforming : Cn Hm + n CO2 ⇌ 2n CO + 1/2m H2 xide easily reacts with HCl to form the corresponding chloride. Fig. 10
which shows the XRD spectrograms analysis result of the raw coal char
Steam reforming: Cn Hm + n H2 O⇌ n CO + (n + 1/2m)H2 before co-gasification and the coal char after co-gasification at reduc-
tion temperature of 800 C (Run 2), 900 °C (Run 4) and 1000 °C (Run 5),
where CnHm refer to various types of tars (the compounds with its
also confirmed the majority of HCl was assimilated by CaO and MgO to
molecular masses larger than that of benzene), while CxHy represented
form CaCl2 and MgCl2, with melting points of 782 °C, 714 °C, and
hydrocarbon with a smaller carbon number than CnHm.
boiling points of 1600 °C, 1412 °C, respectively. Thus, the operating
As for comparison of different reduction temperatures in Run 2, 4
temperatures (800 °C, 900 °C, 1000 °C) were between the melting and
and 5, the tar removal efficiency presented a more inferior effectiveness
boiling points of CaCl2 and MgCl2, causing the slagging and agglom-
at a higher reduction temperature, which was speculated that the
erate of coal char. Theoretically, the vaporization of these two chlorides
higher reduction temperature leaded to a slagging phenomenon caused
could not occur during the reduction stage. The results of chlorine mass
by melting of some metal chlorides such as CaCl2 and MgCl2 formed
balance were supplemented to evaluate the effects of vaporization of
from the metallic oxide in coal char incorporating HCl. The slagging
other chlorides, as shown in Fig. 11. The recovery percent of chlorine
phenomenon would significantly weaken the tar catalytic cracking of
could reach a high level above 95%, with a chlorine loss less than 5%.
coal char. Although, the reactivity of coal chars related to thermal
Therefore, the slagging of coal char played a primary and increasingly
cracking for tar increased as the gasification temperature was elevated.
destructive effects on the coal char reactivity by the rising reduction
While the increasing extent of the reactivity of coal chars was smaller
temperature. Apparently, the CaO played the main role in HCl removal
and smaller above the ash fusion temperature and even almost un-
changed in the higher temperature range [46]. It could be inferred that
the chlorides slagging played a larger role than increasing reduction
temperature on the coal char reactivity of thermal cracking. For in-
stance, the tar removal efficiency at reduction temperature of 900 °C
decreased to 84.6%, compared with 90.9% (800 °C). Whereas, the tar
removal efficiency increased slightly to 86.3% at reduction temperature
of 1000 °C compared with 900 °C, due to the enhancement of tar
thermal cracking with increasing reduction temperature.

3.6. HCl analysis

The concentration of HCl gas evolving from the second and third
stage is depicted in Fig. 9 for Runs 1-7. The HCl removal efficiency is
defined by the following formula [40]:

HCl removal efficiency

HCl content in second stage−HCl content in third stage
HCl content in second stage (6)

After the second stage, the HCl content reaches about 250 mg/Nm3
under all seven operating conditions, due to the release of almost all Fig. 10. XRD spectrograms of the raw coal char before co-gasification and the coal char
chlorine from the PVC in the feedstock as HCl, after the first pyrolysis after co-gasification at reduction temperature of 800 °C (Run 2), 900 °C (Run 4) and
1000 °C (Run 5).
stage. The HCl concentration is far less after the third stage, inferring

B. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 153 (2017) 473–481

syngas quality could be greatly improved, and meanwhile the HCl

concentration could be controlled to a low level.
(2) The syngas could reach a stable level of 41.9 vol% of H2, 29.3 vol%
of CO, 7.49 vol% of CH4 and 3.90 vol% of CO2 with the calculated
low heating value achieving 12.2 MJ/Nm3.
(3) The highest syngas yield rate at 1.57 Nm3/kg was attained in Run 2,
leading to the optimal cold gas efficiency (97.4%) and carbon
conversion efficiency (90.3%).
(4) The tar and HCl contents could be reduced to a minimum value of
9.56 mg/Nm3 and 17.4 mg/Nm3 with the catalytic effect of coal
(5) A higher reduction temperature (over 800 °C) would be unfavorable
for tar catalytic cracking and dichlorination effect of high alkali
coal char, caused by the melting of corresponding metal chlorides.
(6) The XRD analysis confirmed the majority of HCl in syngas was as-
similated by CaO and MgO, and CaO plays the main role in HCl

Fig. 11. The results of chlorine mass balance.
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
Table 5
BET specific surface areas (m2/g) of coal chars after reduction reaction in Run 2, 4 and 5.

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Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51621005), the National Key
800 127.6 ± 1.2
900 98.2 ± 0.6
Research and Development Program of China (2016YFE0202000),
1000 74.9 ± 0.8 Science and Technology Plan Project of Zhejiang Province (No.
2016C33005) and the Environmental Protection Special Funds for
Public Welfare (201509013) and the Fundamental Research Funds for
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