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Myself As A Learner

Paul Alexander Watler Sr.



While not a firm believer in the complete accuracy of the Myers-Briggs personality assessment I

do find that it has some uses and through my use I have discovered some interesting insight

regarding my own personality and the various nuances thereof. I believe Dr. Jung and the team

that developed this assessment wanted to give people a deeper illumination into the fundamental

values that drives most humans. For this paper I partook of three different assessments: A. the

MBTI or Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment. B. What’s your learning style? 20 Questions.

C. Study Environment Analysis. My overall assessment concludes that as an INFP leaning

person I study best at home with very few distractions and no loud noises. I will go into more

detail regarding these findings in the ensuing pages.


Myself As A Learner

Regardless of its limitations I believe it is a useful tool for determining the character traits

of the average 21st Century worker/student/citizen. I finished the assessment a while ago and I

was not very surprised to find myself assessed to be an INFP or someone who is more

Introverted (I), Intuitive (N), Feeling (F) and Perceiving (P). I believe Myers-Briggs to be

limited in some ways as not every culture places direct importance on every characteristic

outlined here. It is very western culture minded in concept and design and may possibly leave

out a great deal of cultural norms that are more commonplace say for the common man or

woman from the Far East or Central Asia.


While I have been more prone to introspection most of my life I believe I have lived a

very full and energetic life of adventure. I personally believe that I am more a combination of

extrovert/introvert. I have tendencies of introversion but have lead a more extroverted leaning

lifestyle from time I was a teenager. While I have always held a deep love for the arts; in

particular reading, writing and cinema I have also engaged in some pretty adventurous behavior

from time I was a child. This included rooftop running, climbing through and falling down an

old dumbwaiter shaft, scaling moving freight trains and buses in NYC just for the thrill of it,

cave exploring, tracking wanted terrorists, working as a Security Specialist protecting clients in

Iraq and navigating the most dangerous roads in one of the most dangerous countries on the

planet, the list goes on.


A. The MBTI assessment is given in 60 questions broken down in 2 sections and it is

not a timed assessment. The first half asks questions with answers on a five point

scale with strongly opposing descriptions of one’s personality, each question allows

the user to take his or her time to reflect upon the truth of ones feelings and beliefs

about oneself. The limitations of MBTI were addressed with the development and

fielding of the Open Extended Jungian Type Scales which take into account more

dichotomies present in this day.

B. Regarding the Learning Style Assessment, I took the “What’s your learning style” 20

question assessment found on www.educationplanner.org. The assessment asked

some interesting questions and I was able to see how they were effectively targeting

how one learns, what goes into the process of learning, what are the preferences one

has that effects his or her learning. My results from this assessment stated that I was

a more visual learner at 40% with Auditory trailing very close behind at 35% and

tactile last at 25%. The assessment stated that I should regularly get my eyes

checked and to always sit near the front of the class so that I miss nothing that is

being done or said in order for me to gain a full understanding of the teachings

presented. I agree fully with the results from the assessment as I have always been

visionary learner although the best way I have always found to learn has been to get

my hands on something and to just do it. This, when considered is a combination of

all three forms of learning assessed here, as the learning environment is very visually

based with interactive interfaces it should help me to engage with the material

presented and I should do well as long as I keep a good balance on my life and

school work, placing a high priority on the accomplishment of my mission to achieve

my BS degree which is something that I have wanted for many years now.

C. Lastly, I will touch upon the results of my Study Environment Analysis assessment.

This assessment dealt with the ideal environment for me to study in. It took into

account several factors to include least amount of distractions, taking limited breaks,

ideal temperature and a comfortable chair and desk. The results for me

unsurprisingly were my apartment being the best place for me to study. I live alone

as my kids are grown and on their own and I am divorced, a no brainer really. I have

a somewhat spacious one bedroom apartment with good heat and lighting and

modern amenities. The desk is comfortable and by the end of the month the new

chair I am purchasing will be as well. In the meantime I have the easy chair and the

sectional to make use of for study time and relaxation. For me it is very hard to study

with a bad chair or study space hence the need for me to acquire a new and better

one. (Last Name, Year)


With this in mind, I feel that I am currently studying in the best environment available to

me. Things I can do to improve my environment? Again, a new extra-large and sturdy office

chair, one with excellent structure and ergonomic support, maybe improve the lighting a bit and

make sure I am getting healthy meals, exercise and plenty of rest when needed. This assessment

has truly aided me in taking a closer look at myself and my environment and has helped me to

focus on these aspects in order to make improvements. With this added frame of knowledge I

will be able to better increase my chances of passing my courses with superior grades and

achieve my education goals in a most timely and efficient manner.






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