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Developing a High-Performance

Organization in a VUCA World

Sattar Bawany

“In essence, the heart of the leadership challenge that

confronts today’s leaders is learning how to lead in situ-
ations of ever greater volatility and uncertainty in a glo-
balized business environment, allied with the needs to
deal with scale, complexity and new organizational forms
that often break with the traditional organizational mod-
els and ­structures within which many have learned their
‘­leadership trade’. So the basic assumption that past experi-
ence is the key to future leadership success is more open to
scrutiny than ever.”
—Prof Sattar Bawany (2014)

Abstract: How do organizations become h ­ igh-performance

organizations? Research and experience ­ indicate that
there are many factors that can contribute ­toward the de-
velopment of a high-performance o ­ rganization ­including
but not limited to the mission; shared values; organiza-
tional design and structure; people, e ­ ngagement, and
culture; and leadership.
Increasingly, companies are recognizing that leaders
who demonstrate high emotional and social intelligence
Prof Sattar Bawany is the CEO of ­competencies are crucial to their organizational ­effectiveness.
the Centre for Executive Education They must be able to impact and influence others to ­follow
(CEE). He is also concurrently the them and help them implement. This is the essence of
Regional Managing Director & C-Suite leadership in a high-performance organization (HPO).
Master Executive Coach of Executive
Development Associates (EDA) in Asia
In this article, we will focus on the leadership as the
Pacific. He is also the Adjunct Professor key driver of financial and operational performance as
of Leadership and member of the well as an enabler for companies to execute their strategy
Advisory Board of the Curtin Graduate and achieve success. 
School of Business (CGSB) of Curtin
University, Australia.
Email: sattar.bawany@cee-global.com Keywords: High Performance Organization, Emotional
Website: www.cee-global.com and Social Intelligence, Leadership Styles, Leading
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ Teams, Organization Effectiveness, Results-based
bawany Leadership, and Employee Engagement

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94784-319-6 (2018) Expert Insights

Developing a High-Performance Organization in a VUCA World

Introduction Organizations need leaders to visualize

Today’s businesses face u ­ nprecedented the future, motivate and inspire ­employees,
­challenges operating in a global e­ nvironment and adapt to changing needs of both the
that is ­increasingly ­volatile, u ­ ncertain, ­internal and external stakeholders.
­complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). ­Leaders are In essence, the heart of the leadership
also confronted with increased ­competition, challenge that confronts today’s l­eaders
globalization, d ­ emand for g ­ rowing social is learning how to lead in situations of
­responsibilities, and a stream of ­technological ever greater volatility and uncertainty
revolution ­causing disruption in the m
­ arketplace. in a ­ globalized business environment,
Hence leaders need to c­ hallenge their m ­ ental ­allied with the needs to deal with scale,
models in their efforts to build and sustain ­complexity, and new organizational forms
a high-performance organization (HPO) that often break with the traditional orga-
(Bawany, 2018). nizational models and structures within
A “can-do and true believer” ­mentality which many have learned their leadership
pervades HPOs. Everyone believes in trade (Bawany, 2015).
the vision and mission and aligned as
well as demonstrates the values of the Characteristics or Profile
­organization. People put the organization of High-Performance Organizations
above ­themselves, team, or department as In 1982, when Tom Peters and Bob
they believe that they are involved in some- ­Waterman produced In Search of Excellence,
thing bigger than simply their self-interest. the idea of comparing, identifying, and an-
They have a strong sense of purpose and alyzing the best-performing organizations
values as well as they ­ identify with the came into vogue (Kirby, 2005). Since that
­organization and act as if they were o ­ wners. time, many studies have used comparison
Great examples are e ­ mployees of Disney, techniques to try to tease out what sets
Southwest Airlines, and Starbucks just to HPOs apart. For example, in Built to Last,
name a few. They have a reason to work Jim Collins (1994) took a somewhat similar
and it shows in each and every day. That’s approach.
the hallmark of successful HPOs. But what But the goal of identifying the most
or who is impacting these employees’ durable high performers through the art
behaviors? of comparison is a difficult one to achieve.
Today’s turbulent business environment One of the problems is that sustaining high
demands that individuals and organizations performance is a major challenge for any
perform at higher levels and with greater organization across all industries. Many
speed than at any time in the past. Organi- business leaders bought In Search of Excel-
zational leaders and employees alike must lence and Built to Last in droves and trying
place a new emphasis on developing an to adopt the practices of many of the pro-
open and trust-based relationship that will filed companies; however, interestingly the
lead toward the development of a positive same organizations were unable to sustain
organizational climate and organizational high performance.
success. HPOs are the role models of the b
­ usiness
Aligning people is about generating world. They are being benchmarked by
awareness and understanding of the differ- other organizations as they provide or
ences between individuals in the way they ­represent real-world versions of a modern
prefer to work and the way they make de- managerial ideal: the organization that is
cisions or manage relationships. By creat- so excellent in so many areas that it consis-
ing a common understanding, a common tently outperforms most of its competitors
sense of purpose and a shared commit- in the same industry over extended periods
ment to action evolves. of time.

2 © Business Expert Press 978-1-94784-319-6 (2018) Expert Insights

Developing a High-Performance Organization in a VUCA World

Leaders want to know more about e. They align strategy, goals, and ­objectives
HPOs so they can apply the best practices with the demands of the external
­approaches or lessons learned to their own ­environment so corporate renewal
companies. Of course, the goal is to ensure is always based on customers’ need.
that their own organizations excel in the f. They adopt the strategy that will set
marketplace. the company apart by developing
Over the years, researchers have been many new options and alternatives to
trying to identify and study HPOs for years. compensate for redundant strategies.
Much has been learned during this time. g. They adhere to high ethical standards
As Julia Kirby (2005) noted in the ­Harvard throughout the organization.
Business Review, management experts h. They create an organizational design
­continue to build on one another’s work and structure that complement the
in order to formulate more sophisticated intended business strategy.
ideas about organizational performance. i. They stimulate cross-functional and
The various published research ­including cross-organizational collaboration by
that of André A. de Waal (2007) and A
­ merican making teamwork and collaboration
Management Association (2007) Report top priorities of management, fostering
on “The High-Performance ­ Organization teamwork by stressing the importance
Survey 2007” provides ­
­ insights into the of teams for the performance of the
­characteristics of HPOs. Generally speaking, organization, and developing a team
HPOs are superior to their low-performance feeling by creating team commitment,
counterparts in the following areas: getting everyone on the same team,
and establishing shared responsibility.
1. Strategy j. They simplify and flatten the ­organization
a. They define a strong vision that ­excites by reducing boundaries and barriers
and challenges, which is based on between and around units, thus g­ etting
a winning strategy or big idea and rid of bureaucracy and organizational
which is continuously propagated. complexity.
Their strategies are more consistent, k. They foster organization-wide sharing
are clearer, and are well thought out. of information, knowledge, and best
Their mission, vision, values, and practices by creating the ­infrastructure
­operating philosophies are consistent and incentives for these.
with their strategies. l. They continuously realign the ­business
b. They balance long-term focus and with changing internal and e ­ xternal
short-term focus in order to safeguard ­circumstances by setting up an ­adaptable
the long-term continuity of the b­ usiness business model, which is easily altered
and its contribution to the world, and based on o ­ pportunities in the external
at the same time obtain short-term environment and shifts in customer
­results, which makes it possible to needs and market conditions.
plan against possible futures. 2. Leadership
c. They set clear, ambitious, ­measurable, a. In an HPO, trust-based ­relationships
and achievable goals, which raise with employees on all levels are
­levels of aspiration and thereby ­create ­maintained and strengthened ­because
a sense of stretch. loyalty is valued, smart ­people are
d. They create clarity and a common treated smart, people are shown
understanding of the organization’s ­respect, a learning attitude is ­fostered,
mission, direction, and strategy, which ­individual ­relationships between
is understood by everyone within the managers and employees are created
organization. and ­maintained, both leaders and

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94784-319-6 (2018) Expert Insights


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