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Did Donald Trump Accomplish what he promised on the campaign trail ?

During his campaign, Donald Trump has pledge many of changes that he want
accomplish on several countries around the world, especially on diplomatic relation between
the US. On this review, I’m trying to summarize what the President has done during his first
year in the office.

As the country with the fastest economic pace in Asia, China is undoubtedly one of the
most important partners of the United States in various fields. China's influence is also great in
Asian politics. In his campaign, trump promises to tried to get China to do two things. One :
Force North Korea to stop testing Nuclear Weapons, and two : To make the trade relationship
between the two countries more fair. The result? His success is mixed. Yes, China is putting
more economic pressure on North Korea, but they are still conducting nuclear and missle test.
And when it comes to trade, the administration wants to do more this year but the US – China
trade deficit is even higher than it has ever been. It is obviously not a good report for the
American. Continuing what he has done with china, he gives a promise that is not much
different in his campaign related to North Korea. He promised to solved the North Korean
nuclear crisis, saying China could easily step in and fix the problem. After one year on, China
is enforcing the heaviest sanctions ever against North Korea. Some are crediting Trump’s tough
stance for the newly revived inner Korean talks and the unified Olympics. But Kim Jong Un’s
nuclear program continues to grow with no signs of slowing down. Even so, for me it is a quite
good point for the President. Anyway, moving a little bit to the South, President Trump had
promised South Korea that he would resolve the North Korean issue together. He also pledge
to re-negotiate the free trade organization which the previous US administration had signed, he
called the deal are horrible. In fact, president Trump has not always supported the ideas of the
South Korean president regarding North Korean Issues, Even South Korea finds its own way
by utilizing the Winter Olympics as a bridging issue to re-open the relationship with the North
after recent years. But, Trump has succeeded on his second pledge. He is re-negotiating the
Free Trade Area something South Korea didn’t necessarily want to do.

In recent years, the United States has been paying a great deal of attention to the Middle
Eastern countries because of the enormous amount of US interests that can be gained there,
from World oil politics to efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East. But instead of realizing
the peace efforts, based on what his promising earlier, President Trump came to power to made
a controversial decision by moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and
recognized Jerusalem as Israeli’s capital. He called this by “The Ultimate Deal”, peace between
the Israelis and Palestinians. For many Israelis, Trump’s impact has been overwhelming, as he
recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and the embassy move is underway. BUT, not for
the Palestinians. They’ve broken off relations with the administration and accused Trump of
taking peace off the table. While in Syria, a year go on, president trump still vowed to destroy
and demolish ISIS. But absent of a clear US policy on Syria, made Russia and Iran are of great
influence of fighting ISIS, not the US, and also made the Syrian president is no closer to being
forced from power.

After observing the middle east region, let's move to the north on the continent of
Europe. America is known to have been in conflict with Russia since the cold war, because of
its ideological differences and tech wars, is now beginning to try to reform its relationship with
some cooperation and policy offered by both parties. But the effort fails oftenly because of the
influence of cold war conflict in the past. Efforts to strengthen relationships did not stop, the
Love-hate relationship between US and Russia continued until the president of Trump was
elected. The idea of the US getting along better with Russia, is one of the main themes of
Donald Trump’s election campaign. And the result? Not succeed yet. Trump has been unable
to deliver on Russia, perhaps of because overshadowed by allegations of election meddling.
The difficult relationship between the United States and Russia has fall into an even deeper
crisis. In Germany, as last year Donald Trump tweeted that “We have a MASSIVE trade deficit
with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should to NATO & military. Very bad for
U.S. This will change.” And so, has the president been able to realize his tweet and change that
situation? NO. The fact is the US still has about a 65 billion dollar trade deficit with Germany,
AND Germany still pays 1.2% of it’s GDP for NATO, Hmmm.

At the end, there are still many more pledges that president Trump delivered during his
campaign to other countries in the world. Im afraid it will not enough to write it down here one
by one. So, if we can conclude from the data above, there are still many campaign promises
that have not been realized by the president during his first year in the office. As the president
of a superpower country, the role of Donald Trump here is enormous in regulating the course
of world politics and of achieving world peace. Hopefully, trump can realize it all in the
following years, and “Make America Great Again”. But, looking at the facts of the past year,
I'm a bit pessimistic about this president haha…. Anyway my message to American is, you
guys have to wake up and discuss more about politics issue, because your president right now
is truly a reality TV star : )

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