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Stories and Lessons

Before showing other works, I feel its’ time to relax and show something different from
the ordinary. When you get older, it’s certainly time to reflect. Reflecting isn’t about
embracing fantasies nor trivialities. It’s certainly about evaluating your life in order to
make better decisions as it pertains to your life during the present including the future.
The following are some stories revolve my life. They are certainly are interesting to me
and I haven’t revealed this information publicly here before. People who lived in my
days were in a transitional part of Western history. We’re seen the end of Generation X
and the beginning of Generation Y in our lives. We know what it was like in the 1980’s
and what it was like in the 1990’s. It’s interesting that today, some of the Generation X
crowd is starting to have gray hair. My commentaries shows my views and not all
human experiences are identical. Certainly, what is similar between humans is the range
of emotions and the range of actions that accumulate a person’s experience in their lives’
longevity. This is fun for me since I have this opportunity to express my thinking and use
language that define my real feelings. Ultimately, if you want changes in your life, that’s
fine. Yet, you will have to make those changes yourself. Communicating with other
people (not just going on the Net) is great to develop that social bond among the
human family. I have the right to speak, to write, and do actions that fulfill the
concepts of the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. All people have that right
that comes not from the State, but from God. Now, it’s time to show my views. I’ve got to
keep it real and authentic. These words are my thoughts. I love to share my experiences to
the world. People want information and I’m obliged to supply them with what I know
about the world. I guess since people love these stories, it’s more fitting to
express this information publicly.

Hampton Roads

I’ve lived in Hampton Roads all of my life. I can give a description of every single city
there. Chesapeake is like a growing boon city. Its population is growing rapidly. I’ve been
there before on many times. It’s made up of hundreds of square miles, but it’s has a lot of
rural locations. Many people live over there, because of the housing, employment, and
other reasons. It’s becoming a lot more diverse in a demographic sense. Portsmouth is a
sister city to Norfolk since it’s similar. It’s a port city that’s small in its size, but not small
in its culture. I’ve been there before to visit places and I saw the Virginia Sports Museum.
Its Downtown has an old school feel in terms of an architectural standpoint since I love to
study architecture & art. Norfolk is a bigger city in terms of people. Its major competition
for the cultural capital of Hampton Roads is Virginia Beach. Norfolk has the Attucks
Square center. I remember walking around Attucks Theater center all of the time in my
youth. I was a walker back then. I could walk 2-3 miles non-stop per day in the 1990’s. My
family walked a lot and had competitions to see how fast we would go into locations. I
know the Attucks Square neighborhood (next to Huntersville, Huntersville Village, and
Young Park), which is made up of mostly middle class African American people. Back in
the day, the Attucks Square Theater hosted many black musicians. Later, it was torn
down and it was rebuilt in the 21st century. Many jazz musicians and other performing
artists go into Attucks Square Theater today in 2010. There are electronic billboards now
near Attucks Square Theater describing new acts now. It’s located in Church Street.
Church Street is known for having a lot of churches there. There are about 4 churches in
Church Street in close proximity with each other. There is also an obelisk memorial to Dr.
Martin Luther King there as well near Virginia Beach Blvd. The rebuilding of Norfolk
Downtown came in the 80’s, but it never went into that next level until MacArthur’s Mall
was constructed in 1999. Even Before 1999, a lot of abandoned buildings existed in
Downtown Norfolk. After that, Norfolk’s development in downtown grew. Some people
say that crime is a serious problem in Norfolk, but crime was much worse nationwide in
the late 1980’s and early 1990’s than today. Back in those days, you couldn’t come outside
in night without hearing gunshots for minutes on end. Norfolk have many historic
neighborhoods like Attucks Square, Huntersville, Ghent, Lambers Point, Young Park,
Norview, Calvert Park, Tidewater Park, Ballentine Place, Park Place, Ocean View, and
many others (Famous streets in Norfolk are Tidewater Drive, Princess Anne Road, Little
Creek Road, Virginia Beach Blvd., and other roads). I’ve been to all of these places before.
So, I’m not ashamed of where I am from. I am what I am as it pertains to what I am. I
came into Pembroke Mall in Virginia Beach to eat at a restaurant. I’ve been to Military
Circle Mall and Janaf Shopping Center in Norfolk, Virginia on a lot of occasions
(to shop, pay bills, go to the bank, eat at restaurants, and other activities). Norfolk
in a sense grew and the controversial Light Rail system in coming in Norfolk. Virginia
Beach is a tourist city. My father doesn’t too much like Virginia Beach, because of obvious
reasons. A lot of younger kids don’t know that many years ago, there were bad racial
tensions in Virginia Beach. There were the riots in the late 1980’s and so forth. That time
was a little over 20 years after King’s assassination. That wasn’t too long ago. It’s only in
recent years, where in Hampton Roads there is much more better relations between
groups of people (especially the young kids and young adults). Hampton Roads came
a long way and we have a long way to go to witness a much better society
that our forefathers envisioned. There are synagogues and a Greek Orthodox
Church on Granby Street in Norfolk, VA.
In Virginia Beach, I visited relatives, gone into shops, etc. VA Beach is a resort city. Even
in the beach there, there are extremely strict codes. I’m more of a free spirit. I don’t like
conforming to things if they are ludicrous. Some people over there in Virginia Beach are
bourgeoisie to put it in terms. What do I mean by that? I mean these people act stuck up
toward people, they act arrogant, they think they are better than you, have self hatred,
say stuff behind a person’s back like a coward instead of in a person’s face, and they
front a image for social consumption (while denying their true personality in a public
sense). They know who they are. The modern bourgeoisie is slick in trying to front, but
the establishment just laughs at them from afar since they are only deceiving themselves.
Some of them look down on the poor, look down on those living in the ghetto, and believe
an extreme individualistic type of arrogance (that omits the need to possess progressive
unity plus actions to help folks worldwide. They sing that old lie of get yourself by your
own bootstrap speech). Their minds are assimilated into the Matrix so to speak. That
mind state strips their true thinking culturally. He or she tries to get away from the
problems of our community.

If these types of people ever play some mess on me face to face, then I will be more than
willing to show and prove the real man that I am. I‘m a man. So, I show my body
language to these folks to pretty much say that I‘m not afraid of them at all. I do know
how to defend myself. I’ll leave it at that. They are ignorant people. I am not
bourgeoisie. Being bourgeoisie has nothing to do with how a person talks like
since I know real people that talk in a wide spectrum of accents. It‘s how a
person acts and treats people not by how they speak. For you judge a person on
their conscious behavior and their character not on how they communicate
naturally (or how they look like). I do talk with a regular voice (My father talks
like a person from Cape Charles and my mother has a Southern accent). Cape
Charles is apart of Northampton County, Virginia. I know about Exmore,
Nassawadox, and other places in the Eastern Shore. Although, the majority of
people over there in Virginia Beach are real and authentic. I‘ve met real people
from Virginia Beach before, so I want to make that clear. It has over 400,000 people
in its population. Schools are spread out like Princess Anne, Bayside, etc. and its home to
many celebrities. A lot of people in white collar jobs live there. Virginia Beach is more
conservative than almost any city in Hampton Roads. Suffolk is huge in its land size, but
it’s mostly a rural location. People live there to relax and many peanut factories exist over
there. Suffolk is a place where people just have want to mediate and feel at home.
Hampton is a cultural center in Hampton Roads. I’ve been there before to see sites and to
eat. It’s the home of Hampton University and it’s important for HBCUs to exist (like
Norfolk State University) to give a lot of black people a sense of cultural connection.
Newport News is a sister city to Hampton. They are found in the Peninsula. The
Peninsula is the area in Hampton Roads above the James River. Williamsburg, Hampton,
Newport News, Poqouson, James City County and other places. I’ve been into Newport
News also. Everybody knows that there is nothing soft about Newport News. So, it’s has a
strong cultural link to Hampton Roads. Allen Iverson and Michael Vick are form Newport
News too. Michael Vick is now the starting quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. He
had gifted talent, expressed remorse, and believed in being humble in order to execute his
sporting attributes. Michael Vick made NFL and is contributing greatly to his team
(unlike Terrell Owens that seems to disrespect women of his own people and tries to love
a woman romantically that doesn’t love him if you realize what I’m saying. Terrell
thought he won the lotto, but that lotto was rigged from a corrupt system. You can’t
gamble with a tricky system. Owens is trying to be something that he’s not if you get
what I’m going with this, because of past experiences. We all have gone through some
bad experiences in life, yet that isn’t an excuse to raise his voice unnecessarily at his own
assistants [who are 2 sisters], yearn for a woman that don’t want him romantically, and
acting silly on national TV). He ought to know better than that being from Alabama.
Terrell Owens needs to act like a man and take care of his son that he refuses to meet. All
of that money he has, but he refuses to meet up with his son. There is also the hypocrite
Bill O’Reilly claiming to be so moral, but he was accused of sexually harassing a woman.
O’Reilly said offensive statements and believes that torturing people (or water boarding)
is great. Bill O’Reilly supports the evil war on terror and accept the devilish system of
Austrian economics. Rush Limbaugh really can’t lecture on drugs since he was once a
drug addict. Rush supports Abu Ghaib, the war on terror, and rejects any stimulus to help
citizens in America. The damnable celebrity culture is truly a mess. The good news is that
we don‘t have to accept that mindset of cultural exploitation. We should be renewed to
not be ashamed of what we are and not suck up to people in a desperate way.
Williamsburg and Poquoson are apart of the northernmost part of Hampton Roads.
Northeast North Carolina is apart of Hampton Roads too. Some people made their flight
into Northeast North Carolina if you know what I mean. Some of them even travel and
move from Pungo to Northeast North Carolina. Now, these same people taking flight
are coming back into mostly minority neighborhoods (because of the financial crisis).
It’s called gentrification. These people took flight and now they want to return back to a
certain nest like hawks.

It isn’t just the poor ones or desperate people coming into various places (with their
children). It’s the middle class since new construction and new homes are coming into
mostly minority neighborhoods. They get sick of driving 1 hour for work when they can
drive for a couple of minutes from their homes to their place of labor. I’ve seen it and I’ve
increase an influx of Mexicans in Virginia. They work in groups and some of them stay in
an apartment on the street where I live at. They are mostly Roman Catholic and keep to
themselves mostly. They stick together in that they walk with each other in groups in the
streets or in the mall. A lot of them are short, even some of the men are 5 feet 5 to 5 feet 7.
Some of the female Mexicans work in shops or retail stores. I have no tension or issues
with them. There are undercover police in urban neighborhoods. They are so apparent
that Ray Charles can instinctively know that these are undercover cops. Also, where I live,
there has been Mormon, Jehovah Witness, and other Christian missionaries trying to gain
new converts. They want to fulfill their great “burden” if you get what I’m saying. It
certain is a burden to spew religious propaganda. You will notice that the Mormon
would ride in pairs on bicycles. Hampton Roads is a military center, so I’ve seen a
lot of Navy people here. Many of them go into Universities because of G.I. Bill or other
programs. Many military people would try to convince me to join the Armed Forces back
in early 2001, but I’ve refused. It wasn’t my thing. The military scene in Hampton Roads is
wild, because people will get sensitive about. I remember (I never told anybody this story)
where I told a military recruit calmly that I didn’t want to be apart of Uncle Sam troop
brigade. The military recruiter on the phone immediately became angry and say in
yeoman’s terms that I was being unpatriotic. It’s truly patriotic to not allow soldiers to
be used a guinea pigs in the corporatist battlefield of war. It’s truly patriotic to
expose evil in legitimate grievances. It’s truly patriotic to not worship a nation, but
worship the Lord God alone. That’s patriotic. That’s honorable without
compromise or dancing to the tune of some fake Master. Some people I know have
gone into the military after high school and follow that gung ho philosophy. In high
school in VA, you realize that ROTC was in full effect. People used unloaded rifles, they
marched, and so forth. No one gave me my liberty except my God. The
Constitution didn’t give me my rights. The military didn’t give me my rights.
The church, the synagogue, the Mosque, and other religious buildings didn’t
give me my liberties as a man. Only the Creator did. This rights are unalienable
or it can’t be relinquished. I‘m older, so I don‘t agree with hate, war, and
oppression. I wasn’t really this anti-war until the 21st century. Hampton Roads is
very diverse region now. I would say that one of the great things about Hampton
Roads is that you get to meet people from all over the world (since we have
military people and university kids that come and live here. I’ve seen people
form Europe, Senegal, Latin America, China, Russia, all over America, etc.). As
time goes on in life, you get more tolerant of different cultures.
I live in the 7 CITIES (or 757), I DO RESPECT THE 7 CITIES
ASHAMED OF WHERE I’M FROM. 7 Cities are Norfolk, Portsmouth,
Newport News, Suffolk, Chesapeake, Hampton, and Virginia Beach. I
respect the 804, the 434, the 276, and the 540 in Virginia as well.

*I’ve been to Richmond, Virginia before. Richmond is about the same size as Norfolk in
land, but Norfolk has more people than Richmond. Richmond has a more country or
Southern vibe than Norfolk. The reason is that in Norfolk and other parts of the 757, a lot
of people from out of town and human beings from across the globe come and live here in
Hampton Roads. Even though, tons of Southerners live in Norfolk, VA including the rest
of Hampton Roads. I’ve been on Jefferson Davis Highway ironically in Richmond.
They’ve named a highway after a Confederate leader. That’s wild. They or the Gray
coats didn’t won the war over here. Even in Hampton Roads, there are statues of
Confederate leaders, streets named after Confederates, and other stuff like that. Yet,
the same opposition to police brutality, opposition to historical revisionism,
and opposing any form of mental slavery is keenly preserved in my mind.
Even though I‘m from the South, I‘m still socially conscious of the world. A
lot of relatives live in the Richmond area and I love them all. I‘ve been to downtown
Richmond area and other locations too. I‘ve ate food at a Blimpie and what‘s interesting
is that I didn‘t know what a Blimpie was. Richmond has a lot of hills and plenty of road
houses. The people there were friendly. I’ve been to a religious place, relatives’ homes,
and a McDonalds. What was interesting about this McDonalds was it was new with a
computerized system to determine delivery of foods. I’ve been to the Recently, Richmond
has gone through its urban renewal too with massive construction projects and
everything. My impression about Richmond was that it was on the move in terms of

Northern Virginia is near Maryland and they have a different culture than Hampton
Roads in many ways. They are Virginians that live near Washington, D.C. In that region
of the Virginia, computer and technological industries are present in abundance. They are
the ones that invented the DMV Movement. DMV stands for D.C., Maryland, and
Virginia (specifically Northern Virginia). People have the right to call themselves as apart
of that region. I consider myself to be apart of Hampton Roads (in Southeastern Virginia
and Northeastern North Carolina). A lot of our kinfolk from Hampton Roads are related
to people from North Carolina. That is why NE North Carolina is apart of Hampton
Roads. I even watch UNC-TV from Virginia, so I have that link with North Carolina and
I’m thankful for it. Western Virginia near Virginia Tech, etc. are in the region of hills and
mountains. Some of my relatives visited there in the late 1990’s. They said that they
people talked with a country, almost rugged accent. The locations were rural,
mountainous, etc.

The 1990’s

People talk about the 1990’s all of the time. Some people obsessively reminiscence about
that time. In 1990, I was 7 and by 1999, I was 16. So, most of my childhood was
experienced during the decade of the 1990’s. Culture back then was highly original.
That time was creative and people wanted to express themselves in an unique fashion.
Music back in those days of course are better than music today. Everybody mentions that.
Yet, even today, there are always going to be creative artists with talent even if they are in
the underground. The 1990’s (especially in the early to mid 1990’s) had a more close knit
vibe where you knew people a lot more. You could hang out with people in the streets
and just have a great time. I remember going into parks and playing football. Those
days was like blitz of a tranquil environment. I did went into a local Recreation Center
in a summer program from 1990-1993. In that time, I do recall playing poll and foosball.
Me and other relatives were so good in poll and foosball that we were playing
teenagers and some grown men in both games when we were like 8 or 9 years old. We
were young. I saw “New York Undercover” back when in Thursday night when I was
in Middle School. NY Undercover was a more urban, more minority friendly version of
NYPD Blue (and NYPD Blue was pretty urban). I had tons of memories from the 1990’s.
Today, we have a more transient lifestyle where some folks want immediate
gratification without establishing those personal connections. I’ve seen a lot of
neighbors come and go. The new neighbors try to impress people as being the most
innovative or so-called “tough,” but there is nothing new under the sun. What they claim
that they are or do, people have been acted in that fashion for thousands of years. There
were great times of communicating with people, going on trips, and enjoying life. One
thing that I’ve notice was that the 1990’s was much more rough in terms of authenticity
than today. Back in those days, you had to be real in a lot of cases to get by. If you acted
fake or shady, then you were criticized. Stuff was rugged back then. Today, people can
shift personalities, claim cartoon characters, and act like some house mental slave and get
worldly acceptance. In a sense, we shouldn’t be of the world. We should just live in this
world to fight for truth and fight for justice.

Technology changed rapidly in the 1990’s. I remember in the early 1990’s that computers
were huge in elementary school. There were CD-Rom, but it was limited. As late as early
1995, we were taught in Middle School on how to use typewriters. The Internet wasn’t
popular back then, so there were only limited computers that had Internet services during
the early 1990‘s. I used the Internet for the first time in 1994. There were more hand held
games and 32 to 64 bit video games were common. In the late 1990’s, technology changed
rapidly. There were cell phones, high speed Internet, the existence of Playstation 2 and
other materials. People in my generation were like in a transitional period, because we
could tell you what it was like during the era of Generation X and Generation Y. DVDs
didn’t exist in the modern sense until the late 1990’s. Back then, there were huge disks
that showed videos back in 1995.

I remember the 1980’s too. I remember wearing leather coats and various pants,
but I was 6 at 1989. I’ve moved from one neighborhood to another back in 1987. I
remember moving in the new house back in ‘87 myself just like yesterday. I went
into Kindergarten in the fall of 1988. People wore leather suits, specialized pants,
and even leather hats. That was the style back then. I remember my other brother
had pictures of him and others wearing leather clothing back in elementary school.
A lot of talent existed back then. There was a lot of music and unique culture in the
1980’s. During that time in the 80’s , I’ve watched Hill Street Blues, Mash, PBS’s
Contact (since I was a child), of course the Cosby show, Night court, etc. The
1980’s for me was a time of exploration in terms of learning and my social
development. It was a time where life was less stressful and less complication in its
composition. The culture of the early 2000’s was nothing more than a continuation
of the culture from the late 1990’s. The great thing about this time in the 2010’s is
that there are no excuses in not knowing the truth. You can find out the real true
especially if you have access to technology and such. We know that evil is in the
world, we know about secret societies, we know about political figures calling for
a new world order, and we know about occult symbolism permeating the world.
Also, we realize that there are real people trying to doing what is just and fighting
for the truth as well.


My relatives gave a lot of stories about Texas. They mention that Dallas’ downtown is
huge and cultural mores. Dallas is where more of the elite in Texas reside. It’s colder there
than in the other parts of Texas, especially during the Winter Time. One more in Texas is
that if someone goes to Austin and say something disrespectful about the Longhorns, then
someone would want to fight you. It’s like disrespecting one’s mother over in Texas to do
that. They have mentioned about its fields and wide open locations. One relative said that
Austin looks like Norfolk, VA and it’s a college like city. Numerous liberals live in Austin.
My relative also mention that San Antonio have tons of Hispanic people living there and
there is a celebration at the River Walk. San Antonio is made up of a mostly Hispanic
population. The River Walk is a place where people eat, relax, and have fun in San
Antonio. Fort Hood is very huge. Texas isn’t perfect since some laws in Texas are even
more strict than laws here where I’m from in Virginia. Still, Texas has a lot of wonderful
and noble human beings residing there.


As for language, in private I talk the same as a I do in public. In private, I do tell more
jokes and say some politically incorrect stuff. I don’t use profanity anymore since that is
wrong. Back in the day, I had a much more vivid use of language so to speak. Today, I say
what I want in politically incorrect terms (like in private, I do say these people ought to
think like in 2010 not 1810 and so forth), but I figure I don’t need to prove my manhood
by using derogatory language at all. You prove your manhood by doing righteous deeds
and communicating with your fellow man in a firm, yet true manner. I do believe in
having humor as apart of life and using language to express that is fine. My little brother
has a great sense of humor. Me and my relatives laugh at his jokes on pop culture,
celebrities, history, religion, and other subjects. If you’re a man or a woman, take care of
your family and community in a bare minimum (like giving back in giving people
supplies, communication, mentoring, protesting, etc.). It’s fine to learn many languages
too not just English. When you get older, you want to expand your mind and learning
new languages is great in developing your thinking. I still don’t sugarcoat my language
since I was raised by real people. Now, being a man, I will never disrespect
or demean or emotionally abuse any human being at any
circumstance. People died because of emotional abuse and we
should reject any abuse against any human being.

There are tons of stories that I knew about Iraq form a relative. The Iraq War is still
unjustified as the Iraqi people should fight for their freedom like always. He described
some Iraqis eating pork, drinking alcohol, and using cigarettes. This freaked me out since
I thought that a lot of Iraqis would be this strict Muslim adhering group of people. Yet, a
human is a human. Even here in America, many professing Christians drink, smoke,
curse, and do all sorts of things. The McDonalds over there use beef instead of pork. My
relative walked in almost 120 degree heat in the sun over in Iraq. Even in the winter, the
high temperatures for some locations in Iraq is close to 90 degrees. As for the military, my
relative says that some folks are getting an E-4 level with ease. E-4 is a military level like
Major or Captain. He used to joke about the Air Force since many of the Armed forces
joke with the Air Force. The reason is that now, the Air Force don’t do that much
exercising, but some treadmills. The Air Force use their analytical skills to handle aircraft
and computer simulations even. It’s most important to treat military people with respect,
but not glorify them as gods. All people should be given equal respect, yet I worship
God alone not the military. The military don’t make you man. Following the truth
makes you a man. People that disagree with me can take and view it as they want to.
Being a human being is apart of following what’s right in spite of evil. The
establishment liberal and the establishment conservative want us to love American
society. Yet, how can support this society that brutalities people, exploits people, tries
to get rid of various cultures & God-given identities, and treats people as second class
citizens because of their background. One example is that random pat downs are
common in places in New Jersey. Commuters’ clothing, pockets, bags, and vehicles are
randomly searched. This policy is existing in PATCO trains. These trains transverse
between southern New Jersey and Philadelphia. The TSA or the Transportation Security
Administration screeners are armed with explosive sniffing K-9, checked 663
commuter bags in one morning. I don’t love some wicked society. I love people in the
society and the concept of a nation-state though. On the other hand, we have the First
Amendment to make our voices heard in expressing grave dissent over the composition
of the evil in our land.


Tensions exist in everyone’s life. There was a time in my life (in the early 1990’s) when I
wasn’t tolerant as I was today. It took some time to adjust to live with people of different
cultures. Back in those days, I live in a mostly African American school. The only white
people there were teachers or 1 or 2 kids. So, because of that, the school system made up
Multicultural Day. They or the school system would ship kids in various times per year
from a mostly white school (or Mary Calcott Elementary School) or vice versa to interact
with us back in the late 1980‘s and the early 1990‘s. It was about political correctness and
some people resented it. What I’ve witnessed was the second generation of the expression
of multiculturalism in the school yard so to speak. You’ve got to understand that America
(especially in Virginia) back in those days were more polarizing in terms of racial issues.
Younger kids today in many respects were fortunate enough not to have gone through
what people like me have gone through. You can say that today is a more polarizing time
in terms of some political issues though. The 1990’s was a time where I first grew my own
thinking on issues. It was a very soulful time.

Shows like Phil Donahue dealt with these controversies and the like. I remember
watching Phil Donahue back in the 1990’s talking about Waco, politics, and other
issues. Phil Donahue was the first mainstream talk show host on national television in
the USA. He came out in the late 1960‘s. Richard Bey, Geraldo, Tempest Bledsoe, Maury,
Montell Williams, Ricki Lake, Jenny Jones, Sally, Roseanne, Rosie O’Donnell, and others
have their talk shows when I was a teenager (or in the 1990’s to the early 2000’s). By the
early 2000’s, reality television took over the popularity of talk shows with exceptions.
Jerry Springer was different. Back in the day, Jerry Springer had a more calm atmosphere
in the early 1990’s. I remember watching the more calm Jerry Springer near midnight in
the early 1990’s. About 1994 and especially in 1995, Jerry Springer went overboard with its
shows. Once, its crazy shows in 1995-1998 were shown in the morning time where I lived
at. In that time, we had early release day where students once a month went
home early in about 10-11 am. So, we would be a classes for about 3-4 hours.
This was taboo decades ago. So, Jerry is especially too old to promote mayhem like
that. There is nothing wrong with showing the diversity of humankind in a peaceful
manner, but not exploiting human suffering for a profit. He has his new show called
“Baggage” on cable satellite television. When you think about it, trashy TV from Maury,
Jerry, and their ilk are permitted on TV to promote not only sexual exploitation of human
beings, but a sense of mental slavery or mental corruption to get people to accept near
nihilism (instead of logic and truth). In my opinion, Maury is worst than Jerry Springer (I
don‘t agree with Jerry glamorizing those shows). At least, Jerry admits that his wild
shows aren’t meant to show any social redeeming value. It’s a forum to him to express
entertainment and the expression of the extreme nature of some people in humanity.
Maury exploits his or her guests in theatrics (like babies born out of wedlock when DNA
testing can be done privately without the agitation, etc.) then do some hypocritical
specials about helping others (even in the holiday season). Maury acts as an overseer in a
plantation sent to stir up the mental slaves while he’s eating lobster and shrimp in his
own community. This left gatekeeper Maury is an equal opportunity offender since he
allows grown men and grown women to act as children among many backgrounds. A lot
of shows are fake since these people sign documents or contracts to act a certain way on
these shows. So, these participants get paid cash to act irrational on these shows.
Looking at satellite television is interesting since it has hundreds of channels. The
channels include History International, TV One, etc. I do like that show Unsung from TV
One that gives the life stories about certain musicians. I like the History International
Although, being apart of the mostly African American elementary school gave me
cultural awareness, a great deal of intellectual growth, and confidence. I
remember we not only stood for the Pledge of Alleigance, but stood to listen to the
Negro National Anthem (or Lift Every Voice and Sing that was formed by James
Weldon Johnson). I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything in the world. I was
fortunate enough to have that opportunity and I appreciate that opportunity. That
elementary school gave me a great foundation that lead me to the intellectual and
social strength that I acquire today. Black Love is great to promote and I will
always respect my own people.

Yet, it was certainly fine to communicate with people of a different ethnic groups. It
wasn’t until Middle School in 1994 when I interacted with a high number of kids that
weren’t black year round and I had to get used to it. It was like a culture shock. I had to
think and view people not in the sense of agitation, but as individuals. I had a Malcolm X
experience where the more I’ve dealt with people of different backgrounds, the more
tolerant I felt toward them. Although, you don’t have to lay up with them to prove that
you’re equal with them. I have the right to marry and have children with a sister. On the
other hand, like brother Malcolm X said there are many non-black people (not just black
people) that are sick of oppression and desire to legitimately fight for truth and liberty.
I’ve known them all of my life. In Middle school and High School, I never experienced
stuff from the show “Everybody’s Hate Chris.” In real life, Chris Rock was unfairly
tortured and emotionally abused by his own classmates (or the whole nine yards). That’s
one of the reasons why Chris Rock says controversial jokes on numerous occasions. It’s a
shame that brothers and sisters (or anybody) had to go through that. The recent deaths of
victims of bullying definitely reminded me and everyone else that there is no
justification for any form of bullying. Even bullying can exist electronically. So, it’s
definitely reasonable to communicate and help people that you think have social or
emotional issues. Life is too short to inflicting pain on people. Inflicting
emotional, psychological, or physical pain on people is immoral. So, it‘s certainly
better to believe in creed of equality and a call for justice among all peoples. There is
nothing wrong with humor, joking around, and having fun. Yet, bullying isn‘t about
humor or having fun. Bullying is straight up, unjust disrespect that emotionally
torment human beings daily. Bullying is always evil and wrong. You have to have
tolerance and common understanding to build bonds with the human race
without hatred. Also, there should be programs of inclusion where people of
different backgrounds can communicate in a dialogue to solve problems in a
continuous way (not just in a token measure. There is nothing wrong with
therapy, counseling, and other help also to make the lives of students to be
better). CNN is right that being a bystander to bullying is wrong since standing
up for those suffering is a precise representation of courage and an effective
means to fight against bullying. As people have mentioned previously, life
does get better when you get older. Yet, it wasn’t peaches and cream for me either.
I had an in the middle experience in terms of cliques and such. I’ve had great times and
bad times there. Usually in high school, I got along well with people older than me. I got
along with people of numerous backgrounds as well in high school. That is why some
kids in high school join clubs to escape the drama and ally with people with similar
interests. Now, looking back, I was surprised that so many people in my high school
joined clubs ranging from ROTC, clubs based on non-English language, CHROME, and
others. I took AP US History back in late 1999. I was surrounding by Seniors since the
class was an AP College course. I was just a Junior back then. In the summer of 1999
before we were in school, I was to do an in summer project (of watching movies and
typing papers) to prepare for the class in the Fall of 1999. I remember many kids were
shocked that I was so young. Back then, I was 15 and my birthday didn’t came until later
that year. So, one person (who was a Chinese American female teenager back then. She
was really sweet and nice since she would ask questions with me in a sincere way, she
would communicate with me, and have a respectful tone even though everyone in the
class were older than me) was shocked that I was so young. I’ve passed the AP US
History test too in high school.

Some of the younger kids today are so lucky (since the school environment is more
tolerant now than when I was in secondary school). If they lived back then, some of these
kids would have to defend themselves. There is nothing wrong with self-defense whether
verbally or physically. We should take no disrespect from anybody. I do respect those
who follow non-violence for moral or religious reasons. Non violence have works
wonders to create even friends out of enemies since non violence can cause guilt and
mutual reconciliation among an enemy. The crazy thing about it is even when I went
through the drama in high school, I consistently had good grades. I’ve never flunked a
class. So, it’s doesn’t matter what others think of you as (since these words are lies of
course. All humans have equal dignity, value, and worth. I‘m going to
treat people equally with respect regardless of their background or what they
physically look like. Real people do this. Be strong and don‘t fall for
psychological games in order to form divisions. More unity can break down the
power of the corporate pop culture propaganda). I’ve could of easily given up, but I
never did. Never giving up is one of the transparent secrets in how to live your life.

You should not accept that negativity and associate with real people that respect you for
you. People should be willing to communicate and stand up for themselves. Real people
exist and in my life, I know tons of real people of many races before. Looking back, I’ve
certainly become more militant and courageous than years ago. The more I
learned about Dr. King, Kwane Ture, and others, the more I’m set in my ways. I
know how the game is played and I’m not naïve about evil. Using indignant anger
in demanding a just peace is a valid approach in life. We should follow our
conscience in a righteous manner even if it’s goes against popularity. If the
majority follows evil, then we act as a minority to follow truth. I don’t back down
from no man and I know how to take care of myself. I am a man period. Now, I’m
cool with interacting with people of different backgrounds. I reject racism and I believe in
equality for all human beings. Although, I do believe in understanding my own
black culture and promoting black families. I reject any tactic that tries to bring
genocide to my people. I’ve met a lot of great people that are black, white, Asian,
Hispanic, etc. That is why I talk about this issue a lot, because I’ve been there. I know how
it is to deal with different kinds of people. I experienced it. I’m more willing now to fight
for my liberty as a man. The lesson in these experiences is that we have the right to
verbally stand up for the truth, we should communicate how we feel to people, and we
shouldn’t be ashamed of what we are. It’s extreme that Republicans are even opposing a
quaint $50 billion infrastructure bill to build bridges, roads, etc. Some of them are a
complete disgrace. These people accept Milton Freidman’s neo-liberalism ideology.
Friedman back in the 1970’s followed extremism in wanting to have the privatization of
government owned enterprises, deregulations, and reduction of public spending, etc.
So, he believed that the free market can operate on its own to develop economic
vitality. The Chicago people (from the University of Chicago who accepted Friedman’s
views) put these neo-liberal ideas to work in Chile (after there was the CIA-backed
coup against Pinochet). Later, the plan didn’t work. The reason was that Chile
experienced economic misery as real wages declined; unemployment soared, and the rich
accumulated wealth at the expense of the working class. So, I don’t believe in the archaic
neo-liberal financial system. There are a new generation of Tea Party people named Rand
Paul in Kentucky, Ken Buck in Colorado, Mike Lee in Utah, and Marco Rubio from
Florida. They are endorsed by South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint. You have the Young
Guns too. These men in the commercial act like that they are preparing for a movie. The
Young Guns oppose many regulations of corporations, health, banks, etc. We live in the
21st century, yet there are those who want us to go back to the culture of even the late 19th
century. Even back in the Republican platform of 1956, the Republicans supported unions,
a safety net, National Parks, Social security, etc. This was in Eisenhower’s time and
Eisenhower had some moderate views. The Tea party today would totally reject the 1956
Republican platform as even far left. No man and no ideology or party has a monopoly of
America. America doesn’t belong to “them.” It belongs to all of us.
Keynes is right on some of these views like you need to spend some money to grow the
economy (and you ought to preserve the social safety net). Keynes is wrong in being an
eugenicist and not taking much considering in inflation (and debt filled money. That
is why numerous economic populists want debt-free money spent in the economy
instead of debt filled cash). Although, cartel-capitalism doesn’t work. That system
allow corporate chieftains to control the political and economic system of the world. It uses
corruption and it's representative of Tony Hayward plus Goldman Sachs. In this day, it's
impossible for the market alone to be self-correcting. Debt deflation, unemployment, and
other issues are a threat in the world. You have to have some stimulus, some regulation,
and accountability to grow finances. This can prevent cartel capitalism from poisoning our
lands, killing people in different nations, and fleecing investors with their garbage
securities. Public works projects such as highways and railways are highly effective at
putting people to work, and also provide economic benefits once they're completed their
jobs. I feel great realizing in a higher level about financial issues and economic history.

*I always believe in Nationalism of course. I don’t believe in agitation, but peaceful

existence in the world.

College is interesting. People are much more tolerant in college than high school. Women
will talk with you and want to give greetings, etc. Women of many background would
talk with me about issues and the goings on in the world. The college life is something
else. I never had a problem getting along with women since I’ve demanded equal respect
(and I don’t believe in disrespecting or scapegoating females. I abhor that. Anybody
that disrespects women or blaming them for their own issues is a coward and a
liar. You will notice that these cowards hide out in You tube and the Internet,
but won‘t say these things publicly. These people have a serious case of self-
hatred and low self esteem. It’s as simple as that. So, real men will act real
toward women without negativity and ignorance. A man protects his family and
protects women without running out on them when things get tough). The
women that gravitate toward me mostly are conscious women, women with
braids, older women, down to earth younger women, and mature women.
They are nice and very respectful. I’m eclectic, so I’m attracted to many types
of females. We in Virginia are known for understanding females. That’s
apart of our DNA. I live my life and keep it moving. The problem with even public
colleges today is that some of them are too expensive. Now, you need to live for decades
to pay off your school loans. Some loans exceed over $20,000. The best thing to do
nowadays is to set up a financial account when you really young to prepare to pay to
college if you want to go into an university system. In college, I’ve seen protests and
rallies all over the place. People from LaRouchites, yoga proponents, Pro-Life folks,
religious Christians, anti-war demonstrators, liberal activists, and Black Israelites talk
with me about issues. The LaRouchites would constantly pass pamphlets to people,
especially during an election year. In college, I knew about the new world order and
like minded issues on a higher level. I know a Black Israelite talking with me about
his relative Nathaniel (and he was from the streets. Some Black Israelites [not all] have an
intense hatred of women that I don‘t agree with at all). There were religious Christians
that talk with me as well about services on campus. I’ve met and spoke with a Jehovah
Witness family just near the college I’ve been too in Virginia. They talked about Jehovah
and the like. The Jehovah Witness believe that believers should be apart of the Jesus was
Jehovah’s only direct creation, that there is no Hell, and only 144,000 people will rule with
Jesus Christ in the new Kingdom. Of course, I reject those theologies. So, in college, you’re
going to experience a diverse crowd. People globally go into college. I’ve seen people
from China, Somalia, Latin America, Europe, the Caribbean, other parts of Africa, etc.
Freedom is abundant in college and some use it wisely. Others have exploited it. In
college, half of it is reading. So, if you want to go into college, you have to know how to
read since much of is reading and comprehension. I couldn’t write that good until I went
into college. In college, you have to write more, learn more, and fulfill much more
complex projects than in high school. Cultural changes in college change rapidly. In the
early 2000’s (when I first came into college), people wore sports jerseys, throwbacks, and
clothing from the late 1990’s like New Balance. By the late 2000’s and early 2010, more
people are wearing skulls on shirts, glitter belts, Masonic & occult images in clothing,
tight paints (tighter than the pants from the ‘80s), unisex purses, and some stuff that’s
shocking even for me. That was another cultural shock for me. Some of these people
are on some other format. I’m not wearing that stuff. So, life is dynamic and unique

The neo cons talk about how most of the professors in colleges being liberals. From my
experience, most professors I had were indeed liberals. Yet, they never shoved nothing
down our throats. Although, one male political science professor I had in college
blatantly advocated world government and another nice, Russian American
female political science professor proposed a global religious entity to handle
problems. These are facts. You wonder why people like me are exposing new
world order issues. This stuff is real literally. I like political science. I knew that
they were liberals since they promoted liberal causes in their tone of their speeches.
Sometimes, they would in the middle of class speak in favor of liberal causes as well (then
revert back into their regular lesson plans). They way that they teach typically proved to
me their political ideology. I have an intuitive personality. I know when people
like me or not. I know when I‘m being treated with dignity and respect. I realize
my own surrounding and I study my environment in order to develop adequate
decisions in my life. One male professor I had I thought was moderate since he gave a
nuisance position on the 1960’s. Later, I found out that he was a conservative guy.
Conversely, there was an older female liberal teacher that taught me about the Cold War
and the 1960’s. This older woman had an slick fetish with criticizing John F. Kennedy for
so-called being too moderate. JFK deserves legitimate critiques on some issues, but he
wasn’t some Clinton moderate by 1963. He opposed imperialism in the Third World. He
promoted health care extension to seniors, he believed in cooperating with the Soviet
Union in a joint moon project, and he wanted a peaceful end to the Cold War (via singing
the Nuclear test ban treaty, which was taboo back in ‘63. Some military generals opposed
the treaty). JFK could of ended the Vietnam War. In college, there are more personalities
that you have to deal with. Life is very fast paced and you have to be swift to take on
opportunities. You don’t have to go to college to find your self identity, but people have
the right to go to an university as well. I’ve meet and talked with very nice sisters in
college too. They are great people that gave me advice, I’ve helped them out on things,
and I feel a legitimate connection with them. You feel a sense warmth. I always wish all
people to have real success that they seek indeed. There are a lot of programs and
scholarships that help people to achieve their educational aspirations. College is a fast
environment. It’s never too late to learn or to acquire real wisdom.


What’s wild is that I haven’t been to church at much in my youth. So, I’ve studied various
religions and looked at books on various subject matters. I’ve started to think for myself.
My parents gave us in my family the independence to believe in what we want since
that is apart of the freedom of religion. I had a skeptical attitude toward mainstream
religion since I wasn’t raised in a church. Back then, I once went into a church because
of a funeral or a special occasion. My mother has always been a religious Christian and
my father always allowed us to be independent and thinking about spirituality. He had
books on religion, the Bermuda Triangle, and the mysteries of life. His interests on
these things inspired me to learn about these subjects. My mother’s kindness also
influenced my kind or compassionate side. My mother doesn’t drink, doesn’t use
profanity, and is a people person. So, she can communicate with a lot people among
many backgrounds. My parents are Baby Boomers. So, they taught us about life back
then and issues related to that time. I have a loving side. My aggressive side comes
from my father since he talks with a very deep masculine voice. My father is very
aggressive. I am a man, so I am competitive, etc. About the same time, I’ve learned
about my own faith was the time when I’ve started to investigate more secrets in the
world. By 1997, I’ve learned about the Illuminati and the Great Seal. Time spread and I’ve
learned about other secret societies, occult symbolism, geography, economics, various
sciences, politics, and other medium of subjects. Learning about these topics caused my
mind to develop a clear, comprehensive mode of consciousness. I’m certainly glad and
happy that I can express my views to people from across the Earth. I believe in religious
freedom, so I don’t feel like burning a Koran to prove a point. We don’t have to agree
with a religion. Although, it’s irresponsible to express dissent by destroying religious
books. We can agree to disagree on spiritual matters without expressing religious bigotry.
Even David Patraeus said that mass burnings of Korans can inflame tensions in the
Middle East & Central Asia. Still after all of the experiences in my life, I still have faith
in God. I still believe in God. I believe in God, but not some mainstream religious
propaganda (as shown by Joel Osteen, Franklin Graham, and the sellout David Manning.
Manning is experiencing post traumatic mental slave syndrome. Manning doesn‘t even
want to call himself a Black Man. This weak man preaches self hatred, but I believe self
respect and love for all black people including love for all people. Manning loves
living in that cultural plantation and getting whipped on his back mentally. The
prosperity gospel is also a common heresy too). Mainstream religion exploits the name of
Jesus Christ (or Yeshua ben Joseph) to control human beings in a captivity of
cultural slavery. One example is how John Hagee talks about religion, but wants some
AIPAC/neo-con sponsored war on terror that is killing millions of people in the Middle
East & Central Asia. Franklin Graham is promoting that agitation as well. Mainstream
religion is heavily infiltrated by Freemasonry, the Vatican & the Jesuits, and other
corporate forces today. Media puppets like Bill O‘Reilly and of course Glen Beck are a
threat that should be exposed as well. In studying various religions, I‘ve came to believe
in the Christian faith. For me, it‘s simplistic, it‘s natural, and its culturally transient. Even
Jesus Christ was a revolutionary, broke up tables in the Temple (because folks were
gambling in the Temple), and spoke up for the poor (including the outcasts, the
underdogs, & the reviled in society). Jesus Christ desired believers to have spiritual
and cultural liberation from sin. Just because people don’t wear sheets in high numbers
anymore doesn’t means that others wearing sheets mentally are non-existent. The sheet
wearers still exist in our world. These foxes are slick on how they conduct themselves.
They have traded in the sheets for corporate suits and jewelry, but they are still
nefarious war mongering criminals. I believe in spirituality.
Life in General

Life in general can be fun and wild at times. It’s a journey, so life is never a straight
trajectory. It’s a wave of ups and down. Hopefully, those waves in our lives will go upward
in an elevated fashion and not downward. Life is a beautiful thing. It’s precious and we
should fight for it. Life lessons are plenty when you live your life. It’s important to the learn
the lesson of reaping of what you sow. In other words, if you reap corruption or a sense of
bigotry, then sooner or later, consequences that you don’t want will have an increased risk
of coming towards you. If you think about what is holy and treat people as what you want
to be treated (along with you being saved from turmoil), then certainly the guiding glory of
God’s power will guide your life. So, it’s important to promote and protect life. The same
dedication and awe inspiring motivation that our ancestors maintained ought to be
preserved in our daily lives. Also, we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be conned or exploited.
We have that right to be vocal and courageous in expressing ourselves. You don’t have to
mimic other people to outline a heroic quality. It only takes one person with determination
and a true vision to make a real difference in the world. That difference doesn’t have to be
an international type of event. It can just effect local communities. I can’t forget about 9/11.
It occurred when I was 17 years old and I was about to be 18 later on in that year. I first
knew about it from the Internet. I thought it was a hoax since at that time I couldn’t believe
that a plane would hit the World Trade Center and so forth. When I came home at about
10:00 am., I saw images of burning skyscrapers and I was shocked. There was news non-
stop dealing with the destruction, the victims, and the mayhem. There was a crash in
Pennsylvania and an attack in the Pentagon (which is located in Northern Virginia).
Immediately, the news media blamed Osama bin Laden for the attacks when they haven’t
investigated intensively of it at that time. People were in a daze like mentality for weeks
after 9/11. 9/11 was one of those events that you can recall easily and with a crystal
clear precision since it was traumatic toward a lot of people. There is the 9/11 Truth
Movement consisting of human beings among numerous backgrounds fighting for the
truth, helping victims of the dust, and protesting for real answers as to the total
nature of the occurrences of 9/11. Doing something is far more rewarding and beneficial
than doing nothing. The truth will never end it will never stop. You have to be demanding
and insistent for real freedom. At times, all humans feel vulnerable. We have that
temptation for anger or vengeance. Yet, Almighty God gives us an outlet (through prayer,
helping others, communicating with others, etc.) to not focus on the evils of vengeance. We
should focus on constructive activities under the parameter of a kind heart to present to
ourselves plus the world profound compassion (and true love). So, there is nothing wrong
with having joy and humor in our lives. Exercising have given me more energy, more
mental power, and a sense of confidence in my life as well.

I’ve escaped the Left/Right paradigm.

*Both Republicans and Democrats have done their share of dirt. Also, most black
Americans aren't on welfare. I do believe in social services to help those suffering in the
world (including the minimum wage, banning child labor, and the like). I think the GOP
forgets the need sometimes to promote the General welfare of the people. Likewise, the
Democrats omit the nefarious history of Sanger and that life is not only social, but
individual. It isn't an one party deal. The Left/Right paradigm is real. This paradigm ignores
independent thought in favor or restrictive mental conformity. For independence free
barriers and makes cognitive thinking translate into focused action. Establishment
Democrats omit that a person has to have personal responsibility and individual freedom in
life. Frankly, we know the pro-Klan history of the Democrats and some of the wicked
legacy of the Republicans. Establishment Republicans omit the need to have safeguards,
some regulations, and a social safety net to assist the poor and the disadvantaged in society
(i.e. a let them eat cake economic philosophy like Austrian Economics is cruel and evil
especially in our depression today). The huckster & slavery proponent Adam Smith
loves monetarism. Adam Smith subscribed to the idea that an invisible hand of the
“free market” could benevolently end poverty or increase economic productivity.
History proves that this isn’t a reality since corporate, oligarchic forces always control
the market if they are unregulated. Republicans in many times forget that life is social
not just individual. You can't advocate wage cutting, austerity in a recession, and war
mongering (as Glen Beck does) then call yourself a cutting edge human being. Just because
some persons receive some public assistance temporarily, doesn’t mean that these people
are receiving a free handout. Abortion is evil of course. Babies in the womb have human
dignity. I do believe in helping babies out of the womb too in various programs not just
helping the baby while they are inside of the womb. Also, corporate corruption is just as
evil as evil done by the State. A combination of individual and collective solutions (in
the public plus private realms) as Dr. Martin Luther King eloquently said is a prime
solution to our socio-economic plus political problems. So, I won't be a Democrat or a
Republican. So, the new tactic of some Republicans & neo cons trying to entreat us blacks
to join their fold isn't going to work. Neither are the tactic of Democrats to try to patronize
my people aren't going to work either. I am my own man. I do respect people that are
sincerely liberal, conservative, libertarian, independent, etc. Freedom is not given
willing from an oppressor. Freedom is not always promoted nor given by the
government. That is why the people have that right to fight for freedom.

My political evolution is a long story. Back in the early 1990’s, I wasn’t apart of a
political philosophy. I was more concerned with living my life. By the later 1990’s, my
family were Democrats living in an urban area. Bill Clinton was very popular back in
that timeframe. I was more Democratic. Later, in about 1999, I’ve started to look at
documentaries on the Second Amendment and other issues. These documentaries were
narrated by Charlton Heston, which was a great inspiration for me in embracing
individual liberties for all people. This caused me to question earlier assumptions and
made me Pro-Life and Pro-2nd Amendment. Even in the early 1990’s, I’ve witness the
Eye on the Prize series on PBS, so I became educated a lot on the Civil Rights
Movement. This occurred during the time when I was in elementary school. It was a
great documentary. In early 2000, I’ve seen video tapes from the Eye on the Prize series
that I’ve borrowed from the public school library (spanning many years to see real
historical events. Me and my brothers would look at them and have discussions about
it, etc.). My parents were Baby Boomers, so we were presented with conversations
about socially conscious issues (like economics, Jim Crow, social matters, family stories,
politics, religion, and other controversies). My father and my mother are great people
that taught me a lot of things relating to life in general. They’ve experienced Jim Crow
segregation before. I never experienced Jim Crow before. The FBI’s War on Black
America was seen by me and my relatives back in the year 2000. That film showed great
information on Dr. Martin Luther King, Fred Hampton, and other leaders that
died so that we would voice our own views on promoting liberty. The documentary
proved that the FBI’s COINTEPRO and other acts harmed innocent people among
the civil rights movement including some of the Black Panthers. COINTELPRO didn’t
end in the 1970’s. The FBI, the CIA, etc. monitored illegally I might add even peaceful
anti-war groups, Patriots, and other people perceived as dissenting against mainstream
society. Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Kwane Ture, and other people
influenced me greatly as well. I’m not ignorant of the struggle. I’ve became more
attuned to study conspiracies and new world order related issues in the late 1990’s and
the early 2000’s too. By the time George W. Bush was elected President, I was neutral
to see what he would do. When he was inaugurated, people were protesting and the
country became much more politically polarized. When I found out about his
membership in the occult Skulls and Bones and his globalist agenda (in late
2001), I became opposed to the policies of ex-President George W. Bush. I grew
to oppose NAFTA and embrace conservative/libertarian populism. This continued
until late 2009. In that time, I wrote about the Illuminati in 2002, I wrote about
Freemasonry in 2003, I wrote about the Skulls and Bones plus an additional history of
Freemasonry in 2003, etc. In late 2009, I’ve got another wake up call. A lot of the
economic views I once had weren’t feasible for me to embrace. I once believed in a lot
of Austrian economic views. Starting in late 2009, I’ve listened to people who struggled
to get legitimate health benefits. I’ve researched literature from Henry George and
other controversial people. I’ve came to the conclusion that reactionary economic
propaganda or such like minded things don’t add up. Trickle down economics is
archaic and social uplift is much more important than military escalation. Also, I came
to accept the notion the government should have an active role to utilize an effort to
fight against economic inequality in this country. I want to mention this. You don’t
have to agree with me on every issue. This is fine. The human diversity of
thought is great way to get communication and solutions flowing in the world
stage. Also, to agree to disagree on some points is normal. It’s human. I do look
like a regular man. In recent years, my skin is more clear and many people,
especially women are shocked that I’m in my late 20s. They think that I’m in my
early 20’s because of what I look like.

The government is meant to be composed of the people you know (not special
interests or big banks). This isn’t about promoting an agenda. It’s about promoting
compassion. By early 2010, I’ve embraced economic populism 100%. I believe that
health care is a human right, that it’s fine to fund infrastructure, and preserving our
social services is holy. I’m socially conservative/libertarian (I believe that there should
be standards in morality [In other words, you can‘t do what you want whenever
you want. To do what you want without restraint is the essence of anarchy]).
Although, all human beings should have basic, individual human freedoms. All people
should be given full equal rights without exception. I don‘t believe in dictating
people‘s behavior in their own homes except opposing murder or opposing similar
crimes. I’m economically progressive. I still love Nationalism, I’m still pro-2nd
Amendment, I’m still Pro-Life, and I’m still myself. I’m from the ghetto and I’m a
product of my family including my people. I’m not ashamed of what I believe in. I am
what I am. So, we should fight for equality, educational help, business development,
respect for humanity, mentoring, housing, adequate health care including true health
care reform, oppose police brutality, and a sense of true identity for brothers & sisters
in the world. One secret to get the wicked people’s goat is to show no fear except fear
of God. These people (or lackeys of the establishment) always ally with a person that
they think are malleable or weak (whether if it’s true or not). If you show no fear, they
can’t manipulate you or con you into submission.

Barack Obama (just like George W. Bush and others) is still a puppet of
the corporate establishment thought. I’m not ignorant of that truth. Why is
he is such a puppet? There are numerous reasons for it. He voted for the
Wall Street bailout. He supports the expansion of the military budget to
benefit the military industrial complex. President Barack Obama doesn’t
want to radical restructure the tax system to benefit the poor. He opposes
single payer health care and won’t deal with supporting a living wage for
citizens working in America. Barack Obama has expanded the immoral
military strikes inside of the country of Pakistan that is violating Pakistani
national sovereignty. He won’t renegotiate evil trade deals. Barack Obama
has a brilliant intellect, but sometimes he self-censors (or obfuscates) his
policies in order to try to not to lose votes. Immoral wars are not honorable.
They are wicked, unconscionable, and unnecessary to promote human dignity in
general. We should oppose corporate supremacists trying to dominate our
society. Fascism is when the government is controlled by private corporate
power. By that definition, fascism is very common in our world. You don’t
submit to corporate power. You fight it with real demands like ending
wars, a radical program to rebuild our jobs & educational system, and a
more equitable economic system (that benefits the poor not just the middle
class. You can even reinstate Glass-Stegall).

Instead of trying to fit in the middle of a spectrum, we should be ourselves that

exist beyond some cultural, social spectrum. Be unique without regrets or apology.
We have the right to expose corruption in the government and corruption in
corporations too. We should make sure that in our lives, males and females are not
exploited (or scapegoated) for any reason.

I’m not catching amnesia like the Pepsi commercial mentions. I’m catching a
reality check to never forget where I come from and fighting for my liberties
and fight for all of humanity. So, the lessons about life is to be independent, still
maintain a sense of humor in spite of the wild nature of the world (Humor,
comedy, and laughter are great parts of human existence), help other people,
never back down from anyone, and believe in the truth. Never quit and keeping
it real are valuable lessons too to live by. Life is never a means to failure. Life is
a gift that flows our spirit and mind to do things that we not only create
benefits for ourselves, but doing actions that benefit other human beings. We
have all made mistakes in life. I’ve made mistakes too. We will not let our
ancestors down. The important thing is that we should correct our mistakes
and be better morality than the past, so we can have a spiritually rewarding
future. Lessons and stories are great parts of life, so we can develop that quality
of discernment to propel our actions forward.
A human being should never give up on a dream. If I
can do it, anyone can do it.

By Timothy

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