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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part B:

J Engineering Manufacture
2017, Vol. 231(1) 96–117
Simulation of metallic powder bed Ó IMechE 2015
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DOI: 10.1177/0954405414567522

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Babis Schoinochoritis1, Dimitrios Chantzis1 and Konstantinos Salonitis2

This article provides a literature review of finite element simulation studies for metallic powder bed additive manufactur-
ing processes. The various approaches in the numerical modeling of the processes and the selection of materials proper-
ties are presented in detail. Simulation results are categorized according to three major findings’ groups (i.e.
temperature field, residual stresses and melt pool characteristics). Moreover, the means used for the experimental vali-
dation of the simulation findings are described. Looking deeper into the studies reviewed, a number of future directions
are identified in the context of transforming simulation into a powerful tool for the industrial application of additive man-
ufacturing. Smart modeling approaches should be developed, materials and their properties should be further character-
ized and standardized, commercial packages specialized in additive manufacturing simulation have to be developed and
simulation needs to become part of the modern digital production chains. Finally, the reviewed studies are organized in a
table and characterized according to the process and material studied, the modeling methodology and the experimental
validation method used in each of them. The key findings of the reviewed studies are also summarized.

Additive manufacturing, finite element analysis, residual stresses, distortion

Date received: 17 September 2014; accepted: 15 December 2014

Introduction classification schematic listing all those processes is

provided in Figure 1, where the types of processes dis-
The term additive manufacturing (AM) broadly cussed in this article are highlighted with orange color.
describes manufacturing of parts by adding material in Despite the numerous powder bed processes, the most
layers. Key advantages of AM, as opposed to the con- commercialized among them are the selective laser
ventional subtractive technologies for metals process- melting (SLM), electron beam melting (EBM) and
ing, have led to an increasing attention by several core selective laser sintering (SLS).
manufacturing industries, such as aerospace, automo- Despite the freedom in design, the ability to build
tive, medical and consumer goods.1 A large number of parts composed of multiple materials and the almost
different AM processes for fabricating metallic parts, zero computer-aided design (CAD)-to-part time that
utilizing different combinations of stock material form, AM can offer, there are still serious obstacles toward
material delivery and heat source have been developed its wider acceptance and establishment into the modern
over the years. In the powder-based processes, metallic
powder is spread on the bed before scanned by the 1
Spectrum Engineering Solutions Ltd, London, UK
beam or being fed directly to the heat source affected 2
Department of Manufacturing and Materials, Cranfield University,
region.2 The powder bed processes can be further clas- Cranfield, UK
sified based on whether the stock material gets fully
melted, partially melted or a polymer binder is used for Corresponding author:
consolidation.2–4 Over the previous decades, a signifi- Konstantinos Salonitis, Department of Manufacturing and Materials,
Cranfield University, BD50, College Road, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43
cant number of different processes, covering all of the 0AL, UK.
aforementioned categories, have been developed. A Email: k.salonitis@cranfield.ac.uk
Schoinochoritis et al. 97

Figure 1. Classification of metallic powder additive manufacturing processes.

industrial practice. AM processes involve a high level almost every engineering discipline.14 The FEM has
of complexity and the physical mechanisms acting dur- also proved to be very popular in the study of the physi-
ing the process are not yet well understood.5 Thus, the cal phenomena during AM processes and their para-
parts produced using AM processes are often not ful- metric optimization, as it is a resource efficient
filling the mechanical performance requirements set by methodology,16 which can save a large number of phys-
manufacturers or exhibit difficulty to predict distortion ical experiments from being conducted.17 Thus, FEM
behavior.6 This fact, along with long lead times,7 can has eventually become the most common technique for
be considered as the main reason preventing the total predicting the porosity, the residual stresses and the dis-
transition to AM when it comes to the production of tortion of parts produced by AM processes. Other
metallic parts. Poor mechanical performance can be numerical methods used include the Lattice Boltzmann
attributed to the remaining porosity and the presence method (LBM)5,18–20 and the finite volume method
of thermally induced residual stresses and distortion in (FVM),21,22 in studies that take into account the fluid
the finished parts.8 Porosity is generated by instabilities dynamics of the melt pool. The ultimate goal of studies
during material consolidation.9 That phenomenon, in this field is adjusting the process parameters for
which is commonly referred in the literature as ‘‘bal- achieving the desired mechanical integrity and reducing
ling,’’9 does not allow a full surface contact between the number of faulty parts, toward minimizing manu-
melted material particles, leading to parts with lower facturing costs. The literature studies in the field of
density than the respective solid material and therefore modeling and simulation of other types of manufactur-
decreased mechanical strength.10 On the other hand, ing processes already exist.12,23–25 In the field of simu-
residual stresses and distortion are generated by the lating AM processes, the only existing review article is
thermo-mechanical nature of the process itself and the dealing with thermal analysis methods in SLS and
thermal gradients created when building the part.11 SLM.26 The aim of this article is to provide an overview
Residual stresses and distortion affect significantly the of the finite element numerical modeling and simulation
mechanical properties and cause dimensional inaccura- of the AM processes utilizing a metallic powder bed.
cies to the final part. An overview of the current issues The structure of this article is organized as follows.
in the AM industrial practice is illustrated in the dia- Section ‘‘Numerical modeling’’ describes how modeling
gram of Figure 2. for simulation is performed. Details about mathemati-
Numerical methods can be classified into mesh- cal modeling, meshing, simulation techniques, heat
based methods and mesh-free methods.12 The finite ele- source models and temperature-dependent material
ment method (FEM) belongs to the first class and was properties implementation into the model are provided.
originally introduced by Turner et al.13 In the FEM, a Section ‘‘Simulation results’’ presents the simulation
continuum of matter (domain) is discretized into a finite results of the reviewed studies. The results are categor-
number of elements forming a mesh, thus reducing the ized by subject into three groups: (1) temperature his-
problem to that of a finite number of unknowns.14 tory, (2) residual stresses and distortion and (3) melt
Each finite element possesses simpler geometry and pool characteristics. The means of experimental verifi-
therefore, it is easier to analyze than the actual struc- cation of the simulation results are explained in section
ture.15 The FEM has proven to be an essential tool for ‘‘Experimental validation’’ and the relevant applica-
solving boundary, initial and eigenvalue problems in tions are reported. In section ‘‘Challenges,’’ the current
98 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 231(1)

Figure 2. Challenges in additive manufacturing industrial application.

challenges in the use of finite element analysis (FEA) in explicit or implicit methods can be used. If t is the cur-
AM process simulation are listed and already imple- rent time, the state of the system yðt þ DtÞ at a later
mented, or potential solutions are presented. Finally, time would be calculated as a function of the current
this study is summarized and a number of concluding state yðtÞ by an explicit method
remarks are given in section ‘‘Conclusion.’’
yðt þ DtÞ ¼ fðyðtÞÞ ð1Þ

Numerical modeling An implicit method would require the solution of an

equation involving both the current and the later state
Thermo-mechanical analysis workflow of the system in order to find yðt þ DtÞ
The typical workflow followed for simulating the tem-
perature field and approximating residual stresses and gðyðtÞ; yðt þ DtÞÞ ¼ 0 ð2Þ
distortion using the FEM is presented in Figure 3. The
inputs defined by the user during the pre-processing Explicit methods can exhibit numerical instability if
stage are the part geometry, the mesh, the initial and the value of the time step Dt exceeds a certain value
boundary conditions, the applied loads and the mate- depending on the problem. The advantage of implicit
rial properties. In the processing stage, the partial dif- methods is that they are unconditionally stable; hence,
ferential equation governing the system is discretized larger time increments can be used. Small time incre-
into equations for each element and then all the equa- ments required by explicit methods have an impact on
tions are assembled into a global equation. The solu- computational cost,27 in contrast to implicit methods
tion of the equation can be used in the post-processing where computational cost is proportional to the size of
stage in order to visualize the temperature field on the the finite element model.28 However, the implicit
part geometry. In order to approximate residual stres- method may encounter difficulty to converge when the
ses and distortions, a mechanical analysis is performed, problem is highly non-linear.29,30 In our case, the
following a similar workflow. The temperature field problem could involve nonlinearities due to
obtained by the thermal analysis is now applied as a temperature-dependent material properties and plas-
load. The thermo-mechanical analysis can be coupled tic deformations.
or uncoupled. In coupled analysis, the heat generation
caused by friction or in our case by plastic deformation
of the material is considered in the calculation of the
Heat transfer mechanisms
temperature field. In order to take this effect into In additive processes, the part is created by consolidat-
account, the thermal and mechanical analyses are per- ing material in specific regions according to the part
formed simultaneously. On the other hand, uncoupled geometry. To achieve consolidation, heat is added to
analysis is performed sequentially and the interactions the system by irradiation using a heat source. The beam
between temperature and stress fields are not consid- is inactive when traveling and no geometry exists in the
ered. The latter method is the one used in most cases, underlying region, offering time for cooling. Heat
as it can save computational time despite the loss in escapes the system to the surroundings by convection
accuracy. For reaching the solution of the FEA, either and radiation from the free surfaces. Specifically, for a
Schoinochoritis et al. 99

Figure 3. Finite element analysis workflow.

powder bed process, the heat transfer mechanisms act-

ing during the process are illustrated in Figure 4.
The general energy balance equation in a closed sys-
tem with respect to the first law of thermodynamics can
be expressed as31

QL ¼ QCD þ QCV þ QR ð3Þ

where QL , QCD , QCV and QR are the heat quantities for

the heat flux, conduction, convection losses and radia-
tion losses, respectively. Considering the part volume in
an AM process, the heat conduction equation accord-
ing to the Fourier’s law is
∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T
k þ k þ k þ q_ ¼ rCp
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t

where K is the thermal conductivity, T is the tempera- Figure 4. Physical mechanisms during additive processes.31
ture of the part, q_ is the rate at which heat is supplied to
the system, r is the density of the material, Cp is the spe-
cific heat capacity and t is the interaction time between In the general case, where the heat supplied by the
the beam and the material. beam is modeled as a heat flux and heat is lost from the
In order to capture the solid–liquid transformations, system by convection and radiation, the boundary con-
the above equation can be modified so that the enthalpy dition for the free surfaces of the part is33
change is taken into account. The enthalpy change dH
is given by k ∂T  q_ s þ hðT  T0 Þ þ seðT4  T40 Þ ¼ 0 ð8Þ
dH ¼ Cp dT ð5Þ where n is the vector normal to the surface, q_ s is the rate
of the heat input from the beam, h is the heat transfer
and the heat conduction equation is transformed to
coefficient, s is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant and e is
      the emissivity.
∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂H
k þ k þ k þ q_ ¼ r
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t
ð6Þ Modeling assumptions
The process simulation can be three-dimensional
The initial conditions can be expressed as32
(3D)34,35 or include only two dimensions,36–39 so that
Tðx; y; z; 0Þ ¼ T0 ð7Þ the computational time is reduced. Two-dimensional
(2D) modeling can be used when melting of a single
supposing that the initial temperature of the powder is layer is simulated, but is inadequate when multiple
equal to the ambient temperature T0 . layers are processed. Radiation losses from the free
100 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 231(1)

surfaces are neglected in a number of studies,31 while

they are taken into account in other studies.37,38,40–42
For simplification reasons, the heat loss from the bot-
tom of the substrate can be omitted.43 Those simplifica-
tions regarding heat transfer phenomena can reduce
the accuracy of the analysis. However, loss of accuracy
occurs only to a limited extent as the main heat transfer
mechanism is conduction through the powder bed and
solidified regions. Gravity effects can be taken into
account by applying a force load to the elements.44
Gravity modeling can capture node displacements as
those occurring when fabricating overhang structures.
The effect of phase changes is included in the model by
defining the latent heat required for phase change at
the melting point.45–47 The phase changes are also mod- Figure 5. Locally refined mesh.45
ifying the material properties.48 The powder particles
can be modeled explicitly49 or represented by a conti-
nuum body with adjusted properties,48,50,51 which is
isotropic and homogenous.41,42 Modeling explicitly the
powder particles can offer increased accuracy and
microscopic insight, but has serious effects in the com-
putational effort required. Especially, for the simula-
tion of real case studies, this approach would cause the
increase of finite elements to a number that is unaccep-
table for a feasible computational time. Therefore, the
second approach is followed by the vast majority of the
published studies. Moreover, fluid dynamic phenomena
and convection in the melt pool are usually neglected,
since in most studies the size of the melt pool is tiny
compared to the entire part.40,52 In order to reduce the
demands for computational power, a number of
researchers have not modeled the exact heat source
path, replacing the scanning vectors of each layer with
scanning areas.48,53 In extreme cases, applying the Figure 6. Coarse mesh used at the substrate.31
energy input simultaneously to a whole layer can sub-
stitute the scanning vectors.54 Programming complexity
can be reduced in this way, as well. spot.17,34,35,44,45,49 An example of a mesh created using
this technique is presented in Figure 5. Other studies
utilize a uniform mesh for the whole model.36,50,52,59–62
Meshing In the two previous cases, the mesh thickness is usually
The quality of a FEA is strongly affected by the char- equal to the layer thickness.37 The solid substrate can
acteristics of the underlying mesh, with a poor mesh be meshed with larger element size than the overlying
potentially leading to unstable and/or inaccurate layers in order to reduce simulation time,40,43,51,63,64
numerical computation.55 Furthermore, the mesh qual- as shown in Figure 6. The already solidified layers
ity has a remarkable impact on the computational effi- can also be meshed with a coarse mesh.48
ciency of the simulation and the time required for the
analysis.56,57 A popular technique among AM simula-
tion studies is using mesh density which varies across
Element birth and death
different regions of the model. Certain regions, particu- The material in powder or liquid form does not contrib-
larly those close to the heat source, exhibit steep tem- ute to the overall stiffness of the model. In order to
perature gradients and an accurate analysis would reach accurate results when predicting the residual
require a more dense mesh in those areas.58 For that stresses and distortion, this fact has to be taken into
reason, a local refinement technique is employed in account. In order to simulate the transition of the mate-
order to update the mesh density in each load step, rial from powder to liquid and finally to solid, a num-
according to the needs stated above. In several studies, ber of studies use a method known as ‘‘element birth
fine meshing is used for the region directly heated by and death,’’31,63–66 as defined in the ANSYS finite ele-
the beam and a close surrounding area, while the mesh ment software.67 The elements are deactivated until
coarsens as moving away from the beam solidification. This means that they are visually present
Schoinochoritis et al. 101

Figure 8. Laser beam modeling by Matsumoto et al.36

Figure 7. Gaussian heat source. instead, modeling the laser beam so that it irradiates
five elements in a cross layout. A constant energy input
in the model without adding to the overall stiffness of applied to five elements in a cross layout was also used
the matrix,31,68 as their actual stiffness has been multi- by Matsumoto et al.,36 as shown in Figure 8. As stated
plied by a severe reduction factor.67 After solidification, previously, another way of modeling the heat source is
the elements are activated, obtaining back their actual applying a temperature load to certain elements.48
stiffness. A control loop determines when an element is Fixed temperature loading is used by Ma and Bin52 for
activated according to whether its temperature after a a laser beam size of 2 3 2 mm. The temperature is set
load step has surpassed or not the melting point.47 In at 1740 K, which is slightly higher than the melting
other studies, the elements of every single layer are temperature of the material (nickel).
added simultaneously.62,69 From a programming point
of view, controlling the state of the elements and locally
refining the mesh in each load step increase the level of
Temperature-dependent material properties
difficulty in the preparation of the analysis. Detailed definition of material properties is the basis
for performing accurate simulation of AM processes.
Due to the thermal character of the process, the mate-
Heat source models rial properties should be stated with relation to the
The impact of the heat source in the powder bed can be temperature and also the transition of the material
modeled as a heat flux load or as a temperature load. from powder to liquid and finally to solid. The proper-
In the vast majority of studies where a heat flux load is ties that affect significantly the process evolution and
used, the heat source follows a Gaussian intensity dis- their dependence on temperature is of high interest are
tribution. An example of a Gaussian intensity distribu- the density, the thermal conductivity and the specific
tion is presented in Figure 7. The intensity IðrÞ of a heat capacity. Other material properties, such as the
Gaussian heat flux at a radial distance from the beam Young modulus,37,44,52 the tangent modulus,52 the yield
center equal to r is given by the following equation45 strength44,52,59 and the thermal expansion coeffi-
  cient,37,45,52 can also be considered as temperature
IðrÞ ¼ 2AP2 exp  2r2 ð9Þ dependent. Those properties are used when a mechani-
pv v cal analysis is performed, either coupled or uncoupled
with the thermal analysis. Thus, their temperature
where A is the absorptivity of the powder, P is the beam dependency affects the residual stresses and distortion
power and v is the radius where the intensity is reduced results.
from the intensity at the center of the beam by a factor
of e2 .
Heat flux loading that does not follow a Gaussian Density. Density as a physical quantity describes the
distribution has been implemented in a number of stud- mass per unit volume of a substance. As a temperature-
ies. Van Belle et al.37 applied the heat flux created by dependent property, material density changes during
the laser beam on the surface of a single element, which the process and at most times the density of the final
is of equal size with the beam diameter. They are claim- part is higher than the powder bed density.34 However,
ing that due to the very small size of the finite elements, in a number of studies, the density has been considered
this will have minor effect to the simulation results. to be constant, in order to reduce the complexity of the
Contuzzi et al.35 did not consider a Gaussian power analysis.34,41,49,51,52,59–62,69 Other studies consider two
density distribution but a constant power density different densities for the powder and the solid state.35–
102 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 231(1)

In those studies, the powder density can vary
from 40% to 60% of the solid density, depending on
which assumption for the powder packing is followed.
For example, Antony et al.50 and Patil and Yadava46
calculated the powder density on the bed, rbed , using
the following formula, where rs is the density of the
solid material, assuming that all solid particles in the
powder bed have a spherical shape, are equal in size
and are densely arranged in a cubic array
rbed ¼ ð10Þ
For a more detailed analysis, the density is changing
with temperature.31,71,72 The relation of density with Figure 9. Temperature profiles of consecutive spots.31
temperature can be linear, as in the study of Yin et
al.,42 where a linear increase of density with tempera- Specific heat. The amount of the energy needed for a
ture has been assumed. In a few SLS studies, along certain temperature rise can be found using the specific
with temperature, the effects of sintering are accounted, heat capacity of the material, which is a temperature-
through applying sintering laws, for determining the dependent property as well. As in the case of the ther-
density.39 mal conductivity, several studies use pre-defined values
for the heat capacity and the value for any given tem-
perature point is calculated by linear interpolation or
Thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of a mate- extrapolation.34,41–47,49,51,52,59–62,64,69,73,78 The specific
rial determines the rate at which heat transfers through heat capacity of powder beds can be found taking into
the material. Thermal conductivity is a temperature- account the powder bulk density or for powder mix-
dependent material property. In addition, the thermal tures applying the law of Kopp–Neumann.63 Other
conductivity of powder is different than the solid mate- studies consider constant specific heat. In some cases,
rial, as the contact area among adjacent particles is the material while in powder form has different specific
smaller.73 It has been proved that the effective thermal heat capacity than the material in solid form,37,71 while
conductivity of powders is a function of multiple fac- in other studies the same value is assumed for both
tors, such as particle size and shape, solid volume frac- states.19,35,36,70 A different approach is calculating the
tion, thermal conductivity of the solid and the thermal evolution of specific heat capacity during the process,
conductivity of the gaseous media.74 Several studies according to the current temperature.39,40,50 In studies
consider constant thermal conductivities, both for the where a melt pool stability analysis is performed, the
powder and the solid state, in order to reduce the com- specific heat capacity can be defined for the solid and
plexity of the model.35–37,50,54,75 However, numerous the liquid phase as well.50,75
studies consider a temperature-dependent thermal con-
ductivity, in order to reach more realistic results. The
thermal conductivity of the solid material has been Simulation results
defined experimentally at certain temperature points.
The conductivity for the intermediate temperature
Temperature field
points is calculated with linear interpolation.41 The The temperature field history of the part during the
powder’s effective thermal conductivity is calculated in process can provide useful input for determining the
relation to the solid thermal conductivity according to distribution of the thermal stresses and predicting the
theoretical models, which take into account the poros- residual stresses and distortion.31 The temperature at
ity and the thermal conductivity of the surrounding every scanned region of the part undergoes similar ther-
gas.22,31,32,39,40,51,63,69,71,72,76 Some models take into mal cycles,26,31,44,45,66 except the edges.31,44 This phe-
account only the porosity without considering the sur- nomenon is presented in the diagram of Figure 9, where
rounding gas.45 In SLS, the models can also include the the temperature profiles of a number of consecutive
sintering potential,17,34 the effect of the sintering spots have been recorded. Van Belle et al.,37 when
necks47 and the initial sintering temperature42 as para- explaining the cyclic temperature history, state that
meters. In some cases, a constant conductivity is each element reaches peak temperature values when it
assumed for the powder and a temperature-dependent is scanned itself and also when neighboring elements
conductivity for the solidified material.44,46 Finally, a are scanned. The laser scanning of additional layers also
zero thermal conductivity for powders can be assumed leads to secondary peaks in the temperature of the
as well. In a study published by Wang et al.,77 this underlying layers.31 Roberts et al.31simulated the tem-
approach did not have a noticeable effect on the simula- perature field during SLM. Their findings indicate that
tion results, as the inter-particle heat transfer was so the upper layers reach higher temperatures than the
weak at high scanning speeds that could be disregarded. bottom layer which is in contact with the base plate.
Schoinochoritis et al. 103

Figure 10. (a) Powder stacking strategy, (b) laser irradiation region and (c) meshing of a simulation model considering powder

The lower conductivity of the bottom layer, if com- temperature difference between the top and bottom of
pared with the steel base plate, shields to some extent the part is so high (i.e. 2513 °C) that a 3D model is nec-
the upper layers. They also observed that as the number essary for obtaining accurate results. In their 3D model,
of layers increased, the temperature of the bottom layer a higher maximum temperature was observed as the
experienced a slight but steady rise, which can cause the laser beam moved from the center of the first layer to
generation of residual stresses after completion of the the center of the second layer. In SLS, the temperature
process and during cooling. Thus, determining the gradient under the beam spot is greater than that in the
number of layers should be done in accordance with the already sintered areas, according to Ren et al.63 In a
rest of the process parameters and not only considering semi-scanned layer, the residual heat in the powder-half
dimensional accuracy requirements. Despite the time is higher than that of the solid-half.65 Liu et al.49 devel-
for cooling that powder recoating offers, a small but oped a 3D finite element model, which takes into
incremental rise of temperature was also observed in account powder arrangements as shown in Figure 10,
the rest of the part and the base plate. A great tempera- in order to study SLS. They came to the conclusion that
ture gradient is observed from the surface of the powder the temperature field of laser sintering is intermittent in
bed to the substrate.41 Li and Gu51 pointed out that the the micro scale, because of the discretely distributed
temperature gradient decreases as the distance from the particles, and that the temperature distribution is
top of the melt pool in the Z-axis increases. The reason remarkably inhomogeneous with the maximum tem-
for that is the higher conductivity that the solidified perature to be observed in the top layer. This approach
material in the previous layers has, if compared with offers enhanced accuracy. However, it would not be
the molten material. According to Kolossov et al.,34 the recommended for real parts, as modeling in the micro-
104 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 231(1)

Figure 11. Temperature versus scanning speed.51 Figure 12. Temperature versus laser power.51

scale, would mean an enormous number of elements been studied. Zhang et al.40 observed that a preheating
and a huge computation cost. A number of studies temperature of 200 °C, when melting composite W-Ni-
point out that the cooling rate of overhang structures is Fe powder, can lead to an increased maximum tem-
relatively smaller than normal geometries, as they exhi- perature by 6 °C, allowing for less energy input by the
bit inferior heat removal due to the insulating behavior laser beam. The temperature field is remarkably sensi-
of the unconsolidated powder below them.48,78 tive to changes in the scanning pattern. Ma and Bin52
Overhang structures should be given extra attention, as developed a 3D finite element model to investigate the
they may also require a support in order to avoid col- effect of different scanning patterns in the evolution of
lapsing. Papadakis et al.79 reported that when using lat- temperature, distortion and thermal stresses during
tice structures to support parts during fabrication, a SLS. More specifically, they compared the ‘‘S’’ and the
densely meshed support leads to higher temperature fractal scanning pattern, as shown in Figure 13(a) and
gradients between the scanned region and the substrate. (b), respectively. Their findings indicate that the fractal
On the other hand, wide-meshed supports can lead to pattern leads to much more symmetrical temperature
increased building platform temperatures and therefore field if compared to the ‘‘S’’ pattern. Increasing scan
smaller gradients. interval (i.e. the distance the laser beam moves after
The effect of the process parameters to the tempera- each time step) also causes the part temperature to
ture field characteristics has drawn the attention of a decrease, as reported by Patil and Yadava46 However,
significant number of researchers. In several studies, it a very high scan interval can lead to insufficient energy
has been reported that the maximum temperature of density input and inadequate melting of the material
the part is increasing with the laser power32,40,42,50 and between the two scan lines.32
decreasing with the scanning speed.32,40,42,64 The depen-
dence of temperature and of the time that material at a
certain point remains liquid, for an SLM process, with Residual stresses and distortion
the scan speed and the laser power is shown in Figures Thermal stresses are created when part or all of the vol-
11 and 12 respectively. As reported by Li and Gu51 the ume of a body is not free to expand or contract in
cooling rate of the molten pool increased slightly when response to temperature changes.81 In order to numeri-
the power of the laser in the SLM process doubled cally predict the residual stresses and distortion in parts
from 150 to 300 W. A significant rise of the cooling manufactured by AM processes, a mechanical simula-
rate was observed when the scanning speed increased tion, is performed using as thermal loading the tem-
from 100 to 400 mm/s. In addition, the maximum tem- perature distribution history recorded in the thermal
perature gradient increased significantly when doubling analysis. Warping and loss of edge tolerance are the
the laser power while it slightly decreased when increas- effects of distortion from a part quality perspective.44
ing the scanning speed. Higher spot radius causes lower The largest residual stresses are observed at the top
maximum temperature,42,47 due to lower intensity if the layer and the interface between the part and the sub-
power remains constant. According to Shen and strate.37,53,54 Filleting the transition from the substrate
Chou,47 an increased beam diameter in EBM can lead to the actual part can prevent stress concentration in
to a lower cooling rate due to the smaller temperature this region.68 While high tensile stresses were reported
gradients. The cooling rate of a layer was found to be by Hodge et al.78 at the top layer, the bottom layer was
higher when the layer is scanned over a solid substrate dominated by high compressive stresses. In the x-direc-
instead of being scanned on loose powder bed.45 The tion, the part initially encounters compressive stresses
effect of preheating to the temperature history has also which are gradually turning to tensile stresses after
Schoinochoritis et al. 105

Figure 13. (a) The ‘‘S’’ scanning pattern and (b) the fractal scanning pattern.80

beam scanning and when cooling occurs.44 In SLS, temperature distribution history and therefore on the
according to Jiang et al.,44 distortion in the vertical generation of residual stresses and distortion. The effect
direction is mainly caused by shrinkage due to the sin- of two SLS scanning patterns in residual stresses and
tering of porous powders. However, in the horizontal distortion was investigated by Ma and Bin52 The two
direction, the distortion is mostly caused by the thermal scanning patterns used were the ‘‘S’’ pattern and the
loading. Generally, in SLS, major distortion of the part fractal pattern as depicted in Figure 13. The results
appears during the laser scanning process, with the showed that the fractal pattern can offer smaller distor-
effect of the residual thermal stresses on distortion tion due to more symmetrical temperature field com-
being rather small if compared with that of the transi- pared to the ‘‘S’’ pattern. Matsumoto et al.36 observed
ent thermal stresses.52 Dai and Shaw59 state that in AM that when the neighboring track begins to solidify high
processes, the transient thermal stresses are those caus- tensile stresses appear between the solidified tracks at
ing the distortion, while the residual thermal stresses the side end of the solid part. This may lead to cracking
have little and basically opposite effect to that of the of the layer. They also report that the amount of deflec-
transient ones. The effect of residual stresses appears tion caused by SLM increases as the laser track length
when, as described by Papadakis et al.,79 detaching the increases and thus shortening the path may be used to
part from the building platform. That causes a relaxa- prevent distortion. Cantilever beams are experiencing
tion of the residual stresses and a subsequent develop- larger distortion when being built in the lengthwise
ment of deformations. According to Hussein et al.,45 direction than in the orthogonal direction, according to
high temperatures lead to a decreasing elastic modulus Neugebauer et al.66
which causes stress reduction. Therefore, high thermal
stresses appearing in the already solidified regions tend
to reduce as moving closer to the melt pool. In addi- Melt pool characteristics
tion, when scanning neighboring tracks, the previously Melt pool dimensions are important for ensuring that a
scanned tracks are reheated, due to track overlap, and strong bonding between powder particles will be
the residual stresses are thus released. Thin-walled achieved. Bonding of the particles significantly affects
structures exhibit high residual stresses after SLM pro- the porosity and therefore the part quality. In addition,
cessing, according to Neugebauer et al.54 It is indicative melt pool width and length should be thoroughly con-
that in the blades of an impeller, which are thin-walled sidered in the way they affect the already fabricated
structures, the stresses were found to be the highest areas. Remelting of such areas may cause dimensional
over the whole part. inaccuracies and loss of surface quality. The point with
The effect of process parameters on residual stresses the highest temperature in the melt pool is named as
and distortion has been given great attention. ‘‘center of the melt pool.’’ It has been observed by vari-
Preheating has been found to lead to larger longitudi- ous researchers that this point is not located at the cen-
nal compressive stresses divisions at the lower side of ter of the beam spot, as it is normally expected. It has
the part, which is connected to the supports, and also been reported that the center of the melt pool is slightly
to larger deformations of the part in the negative z- displaced backward from the laser scanning direc-
direction.79 Preheating was found to lead to higher ten- tion.42,46,75 This displacement can increase as the beam
sile stresses by Krol et al.16 High scanning speeds are power increases.51 According to Yin et al.,42 the melt
reported to lead to distortion due to sudden drop of pool displacement can be attributed to the heat accu-
temperature versus time.50 In SLS, according to Wang mulation in the previously scanned area. This phenom-
et al.,77 lower distortion in the final part can be accom- enon is graphically presented in Figures 14 and 15. The
plished with lower laser power. As described previ- melt pool with the surrounding area is eventually, as
ously, scanning patterns have a significant effect on the the beam scanning progresses, taking the shape of a
106 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 231(1)

Figure 14. Displacement of the melt pool center with respect to the laser beam.75

comet tail as shown in Figures 14 and 16. The accumu-

lated heat along with the higher conductivity of the
melt zone leads to steeper thermal gradients in front of
the melt pool.26,40,45 As a result, the isotherm curves
that occur at the front end of the melt pool are denser
than those at the back end, as reported by Zhang et
al.40 This can be easily observed in Figure 14. This phe-
nomenon is claimed to be more intense, according to Li
and Gu,51 at lower scanning speeds.
Several studies investigate how the melt pool charac-
teristics are influenced by the process parameters. The
length of the melt pool increases when the scanning
speed increases.45,49,64,75 Hussein et al.45 attribute this
phenomenon to the lack of time for cooling of the mol-
ten regions. On the other hand, the melt pool width
decreases with scanning speed and so does the Figure 15. Center of the melt pool slightly displaced backward
depth,32,42,43,45,75,76 as the interaction of the beam with the scanning direction.22
the material becomes shorter. A melt pool depth
greater than the powder layer thickness is essential for
proper bonding between powder particles and the sub- Chou,47 when they represented the top layer as powder
sequent quality of the part.39 The increase of the beam instead of solid material. The higher thermal resistance
power causes the melt pool width and length to of the powder is causing this effect. Caution should be
increase.32,42,49,50 The depth of the melt pool also taken at the control of the melt pool temperature and
increases with beam power.43 Generally, a larger melt depth. Whereas a deeper melt pool ensures proper
pool is produced when increasing the power of the heat bonding, the layer thickness should be adjusted prop-
source.51 The effect of power variation on the melt pool erly in order to prevent over-melting of the top layer.72
size is shown in Figure 17. The increase of the laser A lower melt pool length-to-width is achieved with
beam diameter, in SLS, causes the melt pool length and decreased scanning speed, as reported by Zäh and
width to decrease.42,50 However, the decrease rate of Lutzmann.71 At higher speeds, the length-to-width
the two values is not the same, with the width to be ratio varies significantly with the applied beam power
decreasing more rapidly, according to Yin et al.42 The and decreases when increasing the power. During their
increase of the initial powder porosity leads to study, Zäh and Lutzmann71 reached the conclusion
increased depth of the melt pool but decreased length.47 that in order to prevent Plateau–Rayleigh instabilities,
The width does not seem to be affected. A longer, which are the root of ‘‘balling,’’ the length-to-width
wider and deeper melt pool was observed by Shen and ratio should be kept under 2.1. Childs et al.72 report
Schoinochoritis et al. 107

Figure 16. Melt pool shape evolution.32

that ‘‘balling’’ during single track SLM was observed

when the length-to-width ratio exceeded a value in the
range of 2.8–3.3. This range is close to a ratio of value
p, which causes the Plateau–Rayleigh instability.

Experimental validation
Some level of abstraction is used when developing pro-
cess simulation models in order the computational time
required to be realistic and feasible.83 Thus, validation
of the simulation model, through comparison with
experimental results, is recommended.16
The temperature history of a part during fabrication
can be experimentally recorded using conventional
measurement instruments such as thermographic cam- Figure 17. Melt pool dimensions change with beam power:82
eras46,48,66 or thermocouples.71 While thermocouples (a) 20 W (b) 40 W (c) 60 W and (d) 80 W.
are measuring temperature only at the spots where
installed, thermal cameras can provide a temperature
distribution imaging, giving therefore more insight in 3 2.8 mm2, having a resolution of 256 3 256 pixels.
the temperature field evolution. Raytheonä infrared The frame rate was set at 10 frames per second (fps).
cameras have been used by Kolossov et al.34 and Zäh and Lutzmann71 utilized a thermocouple to mea-
Roberts et al.31 to measure the temperature during sure the temperature evolution during EBM. In order
SLM. In the case of Kolossov et al.,34 the camera was not to interrupt the process sequence, the measuring
equipped with a spectral band pass filter with transmis- device is attached to the build chamber from the reverse
sion between 3 and 5 mm and was calibrated using a side of the platform. In fact, the temperature is mea-
pyrometer. The size of the image was approximately 2.8 sured slightly below, about 300 mm, the surface layer. A
108 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 231(1)

capture height deviations occurring as the layer under-

goes thermal shrinkage and densification. Good agree-
ment between simulation and experimental results was
also reported by Li et al.,32 when studying the effect of
scanning speed into track width. The melt pool dimen-
sions and the presence of ‘‘balling’’ were experimentally
recorded by Childs et al.72 using photography and
video recording at a rate of 25 frames per second. The
effect of processing parameters in the microstructure of
SLM W-Ni-Fe parts was experimentally investigated
by means of SEM in a study published by Zhang
et al.40 The simulation findings indicated that high tem-
Figure 18. Infrared thermometer-thermocouple combined perature and longer irradiation time by the beam are
temperature measurement system.38 required for the proper melting and solidification of
tungsten, which is also validated by the experimental
results. Song et al.41 simulated SLM in order to obtain
system combining an infrared thermometer and a ther- those process parameters that would minimize porosity
mocouple, as presented in Figure 18, was employed by in the fabrication of Ti6Al4V parts. The process para-
Bai et al.38 to measure temperature during SLS of meters found by FEA were in good agreement with the
polymer-coated molybdenum powder. The thermo- experimentally found optimal parameters. Observing
meter is used to measure the temperature of the powder the porosity of the fabricated parts was performed
surface, while the thermocouple is used for measure- using OM. Numerically found porosity of SLS parts
ment of the inside temperature. Neugebauer et al.,66 for was also validated against SEM observations by Liu
temperature field validation, used a novel temperature et al.49 Bonding between subsequent layers, which sig-
sensor, which is developed by Köhler et al.84 and com- nificantly affects porosity, was experimentally investi-
bines ratio pyrometry with 2D-resolved measurement. gated by Li and Gu.51 Experimental observations were
For the experimental measurement of residual stres- conducted using a PMG3 optical microscope manufac-
ses, neutron diffraction is one of the most advantageous tured by Olympus and a Quanta 200 scanning electron
non-destructive methods so far.85 Papadakis et al.79 microscope manufactured by FEI.
used neutron diffractometry to validate the residual
stresses obtained by the numerical model. Eight mea-
suring points along the same horizontal path on the Challenges
cantilever beam were defined, while the experimental
and numerical results were found to be in good accor- FEA can prove a powerful numerical tool, which can
dance. Krol et al.16 applied FEA in order to optimize be used to predict the mechanical performance of parts
support structures for AM parts. The STRESS-SPEC produced by AM and adjust the process parameters
materials science diffractometer, which was developed accordingly. As it can save money and time, if com-
by Hofmann et al.,86 was employed for the validation pared with conducting physical experiments, industrial
of numerical results. Zaeh and Branner53 also utilized practice can be benefited from the use of FEA in the
the STRESS-SPEC materials science diffractometer in product and process development phases. However, a
order to measure residual stresses of SLM fabricated significant number of obstacles appear when it comes
cantilevers. to the full exploitation of FEA by industry for the pur-
In order to validate numerical results regarding melt pose of optimizing AM processes.
pool dimensions, porosity, surface roughness and other Due to the transient nature of the analysis, compu-
microstructural characteristics, microscopy is tational costs remain quite high. From an industrial
employed.75 Microscopy methods include optical perspective, this prevents the application of FEA for
microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy on-line process optimization. Therefore, emphasis
(SEM). The cross-sections under investigation are first should be given to smart approaches that reduce mod-
grinded and polished according to metallographic stan- eling complexity without sacrificing accuracy. The sim-
dard procedures.51 Contuzzi et al.35 used OM in order plest and most popular approach is applying a coarser
to calibrate and validate a numerical model for the mesh as moving away from the heat source, lowering
SLM process. Measurements of width and depth of a the total number of elements. Another strategy
single solidified track showed good agreement with the employed in order to reduce computational effort is
simulation results. Numerical results for a single track replacing the moving heat source with a heat flux
width and height produced with SLM were also com- applied simultaneously to the whole area of each
pared with experimental results by Antony et al.50 deposition layer.54 Less time steps are then required for
using SEM. Whereas width measurements were found reaching a solution. A large amount of computational
to be in good agreement with the simulation results, it time can be saved if using a steady-state analysis
is reported that the simulated track height cannot instead of a transient one, practically reducing the
Schoinochoritis et al. 109

number of time steps to one. This approach was fol- stage. However, it must be mentioned that efforts being
lowed by Ding et al.,87,88 who achieved the steady-state done for the integration of design and FEA modules
transformation by attaching an Eulerian reference provide a promising vision of the future.97
frame at the heat source, when simulating the wire and In a more and more computer-enabled world, AM is
arc additive layer manufacturing (WAALM) process. the last step in a digital production chain. This is proba-
According to the researchers, additional time can be bly the main driver for its rising popularity. An holistic
saved, as using an Eulerian frame does not require as approach to all the stages from design to manufacturing
dense mesh as the typical transient approach does. The is the current trend. CAD, computer-aided manufactur-
total thermo-mechanical analysis time saved was ing (CAM) and computer-aided process planning
almost 80% of the transient analysis time. (CAPP) are becoming integrated98–100 with special
Simulation, in general, has an inductive character, applications in AM.101,102 In this direction, it is essen-
meaning that it should allow researchers to draw con- tial that simulation of the process becomes part of this
clusions beyond the nature of the specific problem stud- chain. Adjusting the process parameters based on
ied. At this point, AM simulation lacks transferability design features and requirements or considering design
of results. This lack can be attributed to the great diver- modifications due to machinery limitations would be
sity in the modeling of the material properties and the therefore possible, saving significant amounts of faulty
assumptions followed and also to the limited under- parts. Taking into account the high computational
standing of the physics of the process.89,90 Regarding demands and the extended geographical span of the
materials characterization and standardization, most of modern manufacturing networks, deploying such an
the advancements are coming from official sources. approach into a cloud-based architecture, as the one
ASTM International91 has created a committee devoted presented by Ari and Muhtaroglu,103 using advanced
to AM, namely the F42, who have published a number algorithms for parallel processing as those proposed by
of material specifications for AM. NIST, the National Bangerth et al.97 and Paszyński et al.104 and exploiting
Institute of Standards and Technology,92 has also the capabilities of knowledge management105 can be the
began an initiative since 2013 for the characterization key factors for a successful implementation.
of AM materials. As far as it concerns the understand-
ing of the physical mechanisms acting during the pro-
cess, the studies utilizing the FEM, as those studied in Conclusion
this article, can only give a macroscopic insight and are
The latest studies in the finite element simulation of
mostly aimed at drawing quick but safe conclusions.
metallic powder bed additive processes are reviewed in
Deeper understanding can be gained by studies that are
this article. Those studies are summarized in Table 1
modeling the material at the powder particle level and
and are characterized according to the process and
consider the effects of fluid flow at the melt pool and
material studied, the modeling methodology and the
the gas–liquid–solid interactions. The LBM19,93 and the
experimental validation method used. In addition, the
FVM82 are methods commonly used in this type of
scope of each study is reported.
studies, while other numerical methods such as the
The following remarks can be concluded from the
Monte Carlo-based ray tracing method94 are more
rarely used. table mentioned above:
Commercial FEA tools, specialized to AM modeling
and simulation, exist only at a limited extend regarding  The majority of the simulation studies are focused
their capabilities. This weakens the position of FEA as on the SLM process, with the EBM given the least
a tool for the global industry. The reason is that highly attention.
qualified personnel is required in order to address the  Steel is the material used in most of the studies.
challenges of modeling an AM process and incorporate  Regarding the scope of the studies, the temperature
techniques such as ‘‘element birth and death’’ and field is what most studies target at. Melt pool char-
‘‘moving heat source’’ into the existing general-purpose acteristics seem to be given the least attention by
FEA packages. The industrial needs for specialized researchers. However, other methods, such as the
software can be observed if looking at the welding FVM, are more favorable in the study of the melt
simulation current situation. Welding, as a process with pool than FEM.
long tradition in the manufacturing domain and a vast  There are not many new experiments reported. A
number of different applications, can be simulated by great number of researchers use previously pub-
dedicated welding simulation tools, such as the NX lished experiments in order to validate their simula-
Weld Assistant95 developed by Siemens PLM Software. tion models.
The area of design for AM, including topology optimi-
zation, layer generation and STL file conversion has Based on the above, strengthening the role of simula-
been covered by commercial solutions developed in the tion in AM process optimization would require greater
last years by well-established companies, such as attention to be given in the development of models for
Altair.96 On the other hand, commercialization of processes other than SLM and models that consider
simulation for AM processes is still at an immature materials for special applications, such as Inconel
Table 1. Summary of reviewed publications.

Authors Year Process Material Number of Model Element FEA code used Experimental Scope
dimensions size (mm) size (mm) validation

Krol et al.16 2013 N/A AlSi12 3 23233 N/A N/A Neutron Residual
diffraction stresses—
verification of
Boillat et al.17 2004 SLS Titanium 3 Hollow cylinder: N/A N/A N/A Process
0.3 inner radius, optimization
1.2 outer radius, combining FEA
0.6 depth and neural
Zeng et al.26 2012 SLM Ti6Al4V 3 Powder bed: 3 3 3 Powder bed: Free ANSYS N/A Temperature
3 3 Substrate: 1 3 meshing Substrate: field—melt pool
1 3 0.3 0.025 3 0.025 3 characteristics
Roberts et al.31 2009 SLM Ti6Al4V 3 Powder bed: Scanned region: ANSYS N/A Temperature
13130.015 0.025 3 0.025 3 field
Substrate: 33333 0.025 Coarser
mesh away from
the beam
Li et al.32 2009 SLM 316L Stainless Steel 3 Powder bed: 2.2 3 Powder bed: 0.1 3 ANSYS Microscopy Temperature
1.2 3 0.1 0.1 3 0.1 field—melt pool
Substrate: 3 3 1.8 Substrate: free grid characteristics
3 0.4 at the contact
surface. Coarser
mesh at the rest
Kolossov et al.34 2004 SLS Titanium 3 53532 Scanned region: N/A Infrared camera Temperature
0.01 3 0.01 3 field
0.01Away from the
beam: 0.1 3 0.1 3
Contuzzi et al.35 2011 SLM 316L Stainless Steel 3 6 3 9 3 1.3 Scanned region: ANSYS Optical Temperature
0.056 3 0.056 3 microscope field
0.056 Coarser
mesh away from
the beam
Matsumoto et al.36 2002 SLM Nickel alloy 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A Residual
Van Belle et al.37 2012 SLM 15-5PH Steel 2/3 0.6 3 0.5 3 0.5 N/A ABAQUS N/A Temperature
Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 231(1)
Table 1. Continued

Authors Year Process Material Number of Model Element FEA code used Experimental Scope
dimensions size (mm) size (mm) validation

Bai et al.38 2006 SLS Polymer-coated 2 N/A 10 3 0.2 Code written Infrared thermometer— Temperature
molybdenum powder in FORTRAN Thermocouple field
Schoinochoritis et al.

Childs et al.39 2000 SLS Stainless Steel 2/3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Melt pool
Zhang et al.40 2010 SLM W-Ni-Fe composite 3 Powder bed: 1 3 2 Powder bed: 0.05 ANSYS SEM Temperature
powder 3 0.05 Substrate: 2 3 0.05 3 0.05 field—melt pool
3 3 3 1.5 Substrate: free characteristics
Song et al.41 2012 SLM Ti6Al4V 3 Powder bed: 2 3 1 0.005 3 0.005 3 ANSYS Optical microscope Temperature
3 0.05 Substrate: 0.005 field
25 3 10 3 5
Yin et al.42 2012 SLS Iron 3 0.9 3 0.9 3 0.03 0.0075 3 0.0075 3 ANSYS N/A Temperature
0.0075 field—melt pool
Zhang et al.43 2011 SLS W-Cu composite powder 3 3.4 3 1.6 3 0.3 Powder bed: 0.1 3 ANSYS N/A Melt pool
0.1 3 0 Substrate: characteristics
coarser mesh
Jiang et al.44 2002 SLS 316L Stainless Steel 3 N/A Scanned region: ABAQUS N/A Temperature
0.183 3 0.183 3 field—residual
0.083 Coarser stresses—
mesh away from distortion
the beam
Hussein et al.45 2013 SLM 316L Stainless Steel 3 12.2 3 3.2 3 1.0 Scanned region: ANSYS N/A Temperature
0.75 3 0.75 3 0.75 field—residual
Coarser mesh stresses—melt
away from the pool
beam characteristics
Patil and Yadava46 2007 SLS Titanium 3 N/A N/A Code written Infrared camera Temperature
in MATLAB field—melt pool
Shen and Chou47 2012 EBM Ti6Al4V 3 N/A N/A ABAQUS N/A Temperature
field—melt pool
Schilp et al.48 2014 SLS Inconel 718 3 N/A 0.5 3 0.5 3 0.5 ANSYS Infrared camera Temperature
Liu et al.49 2012 SLS Pure Fe 3 N/A N/A ANSYS Optical microscopy/SEM Temperature
field—melt pool
Antony et al.50 2009 SLM 316L Stainless Steel 3 N/A 0.05 3 0.05 3 0.05 N/A SEM Temperature
Table 1. Continued

Authors Year Process Material Number of Model Element FEA code used Experimental Scope
dimensions size (mm) size (mm) validation

Li and Gu51 2014 SLM AlSi10Mg 3 Powder bed: 1.54 Powder bed: ANSYS OM/SEM Temperature
3 0.7 3 0.1 0.0175 3 0.0175 3 field—melt pool
Substrate: 2 3 1 3 0.025 Substrate: characteristics
0.4 coarser mesh
Ma and Bin52 2007 SLS Nickel 3 60 3 60 3 2 23232 N/A N/A Temperature
Zaeh and Branner53 2010 SLM Tool Steel 1.2709 3 N/A N/A ANSYS Neutron diffraction Residual
Neugebauer et al.54 2014 SLM Inconel 718 3 100 3 100 3 100 N/A MSC Marc N/A Residual
Ren et al.63 2011 SLS W-Ni composite powder 3 Powder bed: 3.4 3 Powder bed: 0.1 3 ANSYS N/A Temperature
1.6 3 0.2 0.1 3 0.1 field
Substrate: 4.4 3 3 Substrate: coarser
3 0.6 mesh
Zhang et al.64 2010 SLS Copper 3 Single layer powder Powder bed: 0.1 3 ANSYS N/A Temperature
bed: 3.4 3 1.6 3 0.1 3 0.1 field—melt pool
0.1 Multi-layer Substrate: coarser characteristics
powder bed: mesh
3.4 3 1.6 3 0.3
Substrate: 4.8 3 2
3 0.5
Shen and Chou65 2012 EBM Ti6Al4V 3 300 3 300 3 150 N/A N/A N/A Temperature
Neugebauer et al.66 2014 SLM X4CrNiCuNb 3 N/A 0.5 3 0.5 3 0.4 MSC Marc/Mentat Thermal camera Temperature
Zäh and Lutzmann71 2010 EBM 316L Stainless Steel 3 N/A N/A N/A Thermocouple Melt pool
Childs et al.72 2005 SLM/SLS M2/H13 Tool Steel 314- 3 N/A N/A N/A Photography Melt pool
HC Stainless Steel characteristics
Chen and Zhang76 2007 SLS AISI 1018—Bni-2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Melt pool
composite powder characteristics
Hodge et al.78 2013 SLM 316L Stainless Steel 3 0.6 3 0.6 3 0.2 0.0025 3 0.0025 3 Diablo N/A Temperature
0.0025 field—residual
Papadakis et al.79 2012 SLM Tool Steel 1.2709 3 Powder bed: 70 3 1 3 1 3 0.5 ANSYS Neutron diffraction Temperature
15 3 12 Supports: field—residual
30 3 15 3 8 stresses—
Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 231(1)

FEA: finite element analysis; SLS: selective laser sintering; SLM: selective laser melting; EBM: electron beam melting; SEM: scanning electron microscopy; OM: optical microscopy.
Schoinochoritis et al. 113

alloys. Furthermore, a solid experimental base should in terms of residual stresses, distortion and porosity.
be created, in order to be used as a reference point for However, determining the process parameters can also
future simulation studies. be influenced by other factors such as productivity,
Regarding the simulation results of the studies energy consumption and manufacturing costs. Thus,
reviewed in this article, conclusions can be drawn as the selection of the optimal process parameters should
follows. The fabricated part undergoes similar tempera- be dealt as a multi-dimensional problem.
ture cycles at every scanned region, except its edges. The FEM has proven valuable in the simulation of
However, the upper layers tend to reach higher tem- AM for metallic parts. By understanding the nature of
peratures than the bottom layer which is in contact the process and predicting the effect of process para-
with the base plate. The bottom layer itself experiences meters into the mechanical characteristics of the final
a slight temperature increase as more layers are added, part, the process can be adjusted and optimized in
with this fact implying the need for cautious consider- order to produce right first time parts at greater rates.
ation of the slicing strategy and the total number of Scrap rates and faulty parts can thus be reduced lead-
layers. The major temperature gradients, developed ing to more eco-friendly and cost-effective produc-
during the process, are those in the z-axis between the tion. However, there are still issues that need to be
top layer and the substrate. As a result, 3D models addressed. Long computational times do not allow
should be preferred to 2D ones for obtaining accurate for on-line process optimization based on FEA. In
results. Process parameters have a significant impact in addition, transferability of simulation results to differ-
the temperature history of the part. The maximum tem- ent case studies is limited. A common ground in mate-
perature in the part has been observed to increase with rial properties modeling is hard to be found between
the laser power and decrease with the scanning speed. different researchers of the field. Furthermore, specia-
The same observations were also made for the maxi- lized software for AM simulation is limited only to
mum temperature gradient. The maximum temperature product design solutions, with the area of process
was also found to increase when lowering the spot dia- simulation being at its very first stages of develop-
meter of the heat source and when preheating the pro- ment. Finally, the total shift of manufacturing to a
cess chamber. Residual stresses and distortion play a web and cloud-enabled paradigm is fueling the inte-
significant role in the structural integrity and the qual- gration of FEA tools with other digital manufacturing
ity of the fabricated part. High tensile stresses are tools in order to serve the needs of today’s global
observed at the top layer and high compressive stresses manufacturing networks.
at the interface between the part and the substrate.
Thin-walled structures are exhibiting high residual
Declaration of conflicting interests
stresses. In SLS, residual stresses have a little effect on
distortion, which is mainly caused by transient thermal The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
stresses during processing. Distortion can be prevented
by applying lower scanning speeds, lower power at the Funding
heat source and suitable scanning strategies that utilize
shorter paths. The melt pool dimensions and shape are This research received no specific grant from any fund-
strongly influencing the bonding between the scanned ing agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit
region and the already solidified regions. The center of sectors.
the melt pool is displaced backward the scanning direc-
tion, while its shape is taking the form of a comet tail References
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Appendix 1 QCV heat loss due to convection

QL heat input from the heat flux
QR heat loss due to radiation
A absorptivity r radial distance
Cp specific heat capacity t time
e Euler’s number T temperature
f function relating the state of a system at a T0 ambient temperature
later time with the current state in explicit y state of a system
methods e emissivity
g function relating the state of a system at a p pi
later time with the current state in implicit r density
methods rbed density of powder on the powder bed
h heat transfer coefficient rs density of solid material
I intensity s Stefan–Boltzmann constant
k thermal conductivity v radial distance where the intensity is
n vector normal to surface reduced from the intensity at the center of
P beam power the beam by a factor of e2
q_ rate of heat input
q_ s rate of heat input from the beam
QCD heat loss due to conduction

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