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Study about size and angle of inclination of dents on static buckling

strength of thin cylindrical shell under uniform axial compression

Prabu. B1, Bujjibabu.N2, Saravanan. S3, Venkatraman. A4

Asst. Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry-605014, India.
P.G student, Mechanical Engineering Dept, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvanamalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
B. Tech final year student, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, India.
Principal, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology, Pondciherry, India.

Generally thin cylindrical shells are susceptible for geometrical imperfections like non-
circularity, non-cylindricity, dents, swellings etc. All these geometrical imperfections decrease
the static buckling strength of thin cylindrical shells [1], but in this paper only dent is
considered for analysis. The dent is modeled on the FE surface of perfect cylindrical shell for
different angle of inclination and size at half the height of cylindrical shell. The cylindrical
shells with dent are analyzed using non-linear static buckling analysis. From the results it is
found that in case of shorter dents, size and angle of inclination dents do not have much effect
on static buckling strength of thin cylindrical shells, where as in the case of long dents, size
and angle of inclination of dents have significant effect. But both short and long dents reduce
the static buckling strength drastically.

Keywords: Thin cylindrical shell, Buckling strength, Geometrical imperfections, Dents.

Phone: +91-0413-2655285, Fax: +91-0413-2655101,
E-mail: bp_pec@yahoo.com.
equilibrium path of the corresponding perfect
structure. If the secondary path drops with
The thin cylindrical shell structures are prone to
negative slope, equilibrium of the structure is
a large number of imperfections, due to their
unstable and also buckling load of the imperfect
manufacturing difficulties. These imperfections
structure is reduced. For a thin cylindrical shell,
affect the load carrying capacity of these
the equilibrium paths of perfect and imperfect
structures. The imperfections present in thin
thin cylinders are shown in Figure 1. From
cylinders are classified as geometrical
Figure 1 it is clear that since the secondary
imperfections, material imperfections and other
equilibrium path has a negative slope, the
imperfections. The imperfections like
buckling strength of an imperfect thin
circularity, cylindricity, local indentations,
cylindrical shell is less than the perfect thin
dents, cracks, swellings, non-uniform
cylindrical shell. Dents are also a type of
thicknesses etc. fall under the category of
geometrical imperfection that can also reduce
geometrical imperfections and imperfections
the buckling strength of thin cylinders
like inhomogenity, vacancies, impurities etc.,
are classified as material imperfections. The

residual stresses, strains induced during Primary Path

Bifurcation point
Secondary Path
manufacturing etc., are grouped as other

imperfections. Out of all imperfections, the Perfect cylindrical shell

Imperfect cylindrical shell
geometrical imperfections are more dominant in Edge Displacement

Figure 1 – Load vs Edge displacement

determining the load carrying capacity of thin curve of perfect and imperfect thin cylinders
cylindrical shells. Reliable prediction of
buckling strengths of these structures is
Timoshenko and Gere [1] derived the
important because the buckling failure is
analytical solution for buckling strength of
catastrophic in nature.
perfect thin elastic cylindrical shells. Athiannan
Koiter has developed a general theory
et al., [2] determined the effect of distributed
of buckling of thin shell structures
geometrical imperfections on the buckling
incorporating geometrical imperfections.
strength of thin cylindrical shells, under axial
According to it, the influence of imperfections
loading and also under direct shear loading and
depends on the slope of the secondary
compared the experimental results with linear bifurcation mode, non-linear buckling

numerical results. One of the major conclusions mode, combination of several post buckling

derived was that in case of axial compression, deformed shapes of a perfect shell and a local

only the rms value of distributed geometrical imperfections like weld depressions. It was

imperfections is important rather than the concluded that local weld depression in the

maximum amplitude of imperfections. form of axisymmetric buckling mode shape is

Wullschleger et al., [3] in their work discussed dominant over other forms of imperfections.

about different methods to determine the static Minjie Cai et.al,[5] presented the effect of

and dynamic buckling strengths of cylindrical imperfections in axial loading due to frictional

shells and also about the practicality and traction on the walls of the thin cylindrical silos.

accuracy obtained by each method in detail. In the work published by Holst et.al,[6] the

Both the geometrical imperfections spread over effect of local depression due to rolling process

the entire surface of the thin CFRC cylindrical of steel plate and/or shrinkage of weld were

shell and the local imperfections called ‘single studied in detail and it was concluded that these

horizontal dent’ or ‘single buckle’ in local depressions have more detrimental effect

circumferential direction at half the cylinder on buckling strength of cylindrical shells.

height were considered for analysis. From the Khamlichi et al., [7] studied analytically, about

analysis, the results of linear buckling analysis the effect of localized axisymmetric initial

were validated by performing non-linear static imperfections on the critical load of thin elastic

analysis with intermediate eigen value cylindrical shell subjected to axial compression

extraction technique. Song et al., [4] in their and it was found that the reduction of critical

paper discussed about the imperfections load is found to reach a level up to two times

sensitivity of buckling strength of thin lower than that predicted by general distributed

cylindrical shells subjected to partial axial geometrical imperfections. In the work of

compression. The two segment loading was Guggenberger et al., [8] the effect of

applied at one end of the cylindrical shell in the longitudinal dent on the buckling strength of

form of two equal lengths uniformly loaded thin cylindrical shell subjected to external

zone diametrically opposite to each other. Four pressure was studied and the predicted buckling

imperfections forms were considered namely strengths from FE analysis were compared with
experimental results. In that work, the dent Eigen buckling analysis predicts the

geometry was assumed with sinusoidal radially theoretical buckling strength of an ideal linear

inward deformation along the longitudinal elastic structure. This analysis is used to predict

direction and exponential decay in transverse the bifurcation point using linearised model of

direction of dent. Prabu et al., [9] studied about elastic structure. It is a technique used to

the distributed geometrical imperfections in the determine buckling loads – Critical loads – at

form of first eigen mode and determined the which a structure becomes unstable and buckled

static buckling strength using non-linear FE mode shapes – the characteristic shape

analysis including material and geometrical associated with a structure’s buckled response.

non-linearities. Visweswaran et al., [10] studied The other name for this eigen buckling analysis

the effect of single longitudinal and is “Bifurcation Analysis”. The bifurcation

circumferential long dent on the buckling buckling refers to unbounded growth of new

strength of thin cylindrical shells under axial deformation pattern. This analysis involves

compression and it was concluded that calculating the points at which the primary load

circumferential dents are dominant than deflection path is bifurcated by a secondary

longitudinal dents on reducing the load carrying load deflection path as shown in Figure 3.1.

capacity of thin cylindrical shells. Hence in this

work, efforts are made to study about effect of

variation of size and angle of inclination of

dents on buckling strength of the cylindrical

shell by FE modeling of cylindrical shell with

single dent having different size and angle of

Figure 3.1 Bifurcation buckling
inclination at the half of the height of the
Load λ
cylindrical shell. Bifurcation point
Post Buckling path of
3. BUCKLING ANALYSIS: λc perfect structure
Types of buckling analysis are
Limit load of imperfect
1. Eigen (or linear) buckling analysis structure

2. Non-linear buckling analysis Lateral Deflection

3.1 Eigen Buckling Analysis:

Figure 3.2 F.E analysis of eigen and non-linear
imperfections, plastic behaviour etc., can be
ANSYS finite element software package is used
included in the model. In this analysis both
to determine the buckling strength of the perfect
geometrical and material nonlinearities are
cylindrical shell through eigen buckling
utilized, because the thin shell structures are
analysis and this phenomenon is explained in
subjected to large deformations and also at
Figure 3.2.
some of the imperfection location(s) on the
The basic form of the eigen buckling
structures the stresses may exceed elastic limit
analysis is given by
due to imperfections present in that location(s).
[K ]{φi } = λ i [S]{φi } L Eqn .3 .1
Here the material non-linearity is defined with
kinematic hardening rule. A full incremental
[k]= Structural stiffness matrix
non-linear static stress analysis is used taking
{φi} = Eigen vector
initial displacement (imperfections) matrix into
λi = Eigen value
account and applying load incrementally. In
[S] = Stress Stiffness matrix
order to find the maximum load carrying
In eigen buckling analysis, imperfections
capacity of the structure accurately, Snap
and nonlinearities cannot be included. Sub-
through approach of the non-linear analysis has
space iteration scheme can be used to extract
to be followed. In this snap through approach
the load factor or eigen value.
the zero slope or negative slope of the load-
3.2 Non-linear Buckling analysis:
deflection curve of the structures can be
This is a more accurate approach and
predicted, so that the maximum load or limit
since this FE analysis has capability of
load that a structure can take can be found
analyzing the actual structures with
imperfections. This approach is highly
While using Newton – Raphson iteration
recommended for design or evaluation of actual
scheme to solve system of equation in non-
structures. This technique employs a non-linear
linear analysis near to the critical load of
structural analysis with gradually increasing
structure, the tangential stiffness matrix may
loads to seek the load level at which the
become singular and thereby further load step is
structure become unstable and this phenomenon
not possible. In order to overcome this problem
is also explained in figure.3.2. Using this
Arc tangent iteration scheme is adopted. This
nonlinear technique, features such as initial
scheme causes the Newton- Raphson 4. 1. THIN CYLINDRICAL SHELL

equilibrium iteration scheme to converge along MODEL:

an arc, thereby preventing divergence, even The thin cylindrical model taken

when the slope of the load-deflection curve is for study [2] is:

zero or negative. In each load step more Radius (R) = 350mm

number of equilibrium iterations are to be Height(H) = 340mm

carried out to achieve convergence of solution. Thickness (t) = 1.25mm

At the end of each equilibrium iterations, the Poisson’s ratio(γ) = 0.305

out of balance load vector will be evaluated, Young’s modulus(E) = 1.93x105 Mpa

which the difference is between loads Yield stress (σy) = 205 Mpa

equivalent to induced element stresses and the

applied loads. Then this analysis performs a
The dimensions of the small dent taken for
linear solution using the out of balance loads
study is
and checks for convergence. If the convergence
Length (L) = 50mm
criteria are not satisfied, the out of balance load
Width (W) = 25mm
vector is re-calculated, stiffness matrix is
Depth (D) = 3 x THICKNESS
recalculated and updated, and a new solution is
The dent is modeled using similar
obtained. This iterative procedure continues
equation given in reference [8] such that along
until the solution converges.
the longitudinal direction, sinusoidal shape is
assumed and along the transverse direction of
An eight noded quadrilateral shell element,
the dent, exponential decay shape on both side
SHELL93 of ANSYS is used for modeling the
is assumed. In this work, shape of the dent
thin cylindrical shells with dents. This element
assumed is defined by the Eqn 4.1,
can handle membrane, bending and transverse
 −4y1 
shear effect, and also able to form curvilinear  
 w   πy 2 
δ = t × e  × cos   L Eqn . 4 . 1
 L 
surface satisfactorily. This element also has

plasticity, stress stiffening, large deflection and

large strain capabilities.
δ = radial inward displacement of dent
y1=distance from the center of the dent to point n – Strain hardening index = 6 [11]

on the dent along longitudinal axis of the dent 4.4. MESH CONVERGENCE STUDY:

y2=distance from the center of the dent to The reliable prediction of the buckling

point on the dent along transverse axis of the strength is important because it is a failure of

dent Simply supported boundary conditions are catastrophic nature. Hence, the analytical

assumed on both the edges of the cylindrical solution [1] of the perfect thin cylindrical shell

shell and equally distributed nodal point loads is compared with the FE eigen buckling

are applied from the top edge, and the bottom analysis result i.e., both buckling strength and

edge is restrained from moving along load eigen modes (shown in table 1 and figure 4.2)

direction. and thus the perfect cylindrical shell is ensured.

4. 3. MATERIAL MODELLING: From the mesh convergence study, the optimum

Multi linear kinematic hardening behaviour number of elements for the perfect cylindrical

is considered for modeling the material shell to predict the solution accurately is found

behaviour of stainless steel based on Ramberg to be 60 X 37 elements along circumferential

Osgood approximation Eqn. 4.2 and it is shown and longitudinal directions respectively.

in Figure 4.1. Table1: Comparison of analytical solution with

FEA result
Analytical FEA Result %
m N
Solution (KN) (KN) Error

1 9 1134.3 1143.8 0.842

Figure 4.1 Material behaviour of austenitic

stainless steel based on Ramberg- Osgood
equation [11].
Figure 4.2 First Eigen buckling mode shape
front and top view.
σ  σ 
ε = + 0 .002   L Eqn .4 .2 While modeling localized geometrical
E  σy 
 

imperfections such as dents the following three

points has to be considered carefully.
ε - Strain, σ - Stress,
1. Modeling the dent shape accurately

2. At the places where there is change of

curvature present in the shell structures

may cause local bending stress. Hence

it is essential to model the surrounding

region carefully [4, 5].

3. Size of the element in the dent region.

Figure 4.5 isometric view of cylindrical shell
As per reference [4] when the element with dent having inclination of 45°.

size is reduced to half the previous

In the finite element models including
element size the various in the buckling
dents, along the circumference of the cylindrical
strength should be less than 1%.
shell 60 elements are used both at the top and
In this work all the above three points are taken
the bottom edge of the cylindrical shell. In case
into account carefully.
of single dent model , in the dent quadrant of

the cylindrical shell, taking the center of the

dent as origin, three concentric circular surface

regions are created on the surface of the

cylindrical shell to model the single dent

accurately. The diameter of the concentric

circles used to create three concentric circular

(a) regions are 0.5L, 1.1L and 1.1L +2λb where, λb -

half bending wavelength given by [4,5]

λ b = 2.44 Rt LEqn.4.3

Figure 4.4 (a) and (b) show the

closeness of mesh used for analysis. In the inner

two circles, the element size is approximately

maintained as 2.5mm on the corresponding
Figure 4.4 (a) FE modeling of cylindrical shell
circle periphery to model the dent geometry
with dents (b) close-up view of dent portion
accurately. In the outer circle, the element size
is maintained as 3mm approximately on the reduction in buckling strength value is around

circle periphery. The ‘automesh’ generation 5.82% (with respect to lower buckling strength

scheme of ANSYS is used for generating the value). For a constant shape and size of dent as

FE mesh. In all other quadrants of the the angle of inclination increases, the buckling

cylindrical shell, 60 elements are taken along strength also increases with lowest buckling

the longitudinal direction of the cylindrical strength at 0° inclination of dent (i.e.,

shell. The isometric view of the cylindrical shell circumferential dent) and the highest buckling

with single dent having inclination of 45° strength at 90° inclination of dent (longitudinal

(angle of inclination means angle measured in dent). But appreciable increase in buckling

counter clockwise direction from right strength is noticed in between 30° and 75°

horizontal line passing through centre of dent to angles of inclination and from 0° to 30°,
the longitudinal axis of dent when the buckling strength values are almost constant
cylindrical shell is kept vertical ) is shown in In case of circumferential dent a buckle
the figure 4.5. pattern of an inward lobe due to dent in the
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: middle and two outward ridges around the dent
Table 2 and Figure 5.1 show the tip at half the height of cylindrical shells is
variation of buckling strength ratio (BSR= ratio noted. The top view of this buckle pattern of a
between buckling strength of cylindrical shell circumferential dent at its limit load condition is
with dent and perfect cylindrical shell) for shown in figure. 5.2, which is similar to buckle
different angular positions of longer-wider pattern obtained in reference [3] for CFRC
dents, keeping length=140t, width=70t and the cylindrical shell with circumferential dent at
depth of dent is varied from 1t to 3t. In all the half the height of the cylindrical shell. The
cases, except for longitudinal dent (i.e.,90° figure 5.3 shows the isometric view of similar
inclination) as the depth of dent increases buckle pattern observed for 45° inclination of
buckling strength decreases. Hence it dent. This buckle pattern of an inward lobe due
concluded that longitudinal dents are almost to dent at the middle and two outward ridges
insensitive for depth variation upto 3t. In case around the dent tips is also observed for the
of circumferential dent (i.e., 0o inclination of
dents having inclination upto 60° .
dent) as depth of dent increases from 1t to 3t
Table2: Variation of BSR with respect to depth lobe along the width of dent and two outward

and angle of inclination of dent for L=140t & ridges on both sides of dent are formed at half

W=70t. the height of cylindrical shell at the limit load

Angle Depth of dent condition. Similar buckling pattern is also

(degree) 1t 2t 3t
observed for dent with 75° inclination.
0 0.28028 0.2716 0.26486
15 0.28152 0.2719 0.26441
30 0.28697 0.27583 0.26765
45 0.2998 0.28603 0.27778
60 0.31806 0.30374 0.29656
75 0.33137 0.32257 0.32041
90 0.33623 0.33306 0.33255

0.24 Figure. 5.3 Buckle pattern of a 45°inclined dent
0.2 at its limit load condition
0 20 40 60 80 100
Angle of Dent

L140t,W70t,t L140t,W70t,2t L140t,W70t,3t

Figure. 5.1 Angle of inclination of dent Vs

Buckling strength ratio for depth variation of
lomg dent (L=140t, W=70t).

Figure. 5.4 Buckle pattern of a longitudinal

dent at its limit load condition.

Table3: Variation of BSR with respect to width

and angle of inclination of dent for L=140t &

Angle Width of dent

(degree) 20t 40t 70t
Figure. 5.2 Close up top view of the buckle 0 0.28410 0.27136 0.26486
15 0.28201 0.27078 0.26441
pattern of a circumferential dent at its limit load
30 0.28741 0.27624 0.26765
condition. 45 0.30832 0.29257 0.27778
60 0.33953 0.31869 0.29656
75 0.36248 0.34666 0.32041
The figure 5.4 shows isometric view of 90 0.36246 0.35951 0.33255

the buckle pattern of a 90° inclination of dent.

From the figure it can be seen that an inward

variation buckling strength is reduced by
0.34 2.45%. Here also it can be noted that for
BSR 0.28
constant size and shape of dent as angle of
0.24 inclination of dent increases buckling strength
0 20 40 60 80 100
also increases having maximum buckling
Angle of inclination of dent
strength for longitudinal dent and lowest
L140t,W20t,3t L140t,W40t,3t L140t,W70t,3t

buckling strength for circumferential dent.

Figure 5.5 Angle of inclination of dent Vs
Buckling strength ratio for different width of Here also between 0° to 30° inclinations of dent
long dents.(L=140t, D=3t).
almost constant value of buckling strength is

Table 3 and Figure 5.5 show effect of
Table4: Variation of BSR with respect to length
width variation of long dents on buckling
and angle of inclination of dent for W=20t &
strength ratio keeping length=140t, depth=3t D=3t.

and width is varied as 20t, 40t and 70t. From Angle Length of dent
(degree) 40t 90t 140t
the curves it clear that the effect of width 0 0.34537 0.29942 0.28410
15 0.34672 0.29959 0.28201
variation is considerable in all the cases of 30 0.35098 0.30508 0.28741
45 0.35919 0.32065 0.30832
inclination of dents except 90° inclination of
60 0.36247 0.3455 0.33953
75 0.36251 0.36249 0.36248
dents. In case of longitudinal dents from 20t to
90 0.36253 0.36245 0.36246
40t width variation of dent only 0.82% 0.38
reduction in buckling strength is noticed 0.32

whereas from 40t to 70t width variation 8.11% 0.26
reduction in buckling strength is noticed. Hence 0.20
0 20 40 60 80 100
Angle of inclination of dent
it can be concluded that longitudinal dents are 175L25W3t 112p5L25W3t 50L25W3t

ineffective for width variation up to certain Figure 5.6 Angle of inclination of dent Vs

limit of width of dent after which any further Buckling strength ratio for different length of
dent (W=20t, D=3t).
increase in width variation will have drastic

effect on buckling strength. But in case of

Table 4 and Figure 5.6 show the effect of length
circumferential dent for 20t to 40t width
variation of dents on buckling strength of
variation of dent, the buckling strength
cylindrical shell keeping width=20t and
decreases by 4.69% and for 40t and 70t width
depth=3t and the length of dent varied as 40t, 0.38
90t and 140t. In all cases of inclinations as the 0.32

length of dent increases, buckling strength 0.26
decreases. In case of circumferential dents 0.22
0 20 40 60 80 100
length effect is dominant between 20t and 90t, Angle of orientation of dent

L40t,W20t,1t "L40t,W20t,2t" "L40t,W20t,3t"

and the reduction in buckling strength is 15.3%

and between 90t and 140t, reduction in buckling Figure 5.7 Angle of inclination of dent Vs
Buckling strength ratio for different thickness
strength is 5.39%. In case of longitudinal
of short dents (L=40t, W=20t).
dents, dent-length variation effect on buckling

strength is insignificant. Here also, for constant Table 5 and Figure 5.7 show the effect of depth

shape and size of dent as the angle of variation for short dents for different angle of

inclination increases buckling strength also inclination of dent keeping length=40t

increases having the lowest value of buckling width=20t and depth of dent is varied as 1t, 2t

strength for circumferential dent and highest and 3t. Here also it can be noted that for

value of buckling strength for longitudinal dent. constant size and shape of the dent as the angle

of inclination increases buckling strength also

Here also between 0° to 30° almost constant
increases having lowest for circumferential dent
buckling strength value is noticed.
and highest value for longitudinal dents. But

Table5: Variation of BSR with respect to depth variation of buckling strength between 0° and
and angle of inclination of short dent for
90° angle of inclinations of dents (for 1t depth)
L=140t & W=70t.
the buckling strength variation is only 2.82%
Angle Thickness of dent
(degree) t 2t 3t because size of dent is very small. At all
0 0.35255 0.3455 0.34537
15 0.35425 0.34702 0.34672 angular position of short dent almost same
30 0.35917 0.35166 0.35098
45 0.36245 0.36002 0.35919 buckling strengths are noticed for 2t and 3t
60 0.36258 0.36246 0.36247
75 0.36254 0.36253 0.36251 depth variation of dent. In case of
90 0.36251 0.36263 0.36253
circumferential dent as the depth of dent

increases the buckling strength decreases but

with lower magnitude. Similar to longer-wider

dent here also longitudinal dents are insensitive

for depth variation. In general it can be 6. Conclusions:
concluded both variation of depth and angle of 1. In all the cases, thin cylindrical shells with

inclination of short dents have lesser effect on longitudinal dents have higher buckling

buckling strength compare to longer wider dent. strengths than cylindrical shells with

From figures 5.1, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 it can circumferential dents.

seen as the angle of inclination of dent increases 2. In all the cases effect of inclination of dent

from 0° to 90° the buckling strength of on buckling strength between 0° and 30° is

cylindrical shell also increases. The almost constant.

circumferential length of dent (It is the width of 3. But the effect of inclination on BSR is

dent measured along the circumferential drastic in between 30° and 75° inclination

direction of cylindrical shell at the half the of dent when the dents are formed at half

height of cylindrical shell) can be assigned as the height of cylindrical shell.

reason for this effect. As the angle of inclination 4. The ases of inclination between 0° and 60°

of dent increases the circumferential length of angle of inclination a buckle pattern of one

dent for same shape and size of dent the inward lobe due to dent at the middle and

circumferential length of dent decreases i.e., two outward ridges around the dent tip is

when the angle of inclination is zero noticed. But in case of 75° and 90° angle of

circumferential length of dent is equal to length inclination a different buckling pattern of

of the dent. When the angle of inclination is 90° one inward lobe along the width of dent and

circumferential length of dent is equal to width two outward ridges at half the height of

of the dent. Hence it can be concluded that cylindrical shells is noticed.

since the dent is formed at half the height of 5. The circumferential dents are sensitive for

cylindrical shell as the angle of inclination length, width and depth of dents. Similarly

increases, the circumferential length of dent other inclination of dent upto 60° angle of

decreases and hence the buckling strength of the inclination are also sensitive for length,
cylindrical shell increases i.e., buckling strength width and depth of dent, but 75° angle of
is inversely proportional to circumferential inclination of dent are insensitive for only
length of dent. length variation.
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