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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part O:

J Risk and Reliability
Analytical failure probability model Ó IMechE 2017
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for generic gravity dam classes sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav
DOI: 10.1177/1748006X17712663

Mohammad Amin Hariri-Ardebili

Risk analysis of concrete dams and quantification of the failure probability are important tasks in dam safety assessment.
The conditional probability of demand and capacity is usually estimated by numerical simulation and Monte Carlo tech-
nique. However, the estimated failure probability (or the reliability index) is dam-dependent which makes its application
limited to some case studies. This article proposes an analytical failure model for generic gravity dam classes which is
optimized based on large number of nonlinear finite element analyses. A hybrid parametric–probabilistic–statistical
approach is used to estimate the failure probability as a function of dam size, material distributional models and external
hydrological hazard. The proposed model can be used for preliminary design and evaluation of two-dimensional gravity
dam models.

Dams, fragility, risk, reliability, finite element, sigmoid function

Date received: 23 January 2017; accepted: 6 May 2017

Introduction variables are sampled from joint distributions, and the

failure probability is estimated by identifying the per-
Concrete dams have been used as a case study for many centage of samples falling into the failure domain. In
problems in structural mechanics and earthquake engi- order to obtain better accuracy and reduce the variance
neering; however, due to size, complex finite element of crude MCS, one may use the Latin hypercube sam-
model, and its interaction with foundation and water, pling (LHS).11 In this algorithm, random variable (RV)
the analyses are usually time consuming and determi- is divided into N subsets of equal probability and one
nistic. However, risk analysis of dams deals with several sample is drawn from each. LHS is capable of reducing
sources of uncertainties, for example, uncertainty in the the number of simulations (roughly) 1e2–1e4 times
material properties (usually referred to epistemic) and compare to the crude MCS (depending on the problem
randomness in the applied load and environmental type and dimension of the multi-variate distributions).
actions (usually referred to aleatory).1 Thus, random simulation-based methods (usually
Risk assessments of concrete gravity dam have been LHS) can be combined with finite element analyses to
performed for several decades.2 Some of the early appli- estimate the failure probability of a specific dam shape.
cations are purely based on qualitative assessment, Such an analysis is shown in Figure 1(a) in which 1000
engineering judgment, and expert opinions.3 Some oth- finite element simulations are performed on a gravity
ers use logical modeling techniques for risk quantifica- dam (assuming that the dam–foundation interface joint
tion such as event tree4,5 or fault tree6 methods. Some cohesion and friction angle are both RVs). Failure
rely on simplified methods such as limited equilibrium probability is computed as ratio of the failed
method (in which the dam is assumed to be a rigid body
and the sliding is only allowed along the critical sur-
faces).7,8 Finally, the more advanced version of risk Department of Civil Environmental and Architectural Engineering,
analysis of dams can be performed in the context of the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
linear and nonlinear finite element simulations.9
Nearly, all the methods in failure probability, Pf , Corresponding author:
Mohammad Amin Hariri-Ardebili, Department of Civil Environmental and
estimation of concrete dams use the simulation-based Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-
methods that use the Monte Carlo sampling (MCS) 0428, USA.
algorithm.10 In this approach, a large number of state Email: moha2643@colorado.edu
2 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 00(0)

finite element simulation). Section ‘‘Numerical model’’

presents fundamentals of the numerical failure analysis
of gravity dams as well as random sampling. Section
‘‘Results’’ discusses on the optimization aspects and
determination of the optimal model for 2D and three-
dimensional (3D) failure curves and surfaces. It is note-
worthy that to the best of the author knowledge, the
only application of such a growth sigmoid function is
reported by Jónás17 in reliability-based manufacturing
Figure 1. Estimation of failure probability with simulation- and service management.
based methods (a 5% confidence interval is used): (a) single dam
Last but not least, three main contributions of the
and (b) dam classes.
author in this article can be summarized as follows:

 A large number (more than 1 million) of nonlinear

simulations (e.g. sliding occurs at the dam base) to total finite element simulations are performed in the con-
number of simulations. As seen, after about 1000 simu- text of parametric and probabilistic analyses.
lations, Pf yields to a stable value; however, under  Results of the reliability analysis are presented for
small number of simulations (e.g. 200), Pf is not stable gravity dam classes.
yet.  Analytical failure probability curves and surfaces
Since gravity dams are usually treated as a two- are quantified for generic dam classes.
dimensional (2D) plane–strain structures,12 there are
some benchmark models been used internationally for
validation of the finite element programs.13 Therefore, Analytical model
it is important to provide an analytical model based on
the results of the numerical simulations for different By definition, a ‘‘sigmoid function’’ is a bounded differ-
gravity dam classes. Such a research was reported entiable real function that is defined for all real input val-
already in building industry with a different ues and has a positive derivative at each point.18 Different
approach.14 In this article, different classes of gravity sigmoid functions were proposed to be used in different
dams are distinguished by height of the dam on the fields of science and technology. These functions include
upstream side to the width of the dam base ratio various numbers of constant parameters (ranging from
(height-to-width ratio). An identical procedure as one to seven). Some of these functions have physical inter-
shown in Figure 1(a) is repeated for each single dam pretations, while some have only mathematical forms.
and the final failure probability (mean and confidence First, the most general model is presented. Since its
intervals) are plotted for each dam class, Figure 1(b). application in concrete dam engineering is practically
Clearly, an increase in height-to-width ratio (change in impossible, the simplified models are discussed and
dam class) increases the failure probability. contrasted.

Objective Generalized function

Estimation of the failure probability (in terms of the Generalized logistic function also known as Richard’s
structural reliability15 and fragility16) of gravity dams is curve is a sigmoid curve with high degree of flexibility19
already well-established. The objectives of this article
are as follows: c2  c1
SðxÞ ¼ c1 + ð1Þ
ðc3 + c4 ec5 ðxc6 Þ Þ1=c7
 Establish an analytical failure model which quanti-
fies a failure probability; where c1 and c2 are the lower and upper asymptotes,
 Build the analytical model using a parametric– respectively; c3 is typically one; c4 is related to initial
probabilistic approach, which allows estimation of value Sð0Þ; c5 is the growth rate; c6 is the starting point;
failure probability for different dam classes; and c7 . 0 affects near which asymptote maximum
 Calibrate the analytical model using the data from growth occurs.
the finite elements analyses; Figure 2 shows that some of the potential sigmoid
 Investigate the sensitivity and dependency of Pf curves can be generated by playing the seven para-
with dam size and five basic RVs. meters. Some of the groups does only have mathemati-
cal form (Figure 2(a) and (c)), while some others can be
Based on Figure 1(b), the failure probability of dam specifically used for set of cross-connected models.
classes follows a sigmoid-type growth curve. Thus, sec- Among them, the following is listed:
tion ‘‘Analytical model’’ reviews some of the suitable
analytical functions and proposes a new equation for 1. Figure 2(b) for the models with pre-existing failure
regression of the empirical data points (obtained from probabilities;
Hariri-Ardebili 3

2. Figure 2(d) for the models with (known) pre- be applied to a system with pre-existing initial (model
defined final failure probabilities; 1) and pre-defined final (model 2) failure probabilities).
3. Figure 2(f) for the models with non-uniformly Fitting this seven-parameter model to the empirical
increasing failure probabilities; data points obtained from numerical simulations is dif-
4. Figure 2(h) for the models with sudden increase in ficult but possible. However, finding the relationship
failure probability; between any two sigmoid curves and presenting a gen-
5. Figure 2(i) for the models with steady failure prob- eralized equation is practically impossible. Thus, the
ability at low intensities; following two- to four-parameter simplified models are
6. Figure 2(j) for the models with instant time-variant considered.
failure probability;
7. Figure 2(m) for the models with cumulative time-
variant failure probability; Simplified functions
8. Figure 2(q) for the models with delaying uniform
Logistic function is the simplified model of generalized
growth rate;
logistic function and is presented with three parameters
9. Figure 2(t) for the models with delaying non-
uniform growth rate. c1
SðxÞ ¼ ð2Þ
1 + e 2 ðxc3 Þ
Also note that the rest of sub-figures in Figure 2 can
be interpreted as combination of two (or more) of the where c1 is the amplitude, c2 is the steepness of the
nine above-mentioned base models (e.g. Figure 2(e) can curve, and c3 is the x-value of the sigmoid’s midpoint.

Figure 2. Sample parametric sigmoid plots based on generalized logistic function: (a) c1 = var.; c2 = 0.1; c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (b)
c1 = var.; c2 = 10; c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (c) c1 = var.; c7 = 10; c2 = c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = 1.0, (d) c2 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = 1.0,
(e) c2 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c7 = 10; c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = 1.0, (f) c3 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c2 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (g) c3 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c4 = 0.1;
c2 = c5 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (h) c3 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c5 = 10; c2 = c4 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (i) c3 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c7 = 10; c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (j)
c4 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c2 = c3 = c5 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (k) c4 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c3 = 0.1; c2 = c5 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (l) c4 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c7 = 10;
c2 = c3 = c5 = c6 = 1.0, (m) c5 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c2 = c3 = c4 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (n) c5 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c3 = 0.1; c2 = c4 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (o) c5 = var.;
c1 = 0.0; c3 = 10; c2 = c4 = c6 = c7 = 1.0, (p) c5 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c7 = 10; c2 = c3 = c4 = c6 = 1.0, (q) c6 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c2 = c3 = c4 = c5 = c7 = 1.0,
(r) c6 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c2 = c3 = c4 = c5 = c7 = 1.0, (s) c7 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c2 = c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = 1.0, and (t) c7 = var.; c1 = 0.0; c4 = 10;
c2 = c3 = c5 = c6 = 1.0.
4 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 00(0)

In computer science, the value of the network growth is Numerical model

measured with similar function which is called ‘‘Netoid
In classical reliability analysis of gravity dams, the
probability of failure is computed against the hydrolo-
This function can be written in other form which is
gical hazard (i.e. increasing water level in the dam reser-
known as auto-catalytic function and usually is used in
voir).7 Thus, a similar approach is followed in this
biology as a ‘‘growth function’’
article. Note that other natural hazards such as earth-
c1 quake23 and material level hazards such as structural
SðxÞ ¼ ð3Þ aging24 might be considered as well (which are not the
1 + c2 ec3 x
objectives in this article).
Logistic distribution is a special case of logistic func- Finite element approach is used to simulate the fail-
tion and is presented in the cumulative distribution ure response of concrete dams. Different classes of
function (CDF) form gravity dams are modeled based on the upstream height
and base width (other dimensions are proportional).
1 Only the global (or predominant) failure mode (in term
SðxÞ ¼ xc1 ð4Þ
 of sliding along the base joint) is considered, and the
1+e c2

local failure modes (e.g. sliding along the lift joints and
where c1 and c2 . 0 are location and scale parameters, smeared cracking of mass concrete) are neglected.1,25
respectively. Such a distribution has a mean and med- Note that the cross-correlation of all failure modes is
ian equal to c1 and variance of ðc22 p2 Þ=3. not the objective of this article.26
Gompertz function is also a special case of the gener- Since only the sliding is accounted for the predomi-
alized logistic function in which the right-hand asymp- nant failure mode, the tangential contact between the
tote of the function is approached much more concrete and rock is modeled by Coulomb friction
gradually than the left-hand asymptote (note that in law.27 This model couples the maximum allowable
the logistic function both asymptotes are approached shear stress at the dam–foundation interface and the
symmetrically)21 applied pressure perpendicular to the surfaces. The
c3 x
interface joint can carry shear stresses up to the ulti-
SðxÞ ¼ c1 ec2 e ð5Þ mate value before failure (which depends on friction
angle, cohesion, normal stresses, and effective base
where c1 is the asymptote, c2 ; c3 . 0 set the displace- length). Figure 3(a) shows the dam and interface joint
ment along the x-axis and the growth rate along y-axis, at different stages of sliding until failure. It is note-
respectively. worthy that only static analyses are performed in this
Hariri function was originally proposed to model article; however, the loads are applied in the incre-
capacity function of concrete dams yet can be used for mental mode to prevent (or minimize) the structural
estimation of failure probability.1 Originally, it includes instability.
six parameters; however, only four (except c5 and c6 ) Magnitude and distribution of the uplift pressure are
are enough to be used in regression analysis of failure computed based on the drainage location, pre-defined
probability base crack length, and elevation of the reservoir water
in upstream face (headwater). Figure 3(b) shows all the
1  ec1 x + c2 applied loads on the dam as well as the dimensions of
SðxÞ ¼ c6 + c5 ð6Þ
1 + ec 3 x + c 4 the dam. The model parameters and material properties
where ci (i = 1, 2, . 6) are the model constants are summarized in Table 1. Only a limited number of
obtained from nonlinear least-squares regression. parameters are assumed to be RVs (i.e. those highly
Morgan–Mercer–Flodin (MMF) function presents a affect the demand and capacity).
four-parameter model originally proposed for nutri- The step-by-step strategy to perform the combined
tional responses of higher organism22 parametric–probabilistic simulations can be summar-
ized as follows:
c1  c2
SðxÞ ¼ c1  ð7Þ
1 + ðc3 xÞc4  A total of 11 (50:5:100 divisions on B1 ) 3 21
(50:5:150 divisions on H1 ) = 231 different generic
where c1 and c2 are upper and lower asymptotes, gravity dam models are constructed which covers a
respectively; c3 is growth rate; and c4 is a parameter wide range of possible dam classes (Figure 3(b)).
that controls the inflection point and can be explicitly  Five parameters are taken to be the most effective/
computed as sensitive RVs in calculation of the failure probabil-
 1=c4 ity: Lcr , Hw , crc , frc , and effD (Table 1). The
c4  1 importance of these parameters is verified based on
xinflection ¼ ð8Þ
c4 + 1 first-order reliability method (FORM) and simplified
Hariri-Ardebili 5

Figure 3. Finite element analysis of gravity dam: (a) crack propagation at the base joint from sound condition (left) to ultimate
failure (right) and (b) loads and dimension on pilot dam (left), uplift pressure distribution (middle), and matrix of different dam
classes (right).

Table 1. Model and material parameters for probabilistic finite element simulations.

Parameter Symbol Unit Distributional model Quantity

Width at the base B1 m Parametric 50:5:100

Width at the crest B2 m 0:083B1 4:0.4:8
Height of the dam H1 m Parametric 50:5:150
Height of the neck H2 m 0:063H1 3:0.3:9
Location of drainage Ld m 0:153B1 7.5:0.75:15
Base crack ratio Lcr m Uniform B1 3ða1 ; a1 + 0:1Þ a1 ¼ 0 : 0:1 : 0:5
Height of the water Hw m Lognormal ðlogða2 H1 Þ; logð1:3ÞÞ a2 ¼ 0:6 : 0:1 : 1:1
Height of the silt layer Hs m Normal ð0:1H1 ; 0:06H1 Þ (5:0.5:15, 3:0.3:9)
Concrete mass density rc kg/m3 Deterministic 2400
Water mass density rw kg/m3 Deterministic 1000
Silt mass density rs kg/m3 Deterministic 1850
Base joint cohesion crc MPa Lognormal ðlogða3 Þ; logð1:3ÞÞ a3 ¼ 0:1 : 0:2 : 0:9
Base joint friction angle frc deg. Normal ða4 ; 0:2a4 Þ a4 ¼ 10 : 10 : 50
Drain efficiency eff D – Uniform ða5 ; a5 + 0:1Þ a5 ¼ 0 : 0:2 : 0:8
Silt internal friction angle fs deg. Normal (30, 7.5)

For the lognormal distribution in the form of logNðm; sÞ, the mean and standard deviations are em + s =2
and ðes2 1 Þe2m + s2 , respectively.

analytical limit state functions. See ‘‘Fundamentals distributional model (dam class-independent), for
of FORM’’ in Appendix 1 for more explanation. example, silt internal friction angle (Table 1)
 These five parameters are varying in both para-  Impact of those five major RVs is studied
metric and probabilistic manners. It means that the independent of each other. For example, when a1
possible range of these parameters is divided into in Table 1 takes six different values, the quantities
some finite sub-spaces and then, samples are drawn of a2–a5 are assumed to be at ‘‘reference value.’’
randomly from each of these specific sub-spaces. The same analogy is applied to other four major
 All other parameters (beside those five most effec- RVs.
tive RVs) are either deterministic, for example, con-  The ‘‘reference value’’ for those five major RVs are
crete mass density, or randomly selected from fixed a1 ¼ 0, a2 ¼ 0:9, a3 ¼ 0:5, a4 ¼ 30, and a5 ¼ 0:8.
6 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 00(0)

Figure 4. Parametric computed failure probabilities for different dam classes based on finite element simulations; in each plot, the
provided range is the bottom-to-top order of the surfaces: (a) Lcr (0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5), (b) Hw (0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1), (c) crc
(0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1), (d) frc (50, 40, 30, 20, 10), and (e) effD (0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0).

 Thus, in general, there are 6 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 5 ¼ 27 Probabilistic finite element analyses

ðNRV1 + NRV2 + NRV3 + NRV4 + NRV5 Þ parametric This section presents the finite element–based failure
models. probability of generic dam classes. Results are presented
 Each of these 27 parametric models is combined
for each of the five base RVs separately (Figure 4).
with one of the 231 dam classes, resulting in 6237
Thus, this article does not account directly for the cross-
correlation effects among the base RVs. However, the
 For each of these 6237 groups, 1000 samples are
parameters are selected in a way that one failure surface
drawn based on LHS technique and consequently
is repeated in all five models and generates a foundation
6,237,000 nonlinear finite element simulations are
for validation of future optimizations.
performed. CPU times ranged from 6 to 14 s each
Variation of each ‘‘mean failure surfaces’’ in Figure 4
analysis, with a mean of 10 s. Thus, the complete
is, in fact, function of dam height, dam width, and the
set of analyses required about 6 months computa-
targeted base RV with its own properties (i.e. mean,
tions on four Dell and HP workstations (Core i7
standard deviation, and distributional model)
CPU, 8–20 GB RAM).
 Probability of failure is computed in each group as Pmean
f ¼ GðH1 ; B1 ; PDFðRV; m; sÞÞ ð9Þ
ratio of the failed simulations to 1000 (total number
of simulations in each group). where PDF presents probability density function of
 Finally, results are presented for each of those five RV, with parameters of the distribution m and s. For
major RVs as ‘‘multiple 3D surfaces,’’ where the each of five base RVs, the adopted distributions and
vertical axis represents Pf , and two horizontal ones the range of applied values for the parameters of distri-
are dam height and width (dam class). butions are tabulated in Table 1.
Based on Figure 4, increasing the crack length ratio
and the reservoir water elevation increases the mean
Results failure probability for all dam classes. Coherency, fric-
This section presents results of the numerical simulations tion angle, and drain efficiency have inverse effect.
and the analytical models for failure probability. First, However, based on this figure, variation of different
results of finite element simulations are presented. Second, failure surfaces is considerable by variation of Hw and
the simplified analytical models are compared and con- frc , while it is minor by variation of Lcr and effD . Note
trasted in terms of goodness-of-fit (GOF) and residual that the data used to generate these multiple 3D failure
errors. Finally, the optimized analytical failure surfaces surfaces are also shown in Figure 9 as a function of
are presented for different generic gravity dam classes. dam height, dam width, and the targeted base RV one
Hariri-Ardebili 7

Table 2. Comparison between the sigmoid functions in terms of GOF and the optimized coefficients (large Pf scenario).

Metric Sigmoid functions

Logistic function Logistic distance Gompertz function Hariri function MMF function

R2 0.996 0.991 0.999 0.999 0.997

Adj. R2 0.996 0.990 0.999 0.998 0.996
SSE 0.0263 0.0624 0.0046 0.0171 0.0445
RMSE 0.0382 0.0573 0.0161 0.0318 0.0497
c1 0.897 108.4 0.981 20.022 0.895
c2 0.078 16.52 60.84 1.183 0.0
c3 102.3 – 0.043 20.088 0.01
c4 – – – 8.086 9.12

MMF: Morgan–Mercer–Flodin; SSE: sum of squares due to error; RMSE: root-mean-square error.

Figure 5. Estimation of failure probability with simulation-based method: (a) single function regression, (b) residuals for large Pf
scenario, and (c) Residuals for medium Pf scenario.

at a time. The box plots present the median of the fail- (c), respectively. Logistic distribution leads to largest
ure probability and outliers in each case.28 residual error ð;8%Þ, while Gompertz function gener-
These surfaces can be directly used to predict the fail- ates only ;3% error.
ure probability in the similar cases. However, the use of Residual plots can be helpful to assess the quality of
these multiple 3D plots is difficult in practice especially the regression. The scatter plot of the residuals is the
when the interpolation is needed. Thus, an attempt is ideal condition showing that there is no dependence
made to provide appropriate analytical models. between residuals and a value of the dam height (inde-
pendent parameter). This can be seen for ‘‘Hariri func-
tion’’ in Figure 5(b). Other simplified functions show a
Comparing the sigmoid functions dependency between the residuals and the order of the
First, accuracy of regression only for one single sigmoid function, for example, a harmonic trend in Logistic dis-
curve is investigated. For this purpose, two sets of data tribution. This dependency might be eliminated by
points are considered as follows: increasing the order of function (from two-parameter
logistic distribution to four-parameter Hariri function).
 Large Pf . This group presents data in which the sys- Furthermore, the histograms of the residuals corre-
tem reaches nearly full failure. spond to a symmetric bell-shaped distribution, which
 Medium Pf . This group presents data in which the indicates that the variance is normally distributed (not
system nearly reaches half the way to be failed. shown here).
Table 2 compares all five sigmoid functions in terms
In each case, all the five simplified sigmoid growth of coefficient of determination ðR2 Þ, adjusted R2 , the
functions are examined through the regression on the sum of squares due to error (SSE), and root-mean-
data points obtained from finite element simulations. square error (RMSE).29 Also, shown in this table are
Figure 5(a) shows the fitted curves for large and the coefficients ðci Þ for each sigmoid function. Since
medium Pf data points. Weighted nonlinear least- residuals are practically negligible for ‘‘medium Pf sce-
squares optimization technique is used in each case.29 nario’’ (Figure 5(c)), Table 2 presents GOF results only
Relatively higher weights are assigned to the data for ‘‘large Pf scenario.’’ As seen, Gompertz three-
points at the beginning of the set to reduce the possibil- parameter function provides the best estimation fol-
ity of negative Pf . The corresponding residuals for large lowed by Hariri and MMF four-parameter functions.
and medium Pf scenarios are shown in Figure 5(b) and The worst case belongs to two-parameter Logistic
8 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 00(0)

Figure 6. Trend seeking among the five simplified model coefficients obtained from full set optimization only for Lcr (Figure 4(a)):
(a) logistic function, (b) logistic distribution, (c) Gompertz function, (d) Hariri function, and (e) MMF function.

distribution. However, note that R2 is more than 0.99 Based on this figure, functions with less parameters
in all cases. (i.e. logistic function and logistic distribution) exhibit a
Thus, at the first glance, Gompertz function is the significant trend for multiple 3D failure surfaces. Hariri
target model which is appropriate for analytical repre- function has also a meaningful trend with high fluctua-
sentation of single failure curve. However, the failure tion. MMF function is practically turned into a three-
probabilities in Figure 4 contain multiple curves (which parameter model (since c2 is zero). Note that c2 in
forms a surface) and multiple surfaces. Therefore, it is MMF function corresponds to lower asymptote of the
important to find an appropriate trend among different sigmoid curve and thus its value is determined even
curves. Figure 6 presents the relationship between each before the optimization. However, the most important
of the coefficients only for base crack ratio, Lcr observation is that Gompertz function (so far the best
(Figure 4(a)). Since this 3D plot is discretized to multi- model for single 2D failure curve) does not show any
ple 2D curves, \ H1 ; Pf . , the coefficients are pre- significant trend. Thus, based on the overall results
sented as a function of dam width, \ B1 ; ci . . from Figures 5 and 6 and Table 2, it is decided to select
Hariri-Ardebili 9

Table 3. Detailed constants of equation (11) controlling the slope and intercept of the logistic function–based failure surfaces.

RV c1 c2 c3
Mi1 NI1 MI2 Ni2 bi2 Mi3 Ni3

Lcr =0:5 0.240 1.310 21.3e23 1.8e23 0.055 216.7 84.7

Hw =1:1 2.156 20.456 25.9e23 6.7e23 0.050 2103.4 169.4
crc =0:9 20.630 1.660 4.0e23 23.4e24 0.050 49.1 57.6
frc =50 21.120 1.980 2.7e23 6.0e25 0.060 54.5 52.1
eff D =0:8 20.192 1.502 8.8e24 8.0e24 0.060 10.8 74.0

Figure 7. Trend seeking among the model coefficients obtained from full set of optimization for five basic RVs using logistic
function: (a) Lcr, (b) Hw, (c) crc, (d) frc, and (e) effD.

the ‘‘logistic function’’ as the final model to be used for  c3 presents the midpoint of the 2D failure curves:
analytical equation. c3 has a linearly increasing trend bounded
8 between 100 (maximum of B1 ) and 150 (maxi-
mum of H1 ).
Analytical failure surfaces The slope of the idealized lines is approximately
So far, the logistic function has been selected as the best
8 + 70%.
model (both for single 2D curve and the multiple 3D The idealized lines have varying intercept.
surfaces). Thus, a set of nonlinear least-squares optimi-
8 The idealized lines are uniformly distributed.
zations are performed on data points in Figure 4, and
the resulted coefficients are shown in Figure 7 for five Hence, final form of the proposed analytical model
base RVs. The major observations are as follows: for the failure probability of generic gravity dam classes
can be written as
 c1 presents the amplitude of the 2D failure curves:
c1 has a linearly decreasing trend bounded ci1
8 between 0.0 and 1.0. Pif ¼ ð10Þ
ci2 ðH1 ci3 Þ
The slope of the idealized lines is approximately
8 21.25%. where the superscript i refers to one of the five base
The idealized lines have varying intercept. RVs and coefficients cij are defined as follows
8 The idealized lines are uniformly distributed.
8 8  
 c2 presents the steepness of the 2D failure curves: > i
¼ g + Ni
a1 3 B1 + Mi1 3 RV
> c1
<   1
c2 has a linearly increasing trend bounded
8 between 0.05 and 0.30. ci2 ¼ g + Ni 3 ðB1  25Þ + bi
Mi2 3 RV ð11Þ
> 2  2
The slope of the idealized lines is varying; how- : ci ¼ i g
a3 3 B1 + M3 3 RV + N3i
8 ever, they have identical intercept. 3
10 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 00(0)

Figure 8. Estimation of failure probability with simulation-based methods: (a) intercept of c1, (b) slope of c2, and (c) intercept of c3.

where a1 ¼ 0:0125, a3 ¼ + 0:7, bi2 is RV-dependent unknown parameters is discussed. Then, they are con-
g is normalized RV and refers to one
slope (Table 3), RV trasted in terms of accuracy and pattern. Finally, a
of the following items (with specific range of applica- model was optimized based on the LHS-based simula-
tion). Note that normalized RVs are used to combine tion results obtained from nonlinear finite element anal-
all five base RVs in a single equation. Each RV is sim- yses. Five most sensitive RVs are studied, that is, crack
ply normalized by dividing the pre-defined ranges in length ratio, headwater elevation, drain efficiency, base
Table 1 (a1 to a5 ) to its maximum absolute value joint coherency, and friction angle.
(therefore, the upper bound is always unit) The proposed model provides a good accuracy over
8 the wide range of gravity dam classes and can be used
> Lcr Lcr at preliminary stages of design or analysis to estimate
> ¼ ; ½0:00; 1:00
> L max 0:5 the failure probability of the system. Due to complexity
> Hw Hw
> of the analytical model, the proposed equation is in
> ¼ ; ½0:55; 1:00
> H 1:1
< wmaxcrc crc capable of providing the failure probability for five

RV ¼ ; ½0:10; 1:00 ð12Þ base RVs one at a time. For the complex combinations
> c rcmax 0:9
> of the input parameters, the use of surrogate models
> frc ¼ frc ;
> ½0:20; 1:00
> frcmax 50 (e.g. support vector machine) is recommended (which
> eff eff do not provide an analytical form).
: D
; ½0:00; 1:00
effDmax 0:8 Last but not least, the proposed simplified approach
can be used for preliminary design of different concrete
Other RVg dependent constants are summarized in gravity dam classes. It provides a reliable starting point
Table 3. Note that instead of using this table, the value for the managers and engineers. Such a model can be
of three parentheses in equation (11) can be directly eval- further combined with information from construction
uated from Figure 8. Dash line in this figure indicates the cost of new dams or repair cost of the existing damaged
cross-correlation between different models to ensure that dams for prioritizing of the national infra-structural
the identical Pf is obtained from different equations when projects. In addition, the project managers can estimate
the similar base quantities are used. the benefit-over-cost of different dam classes (account-
Equation (10) provides a good analytical model for ing for hydrological hazard) with this simplified model
failure probability of generic gravity dam classes. without referring the project to structural engineers for
Overall, the GOF is more than 95% for different RVs time-consuming simulations.
and relatively wide range of input distributional model
which is acceptable for engineering purposes. A simple Acknowledgements
MATLAB-based script is also developed which facili-
tates visualization and estimation of Pf for any desired The author would like to express his sincere apprecia-
dam class and input RVs. tion to his former advisor (and current mentor),
Professor Victor E Saouma at the University of
Colorado Boulder for his enthusiastic guidance and
Conclusion advice throughout this research. Last but not least, the
author would like to thank the reviewers for their help-
Reliability analysis of concrete dams is a crucial task in ful and constructive comments that greatly contributed
dam safety management. It is usually performed in the to improving the final version of the paper.
context of the probabilistic approaches accounting for
the epistemic and aleatory uncertainties.
This article proposed a sigmoid-type analytical fail- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
ure model for a wide range of concrete gravity dams. The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
First, different types of sigmoid growth functions are with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publi-
identified, and the mathematical model as well as the cation of this article.
Hariri-Ardebili 11

Funding 16. Hariri-Ardebili MA and Saouma VE. Seismic fragility

analysis of concrete dams: a state-of-the-art review. Eng
The author(s) received no financial support for the
Struct 2016; 128: 374–399.
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
17. Jónás T. Sigmoid functions in reliability based manage-
ment. Period Polytech Social Manage Sci 2007; 15(2): 67.
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12 Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability 00(0)

iterative search to find the ‘‘design point.’’ The general optimization problem can be solved using the algo-
solution to find the safety index was proposed by rithm introduced first by Rackwitz and Flessler31 where
Hasofer and Lind.30 The first step to define the Hasofer– the iterative linearized solution continues around the
Lind reliability index, bHL , is to normalize the RVs, X, current point until it converges with desired accuracy.
by transferring into a standard normal vector, U Detailed formulation of this procedure is beyond the
scope of this article; however, the reliability index in
Xi  mXi
Ui ¼ ð13Þ the optimal fashion can be formulated as32
s Xi
bHL ¼ g  U ð15Þ
where mXi and sXi are the mean and standard deviation
of the RV Xi , respectively. Note that in this new trans- where g 2i (independently for each of the ith RV) is a
ferred space mUi ¼ 0 and sUi ¼ 1, X  RM is a random metric to evaluate the local sensitivities.
vector of N basic variables X ¼ X1 ; X2 ; . . . ; XN . In the current example, the following RVs contrib-
Note that the limit state function GðXÞ in the origi- ute about 98% of the total dam response: Hw ¼ 56%,

nal space will take the form GðUÞ in the standard nor- crc ¼ 14%, Lcr ¼ 13%, frc ¼ 10%, effD ¼ 5%. Thus,
mal space. The Hasofer–Lind reliability index is defined these five RVs are selected as base ones.
as the shortest distance from the origin in the standard
normal space to the new transferred failure surface Detailed comparison of Pf

GðUÞ (this point is called design point, U )
  Detailed failure probability of the dam classes as a
U ¼ argmin kuk; GðuÞ40 ð14Þ function of dam height, dam width, and one of the five
base RVs is shown (Figure 9). In each case, statistics of
For the general nonlinear case, equation (14) may the data points are presented using box plots including
be reformulated as an optimization problem with the upper and lower quantiles and the outliers.
Lagrangian multiplier. This nonlinear constrained

Figure 9. Box plots showing dependency of failure probability on dam class and varying parameters (left to right: crack length,
water height, coherency, friction angle, and drain efficiency): (a) function of dam width, (b) function of dam height, and (c) function of
random variable.

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