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Solid State

Introduction:Matter exists in three states, solid, liquid (4) Molecular Solids:They are sub-divided as non-polar
IIld gas. solids, polar solids or hydrogen-bonded solids.
Solidsand liquids are condensed states and have higher They
tnsities.Gases and liquids have ability to flow hence called (i) are soft and can be easily compressed
Ouids. (ii) have low m.pts and low b.pts
Classification of Solids (ill) are bad_ductors of electricity
(1) Ionic Solids:They are: (iv) have low densities.
(i) fairly hard and brittle. Examples:Ar, CCI4, H2' 12' NH3, Ice, CO2, S02'
HCI, etc.
(ii) are soluble in polar solvents.
(ill) are good conductors of electricity in molten state
and in aqueous solutions.
Crystalline Solids
(iv) have high m.pt and b.pt, hence less volatile. They
(v) have high densities. (i) have an orderly arrangement of atoms, ions or
(vi) show isomorphism.
(ii) have sharp m.pts.
Examples:A1kali metal halides, ZnS, CaF2, NH4Cl,
NH4Bretc. (ill) are rigid in nature
(2) Covalent Solids:They may have three dimensional (iv) possess a definite symmetry
giant structure (SiC, AlN) or two dimensional layer (v) are anisotropic
structures(graphite, BN, CdI2). These layers are held (vi) are considered as true solids.
together by van der Waals forces.
They Amorphous Solids
(i) are very hard and brittle
(ii) are insulators
(i) do not have any regular arrangement of atoms, ions
(ill) have extremely high m.pts and b.pts. or molecules.
(3) Metallic Solids:In this case lattice points are metal (ii) do not possess any definite geometrical shape
cationssurrounded by a sea of mobile electrons. Their
(ill) do not have sharp m.pt. On heating they soften.
crystal lattices are fee, bee and hcp.
(iv) are not very rigid
(v) are isotropic
(i) are good conductors of electricity
(vi) do not have any symmetry
(ii) are malleable and ductile
(vii) resemble the supercooled liquids.
(ill) have shining lustre
Examples: Glass, rubber, plastics, etc.
(iv) have high tensile strength and elasticity.
(v) have high m.pts and b.pts (except alkali metals)
Examples:Na, Cu, Fe, Ag, Mg, etc.

Space lattice: The three dimensional arrangement of There are seven type of primitive unit cells.
particles in space is called space lattice or crystal lattice.
Types of Cubic Lattices
Unit Cell:The smallest geometrical portion of the crystal (i) Simple cubic lattice (SC)which has the points0
which represents the crystal in its shape, symmetry and other
at the corners of the cube.
structural aspects and which can be used as a repetitive unit
(ii) Face-centred cubic lattice (fee) which has
to build up the whole crystal is called unit cell.
~oints at the corners of the cube and at the centre
Primitive Unit Cell: Constituent particles are present .ach face.
only at the corners of the unit cell.
Examples:Metals Ag, Ca, Ni, Co, Cu, Pt, Au, Pb
Body-centred Unit Cell.One particle is present at the etc.
centre of the crystal, in addition to those at the corners. (iii) Body-centred cubic lattice (bcc)which hasthe
Face-centred Unit CelkOne-particle is present at the points at the corners of the cube and one at thecentre
centre of each face in addition to those at corners. of the cube.

End-centred Unit Cell:One particle is present at the

centres of any two opposite faces, in addition to those at the
Solid State -1.3-

aracteristicsof Cubic System of Crystals

Characteristics Simple cubic Face-centred Body-centred

lattice (Sc) cubic lattice (Fcc) cubic lattice (Bcc) ,

a 13a
Atomic Radius (r) (a = length of unit cell) a/2 2.[2 -
No,of atoms per unit cell (n) 1 4 2
Coordination number 6 12 8

Packing fraction 2: = 0.52 1t

3.[2 = 0,74 .J31t = 0.68
6 8
Volume occupied by atoms in unit cell 52% 74% 68%
(Packing efficiency)
Void (empty space) in the unit cell 48% 26% 32%

A 4A 2A
Density of unit cell 3
Na 3
Na Na3
[N = Avogadro No.] [A=At. Mass]



, Pb,

Himalaya NEETnSEET Chemistry - XII -1.4 -

Packing in Solids (b) the triangular voids of the second

are exactly above those of firstlayer.
(A) Close packing in one dimension: There is only
gives rise to octahedral voids.
one way of this packing. Coordination No. = 2
Note: Number of closed packed spheres = N
(B) Close packing in two dimensions:
Number of octahedral voids produced=
(i) Square close packing: Spheres of 2nd row are
Number of tetrahedral voids produced=
exactly above those of 1st layer. AAA--- type
arrangement. Coordination No.= 4 (b) Placing the 3rd layer over the 2nd layer
(ii) Hexagonal close packing: Spheres of 2nd row This may take place as follow.
fit in the depression of 1st. ABABA ----- type (1) Covering tetrahedral voids: Thep
arrangement. This is more efficient packing than is ABABA----. This gives rise to hexa
(i) above.Volumeoccupied = 60.4%. Coordination closed packed (hcp) structure.
No. = 6. The voids are triangular in shape. (2) Covering octahedral voids: the pa
(C) Close packing in three dimensions: ABCABCA------. The structure formed
(a) Placing 2nd layer over the l" cubic closed packed (ccp) or face-cent
cubic (fee),
(1) From two dimensional square closed
packed layers. (3) Body-centered close packing (bee):H
the sphere of the 1st layer slightlyopen
In this case spheres of upper layer are exactly
and the sphere of 2nd layer is placedon
above those of lower layer. AAA---- type
voids of 1st layer. The sphere of the 3rd lay
pattern. Here lattice obtained is simple cubic.
are exactly above those of 1st layer.
(2) From two dimension hexagonal closed
Note: Most of the metals of s-block and d-blockha
backed layers:
anyone of hcp, ccp (fee) or bee structures.
(a) The spheres of the second layer rest in
the depressions of the first layer, giving Coordination Numbers are
tetrahedral voids All triangular voids hcp ~ 12, ccp (fee) ~ 12, bee ~ 8.
of first layer are not covered.

yer perfections in Solids (C) Non-stoichimetric Defects

is In this case, the ratio of positive and negative ions differs
StoichiometricDefects from that in the chemical formula of the compound. In these
are of following types. compounds the deficit of positive and negative charges are
II VacancyDefect: In this case some particles are made up by having either extra electrons or extra positive
rmssingfrom the lattice sites leaving behind those .charges, giving rise to
latticesites vacant (1) Metal excess defect (Anion vacancies defect):
) Interstitial Defect: Here some constituent particles This arises due to the absence of a negative ion (anion) from
occupyinterstitial site the lattice site and as such the metal ion is in excess. The hole
.Note:The above two defects can be shown by non obtained at this lattice site is occupied by an electron. These
- ionicsolids. holes are called F -centres or color centres, which are
) Schottky Defect: This is a vacancy defect when responsible for the colour of the compound.
somepositive ions and equal number of negative ions Compounds containing F -centres are paramagnetic
aremissing from their respective positions leaving in nature.
behind pairs of holes. The number of defects
appreciablydecreases the density of the compound. These defects are found in crystals which are likely to
ere 4) FrenkelDefect: In this case the smaller ion (usually
possess Schottky defects.
up cation)is dislocated from its normal site to an (2) Metal excess defect (Due to interstitial cations):
e interstitial site. This defect is common in ionic In this case an extra cation is present at an interstitial site.
er compoundswhich have low coordination number Electrical neutrality is maintained by the presence of an extra
andin which there is a large difference in sizes of electron at other interstitial site. These defects are exhibited
ve cationand anion, example, ZnS, Agel, AgBr, AgI etc. by the crystals which are likely to exhibit Frenkel defects.
Note:The stoichiometric defects
(3) Metal deficiency defect (Cation vacancies defect):
(1) makethe crystals good conductors of electricity. This defect arises due to the absence of cation at the lattice
(2) lowers the density in schottky defect site. The deficiency in the charge is balanced by an adjacent
(3) increasesthe dielectric constant in Frenkel defect ion having higher positive charge.
This defect is generally shown by the compounds of
transition metals.
Inthiscasea foreign atom or ion, .as impurity, occupies
site.However if such atom or ion occupies the voids Non-stoichiometric defects impart
crystal,thedefect is called interstitial impurity defect. (i) Colourto the crystals and

Additionof group-If element (As or P) to group-14 (ii) Semiconductor nature to the crystals. Metal-
IS (Sior Ge) leaves behind an extra valence electron excess compounds are n-type semiconductors
n-typesemiconductor. while metal-deficient compounds are p-type
addition of group-13 element (i.e., Ga), makes
electron-deficient,called positive hole, giving p-type


• Increasein temperature makes electron occupy a higher energy level creating an irregularity in the arrangement
ofelectrons,leading to electronic imperfections.
• Atomicde,fectJs due. missing or misplaced atoms or ions.
• Impuritydefect is due to the-presence of a foreign atom or ion, as impurity at the lattice site.
• n-type semtconductoris obtained by adding group-If elements like p. As etc. as an impurity, to Si or Ge. In this
casean excess electron is responsible for conduction.
• p-type semiconductor-- Impurity of group- 1'3elements like Ga in Si or Ge. It results in an electron deficient site
calledpositive hole. This makes the electrons mobile.
Himalaya NEETRSEET Chemistry - XU -1.6 -

-Schottky Defect:
(l) A pair of cation and anion-is missing, leaving behind a pair of holes
,(2) Common in ionic compounds with high C.N. '
(3) Sizes of cation and anion almost equal. Examp!es:NaCl, KCI, CsCl, KBr, etc.
(4) No. of defectsincr~~s~~ witp increase in temp.
".J?)Decr~ases densityofc' ,',' .11lpOUd, "


Common in ionicco.mi> ..
Large difference ursizes'of~atio~'andaruort'~xap1ple: ZnS,.AgCI, AgBr,AgI, etc.
Increases the dielectric, 'constant of the crystal.
• Interstitial Defect: Ions are present in the normally vacant interstitial sites.
- Metal Excess Defect (DUeto anlon vacancy):
(1) Metal ion is in excess due to the absence of an anion from its lattice site.
(2) The hole obtained is occupied by an electron andcalled F-centre
• Metal Excess Defect due to Interstitial Cations
( 1) Extra cation is present at an interstitial site
(2) Presence of an electron at other interstitial site to maintain electrical neutrality
r. ..".; . ""-',"_ - .-1., - .;"

• Metal Deficiency Qettc* (Calidn vftcande~)!

(1) Absence of cation at tbelattice"idte.
(2) Adjacent 'site is occupi~~' byth:'cation of higher charge;

Electrical Properties of Solids (A) Paramagnetic Solids (Paramagnetism):

weakly attracted by the magnetic field,They
Metallic conductor conducts electricity through one or more unpaired electrons.
movement of electrons while electrolytes conduct it through
Examples: Ti02, V02,CuO, O2, FeS04, etc.
movement of ions.
Their spin magnetic moment (Jlspin) is given
Metals conduct electricity in solid as well as in molten
state. Jlspin = )n(n + 2) B.M; where, n = no.of

In a conductor i.e., a metal the valence band and electrons present.

conduction band are very close in energy. In an insulator this (B) Ferromagnetic Solids (Ferromagnetism):
energy gap is large. In a semiconductor the energy gap is strongly attracted by magnetic field. They
intermediate between the above two. relatively more number of unpaired electro
retain their magnetic properties even in the
The conductivity of a>semiconductor can be increased
of magnetic field.
by adding group-IS elements like P or As giving n-type
semiconductor or by adding group-I3 elements like Ga giving Examples:Fe, Co, Ni, Gd, Cr02.
p-type semiconductor. On heating to a particular temperature ( Curie
they change to paramagnetic solids,
Magnetic Properties of Solids (C) Antiferromagnetic Solids (Antiferromagn
They have domain structure similar to ferro
Every electron, being a charged particle, is associated
substances but the domains are oppositeand
with definite magnetic moment due to (i) its orbital motion
out each other's magnetic moments, givin
and (ii) its spin motion
magnetic moment equal to zero,
On the basis of magnetic properties, solids are classified Examples:MnO, Mnz03 Mn°2
Solid State -1.7-

Fe 'magnetic Solids ( .er ima etism): They (E) Diamagnetic Solids (Diamagnetism): They have
havemagnetic moments of the domains oriented in all electrons paired and contain no unpaired electrcns.
andantiparallel directions in unequal numbers. They are weakly repelled by the magnetic field ..
Theyhave net magnetic moment. They are weakly
attractedby magnetic field.
Examples: Non-metals (except ° and S), elements
of group-2, noble gases, Zn, Cd, Hg, salts of alkali
Examples: Magnetite (Fe304), Zinc ferrite metals and alkaline earth metals (in oxidation state of
(ZnFep4),Magnesium ferrite (MgFep4)' +2), benzene etc.

I Electricalconductivity of metals is due to the motion of electrons' or positive holes.

I n-typeconduction is due to motion of electrons.
I p-typeconduction is through positive holes.
I Theconductance in insulators and semiconductors increases with increase in temp.
ramagnetic Solid
(l) They are weakly attracted by magneti~ field.
(2) They possess permanent magnetic dipoles.
(3) They contain one or more unpaired electrons
(4) On application of magnetic field the dipoles orient themselves parallel to the field
I pm Magnetic Moment

Jlspin ~ ~n(n + 2) : n = No. of unpaired electrons present.

I r."ero~gnetic SolidS
(1) They are strongly attracted by magnetic field.
(2) They possess permanent magnetic dipoles.
(3) They contain more number of unpaired electrons than RaJ:'amagneticsubstances.
Exacmples: Fe, Co, Ni, Cr03.
, etc.
(4) They retain their magnetic properties even in the absence of magnetic field.
(5) On heating, they change to paramagnetic solids, at a temperature called Curie Point.
(6) Curie Point has a characteristic value for a given ferromagnetic substance.
ntiferromagnetic sor' has complimentary alignment of dipoles and nett magnetic moment is zero.
I errimagnetic solid- Orientation of magnetic dipoles in parallel and antiparallel directions in unequal number.

Somenett magnetic moment exits.

iamagnetic solids
(1) They are weakly repelled by magnetic field
(2) They have all electrons paired.
Himalaya NEETIISEET Chemistry - XII -1.8 -


(a) hcp (b)

Solid State (c) bee (d)

1. Which one of the following is not the property of an ionic

solid? Imperfections in Solids
(a) They are soluble in polar solvents
(b) They are good conductors of electricity in molten state 12. n-type semiconductor is the result of the p
impurity of the element, belonging to which
(c) They have low melting and low boiling points
the periodic table?
(d) They are highly brittle in nature.
(a) 14 (b) 15
2. Malleability and ductility are the properties of. (c) 13 (d) 16
(a) ionic solids (b) covalent solids
13. Which one of the following elements, when
(c) metallic solids (d) both (a) and (b). silicon, will produce a p-type semiconductor?
3. The three dimensional arrangement of points in space in (a) Ga (b) Ge
a crystal is called (c) As (d) S
(a) unit cell (b) crystal lattice
14. Schottky defect is produced due to the missing,
(c) lattice sites (d) none of these. position in the crystal, of
4. The coordination number of a lattice site in a FCC crystal (a) a positive ion (b) a negative ion
is (c) both these (d) none of these
(a) 12 (b) 8
15. Schottky defect is possible in
(c) 6 (d) none of these.
(a) KBr (b) CsCI
5. The void in case of a simple cubic lattice is (c) both these (d) none of these
(a) 26% (b) 32%
16. Frenkel defect results when an ion leavesits
(c) 48% (d) 40%. lattice site and occupies
6. Among different cubic lattices the void is minimum in (a) another lattice site (b) an interstitialsite
case of (c) anyone of these (d) none of these
(a) SC (b) FCC
17. The compounds, in which the ratio of positiveand
(c) BCC (d) unpredictable ions differs from that expected by its chemicalI
are said to possess
Packing in Solids (a) Non-stoichiometric defect
(b) Frenkel defect
7. The packing fraction in face-centered Cubic Lattice is (c) Schottky defect
(a) 0.68 (b) 0.74 (d) None of these
(c) 0.52 (d) None of these
8. The void in body-centered Cubic Lattice is Magnetic Properties of Solids
(a) 32% (b) 26%
(c) 48% (d)' 52% 18. The substances which are weakly attracted b
magnetic field are called
9. In case of a tetrahedral void,
(a) diamagnetic (b) paramagnetic
R, = Radius of void and ~ = radius sphere, then Rl1Rz is (c) ferromagnetic (d) anti-ferromagnetic
equal to
19. The substances which are strongly attracted b
(a) 0.173 (b) 0.414
magnetic field are called
(c) 0.372 (d) 0.225
(a) diamagnetic (b) paramagnetic
10. In case of an octahedral void the ratio, of radius of sphere (c) ferromagnetic (d) anti-ferromagnetic
to radius of void, is
20. The paramagnetic substances possess
(a) 1/0.225 (b) 0.414
(a) permanent magnetic dipole
(c) 1/0.414 (d) None of this
(b) one or more unpaired electrons
11. The close packing arrangement possessed by most of the (c) both these (d) none of these
s-block and d-block elements is

Solid State -1.9-

spinmagneticmoment of an ion containing 3 unpaired (a) N/2 (b) 2N

is equal to (c) N (d) 4N

(b) J17BM 32. The coordination number of an octahedral void is

(a) 2 (b) 4
(d) .Ji5 BM (c) 6 (d) 8
oneamong the following ions will have maximum 33. Which one of the following crystals is very soft in nature?
(a) metallic ? (b) ionic
(a) Fe2t (b) Fe3+
(c) covalent (d) molecular
(e) Zn2t (d) Cu2+
34. Silicon becomes a semiconductor due to
The correctrelation between spin magnetic moment (j.I.)
(a) Frenkel defect (b) Schottky defect
IDd numberof unpaired electrons (n) is
(c) Presence of impurity (d) All these
(b) n=-- 35. In a body-centered cubic lattice an ion X occupies the
n+2 centre of the cube and ions Y occupy the corners of the
cube. The formula of the compound is
(d) j.I.= ..}n+2 (a) XY (b) XzY
(c) XY2 (d) XYg
of the following is/are paramagnetic in nature? 36. The missing of one cation and one anion from their
(a) CUC~ (b) CuCI appropriate position in a crystal results in
(e) 02 (d) both (a) and (c) (a) Frenkel defect (b) Schottky defect
of the following islare ferromagnetic in nature? (c) interstitial defect (d) none of these
(a) Fe (b) Co 37. Which one of the following statements is false?
(e) Ni (d) All these (a) The number of atoms per unit cell of FCC crystal is 4
Which one of the following happens at Curie Point? (b) The coordination number in BCC lattice is 12
(a) Paramagneticsolids change to diamagnetic solids (c) The void in SC crystal is 48%
~) Diamagneticsolids change to paramagnetic solids (d) For NaCl crystal the volume of one unit cell is equal to
(e) Ferromagneticsolids change to paramagnetic solids
(d) Ferromagneticsolids change to diamagnetic solids 38. Which of the following statement(s) is true?
(a) In BCC lattice the actual volume occupied by the atoms
Whichof the following is/are true for diamagnetic in 68%
(b) KCl ha s a SC lattice
(a) Theyare repelled by the magnetic field
(c) Both these
~) Theycontain no unpaired electrons
(d) None of these
(e) Boththese
(d) Noneof these. 39. The defect, which causes decrease in the density of a
crystal is
(a) Frenkel defect (b) Interstitial defect
Miscellaneous Questions (c) Schottky defect (d) None of these
Thenumberof atoms present per uDit cell of FCC crystal 40. The close-packlng sequence ABAB--- represents
is/are (a) SC packing (b) FCC packing
(b) 1 (c) Hexagonal packing (d) BCC packing
(d) 4
41. The close-packing of the type ABCABCA--
Inaclosedpacked arrangements of N spheres the number represents
or tetrahedralvoids is (a) BCC packing (b) FCC packing
(a) ~/2 (b) 2N (c) Hexagonal packing (d) none of these
(e) N (d) 4N
42. If the distance between Na" and Cl=ions in sodium chloride
Thecoordination number of a tetrahedral void is crystal is "d", the length of edge of the unit cell is
(b) 4
(a) d/Ji (b) d/2
(d) 8
(c) 2d (d) d/4
Inaclosedpacked arrangements of N spheres the number
or octahedralvoids is

Himalaya NEETRSEET Chemistry - XII _110 -

43. The packing of spheres is most economical in (c) Anion vacancies only
(a) FCC (b) BCC (d) Equal number of cation and anionv
(c) SC (d) cannot be predicated 55. Which one of tne
44. In an alloy of metals A, Band C, A forms a FCC lattice, B antifer oma etism?
occupies the centre of each edge and C is present at the (a) Fep4 (b) Ti02
center of the lattice, the formula of the alloy is (c) ZnO (d) Mn203
(a) A3BF (b) A3B4C2
56. Which of the following
(c) A2B2C4 (d) A4B3C ferrimagnetism?
45. In a FCC arrangement of X and Y atoms, X atoms occupy (a) m11'
all corners except one which is vacant and Y atoms occupy (c) m.u
centres of all faces. The simplest formula of the compound
is 57. In a CUbIClattice the atom at the co .
shared by the unit cells whose number is
(a) ~Y3 (b) 'X,Y3
(a) 4 (b) 8
(c) XY3 (d) X7 Y 24
(c) 6 (d) 2
46. A FCC crystal has density equal to I )l04 kg m-3 and the
unit cell edge equal to 200 pm. The number of atoms 58. The nun ber of Na" ions which surround
present in 109 of the crystal is I
the NaCI crystal lattice is
(a) 5 x 10 24 (b) 4 x 1025
(a) 8 (b) 6
(c) 12 (d) 4
(c) 5 X 1023 (d) 8 x 1023

47. In a closed packed lattice containing ''N'' particles the .59. Which of the following is/are amorphi u. 0

number of tetrahedral and octahedral voids present are (a) Glass (b) Rubber
respectively (c) Plastic (d) All these
(a)N,N (b) 2N,N . 60. H"a" is the edge ofthe unit cell of FCC lath.
(c) 2N,2N (d) N,2N radius is
48. The structure of NaCI crystal is a
(a) BCC (b) SC (a) 2../2 (b) a/2 .
(c) FCC (d) HCP
. 49. Which one of the following is a good conductor of heat (c) J3~
(d) a/4
and electricity?
(a) Ionic crystal (b) Metallic crystal 61. Which one of the following is true for an am
(c) Covalent crystal (d) Both (a) and (b) solid?
(a) It has sharp melting point
50. The temperature at which ferromagnetic solids change
(b) It has orderly arrangement of molecules
to paramagnetic solids is called
(c) It can be cut into a smooth face by a knife
(a) Boyle's temperature (b) Critical temperature
(d) It does not have any characteristic geometri
(c) Curie point (d) Inversion temperature
51. The number of atoms present per unit cell of a simple 62. The unit cell i h crystallographic dimens
cubic lattice, on an I\verage, is and a =~= =
1 90° is
(a) Monoclinic (b) Tetragonal
(a) 1 (b) 4
(c) Rhombohedral (d) Cubic
(c) 2 (d) 3
63. The unit cell of NaCI contains
52. Which of the following is/are covalent solids(s)?
(a) 6 Na+ ions (b) 8Cl- ions
(a) Diamond (b) Fe203
(c) 4 NaCI molecules (d) One NaCl molecule
(c) Graphite (d) All these
53. Which one of the following arrangements of electrons 64. Among the following, maximum ferromagnetl
observed in
leads to ferromagnetism?
(a) Fe (b) Ni
(a) (b) rrrrr (c) Co (d) Ti
(c) HH (d) None of these 65. The conductivity of Si and Ge can be increasedby
54. Ionic solids with Schottky defect contain in their structure (a) As (b) B
(a) Interstitial anion and anion vacancies (c) Both these (d) None of these
(b) Cation vacancies only
Solid State -1.11-

ananionvacancy defect if an electron occupies the 75. A solid (A+B-) has a crystal structure like NaCI. If the
Icancies ncancy,
the defect is known as length of the edge is 600 pm and the radius of the anion is
I) Stoichiometricdefect (b) F-centres 125 pm, the radius of the cation is
c)Frenkeldefect (d) Schottky defect. (a) 475pm (b) 350pm
compound AB crystallizes as a cubic lattice in which 475
ththeatomshave coordination number equal to 8. The (c) 175pm (d) -pm
76. Sodium metal has a BCC lattice. If the edge length is
(b) FCC
(d) CCP 10 10
.J3 xHf m, the radius of sodium atom is
In which
oneof the following ionic compounds the distance
betweenthe centres of the cation and anion is maximum?
(a) fj X 1O-lOm (b) 2.25 X 1O-lOm
(b) LiBr
(d) CsI fj .
(c) -x 1O-lOm (d) 2.5x lO-lOm
typeofcrystal defect indicated in the figure is 4

NatCl- Na+ CI- Na+ CI- 77. The number of unit cells in a cubic crystal of NaCl
o Na+ Cl-Na+ CI-O
weighing 0.585g, is nearly [Atomic masses; Na 23 and =
NatCl- Na+O Na+ CI-
CI 35.5] ~
(a) 1.5 x 1021 (b) 6 x 1021 '.
Cl-Na+ Cl-Na+ CI-O
(c) 1 X 1023 (d) 6 x 1023
(a) Schottkydefect (b) Frenkel defect
78. The type of structure assumed by the crystal of an ion is u'
(e) Interstitialdefect (d) Stoichometric defect determined by . "

Whichoneof the following pertains to metallic crystalline (a) relative numbers of each kind of the ion
solids? (b) relative sizes of each kind of the ion
(a) Theyhave high melting points and high boiling points (c) both these
~) Theyhave high tensile strength (d) none of these
(e) Theyare soft in nature
79. In rock salt structure, the number ofNa+ions surrounding
(d) Both(a) and (b) each Cl ion is
A substanceAmBnhas a FCC lattice in which A occupies (a) 12 (b) 6
!hecentreof each face and B occupies each comer of the (c) 4 (d) 8
cube.Then "m" and "n" are respectively
80. The volume of one unit cell of NaCI is equal to the volume
(b) 3,1 of one molecule of NaCI multiplied by
(d) 4, I
(a) 4 (b) 2
Whichone of the following statements is False (c) 6 (d) 12
(a) Fora given volume of a sphere the octahedral void in
81. A monoatomic substance forms bee lattice. The number
largerthan the tetrahedral void of atoms in its unit cell is
;b (b) The density of the crystal decreases in case of
(a) 4 (b) 6
Schottky defect
(c) 2 (d) 12
(e) Thecoordination number of each atom/ion in SC lattice
is 8 82. The total number of atoms required to form the fcc lattice
(d) Thevoid in BCC is larger than that in FCC is
(a) 8 (b) 14
Ina cubic close packing of spheres, the COI)~l!i!!:J.tirn.
e numberof each sphere is (c) 9 (d) 12
(b) 12 83. The atom at the corner of a cubic unit cell has a
(d) 4 contribution, to each unit cell, which is equivalent to

Thevolumeoccupied by atoms in FCC unit cell is (Given, 1

Atomicradius r)= (a) 1/8 atom (b) - atom
4 3 1
(a)-1tr (c) 1/12 atom (d) "6 atom.

E 3 20 3
(e) -"tr (d) -1tr
3 3
... "". ~.. -,~'~~" ~

Himalaya NEETIISEET Chemistry - XII -1.12 -

84. The contribution of an atom, at the edge of a cubic cell, to 94. An element, with atomic mass equal t
one unit cell, is equivalent to structure and the unit cell edge equalto
density of the element is nearly
1 1
(a) 8 atom (b) 4 atom (a) 7g cm-3 (b) 2g cm'
(c) O.2g cm-3 (d) 6g em?
1 95. The mass of 1.5 x 1022
unit cells of Nael 'tIouid
(c) atom (d) 1 atom
2 At masses, Na = 23 ; Cl 35.5] =
(a) 0.585g (b) 58.5g
85. If the distance between the centres of adjacent Na" and
Cl" ions in NaCI is a, then the length of the edge of unit (c) 5.85g (d) 29.25g
cell is 96. A bcc crystal contains 1 x 1024 atoms. Then
(a) a (b) a/2 cell presents are
(c) 2a (d) 4a (a) 5 x 1023 (b) 1 x 1024
86. The unit cell dimensions are a :F- b :F- c and a :F- ~ :F- y:F- (c) 2 X 10 24 (d) 1 x 1023
90° then the crystal lattice is 97. Which one of the following statements i! "are
(a) tetragonal (b) triclinic (a) Schottky defect increases the densityof111
(c) orthorhombic (d) hexagonal (b) The stoichiometric defect increases the
87. The lattice points of the crystal of a covalent compounds conductivity of the crystal
are occupied by (c) Frenkel defect is common in ionic co
(a) ions (b) atoms large difference in the sizes of cationand
(c) molecules (d) any of these (d) Both (b) and (c)

88. The 8:8 type of packing is present in 98. Schottky defect is observed in
(a) NaCI (b) MgF2 (a) NaCI (b) ZnS
(c) KCl (d) CsCI (c) AgCI (d) both (a) and(c)

89. The mass of a unit cell of CsCI is equal to the sum of 99. Frenkel defect is found in
masses of (a) CsCI (b) KBr
(a) 1Cs+and 1 cr- (b) 2Cs+ and 2CI- (c) AgBr (d) none of these
(c) 4Cs+ and 4CI- (d) 8Cs+ and 8Cl- 100. IfGe metal is doped with the metal Indium,lie
90. The ionic solids (a) n-type semiconductor
(a) are good conductors in solid state (b) p-type semiconductor
(b) are soluble in polar solvents (c) insulator
(c) do not contain ions (d) none of these.
(d) have high vapour pressures 101. Which one of the following statements is
91. Which one of the following statements is false? (a) The anion vacancy, in a crystal, occupied
(a) Coordination number cf fee lattice is 12 electron is called F-centre
(b) Length of edge of one unit cell of NaCl = 2d(100) (b) If there are 3 unpaired electrons, !lspin = Jl5
(c) In SC lattice the void is 48%
(c) When the magnetic dipoles are orientedin
(d) The number of tetrahedral voids are equal to number
antiparallel directions in equal numbersthe
of spheres present.
caued ferrirnagnetic
92. The number of unit cells in 58.5 x 10-3 kg NaCI is nearly (d) None of these
equal to
102. The ratio of number of atoms to the numberofte
(a) 6 x 1023 (b) 1.5 x 1023
holes in cubic close packed crystal is
(c) 1.5 X 10- 23 (d) 3 x 1023
(a) 1:1 (b) 2:1
93. A given mass of an element with bee structure has (c) 2:3 (d) 1:2
1.8 x 1020 unit cells. The number of atoms present in it
would be 103. An element with BCC arrangement has theedge
of the unit cell as 600 pm. The atomic radiusis
(a) 1.8 x 1020 (b) 9 x 1019
(c) 3.6 X 10 20 (d) 7.2 x 1020 (a) J3 x 150 pm (b) 150pm

(c) 300pm (d) 300/ fi ~m

"...-----~-~.,.o(- .r

SoiidState -1.13-

Assuming the length of edge of an unit cell to be same, 115. The number of CsCI molecule(s) per unit cell is/are
theratio of atomic radius in SC lattice to that in FCC
(a) 4 (b) I
(e) 2 (d) 6

(b) J2 116. How much is the contribution, to one unit cell, of an atom
present at the edge of a cubic unit cell?
(d) 112 (a) 1/4 (h) 112
(c) 1/8 (d) 1/6
Theedgelength of FCC unit cell is 600 pm. If the radius
ofthecation is 180 pm, the radius of anion would be 117. The distance between Na" ion and Cl" ion in NaCI crystal
is "a", then the length of unit cell edge is
(b) 420pm
(d) 360pm (a) al2 (b) 2a
Asolidwith cubic lattice contains, atoms A at the corners (c) 4a (d) a
ofthecube, atoms B at the centre of the cube and atoms C 118. The type of structure assumed by an ionic compound is
atthecenters of edges. The empirical formula of the solid determined by
is (a) Relative sizes of each kind of ion
(a) ABC (h) ABC, (b) Relative numbers of each kind of ion
Ie)A2BC (d) A2BC, (e) Both (a) and (b)

Amongthe following, the highest melting point is shown (d) None of these
bythesolid which is 119. In a closed packed lattice no. of octahedral voids and no. of
(b) molecular tetrahedral voids are in the ratio of
(d) unpredictable (a) 2:1 (b) 1:1
· In a BeC lattice of an ionic compound the interionic (e) 2:3 (d) 1:2
distanceis [Given, Edge length a] = 120. In a fcc lattice, atoms A are at the corners of the cube and
) (a) a/2 (b) a/4 atoms B at the centre of faces. U' one atom of A is missing
from the corner, the simplest formula of the compound
,fja .J3a would be
(e) 4 (d) 2
(a) A7B~ (b) ARB?
· A binary compound of A and B has fcc lattice in which (c) A7B24 (d) AB l
eget atomsA occupy the corners of the cube and atoms B occupy
121. In a solid, B- ions are arranged as shown in the figure. If
thecentres of faces. The formula of the compound is
A+ ions occupy half of the tetrahedral voids, the formula
W AB (b) A3B of the solid is
(e) AB3 (d) ABf>
8. Thenumber of CI- ions surrounding each Na" ion in NaCI
(a) 3 (b) 6
(e) 8 (d) 4 122. The cubic unit cell of a compound contains A ions at the
corners and B ions at the centers of faces. The formula of
· Thenumber of NaCl molecules in one unit cell of NaCI is
the compound would be
(b) 2
(a) AB (b) AB2
(d) I
(c) A2B (d) AB,
· Thenumber of Cl" ions surrounding each Cs" ion in CsCI
123. The coordination number of a metal crystallizing in a
crystal is
hexagonal closed-packed structure is [IIT-1999]
(a) 4 (b) 6
(a) 12 (b) 4
(e) 2 (d) 8
(c) 8 (d) 6
3. Thetype of crystal lattice of CsCI is
124. In a solid "AB" having the NaCl structure, "A" atoms
(a) bee (b) fee occupy the corners of the cubic unit cell. If all the face
(e) se (d) hcp centred atoms along one of the axes are removed, then the
resultant stoichiometry of the solid is [IIT-20Ot]
14. In a crystal of CsCI, Cs" ion occupies the
(a) AB2 (b) A2B
(a) centre of each face
(c) A4B3 (d) A3B4
(b) centre of each edge
(e) comers of the cube 125. Schottky defect defines inperfection in the lattice
structure of a [AIMS-2002]
(d) body centre of cube
".-------. ,.;

Himalaya NEETRSEET Chemistry - XlI -1.14 -

(a) solid (b) gas (c) octahedral voids

(c) liquid (d) plasma (d) half of octahedral voids
126. Graphite is a soft solid lubricant extremely difficult to 135. Which of the following statements is
melt. The reason for this anomalous behaviour is that amorphous solids? [CET·
graphite [AIEEE-20031 (a) They are anisotropic
(a) is a non-crystalline substance (b) They are rigid and incompressible
(b) is an allotropic form of diamond (c) They melt over a wide range of Ie
(c) has molecules of variable molecular masses like (d) There is no orderly arrangementof
136. Schottky defect in solids is due to [PMT.
(d) has carbon atoms arranged in large plates of rings of
strongly bound C-atoms with weak interplate bonds. (a) occupation of interstitial site by a pair
(b) occupation of interstitial site by a catiOll
127. When molten zinc is cooled to solid state it assumes hcp
(c) occupation of interstitial site by ananill:
structure. Then the number of nearest neighbours of zinc
atom wiDbe (CBSE-PMT-20011 (d) a pair of cation and anion vacancies,
(a) 4 (b) 12 137. The empty space is maximum in the unitceB
(c) 6 (d) 8 I
(a) FCC (b) SC
128. What type of crystal defect is indicated in the adjoining
diagram? (AIEEE-2004] (c) HCP (d) BCC
(a) Frenkel and Schottky 138. A compound is formed by elements A
Na+Cl- Na+CI- NatCl-
defects crystallizes in the cubic structure whena
cr 0 CrNa+ o Na+ (b) Schottky defect the corners of the cube and atoms B are at !be
Na+Cr o CI- Na+Cr the body. The simplest formula of the compo
Cl-Na+ CrNa+ o Na+ (c) Interstitial defect [C.E.E..
(d) Frenkel defect
(a) AB (b) AB2
129. 10 the crystals of which of the following ionic compounds (c) A2B (d) AB4
would you expect maximum distance between the centres
ofthe cations and anions? (CBSE-PMT-19971 139. The coordination number of a metal crys
(a) [jf (b) CsF hexagonal close packed (hcp) structure is
(c) Csl (d) Lil
(a) 6 (b) 12
130. The intermetallic compound LiAg crystallizes in cubic (c) 8 (d) 4
lattice in which both lithium and silver have coordination
number of 8. The crystal class is rCBSE-PMT-19971 140. The crystal system of a compound with unit celldi
(a) bee (b) sc = = =
a 0.387, b 0.387, c 0.504 nm and a = P =
'Y = 1200, is [A
(c) fee (d) none of these
(a) cubic (b) rhombohedral
131. The coordination number of a metal crystallizing in (c) hexagonal (d) orthorhombic
hexagonal closed packed structure is fIIT-19991
(a) 4 (b) 12 141. When electrons are trapped into the crystalinan
vacancy, the defect is known as [BHU
(c) 8 (d) 6
(a) Schottky defect
132. 10 which of the following crystals alternate tetrahedral (b) Frenkel defect
voids are occupied? flIT-200S1
(c) Stoichiometrik defect
(a) NaCI (b) CaF2
(d) F-centres
(c) ZnS (d) Na20
142. If Z is the number of atoms in the unit cell that rep
133. 10 a solid lattice, the cation has left a lattice site and located the closest packing sequence ABCABC .... , then
at interstitial position, the lattice defect is of tetrahedral voids in the unit cell is equal to
[CBSE-19911 [AIIMS·
(a) interstitial defect (b) vacancy defect (a) Z (b) 2Z
(c) Frenkel defect (d) Schottky defect (c) ZI2 (d) 7)4
134. The Ca2+ and F- are located in CaI<'2crystal, respectively 143. 10 fec unit cell, edge length is
at face-centred cubic lattice points and in rAIIMS-20061
4r 4r
(a) tetrahedral voids
(a) J3 (b) J2
(b) half of tetrahedral voids
Solid State -1.15-

(e) 2r (d) fir (a) a: fi a : fi. a (b)

ct about
144. Anionic compound has a unit cell consisting of "A" ions a
(e) -: ,,3t: a: a
~ ..,f; d . .Ji a
at the corners of a cube and ''8'' ions at the centres of . 2 ,,2 (d) 2' 2 . 2
facesof the cube. The empirical formula of the compound
wouldbe fAIEEE-2005] 153. The percentage free space in a body centred cubic unit
(a) AB (b) A2B cell is [AIPMT-2008]
(e) AB3 (d) A3B (a) 28% (b) 30%
(e) 32% (d) 34%
re-2006) 145. An element (with atomic mass = 250) crystallizes in a
nd anion simplecube. If the density of the unit cell is 7.2g em:", 154. The number of atoms in Hep unit cells is [IlT-JEE-2008]
whatis the atomic radius of the element? (a) 6 (b) 4
[JEE-Orissa-2006] (d) 12
(e) 17
(a) 1.93x 1~em (b) 1.93 x 10-8 N
155. The volume of Hep unit cell is [IlT-JEE-2008)
(e) 1.93x 1O-8m (d) 1.93 x 1O-8em
ich is (a) 24fi. r3 (b) 16fi. r3
E-19991 46. Totalvolume of atoms present in a fcc unit cell of a metal
is (r is atomic radius) [AIEEE-2006] 64r3
(e) 12fi.r3 (d)
(a) -7tr
3J3 -,I
3 3
B. This 156. The empty space in Hep unit cell is [IIT-JEE-2008]
A are at 12 3 16 3 (a) 74% (b) 47.6%
(e) -7tr (d) -7tr
centre of 3 3 ."
(e) 26% (d) 32%
47. In a compound, atoms of element Y form ccp lattice and 1
157. Some statements regarding defects in solids are given I

2 below.
"3 rd of tetrahedral ~
thoseof element X occupy voids. The
(A) Frenkel defect is usually favoured by a very small .~
difference in sizes of cation and anion "'
formulaof the compound will be [AIEEE-2008]
(a) X4Y3 (b) X2Y3 (8) Frenkel defect is a dislocation defect.
(e) XzY (d) X3Y4 (e) Trapping of'an electron in the lattice leads to formation
of F -center.
48. Copper crystallizes in fee with a unit cell length of
(D) Schottky defects have no effect on the physical
361pm. What is the radius of copper atom?
properties of solids
Among these the correct statement(s) [IlT-JEE-2009]
(a) 108pm (b) 127 pm
(a) A, B and C (b) Band C
(e) 157pm (d) 181 pm
(e) Only B (d) B and D
49. Percentagesof free space in cubic close packed structure
158. A compound MpXq has cubic close packing (ccp)
andin body centred packed structure are respectively
[AIEEE-20101 arrangement of X. Its unit cell structure is shown in the
adjoining figure. The empirical formula of the compound
(a) 48% and 26% (b) 30% and 26%
is [IlT-JEE-2012J
(e) 26% and 32% (d) 32% and 48%
(a) MX
SO. Ina fcc lattice, atom A occupies the corner positions and (b) M2X
atomB occupies the face centre positions. If one atom of (e) MSX14
B is missing from one of the face centred points, the
(d) MX2
formulaof the compound is [AIEEE-2011, 2012]
(a) AlB (b) ABl (c) A2B3 (d) A2Bs 159. AB crystallizes in a body centred cubic lattice with edge
length "a" equal to 387 pm. The distance between two
51. Lithiumforms bcc structure. The length of the side of its oppositely charged ions in the lattice is [AIPMT-2010]
unitcell is 351 pm, Atomic radius of lithium will be (a) 250pm (b) 200pm
(e) 300pm (d) 335pm
(a) 75pm (b) 152 pm
(e) 240pm (d) 300pm 160. The number of octahedral voids per atom present in a
cubic close-packed structure is [AIPMT-2012]
52. Ifastands for the edge length of the cubic systems: simple (a) I (b) 3
cubic,body centred cubic and face centred cubic, then the
(e) 4 (d) 2
ratio of radii of the spheres in these systems will be
respectively [AIPMT-2008]
Himalaya NEETIlSEET Chemistry - XII -1.16 -

161. A metal crystallizes with a face-centred cubic lattice. The (a) 408 pm (b) l44pm
edge of the unit cell is 408 pm. The diameter of the metal (c) 288 pm (d) 204pm
atom is [AIPMT-2012]




:. The formula is XY.

21. Ilspin = In(n + 2) = J3(3 + 2) = J15 BM.
42. Along the edge of the unit cell, a cation is in t
22. The configurations are, Fe2~ ~ 2, 8, 3s23p63d6 two anions which occupy the corners of the cube
Fe3~ ~ 2, 8, 3s23po3d5, Zn2~ ~ 2, 8, 3s23p6 3d 10, :. Edge length = 2r Na+ + 2r CI = 2(r Na- + rClJ
2 Y
Cu2~ ~ 2, 8. 3s 3p6 3d Fe3~ has 5 unpaired electrons in
3d, which is maximum, hence it has maximum value of Ilsptn'
23. Refer Q21 :. Edge length = 2d
24. (a) CuI; -4 one unpaired electron hence paramagnetic 44. Refer Q.35
(b) Cu ' ~ contains no unpaired electrons hence Also note that the atomlion present at the edge
diamagnetic cube has the contribution of '/.I to each unit cell.
(c) 02 ~ it is paramagnetic. Now the average number of atoms per unit cell
35. The ion X, at the centre of the cubes fully belongs to one obtained as follows:
unit cell. No. of atom of A:

The ion Y at the corners of the cube has
share to one (a) at the corners = '8 x 8 = I
unit cell. Now there are 8 such corners to the cube hence
I (b) at the centres of faces = 2 x 6 = 3
their ful! contribution III each urut cell is '8 x 8 = I
Solid State -1.17-

I 0.585
No.of atom of H: at the centres of edges = 4 x 12 = 3 77. No. of moles of NaCI = -- = 0.0 I

No.of atom of C: at the centre of lattice = I Hence No. of molecules of NaCI present in 0.585 g of it is
0.01 x6x 1023=6 x 1021 .
:. The formula is A4H3C
Now 4 molecules arc present in one unit cell
45. ReferQ. 35
.'. 6 x .1021 molecules must be present in
Counting per unit cell can be done as follows
I 7 6x 10
No. of atom of X: at the comers = 8x 7 = 8 --- = 1.5 x 1021 unit cells

80. One unit cell of NaCl contains 4 molecules
No. of atom of Y: at the centres of faces = "2 x 6 = 3 89. CsCl crystal is bee lattice and one unit cell contains one
Cst and one CI·
Hence the ratio = Atoms of X: Atoms of Y
92. xefer Q. 77
7 58.5 X 10-3 kg = I mole of NaCl = 6 x 1023 molecules
8 .
Each unit cell contains 4 molecules of NaCi
Hence the formula is X7 Y 24
6x 1023
46. A FCC crystal contains 4 atoms per unit cell :.No. of unit cell = = 1.5 X 1023
Now volume unit cell = (200 x 10-(2)3 m3
.• Mass of one unit cell = v x d 93. The number of atoms in one unit cell of bee lattice is 2
= (200 x 10-12)3 x I x 104 kg. .', No. of atoms present =2 x 1.8 X 1020 = 3.6 x 1020

Now, this mass of the unit cell contains 4 atoms hence 94. Edge length = 500 pm =5x IIr'I em
10x 10-3 kg (i.e., 109) will contain ... Volume of unit cell = (5 x 11r'I)3 ern" I'

Now bee lattice contains 2 molecules

4xlOxlO-3 23
----:-::--::-----,- = 5 x 10 atoms 23
(200xlO-12)3 x I X 104
.'. No. of unit cells in mole of element = 6 x 10 =3 X 1023
60. The diagonal of the face = fi a = 4 r
.', Total volume of one mole = (5 x 10-8)3 x 3 X 1023 em!
fia a
.. r= -4- = 2J2
71. The contribution of the atoms A and B to each unit cell are
95. Refer Q.77
Atoms A ---4 - x 6= 3 96. Refer Q.93
103. For bee lattice
th Atoms B -7 -x8=1
8 r = J3~= J3 x600 = J3 x150 pm
4 4
:. m = 3 and n = I
104. The atomic radii are
74. ECC unit cell contains 4 atoms
:. Volume occupied by atoms a a
For SC ---4 r= "2 and for FCC -7 r= 2J2
= Volume of each atom x Number of Atoms

=-nr3x4 = 16
I" .'. The ratio
rsc =!:x 2fi = ~2
e 3 3 rrec 2 a

75. Edge length = 2r A. + 2rs-
105. Refer Q.75
600 = 2r A. + 2(125) 106. The contribution of the atoms to each unit cell are
.', rA• = 175pm
76. For a BCC lattice Atoms A -7 -x8 =I
Atoms B -7 I
r= fja = fj x~ xlO-1om
4 4 fj I
Atoms C -7 - x I2 = 3
= 2.5 x IO-Iom 4
:. Empirical formula is ABC,
Himalaya NEETIISEET Chemistry - XII -1.18 -

109. The contribution of the atoms to each unit cell are

145. Density of the unit cell = Na3
Atoms A -7 -xS = I
S where, n = No. of atoms present in oneUIII
I (For SC lattice n =1)
Atoms B -7 -x6=3
2 A = Atomic mass, N = Avogadro's
:. Formula is AB3 a = adge of unit cell
120. Contribution of atoms to each unit cell are
vnA lx250
:. a = 3 - =3 23 = 3.86xIO-8cm.
I 7 dN 7.2x6.023xlO
Atoms A -7 - x 7 = - lAs only 7 comers of the cube are
occupied] 8
and r=~= 3.S6xlO- =1.93xlO-8cm.
I 2 2
Atoms B -7-x6=3
4 3
:. Formula ~/8B3 OR ~B24 146. Volume of each atom = -7tr
121. In a closed packed structure, the number of tetrahedral.
voids are double the number of atoms i.e., double the no. As one unit cell of fee unit cell contains 4 atoms
of B- ions. But A" ions occupy half of these voids. Hence 4 3 16 3
the no. of A + ions must be equal to no. of B- ions. Hence volume = 4x-7tr =-7tr
3 3
the formula of the solid must be AB
147. In ccp unit cell the no. of Y-atoms = 4
122. The ions A, being at the comers, their total contribution to
Total no. of tetrahedral voids = S
the unit cell = -xS=1
S 2 16
NO. of X atoms on voids = '3XS=3'
The ions B, being at centres of faces, their total contribution
:. The formula is X16/3 Y4 or X4 Y 3'
to the unit cell = - x 6 = 3 148. In fee unit cell
:. The formula is AB3 a 361
r = 2.J2 = 2.J2 = 127.65 "" 127 pm.
124. As AB is similar in structure to NaCl. One unit cell must
contain 4 A-atoms and 4 B-atoms. If we remove face-
centred atoms of one axis then two A-atoms are removed. 1
150. Effective no. of A atoms =ixS=1
As such effective no. of A-atoms becomes 3. Hence the
stoichiometry is A3B4.
One out of six B-atoms is missing hence their ell
129. As CS+ and 1- are the largest ions.
132. In ZnS structure, sulphide ions occupy all the lattice points is = -x5=2.5
while Zn2+ ions are present in alternate tetrahedral voids.
137. The empty spaces are Hence the formula is AB25 or AzBs

SC --7 4S%, FCC --7 26%

151. For bee lattice,

BCC --7 32%, BCC --7 26%

f3 a fjx351
4 4
138. All the atoms A at the comers are equivalent to iXS = I
155. For FCC packing the pattern of layers is ABCABC
atom and atom B at the centre of the body wholly belongs - (Three types of layers but in HCP packing the
to that unit cell. Hence the simplest formula is AB. ABAB-- (Two types of layers). Hence, heightof

140. For hexagonal systems. a = b -:;:.c and a = ~ = 90° and 2

Y= 1200. unit cell '3 x height of FCC unit cell. Now for FCCUIII

142. No. of tetrahedral voids = 2 x No. of atoms present.

r;: 4r
= ,,2 a = 4r or a = J2
fia 4r
143. For fee lattice. r = -4- or a = J2 The height of FCC unit cell
(diagonal of cube)
144. Effective ions per unit cell

A -7-xS= I, B-7-x6=3. :. formula is AB3
S 2
'.;'''!'. .-'-

Solid State -1.19-

Hence, height of Hep unit cell = ~ x J3 x
(ii) At the centre of cube = -x6 = 3
Total 4
t cell. The area of hexagonal bottom face in Hep
Hence formula is M2X4
::::6 x area of equilateral triangle MNO (see figure)
Or empirical formula is MX2
::::6x .,fj a2 = 6x .,fj x4r2 = 6xJ3 r2 (As a = 2r) 159. Diagonal of the cube = .,fja
4 4
:. Volume of Hep unit cell = Area of base x height Distance between oppositely charged ion

_ 6x.,fj r2x3:x.,fj x
- 3-./2
% = 24.fir3 = .,fja = .,fj x 387 = 335.15 '" 335 pm.
2 2
158. Effective No. of M in unit cell 161. For a fee lattice
(i) At the centre of edge = 4X4 = I .fia
(ii) At the centre of cube = 1
Total 2 Diameter of atom
the total Effective No. of X in unit cell
1 = 2r = J2a = J2 x 408 288.5 '" 288 pm.
(i) At the comers of cube = - x 4 = 1 2 2

ective no.

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