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Assignment 1

On the cover page, print the group number and names of the group members

Please answer all the questions below

300-400 words per question (excluding quotations and references)

1. Can the Rule of Law protect our fundamental right? With reference to the Amina Bokhardy
controversy and Paris Hilton case, is our Rule of Law declining? Support your argument by
citing at least one recent local news.

2. Chan left a message to Tom, a photographer, asking Tom to take photographs of his house.
Six days later, Tom took 800 photographs. He developed and delivered all the photographs
to Chan and asked for payment. Was there a contract between the parties? Chan did not want
to pay because (a) 800 photographs were grossly excessive and (b) majority of the
photographs were of unacceptable quality. Advise Chan.

3. David received (i) one criminal charge for dangerous driving to be heard at the Magistrates
and (ii) one civil claim against him for loss and damage arising from the above in the Small
Claim Tribunal. Advise David on his application to Legal Aid on both (i) and (ii). In respect
of the proceedings under the Small Claim Tribunal, David would like to change the venue to
District Court. Advise David.

Date of distribution = Week 5

Last day of submission = 2 March 2018 (Week 6)

Assignment 2

On the cover page, print the group number and names of the group members

Please answer all the questions below

300-400 words per question (excluding quotations and references)

1. In an evening, Peter negligently bumped into Mary at a rear lane. John, Mary’s boyfriend,
responded with violent language and threatened Peter with a hunting knife. Frightened by
such a horrible sequel, Mary collapsed. Peter ran away. (a) John left leaving Mary in the rear
lane. When Mary regained consciousness, she discovered (b) injury caused by the collapse,
(c) mosquito bites all over her body and (d) her valuables were stolen. Advise Mary as to her
claim against John only in respect of (a) to (d). Could Mary claim against Peter for the loss
and damage?

2. Charlie had a yacht which he anchored at Sai Kung when he did not go sailing. On several
occasions, he had been informed by villagers nearby that children were seen swimming
around his yacht, and sometimes on board it. To scare the children away, he nailed a large
sign board with the words, “Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted. Danger – Stay Away”, in
Chinese and English on the sides of the yacht (“the notice”). After the display of the notice,
there was no reported incident of trespass. About 6 months later, Tommy, an engineer at the
request of Charlie, called at the yacht to inspect the engine. Tommy removed the notice. Later
in the evening, when Charlie was away, two children from the village went on board the yacht.
One of the children picked up a spear gun, belonging to Charlie, and injured the other child
with the spear. Advise the injured child of his remedy, if any, against Charlie.

3. Further to Q2 above, advise Charlie as to the liability of Tommy on the possible claim from
the injured child.

Date of distribution = Week 1

Last day of submission = 16 March 2018 (Week 8)


On the cover page, print the group number and names of the group members

On 10 July 2017, three workers were killed while carrying out excavation works inside an
underground tunnel. It took place in a CLP site at the junction of Gillies Avenue South and Baker
Street, Hung Hom. This was and still is alarming to the construction industry urging, inter alia,
investigation, review and enhancement of current practice.

You are invited to put in your own words with photos (downloaded with proper citation) to report
the incident and suggest ways to improve the health and safety of workers engaged in tunnelling
work. You need to structure you written assignment with, for instance, background information,
suggestions with reasons, conclusions, list of references and copy references separately enclosed
in the appendices.

There is no limitation on the number of words.

The following could be a useful starting point on background research:


In addition to the above, your discussion should include the following:

1. Cap 59 and 59I of FIUO
2. BS 6164:2011 COP for Safety in Tunnelling in Construction Industry
3. Issues on ingress of water, lighting, ventilation, fire, etc. to tunnel excavation.

Date of distribution = Week 1

Last day of submission = 29 March 2018 (Week 10)

Three workers die as sewer burst fills Hong Kong tunnel

Investigation follows a finding the men were not wearing safety belts while laying
cable five metres below ground

Three Hong Kong workers died on Monday after a sewer pipe burst and quickly filled
an underground tunnel under construction where they were carrying out digging work.
Their deaths sparked an investigation by police and the Labour Department into
whether the men were equipped with safety gear. In their rescue attempt, firefighters
found the three men were not wearing safety belts.

Under current regulations, workers must test the air in a manhole or a confined space
before workers wearing safety belts are allowed inside, according to the Association
for the Rights of Industrial Victims.

The three men – Cen Canrong, 23, Fock Kam-chau, 49 and Wu Jianming, 48 –
entered the tunnel by way of a manhole five metres deep in the CLP Power site at the
junction of Gillies Avenue South and Baker Street, Hung Hom, after their lunch break.

According to Kum Shing Construction, a CLP Power contractor, the three workers
were carrying out tunnelling work inside the underground site when the incident
happened at about 2.30pm Monday.
“The workers were unable to escape and probably drowned when a nearby sewer
suddenly burst and water poured into the tunnel and flooded it,” Chow Luen-kiu,
chairman of the Construction Industry Employees General Union, said.

Kum Shing said in a statement: “Sudden groundwater ingress occurred. Despite the
immediate warning issued by [the] site supervisor, the workers were unable to
evacuate at once due to the rapid rise in water level.”

The Fire Services Department sent 17 engines and six ambulances to the scene.
More than 100 firefighters were deployed.

Hung Hom fire station commander, Cheung Kwong-yuen, said the tunnel was 1.4
metres in diameter and filled with water a metre deep. Firefighters detected hydrogen
sulphide at the entrance and exit of the tunnel.

Cen and Fock were pulled out of the manhole about 10 minutes after emergency
personnel arrived.

Rescue workers in breathing apparatus found Wu inside the tunnel about one hour
and 45 minutes later. All three were certified dead at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Cheung said they were still investigating the source of the water and gas, adding that
Towngas staff had inspected the site and found no leaks.

According to a police source, the tunnel quickly filled with water after a nearby sewer
tunnel burst. He added the cause of the rupture remained unknown.

Kum Shing deputy CEO Rex Wong Siu-han, in charge of construction at the site, said
the company did not know whether the workers had their safety belts on during the
operation, stressing that the accident was unexpected.

He said the company would suspend all trenchless construction already under way
and review its safety measures.

Cathen Ho, CLP Power’s acting senior director for power systems, said the company
had performed all required measures beforehand to ensure safety for works at the
underground site. He added the cable-laying work was scheduled to finish next month
and was 70 per cent done prior to the accident.

In a statement, CLP Power said it was “deeply saddened by the death of three
contractor workers resulting from an industrial accident which occurred in Hung Hom”
on Monday.
奪命工傷地底爆污水渠淹浸中電地盤 3 工人被困不治
【 21:41】 較 早 前 因 工 業 意 外 而 封 閉 的 機 利 士 南 路 往 蕪 湖 街 方 向 近 必 嘉 街 的 部
【 21:14】 中 電 指 該 地 盤 正 進 行 電 纜 隧 道 工 程 , 今 年 3 月 開 始 施 工 , 承 辦 商 已
完成約 7 成工程,預計 8 月完工,而涉事 3 名工人今日在 4 至 5 米深的地底
【 19:42】 3 名 死 者 分 別 為 23 歲 姓 岑 、 47 姓 吳 及 49 歲 姓 霍 的 工 人
【 19:24】 新 增 動 新 聞
【 18:48】 現 場 工 程 由 3 月 開 始 , 預 計 8 月 完 工 , 暫 時 已 經 完 成 7 成 進 度 。
【 18:10】 消 防 處 交 代 事 件 表 示 , 被 救 出 的 3 名 工 人 無 表 面 傷 痕 , 事 發 時 他 們
【 17:05】 被 救 起 的 工 人 送 院 搶 救 後 最 終 不 治 。
【 16:27】至 下 午 4 時 許,消 防 蛙 人 在 現 場 水 底 尋 回 一 度 失 蹤 的 工 人,10 分 鐘
後 再 用 吊 機 將 工 人 救 出 , 並 由 救 護 車 送 院 搶 救 。 【 16:00】 機 利 士 南 路 來 回 方
【 15:24】 2 名 獲 救 工 人 , 送 抵 伊 利 沙 伯 醫 院 搶 救 , 惟 最 終 證 實 不 治
【 15:10】 警 方 發 言 人 澄 清 , 現 時 3 名 工 人 墮 坑 , 2 人 獲 救 昏 迷 1 人 失 蹤
下午 2 時半,紅磡機利士南路近必嘉街一個地盤發生嚴重工業意外。現場消
息 稱,地 盤 屬 於 中 電 的 工 程,3 名 工 人 在 地 底 一 個 約 5 米 深 有 水 的 洞 內,進 行
挖 掘 隧 道 工 程,期 間 疑 附 近 一 條 污 水 渠 突 然 爆 裂,洪 水 湧 向 地 盤 把 3 人 沖 走 。
消防潛水拯救車、高空拯救專隊及坍塌搜救專隊奉召到場拯救,其中 2 名工
人首先獲救,但昏迷送院搶救後,最終不治。至下午 4 時許,消防蛙人在現
場 水 底 尋 回 一 度 失 蹤 的 第 3 名 工 人 , 10 分 鐘 後 再 用 吊 機 將 他 救 出 , 當 時 他 已
後 至 40 米 的 位 置 採 訪 。 另 外 , 機 利 士 南 路 來 回 方 向 介 乎 紅 磡 南 道 與 必 嘉 街 之
消防處其後交代事件表示,被救出的 3 名工人無表面傷痕,事發時他們亦無
佩 戴 安 全 帶 。 據 悉 , 3 名 不 幸 身 亡 分 別 為 23 歲 姓 岑 、 47 姓 吳 及 49 歲 姓 霍 的
中電其後發放新聞稿,指該地盤正進行電纜隧道工程,今年 3 月開始施工,
承辦商已完成約 7 成工程,預計 8 月完工,而涉事 3 名工人今日在 4 至 5 米
深的地底進行挖掘隧道工程。勞工處就事件即時派員到現場展開調查,而 3
名 中 電 的 職 員 到 醫 院 了 解 事 件。上 址 位 置 距 離 上 月 黃 雨 下 塌 露 台 的 唐 樓 僅 100
水湧入屬致命風險 專家:港培訓遜外國

機利士南路中電地盤進行地底挖掘隧道工程時,有水湧入把 3 名工人沖走,
破,而 事 件 中 現 場 存 在 硫 化 氫,相 信 涉 及 污 水 渠 居 多。由 於 他 不 在 肇 事 工 地 ,

家,比較簡單,例如在澳洲要上為期 5 天的課程,但香港只需一天。因為課
至 於 進 行 密 閉 空 間 工 作 時,外 面 應 張 貼 工 作 記 錄,指 明 哪 些 人 員 簽 發 許 可 證 、
哪 些 工 人 入 內 工 作,外 面 還 需 要 有 看 守 員。對 於 是 否 配 備 氧 氣 樽 或 安 全 繩 等 ,
紅磡地盤工人墮水坑 2 死 1 失蹤
2017 年 7 月 10 日 星期一 4:28PM

紅磡發生嚴重工業意外,3 名工人墮水坑,其中兩人死亡,餘下 1 人仍然失蹤。

現場為必嘉街及機利士南路一個地盤,下午 2 時許,必嘉街及機利士南路一個路
中一個中電地盤內,3 名工人墮入一個約 4 至 5 米深的深坑內,工友見狀報警求
助。 警方及消防到場拯救,其中兩人被救出昏迷,送院不治,另有一人仍然失


然失蹤,消防蛙人在約下午 4 時尋獲失蹤者。

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