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1. Translate the following sentences into Romanian:

1. He is an auditor as his job is to examine the financial records of companies or

business organizations.
2. Every year the shareholders take part in the General Annual Meeting where the
annual report is presented.
3. Which is the first item on the agenda in today’s meeting?
4. Each year the shareholders are sent the company’s balance sheet that shows if the
company has been profitable or not.
5. The Board of Directors is presided by a Chairman.
6. The economic crisis may lead to the bankruptcy of many small and medium-sized
7. The shareholders will have to accept a takeover bid.
8. Increasing taxation further will have bad effects for small companies.
9. The Charter is an official document describing the aims, rights and principles of an
10. He has never been employed but he has been working as a freelancer for five years.
11. A public company’s shares can be bought on the Stock Exchange
12. The Japanese shareholders own 60% percent of this company.
13. The owner of a sole proprietorship or one-man business incurs all the debts of the
14. Our company has just opened a new subsidiary in Latin America.
15. The sleeping/nominal partner invests money in a business but does not take part in
its management.
16. This merger will create the biggest airline company in our country.
17. Holland is a country with high levels of bike ownership.
18. What is your company’s annual turnover?
19. In a limited partnership the owners are responsible for a limited amount of the
company’s debts.
20. The notification will be sent to all employees within two weeks.

auditor/certified account

accountant/certified accountant/accounting=accountancy

Would you like to work in accountancy?


Shareholder( B.E)/stockholder(A.E.)


Shares (B.E)/stocks (A.E)

Balance sheet/assets and liabilities

To go bankrupt/bankruptcy
small and medium-sized companies.

A failed company

To take over/takeover

To merge/merger


Bid –bade - bidden/forbid –forbade –forbidden




Fee – tuition fee (doctor, dentist, lawyer)

fare/air fare/bus fare

To incur debts/losses/expenses

fair/ trade fair

Stock Market/ Commodity market/Commodity Exchange/Stock Exchange



Private company/public company=a (private) company which has been listed on the Stock


To notify/notification

You must be notified in due time

Our company must send the notification in due time

To employ/to hire/to take on staff


Employment/work/labor unemployment


labour laws/ work force

labour market

Unemployment/To be unemployed/to be jobless/to be out of work

To fire/to give the sack/to dismiss

To make redundant/ to lay off

Labour laws

Labour market

working conditions/working hours/working environment

A private company can go public if it is listed on the Stock Exchange.

II. Translate into English:

1. Bursa de valori joaca un rol esential in lumea afacerilor in zilele noastre.

2. The Stock Exchange plays a vital role in today’s business world.
3. Toate problemele importante vor fi incluse pe ordinea de zi.
4. All the important items will be included on the agenda.
5. Comitetul director se va intruni nu mai tarziu de 15 aprilie a.c.
6. The Board of Directors will meet no later than 15th April
7. Presedintele Comitetului director se va intalni cu toti actionarii pentru a le expune
noile conditii cerute pe piata inernationala.
8. The Chairman of the Board of Directors will meet all the shareholders to present/to
let them know the new terms required on the international market.
9. Intreprinderile mici si mijlocii pot primi fonduri nerambursabile din partea Uniunii
Europene pentru a se dezvolta.
10. The small and medium-sized companies can receive non-refundable funds from the
EU in order to develop.
11. Expertii contabili au obligatia sa verifice bilantul contabil din sase in sase luni.
12. The certified accountants have the obligation to check the balance sheet every six
13. Rezultatele filialei noastre din Asia sunt incurajatoare datorita cresterii venitului net cu
20% fata de anul anterior.
14. The results of our Asian subsidiary are encouraging due to the increase in the net
income by 20% compared to the previous year.

increase in/decrease in

15. Cifra de afaceri a companiei petroliere s-a triplat anul acesta.

16. The oil company turnover has trebled this year.
17. Facem afaceri cu aceasta firma de comert exterior de mai bine de 10 ani.
18. We have been doing business with this foreign trade company for more tan 10 years.
home trade
19. Activele unei companii constau in cladiri, terenuri si utilaje.
20. The assets of a company consist in buildings, fields and equipment.
21. Mai multe firme mici pot da faliment din cauza crizei economice.
22. Several small companies can go bankrupt due to the economic crisis.
23. Profiturile inaintea impozitarii obtinute de compania suedeza au crescut anul acesta
datorita masurilor luate de partenerul strain.
24. Profits before taxation obtained by the Swedish company have grown this year due to
the steps taken by the foreign partner. to take steps/measures
25. Unele companii straine au dreptul la scutiri de taxe considerabile.
26. Some foreign companies are entitled to considerable tax exemption
27. Partenerii nominali nu pot lua parte la conducerea companiei.
28. The sleeping partners cannot take part in the company management.
29. Costurile de exploatare au scazut anul acesta cu 15% fata de anul trecut.
30. The operation costs have decreased this year by 15% compared to the previous year.

Nowadays/in zilele noastre

To be exempt from/a fi scutit de

Make the family words starting from the following:

COMPETITIVE to compete


competitor/ fierce competitiveness

CONSUMER to consume

consuming (time consuming)

consumption/consumer society/consumer goods

INVESTMENT to invest


LEADERSHIP to lead-led-led


leading product
PRODUCTION to produce/manufacture



SUPPLIER to supply

supply (and demand)

BENEFICIARY to benefit/beneficial

ADVERTISING to advertise

advertisement (ad)/to place an ad in a newspaper

MANAGEMENT to manage

manager – managerial

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