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“You are occult practitioners if you are acting religious but deny Jesus as God‟s Son
and as a God not “god””

Some say Jesus is angel Michael - what the arch angel? I know that trinity to such
ones is garbage, but why did God say in Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the
Heavens and the earth. 2. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over
the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters”

Hey it is not written that God first of all, created the Holy Spirit! NO The Holy Spirit
was there already.

So we have God the Father (Elohim meaning the “creator everything”) and we also
have the Spirit that was also present in the beginning; The Holy Spirit.

Now we have 2/3…

Who is the third one?

John 1:1 “.In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the
word was a God”

Hmmmm, who is the word?

John1:14 “The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His
glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and

(I know some people are also not taught about the grace that Jesus gives to His own,
but will try to cover it later.)

In Genesis; throughout The Old Testament, God did not reveal the Third Person yet to
anyone, except some of His prophets.

John 1:1 and 14 tells us of none other than Jesus Christ („”Christ” means the
Anointed One)

So 2 (Elohim and the Holy Spirit from Genesis 1:1 and 2) +1 (Jesus in the New

Testament) is equal to 3, the UNCREATED GOD.

Yes One true God but in Three Parts ( One as a Father and One as the Son and lastly
as the Holy Spirit), this is also proven in what the Son said about baptizing
people…Matthew 28: 19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… wait…Jesus
Christ…..! Alas! All Nations, (Namibia, Zambia, Angola, south Africa, Australia, china,
America, United Kingdom, France, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Malawi, Mozambique,
Madagascar, New Zealand, Libya, Egypt, India, Botswana, Philippines, North and
south Sudan and Korea, Japan, Ice land Green land, etc. I guess you know better.) All
these are nations and this great commission is given unto the Children of God. Les
continue with Matthew 28: 19 “…baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son
and of the Holy Spirit” this is the trinity we are talking about and Jesus was so smart -
He gave it in Chronological Order.

The Father is the Greatest, He is mostly called “Jehovah” but His real name is:

H iY i cwhw
Yahweh, the god of the Israelites, whose name was revealed to Moses as four Hebrew
consonants (YHWH) called the Tetragrammatons’

The second one is Jesus – the Son of YHWH who appeared in the New Testament

Then The Holy Spirit who now comes in humans and dwell to those who ask of Him
in truth and total repentance of sins and submission to Jesus as the Lord and savior,
the Son of the Living God.

- It is a mystery…

Just imagine, millions of people around the world are praying at once and God hears
them and answers them all.

God is speaking to one man, and yet speaking to another elsewhere at the same time...

God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit... what? - As One! True God! ...but
separately distinctive! It is beyond our knowledge.

Isaiah 45:5 “I am the Lord and there is no God…” hmmm… there are No
contradictions in mysteries. God cannot be fully understood, He is a mystery. He
cannot contradict Himself.

We save a supernatural God. The God who has supernatural Powers (Omnipotent and
omnipresent) Jesus... Humans today are scared of a witch! What is a witch? They even
pay and sacrificing lots of Money…Paying the small boys who can‟t do nothing! When
God is there, seated in the Heavens, speaking to you every day, blessing you every day
and still you are blind to the truth and the Love that God has for you…
The Biggest controversial topic is religion. Who hates to see people get the knowledge
of whom Jesus is and what He gave to all for free that is more than what a witch can
give? None other than the Enemy of Our God… So the Biggest Controversial is Religion
because people are attacked, mentally by the enemy to attack the true Sons and
Daughters of God.

Even you, you have the mind, body and spirit. If your spirit is still dead as cursed
from Adam, then you need the Holy Spirit to refresh you. This is why you have to be
born again to be saved, the process of being born again is to Know the truth, accept
the truth (who is God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all are a one and Truthful
eternal living God) and then be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Read John 3: 1-9 some of you will need to look at 10 and 11 too.

Read John 3:18-21 also… this is so great “NO CONDEMNATION – THIS IS WHAT

Some people do this; if I become a follower of that Church/gathering and I seek God
there, the moment I am tempted and sin, besides being baptized already; I will be
taken to a literal court of man!

Some try to hide this disgrace by hiding their mistakes, from whom? A man! Why? So
now a man has so much power to jump God‟s plan that saved you already from sin
and now I no longer fear God but Man? People are concerned of not letting other
people down and not God! This is error. God said He forgives you when you accept
Jesus. Read Romans 6: 1-14 too.

People… ask those questions you have, seek God of truth not man‟s glory.

Jesus did not condemn the adulterous who was about to be stoned for she was
caught in the act. Are you more than Jesus now? Jesus says: “I bring grace, I don‟t
judge you as long as you have been saved by being born again, I do not but if you do
not believe and be born again then you are condemned already, so if you are saved be
happy You are now a new creation who should depend on Me all the time and I will
keep helping you and I will qualify you” and some believe: “No I don‟t need that! I will
work for my righteousness and if I or anyone of my kind fails, we are going to disgrace

I follow the Gospel/ Good News of God brought by Jesus for all, not the Law of Moses
where a witness has to be in a court as I am being questioned about my fault! Didn‟t
Jesus say at john 14:15 and 16 “If you love me, keep my commandments 16. And I
will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to HELP YOU and BE WITH
YOU” who is given help except he that needs it?
The Holy Spirit is there to help you, God knows that we are weak with the sin in the
flesh and we will fail and continue to fail for we failed Him time and again but God‟s
LOVE, and His amazing GRACE (of no condemnation) is so much that He is willing to
give you a friend who will advocate on your behalf, and remain in you forever to qualify
you, not a man rebuking you… who made you a born again, him or Elohim?

“Amazing grace

How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost

But now I am found

Was blind but now I see

I can see your love

I can see the love in your eyes”

-Amazing Grace Hillsong United Version I Love this song

The mind controls a person, and I think emotions are only aroused once something is
on a mind… so whatever unholy things people do, are not caused by God, but by the
enemy. The trinity Part is clear as air but many people battle against each other
on this one.

A No

1. John 2:19, 20 and 21

Jesus answered them “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three
days” 20. They replied: “It has taken 46 years to build this temple, and you are
going to raise it in three days?” 21. But the temple He had spoken was of was
His Body.
Question: He said “I” didn‟t He???? Yes, so Romans 8: 11 says this too: “And if
the Spirit that of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who
raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of
His Spirit who lives in you”.

Ok from Romans 8: 11 we get this:

a) The Spirit of God the Father raised Jesus. So why did Jesus say in John 2:
19 that “I Will rise it again” – because God the Father is one with Jesus.

b) Romans 10:9 “If you declare with your mouth that “Jesus is Lord” and believe
in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”

I told you there is no Contradictions in the words of God, the enemy is

distorting the spiritual reality (referencing to a man of God Prophet Uebert
Angel in his teaching: “Spiritual Dimensions” at ECG of Prophet Shepherd
Bushiri- Major One it on YouTube Look it up if God is speaking to you right
c) The spirit is referred to as "Who" in the (NIV ACR Bible), addressed as living
and He has tasks When He comes in a body of a Human.

2. Isaiah 9:6 “For us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will
be on His shoulders, and He will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ”
a) Who was born as a child and given to Israel?
Who was given authority in Heaven of the heavens?
Who now lives forever?
Who counsels His people…?
Who is… surprisingly as Isaiah says…? “A Mighty God”

Um Jesus was born, as a child, as God‟s Son (but only a few knew it
because of the spiritual reality distortion from the times of Adam and Eve).

He was later exalted in the heavens to authority because of the redemption

He did for the Father who sent Him (John 3:16)

3. John 8:58 “very truly I tell you, before Abraham was, I AM”- this is Jesus

Ok look at exodus 3:14, 15 “God said to Moses “I AM WHO I AM. This is what
you are to tell the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you”15. God also said to
Moses, “ say to the Israelites, „The Lord, the God of your fathers- the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob- has sent me to you‟ “This is my
name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation.” Hey,
we are not living in a new world; we are in the same world as Moses lived.

Watch the documentaries of the Holy Land Israel and see the proofs of the
Bible landmarks that hold a great history of this old world.

We are the next generations that were once spoken to Moses of. And the name
“I AM” means “GOD IS” this is YHWH- “I AM” if you describe Him you are
calling Him “HE Who IS” so God “IS” Which is I AM He said to Moses. So God
does not change, He “IS” From the beginning to the end. If He did miracles,
(creating out of the unexpected at the Human level) He will still because He is
still more that a Human – He is God as WAS; HE IS.
Some gatherings/ churches do not teach the truth and these you have to run
away from, people who wear a tie and suit just for because but do not teach the
truth of the Gospel of Jesus – they are occults! They deny that God is the same,
but now He does not speak to people (when now He speaks not just to prophets
but even slave servants

(Read Joel 2:28-32 and Acts 2:14- 21, 3:24-26)

They think God quit doing miracles… this is your Miracle… I was given a
number of Miracles too. You too are given miracles but you just liked to say “I
was so LUCKY”
One man said: „Luck is a way God blesses a person without putting His name
tag on it‟

. As we have also seen at Isaiah 45:5 “…I will strengthen you though you did
not know me.”



4. John 20: 28, 29 “Thomas said to him “My Lord, My God (read you own
version)”29. Then Jesus Told Him: Because you have seen me, you have
believed; blessed are those who have not seen yet have believed.” Why did
Thomas worship Jesus? And why didn‟t Jesus rebuke Him? He called Him My
GOD! If Jesus is an angel, angels do not accept worship, true angels of light
rebuke a human from worshiping them, and only God can be worship and we
are told to worship, Him alone (Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit)

Ok let me support this:

5. Revelation 22:8-9
6. I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things and when I heard
and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me
these things.
7. Matthew 4:9-10
8. And he said to Him, "All these things I will give you, if you fall down and
worship me."
9. Luke 4:7-8
10. "Therefore if you worship before me, it shall all be yours."
11. Romans 1:25
12. Verse Concepts
13. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and
served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
14. Colossians 2:18
15. Verse Concepts
16. Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-
abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he
has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind.

(I tell you what, I used the Google to make it easy to search and find some
of the truths that I know and have heard and have discovered, and I
copied the scriptures above from:


They are in line with this discussion aren‟t they?

So there you have it!
Jesus was worship and called God, yet he did not refuse, Because He is
God and Only God can be worshiped. Jesus Is the Second person of the
trinity, Trinity is not a propaganda, a propaganda Is teaching more than 3
topics out of context, you cannot be so naïve to say you are the exalted
ones alone and the rest are crazy beings… search God alone, Know Him
and be born again as Jesus said.

Romans 5 is also a beautiful chapter

And I want to talk about it, because this is Paul who was sent later to preach the Good
News to the other nations besides Israel, including your nation too, this is how it all
spread to the rest of the world.

By the way let me make this point: read Acts 11:26 “… so for a whole year Barnabas
and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples where
called Christians first in Antioch.”

What did Jesus say? Make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit…

Ok, when you are baptized by the Holy Spirit listen… you receive the Holy Spirit. So if
these Christians were baptized as Jesus commanded His disciples, do you think the
Holy Spirit was only for a group of people of the past? No way... we are Disciples of
Christ‟s ministry; His Good News.

We too are called Christians because we follow the Christ. We know the Holy Spirit
comes with 9 different Gifts, and in each person a gift/s are manifested. Even
prophesy, tongues, healing, miracles, etc. are accompanied by the same Spirit. So why
attach or declare or prejudge something you have no Idea about? You just no one side
of the coin…you have not seen all if that is the clean one alone as you think!
But God opens the eyes of people, if you are called by God, allow Him to, do not resist
His Intentions for you. Before you judge groups of religion ask or find out.

Even on verse 27 of Acts 11, we see prophets who hear from God (The Holy Spirit) and
speak, this is prophesying, but now everyone is just told whoever you hear is a
prophet - these are false… Jesus!

Is He a Major Prophet or a toy who speaks on behalf of evil spirits? They said test
their spirits and see the fruit they yield, but how will you judge fairly in line with the
spiritual reality if you are filled with a false doctrine? Alas!

I did not ask, I found out when God revealed these things to me over a time. I started
with the apparent truth, but now I see that is an occult, it refuses Jesus as Lord; it
changed so many contexts saying they are smart enough more than any translators or
people who could read the original documents of the Bible scriptures...

But why not ask and do a research from the first people of God, Israelites? And the
Romans who witnessed these events of Jesus time, I am sure they could have
documented these evolutional times!

This is why my Spirit impels me to be a man who forces people to talk about this
controversial topic, because time is done, All Prophesied by These times is fulfilled
already and we must now find truth and be saved.

Ok back to Romans 5
This is what a born again experiences or is made, read Romans 5 verse by verse in the
Bible and refer back to this e-book where I am explaining each verse.

Verse 1
: We are justified by faith (it is by believing in Jesus as our Lord and savior that we are
justified righteous) faith is “believing” for one person once asked what faith is

: A born again has a Peace with God through Christ the Lord.

Verse 2
: Born again people have received grace too by faith in Jesus as our savior and Lord.

: We boast in our hope we have for the glory of our God.

Let me explain a bit more here...

If you are hoping God to settle you spiritually or financially (you know our God is a
rich God, He says in one of the scriptures that we are sons of God another says we are
heirs of God – when you are born again.

God YHWH is not an irresponsible Father that lets or wants His children go Hungry all
the time, in fact He wants to deliver you from Poverty and lack. Look at the promises
God made in the past… Abraham was Promised Land, fame, etc. Israelites in Egypt
were promised a land flowing with milk and honey,

Jesus came for the poor to deliver them, He did not say that having wealth is bad, how
can you have Joy, when you are to be evicted, or when you have nothing to eat for the
rest of the days to come…

Even Paul at 1 Thessalonians 2:9 He says that he worked hard to sustain himself,
but what else is mentioned? “While we preached about the Good News” if you do God‟s
task He gave you as your number one priority, you are not discouraged to be wealthy.
Why didn‟t Jesus say: “Hey, Joseph, you are so rich, the Kingdom of God is far from

Jesus described this: a man invited people for a feast (the rich ones first) and when
they refused the man ordered his servants to get people in the streets and the lame to
fill the place. So the rich are considered first!

We also read that when Jesus had casted out the Legion demon from a man, a man
wanted to follow Him, but Jesus sent Him to his family. And when a rich man at one
time asked to know from Jesus what he needed to do to attain eternal life, Jesus said
„Go and sell all that you have, Give the profits to the poor, (oh- profits so He must do
business). And follow me‟ this rich man is asked to be Jesus follower but because of
greed, He was unable to.

Peter was a businessmen who fished. Jesus called such ones. Wait How can God bless
the Poor Using the Poor? People need to eat, they need shelter and all they may, but if
there are Kingdom financers then there is no glory in the Kingdom of God who said He
is rich and we know He is, for owns all the Gold, Diamonds, whatever of this whole
earth, and many things.

The first thing is to now and do the Lord‟s will and you too have to work to eat and
bless someone too as you do so God will surely add more to you.

Unfortunately when it is done this way or planed this way, many people see the glory
alone and not the story.

If you knew what those you hate have done before, or still do something, not even
what you can dream of, yet you call them evil and thieves… that‟s is the devil!

Anyways how will you know this if you are not taught (Spiritual warfare) that the devil
speaks in your mind and God too speaks in your mind, and you have to know the
different voices so you know which one to follow and which one to rebuke… there is no
way you can have truth without revelation.

You say: “wear the full armor”, there is a sword too given to you, why don‟t you ask
that who am I with Jesus fighting with here?, why do I need an armor to protect
myself from what and who?
All this information lacks because they have a spiritual reality distorted sight

So if you are hopping God for anything as His child, boast in it to glorify your God, by
declaring that which you hope for, you are boast about it, you are literally saying that :
„God, I believe in you alone, you are the only one I pray to, when I am in need, and you
are my provider – Jehovah Jireh God who sees to my problems I hope to be delivered
from these temptations, I hope to be delivered form a demon of poverty I believe you
can and you will! Amen‟; this declaring/boasting in the hope for what you want from
your God and you glorify him alone that He only He can give it to you and you only
want it from Him for you know that He is the only true God… ohh next time again.


By Given SL through Inspiration of Allos Parakletos

3 February 2018


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