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SQL coding conventions

Last updated on
3 October 2016

Don't use Reserved Words

Don't use (ANSI) SQL / MySQL / PostgreSQL / MS SQL Server / ... Reserved Words for column and/or
table names. Even if this may work with your (MySQL) installation, it may not with others or with other
databases. Some references:

 (ANSI) SQL Reserved Words

 MySQL Reserved Words: 5.1, 5.0, 3.23.x, 4.0, 4.1
 PostgreSQL Reserved Words
 Oracle Reserved Words (in particular UID is a problem in our context)
 MS SQL Server Reserved Words
 DB2 Reserved Words

Some commonly misused keywords: TIMESTAMP, TYPE, TYPES, MODULE, DATA, DATE, TIME, ...
See also [bug] SQL Reserved Words.

Capitalization and user-supplied data

 Make SQL reserved words UPPERCASE. This is not a suggestion. Drupal db abstraction commands
will fail if this convention is not followed.
 Make column and constraint names lowercase.
 Enclose each table name with {} (this allows Drupal to prefix table names).
 Variable arguments (which are often user-supplied) should be moved out of the query body and
passed in as separate parameters to db_query(), db_query_range(), and db_query_temporary(),
etc. The query body should instead contain placeholders specifying the type of each argument
(%d|%s|%%|%f|%b). This ensures that the data will be properly escaped and prevents SQL injection
 Preventing SQL injection is easy; db_query provides a way to use parametrized queries. Drupal's
database functions replace the sprintf-like placeholders with the properly escaped arguments in order
of appearance:
 %d - integers
 %f - floats
 %s - strings, enclose in single quotes
 %b - binary data, do not enclose in single quotes
 %% - replaced with %
 Read more about Database Access
 Literal (constant) arguments can either be included in the query body or handled in the same way as
variable arguments.
 Any string literal or %s placeholder must be enclosed by single quotes: ' . Never use double quotes.


db_query("INSERT INTO {filters} (format, module, delta, weight) VALUES (%d, 'php', 0,
0)", $format);
NOTE: as of Drupal 6.x, table definitions and constraints (e.g. primary keys, unique keys, indexes)
should be always handled by the Schema API, which solves cross-database compatibility concerns

 Use singular nouns for table names since they describe the entity the table represents. Drupal 6.x
mixed singular/plural usage and this convention changed for Drupal 7.x.
 It is a good practice to prefix table names with the module name to prevent possible namespace
 Name every constraint (primary, foreign, unique keys) yourself. Otherwise, you'll see funny-looking
system-generated names in error messages. This happened with the moderation_roles table which
initially defined a key without explicit name as KEY (mid). This got mysqldump'ed as KEY mid
(mid) which resulted in a syntax error as mid() is a mysql function (see [bug] mysql --ansi cannot
import install database).
 Index names should begin with the name of the table they depend on, eg. INDEX users_sid_idx.

NOTE: as of Drupal 6.x, table definitions and constraints should be always handled by the Schema

Configure your Database server for standard compliance

Most Database Servers use extension to standard SQL. However, many of them can be configured to run in
a (more) standard compliant mode. Every developer is encouraged to use the mode most standard compliant
to avoid sloppy coding and compatibility problems.

Enable ANSI and Strict Mode

Please help growing this list for other database servers!

 Joe Celko - SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming
 RDBMS Naming conventions

Drupal does not have a standard method for indentation or formating of longer SQL queries on multiple
lines. Some competing strategies include:

if (!(db_query(
INSERT INTO {mlsp_media_file_type}
SET extension = '%s',
attributes = '%s'
))) {
$errors = TRUE;

$sql = "SELECT t.*, j1.col1, j2.col2"
. " FROM {table} AS t"
. " LEFT JOIN {join1} AS j1 ON j1.id = t.jid"
. " LEFT JOIN {join2} AS j2 ON j2.id = t.jjid"
. " WHERE t.col LIKE '%s'"
. " ORDER BY %s"
$result = db_query($sql, 'findme', 't.weight');

or, using the concept of "rivers" and HEREDOC syntax

$sql = <<

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