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Minerals Engineering 53 (2013) 266–275

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Minerals Engineering
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The precious metals we prefer to ignore

Jannie S.J. van Deventer
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Based on publicly available information and the author’s experience, there is reason to suspect that high
Available online 25 July 2013 levels of precious metals may be extracted economically from non-assayable materials. Such proprietary
recovery methods have been demonstrated only at laboratory or pilot scale, so that the credibility asso-
Keywords: ciated with large scale production is still lacking. Precious metals not detected by spectroscopy and stan-
Precious metal ores dard assay techniques are usually assumed not to exist, and hence present a technical and credibility
Electrowinning challenge to metallurgists interested in these ‘abnormal’ ores. It is unlikely that this demanding field
of metallurgy will be addressed by academic researchers or large companies, despite the substantial
Redox reactions
opportunity that it offers for breakthrough discovery. This paper reviews some of the pseudo-science sur-
rounding this field, including: (a) the role of ‘intermolecular water’ in forming complex salts locking up
precious metals, but which also presents a basis for extraction of precious metals from non-assayable
ores; (b) accounts of ambient transmutation of elements, mainly using thermal methods; (c) Orbitally
Rearranged Monoatomic Elements (ORMEs) which are virtually undetectable by conventional means
and their conversion to normal metals; (d) the ‘high spin’ state of transition metals; and (e) the formation
of microclusters altering the chemical behaviour of precious metals. It is hypothesised here that precious
metals occur in nature across a spectrum of degrees of clustering, ranging from ‘normal’ gold amenable to
conventional extraction methods, to the ORME state.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction neutron activation, could indeed be recovered using unconven-

tional methods.
Much has been written about the detection and recovery of so- A case in point is the publically available information on recov-
called ‘invisible’ gold, although less information is available on the eries from Bamboo Creek iron-rich tailings of Haoma Mining NL in
detection of platinum group metals (PGMs) in refractory ores (Gen- Australia (Haoma Mining, 2013). Fire assays conducted by a re-
kin et al., 1998; Hough et al., 2008; Maddox et al., 1998; Palenik puted independent laboratory on these materials yielded on aver-
et al., 2004). Goodall and Scales (2007) presented an overview of age 0.3 gAu/t. When Haoma Mining subjected the tailings to a pilot
automated detection methods for ‘invisible’ gold based on modern scale concentration process and applied the proprietary ‘refined
scanning and spectroscopic technology. In published studies on Elazac assay method,’ the product yielded in excess of 1000 g gold,
this subject there is usually no discussion about the potential dis- platinum and palladium per ton, and was acceptable to refineries.
crepancy between using spectroscopic methods based on the orbi- This product assay was back-calculated to a tailings head grade
tal electron structure of the metal on the one hand, and methods exceeding 140 g precious metal per ton. Another case is Royal
based on the properties of the nucleus, such as mass spectroscopy Mines and Minerals Corporation in the USA. that used their pro-
or neutron activation, on the other hand. Experience by Jannie van prietary ‘Cholla’ process to recover in excess of 60 gAu/t from fly
Deventer (JvD) has shown that conventional analytical techniques ash which in its untreated form gave 0.01 gAu/t in a fire assay (Sna-
such as Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) and Atomic Absorption per, 2012). It is JvD’s experience that several materials not classi-
Spectroscopy (AAS) involving a dissolution step are unreliable for fied as ‘ores’ may yield very high recoveries of precious metals
the quantification of ‘invisible’ precious metals. Moreover, all these when subjected to proprietary extraction methods. Unfortunately,
analytical methods, even those that do not involve an undesirable such methods have been demonstrated only at laboratory or pilot
chemical step such as dissolution, assume that precious metals scale, so that the credibility associated with full scale production is
present in an ore will be detectable. Conventional scientific wis- still lacking.
dom does not allow for the possibility that precious metals not de- This huge discrepancy between different assay methods is not
tected by any analytical method, including highly sensitive uncommon. The nugget effect and spotty gold coupled with inad-
equate sample size, as well as accumulation of gold in processing
equipment, are common reasons why metallurgists struggle to rec-
E-mail address: jannie@zeobond.com oncile their head and tailings assay values with the actual gold

0892-6875/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.S.J. van Deventer / Minerals Engineering 53 (2013) 266–275 267

recovered. This paper is not concerned with such conventional dis- dres’s bathroom sink. It is noteworthy that most of the materials
crepancies, but instead will focus on ‘abnormal’ explanations for used as a substrate by Andres do not reveal precious metals when
unusually high recovery of precious metals from ores which show subjected to spectroscopic analysis, including neutron activation.
much lower values using conventional assay techniques. The ‘AB bubbles’ grow these long, colourful tendrils that are made
It is the aim here to review unconventional observations, pseu- up of different precious metals. Different metals produce different
do-science and hypotheses for the recovery of ‘non-assayable’ pre- coloured growths: blue, red, clear, amber, green or multi-coloured.
cious metals, referencing information that will not withstand a The ‘AB bubbles’ are very small and no work has been done to see
peer review process, or is unlikely to be considered by main stream whether their production and application could be scaled up for
research. The metallurgical community will likely continue to re- commercial use in mineral processing. Andres suggested that they
ject many of these ideas as lunacy, but it is suggested here that could be used for exploration purposes to find new deposits.
some of these ideas deserve investigation by scientists with an Some scientists dismiss the ‘AB bubbles’ as hydrogen bubbles,
open mind. or other natural forming gas, escaping from the minerals when
hydrochloric acid is applied. However, Bailey rejected this simple
explanation, as the bubbles appear to have a membrane that pro-
2. ‘AB bubbles’ tects the interior. When the solution is removed, the bubbles dry
out, but they do not go away and remain intact. Then, when a li-
Late 2010 JvD visited Frank Andres in Spokane, Washington quid is reapplied, the bubbles become active again. Andres said
State, as well as Dr. Franklin Bailey at the University of Idaho, Mos- that when precious metal has been extracted by the bubbles and
cow. They both confirmed much of the information available on the pH changes, the precious metal may ‘disappear’ again, and
the web (Bailey and Andres, 2009) to JvD. Frank Andres showed reappear when the pH shift reverses.
JvD how the ‘AB bubbles’ formed and how they extracted precious There is speculation whether the ‘AB bubbles’ or the white sub-
metals from different ore particles, with metals like gold, platinum stance found on the nugget by Andres is biological or indeed alive.
and rhodium clearly visible under the microscope. The identity of Andres and Bailey believe that they could be byproducts of other
these formed metals was confirmed by Franklin Bailey using En- living organisms, for example they may be the result of the inter-
ergy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Micros- action between a bacterium and fungus. The white substance orig-
copy (EDS–SEM). inally found on the gold nugget, and since used in experiments by
This story started in 1974 at the Yuba Goldfields, a 10,000-acre Andres, appears to be a fungus, although scientists still are unsure.
valley on either side of the Yuba River in northern California Bailey speculated that the bacterium that is interacting with the
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuba_Goldfields), where Frank An- fungus could be located inside the mycelia of the fungus. Microbi-
dres was the general manager of the site supervising a large gold ologists Dr. Susan Childers and Prof Larry Forney at the University
dredging operation. He noticed that year after year the gold recov- of Idaho have started to do research on these substances, but have
ery of the dredged material did not decline, contrary to expecta- not drawn any conclusions (Bailey and Andres, 2009).
tions. It appeared that increasing amounts of gold became It is disappointing but not surprising that the work of Andres
‘liberated’ as dredging proceeded. One day, Andres discovered an and Bailey has not been taken up by mainstream researchers or
impure gold nugget with an odd white material growing in the industry, especially in view of its profound implications for pre-
cracks and fissures. He put the nugget in a Petrie dish with hydro- cious metal recovery and our understanding of the chemistry of
chloric acid, where it was still late 2010. Andres retained the odd precious metals.
piece of gold and forgot about it until the mid 1990s, when he dis-
covered that the white substance had purified his nugget into 24-
karat gold. 3. Gold nanoparticles
Andres then placed the white substance in the same hydrochlo-
ric acid with a piece of copper. The copper turned clear and nearly The gold extracted by the ‘AB bubbles’’ of Frank Andres is quite
invisible. When Andres examined this white substance under the different from the gold nano-particles and biofilms identified in
microscope, he found bubbles and called them ‘AB bubbles.’ The nature by Rob Hough and co-workers of CSIRO in Perth (Hough
bubbles appeared to extract trace amounts of precious metals from et al., 2008; Reith et al., 2010). The gold nano-particles identified
any object imaginable (Fig. 1). For example, Andres observed that by the Hough team are detectable by high precision analytical
the ‘AB bubbles’ grew tendrils of precious metals out of pomegran- instruments, while the precious metals in plant material, etc. prior
ates, grapes, iris flowers, cherry pits, blackberries and even An- to extraction are not detectable by any existing method of analysis.

Fig. 1. ‘AB bubbles’ collaring to a mineral particle, observed by Bailey and Andres (2009).
268 J.S.J. van Deventer / Minerals Engineering 53 (2013) 266–275

The term ‘invisible gold’ has been used for these types of gold an old concept. Water is effectively polymeric and has a unique
occurrences, similar to the particles identified by Hough’s team, well-developed hydrogen-bonded structure of low entropy and
but it does not mean that it cannot be identified as gold when de- has the ability to form an even more ordered ‘surface’ of even low-
tected, unlike the alleged gold occurrences discussed in the rest of er entropy when certain ‘hydrophobic solutes’ are added to water
this paper. (Parker, 1976). In addition, Bialonska and Bernal (2007) and Wal-
As gold nano-particles are transparent to electron beams and lace et al. (2012) hypothesised that stable structures of hydronium
effectively invisible, detection had been a problem before the dis- ion clusters H3O+(H2O)n may likely be found in solutions. By using
covery by the Hough team. However, Rob Hough considers such density functional theory, Wallace et al. (2012) showed that the
gold nano-particles to be a common form of gold in this type of interaction of one hydronium ion with seven neutral water mole-
natural environment worldwide, where saline water interacts with cules induces proton transfer, resulting in the species H17 Oþ 8.
gold deposits. This research also provided the first direct observa- Welk (2007, 2011b) has found it helpful to acknowledge the
tion of the nano-scale mobility of gold during weathering. Reith presence of ‘intermolecular water’ in the writing of chemical for-
et al. (2010) showed that biofilms living on gold grains play a mulae by using modified more complex formulae, which incorpo-
key role in the biogeochemical cycle of gold by promoting the dis- rate ‘intermolecular water.’ ‘Intermolecular water’ can be
persion of gold via the formation of gold nano-particles as well as distinguished from normal water H2O by the symbol (HOH)x, be-
the formation of secondary biomorphic gold. This study demon- cause it is positioned internally between the cation and the anion
strated that (1) microbially driven dissolution, precipitation, and of aqueous salts, as in Na(HOH)xCl, where x is a multiple of the total
aggregation lead to the formation of bacterioform gold and con- number of ions. If the multiple of x is unity, the salt is in a solid
tribute to the growth of gold grains under supergene conditions, state; if the number is infinitely high, the salt is an infinitely di-
and (2) the microbially driven mobilisation of coarse gold into luted solution (Welk, 2011b).
nano-particles plays a key role in mediating the mobility of gold Although ‘intermolecular water’ is not proposed in the litera-
in surface environments, because the release of nano-particulate ture to have the same role as hypothesised by Welk (2011b), Bar-
gold upon biofilm disintegration greatly enhances environmental bour et al. (1998) showed that hydrogen-bonded (H2O)n clusters
mobility compared to gold complexes only. can play an important role in stabilising some supramolecular spe-
The Hough team (Hough et al., 2008; Reith et al., 2010) ob- cies, both natural and synthetic, in aqueous solution. Park et al.
served that highly saline and acidic groundwater dissolves primary (1993) showed that 2D networks of water molecules appear to
gold and re-deposits it as pure gold crystals on fracture surfaces be ubiquitous in M(H2O)2Ni(CN)44H2O (M a divalent cation in
and in open pore spaces. On investigation of these crystals, there the last half of the first transition series) in the analogy with the
appeared to be a dark band across them. However, high magnifica- Hofmann-type clathrates.
tion imaging showed the band was in fact a mass of gold nano-par-
ticles and nano-plates. These are identical to those being 4.2. Welk’s examples illustrating the existence of ‘intermolecular
manufactured in laboratories around the world for their unique water’
properties. When the Hough team investigated clays from the frac-
ture surfaces there was no gold visible, but ICP-MS analysis 1. When liquid aqueous hydrochloric acid H(HOH)xCl is mixed with
showed the clays contained up to 59 gAu/t (Hough et al., 2008). aqueous sodium hydroxide Na(HOH)xOH the reaction is instan-
The research team concluded that the gold nano-particles they taneous and exothermic. To the contrary, when solid anhydrous
had imaged represented the ‘invisible’ gold in the clay, and that sodium hydroxide NaOH is submerged in 30% hydrochloric acid
this nano-sized gold was common in similar environments. H(HOH)xCl, contrary to expectation, NaOH and H(HOH)xCl do not
Whether the occurrence of gold nano-particles in nature will help react instantaneously to produce NaCl and H2O. The anticipated
to explain the recovery of gold from non-assayable ores still needs reaction cannot occur, for the concentrated hygroscopic hydro-
to be decided. As will be discussed later, the recovery of such gold chloric acid absorbed and locked-in all available water, as
may benefit from the application of clustering chemistry. ‘intermolecular water’ in H(HOH)xCl. Common H2O is not pres-
ent and not available. Only after the anhydrous NaOH gradually
becomes the hydrous Na(HOH)xOH could Na react with aqueous
4. Paul Welk’s ‘intermolecular water’ and complex salt
Cl of H(HOH)xCl to form Na(HOH)xCl (Welk, 2006a,b, 2011b).
2. Technically, the symbol HCl represents anhydrous hydrogen
chloride; HCl does not truly represent hydrochloric acid. The
Welk (2000, 2002, 2006a,b, 2007, 2011a,b) in several Canadian
acid, abbreviated as HCl, is an oversimplification, which does
patents proposed that the refractory behaviour of precious metals
not exist. The true formula for concentrated hydrochloric acid
during extraction could be explained by the concept of ‘intermo-
is H(HOH)2Cl. The formula for diluted hydrochloric acid is
lecular water’ which leads to the formation of complex salts, but
H(HOH)2xCl, where the number x is proportional to the dilution
which also offers a solution. There is no direct scientific evidence
factor. Concentrated hydrochloric acid cannot exceed 50% as a
to support this hypothesis, but it does appear to explain some of
result of the molecular ratio between HCl and H(HOH)2xCl. If
the behaviour of precious metals during extraction and analysis.
attempts are made to concentrate hydrochloric acid to the point
In the sections below Welk’s hypotheses and methods are repro-
that ‘intermolecular water’ is eliminated, hydrochloric acid will
duced without rebuttal, but with reference to recently published
decompose (Welk, 2011b).
research that may provide qualified support.
Advances in computational chemistry have made it possible
4.1. The concept of ‘intermolecular water’ to follow the path of solvation of species like HCl and NaOH,
which shows that Welk’s conceptual framework is over-simpli-
Welk (2011b) considers the chemical symbol H+ as an oversim- fied. Laasonen and Klein (1997) used ab initio molecular dynam-
plification and not representative of what happens in chemical ics to show that for typical laboratory strength solutions of
reactions. Welk says that the only discussions in the literature, 1:3.6 hydrochloric acid to water molar ratio, the textbook pic-
which marginally relate to ‘intermolecular water,’ refer to the ture of separated solvated ions breaks down with the formation
hydronium ion, H3O+. This criticism by Welk is unjustified, as the of a hydrogen-bonded species Cl–H  Cl. Forbert et al. (2011)
role of ions as structure makers or structure breakers in water is showed that, upon successive aggregation of HCl with H2O
J.S.J. van Deventer / Minerals Engineering 53 (2013) 266–275 269

molecules, a series of cyclic heteromolecular structures, up to such as PtCl4, will never explain why platinic chlorides, even
and including HCl(H2O)3, are initially obtained before a precur- when heated in an oxygen-free atmosphere, produce platinum
sor state for dissociation, HCl(H2O)3  H2O, is observed upon oxides, as explained below (Welk, 2011b).
addition of a fourth water molecule. The latter partially aggre- 6.2.
gated structure can be viewed as an ‘activated species’, which
readily leads to dissociation of HCl and to the formation of a A: PtðNH3 Þ4 ðH OH ClÞ4 þ heat ! 2H2 O " þ4NH4 Cl
solvent-shared ion pair H3O+(H2O)3Cl (Forbert et al., 2011).
þ PtO2 ; but
Megyes et al. (2008) used molecular dynamics and X-ray dif-
fraction to show how the ‘bulk’ water structure is disrupted,
i.e. hydrogen bonds of Ow  Ow types are breaking up and those B: PtðNH3 Þ2 ðH OH ClÞ4 þ heat ! N2 " þ4HCl " þ4H2 O "
of Ow–H types are building up during the solvation of sodium
þ H2 " þPt
6.3. Gold chloride AuCl3 does not give gold plating, because
3. Similar to the above example 2, the same principle applies to aqueous AuCl3 is in fact Au(HOH)xCl3 (Welk, 2011b).
aqueous ammonia, commonly abbreviated as NH4OH, which 7. According to Welk (2006a,b), the PGMs form not only complex
does not accurately represent aqueous ammonia. Welk bonds with oxygen of ‘intermolecular water’, but the PGMs also
(2011b) considers aqueous ammonia to be NH4(HOH)2OH or form inter-metallic bonds with virtually any other metal, even
NH3(H2O)3. Concentrated aqueous ammonia cannot exceed other precious metals, depending in part on the availability of
32%, because of the molecular weight ratio between ammonium cations. This makes assaying of these metals extremely cumber-
and water. If attempts are made to concentrate aqueous ammo- some, and electroplating of the PGMs is virtually impossible,
nia to the point that ‘intermolecular water’ is eliminated, aque- unless very special conditions are met. When, for example,

ous ammonia will decompose (Welk, 2011b). the positively charged cation PtðH OH Þ4 is bombarded at an
4. Examples 2 and 3 illustrate that in aqueous salts ‘intermolecu- electrode with negatively charged electrons, hydrogen, which
lar water’ (HOH)x is individually and physically combined with has lower reduction potential than platinum, is reduced instead

both the anion and the cation of an aqueous salt. If ‘intermolec- of platinum. At best, platinum PtðH OH Þ4 becomes PtO22H2O
ular water’ is attached to only the cation or the anion, the which is immediately re-dissolved when hydrochloric acid is
resulting product is semi-aqueous and flocculent, as in the the electrolyte. The cycle of partial reduction and re-oxidation
ammines, e.g. Pt(H3N)x(HOHCl)2,4 or, as in hydroxides, e.g., is endlessly repeated and the PGM can remain in the solution,
Fe(HOH)OH)3 (Welk, 2011b). This semi-aqueous nature of which is what happens when a rhodium plating solution is con-
ammines and hydroxide causes impractical complications and taminated (Welk, 2006b).
makes a complete solid/liquid separation by filtering impossi- 8. Another concept, which has far-reaching implications for pros-
ble. This also explains why many sedimentary rocks, which pecting and analytical mineralogical identification of complex
originated from hydroxides, contain molecular water, which PGM oxides is the realisation that hydrate oxides not merely
crackles and explodes when exposed to the heat of a torch contain water, as the general formulae suggest (Welk, 2006b).
(Welk, 2011b). For example rhodiumsesquioxide, the hydrate oxide Rh2O35H2-
5. Absolutely pure water H2O which contains no salts is non-con- O is not merely an oxide that contains water, but the sesquirho-
ductive of electricity, for the bond between hydrogen and oxy- dinic acid H2Rh2(OH)8 that can have complex salts like
gen is so strong that electrons cannot be shared. In FeRh2(OH)8 which when heated becomes the very refractory
‘intermolecular water’ the ionic bonds are a chain of multiple anhydrous and naturally occurring oxide FeRh2O4 (Welk,
bonds, the polarity between cation and anion is weakened, 2006b; Kane, 1842).
and electrons can flow. Salt water, which is ionic, e.g. Na(HOH)-
xCl is a conductor of electricity. If the number x is large, the
chain of ‘intermolecular water’ is long, the resistance is great, 4.3. Electro-extraction based on ‘hydroxyacids’
and the flow of electrons is impeded. For similar reasons dehy-
drated athletes find that fruit–salt water is far more effective in Welk (2011a) defines the term ‘hydroxy acid’ as being an inor-
replenishing electrolytes in the body than pure water, because ganic aqueous acid in which a complex anion molecularly
‘pure’ water requires preliminary procedures before being consists of an ion of a ‘desirable metal’ such as gold or platinum,
assimilated into body fluids which are aqueous salts, e.g., ‘intermolecular water’ (hydrate), and hydroxides, for example
Na(HOH)xCl (Welk, 2011b). H+(Au(HOHOH)4). Metals which have a chemical bond strength
6. If the presence of ‘intermolecular water’ is not taken into con- with oxygen which is stronger than the chemical bond strength be-
sideration many chemical reactions cannot be properly under- tween hydrogen and oxygen do not form ‘hydroxy acids’; instead,
stood, which can cause great difficulties, misunderstandings, they form oxyacids, such as osmic acid, H2OsO4, titanic acid,
and which leads to costly wrong conclusions (Welk, 2006a,b, H2TiO4, and others (Welk, 2011a).
2007, 2011b). Specific examples are: Welk (2000, 2011a) proposed a method whereby an ore con-
6.1. taining a ‘desirable metal’ such as gold or platinum is leached using
a ‘strong acid’ such as hydrochloric, sulphuric or nitric acid. Welk
does not appear to consider pH or Oxidation Reduction Potential
PtðH OH ClÞ4 þ heat ! 2H2 O " þ4HCl " þPtO2 (ORP) as important when he subjects the leaching slurry to a direct
or alternating current using carbon electrodes. This electro-disso-
Problems: (a) Spectroscopic analysis for precious metals (PGM lution is the first important step in all Welk’s patents (2000,
and Au) is based on the assumption that liquid precious metal 2011a). Welk (2006a,b, 2011a) argues that direct precipitation or
salts vaporise from the liquid state to a gaseous state as which electrowinning from the strong acid leach liquor is impossible,
they may be analysed. In contrast, when heated, such salts revert and proposes that the strong acid be replaced by a weak organic
from the liquid state back to the solid state, as which they do not acid like formic acid, in order to form a ‘hydroxy acid.’ For this to
readily vaporise. Consequently, since oxides, e.g. PtO2 precipi- happen, the strong acid solution must first be neutralised by an al-
tate, true analysis is inconclusive. (b) Oversimplified formulae, kali such as ammonia, followed by addition of the formic acid.
270 J.S.J. van Deventer / Minerals Engineering 53 (2013) 266–275

An example of the formation of an aqueous ‘hydroxy acid’ by An alternative explanation for gold plating at the anode is that
the addition of aqueous ammonium to a solution of complex salts the gold in a partially clustered form is negatively charged (anodic)
of strong acids is (Welk, 2011a): in solution. Metallurgists used to thinking about gold as (always)
cationic may find this possibility confronting, but the anionic
FeðAuðH OH Þx Cl4 Þ3 þ 12NH4 OH ¼ behaviour of gold has been discussed before (Kryachko, 2008). Sch-
FeðOHÞ3 # þ12NH4 Cl þ 3½AuðH OH Þx ðOHÞ3 ! HðAuðH OH Þx1 ðOHÞ4 Þ midbaur et al. (2005) cite in this context an experiment by Eduard
Zintl in the 1930s who reacted an AuI solution with an ammoniacal
An example of the formation of an aqueous ‘hydroxy acid’ by the solution of sodium and obtained the (metallic) NaAu. Underway,
addition of formic acid to a complex of semi-aqueous flocculent am- they would have had the auride anion (Au-) without knowing it
mines is (Welk, 2011a): (Pyykkö, 2005). Regarding its electronegativity, gold is ranked close
to iodine, and in fact auride anions can replace iodide anions in salt
½PtðNH3 Þ2 ðOHÞ4 þ 2H2 O ! PtðNH3 H =OH Þ2 ðOHÞ4  þ 2HðH OH Þx COOH lattices without changing these into alloys or causing redox reac-
¼ 2NH4 ðH OH Þx6 COOH þ H2 PtðH OH OHÞ6 tions (Schmidbaur et al., 2005).

According to Welk (2011a), when a mixture of several acids is

neutralised by the addition of aqueous ammonium, the cation of 4.4. Implications for assay practice
the neutralising agent forms salts and progressively neutralises
all acids, from the strongest to the weakest until only ‘hydroxy When extracts of precious metals, their oxides and hydroxides,
acids’ are left. At the transition from an acidic solution to an alkali particularly the PGMs, are fused (heat > 1100 °C), they transform to
solution, the ‘desirable metals’, which previously existed as acidic an ionic liquid, which combine with other liquid ions and form an
complex aqueous salts of strong acids, become aqueous ‘hydroxy acid-like solution of metals and metal oxides, in which ionic com-
acids.’ As ‘hydroxy acids,’ they are chemically unable to molecu- ponents combine according to the laws governing ion exchange,
larly bond with other metals, because ‘hydroxy acids’ are molecu- according to Welk (2011a). Thus extremely complex and refractory
lar structures which consist only of one ‘desirable metal’, anhydrous molecules are formed, which may not re-dissolve in an
hydrogen, oxygen and possibly with ammonium as a complex of aqueous solution of acids. If gold and PGMs are jointly melted in
the neutralising agent (Welk, 2011a). Welk (2011a) prefers aque- such circumstances, particularly if oxygen is present, an acidic
ous ammonium instead of potassium or sodium hydroxide as a interaction will cause intermetallic and intermolecular bonding
neutralising agent, for the latter forms complex sodium and/or of ions, and will obscure virtually everything – even gold. Thus col-
potassium hydroxides which would re-introduce base metals to lective extracts, especially if the PGMs are included, cannot be
‘hydroxy acid’ complexes. However, this use of ammonium pro- tested accurately by any method which requires heat and firing,
duces flocculent ammines of the PGMs which would remain especially in air/oxygen (e.g. the fire assay method).
mixed-in with the gangue or hydroxides if the gangue were not Welk (2006b) states that when aqueous precious metal salts are
re-acidified with formic acid. nebulised or vaporised, the precious metal of the salt does not
If elements like copper and zinc are accumulating at a nega- vaporise, but instead precipitates as a solid hydrate oxide and
tively charged electrode, and re-dissolve in an acidic or alkali solu- hence escapes detection. Also, the standard fire assay method is
tion, they will reduce, at least in part, any element, which has a the ideal tool for obscuring the presence of PGMs. Using standard
reduction potential that is higher than the reduction potential of fire assay methods, the PGMs are not separated from oxides, but
copper and zinc (e.g., Ag, Au, Pt). Therefore in some cases, it may they are produced as oxides and end up in the slag, not the metal
be advisable to do electro-extraction by electrolysis in a neutral collector as is assumed by metallurgists.
solution, a weak acidic, or in basic solution, in whichever the ex- There is little scientific proof for Paul Welk’s hypotheses, but at
tracted metal does not re-dissolve. Welk (2011a) also proposes least some of his observations and explanations are supported by
that electro-extraction by electrolysis can be applied by means of JvD’s own experience. It is worth investigating some of Welk’s sug-
an alternating current, which is unconventional. gestions for refractory ores, and to explain the recovery of precious
An example of the decomposition of an aqueous ‘hydroxy acid’ metals from non-assayable ores.
is (first half reaction, activated at a negatively charged electrode)
(Welk, 2011a):
5. Alchemy and transmutation of ores
2HðAuðH OH Þx1 ðOHÞ4 Þ þ 6e ¼ 2xH2 O þ 2Au # þ½6OH ! 3H2 O2 þ 6e 

An example of decomposition of an aqueous ‘hydroxy acid’ is Everyone has been taught that transmutation of elements at
(second half reaction, activated at the positively charged electrode) ambient temperature is scientifically impossible, and that those
(Welk, 2011a): advocating it are either acting fraudulently, or are scientifically
ignorant, or are not of a sound mind. Anybody who has even raised
2HðAuðH OH Þx1 ðOHÞ4 Þ þ 6OH ! ð6 þ 2xÞH2 O þ Au2 O3 the possibility has suffered a loss of reputation, especially if they
1 are members of the scientific community, who should know better.
# þ1 O2 þ 6e An example is Prof John O.M. Bockris of Texas A&M University, one
of the world’s leading electrochemists, who has been ostracised by
The combined reaction for the decomposition of an aqueous his colleagues for openly investigating transmutation (Bockris,
‘hydroxy acid’ at both anode and cathode, whether using direct 1999). It is well known that a famous scientist like Sir Isaac New-
or alternating current, is: ton spent a large part of his life secretly working on alchemy. There
1 is no credible and peer reviewed evidence available that such
4HðAuðH OH Þx1 ðOHÞ4 Þ ! ð6 þ 4xÞH2 O þ 2Au # þAu2 O3 # þ1 O2 transmutation of elements has indeed been achieved at ambient
conditions. However, there are numerous anecdotal indications
Whether Welk’s explanations are valid or not, JvD has observed from the internet, and also from personal discussions between
metallic gold, identifiable by spectroscopy, being recovered at the JvD and people working behind the scene in this alternative field,
anode when a suitable catalytic surface is used and the gold is that individuals have achieved such transmutations, but that the
present in a partially clustered form, as will be discussed later. results have poor reproducibility. Here selected examples are
J.S.J. van Deventer / Minerals Engineering 53 (2013) 266–275 271

mentioned, as taken largely from the website of Robert A. Nelson té Anonyme’ with Belgian stockholders and established a factory
(2013). on Lake Neuchâtel. Nothing more is known about the affair be-
Nuclear physicists have achieved the artificial production of cause all subsequent proceedings were kept secret (Nelson, 2013).
gold during nuclear reactions, but the yields are low, the product According to Nelson (2013), an Austrian chemist named Adal-
is unstable and of course extremely expensive. Melchanov (1980) bert Klobasa claimed around 1937 to have produced gold using
published a notice that Soviet physicists at a nuclear research facil- an electromagnet and induction coil with which he treated a mix-
ity near Lake Baikal in Siberia accidentally discovered a fusion ture of titanium–potassium-oxalate (36 g), ferrous sulphate (84 g),
reaction for turning lead into gold in 1972 when they found the copper sulphate (50 g), sodium sulphide (50 g), ammonium chlo-
lead shielding of one of their experimental reactors had changed ride (100 g), ammonia (250 ml), sodium silicate (20 ml) and silica
to gold (Nelson, 2013). (440 g). The reaction was catalysed with 100 mg of silver. Two
Thomas H. Moray was approached in 1950 with a request to im- hours of treatment yielded a 1% yield of gold which appeared as
prove the extraction of uranium ores (Nelson, 2013). The Moray brown–red scales. Klobasa claimed that gold is built up from iron,
Research Institute (MRI) proceeded by bombarding the ore in an titanium, and sodium. He declined to enter into business with his
‘environment’ with X-rays as high as 24 MeV. While the average synthesis and apparently said: ‘‘I am too old, and not fit enough
ore contained 0.23% uranium oxide, after irradiation the ore to worry myself chasing around after capitalists’’ (Doberer, 1948).
yielded from 7% to 75% uranium oxide. In 1953 the MRI proposed Nelson (2013) explains how Arnold Conrad learned a process to
that the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in the US investigate ‘‘ripen green ores’’ like volcanic sulphides, pyrites or tellurides,
such a project for the conditioning of atomic ores by a ‘‘breeding from a German scientist, and consisted of ‘‘balancing the ore’s elec-
type reaction with high-energy particles or X-rays in the presence tropositive charge’’ with 10–150 V DC. The enhanced values were
of a proper environment’’ (Nelson, 2013). The AEC declined to grant removed by electroplating (or in vacuum for Rh, Os, and Ir). Conrad
a contract to Moray (1965). In 1958 MRI adapted its process to the (1973) said that he used from one to three additives ‘‘to assist in
conditioning of precious metal ores. It was found that higher grade rejuvenating the chemicals and acids in ores,’’ but any material
ores seem to be less adaptable to this process, as they yielded eroded by water is not amenable to this process. Nelson (2013) de-
much less of an increase in values than did low grade ores (Nelson, scribes another similar method of transmutative enrichment
2013). While virtually no gold or silver values could be determined which was developed by some California alchemists in the 1970s,
in the raw ore, after irradiation and drying the gold and silver could consisting of: (a) Smelting lead with soda ash and/or soda–borax;
be identified by standard fire assay, yielding 50–100 ozAu/t ore. (b) Using this as the anode, and a stainless steel or carbon rod as
Apparently, the ore was treated in combination with chemicals, the cathode; (c) The reaction with the ore is contained in a carbon
including arseno- and iron pyrites in an alkaline solution, whose crucible with 10% nitric acid as the electrolyte; (d) Add extra flux as
atomic numbers add up to the atomic number of silver or gold needed; (e) The process is repeated from 7 to 21 times.
and yielded silver and gold upon irradiation (Nelson, 2013). Joe Champion (1993) announced a variety of methods of trans-
The MRI obtained the services of an eminent physicist Prof W.J. mutations of black sands by thermal burns, melts and kinetic
Hooper, who concluded that low grade ores and mining tailings methods. He was convicted of fraud in Arizona after being accused
provide not only the seed for crystal growth, but also a nuclei envi- by an irate investor who failed to achieve satisfactory results (Nel-
ronment which is well advanced or uniquely favourable for the for- son, 2013). Allegedly, the eminent electrochemist Prof John Bockris
mation of the precious metals by transmutation. Dr. Hans validated his processes, but nothing has been published and appar-
Frauenfelde of the University of Illinois suggested that the energy ently the Bockris team could not replicate the results when Cham-
levels were too much of a departure from the accepted standards pion was not present (Bockris, 1999). Apparently, Champion’s
to verify this point (Nelson, 2013). Another theory proposed that process was developed from a method of ‘‘growing gold’’ in an
colloidal gold, lost in the dilution of ore in the environmental solu- electrolytic cell which was originally developed by Dr. Walter Lus-
tion, was concentrated by the bombardment. The MRI insisted that sage, a Czechoslovakian geologist who died in 1977. Dr. Lussage re-
was not the case (Nelson, 2013). In 1963, MRI conducted experi- vealed his process to Mr. Jack Keller, who taught it to Joe Champion
ments with a linear accelerator at the Electronized Chemicals Cor- in 1989. The original formula was quite simple: black sand (90 g),
poration (Rockford, IL) at energy levels of 11.4–20 MeV with doses charcoal (90 g), and sodium nitrate (270 g), pulverised separately
of 1 megarad and obtained yields of 8–9% gold (Nelson, 2013). to 75 lm and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is ignited with a
In 1931, a Polish engineer named Dunikovski announced that he torch; it burns about 90 s, reaching a temperature of about
could produce artificial gold by the action of ‘Z-rays’ on a mixture 700 °C. In one assay, the mixture contained 0.18 mg Au and
of silica and felspar melted in bronze crucibles under the influence 1.35 mg Ag before ignition; after ignition it contained 212.7 mg
of 110 kV (Nelson, 2013). Dunikovski claimed to have perfected a Au and 856.8 mg Ag. Black sand typically is composed of 40% mag-
process he inherited from his father and grandfather who had netite (Fe3O4), haematite (Fe2O3), or chalcopyrite (CuFeS2). The
developed it. Dunikovski theorised that all minerals contain necessary parental isotopes (cobalt, iron, manganese, nickel, and
‘embryonal atoms’ or ‘mineralites’ that could be artificially ma- calcium) must be present (Nelson, 2013).
tured in minutes (Nelson, 2013). Several French investors syndi- Champion (1993) stated that the addition of a molar proportion
cated and subscribed 2 million francs which Dunikovski used to of lead enabled the atoms of gold to be collected as they formed,
build a laboratory in Paris, however, no gold was produced, and and served as an absorptive shield for radioactivity released in
he was charged with fraud. He demonstrated his process to the the reaction. Another formula for the thermal burn process was
court, but the results were ambiguous and insufficient to prove (Nelson, 2013): carbon (300 g), potassium nitrate (900 g), sulphur
his innocence. Dunikovski was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment, (80 g), silica (120 g), ferrous sulphate (100 g), cadmium (30 g),
but his attorney, Jean Legrand, secured his release after 2 years. mercury chloride (100 g), lead oxide (50 g), silver (5 g), and cal-
Dunikovski relocated to San Remo and renewed his experiments. cium oxide (30 g). In one test, the thermal melt process was
He improved the process, gaining significant increases in yields. accomplished in a gas-fired or inductively heated furnace, vented
His attorney visited Dunikovski with the eminent chemist Albert to release gases liberated in the process. A mixture of black sands
Bonn to investigate the new situation. Bonn witnessed and repli- (1 kg), mineral coal (1 kg), sodium nitrate (3 kg), lead (300 g), silver
cated the process. One type of sand, which contained 11 gAu/t be- (200 g) and mercury chloride (HgCl2, 1 kg) in a graphite crucible
fore treatment, assayed 859 gAu/t after treatment with the yielded 44 g gold, 6 g platinum, and 35 g rhodium (Nelson, 2013).
improved apparatus. Dunikovski later established ‘Metallex, Socié- Another gas-fired mixture tested by Champion (1993) was
272 J.S.J. van Deventer / Minerals Engineering 53 (2013) 266–275

composed of black sands (100 g), charcoal (300 g), sodium nitrate electron. Hudson (1989) and associates developed a method to re-
(900 g) and powered silver (500 g). When an inductive furnace cover ORMEs and convert them into their metallic forms. While it
was employed, the formula needed to be modified: black sands is not a transmutation of one element into another, the extraction
(100 g), charcoal (350 g), sodium nitrate (150 g), silver (50 g), and and conversion of ORMEs to metal may explain the claims of some
copper powder (50 g). The gas or electricity was reduced during other experimenters in this field. Apparently, certain ores, particu-
the ignition period. After the ignition was completed, the temper- larly sodium and calcium plagioclase, contain large amounts of
ature was raised to 2000 °C for 90 min. If necessary, borax or potas- ORMEs which could be extracted by Hudson’s process (Hudson,
sium nitrate was added to maintain fluidity of the mixture. When 1989), consisting of a series of oxidation and reduction steps,
there was no more apparent reaction, the mixture was poured into including electrolysis.
a mould to cool, and the slag was removed (Nelson, 2013). Hudson (1989) describes a process whereby gold ORME could
Another method proposed by Champion (1993) utilised the ki- be reconverted to metallic gold by an oxidative rearrangement
netic energy of a ball mill with 40 kg of carbon steel balls. The liner which removes all paired valence electrons together with their va-
must be made of iron-coated steel and the reagents must be thor- cancy pair electrons, with a subsequent refilling of the d and s orbi-
oughly dry for this method to work properly. The ball mill also tals with unpaired electrons until the proper configuration is
must have an air-tight seal. 24% of the mineral weight should be reached for the normal metal. This oxidative rearrangement is ef-
ferric oxygen, which is required for the kinetic excitation transmu- fected by subjecting the ORME to a large negative potential in
tation to occur (Champion, 1993). the presence of an electron-donating element, such as carbon, thus
In an insightful review of the work on transmutation at Texas forming a metallic gold-carbon chemical bond. For that gold-car-
A&M, Bockris (1999) wrote: ‘‘. . . there is no doubt that it – and par- bon bond to occur the carbon must provide for the removal of
ticularly the pioneer suggestions of Joseph Champion – should be the d orbital vacancy of the ORME. The carbon acts as a chemical
given their rightful place in the history of nuclear science. When fulcrum. When the gold-carbon bond is reduced by way of further
Champion came to Texas A&M, the proposition that one could car- decreasing the potential, the carbon receives a reducing electron
ry out nuclear reactions with metals in solids in the cold (‘Al- and subsequently inserts that reducing electron below the s orbi-
chemy’) would have received unhesitating rejection and ridicule. tals of the element, thus forming metallic gold (Hudson, 1989).
Now, 8 years later, not only are scientific papers describing such The notion that the orbitals in these elements are rearranged
phenomena available from many groups; but scientific meetings comes from the fact that when these materials are subjected to or-
in Russia, formerly entitled Cold Fusion, have been changed to dinary instrumental assays, the instruments provide false readings.
meetings on ‘Transmutation’. The American Nuclear Society has For example, the same material can appear as iron oxide, calcium
hosted sessions on Low Temperature Nuclear Reactions for 3 years and silica, or aluminium-silica oxide at different stages of the pro-
in succession. Champion’s courage in maintaining that nuclear duction process (Hudson, 1989). However, when the normal metals
change in the cold could be brought about could probably not have are recovered by electrolysis in the presence of a catalyst, a final
withstood a formal training in nuclear science. He would then have analysis then shows that there is no iron, calcium, silica, or alumin-
known that such a suggestion would have been STUPID.’’ ium present. This does not suggest transmutation of elements, but
rather the inability of spectroscopic analysis to identify ORMEs,
according to the researchers who have been working in this field be-
6. Hudson’s Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements hind the scenes. Hudson (1989) postulated that, because the valence
(ORMEs) electrons of monatomic elements are unavailable for chemical reac-
tions, monatomic atoms are chemically inert and have many of the
The story of David Hudson, a cotton farmer in Arizona, who pos- physical properties of ceramic materials. This may not be entirely
tulated the existence of precious metals in a form hitherto un- correct, as Hudson speaks of the same colour changes in monatomic
known to science, is described in numerous websites (Hudson, chemistry as occurring in metallic chemistry.
1994; Eden, 2013; Taylor, 2013). Hudson found in 1976 that his Rational Wiki (2013) provides scathing criticism of Hudson’s
soil suffered from a high sodium content, which caused the surface hypothesis by identifying an extensive list of scientific errors in Hud-
to be hard and impenetrable by water. To combat this problem, he son’s writings, and by stating that: ‘‘This shows a complete lack of
injected sulphuric acid into the ground so as to break down the understanding of the nature of chemical bonding in metals.’’ . . .
crust to a manageable consistency, but, on testing soil constituents ‘‘Hudson’s patented procedures definitely do not work, because it
that were not dissolved by the acid, he found that one particular would be at odds with the known chemical behaviour of gold under
material had a most unusual quality. When heat-dried in the those conditions.’’ . . . ‘‘The result is a worthless salt that has none of
sun, it would flare into a great blaze of white light and totally dis- the claimed properties.’’ . . . ‘‘The countless alternative procedures of
appear. Under spectroscopic analysis, however, the substance reg- obtaining ORMUS also do not work – a material with superconduc-
istered as ‘pure nothing.’ Following unsuccessful tests at Cornell tive properties occurring abundantly in nature would be very easy to
University, a sample was sent to Harwell Laboratories in Oxford- detect, yet no such kind of material is known to modern science.’’ . . .
shire, England, for neutron activation analysis, but even they could ‘‘The concept is highly exploitable by quacks.’’ Clearly, such criticism
not obtain a suitable reading. Eventually, with assistance from the should convince any career-focused scientist with a reputation to
Soviet Academy of Sciences, it was determined that the mysterious, avoid this field of investigation like the plague. Even when there
glowing white substance was composed entirely of PGMs in a form are errors in Hudson’s writings, and even if Hudson’s hypothesis of
hitherto unknown to science. In the course of continued research, ORMEs may not be entirely correct, JvD suggests that it takes a brave
the material was regularly heated and cooled, with a resultant fluc- person to deny that precious metals could occur in a form unidenti-
tuation in its gravitational weight. In addition, Hudson (1989, fiable by existing scientific methods, when there is increasing
1994) claimed that monatomic elements exhibit the characteristics empirical evidence supporting such contention.
of superconductors at room temperature.
With the support of researchers, Hudson (1989, 1994) postu-
lated the existence of ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic 7. Partial clustering of metals: a neglected state of matter?
Elements) which are virtually undetectable by conventional means
(except for a distinguishing infrared doublet located between In an insightful review on ‘microclusters,’ Duncan and Rouvray
about 1400 and 1600 cm1), because they allegedly lack a d-orbital (1989) stated: ‘‘Divide and subdivide a solid and the traits of its
J.S.J. van Deventer / Minerals Engineering 53 (2013) 266–275 273

solidity fade away one by one, like the features of the Cheshire Cat, capacity for bond formation with the 6s electron of platinum is de-
to be replaced by characteristics that are not those of liquids or creased, and the solubility of platinum in gold is therefore limited.’’
gases. They belong instead to a new phase of matter, the micro- Therefore, there is evidence that small clusters of atoms will be-
cluster. Micro-clusters consist of tiny aggregates comprising from have very differently from large metallic clusters of the same ele-
two to several hundred atoms. They pose questions that lie at ment, so that it is not surprising that Hudson (1989) postulated
the heart of solid state physics and chemistry, and the related field that monoatomic precious metals could have a very different
of material science. How small must an aggregate of particles be- chemistry to normal metallic gold. If that is the case, the detection
come before the character of the substance they once formed is of such partially clustered precious metals using conventional as-
lost? How might the atoms reconfigure if freed from the influence say techniques will also be problematic. It is surprising that no-
of the matter that surrounds them? If the substance is a metal, how body seems to have made the connection between these ‘wild’
small must this cluster of atoms be to avoid the characteristic shar- theories and speculations and the anomalous behaviour of pre-
ing of free electrons that underlies conductivity? Do growing clus- cious metals in extraction processes and the associated problems
ters proceed gradually from one stable structure to another, largely interpreting assay data.
through the simple addition of atoms, or do they undergo radical It is speculated that it is not only the electron and orbital struc-
transformations as they grow?’’ ture of some transition elements that get distorted in the mono-
Bond (2007) stated with regard to platinum–gold alloys that atomic or partially clustered form, but that the nucleus itself
there is clear evidence that ‘‘sufficiently small particles can form may become distorted. If so, it may be the reason why precious
true solid solutions, but that with larger particles phase separation metals recoverable from some ores are not identifiable using mass
is inevitable; they behave as does the macroscopic system. There is spectrometry or neutron activation. Websites like Crucible.org
no indication in the literature of the critical size at which the (2013) speculate that isolated atoms of the transition metals co-
change of behaviour takes place; for this information we need to balt, nickel, copper, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, os-
consider other factors. Before doing so, however, it is worth noting mium, iridium, platinum, gold and mercury may assume what is
that many scientists express no surprise that their small particles referred to as a ‘high spin’ state. Unlike ordinary atomic nuclei,
do not behave as the macroscopic alloy does. This lack of curiosity which display spherical symmetry, the nuclei of these specially
is unfortunate, to say the least, because knowledge of the bonding prepared metals have a distorted shape.
in homogeneous alloy particles might help in understanding their Yam (1991) stated: ‘‘Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley lab-
catalytic behaviour, and hence in further improvement.’’ oratory have been finding that rapidly spinning nuclei with differ-
According to Bond (2007), ‘‘It has long been appreciated that the ent masses have similar – if not exactly the same – moments of
electronic structure of platinum in the macroscopic state differs inertia. ‘Something is going on,’ said Frank F. Stephens, a physicist
from that of the isolated atom (Mott and Jones, 1958); in the free at the Lawrence Berkeley lab, ‘and for reasons we don’t understand
state it is 5d96s1, but in the solid state it is approximately yet.’ A spinning nucleus results from an off-center collision be-
5d9.46s0.6. This is because, as the number of atoms forming the par- tween two nuclei that fuse to form a rapidly spinning, elongated
ticle increases, the electron energy levels of the free atom begin to body. The deformed nucleus can take the shape of an American
broaden, then overlap, and finally form a continuous electron band football, a doorknob, or possibly even a banana depending on the
in which rehybridisation between the s, p and d valence orbitals collision energy in the nuclei. In a typically deformed nucleus the
can readily occur. The spacing between adjacent energy levels d long axis exceeds the two short axis by about a factor of 1.3. . . .
is given to a first approximation by d = EF/n where EF is the Fermi It is in these superdeformed nuclei that curious goings-on have ta-
energy level and n the number of atoms in the particle. When d ex- ken place. . . .The surprise: the spectra of some different superde-
ceeds the thermal energy kBT (where kB is the Boltzmann constant), formed nuclei were almost identical.’’
the levels begin to act independently, and the particle then resem- The White Gold Web (2013) speculates about the shapes of the
bles a giant molecule. For EF = 10 eV, a typical value, the critical atoms of these ‘high spin’ elements and attempts to reconcile the
number at room temperature is about n = 400, but in the transi- contradictory observations of Hudson (1989) about the chemical
tional region particles become less metallic at low temperature. behaviour of monoatomic precious metals by postulating that pre-
There is therefore a continuous change from non-metallic to metal- cious metals probably do not occur in nature as complete ORMEs
lic behaviour, without any abrupt transition.’’ but rather partial ORMEs.
In the case of platinum, therefore, one consequence of the rehy- It is proposed here that the anomalous behaviour of precious
bridisation of the energy levels is a decrease in the number of d- metals is probably a result of a partially clustered state, which is
band holes per atom as particle size is lowered, and this can be di- not yet recognised by science. Whether alchemy is possible or
rectly sensed by X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy not, and whether the ‘high spin’ state occurs indeed in nature, it
(XANES), which exhibits a decrease in the intensity of the white is hypothesised here that precious metals occur in nature across
line on the leading edge of the LIII X-ray absorption band (Van a spectrum of degrees of clustering. Sugano and Koizumi (1998)
Bokhoven et al., 2006). According to Bond (2007): ‘‘While it does explained that microclusters have properties between those of sol-
not appear possible to use this quantitatively, the effect, although ids and liquids, and that their formation from atoms is associated
small, is quite distinct. It is less well appreciated that exactly the with a phase change resulting from a change in geometry of pack-
same phenomenon occurs with gold. Although in the free atom ing of the atoms. The electrons orbit the centre of a microcluster
there is a filled d-electron level, in the bulk state a small white line rather than the centre of each atom, which may greatly affect the
is seen, showing again that there has been some rehybridisation, so chemical behaviour of the microcluster compared with either the
that the electronic structure of the metal is actually 5d10x6s1+x individual atoms, or the bulk metal.
(Benfield et al., 2001; Mattheiss and Dietz, 1980), and the white It is hypothesised here that clustering of precious metal ele-
line that reveals this weakens as the size of the particle becomes ments could occur not only with the same element, but also with
smaller (Van Bokhoven et al., 2006). The situation with larger par- other elements. For example, PGMs may cluster with iron in such
ticles (diameter > 2 nm) or macroscopic forms is somewhat differ- a way that the PGM adopts the ‘identity’ of iron and is not recogni-
ent. Gold then loses its strong electronegative character that sed spectroscopically as PGM, as suggested by Welk (2007). JvD has
determines much of its chemistry, because of the rehybridisation observed that gold may be present in clusters at substantial con-
of its valence orbitals through electron band formation. The num- centrations with silicon or iron in such a way that the gold is not
ber of unpaired 6s electrons on the gold atoms is lowered, the detected spectroscopically or by any standard assay technique;
274 J.S.J. van Deventer / Minerals Engineering 53 (2013) 266–275

such ‘abnormal’ gold may still be partially recoverable using pro- metals? Or have we preferred to ignore well established scientific
prietary methods. It is well known that the chalcogens have a high principles? The first question will be answered in the affirmative
affinity for gold, so it could be expected that ‘abnormal’ gold may when precious metal is recovered from ‘abnormal’ ores at commer-
be found in abundance in clusters with chalcogens and be ‘hidden’ cial scale. The last question will always be contemplated by scep-
from detection. Conventional technology to decouple gold from tics until such production takes place.
chalcogens is ineffective in recovery of such clustered gold or
PGMs. AES Gold Basin Mine (2013) cites an example where chlo- Acknowledgements
ride gas phase technology has been used to ‘‘free’’ precious metals
from ‘‘all the other material they were previously associated with.’’ This work has been funded partly by the Australian Research
Council (ARC) through an ARC Discovery Project grant awarded
jointly to JvD and John Provis.
8. Final observations
Many of the observations and ideas cited here from the internet
are so far-fetched that they are considered as lunacy and contra- AES Gold Basin Mine, 2013. Gas Phase Extraction. <http://www.aesgoldmine.com/
vening the laws of nature by main stream metallurgists and scien- gas_phase.cfm> (accessed 26.06.13).
Bailey, F., Andres, F., 2009. AB bubbles. <http://scienceuidahoblogs.wordpress.com/
tists. It is expected that some of the experiential statements by JvD page/6/> (accessed 26.06.13).
will be rejected similarly. Consequently, the ideas cited and the Barbour, L.J., Orr, G.W., Atwood, J.L., 1998. An intermolecular (H2O)10 cluster in a
hypotheses raised in this paper are unlikely to be investigated with solid-state supramolecular complex. Nature 393, 671–673.
Benfield, R.E., Grandjean, D., Kröll, M., Pugin, R., Sawitowski, T., Schmid, G., 2001.
scientific rigour by the research community, and they will not at- Structure and bonding of gold metal clusters, colloids, and nanowires studied
tract funding by competitive grant agencies or companies. It is by EXAFS, XANES, and WAXS. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105 (10), 1961–
politically easier to outright reject them rather than risk one’s hard 1970.
Bialonska, A., Bernal, I., 2007. A new cyclic hydronium di-cation of composition
earned reputation to even suggest that they are worthy of research. H18 O2þ
8 . Comptes Rendus Chimie 10 (3), 232–233.
There is little chance that the management of a major precious Bockris, J.O.M., 1999. Early contributions from workers at Texas A&M University to
metals company or any university will investigate this field of (so-called) low energy nuclear reactions. Journal of New Energy 4 (2), 40–72.
Bond, G.C., 2007. The electronic structure of platinum–gold alloy particles: better
non-assayable ores. catalysts for selective oxidation. Platinum Metals Review 51 (2), 63–68.
Any tenure track academic relies on research students and post- Champion, J., 1993. Twentieth Century Alchemy: How to Synthetically Produce
doctoral fellows to conduct the bulk of experimental work. It is Precious Metals. Discovery Publishing, Westboro, Wisconsin.
Conrad, A., 1973. California Mining Journal (February 1973), p. 13.
essential for the careers of all these individuals that research is
Crucible.org, 2013. <http://www.crucible.org/monatomic_elements.htm> (accessed
published in peer reviewed journals, which means that neither 26.06.2013).
an academic nor a PhD student nor a postdoctoral fellow can afford Doberer, K.K., 1948. The Goldmakers. Nicholson & Watson, London.
to do speculative work which will face resistance getting pub- Duncan, M.A., Rouvray, D.H., 1989. Microclusters. Scientific American 261 (6), 110–
lished. Simply, it is much safer not to deviate too far from the norm Eden, D., 2013. Ormus – White powder gold. <http://www.viewzone.com/
accepted by one’s peer group. In countries like Australia and the ormus.html> (accessed 26.06.13).
USA the success rate of competitive grant applications is very Forbert, H., Masia, M., Kaczmarek-Kedziera, A., Nair, N.N., Marx, D., 2011.
Aggregation-induced chemical reactions: acid dissociation in growing water
low and falling, which means that an academic cannot afford to clusters. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (11), 4062–4072.
risk an unconventional proposal or being ridiculed by one’s peers. Genkin, A.D., Bortnikov, N.S., Cabri, L.J., Wagner, F.E., Stanley, C.J., Safonov, Y.G.,
In medical science only a few Nobel Prize winners have had the McMahon, G., Friedl, J., Kerzin, A.L., Gamyanin, G.N., 1998. A multidisciplinary
study of invisible gold in arsenopyrite from four mesothermal gold deposits in
courage to research alternative medicine and mind–body phenom- Siberia, Russian Federation. Economic Geology 93 (4), 463–487.
ena, with the unsurprising rejection by the rest of the medical Goodall, W.R., Scales, P.J., 2007. An overview of the advantages and disadvantages of
community. the determination of gold mineralogy by automated mineralogy. Minerals
Engineering 20 (5), 506–517.
What is required here is a combination of strong fundamental Haoma Mining NL, 2013. Announcement by Haoma Mining NL to the Australian
research in physics and chemistry, coupled with applied research Stock Exchange, 25th February 2013. <www.haoma.com.au> (accessed
trying to reproduce some of the anomalous observations by non- 26.06.13).
Hough, R.M., Noble, R.R.P., Hitchen, G.J., Hart, R., Reddy, S.M., Saunders, M., Clode, P.,
main stream people who have been active in this field. Although
Vaughan, D., Lowe, J., Gray, D.J., Anand, R.R., Butt, C.R.M., Verrall, M., 2008.
the in-bred sceptical mind of the true scientist is always necessary, Naturally occurring gold nanoparticles and nanoplates. Geology 36 (7), 571–
an open mind is a prerequisite for making progress in this field, 574.
otherwise prejudice will prevail over sensory observation. In to- Hudson, D.R., 1989. Non-metallic, Monoatomic Forms of Transition Elements.
Australian Patent No. AU3662489. <http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/
day’s world of modern chemistry there is an attitude of ‘if we can- patents/Ozpatent.htm> (accessed 26.06.13).
not measure something it does not exist.’ In contrast, in a past era Hudson, D.R., 1994. <http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/presentations/
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leagues. In today’s peer-reviewed culture, unquantified and subjec- and Smith, Dublin, p. 673.
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