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doi: 10.1111/j.1346-8138.2010.01154.

x Journal of Dermatology 2011; 38: 236–245


Efficacy of plasmapheresis for the treatment of severe

toxic epidermal necrolysis: Is cytokine expression
analysis useful in predicting its therapeutic efficacy?
Yoko M. NARITA, Kazuhisa HIRAHARA, Yoshiko MIZUKAWA, Yoko KANO,
Department of Dermatology, Kyorin University, Tokyo, Japan

Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a life-threatening, drug-induced disorder characterized by severe epidermal
injury. Although there is no standard therapeutic intervention in TEN, plasmapheresis (PP) is being used increasingly
to treat extremely ill TEN patients. In addition to conventional PP, double-filtration PP (DFPP) has been recently used
for severe and refractory TEN. In this review, we focus on the clinical usefulness of PP by both demonstrating three
cases of TEN refractory to conventional therapies, who were successfully treated with conventional PP or DFPP,
and evaluating its therapeutic efficiency. We also provide evidence to suggest the mechanisms of action of PP by
investigating the correlation between disease intensity and serum cytokine levels before and after treatment with PP
or DFPP in these patients with TEN. At present, PP is a much more effective option for treatment of severe and ⁄ or
recalcitrant TEN than any other treatment, such as pulsed corticosteroids and i.v. immunoglobulin.
Key words: corticosteroid, cytokine, double-filtration plasmapheresis, plasmapheresis, toxic epidermal necrolysis.

INTRODUCTION treatment of TEN with variable success.4–6 The

potential benefit of any specific treatment, however,
Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a rare life-threat- has not been established, because none of these
ening, drug-induced disorder characterized by exten- treatments have been evaluated in a prospective ran-
sive, full-thickness, epidermal necrosis and mucous domized trial. Thus, their use remains highly contro-
membrane involvement. The mortality rate is approxi- versial and there is no standard intervention. Owing
mately 30%, most deaths being due to systemic to concern of increased risk of infections and gastro-
infection.1,2 The most important prognostic factors intestinal bleeding, and masking of early signs of sep-
are age and the extent of skin detachment related to sis, many physicians consider that protracted use of
body surface area: a severity-of-illness score for TEN high-dose corticosteroids should be avoided in TEN.
(SCORTEN) has been recently validated to verify the Therefore, there is a continuing search for another
predictive mortality in patients with TEN.3 safe and effective option for treatment of TEN refrac-
Because drug-specific T cells are generally thought tory to conventional treatment modalities. In this
to play an important role in initiating the death of epi- regard, dramatic and rapid improvement of clinical
dermal cells at the early stage of TEN, high doses of symptoms has been reported to occur in severe and
systemic corticosteroids, i.v. immunoglobulins (IVIG) refractory TEN patients treated with plasmapheresis
and immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclophos- (PP).7,8 In addition to conventional PP, double-filtra-
phamide or cyclosporine have been used in the tion PP (DFPP), in which high molecular proteins

Correspondence: Yoko M. Narita, M.D., Department of Dermatology, Kyorin University, 6-20-2 Shinkawa Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8611, Japan.
Email: yanzum3851@ks.kyorin-u.ac.jp
Received 16 October 2010; accepted 18 October 2010.

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PP as an intervention strategy for TEN

including inflammatory cytokines can be selectively weight proteins including pro-inflammatory cytokines
removed, has been recently used for severe and and pathogenic immune complexes. The pore size of
refractory TEN in limited studies.9 However, only the filter employed for DFPP is theoretically sufficient
anecdotal experience is available to guide the choice to remove high molecular weight proteins larger than
of which methods should be used for TEN. In this albumin (69 kDa) while those smaller than albumin
review, we focus on the clinical usefulness of PP, by are retained in the circulation. Therefore, because
both demonstrating three cases with TEN refractory tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a has a molecular weight
to conventional therapies, who were successfully of 51 kDa, the DFPP procedure cannot theoretically
treated with conventional PP or DFPP, and compar- remove TNF-a and other unwanted inflammatory
ing the therapeutic efficacy. We also provide evi- substances including interferon (IFN)-c (50 kDa),
dence to indicate that depletion of pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-1b (17 kDa), IL-6 (19–26 kDa) and solu-
cytokines is one of the mechanisms whereby PP is ble Fas ligand (sFasL) (26 kDa). Indeed, our studies
efficacious in TEN, by demonstrating our results of showed that serum levels of pro-inflammatory cyto-
serum cytokine levels in these patients before and kines were dramatically increased after treatment
after treatment. Based on these findings, we discuss with DFPP or the next day, as described later. Never-
novel intervention strategies for TEN. theless, because these cytokines could exist in a
larger size due to binding to proteins and multimer
forms in the circulation, some forms of these sub-
stances would be depleted even by the DFPP proce-
dure. In terms of clearance efficiency, the DFPP
In PP, whole blood is withdrawn, plasma separated procedure is unlikely to fulfill the purpose of selective
from the cellular constituents is discarded and the depletion of unwanted inflammatory substances
cellular constituents are reinfused back into the which had accumulated in patients (Fig. 1). In addi-
patient, together with albumin or pooled plasma.2 PP tion, even though selective depletion of these sub-
has been thought to be a safe intervention in the more stances were sufficiently efficacious by choosing
severe form of TEN and can be used as an adjunct appropriate filters with the pore size that allow selec-
treatment modality in selected patients, because tive depletion of these substances, the rebound of
pathogenic, non-dialyzable factors such as pro- cytokine synthesis typically observed in case 1, as
inflammatory cytokines, autoantibodies, immune described later, would be an obstacle to progress
complexes and other unknown toxic substances can and the strategy to overcome the rebound synthesis
theoretically be removed from the circulation. PP con- would be needed.
sists of conventional PP (plasma exchange), DFPP,
cryofiltration and immunoadsorption. Since Gerard PP
et al.10 reported the successful use of PP in the treat-
Extraction coefficient (%)

ment of TEN, 100 patients with TEN have been report- DFPP
80 in vitro
edly treated with PP: 85 patients with conventional PP in 0.1% physiologic saline

and the remaining 15 patients with DFPP.11–18 In view 60

of the reported observation that patients receiving PP
had more extensive skin detachment (mean, 58.8%) sFasL,TNF-α
than those receiving other treatment, the mortality rate
(17%) is thought to be reduced by PP. Seventeen
patients died of sepsis, disseminated intravascular 0
104 105 106
coagulation and anamnestic malignancy and heart Alb IgG
failure;8 however, they were not necessarily elderly
patients who have been shown to be associated
Figure 1. Selective depletion of high molecular weight
with a poor prognosis. proteins larger than albumin (69 kDa) including coagulation
In DFPP, two membrane filters with different pore factors, which depends on the pore size of the filter
sizes are used to selectively remove high molecular employed for double-filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP).

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Y.M. Narita et al.

METHODS FOR PP patient. A second treatment session is usually initi-

ated 7 days after the first treatment if necessary.
Conventional PP is performed by the use of a plasma
separator filter (Plasmaflo OP-05W; Asahikasei-Kura-
ray-Medical, Tokyo, Japan). On each exchange, 2 L
of plasma is usually removed; the total volume of Patients usually receive one session consisting of two
plasma removed is 4.0–6.0 L corresponding to plasma exchanges, on 2 consecutive days. In our
40 mL ⁄ kg of bodyweight. The replacement fluid con- cases, medications taken before, during and after PP
sists of 2 L of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) to supply lost consisted of oral prednisolone, 50 mg ⁄ day. If a patient
plasma including coagulation factors. The replace- developed new lesions or skin and mucous mem-
ment fluid and original blood cell component are brane lesions did not resolve, the patient received the
reconstituted and returned to the patient. Vascular second session of two plasma exchanges at intervals
access is obtained through the antecubital or femoral of 1 week. Concomitant prednisolone was not
vein with a double-lumen Quinton catheter (Teflex tapered until the lesions had resolved and no new
Medical Japan, Tokyo, Japan). lesions had appeared for 3 days.
In contrast, DFPP is performed with the use of
Plasmaflo (OP-08W; Asahikasei-Kuraray-Medical) as
the primary separation filter and Evaflax (2A20; Asahi-
kasei-Kuraray-Medical) as the secondary separation To demonstrate a promising effect of PP as a safe
filter; the second filter is used to selectively remove and effective therapeutic option in the severe form of
high molecular weight proteins including inflamma- TEN refractory to conventional treatment modalities,
tory cytokines. On each exchange, 1.8 L of plasma is three cases are shown together with one control case
processed; the total volume of plasma is processed treated with pulsed corticosteroids.
is 3.6 L. The blood and plasma flow are approxi-
mately 100 mL ⁄ min. The processed plasma, replace- Case 1
ment solution and original blood cell components are A 69-year-old woman with asthma was treated with
reconstituted and returned to the patient through the montelukast sodium, codeine phosphate and pred-
antecubital or femoral vein; usually 250–500 mL of a nisolone, 40 mg ⁄ day on an as-needed basis. Her
5–20% human albumin solution are used as the medical and family history was unremarkable and she
replacement solution to supply the loss of albumin had not taken any other medication. A generalized
(Fig. 2). The treatment lasts for 3–4 h and approxi- skin eruption occurred 2 weeks after starting these
mately 2.5 L of plasma are removed from each therapies. She was admitted to our hospital with the
generalized eruptions accompanied by high fever,
conjunctivitis and painful hemorrhagic oral erosions.
On admission, the trunk and limbs displayed wide-
spread dull red macules and atypical target lesions.
Second filter The eruption evolved into large areas of blistering with
extensive epidermal necrosis. On hospital day 2,
First filter First filter
Albumin more than 70% loss of epidermis over the skin sur-
face was noted, with severe conjunctival and oral
involvement. Despite treatment with oral predniso-
lone (50 mg ⁄ day), the lesions rapidly extended over
Removed plasma the entire body. In view of her age and acutely deteri-
Removed plasma
orated condition (Fig. 3a), she was treated with DFPP
for 2 days. Although the progression of blistering had
Figure 2. Diagrammatic representation of the arrangement stopped (Fig. 3b), re-epithelization was delayed as
of conventional plasmapheresis (PP) and double-filtration PP compared with that in cases 2 and 3. Nevertheless,
(DFPP). FFP, fresh frozen plasma. the patient’s condition began to improve 7 days after

238  2011 Japanese Dermatological Association

PP as an intervention strategy for TEN

(a) DFPP. The prednisolone dosage was gradually

tapered over 4 week.

Case 2
A 39-year-old woman was referred from another hos-
pital where she had been admitted with a presump-
tive diagnosis of TEN and treated with pulsed
corticosteroids (i.v. methylprednisolone at a daily
dose of 1 g for 3 days) and IVIG (15 g ⁄ day for 3 days)
without benefit. Despite these treatments, she devel-
oped dusky red patches, bullae and sloughing of the
skin which rapidly extended over the trunk and limbs
to involve more than 40% of her skin surface. Oph-
thalmological examination showed acute conjunctivi-
tis with corneal erosions. She was admitted to our
hospital on day 9 of the illness. On admission she had
tender oral ulcers and hemorrhagic crusts on her lips.
Four days later, the eruption intensified and re-epithe-
lization was delayed despite oral prednisolone at
50 mg ⁄ day. Conventional PP was started as a last
attempt to arrest the progression of her lesions. After
2 days, the progression of blistering with extensive
epidermal necrosis had stopped and rapid re-epithe-
(b) lization occurred. Despite a course complicated by
sepsis due to Gram-negative bacillus, she rapidly
recovered within 7 days and is alive and well.

Case 3
A 48-year-old woman was referred to the Department
of Medicine in our hospital because of high fever,
severe cough and difficulty in breathing. On the day
of admission, the diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumo-
niae respiratory infection was made and therapy was
then started with pulsed corticosteroids (i.v. methyl-
prednisolone at a daily dose of 1 g for 3 days),
together with ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone and azithro-
mycin. Intermittent positive-pressure breathing was
also immediately initiated. Treatment included main-
tenance i.v. fluid replacement and antipyretics. After
starting pulsed corticosteroids, her respiratory status
rapidly improved. During the period of 10 days after
pulsed corticosteroids, there was a complete
absence of any skin and mucosal lesion. Three days
after tapering her methylprednisolone to 80 mg ⁄ day,
she developed slightly edematous, symmetrical ery-
Figure 3. Clinical appearance 1 day before double-filtration thema on the trunk that spontaneously resolved
plasmapheresis (a) and 1 day after double-filtration plasma- within 2 days. The patient was placed on a gradually
pheresis (b) in case 1. reducing dose of prednisolone: a 3–5 day-tapered

 2011 Japanese Dermatological Association 239

Y.M. Narita et al.

course of prednisolone (40, 30, 20 mg ⁄ day). When (a)

prednisolone was tapered to 15 mg ⁄ day, erythema-
tous macules and plaques recurred, initially over the
trunk, with a high-grade fever. Despite apparent signs
of deterioration of her erythema, oral prednisolone
continued to be tapered. As a result, the erythema-
tous macules rapidly increased in number and pro-
gressed to involve the entire body. She was
eventually referred to us and the diagnosis of TEN
was made. She developed numerous targetoid
lesions over the entire body with bullous lesions. On
admission to our department, her respiratory status
remained stable and the pneumonia had cleared
radiologically. Ophthalmologic investigation docu-
mented a bilateral mild conjunctivitis. Touching her
skin lesions caused painful sloughing and bleeding.
Although her prednisolone dose was increased to
50 mg ⁄ day, the low fever persisted and epidermal
detachment of more than 80% of the body surface
with widespread macules was noted. On the 8th hos-
pital day, conventional PP was initiated. The fever
resolved within 24 h and within 3 days skin lesions
had sufficiently improved; the patient received one
session of two exchanges over 7 days. On day 16, (b)
she made an excellent recovery with almost resolu-
tion of the skin lesions (Fig. 4). Although culture and
direct molecular detection by polymerase chain reac-
tion were unavailable, results of serological studies of
this patient disclosed a significant rise in M. pneumo-
niae PA and CF antibodies and positive immuno-
globulin (Ig)M antibody, consistent with an active
Mycoplasma infection. She remained free of symp-
toms for 6 months without any treatment.

Case 4
A 48-year old woman with ulcerative colitis pre-
sented with 4 days’ history of fever and a rash that
began on her breast and then spread to the extremi-
ties and face. She had been treated with sala-
zosulfapyridine. One day before admission, she
experienced high fever, generalized erythematous
raised atypical targets and small blisters in the
center of these lesions. On physical examination,
she had bilateral corneal erosions, eroded lips with
overlying hemorrhagic crust and oral ulceration with
overlying white exudates. These lesions progressed Figure 4. Clinical appearance 2 days before conventional
over 2 days to become a widespread, confluent plasmapheresis (PP) (a) and 2 days after conventional PP (b)
erythema, with a positive Nikolsky’s sign. She was in case 3.

240  2011 Japanese Dermatological Association

PP as an intervention strategy for TEN

treated with pulsed corticosteroids. Over the next improvement was observed in cases 2 and 3,
few days, her condition slightly improved but new although they had the most extensive disease. In
erythematous lesions occurred. The patient was contrast, cases 1 and 4 treated with DFPP and pulsed
again treated with pulsed corticosteroids. The skin corticosteroids, respectively, showed a relatively
lesions improved, showing re-epithelization and delayed improvement with occasional formation of
never progressed to extensive full thickness skin new lesions; these lesions had healed completely just
detachment. Later, the dosage of prednisolone was 8 weeks after treatment. Oral prednisolone could be
gradually tapered and the remainder of her hospital tapered more slowly in cases 1 and 4, than that in
course was uneventful. cases 2 and 3.
These four patients underwent serial laboratory During PP treatment, blood counts and coagulant
measurements and blood samples were obtained just factors were measured. There was no remarkable
before the first PP and after the last PP (cases 1–3), or changes in white blood cell and platelet numbers,
before and after pulsed corticosteroids (case 4). Serial coagulation factors and other clinical variables in
blood samples were immediately centrifuged and cases 2 and 3, before and after conventional PP,
sera were stored at )80C. All samples were tested although the C-reactive protein level after the PP
simultaneously for IL-6, -8, -10 and TNF-a levels showed a slight reduction. In contrast, a dramatic
using cytometric bead arrays (CBA; BD Biosciences, increase in white blood cell numbers was noted after
San Diego, CA, USA) according to manufacture’s DFPP in case 1. The fibrinogen levels dropped to 5%
protocol. of the initial value and it took 3 days to return to nor-
mal levels. IgG, A and M levels fell to approximately a
fourth of pretreatment concentrations but showed a
slower recovery due to their resynthesis (Table 1).
As shown in Figure 5, the serum levels of IL-6, -8
and TNF-a were significantly increased before PP in
Cases 2 and 3 showed a striking clinical response to these patients as compared with those in healthy
conventional PP; both were able to return to normal controls. Conventional PP had a dramatic beneficial
lifestyle 2 weeks after PP, although case 2 had an effect at reducing these pro-inflammatory cytokine
episode of sepsis due to a double lumen catheter- levels in cases 2 and 3, while the unexpected
related line infection. Case 1 improved gradually for increase in TNF-a and IL-8 levels was observed in
up to 2 weeks. Thus, case 1 showed much less strik- case 1 after DFPP. This increase positively correlated
ing benefit from the treatment; initial improvement with an increase in white blood cell number. In con-
was delayed and the short-lived rebound of the skin trast, in case 4 treated with pulsed corticosteroids, a
lesions was found. The most rapid and remarkable significant decrease in TNF-a levels was noted, but

Table 1. Laboratory findings before and after treatment

Case 1 (DFPP) Case 2 (PP) Case 3 (PP) Case 4 (mPSL)
before fi after before fi after before fi after before fi after
WBC 5.1 16.1 8.2 6.9 12.7 14.9 11.9 11.9
PT 100 17.0 95.0 99.0 94.0 85.0
APTT 32.5 168.8 33.7 32.6 36.3 38.0
TP 5.7 3.4 6.4 6.5 5.2 5.3 6.1 6.0
Alb 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.3 2.5 3.2 2.8 2.7
AST 53 15 46 30 9 14 37 24
ALT 111 26 43 37 15 11 50 64
CRP 3.2 0.8 2.5 1.9 1.6 0.5 13.4 3.1
IgG 1480 393 1616 1298 1048 871 1435 1549

WBC, white blood cell; PT, prothrombin time; APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; TP, total protein; Alb, albumin; AST, aspartate
aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; CRP, C-reactive protein; IgG, immunoglobulin G; DFPP, double-filtration plasmapheresis; PP,
plasmapheresis; mPSL, methylprednisolone.

 2011 Japanese Dermatological Association 241

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Case 1 (DFPP) Case 2 (PP) Case 3 (PP) Case 4 (mPSL)

40 TNF-α




Before After Before After Before After Before After

Figure 5. Alteration of serum cytokine levels before and after plasmapheresis (PP) or pulsed corticosteroids. DFPP, double-
filtration plasmapheresis; IL, interleukin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

its level remained high, as compared with that in PP is a blood product and poses a risk of contamina-
healthy controls. Cases 1, 3 and 4 had elevated levels tion with infectious organisms despite testing and
of IL-10 after DFPP, conventional PP and pulsed cor- antiseptic measures to kill or filter them. A catheter-
ticosteroid therapy, respectively. Although there was related line infection is a more common complication
no statistically significant correlation between IL-10 than is generally realized. However, the risk of a cath-
levels and the extent of clinical improvement, the eter-related line infection in conventional PP is com-
IL-10 levels tended to increase coincident with clinical parable to that in DFPP. Indeed, case 2 developed
resolution. sepsis despite its remarkable efficacy, after conven-
tional PP. This type of infection was not observed in
other cases. The major disadvantage, and the pri-
mary reason why DFPP has not been employed in a
widespread manner in TEN, are that many pro-inflam-
Although observational studies and case series sup- matory cytokines responsible for the development
port the use of either conventional PP or DFPP as the of TEN cannot be sufficiently depleted by DFPP
treatment of severe and refractory TEN, no attempts because their molecular weights are smaller than the
have been made to compare the efficacy of DFPP pore size of membrane filters used for DFPP; this is in
with that of conventional PP. Based on our results sharp contrast to pemphigus vulgaris, in which the
presented here, conventional PP appears to be more removal of pemphigus antibodies by DFPP is a rea-
efficacious in TEN than DFPP. Treatment with con- sonable therapeutic approach.19,20 Therefore, pro-
ventional PP is beneficial during the first 2 weeks, but inflammatory cytokines sufficiently removed by DFPP
the benefit is likely to be greatest when treatment is include monocyte colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)
given early. Thus, conventional PP can replace DFPP but not IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-a. In support of this possi-
as the preferred treatment for severe TEN. However, bility, Kodama et al.21 reported that serum levels of
concern has also been expressed for many years that IFN-c, TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6, and GM-CSF did not
FFP used as the replacement solution in conventional decrease after DFPP was started while G-CSF and

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PP as an intervention strategy for TEN

M-CSF gradually decreased. Indeed, after the DFPP theoretically it can selectively reduce toxic sub-
treatment in case 1, no decrease in any cytokine level stances from the circulation.
was discovered, while slight clinical improvement
were found. On the contrary, the highest levels of IL-8
and TNF-a occurred immediately after the DFPP,
suggesting the rebound production or release of
these cytokines. In view of the fact that either IL-8 or Our results indicate that either conventional PP or
TNF-a can be secreted by neutrophils that accumu- DFPP modulates the balance between inflammatory
late in the circulation after DFPP, the unexpected and anti-inflammatory cytokines, because the IL-6
increase in these cytokine levels might reflect ongo- levels decreased while the IL-10 level increased after
ing in vivo activation of neutrophils during the process PP except for case 2. Because our patients received
of DFPP. Interestingly, similar, although less remark- 50 mg ⁄ day prednisolone during the period of PP
able, increase in leukocytes have been reported to (cases 1–3), we cannot exclude the possibility that
occur immediately after blood transfusion but not the combination therapy of PP and prednisolone is
after plasma infusion.22 key in modulating the cytokine balance in favor of
Because it has been shown that direct contact of the relative IL-10 dominance. In patients treated with
blood mononuclear cells with the filter membrane conventional PP, the concomitant use of predniso-
and adherence of platelet to the membrane leads to lone together with FFP may serve to prevent the
not only cytokine production but also complement rebound of cytokine production that occurs normally
activation,23 the unexpected increase in white blood after DFPP. The additional benefit of conventional PP
cell number after DFPP would result from serum with the use of FFP as the replacement solution is that
complement activation. Given the ability of neutroph- there is no significant change in leukocyte popula-
ils to respond to these cytokines, the unexpected tions and coagulation factors while efficiently reduc-
increase in these cytokine levels after the DFPP ing the levels of inflammatory cytokines.
appears to result from an in vivo positive feedback The rebound of pro-inflammatory cytokine produc-
mediated by the rebound synthesis of these cyto- tion associated with increased white blood cell
kines by activated neutrophils. Alternatively, macro- counts we observed immediately after DFPP may
phages would be the major source of these explain some of the less significant effects of DFPP
cytokines. However, because these cytokine levels than those of conventional PP, although DFPP may
eventually decreased 2 days after the DFPP in benefit selected patients with TEN. Because our
patients with bullous pemphigoid (unpubl. data, T. study indicates that dosage of oral prednisolone was
Shiohara, 2010), the rebound of cytokine production able to rapidly be tapered after conventional PP, we
would be short-lived. The rebound in cytokine levels suggest that conventional PP may be an effective
after DFPP, but not conventional PP, indicates that adjunct treatment modality in severe and refractory
the use of FFP during the process of conventional PP TEN by rapidly reducing inflammatory cytokines with-
would serve to prevent neutrophil or macrophages out inducing their rebound production. Nevertheless,
from secreting more cytokines. Because, in DFPP, a mere comparison of treatment efficacy in this study
original blood cell components initially separated is problematic and might be misleading because only
are reconstituted with the processed plasma and a small number of patients were treated and there
replacement solution and returned to the circulation, were differences in the age of the patients and in the
this process may stimulate neutrophils and macro- severity of the reactions when the treatment started.
phages to additionally release these cytokines. Thus, According to our data, decreases in pro-inflammatory
the rebound of cytokine production after DFPP is cytokine levels and increases in IL-10 levels would
likely to be the reason why its onset of action is usu- be a promising marker to identify individuals respon-
ally delayed after the DFPP and why DFPP is less effi- ding to PP, although this finding will have to be con-
cacious in TEN than conventional PP. These results firmed in larger cohorts. To predict the therapeutic
explain why the therapeutic efficacy of DFPP is not improvement, monitoring of serum cytokine levels
high as compared with conventional PP, although may be useful and allow case-by-case therapeutic

 2011 Japanese Dermatological Association 243

Y.M. Narita et al.

management. Because extreme caution on proce- although the exact mode of action remains unknown.
dural complication such as line infection is needed, Our data raise the possibility that serum cytokine lev-
this method should only be used as a last resort in els, such as TNF-a, IL-6 and IL-10, before and after
patients with TEN refractory to conventional treatments. PP can serve as predicting markers for its therapeutic
efficacy, a hypothesis that requires further testing.
Plasmapheresis is usually used for TEN patients
refractory to high doses of corticosteroids. Several This work was supported in part by grants from
immunosuppressive agents are also used to treat the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
these TEN patients; they include cyclosporine, tacrol- and Technology (to T. S.) and the Health and
imus, and anti-TNF-a antibodies or soluble TNF Labor Science Research Grants (Research on
receptors to neutralize TNF-a. These agents have Intractable Disease) from the Ministry of Health,
been shown to be effective in the treatment of TEN Labor and Welfare of Japan (to T. S.).
patients.6,24 Although adding PP to these drugs
would also decrease disease severity, there is little
available information on this combination therapy.
A tyrosine kinase inhibitor, such as imatinib (Glee-
1 Roujeau JC, Stern RS. Severe adverse cutaneous reac-
vec; Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Basel, Swiss), which tions to drug. N Engl J Med 1994; 331: 1272–1285.
is used clinically for patients with chronic myeloid leu- 2 Pereira FA, Mudgil AV, Rosmarin DM. Toxic epidermal
kemia, would also be effective in reducing inflam- necrolysis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2007; 56: 181–200.
mation of TEN by reducing TNF-a production.25 3 Bastuji-Garin S, Fouchard N, Bertocchi M, Roujeau JC,
Revuz J, Wolkenstein P. SCORTEN: a severity-illness
Because this kinase inhibitor has been shown to
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reduce TNF-a production by human monocytes in 2000; 115: 149–153.
response to lipopolysaccharide but not suppress pro- 4 Schneck J, Fagot JP, Sekula P, Sassolas B, Roujeau
duction of an anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, it is JC, Mochenhaupt M. Effect of treatments on the motali-
likely that TEN patients may benefit from this tyrosine ty of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
kinase inhibitor. Statins can be also used to reduce necrolysis: a retrospective study on patients included in
the prospective EuroSCAR Study. J Am Acad Dermatol
inflammation in patients with TEN as an adjunct treat-
2008; 58: 33–40.
ment added to PP, because of their widespread use 5 Bachot N, Revus J, Roujeau JC. Intravenous immuno-
and long-term safety record. globulin treatment for Stevens-Johnson syndrome and
toxic epidermal necrolysis: a prospective noncompara-
tive study showing no benefit on mortality or progres-
CONCLUSIONS sion. Arch Dermatol 2003; 139: 33–36.
6 Mochenhaupt M. Severe drug-induced skin reactions:
In Japan, PP is now only used as a last resort in TEN clinical pattern, diagnosis and therapy. J Dtsch Derma-
patients who are not responding to the standard tol Ges 2009; 7: 142–160.
therapy, high doses of corticosteroids. It remains 7 Egan CA, Grant WJ, Morris SE, Saffle JR, Zone JJ.
unknown, therefore, whether PP alone could prevent Plasmapheresis as an adjunct treatment in toxic
severe inflammation in TEN. Although the risk of epidermal necrolysis. J Am Acad Dermatol 1999; 40:
transmission of endogenous unknown viruses to the
8 Gerasimos B, Natse T, Christidou F et al. Plasma
patients through FFP have not been totally eliminated, exchange in patients with toxic epidermal necrolysis.
it appears that PP has found a place in the treatment Ther Apher 2002; 6: 225–228.
of TEN. Another drawback of PP is a catheter-related 9 Yamada H, Takamori K, Yaguchi H, Ogawa H. A study
line infection that could be treated with antibiotics. of the efficacy of plasmapheresis for the treatment of
drug induced toxic epidermal necrolysis. Ther Apher
Nevertheless, the benefits of PP outweigh these risks:
1998; 2: 153–156.
PP appears be a much more effective option for treat- 10 Gerard A, Schooneman F, Roche G et al. Lyell’s syn-
ment of severe and ⁄ or recalcitrant TEN than any other drome: treatment by plasma exchange. Plasma Ther
treatments, such as pulsed corticosteroids and IVIG, Transfus Technol 1984; 5: 259–260.

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