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a proportionality constant
ad dynamic adhesion term in penetrator equation
A area
Ac cross-sectional area of subchannels
b backfill thickness
B constant
BOe beginning of cycle
BOP balance of the plant
BU burnup, MW-day/ton
ep specific heat at constant pressure, cal/g "C
e, solubility, g/nr'
Cu soil shear strength
D diameter, cm
De equivalent diameter, cm
EOe end of cycle
f friction factor
FIl buoyant force
Fa inertial resistance of sediment
r, resistance due to soil stresses
FeR annual fixed charge rate, % per year
g conversion factor
G mass flux, kglsec m2
h specific enthalpy, cal/g; or heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 "C
discount rate, % per year
1 capital investment cost, $
k thermal conductivity, W/m -c
keff effective multiplication factor


K constant, or retardation coefficient eL centerline

m mas s flow rate, g/sec conv convective
M mass, g eff effective
n neutron density gas gas phase
n number of events or of years in the evaluation period H hot liquid
«: dynamic and heaving capacity factor i index of different types of events
Oj annual operating expenses in year j, $/year liq liquid
(5 levelized O & M costs, $/year m mixture
p pressure, Pa s static, or solid
p perimeter or pitch, cm stainless steel
q heat generation rate, J/sec v vapor
q" heat flux, W/m2 w wall
r radius, cm
R thermal resistance, (W 1m "C) - 1
S residual collective dose commitment
S levelized operating cost savings
s, surface area of penetrator
So cross-sectional area Acceleration 1 m/sec'' = 3.280 ft/sec?
t time, sec Area I m2 = 10.76 ft2
T • temperature, "C Density 1 kg/rrr' = 6.242 X 10-2 Ib/ft3
t; initial temperature, "C Force I N = 0.2248 lb,
TII2 half-life Heat flow 1 W/m2 = 0.3173 Btu/hr ft2
U overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 "C Heat transfer coefficient I W/m2 0e = 0.1761 Btulhrft2°F
V velocity, rn/sec Length 1 m = 3.281 ft
X axial length or plate height, cm Mass I kg = 2.205 lb
X cost, $ Mass flow rate I kglsec = 7.938 x 1031b/hr
Z depth below seabed, m Mass flux I kg/sec m2 = 7.374 X 1021b/hr ft2
Power 1 W = 3.412 Btu/hr
Pressure 1 Pa = 1.450 X 10-4 psi
Greek Symbols Specific heat 1 J/kg "C = 2.388 X 10-4 Btullb °F
Thermal energy I J = 9.479 X 10-4 Btu
a radioactive particles Thermal conductivity I W/m "C = 0.5778 Btu/hr ft °F
a ratio of the permeability of backfill to that of rock Thermal resistance 1 m2oe/w = 5.681 ft2 °F hr/Btu
{3 radioactive particles Velocit I m/sec = 3.218 ftlsec
y radioactive rays Viscosity 1 Pa sec = 0.672 Ib/ft sec
s thickness of a plate or peak-te-peak displacement, cm Volume 1 m3 = 3.531 X 10 ft3
Ll change in dimension
e porosity
r¡ freq uency, sec "
Á¡ precursor decay constant of ith group, sec "
¡.t viscosity, g/cm sec
P density, g/cm"
U standard deviation
T time increment, sec
stream function
V gradient

a apparent
av average
ax axial
e coolant, or cold liquid

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