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An instrument for the assessment of learning in online

education from the content analysis

Maurício Vieira Dias Júnior Luis Paulo Leopoldo Mercado
Federal University of Alagoas Federal University of Alagoas
Brasil Brasil
mauriciodias.junior@gmail.com luispaulomercado@gmail.com

Abstract—From the beginning, the online education became which certain practices may favor only certain students
evident the need for new ways of performing the process of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can
teaching and learning, as in the special case of its evaluation, interfere with the way the teacher teaches and prepares her
according to Rocha [1] "suffer interference from their lesson in how you communicate with the class and evaluate
singularities". [2], [3], [4] and [5] also express concern with this the learning process of students. [2] [9]
peculiarity of online assessment. [6] motivated the creation of
tools able to meet increasingly, this demand. With that emerge up The evaluation instruments refer here to the instruments
new strategies, with the inclusion of new instruments to absorb that allow the collection of data for the evaluation. Important
the evaluation process referred to in this context. Among them, to emphasize this distinction, because this confusion may have
there is the content analysis technique created by [7], which a negative tone to the teaching practice, since what matters is
provides an interpretation of quantitative and qualitative the data collected by these instruments and not the instruments
interfaces (for example a forum) interactions arising by students at the conclusion of the act of evaluating. [8]
through computer tools that incorporate these techniques . The
purpose of this article was to conduct a literature review on the Allied to this, [9] alert the complexity of the assessment
relationship between the use of context analysis to evaluation in regarding the need for a plan to define the forms of collection,
online education, followed by the application of a real forum in analysis and synthesis of information in order to raise
Tropes software in order to prove or disprove the help of these indicative relevant to the teacher and the students in the
instruments in the evaluation in online education. practice of teaching and learning respectively.
Keywords— online assessment; content analysis; online This study identifies and relates the content analysis
education; Tropes; forum technique, referred to here as a potential tool in the evaluation,
to support and at the same time add strength to the different
ways of assessing learning in the online context.
A reflection on the part of teachers is needed, when it II. THEORETICAL FOUNDATION
comes to new trends on the evaluation, this is a support for
multiple instruments to obtain information for learning. There A. Learning Assessment in Online Education
is even the sight of a teacher "that is to" provide the student
learning, rather than the teacher "teaching being", which is a Currently, it is undeniable that online education is already
mere transmitter of information [2]. consolidated in contemporary education with the presence of
their Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) and ICT, and
Regardless of the classroom context or online, [8] awakens support for regular classes or virtual room semipresential
the importance of evaluating the teaching-learning process courses or distance. It is also undisputed that the evaluative
with its aim in educational practice. This review, being methods in distance education are always revised and
dynamic and constructive, it is the support teacher, supporting improved, with a constant concern in numerous studies on this
him in the conduct of the student in their learning. For this to topic [3]. So we need to think more relevant forms of
be possible, the assessor (teacher) will need to take a picture assessment in this context, given that it is a peculiar form of
of a researcher, committed the act to investigate. education, compared to face reviews [2].
Compared to the evaluation of classroom education, "the In distance education it is necessary to change behavior to
evaluation of the discussion in distance education (DE), which assess "the assessment in this scenario is no longer a
is already underway in the classroom teaching, gains a new thermometer to measure the degree of knowledge of the
force in online education, appearing both as a barrier in the student and becomes a tool for changing practices, redefinition
teaching-learning process, so as a reflection of promoting the of learning strategies, re-planning goals and objectives, and is
practices of this process." [2] also an inclusion instrument, and no more classification,
These instruments need to contemplate the diversity of restrictive and often punitive ". [3]
students in regard to their ability to perform an evaluation The assessment or evaluation process in distance education
process with care to offer maximum equity between them, it is necessary to consider their interference to their

978-1-5090-4596-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

particularities of a virtual learning environment, for example, students, namely: forums, journals, blogs, wiki portfolios ,
the lack of physical presence of the teacher and others. Thus, glossaries, autoavaliativas activities among others [11] [9].
given the diversification of the practices of teachers in this
context, researchers in this type of education, seek to Among the three classical methods of evaluation adopted
categorize these practices in three models, the following: 1) both in presence and in distance education, which are:
based on artifacts from the internet - also called online diagnostic, summative and formative, [3] shows the formation
learning without physical presence of the teacher ; 2) mixed - as the most significant and the most widely used for distance
being optional the presence of the teacher and student; and 3) education, prevailing support the construction of knowledge of
blended - requires physical presence of the teacher and the student throughout his career. This training mode is also
student, with possibility of times the distance using a VLE [1]. classified as participatory, self-evaluative, evaluative peer,
motivating, procedural among others, being a procedural
Given these possible modes found in distance education evaluation, continuous and online, allowing an individual or
courses, [9] to discuss the challenges of evaluation planning in collective look to their proper monitoring in the VLE.
online environments, emphasizes the need to structure an
assessment methodology for each of these models of distance The types of assessment (diagnostic, summative and
education used for the pedagogical practice and student formative) together are defined as evaluation in motion that
learning can be effectively met. This is because each of these enable "a link between the real and the possible, between the
models dictate different rules, such as: number of students, the objectives set and achieved, and should consider the current
training of teachers to work in these environments, the support context, which is multidisciplinary , hypertext and a
staff, the inclusion of students in technology among others, are multimedia". [9]
factors that directly affect the evaluation procedures. Studies of the area that present the models and types of
The teacher who accepts work in distance education, even assessment indicate that these are based on constructivism.
though the reference and practice of classroom education, Regardless of the model or type, the assessment of learning in
already incorporated into your reality, he risks a new scenario, online education should prevail disclosure of the criteria, as
highly dependent on ICT is full of challenges, besides those explained in the organizational-procedural phase, defined by
already known to the face. [4] [12] the student, how will be its implementation, thereby
reducing the "power" of the evaluator, making the natural
Even compared to the traditional model of assessment (in evaluation process [9].
person), the online evaluation requires breaking with the
traditional model, the teacher will have to search for new B. Content Analysis Technique
positions, new engagement strategies in this context and must The content analysis of text messages constitutes an
reassess their practices to assess learning and their own important reference under evaluation, with possible deep
performance [5]. verification of the relevance of the text in relation to the object
Overall, the courses offered in distance education mode, of knowledge. Studies reveal, from the mapping of content
adopt traditional approaches, with greater weight in the face interactions in the VLE, the categorization of four dimensions
finals, influenced by technicality, even though self-styled of the constituents of the subject in these environments, they
constructivists. It is difficult to promote a reflective are: cognitive, technological, social and emotional [6].
evaluation, critical and emancipatory, in a process of passive The dialogue that is working on content analysis is the
and repetitive teaching, these attitudes are incompatible with essence for communicative negotiation in search of
navigation in virtual learning environments, being formal or knowledge: emerges the need to think of a framework that can
not [10]. contribute to the culture of assessment of learning in online
Therefore, it is necessary to develop specific tools to education based on negotiation assumptions communicative,
provide mapping the interactions that emerge in the context of which puts dialogue as essence in search of understanding and
these virtual environments, being able to track frequency and collective agreements, and especially the procedural feedback
individual production of the student, considering the process to improve processes for the construction of knowledge and
of learning evaluation. Emphasizing this differentiation [6]. process management. [13]
[5] reports that there is a very own particularity in the One can understand that the use of VLE to carry out the
classroom in an online digital environment, being very evaluation process in online education, constitutes a
different from the classroom based on the transmission of socialization tool. In this socialization space (with discussion
pedagogy. and interaction), the dialogue set up in one of the principles of
The learning evaluation should be carried out "communicational paradigm" emphasized in online education
continuously, being an intrinsic component of learning, always with argumentative discourse and negotiation strategies,
seen as an educational resource, providing favorable agreements, pacts and evaluative improvement [13]. [14] It
conditions for the student to learn, not just to judge student states that the evaluation is conceived through a
learning. In this form of continuously evaluating, and possible "communication tool that facilitates the construction of
continuous regulation and dynamics of teaching and learning, knowledge in the classroom".
they have in the AVA spaces of different formats for the The terms "communication paradigm" and
development of integration and interaction of teachers and "communication tool", sum up the history of content analysis,
which "is essentially reference the steps that the United States
marked the development of a communications analysis Semantic Knowledge. The Tropes is a free software for data
instrument; It is to follow step by step the quantitative growth mining can be applied to large volumes of texts, with
and qualitative diversification of empirical studies supported summarization features and syntactic-semantic analysis
the use of one of the techniques classified under the generic classification, ensuring relevance and quality in text analysis
name of content analysis; It is to observe the post material [15].
improvements and abusive applications of a practice that
works for over half a century. " [7] For automatic indexing software is done satisfactorily, he
must be able to analyze a text considering the syntactic and
Content analysis is "a set of methodological tools semantic criteria. In Fig. 1, there is a syntagmatic tree,
increasingly subtle constantly improving, which apply to containing phrases name, adjective, verb, preposition and
'discourse' (content and continents) extremely diversified". [7] adverb. These expressions provide rules that infer dependency
In this technique, one has the interpretation of the subsidiary relationship, establishing a degree of subordination to other
content being deduced by inference judiciously. phrases [16].
This hermeneutic interpretation, to be controlled, it In the example of Fig. 1, the software needs to identify a
becomes valid because of well-defined technical processes core, as Christiano and victory are cores of nominal sytagma,
that support for a thorough analysis. In this technique, one can on the syntactic functions is set to Christiano is subject and
avail of both quantitative and qualitative approaches that victory is indirect object.
which is based on the presence (or absence) of possible
characteristic denote inferences and that based on the
frequency terms (replicate) certain fragments that give
characteristics to the contents of a text [7].
The content analysis technique is today a very important
tool in determining the content generated in online education,
becoming one of the most important instruments in assisting
Fig. 1. Tree Syntagmatique [16]
the assessment of learning. [10]
The Tropes software has an ontological manager natural
C. Instruments for evaluation language, as seen in Fig. 2, containing summarization,
There are several collaborative VLE learning, containing semantic classification, qualitative analysis and knowledge
instruments to carry out the evaluation of the student, we can discovery, composing a Thesaurusb manager intelligent, based
mention: TelEduc, Cyberg, Carnegie Mellon University, on semantic networks and text analysis technologies in natural
WebCT, TopClass, ClassNet, AulaNet, Smart Hyperlearning language, backed with many ready to use ratings [17].
Meter System, Hot Potatoes, Question Mark, AvalWeb,
Moodle, A.autor, among others, and most of these, imbued not
only to improve the existing instruments, but also to overcome
the traditional forms of assessment. The vast majority of these
environments seeks to expand and improve its interactivity
and communication capabilities in order to contemplate a
comprehensive evaluation in a constructive manner, widely
considering the qualitative aspects [3].
The first instruments to assess VLE were the Learning
Environment Inventory (LEI), Classroom Environment Scale
(CES), the My Class Inventory (MCI) and Class Activities
Questionnaire (CAQ) [21]. The VLE mostly "provide Fig. 2. Ontology Manager components Tropes [17]
resources and services that enable gather information on the
needs and characteristics of students on the learning process of The Tropes software is designed to help meet the large
their children as a whole, and also individually. It is up to volume of existing texts, especially on the web. In addition to
teachers propose different evaluation activities with creativity, the English version, French and Spanish, also has other
innovating in procedures in accordance with the class, learning languages, including Portuguese [17]. Its main features are:
objectives, the deadlines, the purpose of that review ". [9] accelerated reading, profound and objective analysis,
The VLE have both internally and externally, some with extraction of relevant information among others, incorporated
more and some with less precision tools for evaluation of with text analysis technology, using dictionary with hundreds
learning, such as: online tests, tracking system and analysis of of thousands of semantic classification and analysis techniques
texts, information records generated by chats, information reliable results of years of scientific research , there is to be a
records on forums, custom testing among others. free software (without financial costs) and easy to use.
Among the external instruments to VLE to support the
evaluation, has the Tropesa software, created in 1994 by the
"The thesaurus is a tool that gathers terms chosen from a conceptual framework previously
a established and for the indexing and retrieval of documents and information in a given field of
Link to download the Tropes: http://www.semantic-knowledge.com/download.htm knowledge." [18]
III. METHODOLOGY activity: "search the network articles on learning assessment,
This study was developed following the following prepare a conceptual map available forum and expose your
implementing steps: literature - reflection on the themes comment on researched articles."
evaluation of online education in learning, content analysis From now opened and used the Tropes in special version
technique and tools for evaluation of scientific papers that 7.2.3 in Portuguese. Importantly, there was no kind of
related their contributions; identify software that incorporate conversion and / or manual modification, only the file was
the content analysis technique in order to become a tool to saved in text editor in .txt extension, and open normally in
help assess the learning of a discussion forum on VLE - was Tropes software.
found and applied the Tropes software Forum 1 titled doctoral
discipline "Evaluation learning in the context of classroom and The software screens will be displayed, allowing you to
distance learning ", with the participation / interaction of a make the necessary related references the categories of [19]:
teacher and six students, set out in VLE - Moodle over a 1) evaluation of the process of learning about the
semester school year 2015.2, containing relevant issues theoretical aspects: questions of concepts and position of
questions of students in main touching on assessment of
people facing the same;
learning; After performing the steps above have been reported
results and discussions from the applicability of the Tropes
software Forum 1 discipline, elucidating its main links with
the reasoned themes, generating their contributions to research


The ideas just come from participating in conversational
networks, and the words are not packages (representations),
but we consensual coordinations of action and holds meanings
or meanings in behavior and emotions. For this to be possible,
the technology has active role in these settings conversation Fig. 3. Screen of Tropes, with the star graph – verb-sintagma evaluate
networks [19].
It can be seen in Fig. 3 that extracts (2) removed from the
In asynchronous virtual discussion, such as the forum and forum on the verb assess quantitatively reflected in 14
mailing lists, the assessment is highly revealing with regard to occurrences (1) and graphically filtering was revealed
levels of learning because students have the opportunity to
qualitatively by type stars (3).
read the responses of colleagues, therefore, developing a more
ready response to answer containing more content [20]. Here they were highlighted and addressed the
In a study of the use of computer networks (Internet) to characteristics of this category expressing learning from the
emerge conversations networks in institutions, the use of ICT theoretical aspects. Just as an example, the word "evaluate"
[19], analysis was made through a mailing list on a production resulting in 14 instances forum was revealed to positions,
written by teachers and students. including conceptualizing second [8], [5] (2) and questioning
students as an example: "So, how to evaluate a group of 30-40
In this analysis, we identified frequency evaluative students who think in different ways ...?" (2).
assessments have been made from the very conversation
among participants. From this moment, it was possible to 2) evaluation of the learning process as the broader
categorize and describe in detail, four types of analyzers: 1) contexts: reflections of the people on their professional,
evaluation of the process of learning about the theoretical personal experiences, further reflections etc.;
aspects: questions of concepts and position of people facing
the same; 2) evaluation of the learning process as the
broader contexts: reflections of the people on their
professional, personal experiences, further reflections etc; 3)
evaluation regarding the use of technological engagement:
references to own technological engagement; 4) evaluation as
to the interaction between participants in the group. [19]
In order to ensure the assessments evaluative contained in
study [19], this study will be based to determine whether the
application of the Tropes software Forum 1 discipline
"Evaluation of learning in the context of classroom and
distance learning", the 2nd half of 2015 in the VLE - Moodle
will include the four categories defined by author as "rules" of Fig. 4. Screen of Tropes, with graphic spheres – human-sintagma name
evaluation subsidies.
It can be seen in Fig. 4, the passages (2) withdrawn from
The forum was initiated on January 14, 2016 and his last the post, of the reference human life, reflected quantitatively
post was set on 19 April 2016. He had 40 posts, the main
in 270 instances (1) and graphically filtering was revealed through feasible verbs, which accounted for 72.4% (1) of all
qualitatively by the type balls (3). verbs in the forum, with 406 appearances. As an example, it
was revealed the interactions between participants, can quote
Here they were highlighted and addressed the the message ". Present your questions about the conceptual
characteristics of this category expressing learning from the map that created" (2).
broader contexts: personal, professional and future
considerations. For example, in reference to "learning" It was possible to work with the Tropes software, which
resulting in 270 occurrences forum, future and personal proved even not having used all its resources, a tool to assist in
reflections of the environment by the students were revealed, the evaluation of learning in a discussion forum. You can
one can quote the message "It is necessary to rethink the quickly extract information about a very large amount of text.
current model we have in assessment practices and seek to
overcome them "and relations of political words, environment, It was possible to demonstrate that through ICT
urban planning contained in the graph (2). engagement in technological environments, there is a fertility
and expansion of questions, providing constant exercise of
3) assessment on the use of technological engagement: authorship in the collective. This network is increased and
references to own technological engagement; updated in talk and emote a cognitive ecology coupled to
technologies being transmitted by an institutional mode of

Even being implemented through instruments that enable,
automatically, the collection of data for evaluation, evaluation
in distance education must be reflective, critical and
emancipatory, just like that, the achievement of quality,
awareness and assessment of impairment is possible. [21] So
this tool is only an aid to the teacher with the research
function/researcher seeking grants to fulfill it with the task of
Fig. 5. Screen of Tropes, with the actors chart – name-sintagma learning assessing student learning in an online education.
It can be seen in Fig. 5, the extracts (2) removed from the Were also observed in this study, which are necessary to
forum on the reference learning quantitatively reflected in 57 evaluate new proposals on online education. For though it has
occurrences (1) and graphically filtering was revealed many tools for this purpose and that they promise to overcome
qualitatively by type actors (3). They were highlighted and the traditional forms of assessment, however, and are mostly
addressed the characteristics of this category expressing paid and complex, it holds only the data analysis
learning about the use of technological engagement that quantitatively.
students are involved. For example, in reference to "learning" It also became clear that the type of evaluation most
resulting in 57 occurrences in the forum, it was revealed the recurrent and used for online education is the training, the
questions about the use of ICT in VLE by students, can be main pedagogical foundation base constructivism. Notably
cited the messages: "Testing the tool" and "Guys, I'm having this instrument is procedural evaluative character as has been
trouble resizing the figure for the dimensions required in addressed over the theoretical foundation, the most recurrent
Moodle (500kb)" (2). evaluation by VLE. It is evident, even though applied only 40
4) Evaluation as to the interaction between participants messages, the software features a lot of ease and clarity in
in the group order to provide subsidies to assess.
In these environments are offered means capable of
emerging assessments of metacognitive skills, as well as the
learning strategies and history of changes caused by the
performance of students during the course. You can also
identify two significant aspects of the evaluation of online
courses, the first is the evaluation of learning and the second is
to evaluate the performance of participants [20].
The instruments to assess need, through a planning capable
to lead strategically and differently the trajectory of the
student in an online education, according to its course model
(blended, mixed among others), contemplate the particular of
Fig. 6. Screen of Tropes with graphic breakdown - interaction of participants
each student skills regarding its implementation in an
It can be seen in Fig. 6, extracts (2) removed from the evaluation process, with the teacher's mission to define
forum on the interaction of the participants. Here they were instruments with more equality among all participants, without
highlighted and addressed the characteristics of this category privileging some and not others, since in a VLE, several meet
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